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[Music] this is a game called riot and that's all you need to know yep it's one of these games give me the sword what you want to fight say goodbye to your kneecaps you wanna fight sonic wait stop wait i gotta run no no no no stop oh that's shadow that makes sense yeah i owe shadow money i think what is this music really really getting me in the mood to murder murder murder is fun murder is cool do it no don't um could we do i think we have to cut that boys oh boys what are you doing in here can you turn off your music because it's kind of getting in the way of life that i'm listening to the music that's in the game how do you turn the music off is there a way to turn off all the music or is it just there's no way to turn it up where are we going ugh help me you're really gonna ask me if i'm real does it matter i'm dying i need help if i wasn't the real schedule would you just leave me here to die in the street help me real are you real answered maybe i'm real now help me leave me alone leave me leave me look unhand me vagrant get your dirty hands off me stop what is this we just gotta live here the lounge this is a nice nice place we gotta get ripped we gotta get ripped just walk in all cool like we like we own the joint they won't ask for our membership card they already know we have the full subscription hey no i paid i paid for this i paid for this i got plenty fitness subscription that i've been paying for for two years i haven't been to a gym in eight months all right that's what you get yeah yeah nice now let's work out don't look at me oh my god hello die dvd no one uses dvds anymore obsolete technology you simpleton you use cds no you don't sketch real wouldn't do this to me yeah yeah yeah yeah yes he would real sketch would do this this is exactly what i don't tell me what real sketch would do what is this why does everybody always accuse me of not being real and they gotta argue with me about it like oh when i say i'm real and they're like no you're not like what why did you ask why did you ask me i'm going to throw you off this parking garage if you ask me if i'm real i beg you i'm going to die yeah i know dvd man i know you are the karma was quick oh hey you want to help me up person no okay all right knife you can't go wrong with the knife you really can't why why why what did i do can i drive that can i drive that can i drive that can i drive this oh god oh the dinosaur from earlier i look man i'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt you i can handle this noob i can hit don't worry i can't handle this i got this you're just gonna get hurt you're gonna get yourself hurt i got him these please don't do this yes what do you mean look at those dancing guys nice great moves guys great moves can i get out of this or is i'm just stuck like this remember the lounge the lounge is my home where you go that's my favorite songs playing in my house thank you for bringing me home for my my last few seconds of life i really wanted to hear this song before i die game passes oh money so i get this yes i have to get it i like this game way too much i'm heavy i didn't even expect to find this game and i'm so glad i did time to beat up everybody that made fun of me before all right i messed that one up missed that [Music] hammer didn't go so well got the lightsaber which is a lot smaller than i thought it would be no one's gonna mess with me now die cat [Music] hank dummy die hey i hate you hey you stole my wife from me many years ago give me the sign what i don't have 50 how do you make money in this game we have to make money we have to we have to make a lot of money now i want the stop sign weapon oh my god stop stop what is happening i just want to make some money no shadow i swear i'll swear i'll get it to you next week i tell what i tell you i told you i dropped by this afternoon you said it was fine what what in the matrix hail was not expecting this is this a hobby puzzle ah dang it why is everybody saying little baby man in the chat those what are you doing joseph don't worry i'll get you out of there i don't know how you did this for a third time joseph but don't worry i'm not leaving you here again sketch i know a secret we have to be quiet okay i'm trying to learn the secret i want to know the secret as you were saying my associate face kiro it's gone oh the secret's gone oh man sketch listen here yes mr spirit don't attack me okay or i will stomp you you got it won't happen again [Music] i got away with it okay he's gaining no no no he's catching up i'll just make it across this rickety bridge no problem i'm going to the tallest tower in the city he'll never find me there no way to run mr spirit no you wanted my dreams too long wait before you kill me tell me how do you get money i only have six dollars kill ah that's probably why i haven't successfully killed anybody yet want me to help sure let's go oh i survived i'm invincible oh yeah got me some dollars with that one was worth it somebody please help me this guy's trying to kill me he doesn't know how hey 43 bucks i'm rich my master oh hello other sketch can you help me up help what do you need to help to get help helped up please hey hey that's mine listen buddy he had it coming finally i have the big sign hello i'm just gonna try this out on youtube wait come back it'll be fun say hi white t i'm thriving mr spirit thank you for teaching me your ways hey [Music] i have a plan go ahead deformed sketch what is it we gotta get a band hammer and kill all what is that what is a banana but bam hammer is not here okay we need to make a sketch sword what are you talking about i have an idea anything's better than what this guy is saying what is it there's a place that has gear for you to reduce damage i like the sound of this equip it get back to base sounds like a plan think fast oh god oh i will buy the helmet protect my noggin that was an amazing mission i love my new hat it looks so good on me now what we got a whole control room we are spacex the rocket lane itself rocket light itself i spent all my money on this hat and this molotov that i will use to kill these people fighting in the street i love the way the world works hey hank hank come on hank come on hank knock it off oh no help me help me deform sketch please don't oh god who's this guy the men in black reboot is stealing me execute no please nope [Music] found you germa
Channel: Sketch
Views: 450,299
Rating: 4.9439468 out of 5
Keywords: Sk3tch, sketch, sketch roblox, roblox, roblox riot, riot roblox, roblox riot game, roblox sketch riot, roblox sketch, roblox ragdoll, roblox ragdoll sketch, roblox fight sketch, ragdoll roblox
Id: Q7W-QH5SdfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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