These Worst Date Stories Will Make You Swear Off Romance For Life (r/AskReddit)

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i date online i went to a girl's house for the first meeting i felt this was a strange request on her part it turns out she was awaiting trial and was under house arrest for killing her husband i couldn't get out of there fast enough people have read it what are your worst dating stories she was forced to tell me after i noticed the tracker on her ankle i'm not sure whether or not she was ever going to say anything otherwise i was told a very detailed story and it was apparently some sort of accident didn't matter screeching tires were heard that evening i once went on a first date with a chick and ended up having dinner with her mom and autistic brother after helping her mom move crap around their house and i was asked by her mom to spend the night at which point i was expected to have relations with the daughter edit okay here goes so i met this chick online my car was having trouble so this particular night she was my ride she picked me up and we went to the mall she seemed really cool and we were hitting things off went to the sparrows at the food court and got a bit of lunch we're sitting there eating and all of a sudden she says completely out of the blue my ex beat me i was in mid-bite so i had that little moment where i stopped chewing for a moment and then start chewing again really slowly because i have committed to the bite i'm sorry that sucks yeah we just broke up a week ago god damn it so i'm a rebound great i did feel bad for her though but then she talked and talked and talked about nothing but her relationship with him i'm thinking this is a really shitty date she tells a story about how she told him she was going on a date with me and he grabbed her arm and yelled at her i'm already thinking what the hell have i gotten myself into so i'm already kind of wanting out but she was my ride so we see this movie and then she wants to walk around the mall hey let's go into hot topic i love this store sigh while we're in there she just lunges at me and kisses me okay getting really weird now after them all i'm like okay well i had a really good time me too you're so great i can't wait for my family to meet you i'm thinking okay i can get into why that's not going to happen a bit later once i'm safe and away from the crazy woman but for now i'll smile and nod then she gets on a highway i never get on where are we going to my house duh apparently she meant i can't wait until you meet my family right ducking now at this point i almost want to call a friend for a ride but my friends would just love the fact that i'm in this situation and let me rot anyway so i stick it out i figure okay a couple hours and she'll take me home nope we get to her house and immediately her mom asks me to help move a pile of six or seven heavy boxes out to the shed in the backyard i'm too polite to say no though i wish i wasn't in this situation so i do it i come back in covered in sweat it was august muscles aching and she says thanks sweetheart the girl's brother walks into the room and she introduces me hey this is my brother terrence he's really autistic so don't pay any attention to him what do you mean don't pay any attention to him well everything he says is weird so you just take it with a grain of salt i really felt bad for the kid he was interesting showed me his pet lizard and pet tarantula i hate spiders but i figured i would humour him because if his sister is always like that it would help to act interested he changed subjects all over the place and was really hard for me to follow but he eventually left to go do something else so about an hour passes of me watching tv with a girl and then she says so are you ready to go eat damn it i want to go home but going out one more time will put us in a vehicle so i'll get home we get ready to leave for chili's and her mom walks into the living room with her purse so where are we going i laughed seriously i thought she was joking because what mom would just invite herself to dinner on her 23 year old daughter's first date with the guy she looked at me weird and then back to her daughter chili's is terence ready what so you ducking new i'm smiling but in my head i'm thinking why the duck is this normal to all of you so we go to chili's and i feel like i'm the big brother in the family constant bickering between the brother and sister her wrecking him on making fun of him for being autistic and the mom only jumping in when they started kicking each other under the table after about an hour we leave get back to their house and it's about 10 p.m i figured we were dropping off the mom and brother so she could take me home so you about to take me home the mom jumps in no she's not allowed to drive after dark you'll have to spend the night it's okay though her bed's a queen and i don't care what you guys do in there i'm not the smothering type hahaha lying [ __ ] you have been part of half of this date that's what i was thinking i was ready to call a friend because i was seriously about to panic not that i feared for my safety but i was just a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10 of uncomfortability i pull out my phone it's dead holy balls my phone is dead why is it dead oh yeah i've been on a 10 hour date so i have to just deal with this we go back into her room and watch tv she keeps putting moves on me moves that were honestly incredibly hard to resist i end up pretending to fall asleep and she falls asleep i turn the tv on and watch comedy central until the infomercials start and then i get up it's way too uncomfortable for me to sleep in this situation so i go into the living room and no one's there i start digging through their drawers and [ __ ] looking for a charger that fit there's only a usb 1 so i had to turn on their computer to charge my phone i call a friend it's about 3 am at this point so no one's going to pick me up but i just needed to rant and talk to her for a couple of hours about my night at about 5 a.m the girl comes out of her room and is like baby is everything okay yep you coming to bed not for a while thank you though i eventually fall asleep on the couch a bit later the next morning she wants to watch like three hours of the disney channel and is finally willing to take me home at 1pm i say no words the entire way home i wanted to just go off on her but i sensed a lot of crazy in that family so this was one of those situations where i found it okay to just never answer the phone calls or texts again she ends up convincing a friend to contact me on the dating site but not to tell me she knew her after we finally swapped numbers she calls me and i hear the chick in the background now ask him why he won't talk to me i hung up deleted my profile on that site and took a bath in battery acid never again posted before but was late to the party a year after the loss of my last significant other hit by a drunk driver i decided it was time for me to try to start dating again i met a girl on okcupid and from our long conversations over instant messenger i felt that we had clicked well enough to meet in person like many others here that have done online dating my partner only had a couple of images on her profile that were angled so you really couldn't figure out her body type since i was a broke college student we were just going to go window shopping at the mall i'm sitting outside hot topic and these two very large women approach me the larger of the two kind of looks like the girl i was supposed to be on a date with it turns out the pics online were from two years ago and she became much bigger than imagined she had brought her friend along as backup i figured her friend would go do other things while we hung around nope she would follow us all evening staying within a 10-foot radius now this friend would not shut up about how much she loved twilight and how she was on team something or other i didn't give a [ __ ] and i just wanted to talk with this girl i thought i'd hit it off with eventually we were outside and they were smoking i have weak lungs and i told her this before we met in person so i was making sure the wind was blowing away from me her friend says that because i don't smoke i wasn't cool and that the girl should just cut her losses as we're going back inside i pulled the girl to the side and asked her why her friend came along her response was oh she's the high priestess of my vampire coven and she wanted to see if you would make a good recruit i turned and walked away tldr have a date who brings her high priestess vampire friend to convert me and join her coven yeah we went out to a nice restaurant that she liked second date we had a nice dinner and everything was good check came i paid with my debit card it was declined apparently there was an issue with my direct deposit and a fair amount of money didn't get into my bank which had no notice okay here's my credit card that i carry just in case um where's my credit card i had just went on a trip and cleaned out my wallet credit card sitting on desk at home checkbook that's at home too cash who the hell carries cash after sheepishly explaining the situation and promising to pay her back asap she paid walked out to the car and found no car after calling around discovered the car was towed towing company was overly aggressive and towed my car when they shouldn't have took a cab to the towing yard no money she had to pay for cab got into argument with ignorant tow truck guys who refused to release my car even though it was parked properly and we had restaurant receipts to prove it etc 125 she had to pay worst date ever for me one time i met a girl online and for our first date we went bowling after a cheap dinner well as we're bowling my dinner began to not sit well with me and i had to run to the bathroom before i can get my exe first date jeans off i proceeded to poop myself a little bit i was able to make a save for most of it but i certainly pooped on my pants and leg i was able to make a hazy cleanup operation in that bowling alley bathroom enough so that i could proceed with the date without too much suspicion i didn't tell her this until more than a year after this date three months ago we got married i wish i could say this was the only time that i've pooped myself in her presence throughout our courtship went to a restaurant with a guy i met online he seemed like a really good guy and we actually hit it off really well we were sharing a dessert and having a nice time until his fiance came over and dumped a drink all over him she started screaming about how she loved him and how she couldn't believe he'd gone behind her back she was out to dinner with her mother at the same restaurant apparently their plans had changed and he had no clue she would even be in town he left me at the table running out after her and her mother who was screaming profanities at me from across the restaurant i was nearly in tears trying to explain to the waiter and really anyone who would listen they had made quite a scene that i had no idea that he was engaged and then because he had left i got stuck with the bill twist after the whole incident he tried to go out with me again he claimed they had broken up i managed to find him on facebook and learned that they were still together so i sent her a message with a screenshot of the text where he had asked me out again i told her i was really sorry that she was dating such a scumbag and that she could do better so she and i ended up talking and now we've actually become casual friends and go out to lunch on occasion and he's still a scumbag with an active okay cupid took my girlfriend out for a nice lunch assured her she didn't need to bring her purse both my cards got rejected she had to walk all the way back to her house get her purse come back and pay for the lunch while i sat there and felt like dying
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Views: 98,389
Rating: 4.8840237 out of 5
Keywords: dating horror stories, r/askreddit horror date stories, r/askreddit horrible dates, askreddit weird dates, fail dates reddit, best posts and comments, r/ ask reddit, r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, r/askreddit online dating experience
Id: esC-N9KIRO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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