These Sumerian Clay Tablets Reveal the BIGGEST Secrets of the Solar System

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now we're gonna go with the innumerous to seven tablets of creation now the ANU male ish is actual real tablets that were discovered in iraq so we're gonna read a little bit today it's gonna be a little bit of reading and it's also gonna be a little bit of video so it's gonna be kind of a little bit of a combination because I know just sitting here and reading 6,000 year old tablets could be very boring okay and some people might started dozing off especially in the morning so I've mixed in some video to help change it up a little bit but these are the seven tablets of creation and you can see these indentions on these tablets are actually cuneiform texts that were actually put on here with a something called a stylus and we're gonna show you how it's actually done in one of the videos and these tablets are real they're not you know fabrications they're real tablets that actually exist think we got one that sounds like one of my songs hey in that case let it play another shameless plug the enumeration seven types of creation the numeral is also an Akkadian and cuneiform is spelled Enuma Elish it's a Babylonian creation myth that was recovered by Austen Henry Layard in 18-49 in the ruint library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh in Moscow Iraq it was published by George Smith in 1876 the ANU militia has a thousand lines of recorded a thousand lines and is recorded in old script now most of the tablet five has never been recovered until recently which we're going to go over because it's really amazing that they just found in tablet number five not too long ago and it's an actually it's actually in a museum in Iraq right now so we had a big portion of that tablet missing but now because of that the story is even much more clear the epic is one of the most important sources for understanding the Babylonian worldview centered on the supremacy of Mark Duke and we're gonna talk about Marr ducal ittle bit today that's also known as Ottoman raw for those who don't know his other name was also Armin rob a brutal ruler of ancient Egypt before was even called Egypt and the creation of humankind for the surface of the gods it's it's the primary original purpose however is not the exposition on theology or theology but the elevation of Marduk the chief god of Babylon above all other Mesopotamian gods and one thing you understand when you hear me say the word god I'm not talking about the creator of the universe okay when we're talking about the ancient Sumerians we're always talking about people I consider them people some people said they think that their rates or ghosts or multi-dimensional beings and so forth you can believe whatever you want based on my research and the physical evidence of bones being discovered and skulls discovered that are in museums around the world and myself going to Cairo Museum is seeing you know what's there in my personal opinion these were flesh-and-blood people that were just much more advanced and displayed high levels of technology and because of that we call them gods we revere things that we believe are magical or that we can't understand and we it happens all the time it's called a cargo cult I think that human beings are the biggest cargo cult probably in the solar system we saw these beings come here and and they displayed magic science which is advanced technology and it wildest and we've been praising them ever since Almond raw for example mar duke a lot of people don't know that he was one who assured in monotheism monotheism is the belief in a one-world God a one guard on one universe of God and not to worship any other gods matter of fact in the Sumerian tablets he says you're not to worship any other God but me which is the same thing it says in the Bible I'll Monroe's one who ordered everybody to say Amen or I'll Monroe at the end of every prayer which didn't became shortened to our men so at the end of every prayer who since our men is actually giving thanks and homage to one of the most brutal rulers of all time and that's what happens when you know you don't research or you don't know it's it's something it's a part of the process here after somebody has to tell it to you now that I've told you you should go look it up because it's very valid it very true when you go into the ancient tablets you discover a lot of things that well why are you and maybe even frighten you a little bit the you knew malicious exists in various copies from Babylonia and Assyria the version from the Library of Assurbanipal dates back to the seventh century BCE the composition of a composition of the text probably dates to the Bronze Age to the time of Hammurabi and perhaps earlier to the Kassite area era roughly 18th century to 16th century BCE so we're talking about very old documents that predate the Bible by many many many thousands of years ok this is tablet number 5 which was recently found in Suleiman Maya Minaya ok you've never pronounced that right Suleiman nyah Museum in Iraq tablet 5 this was just last year somebody stumbled across it at the actual museum it was never even labeled nobody knew exactly what it was until a scholar said I think this looks familiar it could this need a missing tablet to the he numeral ish so now it's been well documented and it's it's found so we have a more complete story so I want to talk a little bit about the translations of these tablets and I want to really again add more credibility to this now there's a researcher out there that a lot of people know by the name of Zecharia Sitchin he didn't translate these tablets okay and the reason why I say that I respect Sakurai Hitchens worked I believe he's one of the greatest researchers in our modern day I respect the effort that the guy put in I love everything that he's that he's done I've read every single book that he's ever put out and I've looked at every video he's ever been in and I think that his work is just like all the other works of a lot of the other researchers and translators it leaves a little room for your own perceptions now what I found through reading probably six or seven different books about the Anunnaki and now translating the text myself I come to find out that the underlying story no matter who trained it is always the same people came here they mined this earth's resources and at some point they decided to genetically participate in creating or manipulating an existing hominid on this planet so no matter what source you get it from it's all the same story with different nuances some people think you know Nibiru some people think serious some people think Pleiades some people think Orion but I'm gonna go over the translation credibility right now so that we can understand that these tablets were credibly translated by scholars a long time ago the first one is George Smith he lived from 1840 to 1876 he was an English a serial gist apprentice engraver but self-taught in cuneiform in the corridors of the British Museum so he actually was there the whole time and most likely was trained right there how to decipher cuneiform texts growing up eventually he was hired by Sir Henry Rawlinson a prominent archeologist Smith achieved worldwide attention when he discovered an ancient account of the flood with obvious biblical parallels in 1872 related to the child an account of the deluge this book expands on the previous work and presents numerous translations of tablets including the first print appearance of the Gilgamesh epic so again we have a very credible person here translating these tablets not zecharia sitchin somebody extremely extremely credible that worked at the actual British Museum ei spire I'm gonna do a couple of these ei spires were in 1926 ei Speier won a Guggenheim Fellowship to study remains of the ancient Mitanni and uriens in northern Mesopotamia while there in 1927 he discovered epic Guara for the great mound one of the world's earliest cradles of civilization which we know is Iraq in 1928 he was appointed assisted a assistant professor of cymatics at the University of Philadelphia and full professor in 1931 he was a field director of the joint excavation of the American schools of Oriental research and a university Museum in 1932 1932 and 1936 to 1937 undertaking excavations at Tempe guara and tell Bella he also is kind of dim here he also translated the Tyrian legal text found at newsy after the war he returned to the University of Pennsylvania where he was chairman to the Department of Oriental Studies from 1947 until his death in 1965 he also appointed ellis professor he was also appointed ellis professor of Hebrew and Semitic languages and literatures there in 1954 he translated and wrote extensive commentary for the volume of Genesis on the anko Bible series and was one of the editors of the Torah and the new Jewish publication society of America version of the Old Testament a noted student of his future professor of most Greenberg became an Israel prize low rate in Bible studies so once again we have a very credible source and I'll just read you one more because I think it's very important to lay this credibility down before we go in Leonard William King December 8th 1869 to August 20th 1919 an English archaeologist and Sri ologist educated at Rugby School and King's College in Cambridge collected stone inscriptions widely in the near east toward Assyrian and Babylonian archaeology at King's College for a number of years and published a large number of works on these subjects he is also known for his translations of ancient works such as the Code of Hammurabi he became the assistant to the keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian antiques at the British Museum first steps in the Syrian these are some of his works first steps in Assyrian a book for beginners being a serious historical mythological religious magical epistolary and other texts printed and cuneiform characters within to enter linear and transliteration and translation and sketch of a Syrian grammar so I mean this guy's murdered a top people in the world at this another one is letters and inscriptions of Hammurabi 1898 he was a contributor to the English Cyclopaedia Biblica in 1903 Egypt and Western Asia in light of recent discoveries 1907 I mean you can't exactly just going on the sky as a it's very credible so we've kind of really lay down the credibility of the translation of the tablets and I think everybody here kind of agree that what we're going to be learning today is most likely an accurate translation so also where are they located are they physical car they're physical copies available yes the physical stones themselves are actually actually located in London at the British Museum they're not on public display however you have to have a special you know license or whatever documentary license to go and actually see them and I'm pretty sure that's a lot of loopholes you have to jump through but they're there they actually exist in London at the British Museum you can go online to the British Museum website and you can actually pull up the library of Ashurbanipal and then you can view the tabla steel yourself so that's just a quick summation there of how cuneiform is actually done it's a very tedious process and I seriously doubt that people just woke up in those times got out of stylists got some wet clay and started making up stories because it takes a long time to do this and you have to bake them and everything else and people say if they were so advanced why would they write it writing on clay tablets well if I were to mark I have today this is 2001 18 now I've been through four computers in the last four years almost a computer a year a laptop a year they just they they just you know they're made by man they destroyed very easily that I mean if you leave them out in the rain and weather forget about it's over if I drop it in a tub of water it's done these stones have the tub lasted for thousands and thousands of years they knew exactly what they were doing they were leaving a record behind that we would find in the future almost like a time capsule of information which is why the Sumerians and the Anunnaki put a lot of stuff into stone they built through stone megalithic structures they built information they computed sacred geometry mathematics cosmology everything into stone and one of the things they've done well with stone is they've actually been able to write on it and bake it and put it in a way we're now in this day and age we're able to actually get it out decipher it and find out what happened back then if it was done on paper and stuff like that it's very highly unlikely and another thing that I like about stone it's very hard to change the information around kind of like some of the more modern religions books have been altered in so many ways just with the modern Bible over 8,000 incorrect translations just in that one book now I multiply that over many many books and many different publishers and you start to find out a lot of information is backwards just to give you a small example Moses did not cross the series across according to the original text of the Bible he crossed across the Sea of the Red Sea he crossed the sea of reeds so he didn't cross the Red Sea he crossed the sea of reeds which is another smaller sea much closer and much easier to cross but when you go to the original translations you find this out you know so but these are some of that's just a small one that and this is still being taught today that Moses crossed the Red Sea but he actually didn't cross the Red Sea according to the actual original text which is a Semitic tongue related to the law now another good point here is that one that one last piece of credibility anybody here now can decipher these tablets for themselves you don't have to be a expert translator a linguist an expert in cuneiform you can go to the UCLA CD Li library online for free grab a stone tablet off the virtual shelf drop it into a translator and read the tablet okay so it's no more all zecharia sitchin oh this one here or this one that no we can do it ourselves it's up to us to find the information stuff to us to dig and do the research and all the tools are made have been made available to you in this day and age so that you can find out exactly what happened back then so if the UCLA was kind enough to put this up and these translations are very accurate and again anybody can spend their time and go through these translations and what you're going to discover is what we already know the story the underlying story the fundamental basis of the story is very very similar no matter who writes a book about it now the Torah has been known as the law of God which is actually what it translates to a lot of the text in the Torah comes from Assyrian and Sumerian a lot of the information in this book and only in this scripture originates from thousands and thousands of years prior and so a lot of people say well you know you're saying names like Marduk when I'm talking online and making posts and stuff and you're talking about Enki and Enlil and all these Anunnaki people but where's their name where does the name exist anywhere else it's in the Torah the Torah knows all about Anke and lil Marduk all these people all these characters are all in the and in these are texts but some of the texts are amazingly copied virtually almost word-for-word from the Sumerian tablets here's the ancient Jewish history website Jewish virtual library org the Jewish virtual library org and in here I just didn't use the simple highlight tool to search for the word Marduk I think I know who mark Duke is one of the most interesting lines and it's so small on my computer I have to bend a little bit to see it you see if I can get it in here it's so tiny but it's basically one of the lines that saying that Marduk was the son of Anki and that his rise to power ahead of time because they always went rose to power based on celestial movements Marduk battled to rise to power ahead of time and became the one that rules in Pisces which is where in the Christian religion rose and monotheism rose because he's the one who ushered in monotheism he's the one who became the Sun God and ordered Akhenaten to Oxford monotheism and another thing that a lot of people don't know they've gotten it wrong there's a lot of the noses that have been knocked off of all the statues and and so forth it's not because why people didn't want black people to know that they were black I I just got to tell you like it is it's because Akhenaten ordered it to be done when I went to Egypt not only he did the order that he ordered thousands upon thousands of glyphs hieroglyphs of the ancient gods Osiris and everybody else to be defaced and removed and a lot of them were even deleted stories many stories even deleted which is why he was you know they proclaim heresy against Hindman and basically ran him out of there but that's the truth behind monotheism and the truth behind a lot of these no I'm not saying all of them but I'm telling you based off of my personal experience getting on a plane getting my passport stamped and going to Egypt and sitting with homegrown Egyptologist and homegrown guides and finding out these stories and then researching these tablets for myself and researching these books I found out that that's what happened and there's so many areas when you go to Egypt that these temples are completely defaced almost every single hieroglyph has been scraped off you can just see the outlines of the heart and I'm talking about tens of thousands of glyphs and these were done so long before Napoleon and all these other people even were born ok so it's a fact now maybe some we're done in the near future about the nose is to keep people from thinking that there were some black people in Asia they were black people in Egypt but there were all races in Egypt Egypt was not just all black there wasn't just all white it wasn't just all Greek it wasn't just all Arab it was a mixture over many many thousands of years if you look at America it was first indigenous you know and then from there it became start to be starting to become mixed because that's what happens it's just a law of entropy all things move from the order state to a disordered state but the the Jewish history knows all about Marduk and Enki Enlil and everybody else so that's the beginning part of what I want to talk about with the Enuma Elish now we're gonna get into some cosmology because the ANU militia is a very interesting story it really is a combination of two stories one part is talking about the creation of the solar system which sounds like a battle between people but it's really a battle between planets Sumerians wrote this story based on their belief that the planets were sentient beings and even gave them names now over millennia as the story was retold and retold the names change a little bit - to the victor being the god ruling at that time in this particular case Marduk was Nibiru the planet that crashed into t amount which we're gonna see in a minute right here we have a picture an image of the two trillion Hubble sky book they've now catalogue two trillion galaxies and that's just a small view of the sky and each galaxy has about 200 million suns and over a hundred million planets now do the math just on that small spot of the sky that we've catalogued so far the fact that we are not alone is not even a question we are the new kids on the block we just arrived here there's people out there and the human race is prevalent in this universe prevalent in this galaxy at least the evidence of evidence of it is all around us there may be slightly different versions of us or how do you look the color of our skin and everything else but the evidence is all around us let's take a little bit of a look of where we are right now we know that we're in the Milky Way galaxy and that little tiny dot with that circle is our Sun in our solar system out of all of those trillions and trillions of solar systems out there and galaxies and everything else that's us this little dot right here on this outer end our Auto our arm out your arm I'm sorry of the Milky Way galaxy well that's really analyze this a little bit and take a closer look at this this is what we've been taught so far there's a standard solar system model that we've been taught our whole lives basically put it for the most part did you like that song by the way that's one of mine so you can get that on iTunes if you want it forbidden knowledge anyway another shameless plug it's one of my favorites that song is called 432 Hertz look within because it's encoded in 432 Hertz which is the Schumann resonance frequency of the human brain okay now let's analyze what we now be seeing what we've been taught this analyze what really what's really going on scientists now know that we are not from here okay we meeting our entire solar system we are the aliens okay let's really analyze this imagine the shock of growing up in a loving family with people you call mom and dad and then suddenly learning that you are actually adopted this same sense of shock came as scientists announced that the Sun the moon our planet and its siblings were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy but we actually belonged to a strange formation with an unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy we are from another galaxy Speyer thisreally a spaceship we have not not in the sense of a metal metallic object but an actual biological you know object we've traveled as two galaxies have merged using volumes of data from the two micron all-sky survey a major project to survey the sky and infrared light led by the University of Massachusetts the astronomers our nets are answering questions that have baffled scientists for decades and proving that our our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic display of ongoing galactic cannibalism the study published in the Asheville Astrophysical Journal is the first to map the full extent of the Sagittarius galaxy and show its visual vivid detail how its debris wraps around and passes through our Milky Way galaxy Sagittarius is ten thousand times smaller and mass in the Milky Way and so it's getting stretched out torn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way so we are from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and this type of thing happens all the time leader not galaxies collide and form bigger and bigger galaxies so a lot of people don't know that some of the our galaxy is relatively small compared to some of the galaxies out there let's take a quick look at these Sagittarius dwarf galaxies and house wrapping around on this computer model thanks to the University of Virginia this is a model showing here you see that as gravitationally as er as the Sagittarius has been pulled apart and wrapped around where it dives down into the Milky Way you see exactly the point of intersection you see that yellow dot that's our Sun that's our Sun right there okay so a lot of people have probably never heard of this but we're from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy this is public peer-reviewed scientific data okay not something that somebody just decided to make up this is real data guys so aliens welcome the next time you meet somebody and you say have you ever seen an alien just and they shake your hand you say nice to meet you we're all aliens we're not from here okay that's why I think borders are a joke all right now a new infrared digital survey of the entire sky was made in 2003 teams from the University of Virginia and Massachusetts use a supercomputer to sort through half of the billion stars to create a new star map showing our solar system and it was a yellow circle you just saw to be the exact nexus crossroads where the two galaxies are actually joining it's clear who the bully is in the interaction says Steven Majewski University of Virginia professor of astronomy and lay and lead author on the paper describing the results again very credible people here putting this information out this is not a guy that woke up and rope and slippers on a prepaid phone and decided to post this information online this is real scientific data okay if people had infrared sensitive eyes the entrails of the Sagittarius will be prominent would be a prominent fixture sweeping across our night sky Majewski said but at human visual wavelengths they become buried in the countless intervening stars and obscuring dust the great expanse of the Sagittarius system has been hidden from view so guys this is an amazing discovery I didn't know about this myself until about four years ago and when I first started talking about people thought I was nuts and tell me I was crazy everything else I didn't have enough data that I could pull together to put it all in and do into one simple presentation now I do which I'm very pleased that they've been able to get lot of this information out but this is a very important piece of information to understand that we ourselves aren't from here because you start to understand what happens when planets become rogue and they go out there and they float through space like we're talking about planet x nibiru and all these little planets and people go oh it can't be it's impossible well we ourselves are a result of a collision now just like atoms are mostly empty space believe it or not galaxies are mostly empty space the distances are so far and vast that they typically pass through one another or coalesce together with very you know a few collisions happening but collisions do happen but for the most part a lot of the orbits will be switched around because the gravitational pull and so forth and so on but but this happens all the time it's nothing it's nothing that to be shocked about now that we started studying it the fact that the Milky Way is seen in the sky at an angle has always puzzled astronomers if we originated it from the Milky Way we ought to be oriented to the galaxy's ecliptic with the planets aligned around our Sun in much the same angle as our Sun aligns with the Milky Way instead as first suggested by researcher Matthew Perkins Erwin's the odd angle suggests our Sun is influenced by some other system our Sun is influenced by some other set this is very important to understand because we're gonna be getting into binary solar systems here in a second okay one of the things that got me into anomaly hunting and looking for objects on other planets through official NASA data and European Space Agency data was the fact that I was studying precession as the amateur astronomer and I noticed that precession of the equinoxes was speeding up and I was saying what could cause this to speed up based on you know viewings from 1,000 years ago till now instead of being twenty seven thousand years is probably gonna have a procession within twenty-four or twenty-five thousand years that seems crazy like why would that happen so I started researching how something like that can happen our Sun is orbiting another spacial body and it's it's it increases speed so they can have breakaway speed that's how it works so as it closer they speed up and then a breakaway and they speed up and break away and that's what causes the precession of the equinoxes to speed up the fact that we're most likely orbiting another spacial body that has just about as much mass as our current Sun we sifted several thousand of interesting stars from a catalogue of half of a half a billion set co-author of Michael stritzke at University of Virginia professor of astronomy and principal investigator for the 2mass project by tuning our math to the sky to the right of the star Sagittarius system and it jumped right into view so the evidence that we're not from here is overwhelming we are from another galaxy in the process of joining the Milky Way we're still in the process the merger hasn't even completed yet so it's gonna be a lot more rogue planets out there a lot of potential other systems where that may acquire an additional Sun that could be trinary star systems quad quad Neri star systems this the mystery why the Milky Way has has always been sideways in the sky has never been answered until now so now we know why the milky way sideways in the sky it's because we're merging with the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy the yellow tube manometer because we're gonna merge with the Andromeda galaxy and become milk Amida in about four billion years did you like that song one of mine this is easy appreciate it guys that song is called alone by forbidden knowledge encoded at 432 Hertz available on iTunes what all right now let's get into the second part of this which the epoch of the archer hazus of the author has is that that kind of emerges with the information from the new moon is because both tell a very similar story the enumerator lish has some spaces missing whereas the the epoch of the author ASIS or the ultra has epic fills those gaps to think that you can get all information from one source it's almost impossible it's like putting together pieces of a puzzle so when somebody says our I read this one book all my life and this book is this is it I'm done no that one book led me into reading over a thousand books okay over a thousand books and I've posted my book list online many times and that's just a partial list that I can fit with 2,200 characters on Instagram and maybe sometimes I put up the 3,500 characters on Facebook there's so many books at there so much information out there that you have to analyze break down decipher digest and begin to put together the pieces of the puzzle even going into Sumerian tablets you have to analyze the mahabharata the bhagavad gita of the indian vedas its Sumerian tablets the Bible the Torah the Quran you have to analyze all of it you can't just say I'm gonna read this one book and that's gonna be history that's everything that's gonna this is everything that's happened it doesn't work that way you have to really go in and break everything down and start putting together the pieces of the puzzle the art race is up it gets written it really around the same time as the Enuma Elish and gives a little bit of a deeper account as to the part now that we move away from we're gonna move away a little bit from cosmology into into actual beings but before we do that I'm going to show you the numeral ish in video detail so that we instead of being reading the part of the galactic formation on the solar system formation I'm gonna actually let you watch it which i think is a little bit better but the epic of Atrahasis is gonna go over the app soo and in the part where it's talking about the creation of our solar system is gonna go over the absolute which we'll see in the video the oldest of beings the progenitor Tiamat is what would become earth mumu which is the Sun stewards of his house Marduk I was going to be obviously Nibiru which we talked about before or the planet of heaven or in some cases now in modern times Planet X and mardukas you say to represent a planet called planet heaven because he was given power by leader by the leadership of the gods so this text was no doubt named after him when he had rulership over earth these gods rule over celestial periods and his reign is actually coming to an end as we head into 2025 his reign actually officially comes to the end Pisces actually officially officially comes to the end okay okay so that's a different view of how our solar system was formed and how the earth was formed as you can see from that team up which was a very large planet about four to six times larger than Earth was struck by an ancient Nibiru and then which it broke apart part of it became he became the asteroid belt and the other part became earth and along with it gravitationally pulled its moon which we now have you know they call it Kengo but it's our moon now and that's basically the story of the Enuma Elish those words sounds strikingly similar to what you have in the Old Testament of the Bible separating the waters from the waters and so forth it's all copied from this ancient tableau these ancient tablets so now let's take a look at this because you know rogue planets like that like the Nibiru or Planet X or brown dwarf stars how real are they and how many are there out there this is another big question it's like oh man you know it sounds pretty good and everything but I just don't believe this planets out there floating around the space and how can a planet float go that far away from the Sun and come back and and how could there be people living on it and everything else was so you see mainstream science already knows this happened in ancient times it's not a mystery to them they love to hide the truth in plain sight this information has been put out over and over again over many decades but it's put out in so many small pieces that nobody can really put the whole pieces of a puzzle together and that's what I'm attempting to do here rogue planets there's billions of them out there and as he said this collision has already happened which we just saw by reading the Enuma Elish in the video version where collided with when they're blue Nibiru collided with TMR [Music] this is from Scientific American wandering in the void billions of planets without a home there's billions of planets out there that are just free-floating in space now this is an image from NASA depicting a brown dwarf star that they believe is orbiting our Sun which means that we live in a binary solar system we don't have one Sun in our solar system we have two this is very important to understand because the worldview and everything you've been taught since you were little kid is that we have one Sun and the planets go right around it and that's it we have two sons we live in a binary I'm going to provide evidence and proof of that right now today but this is a very interesting graphic to be shown because it depicts the same ancient information about a rogue planet orbiting our Sun every 3,600 years and a very elliptical orbit which came from the Enuma Elish you know what have to add a little conspiracy to it the top is NASA the bottom is the Star Trek logo it's just very interesting to me that if you rotate the Star Trek logo clockwise and take a look at it it looks like a solar system with the planet orbiting on the ecliptic and they're very elliptical orbit and you can even see the Sun at the center okay just very interesting also the very first episode of Star Trek ever released I think it was 1954 the very first place that the starship visited was a brown dwarf star call me crazy they like to hide the truth in plain sight folks NASA two years ago announced that they'd discovered planet 9 okay was actually NASA it was actually Caltech working for NASA these Caltech scientists discovered a planet they discovered only one planet but multiple orbiting in very elliptical orbits and very strange orbits inside of our solar system the one particular that's about four to six times the size of the earth they linked they labeled it planet nine because the Sumerians labeled it the tenth planet but they wouldn't do that but they enabled label at Planet nine just because they did want to be exact [Laughter] so let's take a look at that real quick stays calm which is basically run by NASA and yes NASA does like let me just say that NASA makes up stuff in terms of life on other planets in terms of some of the images that they send back being fudged out and not being completely accurate images showing us what's really there the moon landing I believe that we went to the moon but we also lied about it you can't go always far to the left they knew what was up there and I had the Clementine image data from the previous prior to Apollo I have the mercury that I have the Apollo 11 black box tapes and Apollo 11 black box PDFs which are in my internet history group they saw things of their domes and structures and people living inside of these domes according to what the astronauts were saying which was recorded by the black box tapes and thanks to the Freedom of Information Act we were able to get our hands on that so if you ever want to hear it you can just go google apollo 11 black box apes as we put them out so much now they're on Google now you can pull them up and listen to them yourself directly and they came they come right from NASA gov or you can go to the Anunnaki history group and you can download them there and you can also read them now there's been a lot of redacted files there but for whatever reason they left some breadcrumbs and they didn't redact the part where I think it's Neal says look at those conical domes down there I bet the people in there never get out and that's just one of many statements that were made that they will make you scratch your head and go what are they talking about so again we went to the moon we'll be lied about it we showed a partial in my opinion Hollywood version to the general public because in order to maintain a certain level of power you can't tell everybody everything you know once you release information about everything that you know you lose control and power and this whole world system is designed on suppression of information and knowledge the only thing keeping the human species completely enslaved we're talking seven point five billion people being ruled by less than a hundred families think about that for a second and how do they do this knowledge the only separation between us and them is information and suppression of that keeps us enslaved period and you know so that's what it's really all about so NASA answers to a higher power that forces suppression on them and that's what they do but all the other information is not invalid and all their information is not fake you have to understand that let's take a quick look at the effect of a rogue planet coming through our solar system you see these planets standard solar system here you see the arrows we'll look at the first one mercury mercury orbits counterclockwise on its axis okay counter clockwise on its axis this is evidence of a rogue planet or a very large body coming through our solar system and disturbing or what they call perturbing the orbits if you look a little further down you can see the earth tilts on its orbit that's the way it coalesced but you look a little further back and you get to Uranus it's on its side and also scientific data shows that Uranus and Neptune switched positions in the ancient past the orbits when you take the orbits all the way back you rewind them with scientific data you discovered that they switch positions at some point and something came through as you saw in the Enuma Elish if you were aware of that part when they talked about Uranus and and the as it passed past Nibiru passed by it moved it onto its side and it's still on its side to this very day so Uranus is a very strange orbit a very strange pub or baton its axis as it orbits the Sun this is just a bigger view of it so you can actually see the arrows in case you could see them but it's very interesting that mercury is going in the opposite direction of every every other planet so now let's start to get into some of the accounts some of the ancient accounts of this happening and people coming from other places because like I said earlier some of it some people believe based on what they've read in the tablets that it's that you know these Anunnaki came from Sirius some believe they came from Orion some believe it was a plainly some believe it's this rogue planet Nibiru I happen to believe that it's a rogue planet I'm sorry a rogue Sun or a brown dwarf star that was captured by our solar system possibly in the merger between the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy I can see that happening with that type of in you know that type of those type of large spatial bodies and Suns merging with our galaxy by merging with this galaxy now it's ours and all of a sudden having the captured brown dwarf star and all the brown dwarf stars is a failed Sun the Sun that didn't completely ignite but it's still large enough and powerful enough gravitationally to have other planets orbited and and provide enough warmth for those planets to have life on them which we'll see in a second also this is the Dogon tribe okay some of you may have heard of them some of you may have not heard of them the Dogon tribe of a very interesting story and that they originate from Egypt which was actually Tim in ancient times before it was called Egypt the Dogon started there for whatever reason their tribe left out of Egypt and moved into Mali Africa so they took the secret wisdom and sacred wisdom of this information that I'm going to show you now along with them and have passed it down for thousands and thousands of generations and here we are now today with the Dogon tribe describing celestial information that we only discovered more recently in the 1970s they believe that the Nommo Anunnaki came from a star system named Sirius not only just serious but a dark star out there called we call it Sirius B which is actually a failed star or a star that ran out of fuel it's a very small dim light in the sky that can't be seen with the naked eye and it wasn't even detected by astronomers until recently which we'll see in a second they also depict these creatures or these Anunnaki beings as being phished like people having fish suits on now you see how they dress up in this garb and attire when they do their rituals to honor the Anunnaki these normals there's also in the top-center there's a Sumerian seal that's Sumerian seal depicts Enki and Enlil wearing fish suits and there's a reason for that which we're going to go over in a couple of minutes point there that they know what's out there and this information is still not in any history book or school book or anything this comes on in the middle of an afternoon while work punching the clock or whatever you do for a living maybe on vacation or wherever you are and it just goes right by everybody we can't how can we know everything how can we see everything but if they don't publish and put it into books that we can give access to the masses it's probably published in a scientific journal not everybody reads those so this is the trapping star system the Trappist star system is a browned off that were discovered by wise I think by the Hubble Hubble Sky View I'm sorry and it has planets orbiting it and they're in a habitable zone and the reason why I want to show this image is because it proves that a brown dwarf star can have a habitable zone it can have planets orbiting it that can sustain life and this information came out last year was a very big announcement by NASA that they've discovered this this Sun which is just 40 light years away a brown dwarf that has planets orbiting it so the innumerous begins to become more and more real we're almost done here now this is a book all through the through alien eyes by William Bateman the reason why I chose this image is because we're going to talk briefly about the occurrence of people on this planet and on and on who Nakia on this planet and I like this Carver because based off of what I read between the Sumerian tablets the mahabharata the bhagavad gita indian vedas and a lot of other ancient texts that i can go through i discovered that these Anunnaki beings weren't just one race of people some authors believe that they were all one color some people believe they were all white some people believe they were all black some people believe they were all Indians some people believe they were all or indigenous some people believe they were all blue skinned when you go to Egypt and you see these people depicted as green beings and you in blue beings and little beings in in India and you look at and you read the accounts of these beings and some of their spouses were even from other planets these people were multi racial people and the evidence of that is the fact that when you look around this room right now we're not all one color with Allen we're are a human race but we're not all the same color or the same specific sub race because as they spread around the planet they put their own genetic markers on indigenous hominids and it was like their signature in a way as they ruled it as a rule different part of the planet different parts of the planet which is the evidence that is in the Emerald tablets this is a book are called in the beginning by a good friend of mine named Alex tepish it's a very good book about the internet if you can get it it's a very easy read with a lot of graphics in it I like it because it really gives you a very brief summary you can read it in four hours and knock it all the way out and it gives you a lot of good information about the Anunnaki and the history of them coming to earth 450,000 years ago they made their way here 450,000 years ago and I'm gonna real briefly go over this because I know we're getting a little close to my time limit here I want to go into the Sumerian Kings list right before we end this is very important that's one of the most important things it's only like less than a minute but the importance of this is the fact that 450,000 years ago the Anunnaki decided to come to this planet to mine for resources that they needed and why would they do that well we're doing the same thing we now have a mission to go to an asteroid to mine it for resources so why wouldn't a species more advanced let's do the same thing for whatever reason that they needed them we don't specifically know okay some say it was goals and say but we have evidence that they mined all different types of resources not just gold the gold mines have been discovered in Africa dating back a couple hundred thousand years which ironically is around the same exact time that homo sapiens appeared on this planet and the evidence has now been discovered but Sumerian Kings list is before the flood so what happened was before the flood according to the Enuma Elish the Anunnaki ruled this planet themselves they worked themselves they did all the mining themselves they didn't have human beings here to work for them as slaves they were doing the work and they had these this group of working-class Anunnaki call IgG that's exactly specifically the name given in the middle ish and epic about races well they got tired of all this work they were working working working but they weren't supposed to be slaves but if they would let up on the work they would be punished so what does that tell you slaves so these these people have enslaved their own people and forced them this working class to do all this work a lot of the work was done and a lot of work was done here on earth but Mars was very brutal for thee for the e GG and they were complaining that because of the thin atmosphere and because of lack of water and resources and Mars is actually a way station for them to relaunch back to their home planet with these resources and no women they were going to have a revolt so they decided to revolt against n Qian and lille they came back to earth interested in ships I don't think there were boats ships on oceans I think they were starships they came here they encircled and Keith's property and in those property I was really a Mills property because he was only had they had the above-ground a boat and threatened to go all-out war on a revolt now if you're not being enslaved why would you need to revolt against something they were obviously being forced to do this labor for many chars in the char 3,600 years and they did it for hundreds of chars so at that point when I knew who was n Qian and littles father saw what was going on he decided to find a way to come up with a solution because it didn't make any sense it was gonna slow down production and everything else and ki says well there's an existing hominid on this planet that we can genetically modified bringing them up by adding our essence to them and making them do the labor where the labor of the e GG and this is exactly what they decided to do now they had a couple of experience experiments in the beginning where they created these cloning chambers which have also been discovered these ancient type of chambers where the remnants of them are left behind in Africa and also in Iraq but it failed because these people that they were creating calling from themselves couldn't reproduce and because of that it was causing a problem it wasn't enough relief of work at one point n Keys half-sister decided to take the genetic material or an egg out of an egg out of an existing hominid and take the genetic material out creating what they call a zygote in modern science put Anunnaki genetics in mixing with something they call clay which I don't think was just dirt and then injecting it into her womb and she said she will take it to full term and she took it to full term and gave birth to Adamo the first the first Homo Sapien at what we would consider a modern human and that's the real point in where we began that was about 250,000 years ago and she was very excited as a famous cylinder seal of her holding it up prior to that the Annunaki ruled the earth those are the antediluvian cans and what's the evidence for this Dominic Joyce one of my researchers in Annunaki history went to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford England for me and took a video this is from his own phone of the Kings list the Sumerian Kings list which is a physical thing that really exists you can go see it for yourself and that Kings list tells you exactly what you just heard in that video these Kings ruled for that many two hundred forty-one thousand years just eight kings then they ruled over themselves there weren't any humans at the time of - until towards the end and after the flood came which the flood was pulled on by Enlil and little said okay this it's I want to start fresh again we need to start fresh these humans now are reproducing too much - making too much noise and I think we should just wipe it out and start fresh he was very brutal he would put plagues out he would just call humans at will very evil person he's the one actually named in a lot of ancient texts as Satan or Satan and little is Satan now he twisted it on his brother and key because any key was filling love with humans was the Creator but put a little bit too much juice in us gave us a little bit too much DNA which science likes to call junk DNA which is actually just disconnected upper level high level genetics but gave us a higher level of consciousness the consciousness that he was told to give he was also the one that was the father most likely of Atrahasis which is Noah and gave him information on how to avoid the flood by the which by the way in the odd raises up it was only a seven-day advanced notice he didn't have years to build an ark by the way guys the altar Harris says it was only seven days advance notice and he gathered some local animals and some some some of his contents and so forth in his family and they got on the boat and they survived the flood which which pissed off and little even more so after the flood is when they decide to came to an agreement to allow human beings half human half and or naki beings to be pharaohs and kings over human beings so after the flood is when kingship was actually handed down to man I know I'm going a little faster but I just got to wrap up here real quick this is the authorizers epic tablet which is also in the British Museum and you can go to the British Museum website and see it there that's exactly what I was just telling you just now the Emerald Tablet has a very good description of what happened after the Great Flood which i think is very important to understand I'm gonna go right into just the information this is from the first tablet over the world then broke the great water so right now thirty-six thousand years ago the Emerald Tablet which was written he's telling us that water broke over the earth changing Earth's balance until only the temple of light was left standing in the great mountain on you in dal still rising another water some there were two some there too were living save from the rush of the fountains so we have evidence of a flood thirty six thousand years ago in my book the compendium of the Emerald tablets leads credibility to these tablets who wrote them how many famous people have deciphered them where Isaac Newton's copy is and everything else okay so these tablets are real objects that exist and we're really written about now what's important about this is the fact that it talks about a foot thirty six thousand years ago and why I say that's important is because when you look at two processional three processional periods of the Sphinx of great age if the great sphinx you discover that's about thirty six thousand years ago or three ice ages ago when that Sphinx was built now the evidence is compounding on the fact that the ward the weathering of the Sphinx puts it back around three processional periods of Leo which means that the Sphinx is is exactly where it's supposed to be thirty six thousand years ago when these tablets were written by Thoth who also claims to be the builder of the Great Pyramid in the Emerald tablets themselves which over eight and thirty six thousand years ago he himself ruled over Egypt for ancient Tim fourteen thousand years so we have another ancient account written by Thoth the Atlantean of him and his people in this account in the first tablet him and his crew gets sent out by an key who's also called thought me to go to the land of Khem for there they zu they say they get into the sky ship and they rise up over the land and they go to the land of Khem over the waters and then they descend onto the land so they're rising up and descending which means that they're in something the economic actually take off and land it's not a boat that goes on the ocean at which point they get out now when they get out these barbarians cease most likely are survivors of humankind has been knocked back into the Stone Age come to attack them where Thoth raises his staff and sends out a ray of vibration stopping them still as a stone in the mountain so basically he has a stun gun in ancient times okay so we're talking about an ancient account three six thousand years ago of a stun gun and the Thoth is actually the son of one of the sons of Enki and also fell in love with humans and was the one who brought toward us writing and reading and a lot of different knowledge is Kem which is chemistry this is why they called it Kim the land of Khem before was Egypt and also alchemy he was an alchemist but his father tells him to go out and do this and raise these barbarians were high level of civilization and then in the first tablet both tells his crew to spread out over the planet and bring everybody to a higher level of civilization so here we have an account 36,000 years ago post flood of people that are very advanced whether it from here or not going around the planet and spreading knowledge and information and enlightenment and bringing people to a higher level of civilization and the evidence of that is the fact that we have these tablets we have Sumerians that know the orbit of planets around our Sun we know that they claim in this particular tablet VA 243 which is in the museum that this particular intruder planet exists according to the Sumerians and now we have found it with our own scientific data we have the Sumerian account of the solar system showing that there is a nemesis order over a brown dwarf or red dwarf star potentially orbiting our Sun that has planets orbiting it which could be the home of our progenitors at some point in the past we also have the what the meaning of the 12th planet here is which is basically the Anunnaki and Sumerians they counted from the outside going in and they even counted the Sun as a planet you know if this is how they basically counted the planets and the Bureau would have been the 12th planet according to the enumeration the authorizers epic evidence of us ever of a global civilization is all around us Greece Egypt you know India Assyria China it's everywhere Spanx is our everywhere you can find sphinxes you can find pyramids on every continent this is one in Romania the bucegi mountains Fink's various famous thinks they're a lot of people don't know about that one we have Mexico Egypt and Cambodia pyramidal structures that are almost identical we have them on the same almost the same you know longitude line so we basically have these megalithic structures built all around the globe on these earth energy lines and we have pyramids everywhere which means we have one architect we have an architect that has gone around the planet most likely several architects that have learned from the same source this knowledge and put their own little spin on the civilizations around the planet again proving that we have been engaged by a species with or people with a higher level of knowledge than us and that imparted it to us and then we did a lot of work but we were taught this and we were taught how to do the work of master architect doesn't go build a building he draws the plans out and then the workers go put it together these are the Earth's energy grid lines on every single one of these cross points you can find an anomaly on this planet okay so globally we have anomalies at every single point including right off the edge of what off the coast of Florida in the Bermuda Triangle we have found and discovered pyramids down there still emitting some type of exotic energy now if you take a hole right through the earth directly to the other side of the planet from the Bermuda Triangle you end up in the devil's triangle by Japan right off the coast of Japan but you have another famous well-known gigantic underwater pyramid there again evidence that we have the same construction techniques being used by the same people all over the planet so that's basically it guys is gonna end right here yes we just another 12 many videos little too long I want to thank everybody for coming and if you want to come up and get a card and get more certificates I really appreciate it thank you so much [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
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Length: 59min 1sec (3541 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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