These Stupid Things Need To Be BANNED

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all right folks gather around the campfire I've got something to whinge about again enough it's not the typical trivial matter this is something that needs to be said about one of the things plaguing noticeable in 2023 and no I'm not talking about Stefano dominicalli yet it's something that I thought would have been taken care of by now something that I thought we were past but apparently we're still stuck with it it needs to be said now these [ __ ] stupid things need to be banned once and for all Story Time way back in the 40s and 50s race car driving was a little bit different obviously the cars were different to drive the philosophy of racing the way one went about the weekend the length of the races blah blah blah blah blah you can't compare much of it to today in particular the tracks of which they raced on were a little far away from what we use nowadays in the year 2023 a mistake would mean spinning off through hundreds of yards or parking lots before proceeding on your Merry way back in the olden days if you made a mistake the reward was death seeing as how this often hindered a driver's results they would do their utmost to avoid this eventually however having dozens of drivers die a year was growing worrisome on the people race tracks needed to be safer the limits of the track needed to be literally outlined to the drivers and the people of the time thought that curbs would be the answer although their idea of Curves were more many wars of death sure you probably wouldn't be going fast enough to earn a one-way ticket to the Pearly Gates if you did hit them but you would destroy a few aspects of your car and kill your race instead for some however this wasn't safe enough the old a drummer hermanus Rodriguez and Mexico use Thai steeped in cement back in the day I can't imagine why these never caught on eventually they settled on the curbs that more closely resemble what we know nowadays the layer of concrete with checkered patterns more often than not in red and white a clear definition of the edge of the racetrack a safer alternative to the walls and tires of death and has become one of the more recognizable parts of the racetrack if you see this you know what it means unless you don't but the curves from the 70s to the 80s were typically raised to a point where driving on them wasn't really an option if you tried to you risk ripping your suspension to Pieces but eventually we realized these curves were a bad idea once drivers started swallowing their tongues but as we went from the 80s to the 90s to the 2000s the curbs were getting flatter and flatter and flatter at some point these curbs rather than serving as the edge of the racetrack extended it instead drivers are always going to push the boundaries because they are selfish malignant bastards once the FIA decided that grass and gravel runoffs needed to be replaced with tarmac to stop casts from Barrel rolling and getting stuck drivers would take even more Liberties straight wise keep the foot down take too much curb keep the foot down there was such blatant disregard for track limits even in places where grass was present drivers would always exploit every inch of track that they could after all it is their job and their nature a deterrent was needed to stop drivers abusing the limits of the racetrack something at the edge of the track that would physically prevent drivers from pushing over the edge gravel well as you can see from zanfort that can get messy more grass well in theory a good solution but not one that track owners nor the FIA want to explore landmines theoretically an effective solution but for some reason it might not strike a chord with some people the FIA did have a solution and very slowly they were beginning to implement them into race tracks toward the end of the 2000s in the early 2010s they were becoming more commonplace initially people liked them they punished those who dared to abuse the track limits but if you would say Felipe Massa at the 2011 Indian Grand Prix for example you wouldn't be thinking the exact same thing it was clear how lethal they were but it didn't appear that they were causing a great deal of harm and rather stopping their jewels from taking too much territory but then they were starting to place them at weird angles sideways on the corner exits and sometimes on Escape roads now for a V8 Supercar for example these types of curbs ain't too bad they are used to running over curbs like this catching air and looking cool they can take it but the ones we're talking about are on grade 1 circuits tracks that you would typically see Open Wheel race cars on race cars that are as fragile as Twitter blue subscribers perhaps then it wasn't clear what would have happened had narend car run on top of them but as we reached the end of the 2010s we were starting to get some very uneasy answers at the 2018 Macau Grand Prix Sophia flush made contact with the rear of jehanda ovala's car spun off hit the sausage curb on the inside of the Lisboa corner and was launched into the air thrown in to a photographer's bunker it also puts Jose boy an inch away from tragedy in an event so horrific that her return to the venue the next year was heralded as a Triumph she was hospitalized with a spinal fracture and underwent 10 hours of surgery the day after but for all of us watching we were just glad she was okay what we didn't know was that this was pointing toward a larger issue and one year later her teammates would before the same phase at the 2019 Italian Grand Prix during the Formula 3 support race Alex Peroni was thrown into the air thanks to one of the most random stupid none skull Place sausage curbs that a human being could have ever possibly conjured up and luckily Peroni did walk away but nonetheless with a broken vertebrae Sean galile the man who became a folk Legend was twice injured in Formula 2 thanks to these things in Formula Regional David Vidal is elected to ignore the laws of physics and had his car aim for the heavens and Formula E Nick heitfeld was Barrel rolling in the first ever race due to them and some genius thought that there would be a great addition to the top of Radeon esper Franco shop and how do you think that went down you're probably thinking oh it's only an Open Wheel a problem wrong GT cars have been ruined stock cars have been ruined they're happening to almost every car that drives over them they were causing injuries and they would continue to cause more of them at the Circuit of the Americas in 2021 Abby Eason ran over one of these things on the exit of turn 15 during a w-series race when the car Came Crashing Down to Earth she suffered two fractured vertebrae and the formula for support race that weekend Christian Ware suffered a similar injury too and now the leaders of the Grand Prix driver Association Sebastian Vettel and George Russell were coined these curves into question with Seb straight up saying that they should be rid of Landon Norris II called for the kurbs to be banned as did valtry bought us Andrew could argue that without those curves Max and Lewis might not have had their crash in Monza 2021 heading into 2022 however they were still there still there to allow for F4 driver Alexander patashev to sustain a back injury we were lucky that neither Roy nasani nor Dennis halgo were injured in Silverstone and now heading into 2023 we have yet another injury with Adam Fitzgerald being injured in full the regional race at emila all of these incidents are but the tip of the iceberg how many more went undocumented unrecognized so now the question I have to post to the FIA Formula One race series and circuit organizers out there is how long can you continue to let this happen where do you draw the line we've had a multitude of drivers with Broken Backs multiple close calls were much worse could have happened what are we really waiting for the unthinkable to happen before we act are you really gonna take the McDonald Douglas approach to fixing things does it provide too much entertainment can you not justify the cost it doesn't matter your viewpoint on either one driver safety is Paramount you'd then have to ask what would happen once a car clears the fence thanks to one of these things are you gonna start carrying then we've been given plenty of warning signs on the hazards of these curves and drivers all around are speaking up about it the drivers hate them the teams hate them the fans hate them other curbs hate them everyone hates these things yes track limits do need to be enforced I [ __ ] get that but breaking drivers backs especially in a lot of cases where it wasn't their fault is not the best way of going about things so then Josh what's your solution well honestly I don't know at tracks like Suzuka however it is hard to abuse said track limits considering most of The Trackers surrounded by grass and Formula One cars don't typically do grass very well maybe make an abrasive surface that destroys tires Trackside sensors manual policing of the limits or perhaps let the drivers roam free and exploit the rules like baseball players in the 90s but for all those still insistent that these curves need to remain as a deterrent to overzealous driving I'll say this over the years tracks have evolved based on safety improvements sure a house was pretty good at stopping a race car back in the days but it was also pretty good at stopping a driver breathing learned that this was unacceptable and improvements were made to make tracks safer this extended to curbs which themselves have changed a lot since the early days but the argument of necessary evil is completely negligible especially in a sport like this I know they're probably not watching this video but the combined efforts of the three brain cells in the FIA need to find an alternative solution to the sausage curbs because so far we have been lucky not to experience tragedy thanks to these things which is why they absolutely 100 need to be banned Revel out [Music] thank you
Channel: Josh Revell
Views: 436,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, sausage kerbs, kerbs, abbie eaton, sophia floersch, Sophia Flörsch
Id: t2R3X_6uhG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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