These Small Gold Stocks are About to Become Big: Jeff Clark

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foreign [Music] it's great to see such a great turnout and Jay thanks for another great conference here at vrix so I want a bigger room next year I want people to be able to sit down you know come on okay I'm going to talk about the small stocks that I think are about to become big and I mean this year in the in the near future and then I've got a big announcement to make okay so why do I think some stocks are going to become big here in the near future why do I think that well there are three reasons one is gold stocks are near cycle lows I'm going to show your chart I've never showed before brand new research why I think gold stocks are near cycle lows and what that means number two I'm going to show you how historically oversold gold stocks as a group are it's amazing how oversold they are and it really highlights what their potential is and then I think there are certain companies that I'm going to name here that I think have critical catalysts that are going to propel them higher they have major developments that are underway here in 2023 that could propel them higher okay the first thing the first reason is because Gold stock cycle and we've never showed This research before but this is basically gold stocks as a group going all the way back to the 1970s and look at all the cycles look at the first one there starting on the left gold stocks went up 513 percent over uh 1500 days and gave back look at that 72 percent next slide upcycle over 200 gave back 60 percent you can go on down the list as a group when you track gold stocks this is using different indexes ETFs all kinds of things uh you can see there are eight distinct cycles upcycles and gold stocks and eight distinct down Cycles if you look at the far right that little blip up on the far right was the covet bounce okay that was after the sell-off then we had the covet bounce and then that little blip down was a sell-off after covet up to the end of 2022 so my question to you all is what happens after a down cycle it doesn't tell us when it's going to happen how big it's going to be how long it might last Etc but it does tell us gold stocks cycle the next cycle is up here's a more recent example this is the gdxj this is from Jordan at the daily gold thank you Jordan and this is basically the bull runs in gdxj since its Inception in 2005. you can see all the runs there how long they were how big they were the black line is the current one and this is about two weeks old this chart so if gdxj you see we've had a little bit of a run here if gdxj were to stop now it would be the shortest and lowest performing run of gdxj since its Inception okay the second reason I think is gold stocks are small gold stocks are about to become big is because they're historically oversold as a group we know they're undervalue because the gold price at 1900 a lot of these stocks should be priced higher but they're way oversold so what I'm going to show you in these charts is the 2011 high for all these indexes and ETFs and all that and then I'm going to show you the current price okay so in 2011 there you see on the left GDX was 64. at the end of 2022 that's the last time I updated this chart you can see it was 28 and look at the inset there on the right you would you see GDX would have to rise 126 percent to match its 2011 High just 2011 this has nothing to do with 1980 when they really soared there's the Hui the the uh NYSE gold bugs index theirs on the left 2011 628 the end of 2022 229 dollars the Hui would have to rise 173 just a match it's 2011 High here's the global X silver miners Sil for those that love silver there in 2011 92 bucks at the end of last year 28 bucks they would have to rise 229 percent just a match is 2011 High see how oversold these are gdxj the junior miners ETF there it was in 2011 there it is in 2022 at the end the gdxj would have to rise 382 percent just a match it's 2011 High that's how undervalued it is and here's the xau I don't really follow us but a lot of actual funds do uh mainstream uh you know money managers they follow this uh there's a 2011 high and there's what it was at the end of 2022 the xau gold mining index would have to rise almost 400 percent just a match it's 2011 high and again this excludes all the 1980 data that when they were much higher and here's the Barons this is the longest gold mining index that we have this is its ratio to the gold price look where it was in 1980 there's where the ratio was in 1980. look where the all-time low was right before 2020. and there's where it is now you know we keep updating this chart every conference I go to and the darn thing doesn't change gold stocks relative to the gold price are still dramatically undervalued in fact if gold stocks were to match the Run they had in 1980 they would have to outperform the gold price by a factor of 16. now I'm not saying it's going to do that I'm pointing out the potential that is there this chart the line in this chart is more likely to go up in the near future than it is to go down here's another one gdxj since its Inception I got this from Gwen Preston thank you Gwen and its ratio to the gold price and you can see how high it was back then where it is now and she's drawing the sort of the double bottom there you can see again gdxj's ratio to the gold price gdxj relative to gold is dramatically undervalued this chart's only a week old number three companies that must have critical Catalyst in place so for me my criteria is obviously number one you have to meet those three p's people politics and property you've probably heard all those before those three things have to be met for me before I even look at a seriously consider a stock they have to be actively working their projects they have to have cash they have to have not just experience management but management had a successfully navigated a downturn or a bear Market before that's what I want all the ones I'm going to give you have that they have to have a real asset or a clear path to getting to one now that can be subjective but in my opinion these have a clear path to getting to one if they don't already have an asset and they have to have big potential not a thousand meter drill program sometime uh in the summer that's not a big potential that's not a potential big catalyst so they have to have big progress on tap on schedule as always you have to buy a basket of these and if you want more information if you don't know them at the now so it's all free to investors it is a sponsorship model you can read about that there but I provide all the information tons of free information to investors there you can read all about it there okay so here you go here's my gold candidates and again you can I don't have time to go into all the details we can get more at the Gold advisor American Pacific mining is going to have 40 million dollars spent by Partners this year on two of their projects how many Juniors do you know that have a 40 million dollar budget actually it's higher than that because they have two other projects they own themselves and they are going to announce their budget for those sometime soon big Catalyst on Taft for American Pacific Aztec minerals Discovery in hand two assets Majors cozying up to it and now what we're what they're seeing is that two zones that they've drilled look like they might connect up if they do this is going to go from a small asset to a medium sized asset we'll probably know that this year cabralgo the thrill in Brazil I call it they've been hitting higher grades than the third largest gold mine in Brazil and coincidentally that gold mine is right next door to them highly prospective they'll be actively pursuing that this year Independence code hitting high grade there are two majors nearby what's really interesting about independence is it has a small research to start but funds and some high net worth investors have just started moving into this stock so they clearly see a lot of potential here the thing stripled since November still dramatically undervalued though still mine gold they've liked what they saw in Quebec they started buying up land all around their assets based on their early geological results they just announced the very first drill program at one of their assets it came back good but it wasn't all sexy and so the market didn't really respond well and yet it had technical success that's the key difference it wasn't all you know splashing the results weren't all splashy but at a technical success it's a technical Discovery don't overlook still my gold I have five more picks I'm going to give those in my workshop this afternoon uh 140 right over here at Workshop 2 top gold stocks here's this my favorite silver ones again more details of the goldadvisor Arizona silver exploration uh getting close to finding a gold system they just announced some results they were okay but we were expecting high grade turns out that particular Target's more of a bulk tonnage Target but what it told them was there could be a big system underneath that and that's what they're going to be exploring this summer BlackRock silver you probably know that name three discoveries two or so where they just optioned out their lithium play all three projects are going to see major attention this year one of my personal largest silver speculations I really like Galen McNamara the CEO there he's won awards he's running the company two historic silver districts with little modern work they just did a big raise they have a ton of cash they could go do a bunch of drilling this year rain is over Mr Mexico Peter McGaw is working on three projects there they have some interesting results all three projects are going to get attention this year Silver Hammer I've named this before three brownfields projects I really like it early stage we're waiting on a new CEO there but the interim CEO is being very aggressive he's pushing this company forward he even said they may be looking at some more M A it's already got three projects they may be doing more and Dolly Varden brand new pick I just announced last week I really like this it's a more mature company big resource I really like it though you can ask the CEO he actually said I he's seen mergers occur with less due diligence than what I put him through so I really do put these companies through a due diligence process before I put them on the website uh you can see that but read on the website why I think this stock specifically could be a five bagger stock one more this list is the primary silver producers in the industry I left off the rules the small guys this is from so they don't include silvercrest and mag because they've reached full commercial production yet look at the 2022 column That's the Silver equivalent production they're expected to all report this is an estimate all the final numbers aren't in for 2022. the next column 2023 there's the silver equivalent production they're expected to produce this year the third column is the green is the percentage production growth they're expected to see this year red is the expected decline in their production growth who has the biggest production growth coming this year its first Majestic silver they have more growth on tap than other producers and this is really remarkable because this is already a big company for a big company this size they have that kind of production growth is really remarkable they're going to go from the fourth largest silver producer in the world to the third and maybe even the second largest by the end of this year with that kind of production growth you want to own first Majestic silver for 2023. okay time for the announcement I got time so some of you may know my background my dad was a gold prospector worked for a lot of Mining stock newsletters back starting with Doug Casey and and then Lobo Tigre was actually my mentor you may know him he's here so I was doing a lot of writing and uh in 2019 I decided uh you know what I'm not ready for a Mining stock newsletter so I'm just going to start telling people my picks I'm just going to start to share them and if anybody's interested they could have them so I started doing that on Twitter at conferences and interviews saying here's what I like here's what I'm buying here's why um and so the one question came up like almost immediately it's like Jeff how do you pick your stocks why do you think this one is going to be better than that one what made you pick this one how does anyone pick a Mining stock it's so much different than other Industries than evaluating if you should buy Amazon or apple right so the idea of writing a book came up but I told people look I'm just too busy and I I genuinely was I I don't I just don't have the time if I'm gonna do it I'm going to do it right I don't have the time and then Dan rubach came along and if you don't know Dan if you've ever seen a Mike Maloney video Dan is his producer so Dan produces all of Mike's videos he's great he's become a good friend and he suggested the perfect title like Ah that's the perfect title for a book but I don't have time and then covet hit and what did we all do in covid do during covid nothing you couldn't go anywhere you couldn't do anything so I had no more excuses so I went in the office turned on the night light and I began to outline a brand new book ladies and gentlemen you're the first to hear a brand new book on how to pick mining stocks it's called Pay Dirt mining for profits with gold and silver stocks isn't that the perfect title yeah and yes ladies I have you know that the arm muscles and that guy down there those are representative just how big my arm muscles are this book I said I was gonna do it right if I was going to do it and this book will tell you exactly how to pick mining stocks from the very method that I and many others not just me have used to identify potential winning mining stocks there's no guarantee of course but it'll put the odds greatly in your favor I promise you that it will do that it's worked for me it's worked for many other people that's the table of contents I won't go through all that but on the right there you see how to pick mining sucks the most powerful formula to identify winning mine stocks I use it myself to this day I'm walking around here I use this exact method that's in the book to evaluate who I might like identifying producers that will beat the index developers and my favorite investment strategy explores the biggest and riskiest paider you remember the board game those of you older may remember it remember the board game battleship that game will help you identify potential explorers you have to read why Alex daily I can miss Alexander president gold server to hire me an editor and he did and the editor was like you know what you got to do Jeff is you got a lot of information here but you ought to interview some people in the industry and include them in the book like ah another great idea so we did that I spent all last summer interviewing all these people and I'm happy to tell you that every single person in this list is in the book The Late Brad cook at Aztec minerals Eric fire Silver Crest middles John Hathaway at Sprott Quentin heading Prescott Frank Holmes U.S Global Matthew Horner Maple gold Steve letwon cassier Mike Maloney gold silver Peter Maga Rayna and others Keith newmeyer first Majestic and first mining Marco day oxygen Capital Ron Parrott relevant gold David Reese cashier Ronnie stoufferlam the anchor and many Gina and gold We Trust report he's in the book Nolan Watson Sandstorm royalty is in the book and of course she can't write a book on mining stocks without including Rick Roll right there are literally I'm not exaggerating hundreds of quotes from these gentlemen on their experiences their insights their stories their personal wins I asked them give me a couple examples of big wins you've had and they did they're all in the books every single one of them so all this is sprinkled throughout the book as we go along as you read along and frankly I've never seen this collection of wisdom in one place before it's fantastic I'm really proud of it you can pre-order it right now we just opened it you can pre-order it now the download it's an online book only I did that for a few reasons you can have active I can have active links in it if you want to look up the Fraser mining survey boom you can click on it right there that also kept the cost down I don't know if the charge tax on you so it's 25 bucks you can pre-order now there at that site you can you can see a sample chapter on the website right now it's the most terrifying mine I've ever entered and I will warn you if you're a claustrophobic you have been warned and right from there it goes to an emergency phone call from the hospital about the most important person in the world your mother and what does that have to do with gold and silver everything okay my time's up ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoy it I hope you find it useful you can go right to the website the tab is there but most of all I hope you find Peter in your portfolio thanks everybody [Music]
Channel: Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Views: 23,145
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Keywords: vric, vancouver resource investment conference, vric 2022, commodities investing, investing in commodities, vric 2023, gold, gold stocks, gold mining, investing in gold, precious metals, investing in precious metals
Id: PjQ8ZSPcCqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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