These SCPs Will Eat You Alive (SCP Animation)

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viewer discretion is advised there was a knock on the door of a grand estate the housekeeper opened but there was nobody strange I swear I heard something he thought to himself no matter I must tend to my duties he turned and paced towards the kitchen then brought out some dishes he brought them and presented them in front of his shall we say master your meal sir his master grabbed at the food eating them slowly with the Elegance of a gentleman and the appetite of a hungry Beast as the housekeeper turned to leave his master called out to him what do you say we find some more palatable meal he turned back around bowed slightly and said of course sir hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you a SCP Foundation keer class object SCP 957 SCP 957 also known as baiting is a humanoid entity currently residing in an undisclosed location within Kentucky USA it appears to be devoid of internal organs as observed via a large opening on its ventral torso it also doesn't appear to require sleep and nourishment interaction with Foundation Personnel shown that 957 is capable of fluent English but prefers to talk in an unknown language although it is not openly hostile towards Foundation Personnel yet it refuses to participate in interviews and tests attempts to restrain SCP 957 for these purposes have proven ineffective due to the entity's disproportionate level of strength as such 957 is to be monitored via remote video surveillance set up within its residence 957 will always reside in a house inhabited by a single human hereby designated SCP 957 D1 when the instance of 9571 dies The Entity will Dem manifest from the location and reappear in the nearest location upon doing this it will seek out the individual residing there and force the human's body through an apparent portal via its chest cavity where the subject will remain for approximately 4 hours before emerging after this [Music] all of their life and possess knowledge of Braille and living without sight additionally they will believe that 957 is a close family member a dear friend or a partner in an intimate relationship that had been severely burned all over its body as such they show affection for the entity but refuse to touch it once every month [Music] back to its house in the event that 957-1912 residence he had leared that kindness doesn't often pay especially not this time a fatal mistake this is it mister thank you so much for helping me 957-1912 [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't you have a seat Sam hesitated for a moment and said actually I think I I better get going he made for the door but [Music] settled down at a nearby couch I'll be with you shortly don't you worry he briskly walked into the back of the house and started shouting in an unknown language which startled Sam he then slowly sat down at the dining table his arms rested on the table Palms down face forward his expression was blank like an Android waiting for the next instruction when Sam made his second attempt towards the door he heard a voice going somewhere there for some reason he hadn't noticed that a hunchback malnourished looking entity was residing at the dark corner it had seemingly emerged out of nowhere it was watching him from the corner of its eyes with its back facing towards him 957 slowly removed itself from the darkness and moved towards Sam he retreated but there was nowhere to run he looked towards the person he had helped coming back here but there he was sitting still at the dining table Don't Be Afraid now child as 957 extended its hand towards Sam a black spherical barrier manifested and surrounded them after 30 minutes It Dem manifested and out came 957 and Sam who had gone through grotesque alterations reptilian scales had formed on parts of his body his eyes were gone and a slightly off-centered eye took their place immediately he fell onto the floor due to his legs which now appeared salow and underdeveloped Sam reached forward with his disproportioned hands and tried to call out to someone he felt his insides twisting and turning and suddenly he puked out his inerts all over the floor dear oh dear look at the state of you looks like I'll have to clean this up don't I with its bony hands 957 scooped up the puke and then grabbed Sam's head with the other then headed towards the kitchen just you wait dinner will be served real soon even though it was as still as a statue 957-1912 [Music] 957 emerged from the kitchen and placed the dish in front of 957-1912 re-entered the living room where an otherworldly voice could be heard communicating with it 957 then lost his smile it had taken on an Insidious violent expression how much longer do I have to stay stay here it will be a while brother your disguise is working wonderfully and he is extremely convincing it is just boring and tiresome down here these unclean forms are so restraining patience brother we will be done with our research soon enough don't worry suddenly a bang Was Heard 957 turned and looked towards the kitchen [Music] manner its face was pale its mouth wide open as if it was trying to scream for help or merely in agony we would never know and it did not matter to 957 these things are so frail but I suppose you want me to find another one yes I will speak to you soon The Voice vanished and 957 retreated back into the corner where it resided it disappeared into the shadow seemingly merged as one with the dark Ness viewer discretion is advised I saw it doctor you believe me don't you that man no whatever that thing was I watched it eat my friend well not really eat more so it swallowed him whole his screams echoed out of its widely stretched mouth as he was being consumed how could something so Gutt and freakish possess an appetite like that or even be that strong I hate that it resembled a human because it clearly wasn't an Abomination was what it was but the one thing I couldn't get over the one thing that's giving me nightmares about that terrible night was that sack it it carried a sack doctor its long and ancient hand gripped it tightly like it was trying to protect whatever was inside as it feasted on my friend what the hell was in that sack it looked heavy that thing used the sack to ludge in him over and over again until he's dead but why didn't it kill me how am I still alive oh God David I'm so so sorry hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you SCP Foundation keer class object SCP 050 PT SCP 050 PT also known as the SackMan is a humanoid entity currently contained by the foundation at an undisclosed national park at the bottom of a deep mind shad standing at a staggering 18 ft tall 050 PT resembles an elderly man of European descent however while vaguely human this entity is gun yet oddly muscular specifically its jaw muscles and the surrounding bone structures these muscles are built in a way that allows its jaw to open at 120° angle to swallow its prey hole similar in the way of snake wood furthermore its neck and respiratory system are extremely deformed in the sense that they both measure around 31 in in diameter these deorations also help in the swallowing of its prey humans much like many other anomalies 050 PT holds great disdain for humans and will become hostile upon seeing one it will then stop at nothing to hunt down said human capture them and consume them 050 PT has been observed to shrug off bullets as though they were Pebbles and appears to be ambivalent towards pain in general this is according to an SCP security Personnel who helped trap it in the AFF forementioned Min shaft in other words once this anomaly has set its eyes on you there is little that can be done to save yourself the anomalous abilities of 050 PT do not end with just as insatiable appetite for humans and its grotesque jaw no upon consuming its prey 050 PT will grow in size by 1% for every hour it digests SCP research hypothesize that if left to its own devices 050 PT could grow indefinitely the last thing the foundation needs is another gigantic anomaly that cares not for pain feeds on humans and has the potential for more anomalous abilities as it grows larger what is most peculiar about 050 PT is that it carries a leather sack in its right hand the bones in its right hand are observed to be incredibly deformed and crippled as a result of its constant and insanely tight grip on the sack despite the researchers best efforts no one could determine what was being held in that sack or why 050 PT held it so firmly in its grasp and so the foundation did what they'd always do in this type of situation monitoring the anomaly in question 24/7 and keeping an MTF nearby in case things go south shortly after 050 PT was lured into the M shaft where it currently resides several Foundation agents and Witnesses in the area disc CED a large number of odd-looking bones and skeletal remains upon further examination by Foundation researchers they have determined that these bones are the remains of other entities like 050 PT what's more the bones were revealed to be quite old old enough to mean that these entities had been lurking in the area for Untold Generations what was most upsetting was that despite the age of the bones they were not brittle nor had the appearance of age to them at all the Foundation would have never known that the bones were thousands of years old if they hadn't dated them furthermore after stress testing them in mechanical VI let's just say the bones beat the machines this leads the researchers to believe that killing these entities would require an obscene amount of force due to its incredible durability and bullet resistant skin the foundation is in for it if 050 PT ever escapes just outside 050 PT's containment Min shaft guard man Rael and David were complaining about the very anomaly held within I say we just kill the damn thing it's trapped in a mine shaft and has made no attempts to escape why is the foundation dragging their feet around this and letting it live so that they can experimen and run more of their little tests I mean sure bullets and conventional Weaponry don't do anything against it but come on don't we have plenty of Firepower on standby in some Warehouse or something we could just use those and blast the damn thing away are we seriously going to wait until that man-eating thing grows large enough that we can't even hurt it eventually it could even break through the walls David said and nodded furiously seriously what is the 05 Council doing I have to admit sometimes I think the foundation should act a little more like the global occult Coalition there are some things that we just cannot let live or live long enough that they become a threat I don't care if the foundation fires me for saying all of this I know I'm right my body trembles every time I'm on duty here alone I know how deadly it is without even being next to it hell the last time I went by it it groaned loud I'm not talking about the usual monstrous groaning it was calling out to something someone God we have to do something okay you know what hear me out I have a plan tomorrow I'm going to sneak some extra Firepower with me then I'm going to go in there and kill the damn thing for good you in you kidding me of course I'm in we'll say uh it's an accident or something you idiot how is it to be an accident when it's going to be filled with bullet holes but it doesn't matter because after that I'm going to switch sides to the go oh I'm coming with you too then the foundation's policies are lame anyway the next night after they reported in with their commanding officer they took out the gear that they had stashed nearby all right this should be enough a 50 cal antimaterial rifle a Deployable turret and some explosives but there's only one rifle what about me I can't do anything with this this standard issue crap David took out his pistol and scoffed at it Raquel only smiled and you won't have to just carry the gear and follow my lead yeah just plant the turret and see fours when I tell you to all right enough dilly-dally let's move they entered the mine with Raquel leading with one hand holding a flashlight and the other cradling the rifle clumsily they moved slowly as they could only see what the flashlight illuminated in front of them come on how deep is this mine go they could hear nothing aside from their footsteps and the equipment's clanking on David's back suddenly they heard a faint growl shh wait you hear that yeah I think we should go back now don't be foolish we can't go wait I think it's coming this way hold this Raquel shoved the flashlight into David's hand and aimed the rifle in front of him he stilled himself and waited in anticipation as the sound of footsteps and groaning were getting closer suddenly 050 PT's face emerged from the darkness catching them off guard its unblinking sow eyes stared at them holy cow Raquel hastily pulled the trigger and missed the gunshot was so loud that it startled both of the men but 050 PT was unfazed by it and advanced towards them panicking Raquel struggled to operate the rifle's bolt he threw it aside and ran for it he pushed past David who fell onto the ground wait where are you going don't leave me here Raquel cursed as he ran never looking back the mine was like a maze and soon enough he arrived at a dead end ah damn it damn it all is that you David he heard footsteps catching up to him then it slowed down it was an out of breath David Rael don't leave me ah ah David Fell to the ground as 050 PT smashed its sack against him from behind its movements were slow and deliberate David reached out towards Raquel and was immediately smashed on his back by 050 PT using its sack over and over again when he was down for good 050 PT lifted his body and began to swallow him whole Raquel could only watch oh my God David I'm so so sorry he fainted soon after when he woke up he found himself strapped to a bed surrounded by multiple Foundation Personnel I see you've regained Consciousness Rael centuro and with that let's begin shall We Tell me what were you doing in the containment M shaft and what happened to your partner viewer discretion is advised my grandfather had trouble with snoring and several heart issues that made it difficult for him to get a full night of sleep and after years of his doctor recommending that he purchase a CPAP machine after the first night of using it he said he felt like a changed man he woke up feeling refreshed energized and 10 years younger according to him who would have thought that my honery and spiteful grandfather could be so cheery and peaceful I guess getting a good night's rest after several years was a godsend for him he was so happy only for one single day the next day he walked into the kitchen shaking and looking around fearfully when we asked him what in the world had gotten him so spooked he said that a monster had come to him last night my dad sat him down and asked him to tell us about it according to him he had woken up in the middle of the night thanks to my raised voice during a gaming session he said that he was unable to move a single muscle and noticed an odd shadow in the corner of his room this large black amorphous blob sosed its way over to his bed and began climbing it any attempt that said shouting for help failed as his lips wouldn't listen to his brain's commands this monstrous blob then reshaped itself before his eyes and became more and more humanoid eventually taking on the appearance of an adult male with shadowy features except for its torso the Torso according to my grandfather was the worst part he described it as a Jag tooth filled maw with a large writhing tongue that licked its teeth my grandfather wanted to move away but he couldn't the paralyzed him he had no choice but to pull the tough man at as he stared down the creature for what felt like an eternity until it vanished when the sun came up we assured him that it was just sleep paralysis a waking nightmare and nothing to worry about however the next few days proved the exact opposite he became highly agitated during the day exhausted and short with us all before descending into Madness by shouting at Unseen figures and voices that seemed to plague incessantly nothing we could do consoled him at this point even the doctors were at a loss as to what was wrong with him they simply settled on rapid onset dementia and paranoia coupled with insomnia sadly he had to be put into a medically induced coma in order to finally get him to rest as horrible as his situation was there was something odd about the whole ordeal namely how a new doctor named Dr gears came along and transferred my grandfather to a private facility in order to Analyze This unknown condition haven't heard from him since hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you SCP Foundation keer class object SCP 3060 SCP 3060 also known as sleep paralysis refers to a collection of anomalous CPAP machines the foundation currently has five of these devices in custody these machines are harmless when left alone but activate when they are warmed by a sleeping human during the second night of sleep using an instance of 3060 the user will enter a state of sleep paralysis a ghostly entity designated as SCP 360-a will manifest near the victim and watch over them until they awaken this entity will then manifest every night to the victim regardless of using the CPAP machine typical 306-a manifestations include an infant created from human teeth an elderly woman severely injured and with a blank face partially disin graded human a humanoid figure covered in tire tracks a clown and lastly humanoid with a torso replaced by a monstrous ma while 306-a watches over the victim anyone nearby will become infected and pass out we in a new 306-a will manifest and travel to the new victim phase an appendage through their brains and vanish the infected who awakened by external stimuli will vanish immediately and all the new infected victims will awake taken right after interestingly enough only humans are affected by 3060 animals are not after a few days of infection the victims will suffer mood changes tiredness and memory problems nightmares have also been reported though no Central themes or correlations have been observed in the content of said dreams after a month they descend into paranoia and are assaulted by aggressive Visual and auditory hallucinations and finally they suffer extreme psychosis un bble to decipher between their dreams and reality and ultimately die as a result if not put into a coma there is no cure at this time and the only treatment so far has been to delay sleep as long as possible each day should the infected die after 7 days a 306-a instance will manifest and hunt for a new Sleeping victim in the area if none are found it will vanish and the area will not be targeted any further the foundation first learned of 3060 after a sleep study in Portland studying the effects of the CPAP machine in question was brought to their attention all participants became infected and taken into custody as well as any and all documentation they could find at the clinic shortly after Arrival all participants died in their sleep curiously the head researcher of the sleep study Dr Xiao was discovered to be a frequent user of SCP 2876 an anomalous smartphone application created by the Wai Group which allows users to customize and purchase their their ideal lucid dreams the foundation sent MTF Dream Team to investigate the group even though they have denied any involvement in 3060 the investigation is still ongoing What followed was the first tests with SCP 3060 by using four d-class Personnel housed in nearby cells within the same holding block as an infected woman who at this time entered her second Rim sleep d1260 was mindlessly playing cards d286 Z was reading d2106 was seen pacing around nervously and d2306 was asleep at approximately midnight 30 60- a manifested over the infected woman four shadowy humanoid figures manifested around the woman as well they stood above her for exactly 5 minutes as another declass nearby became unresponsive and was paralyzed with the looks of fear on their faces the four instances separated and glided over to the panicking d-class subjects they hovered above each d-class watching them intently before phasing their hands into their skulls and then vanished the test resulted in a Containment Breach which in turn infected several Foundation Personnel among the infected ones was one researcher Dr Joanna Corbin Hey Joe how are we doing today hey Roland yeah yeah I'm fine but tired hard to concentrate when the walls are bleeding you know don't sit there why may I ask just trust me for my mental sanity don't do it please I'll be much much more composed if I don't have to watch you sit in that chair Dr Corbin only looked at the ground in front of her trying hard to avoid looking at the chair hallucinations are becoming harder to separate from reality I see yes I know it's not real but I can't it's like something else is inside my head Dr Corbin then smacked her head repeatedly and then shouted obscenities at some unseen entity I understand that you recognize that these entities aren't real but in my eyes if they have that much effect on you they're real enough and we'll help you with that tell me are these voices or creatures trying to make you do something specific do you know of any goal that they have I don't know it speaks to me through through through me sometimes too I don't know what it wants but there's something else in my brain it's not all a hallucination I I know that she then rubbed her eyes she was on the verge of a breakdown I am so fried right now Roland sleeping's become a chore a nightmare filed chore that leaves me feeling more exhausted than when I went to bed and when I wake up it's like it's like I'm taking the nightmares with me like the barrier between my conscious and subconscious has become non-existent allow me to test something if you don't mind I want you to read what is on this piece of paper for me can you do that she then chuckled not because it was funny it was her expression of desperation I can't read a damn word on this paper all the words are literally running off the page and into the air here I'll read it for you then do you have a name are you a separate entity from Dr Corbin do you belong to this reality or do you reside in her brain suddenly penck took over Dr Corbin she flipped the table aside and tackled Dr pharaoh to put out the imaginary flames on him fire fire we need a fire extinguisher in here it's not real Jenny it's not real I'm fine Dr Pharaoh approached and put his hand on Dr Corbin's shoulder to calm her down she was calm for a moment but it didn't last she began to whimper and crawled away sobbing I can't read it I can't do it it won't let me or I can't I don't know well then I I'll leave the list with you see if you can ask them when you have a less visually clustered moment after Dr phoh left the room Dr Corbin attempted to read the paper again and again but could not she was seen and heard screaming and pain and frustration It Is hypothesized by Dr Pharaoh that the entity or entities tied to 30 60 intensify the hallucinations when they are being sought out all in an attempt to prevent their or its identity from being discovered a year after the initial discovery of SCP 3060 the foundation found nearly 100 advertisements for 3060 in the USA Canada and Europe before the ads were taken down the foundation managed to track down where the ads had come from curvier Logistics according to shipping logs found inside the business 3,000 units of 3060 were shipped globally fortunately thanks to the fast actions of MTF Alpha 4 they managed to recover 2970 units leaving only 30 unaccounted for curvier warehouse staff were oblivious to the effect of the devices when interviewed having all been hired within the last 2 weeks prior to their order for the 3,000 units of SCP 3060 over half of these individuals were users of SCP 2876 prior to their hire date due to the missing 30 units of 3060 the status of 3060 has been elevated from uclid to keer multiple MTF squads have been put on standby across the globe specifically for outbreaks of 3060 furthermore due to the nature of 306 it is possible that the 3060 infection could spread exponentially across the globe all because the effects of 3060 are not immediately apparent to the foundation until the infected are already near death meaning that hundreds to thousands could be infected without Foundation knowledge in other words 3060 could potentially lead to an AK Class end of world scenario resulting in Mass Destruction violence and death due to the actions of millions and possibly billions experiencing a psychotic break the 05 Council has given any MTF Squad involved in the containment of SCP 3060 to use as much force as they deem necessary to combat it all with the seal of approval from the Ethics Committee despite the morally gray area of such actions
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 28,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP Keter, keter, scp compilation, SCP-957, SCP-050-PT, SCP-3060, SCP baiting
Id: slWBL2GJP9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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