These SCARY VIDEOS Will Give You the Chills

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- How you doing? I'm Kallen and this is "Slapped Ham". You're about to see some of the most mysterious video clips that are trending on socials right now. So hit that subscribe button and get ready for more mysterious content just like this. (dramatic music) (pensive music) Our first eerie clip of the day comes from the YouTube channel dash cam owners Australia. It's the 28th of October, 2022, and this Australian local is driving down a dark highway at 5:00 AM. Suddenly their dash cam catches something rather chilling. (pensive music continues) A man suddenly appears in the middle of the road. If you slow it down, it almost looks like the person materializes out of thin air. Reactions have been mixed. Some think it's fake, but given that the driver does genuinely swerve, you have to wonder what they saw on the road. Others however, think this could be a ghost caught on camera. perhaps the lost soul of someone who died along this very stretch of road. (pensive music) Nestled in the heart of Westlaco, Texas, stands a seemingly abandoned house, a place where no soul has ever seen entering or exiting, yet late at night, eerie noises hinted unseen activities. This is intrigued and puzzled residents of the area for quite some time. TikTok, user Able3e is friends with the neighbors that live right next to this eerie old house. Here's what the property looks like in broad daylight. (suspenseful music) Then on December 15th, 2018, Abel's friend's home security camera activated by movement records a puzzling site. (suspenseful music) A young child in a white dress is seen wandering through the neighbor's yard late at night. Given that the property is believed to be abandoned with no one ever seen entering or leaving the house, the footage sent shockwaves through the local community. While explanations range from camera glitches to hidden inhabitants like squatters, the most chilling theory posits that the child could be a ghost. As Westlaco residents cast weary glances at the house, one question lingers, who is the child in the white dress? The mystery remains unresolved leaving the town in suspense. (suspenseful music) (eerie music) The Ocean City Boardwalk in New Jersey, known for its longstanding ghost stories has once again become the center of attention. TikTok user Kattie5374 has recently shared an eerie live photo captured on her iPhone spooking viewers across the platform. In the early morning hours around 4:30 AM, the user witnessed a See-through figure moving along the boardwalk. Though she couldn't record a video, she managed to snap several live photos capturing the mysterious white figure drifting through the area. (eerie music) According to the poster, the figure was seen going back and forth for about 30 minutes. (eerie music) The Ocean City Boardwalk's supernatural reputation lends weight to the speculation that this might be something more than just a trick of the light. Patrons of the boardwalk have often reported encounters with a dead looking sailor dressed in an old fashioned uniform. It's said that he walks back and forth along the boardwalk in the early hours of the morning. However, when witnesses try and take a closer look, he vanishes into nothing. So could this live photo be a rare glimpse of the infamous sailor that's long been part of local legend? Skeptics may argue that the early morning light reflections or even fog could have created the illusion of a ghostly figure. However, the user's detailed observation and the specific pattern of movement captured in the live photo make it hard to dismiss this could be a coincidence. Whether a glimpse of the infamous sailor's ghost or an unexplained optical illusion, the footage has undoubtedly added another layer to the enigmatic law of the Ocean City Boardwalk. Visitors might now find themselves looking over. Their shoulders a little more often during those late night strolls. (eerie music) (dramatic music) When YouTuber Ann Vickers checked her trail camera in Caldon, Ontario, she noticed that it seemed to have inadvertently captured something rather strange. (dramatic music) The poster claims that she was checking her trail cam that had been set off by a raccoon when nine lights came into view from the right corner of the video. She goes on to note that the area where they rise from has trees behind it 30 foot high and that there are no roads or flight paths for planes in the area. Trail cameras or game cameras are motion activated cameras commonly used by wildlife enthusiasts, researchers and hunters to monitor animal movements in natural settings. While their primary purpose is to capture candid shots of wildlife, they have gained notoriety for occasionally capturing unexpected and inexplicable images. Some of the pictures have been purported to show ghosts, cryptids, or other supernatural entities. We've featured this next image in a previous video. It was captured back in 2019 and uploaded to Reddit by user Native_Meraki. The poster noted that the figure seen in the picture couldn't have been one of their neighbors or even a strange woman walking around as they live in the woods on top of a steep hill. To add even more creepy context to the image, they claim that the previous owner's ashes was spread on their property. Redditer TyphoeusOz shared this photo to the platform asking the community for help in identifying the black shapes seen in the trail cam near their feeding station. Is it possible that the covert nature of these cameras is providing us with glimpses of beings that are believed to be moving around unseen, or do these images have a different explanation? In the example of the first video, it certainly does appear to show some sort of strange craft flying through the air. However, we'll throw this one over to you, the viewers, for final judgment. What do you think these trail cameras have been capturing? Let us know your opinions in the comments down below. (suspenseful music) TikTok user perfectlybroken94 recently shared a video that was meant to be a playful glimpse into what their friend's daughter's toy elf had been up to the night before. However, the seemingly innocent video has captured the attention of viewers for an entirely different reason. Watch. (suspenseful music) Did you catch it? The eerie figure is difficult to spot at regular speed, but when slowed down, it becomes apparent that something unusual is indeed present in the footage. (suspenseful music) The uploader wondered whether the figure could be an alien or even a demon, but many commenters quickly identified it as a shadow figure. Shadow figures are a common phenomenon reported in paranormal encounters. They typically appear as dark human-like silhouette, lacking discernible features, and are often associated with a feeling of dread or unease. These mysterious figures are usually spotted in peripheral vision and have been reported in various cultures and throughout history. Some paranormal researchers believe shadow figures to be manifestations of malevolent entities or trapped souls, while skeptics often attribute them to optical illusions, hallucinations, or simple misinterpretations of ordinary shadows. The appearance of a shadow figure in this video has led to intense debate and speculation. Could it indeed be something supernatural, a glimpse of another worldly being caught on camera, or is there a more mundane explanation? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one down below. (suspenseful music) (videographer speaking in foreign language) This next video on our list was uploaded to the YouTube channel Ghost23. In it, we see an explorer as he is about to begin a trek deep into the Filipino wilderness. (water splashing) He makes his way past waterfalls and dense forests, supposedly in search of the mysterious Encanto, a supernatural being prevalent in Filipino folklore. These mythical creatures are often portrayed as ethereal beings noted for their enchanting beauty and mesmerizing allure bearing resemblances to humans, but exuding an otherworldly charm that sets 'em apart. They're believed to inhabit natural elements such as large trees, bodies of water, mountains, and the air living in a parallel realm that coexist with the human world. Encantos are renowned for their ability to bestow gifts, blessings, and good fortune upon humans who show them respect or do them favors. However, they can also bring about misfortune and illness if disrespected or offended. These stories and beliefs about Enc cantos are deeply woven into the cultural fabric of the Philippines, often serving as cautionary tales to respect nature and the unseen. The explorer's trek eventually leads him to what appears to be a narrow rocky passage that contains a rushing stream. (water splashing) He cautiously makes his way through moving towards the light on the other side. (water splashing) Suddenly he turns his camera and spots something rather unnerving. (water splashing) (videographer speaking in foreign language) - [Kallen] The mysterious figure stares towards the explorer and seems to usher him closer by waving its hand before disappearing into the dense thicket. (water splashing) (videographer speaking in foreign language) The man heads over and takes a look around, but there doesn't seem to be anything there. (water splashing) (videographer speaking in foreign language) - [Videographer] Hello. - [Kallen] Seemingly spooked by the encounter. The man begins to trek back the way he came. (water splashing) (videographer speaking in foreign language) However, when he reaches a lower clearing, he turns to take another look at the waterfall above. (water splashing) (videographer speaking in foreign language) And there standing above the rushing water is the mysterious figure once again. (videographer speaking in foreign language) So could this figure be the legendary Filipino spirit known as Encanto? Lemme know your take on this peculiar incident in the comments down below. (water splashing) (videographer speaking in foreign language) A bizarre piece of footage has been shared on our subreddit. The video was initially sent via a Snapchat by a homeowner who was sitting on her porch when she noticed something unusual. Intrigued. She decided to review her home security footage, and what she found was nothing short of bewildering. Take a look. (suspenseful music) The sudden appearance of the animal with no apparent source or cause has sparked a wave of speculation and debate among our viewers. Users are being quick to share their theories ranging from video glitches and light refraction to more outlandish suggestions of teleportation or even a glimpse into the supernatural. While skeptics argue that the video could be a result of a camera glitch or a trick of the light others are fascinated by the possibility of something more unexplainable. The bizarre thing is the homeowner claims to have seen this in person, which if true makes this piece of home security footage truly perplexing. (suspenseful music) The vast stretches of the central Nevada desert are no stranger to UFO sightings and conspiracy theories. But a recent video uploaded to TikTok by user Iceman_Fox1 has ignited a fresh wave of debate and speculation. The footage which has rapidly gained traction on social media showcases three unidentified flying objects darting across the sky. (aircrafts whirring) In a compelling twist, several United States Air Force F22 Raptors appear to be shadowing these mysterious entities, suggesting a deliberate monitoring by the military. (suspenseful music) (aircrafts whirring) - [Videographer] Don, did you just, - [Kallen] While skeptics have been quick to dismiss the video as a mere hoax or a cleverly edited piece of CGI, a substantial number of viewers believe it to be authentic. Their conviction is further fueled by recent events on the national stage. Given the US government's acknowledgement of its investigations into unidentified aerial phenomena, many are of the opinion that this video could provide crucial evidence. (aircrafts whirring) Furthermore, claims made by David Grusch about the covert recovery of non-human biologics have only thickened the plot. So is this footage a glimpse into the closely guarded secrets of extraterrestrial encounters, or just another fleeting moment in the vast realm of internet hoaxes? With the world keenly watching, the mystery of the central Nevada desert only deepens. (aircraft whirring) (suspenseful music) - [Friend] Did you just see that? - [Videographer] Dude, I got all of that on video. (suspenseful music) - [Kallen] Twitter, now known as X, can sometimes be a cauldron of the bizarre and unexplained. In a recent video shared by user, Paul White Gold Eagle exemplifies this perfectly. In the footage, stunned onlooker's watch in awe as a fiery trail rages across a parking lot. - [Videographer] Get outta there. - [Bystander] Dude, get outta there. (fire blazing) - [Kallen] The clip quickly garnered immense attention blazing its way through social media platforms. With such a surreal scene captured on film, the inevitable flood of speculations began. (fire blazing) - [Bystander] I've never seen- - [Videographer] No, I've never seen it like this either. - [Bystander] What is going on? - [Kallen] The initial suggestion from the Twitter user was that it could be a glitch in the matrix. While this may sound outlandish, this claim opened the gates for a myriad of wild theories ranging from impending alien invasion to spontaneous combustion. But the reality as often is the case was grounded in the practical world. On June 24th, 2022, WOIO reported a series of unusual mulch fires in the East Bank of the flats in Cleveland, Ohio. The visuals of the incident with smoke and flames billowing soon became an internet sensation. - [Reporter] At least 20 small fires creating an inferno. - [Kallen] Bar and restaurant owners in the flats stated that such mulch fires were unprecedented in the area. The Cleveland Fire Department has a more down to earth theory for the incendiary display. They believe someone likely discarded a lit cigarette, which ignited the highly combustible mulch. Strong winds fan the flames and the extremely dry conditions prevalent at the time, made the environment all the more conducive for the fire to spread. - [Bystander] I've never seen- - [Videographer] No, I've never seen it like this either. - [Bystander] What is going on? (dramatic music) (cruise mates speaking in foreign language) - [Kallen] In an eerie video posted by Instagram user Ruben E. Colon Roman, a mysterious spectacle, a sparked a wave of speculation and intrigue on the internet. The footage filmed during an evening boating trip off the coast of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico has left you as bewildered and a little curious. Take a look. (cruise mates speaking in foreign language) The video reveals what appears to be a human-like figure moving through the water. (cruise mates speaking in foreign language) Whatever it is, it's seen multiple times throughout the footage. (cruise mates speaking in foreign language) What's bewildering to Roman and his friends, as well as to the thousands who have since seen the clip is that the water isn't shallow enough for a person to be walking. The figure's human-like appearance combined with the depth of the water, has fueled numerous theories. Some users have conjured the mythic, suggesting the figure could be a mermaid or other sea creature from ancient folklore. However, not all theories were so whimsical. Some viewers suggested a more sinister explanation wondering if the footage might be evidence of a crime. They asked whether Roman should report the footage to the authorities for further investigation. The true nature of the figure remains unknown, and the footage continues to perplex and intrigue the internet. Whether it's a case of an unusual sea creature, a grim crime, or simply a trigger the light, the mystery of Aguadilla's walking figure has certainly captivated the global audience. (cruise mates speaking in foreign language) (suspenseful music) A hair raising video uploaded by TikTok user6997450994005, a healthcare worker has reignited rumors that this particular hospital is haunted. The footage captured during a night shift provides an unsettling look into a disused wing of the hospital, often whispered to be home to supernatural occurrences. In the video, the uploader and several colleagues venture into the old seemingly abandoned wing. - Are you nervous? - Yes. (colleague speaking faintly) - [Kallen] Almost immediately they spot this. - [Colleague] Yeah, it's just a little doll. (colleagues chattering faintly) - [Kallen] Luckily turns out to be nothing more than a discarded doll. (suspenseful music) - [Colleague] Oh, it's very weird. - [Kallen] As they continue to explore, the group discovers a darkened room. Watch what happens. (suspenseful music) - [Colleague] Oh, oh, oh. The curtain moved. - No, it didn't. - Yeah, it did. It moved. It moved. It moved. Yes, it did. - Why would a curtain move? - How did you not see that? (walking aid clattering) - Oh, okay. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - [Colleague] Oh my God. - [Kallen] Watching that again, a curtain seems to move all on its own. (suspenseful music) - [Videographer] Oh. - [Kallen] Then a walking aid falls over without any apparent cause. - [Videographer] It moved. Yes, it did. - Why would a curtain move? - How did you not see that? Oh, okay. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - [Colleague] Oh my God. - [Kallen] Adding to the credibility of this chilling footage, one of the colleagues was also filming the experience on her own phone. This second angle not only corroborates the first piece of footage, but also reveals additional eerie details. As the man enters the dark room, the others hear an unidentifiable noise. (suspicious whimpering) - You heard that, right? - [Videographer] No. - [Kallen] They then turn and see their colleague running outta the room in terror, right as the walking aid falls over. - How did you not see that? - Oh, okay. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - [Colleague] Oh my God. (feet pattering) - [Kallen] The second angle provides clear evidence that no one interfered with the walking aid dispelling the notion that this could be a mere prank or hoax. - Oh. - [Colleague] Oh my God. - [Kallen] The incident captured in this video is not an isolated one. Hospitals with their history of life, death, and intense emotion have long being considered hotbeds for paranormal activity. Nurses, doctors, and other healthcare staff often share unsettling stories of unexplained events, especially during night shift. Ghostly apparitions unaccounted for noises and objects moving inexplicably are common tales. Given the ongoing rumors and the compelling evidence provided by the video questions and speculations continue to swirl around this hospital. Could the disused wing truly be haunted? Love to hear your thoughts on this eerie piece of footage in the comments down below. - [Videographer] Oh, oh, ooh. The curtain moved. - No, it didn't. - [Videographer] Yeah, it did. It moved. It moved. It moved. Yes, it did. It did. - Why would a curtain move? - [Videographer] How did you not see that? Oh, okay. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - [Colleague] Oh my God. - [Kallen] Reddit user X4FRNT recently rediscovered a mysterious photo on an old USB stick from about 15 years ago, which they believe may contain a ghostly figure. Originally captured by the user's sister in her living room, the photo seemingly didn't show anything unusual at first. However, several days later, an eerie hooded figure emerged in the image. The poster recalls being around 13 years old when the picture was taken and remembers the intense fear it sparked leading their father to inspect the house. Many who have seen the photo suggest the figure resembles a hooded jacket, yet the poster insists there was no physical object or person present in the room when the photo was snapped. The mysterious silhouette is notably darker than its surroundings and appears to be about eight feet tall. While the origin and nature of the figure remain uncertain, it continues to intrigue and chill those who view it. Whether a camera glitch or something more supernatural, its presence in the photo can't easily be explained. A viewer of ours, Carole M, has shared a piece of eerie surveillance footage that seems to show something truly odd. The eerie footage originates from an old asylum recently refurbished into a hospital. The viewer didn't specify the location of this property, but it's interesting to know that it said an ancient church and graveyard are just adjacent to this site. Take a look at what's being captured. - [Viewer] Right, okay. This is one of the, what the (beep) is that? What the hell is going on? - [Kallen] The transparent shapes lack detailed features, but possess an undeniable human silhouette further adding to the uncanny nature of the footage. (suspenseful music) - [Viewer] Right, okay. This is all on of the CCTV cameras. What the, (beep) - [Kallen] Given the location's history as an asylum and its proximity to a graveyard, some have suggested these apparitions could be spirits of former patients or even buried individuals still tethered to the realm of the living. So the chilling mystery remains are these spectral figures evidence of life beyond death, or simply figments of our overactive imaginations? The debate continues. (suspenseful music) - [Viewer] What the, (beep) - [Kallen] Across continents from urban cities to serene countrysides, a peculiar low frequency hum has been making its presence felt or rather heard. The hum as it's commonly known, has been a subject of fascination, curiosity, and sometimes annoyance for many over the decades. From the United States to Australia and now recently from Ukraine, the phenomenon of this ever present hum remains largely unexplained. In Ukraine, a social media clip has now surfaced, showing bewildered onlookers, staring at the sky as a deep and unsettling hum resonates around them. (suspicious humming) (onlookers chattering) Given the political and military unrest in the region, it's tempting to associate this occurrence with Russia's invasion, yet, there's more to the story. This isn't an isolated incident. Recent captures of this hum come from vastly different corners of the world. This example here was captured by TikTok user Peppyuptempohc. (videographer speaking in foreign language) (suspicious humming) And now, this one coming out of Peru caught by Daniel Barker. (suspicious humming) Tracing the hum's history provides us with more questions than answers. A 1973 report speaks of a university study examining complaints of a specific low throbbing background noise. This noise persistently hovering between 30 and 40 hertz seem to prefer cooler climates, light breezes, and often early morning hours. The Tower's hum in New Mexico was another intriguing episode from the 1990s. Approximately 2% of the population could hear it with frequencies ranging from 32 to 80 hertz, the enigma extends to the southern hemisphere too. In 2006, Auckland New Zealand witnessed the hum. Tom Moir of Massey University made recordings suggesting a frequency around 56 hertz. The Windsor hum of 2011 brought its own set of peculiarities. Residents of Windsor on Ontario felt this low droning vibration. It was believed to emanate from Zug Island near Detroit, Michigan. Yet when potential sources like the US steel operated steel mill were inspected, no concrete answers emerged. Interestingly though, when the mills blast furnaces were deactivated in April of 2020, the hum mysteriously disappeared. Despite the global nature of these occurrences, not everyone's convinced are the hums physical existence. David Bagley, the head of audiology at Adam Brooks Hospital in Cambridge theorized back in 2009, that it might be a mix of actual sounds and psychological amplification. In essence, individuals might be over focusing on innocuous background noises amplifying their presence. As our world advances technologically, the hum serves as a reminder of the mysteries that still surround us. Is it the Earth's murmuring, an acoustic oddity, or perhaps a psychological manifestation of modern life's stresses? Until answers emerge, the hum remains a haunting and global melody. (suspicious humming) (suspenseful music) If you've ever been certain of a memory only to discover, it doesn't align with recorded fact, you may have encountered what's known as the Mandela Effect. This psychological phenomenon is where a large group of people remember something one way only for it to be proven as false. The term derives its name from the erroneous collective memory of Nelson Mandela's death in prison during the 1980s even though he passed away in 2013. Now in a perplexing turn, a TikTok user by the handle thethoughtpolice is asserting that an old Verizon palm phone he possesses offers a window into alternate realities, suggesting tangible proof of the Mandela effect. In a series of videos, the user reveals discrepancies between what the phone's camera displays and actual reality. One of the clips showcases the iconic rich uncle Pennybags from the monopoly board game. Through the phone's viewfinder Pennybags is depicted with a monocle, an off sided Mandela effect. (suspenseful music) Yet when the camera moves away, the real box clearly shows Pennybags without any eyewear. (suspenseful music) Further fueling intrigue, another clip from this enigmatic TikTok account touches on the hotly debated "Berenstain Bear's" memory. Some swear the childhood books were spelled Berenstein, S-T-E-I-N, not Berenstein, S-T-A-I-N. With this mysterious phone, both versions of reality seemed to meld together. (suspenseful music) The account doesn't stop there diving deep into popular Mandela effects. In one video, the long discussed curious case of Curious George's tail or the lack of one, becomes the focal point. (suspenseful music) The TikTok tries to bolster the clip's authenticity by waving his hand in the frame, emphasizing that it's not a prerecorded visual trick. (suspenseful music) Even our beloved breakfast cereals aren't spared. Captain Crunch gets thrown into this world of memory and potential reality alteration. The series of videos naturally has amassed a significant following with users requesting visual proof of various Mandela effects. Yet the overarching question remains, is this merely a skillful manipulation of technology and video editing or could this TikTok be onto something genuinely groundbreaking? Is it possible that alternate realities exist, thus affirming the Mandela effect? Only time and perhaps more tangible evidence will tell. (suspenseful music) (eerie music) Ghosts of London, a popular Facebook page dedicated to supernatural enthusiasts recently received a submission that sent shivers down the spines of its audience. Dating back to approximately 2010, the eerie photograph was shared by a follower who recounts it chilling tale. About 13 years ago, three friends were enjoying a lighthearted moment indulging in drinks and laughter. As they posed for a photograph, little did they know the image captured would haunt them for years to come. In a shared image, two women can be seen smiling, completely unaware of the unsettling presence just behind them. To the left of the photo, a peculiar or unseemingly transparent shape appears bearing an uncanny resemblance to a balding older man with deeply set dark eyes. The spectral figure is ignited a flurry of discussions and speculations among the ghosts of London community. While many believe that the image could potentially be a genuine capture of a ghostly entity, skeptics argue that it might just be a camera malfunction or a glitch. The inherent ambiguity of such images often leaves room for debate, yet one thing's clear, the photograph has undoubtedly struck a chord with those who've seen it. Whether a spectral apparition or a mean technical anomaly, the image serves as a reminder of the mysteries that can sometimes lurk in the most unsuspecting of moments. (eerie music) Reddit arm Beat_it_up 420 thinks that their parents' house might be haunted. In this nest security footage, we see something eerie taking place. (alarm beeping) Some viewers thought that the shadow might simply belong to someone who's off camera in the other room. However, while replying to a viewer's comment, the poster noted that in the 1950s, a couple owned the house. Tragically, the woman succumb to health complications and died within the home, and the man met with a fatal accident, falling off the back porch. It's uncertain whether these events might be related to the home's history, but the poster adds that they always get an eerie feeling when they go and visit. One viewer in particular believed that the strange dark shape had characteristics that are often associated with shadow figures. It appears to be transparent and moves at a great speed. So what do you think about this one? Does the footage show a paranormal entity caught on camera or is there another way to explain the mysterious sighting? Lemme know in the comments down below. (alarm beeping) A recent video posted on X by user Shray XO has been garnering significant attention showing a commercial airliner accompanied by swiftly moving unidentified objects. (suspenseful music) With the use of a thermal imaging filter, these perplexing objects become more discernible. (suspenseful music) In light of the US government's ongoing investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena, and former intelligence official David Grusch's provocative assertion of non-human biologics being retrieved in covert missions, the footage has provoked intense debate. Skeptics question its authenticity while others argue it's a genuine instance of unexplained aerial activity. (suspenseful music) Amidst growing speculations about impending extraterrestrial disclosure, the looming question remains, how would you react if the government confirmed the existence of aliens? Join the conversation in the comments down below. (suspenseful music) A viewer of ours, Josephine B, recently sent a rather eerie photograph. The peculiar image taken back in 2009 on Christmas Day has since then triggered a lot of unease, curiosity and speculation. Josephine recounted that she had received an analog fish eye camera for Christmas that year. Excited by her new gift, she spent the entire night capturing the festive moments. Little did she know one of these seemingly innocuous snapshots would turn out to be something of a paranormal curiosity. Among the developed pictures was an unsettling one taken in the kitchen, featuring her then boyfriend's grandmother and sister sitting on the floor. The photo reveals a strange dark figure. (eerie music) Josephine insists that there was no one standing in that spot when the photo was taken, nor was anyone dressed in such an outfit on Christmas day. Adding another layer of intrigue directly on the other side of the wall where this figure allegedly emerged was an altar belonging to her ex's mother, a practicing Wiccan. Moreover, around the time the photo was taken, Josephine was battling addiction and had known 13 people who had passed away just that year, but the strangeness doesn't stop there. Josephine's ex's mother had become embroiled in a police investigation concerning a suspicious death at an old folks' apartment complex where her grandmother lived. The deceased neighbor had previously reported that her ex's mother was stalking and harassing her even though she had been with them at the time of the alleged disturbances. So could all these bizarre and tragic events be somehow linked? Is this inexplicable figure an ominous manifestation connected to the string of misfortunes that were unfolding at the time. Josephine and her family were so perturbed that they consulted a native American religious figure for insight. Skeptics, however, have dismissed the image as an elaborate hoax or a glitch with the film or camera. Still the airiness of the figure combined with the series of unsettling incidents surrounding it leaves one with more than a few unanswered questions. (suspenseful music) This next image was posted to Reddit by user TightBodybuilder638. The uploader claims that the photo was supposedly sent to him by their cousin whose friend saw this mysterious figure in a Bulgarian village at around 3:00 AM. There's apparently a local legend linked to the figure, one of a woman with one hand who supposedly passed away 30 years prior. Eerily the figure in the pig, according to some viewers, appears to be missing a hand. While it's hard to see it first, when the photos lightened up, you can see it a little clearer. Bulgarian folklore is a rich tapestry woven from centuries of shared beliefs, stories and traditions, some of which center around the supernatural and the macabre. Ghost stories in particular play a vital role in Bulgarian culture serving to explain the unexplainable, instilled moral values and simply provide an eerie tale for dark nights. One of the most popular Bulgarian ghost stories is that of Samodiva or wild alone. The Samodivas are bewitching woodland nymphs known for their unparalleled beauty and enchanting voices. Dressed in diaphanous white gowns and crowned with wreaths of wild flowers, they dance and sing in the moonlight. Legend has it that any man who stumbles upon them is entranced, lured into their dance until he perishes of exhaustion or madness. Despite their fear and reputation, the Samodivas are also guardians of nature and are often invoked to keep the woodland's mystical balance. Even more chilling is the story of Karakondjul. These vampiric entities are said to be the souls of those who have died suddenly or violently returning to terrorize the living. As per the tales, a Karakondjul can transform into a wolf or dog and it roams the countryside at night, spreading fear and dread. To protect oneself from these spectral beasts, one must carry garlic or a cross as these creatures despise holy symbols and certain strong scents. Recent sightings of the creepy dancing lady in nearby Serbia have also sparked widespread interest and speculation. Reports first began emerging from the historic city of Novi Sad, where locals and tourists alike reported spotting a strange woman swathed in traditional Serbian attire dancing eerily through the city streets at night. (videographer speaking in foreign language) Some speculate on her backstory suggesting she might be a ghost, a time traveler, or even just a performance artist making a statement. So does this eerie image of the one-armed lady show evidence of one of the many spirits thought to haunt this part of the world. Lemme know what you think in the comments down below. In an unnerving video clip recently uploaded to TikTok by user darkchannel.u, an ordinary family home is turned into the center of a chilling spectacle. The footage taken from a home security camera positioned inside the house begins innocuously enough, but watch what happens next. (TV chattering) (residents shouting) When the clip has slowed down and magnified, the details become even more eerie. The figure, while blurry appears to have a somewhat human-like shape, but moves with an unnatural speed. (eerie music) Unfortunately, there's not a lot of solid info on this clip, which has drawn some criticism. Some skeptics think it's nothing more than a bit of CGI trickery, but others, however, think it could be a genuine ghost siding. Lemme know where you land on this one, real or fake. (TV chattering) (residents shouting) This unsettling pick was shared to Reddit by user VanesKaani69. It's a note someone received after a rather big night. "Don't panic. There's paracetamol in the top drawer and bottled water on the side. The bathroom is straight across from you. Where am I? In the spare bedroom of the bouncer you were talking to last night? You weren't in a state to be left alone. You wouldn't couldn't get in a taxi and none of your friends were answering the phone. Where is my? Phone? It was on the bedside, check under pillow. Tight-fitting jewelry? On the side. Clothing I threw up on. It's in the washing machine/tumble dryer. There's some oversized hoodies in the drawer. What now? Whatever you like. Sneak out without a word. Follow the road down the hill to the city center or stay in bed. There's clean towels on the banister, possibly food in the fridge, a sticker with the wifi password on it somewhere in the living room, Netflix on the TV, and the dog loves to be played with. It seems the poster empathized with the image, sharing their own experience in the comments. "Something similar happened to me three years ago. I went out for a drink. I was recovering from a breakup, so I had to distract myself. I went into a bar and started drinking. After that, I don't remember what happened. Everything's blank, but I woke up in a motel room next morning, fully clothed. Only my shoes were missing. My mobile phone was beside the bed. Under it was a folded piece of paper. There were only three words on the paper. 'You're alright, darling.' That just creeped me out. I grabbed my shit and went downstairs. There was a woman at the front desk. I asked her about last night. She said, 'I came home with a family, two adults and a kid.' I asked for more details, but the woman didn't want to say anything more. So I left. Next day I went to have a medical checkup. The results were fine. I was all right. Nothing bad had happened to me. I'm still wondering who were they? But whoever they were, they're good people." So what do you make of these two encounters? Has anything similar happened to you? Let me know in the comments down below. (eerie music) This photo, supposedly captured in a large university hospital in Virginia, is attracting intrigue online. Seen here, uploaded to Reddit by user toro2105, the image is said to have been taken around six years ago by a patient's family member who claimed to have heard noises and seen something unusual. The image was then shown to the hospital's manager at the time. At first glance, the photo may not appear to show anything outta the ordinary. Yeah, take a closer look at the doorway. There appears to be a ghostly figure, looks to be wearing a white dress, possibly a hospital gown, and has long, dark air. While it's been noted, it might simply be the reflection of a patient who's not visible in the camera. Hospitals are often thought to be hotbeds for paranormal activity. With their long histories of life, death, and human emotion, hospitals are frequently perceived as haunted by many individuals. These institutions bear witness to the vast spectrum of human experience, from the joyous arrival of new life to the sorrowful departure of loved ones. The myriad of intense emotions felt within hospital walls often gives rise to tales of apparitions and unexplained phenomena. Some believe that unresolved spirits or residual energies linger in the corridors while others theorize that the weight of collective emotional experiences make these settings more susceptible to paranormal activity. This perception is further fueled by the atmospheric ambience of old dimly lit hallways and the eerie quiet that often envelops these places during the nighttime, making hospitals a common setting for ghostly tales and legends. In this case, details about the photo are sparse, leaving the authenticity of this ghostly image up for debate on Reddit with users speculating on whether it's genuine or just a fake. (suspenseful music) This next clip's been going viral this past few weeks. This version was shared to TikTok by user heebie-jeebies24. A store owner in Brazil has been noticing some strange and unusual activity inside his shop. Staff have reported feeling uneasy while on shift. They would frequently experience cold spots in the store and even find objects not in their usual spot. One morning the owner opened the store to find several items strewn about on the floor. Confused, he checked the CCTV footage from the night before. This is what he saw. (store staff speaking in foreign language) The security footage shows a strange figure moving from right to left through the store. (store staff speaking in foreign language) Could this really be a ghost caught on camera or is it all just a hoax to drum up some publicity for the store? I'll leave that up to you to decide. (store staff speaking in foreign language) In an Erie development, a follower of the Facebook group Ghosts of London has shared a pair of images that have sparked intrigue and concern among the community. The images taken from the homeowner's bedroom security camera were captured approximately eight months apart. The commonality between them is both chilling and intriguing. Both photographs show the homeowner sound asleep. However, in each photograph, there appears to be a spectral mist rising from the sleeping homeowner, giving the impression of a ghostly entity. The homeowner seemingly unperturbed by this phenomenon has stated, "My bedroom security camera caught these pictures about eight months apart. I should mention, I feel completely safe in my home. I don't think it's a bad entity. Neither does my dog." Following the homeowner's comments, the post swiftly went viral. Members of the Facebook group flooded the post with hundreds of comments, a majority expressing their belief that the images could indeed depict a ghostly presence. While some of you has expressed agreement with the homeowner's sentiment that the entity might be benign, others exhibited apprehension, cautioning the homeowner to exercise vigilance. These images have added another layer of mystique to the enigma of the paranormal. Could these photos really be evidence of a ghostly cohabitant, or is there a more mundane explanation awaiting discovery? Share your theories with one another in the comments down below. (suspenseful music) (reporter speaking in foreign language) On February 20th, 2023, Chosica, a district located in the easternmost part of the Lima Province in Peru and known as a gateway to the central Andes faced in intense rains. The heavy downpour affected dozens of houses and caused damage to three townships in the area. Landslides impacted local residents and vast areas were inundated by overflowing water (reporter speaking in foreign language) And while this heavy rain and damage was tragic, the event has drawn attention for another rather chilling reason. While covering the natural disaster, a reporter from TV, Peru News, inadvertently caught something rather mysterious on camera while live on air. Take a look. (reporter speaking in foreign language) When you watch that again, a strange humanoid figure can be seen crouching just behind the reporter. (reporter speaking in foreign language) This unexpected appearance on live TV has spurred a flurry of wild theories. Some viewers speculated that it could be the spirit of a local who tragically died in the natural disaster. (reporter speaking in foreign language) Others believe the landslides unearthed an ancient cryptid. Perhaps the infamous Pishtaco. Pishtaco is a mythological boogeyman figure in the Andes region of South America, particularly in Peru and Bolivia. According to local folklore, a Pishtaco is often depicted as an evil monster like creature who preys on the indigenous people of the region. Legend hasn't that Pishtacos kill their victims to steal their fat, which is then used for various magical and medicinal purposes. So as the mystery continues to unfold, one question remains, what exactly has been caught on live TV in Chosica? What do you think this eerie figure could be? Love to hear your theories on this one in the comments down below. (reporter speaking in foreign language) (suspenseful music) In February, 2020, Redditer ReveredTranscendence and his wife attended a ghost tour in Williamsburg, Virginia. While reviewing the photos afterwards, the poster found an anomaly in one of the images that wasn't easily explained. He believes the mysterious figure might be a paranormal entity for several reasons. Firstly, no one could have been in front of him when the photo was taken as all tour participants were behind a rope barrier. Secondly, he believes the anomaly couldn't be a shadow as none were apparent in any other photos taken at the time, and no one was standing behind the narrator with a light that could have projected one. The poster also assures that the photo hasn't been docked for attention or likes, and that he's now sharing the image on Reddit to get others' thoughts and feedback. Gazing at the figure itself, it looks dark and shadowy and appears to be missing its head. Williamsburg, Virginia with its rich history dating back to colonial times is known for its new numerous ghost stories and is a popular destination for ghost tours. One of the most well-known ghost stories from Williamsburg is that of the lady in white at the Peyton Randolph house. The ghost is believed to be that of Anne Randolph who fell from the balcony of the house in the 18th century. Visitors to the house of reported seeing a figure in white on the balcony or hearing the sound of a woman crying. Another ghost tale involves the public jail, one of the oldest prisons in America. It's said to be haunted by the spirits of prisoners who are held and often executed there. Reports include hearing the clanging of chains, seeing shadowy figures and feeling a cold presence. The old Bruton Parish Church established in 1674 is also said to be haunted. Parishioners and visitors have reported seeing ghostly members of the congregation attending services or walking through the graveyard at night. One ghost reportedly seen frequently is that of a former rector of the church, the Reverend Roland Jones. The College of William and Mary, the second oldest institution of higher learning in the United States also has its share of ghostly tales. One of the most famous is the story of the phantom dog that roams the campus. The dog believed to be the spirit of a pet buried nearby is said to guide lost students back to their dormitories. While it's unclear exactly where in Williamsburg these creepy photos were captured, it seems that they might serve to add to the city's reputation of one of the most haunted in Virginia. (suspenseful music) (dog barking) Here's a quick little one from Reddit user jksmileyface1. According to the user's post, a fatal motorcycle accident took place a block away from their home. Some weeks later, the user's dogs were barking wildly as though something was outside of their house. Watching the footage captured by their ring doorbell camera, it seems that something strange may have been caught. (dog barking) A shadowy figure appears to vanish from sight. You can hear the user's dogs barking as though they sense something as off. (dog barking) So could this siding be linked to the fatal accident that happened just up the road? Watch the footage again and make your own mind up. (suspenseful music) (dog barking) (dramatic music) In an incident that sparked intrigue and speculation, a group of Cuban locals have recorded an unusual phenomenon in the sky over Havana. The footage shed on YouTube by AmericaTeVe Miami shows what initially appears to be a fireball transforming into what observers describe as a strange ship. (reporter speaking in foreign language) The incident which occurred in late July, 2023, begins with the observers focused on a bright object in the sky. (observers speaking in foreign language) As they continue to record, this fireball seems to morph into an unusual object resembling a rotating ship. (horn honking) The news anchor's voices are filled with bewilderment as they speculate about the object's nature. They suggest everything from an extraterrestrial spacecraft to a specialized spy plane or even highly advanced anti-gravity machines. In a lighter vein, the news presenters humorously comment on what extraterrestrials might think if they were visiting Earth and happened to land in Havana. (reporter speaking in foreign language) This sighting comes on the heels of a recent congressional hearing in the United States, where former military officials testified about their experiences with UAPs. During the hearing, witnesses made several claims, including the government's possession of UAPs and the recovery of non-human biologics from crashed UAPs. David Grusch, a former US intelligence official, told the panel that he's absolutely certain that the federal government is in possession of UAPs. He also mentioned that he knows of multiple colleagues who were involved in these strange incidents. The hearing also highlighted the need for a safe and transparent reporting process for UAP sightings. Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot, told the panel that military pilots don't feel adequately briefed on UAPs, which he said leaves them unprepared to respond to a UAP encounter. The Havana sighting and the congressional hearing underscore the growing interest and concern about unexplained aerial phenomena. Whether these incidents are attributable to natural phenomena, advanced technology or potential extraterrestrial activity remains a subject of debate and investigation. (observers speaking in foreign language) (horns honking) (suspenseful music) Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is a behavior disorder that originates during deep sleep and results in walking or performing other complex behaviors while asleep, because a sleepwalker typically remains in a deep state throughout the episode, they may be difficult to awaken and will probably not remember the incident. In this next CLA uploaded to TikTok by alexanderthetitan, we see a sleepwalker in action. (gentle music) It is a little after 3:00 in the morning. (gentle music) He soon begins to talk in audibly before fiddling with the blinds. (sleepwalker speaking faintly) - [Sleepwalker] I didn't go to sleep in a sweater. Just one second. There's someone. - [Kallen] He then heads outside where something eerie happens. (gentle music) (sleepwalker shouting) Strangely, the man notes that he didn't go to bed in the sweater that we see him dressed in throughout the video. (gentle music) - [Sleepwalker] I didn't go to sleep in a sweater. Just one second. There's someone. (gentle music) - While the side of the sleepwalking man is rather eerie, it seems that this video might also have a paranormal twist. In fact, in the description, the man mentions that he moved out of his last apartment because he thought it was haunted. If you watch closely at about the 15 second mark in the video, what appears to be an empty water bottle can be seen moving seemingly all by itself - [Sleepwalker] I can't believe what just happened. - [Kallen] At the same time, a mysterious light ascends into the sky and the decoration on the wall by the door begins to swing back and forth. (gentle music) - [Sleepwalker] I can't explain what just happened. - [Kallen] Could it be that this possible paranormal behavior is somehow linked to the man's sleepwalking habits? Let me know what you think in the comments down below. Also, if you're a sleepwalker yourself, let me know if you've done anything creepy while asleep. (gentle music) (sleepwalker screaming) Here's a quick little one from TikTok user p.g.stories official. (water splashing) (videographer laughing) - [Videographer] What the, (beep) Yo, you good? (water splashing) - [Kallen] The cat appears to be frozen in time. (water splashing) (videographer laughing) - [Videographer] What the, (beep) Yo, you good? - [Kallen] This bizarre clip has once again spurred viewers on to claim that we might be living in a simulation and events like these are glimpses into a virtual reality breaking down or glitching. (videographer laughing) - [Videographer] What the, (beep) - [Kallen] But seriously, what do you think is going on with this poor cat? I'd love to hear theories in the comments down below. (water splashing) (videographer laughing) - What the, (beep) Yo, you good? (water splashing) - To start things off, here's a quick little one from TikTok user babypinknewmoon. The footage was captured outside their home on August 27th, 2022 at 7:56 PM. The video caught by their home security system has raised some questions. Take a look. (suspenseful music) The security footage initially captures an odd and unidentifiable light. If you slow it down and change the brightness of the video, it reveals just how strange this light really is. Commenters on the video have run rampant with theories ranging from extraterrestrial interference time warps, interdimensional portals, to the more skeptically inclined suggesting it could simply be a glitch in the security system, or a clever manipulation of video editing. Despite the rampant speculation, the true nature of the strange line remains a mystery. (eerie music) (videographer speaking in foreign language) Takeuchi camera is a self-described psychic YouTuber who visits many creepy locations. In this video, he checks out an old abandoned village somewhere in Japan. (videographer speaking in foreign language) (equipment clattering) (videographer shouting) (videographer speaking in foreign language) With only his cameras light to guide him, he makes his way through the buildings. (videographer speaking in foreign language) As he does so he attempts to piece together the eerie history of the place and perhaps learn the reason as to why this village is now empty. As he wanders around each building he enters has trash and debris all over the floor, indicating that it's likely been sometimes since anyone actually lived here. (videographer speaking in foreign language) The YouTuber eventually decides to set up camp. However, he soon leaves the tent when something gets his attention. (tent flaps shuffling) He films the area outside, but seems unable to catch anything on camera. (videographer speaking in foreign language) Things soon change when he decides to set up a thermal imaging camera just outside of one of the buildings. Take a look at what he is captured. (videographer speaking in foreign language) A figure up ahead in the darkness appears to stand up. (videographer speaking in foreign language) It turns and begins to slowly make its way closer before suddenly running towards the camera. (videographer screaming) The YouTuber wasted snow time in high tailing and outta the area, running off down a dark pathway. The footage then cuts out soon afterwards. So what was the thermal camera able to detect in the abandoned village? Perhaps it was a squatter, one who didn't like their territory invaded by the curious YouTuber? Or did the image show the presence of something a little more mysterious? This YouTuber certainly seems to think so. (videographer speaking in foreign language) (suspenseful music) Now, in case you haven't heard the awesome news, we've launched a brand new second channel. If you wanna see the latest episode, check out that link on the top there. Otherwise, there's a spooky playlist there you can binge on. Now, leave us a comment down below which one of these clips you thought was the scariest or weirdest. We love hearing your feedback. And that's it for me. I'll see you all next time. (Kallen sneezing)
Channel: Slapped Ham
Views: 1,061,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary videos, creepy videos, ghost videos, slapped ham, these scary videos will give you chills, scary videos that will give you chills, scary videos that give you chills, scary comp, scary compilation, creepy compilation, ghost video comp, ghost video compilation, creepy comp, slapped ham comp, slapped ham compilation, scary video, scary caught on camera, scary on camera, scary footage, creepy footage, ghost caught on camera, ghosts caught on camera, paranormal activity
Id: Ds6TUZyUqPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 3sec (4323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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