These React Native Apps are 🔥 | App Review

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if you want to ship a react native application then here are three great examples and things that you should watch out for what's up Galactic friends and welcome back to finally another version of a review today I'm reviewing three applications if you're new to this welcome to the series that has been going on for the longest time on YouTube probably not but anyway we're going to review three applications that you submitted two of them will actually be games and one will be a very popular application for New York people so all of these applications look really really good but once you look into them there are some small things that you can improve on and this is the same for probably every application I could also check out to-do or Trello or whatnot and I would probably find some areas where they could improve but in these like more Niche applications Indie style applications they're usually great areas that look good or that could be improved also if you're serious about react native apps then this is an event I have to tell you about the fourth edition of the fjs conference is coming up in May and you don't want to miss this organized by software mention and with a main partner Expo this is the event for everyone focused on react native this is truly the best place to meet other react native developers and talk to Industry experts from Shopify meta Microsoft and all these great companies though from May 22 to 2 before come to krackov get your ticket their first workshops running on the previous day great topics and afterwards on the second day incredible lineup of speakers I will be there personally as well so if you want to meet me in person and shake some hands go come to the fjs and with the code Galaxy's 10 you can also save 10% on your ticket so go to fjs doco and grab your ticket and we'll meet in cracko so let's see what you can learn from these applications and as always link below this video to All the applications so you can support the creators all right so first step of the day is called the lock it seems to be a little game and I found this on Twitter because the Creator posted about this using uni Styles so we actually had a tutorial about uni Styles here on this channel as well go check that out highly recommend to check it out and as well download the game because it looks like a little uh like there's something going on to this that we should definitely see and as well it is available the code is for free here on GitHub so mobile game made with react native and Expo and that is definitely enough to make it here into my app review so here we go this is the lock we got a nice little blinking animation and this is actually an interesting sort of a menu because I like I'm used to like the burger menu I'm used to the T Bar down here I'm not used to this kind of Bento style dashboard but it is definitely interesting and definitely right in time so one thing I would make sure that these elements these tcks are actually bigger so the this feels like um way too small these are the actions um I agree difficulty maybe you can like really just have it like one big line and keep remove the sub line that could probably be better and I would just get what this is about uh but I definitely like this Bento style dashboard and also one thing I feel like play and practice one of these is like the most important things right now you want to guide your users initially through the app if you don't have an onboarding screen um you still want to make sure that one of these is like the key things so maybe have like one card above here uh that says start here that's like a clear call to action for the user anyway where do we want to start we want to play or practice I think in this case I'm actually going to practice okay so here we go the lock uh tip move the direct Circle okay there interesting I got some heptic feedback like I'm I'm calling something here on like an old phone or so um oh whenever I think whenever I got to match it like bumps so let's select the nine here and then the five is uh hey you've hit the danger digit what is a danger digit you didn't tell me about a danger digit although I really appreciate the name what is a danger digit Okay so okay so Games should definitely have a certain level that frustrates the user uh and to keeps them coming back however we should probably not have that level of frustrating the user in the first practice mode and this is definitely freaking me out so okay nine and then here seems to be an eight and then we got a that was how can that be wrong so nine and eight was correct two is how is it not correct it's it's like doing the thing it's shaking in my hand what other maybe the six holy moly I'm unable to solve even the practice mode well let's go to the real mode then so let's try and play here um I don't know what the six with the like down here we got this little I really appreciate this thing we could also probably use Mak text from Cataline that would be nice but anyway this is cool I would maybe make this a bit bigger it's kind of hard to see but I honestly have no idea what this thing down here is about is it like I get six hins is it like I made six points or I took six moves I honestly don't know however let's talk about the rest of the UI I really like this style so I can direct this with my fingers here uh it's using heptic feedback once there's something correct we got the time running here I don't know if we still need the lock maybe we need like the game or the the stage number and we got the blinking cursor here in the input so there's a lot of cool elements in here I definitely appreciate the styling of this as well uh yeah they're like these small micro animations again you've seen how I switched to Advanced like this is the stuff I want to see in 2024 in applications the arrows are moving the thing is bumping I got a bit of feedback here and there um this is definitely the sort of thing you need if we go to the stats play more on N total locks unlocked yeah I'm I'm pretty bad at this I'm sorry oh I can customize this I can also go okay where is it applied oh yeah in play mode it's applied nice uh nice use of color themes here from uni Styles uh we got the information again with a lock okay that's cool and we got some settings uh shake the lock picker while dragging number wheel display the number wheel okay so we can change actually what's going on and um well I I think I liked it more before especially because this down here there's something not correctly aligned in terms I mean it's hard to draw these numbers in a circle around it I totally get it but this view doesn't look good to me I really appreciated the previous look however the cool thing really is that we got the application right here so you can check out everything that's going on uh it's actually not using Expo rou I can see but it's using Unis Styles we should have more applications like this for the review where I can actually guide you to what's going on here so you can like find this uh there should probably somewhere be the lock screen I don't know which one it is uh but you will be able to figure this out so go check this out I think this is a great application I really like what's going on in here uh I think I like the idea although I couldn't even solve the easiest stage and the code is public so go check that out to see how uh what was it name Jonathan implemented the lock second app of the day is called Turn Style and this got somewhat vial in like early January with 60k views here on Twitter so turn style has been a blast with re native and Expo gor homes bottom sheet micro saav mm KV software mention reanimated Jester screens svgs and although I'm not living in New York we definitely have to check this out because it already has well four ratings I thought that more probably maybe that's my country so let's dive into this Turn Style here I come so to everyone who's complaining about uh react native loading slow and whatnot have you seen that like it instantly loaded there was no delay in it we could also like I couldn't even see the splash screen and I want to see the splash screen so I'm really sad that I couldn't see the splash screen because this app is too fast now let's check out the app um we got the cool uh Herer stuff by the way you can easily do the this with both react navigation and Expo router so I mean look at this area here where the big title on iOS transitions into the header smoothly that's pretty easily done um besides that yeah I probably would have to be in New Yorker to understand what's going on it's most likely that these are the Subways um here are the delays great use of goram's bottom sheet I really love that component we had a video about that as well I think in here uh so go check that out Goram is doing epic work yeah the these are the sort of bottom sheets I really like so you see we got this sticky header up here of the bottom sheet and then I can still scroll this and yes all of this is possible with goram's bottom sheet um I mean we don't really have to talk about a rest of the UI it's just great oh and there's a live thing okay it just means that this is live but there's also you see this micro animation can we like can I zoom into this it's like doing something I like this yeah and it's updating oh nice is updating in the background really cool so the one is definitely one of my favorite lines nice toast M I actually don't know what's a good library for toast messages um but nonetheless also we got this uh Ted view I really like all the components in here like there's this is not a fancy UI in this application and by the way I think you folks usually like dark mode more right so uh let's go to dark mode yeah of course we got dark mode yeah yeah that looks good as well um so where did I leave off um although this app does not have like ton of styling and branding and whatnot it covers the most important information about these Subways and if I'm a New Yorker I will definitely instantly find what I'm looking for I can also search for a subway stop here uh I have no idea maybe medicine Square Garden medicine is there like a um yeah whatever let's use the Jackson Avenue yeah and then I can go there oh nice nice sticky header as well so there are tons of cool components in here they just play together and come together in a nice sort of way I really like that these are of course my favorites and you can just build incredibly helpful applications with this deack um that Hassan mentioned in here so react native Expo gorom micro saavy software man you see most of this is really based on great stuff from the community uh where we get we got the default map nice of course I can zoom here late night service okay accessibil accessible station large type face map okay uh app home screen you can even change the uh start here and has some helpful links this is really great um for every New Yorker who's watching this you probably have heard of this before if not leave a comment if this is now your new application for watching uh the subway in New York and otherwise everyone else who just wants to get an impression of how fast uh react native apps can be and how like native they feel go check out Turn Style even if you're not a New Yorker it's worth visiting this application just navigating around to see the usage of great components from the react native Community the third application today is something I found on Reddit yes I'm sometimes looking into Reddit uh my first react native game approved to epis in 4 hours I just launched my first game and it had quite an interesting text de re native skia Firebase navigation reanimated Redux colored Firebase didn't we just have Firebase inkscape and whatnot and this game is called win the square and of course we want to check that out as well so let's get into win the square I think I don't like the icon by the way I think the time of having text in the icon is over uh and you should have something else in there I think this icon would do a lot better if it would just be like this top part in bigger just my thoughts okay win the square nice splash screen uh how to draw really like this I really like to be introduced into the app and just looking at stuff I really don't like to read maybe I'm different but uh this is really cool in just showing me what's going on and like yeah this is how to draw okay how to draw I draw touch and move your finger to draw long press the screen to move the rectangle okay next one um okay now it stops with the drawing white rectangular PR which you don't know uh white rectangular okay okay yeah well conquer your opponent's area if your rectangle intersects you lose your turn and opponents get the rectangle it's an interesting concept I'm curious if I'm going to be like able to find some opponents anyway uh first person to claim 48% of the square wins cool cool story um now we are in the actual application so what's going on first of all we got a nice consistent color theme so we had the yellow here which is now up here it is the text primary it is the button primary and this is the TP bar primary this menu is sort of a bit hidden and I think I actually like it um I honestly don't know why it's on the right hand side and then oh if it's on the right side I expect it to open on the right uh if it's on the left then put the icon on the left I don't know uh but this like primary muted color to me this color does not work this does just not look good I mean it looks good here and I think all of them should have this or uh whatever but this muted color it's just not working maybe I would use a different sort of color because like if you check out the Play Store here it's very colorful what's going on here so yeah I would probably change that to be like a bit more readable this is really not that good also uh again I don't like this behavior and I wonder if this is the Android way of pushing stuff or is it the iOS way I thought iOS were more like overlay stuff but I might be wrong with that anyway yeah this menu just doesn't feel good to me I'm I'm not aing with that leaderboard I really like this this was cool this was really really cool a really nice loading stuff maybe like using L uh and I think Sati is actually the Creator because he's also in the yeah Sati created this so good job Kudos on giving yourself a high five being the best in the leader board but honestly I would have done the same I would have rocked the leaderboard as well uh let's see I can update my profile here I'm hard to it's hard to get out and my games you are yet to discover the excitement with win the square okay that's cool like I wanted to discover the other games but I was gently told that please Simon just play the game before you hop off and that's totally fine this can be totally fine as well um okay now I want to enter finding your opponent when you rectangle at the edge you can start drawing um I'm curious if I'm going like I oh I actually found I found one your turn tap and drag and draw rectangle like I have no idea okay I'm putting this here what is the idea here uh your rectangle is outside is this good or bad I don't know waiting for SAA to draw oh that was a sound in yeah did I capture sucha how no I'm just trying to this is really fun to be honest like I didn't expect this and I don't know if I play against an actual human being or is this like a um like a computer and I'm pretty sure I've like lost in a no I don't want that uh I want this big area up here I'm pretty sure that I'm going to lose uh yeah you no luck next time this is an interesting game concept and honestly I don't know if I played computer or not but cool mechanics and by the way you notice this now I'm allowed to see the new uh the other stuff no actually this is to doing another game um this is interesting this is really cool uh oh nice overlay this might be zigo from Fernando Rojo looks at least like is um so I haven't figured out exactly how I can like in the best possible way why is it intersected and then like the other person gets it okay I'm always playing against such uh but anyway how can I get leave change there's a cool nice Color Picker I don't know if this is a component I feel like this should be a component uh sucha if you created this app I think you should open source this component or let us know in the comments um if this was a component however I would really love to leave the game uh resign that's it okay resign and then Simon has to click the right buttons okay and here we go again I think once again this proves what you can do with react native um it's not just like informal things and like telling me about the subway no we can actually do cool little games um this game has potential I like it the leaderboard is uh somewhat interesting I don't really like the the site menu stuff and some of the colors going on here but beyond that I think this has potential and shows that you can do really entertaining stuff with react native and the Right Packages all right and that's it for today's EP review I hope you enjoyed this episode I really enjoyed these application uh what we notice is that most applications especially regarding games use react native reanimated and the third application but also using skia so highly recommend those two packages at this point they're probably tutorials about both of them here or on Galaxies which by the way you should check out if you want to get better with react native on top of that the Subway application had really really concise and clear components and again it just shows the react native Community is a big reason why react native is so popular there are tons of great packages maintained by Community maintained by big companies that will help you to build better applications also if you want to build better applications and there's no better place than the fjs that's coming up so go check out your ticket at swag so I would highly recommend for everyone who's getting into react native or interested in the latest and greatest of react native to check out the appjs that's coming up if you're inspired by these applications and want to be part of the next app review drop your application in the comments and I will check it out the next time and also I pinned a video up here which shows not only in the applications but even bigger companies that use react native so go check that out to see some more applications don't forget to subscribe and I will catch you in the next one and until then Happy coding Simon [Music]
Channel: Simon Grimm
Views: 9,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cross platform, mobile apps, reactjs, html, react js, app development, typescript, learn react, react course, app developer, react native, ios development, react, reactjs projects, react tutorial, react native tutorial, react native app, app review
Id: 5IJgN0b3Sik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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