These IT Skills you should really learn to focus on!

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i recently asked you on youtube and twitter what is your biggest problem you're currently struggling with in your it career and i got some very interesting answers for example this one here the lack of direction and starting point to learn something new there are too many options to learn the same thing so the choice is itself difficult and here another one especially when you have a lot of things to learn and you don't know where to start and which one to do first and you are not alone i actually have the same problem as well from time to time because there are so many new technologies raising these days like docker kubernetes devops tools and whatever and it is overwhelming and sometimes frustrating but this won't be the kind of youtube video where i just throw out the top 10 skills in id that will make you the most money because this stuff is very subjective and it doesn't help anyone if i would just say that cloud computing is a big thing we all know but instead i came up with a strategy that always helps me to identify the right skills to focus on so let me explain how i do it and you will see by the end of this video you will exactly know what you should learn next in your it career to first get this out of the way if you're thinking about learning everything and becoming an expert in software development cyber security devops and whatever let me tell you that's not going to happen no matter how much time you spend on learning you're not going to be an expert in everything the it is such a vast field with so many roles with separate areas and technologies that it's impossible to know everything you may be able to get exceptionally good at specific things but then you obviously need to leave some other things behind and that's the first question you should ask yourself and you should be very clear about this where are you right now in your career and what is your future goal and that will all make a dramatic difference in how deep your knowledge should be in a certain topic for example when you want to start an idea and you have the dream of becoming a hacker you will need to learn about pen testing and cyber security tools but when you're just starting out and you have no experience in the field you will have a hard time learning pen testing without knowing the basics so be truly clear on what is your current knowledge and where are your strengths and weaknesses and where do you want to develop in and what always helps me is creating a career path where you have a starting point and stepping stones that you can develop in towards your main goal a great resource that you can use for this is the comptia it careers path roadmap website where you can just get an overview of example it career path depending on your interest they even show you the average salary and most common job rules that you can apply for when choosing this path and what's most important these skills that are required and the it certifications that can help you accomplish your goals ig certifications are proof of knowledge you have in a certain field and they give you a good orientation on which skills you should know when you want to develop in this path for example if you want to become a cyber security specialist and you start as a beginner you should first start with the basics like the comptia network plus or security plus certifications and you can work with that knowledge in roles like a system administrator network engineer or systems engineer and these asserts will teach you a lot about the basic technologies every it network is based on so you will learn about linux about security best practices about network protocols and so on and later when you get more experience and maybe achieve one or two it certifications you can move up to the intermediate path where you can work as a security analyst engineer or pentester and then other skills are more important like the pentas plus certification where you learn about kali linux and using tools like metasploit burp suite or hashcat be aware of this doesn't mean that you need to get all these different id certifications and once you get them you would immediately get a job and of course these paths are not the only choices you have in reality it is much more diversified and there are always exceptions to these rules but they still give you a great overview and you should at least take a look at the objectives of these id certifications to know which areas are covered here and what you should know when applying for those jobs if you're not wondering where you can start learning for these it certifications and prepare for the exams i can recommend it pro tv they are the official video training partner of the com ta and with the digital live promo code you will get 30 of all subscription plans of id pro tv forever you will also find your link in the description down below there are some great stuff and of course it will also help my channel if you sign up for the services no it can get very overwhelming to learn about all these different technologies but this is also the beauty of at that we have so many different possibilities and opportunities to develop on and now you probably get an idea of why it really doesn't make any sense at all if i would just tell you you should go and learn python or learn hacking one thing that i can tell you from my experience is just start somewhere and find out where your passion is and what makes the most fun that's what you should try to find out and don't worry you can always switch the focus so when you start as a beginner network specialist for example it's not carved in stone that you need to become a senior network administrator you can always develop other skills while you're working in specific roles and switch over to another one later in some cases it's actually very useful to do that for example i started to work in an entry-level iq role as an it support technician and there i learned about networking setting up windows servers printers and so on and i was never a fan of setting up windows servers or printers i hated setting up printers but i also learned the basics about networking in firewalls and that made so much fun that i wanted to learn more about it and specialized into network security and then later i switched to a role in it support where i worked for a cyber security company and now i'm working as a technical account manager for the same company where i help companies integrating our security solutions into their own products and services but for making the switch i needed to learn the necessary skills i needed to learn about network technologies for example but also cloud products and security solutions and because our firewalls are based on the linux operating system i also needed to become good at working with linux and that leads me to another interesting fact here because there are some skills that are extremely useful maybe more than others because they are overlapping in different career paths so linux is actually a great example here i created an entire video about why linux is so important for the global i.t industry as a whole but also other technologies are more spread across different roles and areas like containerization with docker and kubernetes is a really big thing nowadays and what i try to do on my channel is i try to find those skills and technologies that i see the id industry is adapting and using because teaching this stuff will bring the most value to you guys my viewers and that's why i'm doing this whole stuff of course i'm not the only one who is doing this and when you go to youtube you will find so many great creators throwing all these amazing technologies and skills at you you need to learn immediately and that's probably the issue where people are struggling with the most and get confused sometimes because there are objectively some skills in the industry that are maybe more valuable than others and also more interesting but you still should try to find out if it makes sense for you to go really deep on this sometimes it's just enough to know it at a very high level for example in my job it is not important to know everything about docker and kubernetes i never need to set up or maintain a kubernetes cluster for my company i just do it for fun but still when i jump into a meeting and a customer is asking me whether our security products are available in a containerized solution and if he can't deploy this in aws or azure i should still have a good understanding of these technologies and know what he's talking about and that's what you need to find out for your current role and the role you want to develop in so which are the skills where it is okay to just know a few percent about and what are the ones you should take training courses on and go really deep and that's what's really hard when you haven't done this evaluation in the first place so write it down where you're currently at what is your current status no where do you want to be within the next two years and find the skills that are relevant for you and your goal and then start learning that's something i can't do for you i can make videos about all this stuff but you need to learn it you need to set up home lab server and experiment with it you go through a training course whatever it takes to really understand the topic and trust me the learning never stops it is a continuously learning progress in this job and you always need to have an open mind and a passion to learn new things but that's probably another topic for a new video so i hope you enjoyed this one and i could help you with a little guidance through the ocean of i.t skills and the i.t world and if you haven't already done it yet then make sure you're joining our discord community where you can just meet other i.t students and ikea experts to just talk about this stuff and let's help out each other okay thanks everybody for watching i see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Christian Lempa
Views: 6,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: it skills to learn, it skills to learn in 2021, best it skills to learn in 2021, easiest it skills to learn, top it skills to learn in 2021, it skills, it skills 2021, best it skills, easy to learn it skills, learn it skills, networking it skills, study it skills, it technical skills, information technology skills
Id: 0rPGLypV7rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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