These Ichiban Kuji Figures are Unbelievable✨ Amazing figures from Japan Tokyo

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Hey guys, it's Selena So today I'm going to be opening some kujis Oh my gosh. I'm so excited So recently, I pulled a few kujis and we have a lot of figures here and here And for this one, it was a really good find And for this kuji and another kuji I just got really lucky So I'm super excited to open it today And also recently, a lot of people have been asking me how I find kujis and where I pull it So I think I want to do a little explanation on that too, later So first, let's start opening So for the first kuji I pulled, it's actually already in back of me Can you guys guess what it is So yeah, it is this Kirby kuji and oh my gosh, this Kirby kuji was so cute I wanted every single item there So I started walking to like ten different stores to see if there was any kuji that looked good And I actually really wanted the A and the B prize And after looking I found a really good place There was an A and B and I decided to pull five times and I got pretty lucky A!! Oh, my gosh Omg, so I can't believe I pulled an A in five tries That was so crazy And the other stuff I got... they're actually really cute I got three F prizes There's five types So there's a rubber coaster There's a cord holder, a key cover and a cord grip and you get to choose which one you want So for me, I got these three I actually really wanted the key cover But then I think people who pulled first took it So let's check it out All right. So first, let's open this rubber coaster. Super cute Omg this is so cute Wow. It's so small I feel like you have to use like a really really small cup for this But it's so cute Oh my gosh He looks so adorable So next, let's open this cord holder This is really interesting So cute So I think this is supposed to keep your cords from getting tangled So I think you just, kind of go like this and I think this is kind of nice because sometimes when you run out of battery or your bluetooth. Sometimes it's good to have an extra So this is really nice Useful So here's a cord grip I think is supposed to keep your cords together Oh wow! I actually like this a lot It says "pu pu pu na shin seikatsu" So this is really nice actually You can use this to put your cables together like this Aww I like it That's so cute So these are all really nice and useful So usually for kujis I like to go to different stores and look for the best kujis So I have a better chance of pulling the higher prizes especially for this kuji, the B prize and the A prize look so good The B prize is really interesring because it's a light and I never really saw a kuji with a light, so I really wanted it But one good thing about pullng from a fresh kuji is that you get to choose first So I kind of wanted the key cover but then obviously everyone wants it, so they chose that So I was left with other stuff which is also really nice But that's one good thing from pulling from a fresh kuji So the E prize is a towel. It's kirby sleeping. It's so cute So yeah. And now the A prize Oh my gosh This kirby plush is humongous It's so big When I pulled it I was like, Oh my gosh, this is like the craziest, biggest Kirby I've ever seen So cute All right, so here's the A prize Oh my Gosh It's so big and cute and so soft omg yeah, so when I got this A prize, I was like, okay, I'm not going to play anymore because I don't want to waste my luck This is like the cutest thing ever All right, so let's put Kirby here for now so he can accompany us when we're opening figures Alright so I'm super excited to open this next kuji So for this kuji, I pulled at two different stores and the first store looked like this Yeah it was for Kimetsu No Yaiba: Demon Slayer And it wasn't at the best state but for some reason On that day I was like feeling it And I was like "I feel like I can pull one of the figures in five tries" So I decided to pull 1 2 3 4 5 ok I got an A!! Oh my gosh omg it's crazy Whoah Okay that was really good So I pulled Mitsuri in five pulls that was so crazy And I was so thirsty So I decided to buy a drink and take a break outside And when I went back into the store, this person was pulling for the Kimetsu No Yaiba Kuji He pulled one time and he got the C Prize I was like, Oh my gosh, that is the craziest, like the luckiest pull I've ever seen So yeah, with one less C prize I was like ok let me just look somewhere else And I looked at a couple of different stores and they weren't doing as good, and I found this store that was pretty good It kind of looked like this So honestly, the kuji didn't look that bad because I wanted the B and the C And there are two B's and one C and I decided to line up There was a guy in front of me, he was pulling ten and he pulled ten of the bottom prizes So then I went up after that and I pulled five 1 this guy, 2 3 4 and 5 oh my gosh oh oh this is really bad I can't pick it up (Japanese) So after that, yeah I didn't pull anything good So then, I lined up in back of him and then he pulled ten again and he pulled a B, so at that point there was like 20 or less and there are still A, B and C, so I decided to pull five because there still a good chance So I'm going to pull 5 more times. To see if I can get a B or C 1,2 3 4 5 Yes! B! come on C G C! OK! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! G and F! Oh my gosh So in five pulls I pulled the B prize and the C prize and man, that was so like intense because I was so scared he's gonna pull everything And I was just like, oh my gosh But that last five pulls, was just so lucky Yeah, it was crazy So let's start opening For the E Prize, I got three hand towels And the towels I got are Mitsuri Muichiro and Sanemi and for the G prize I got six clear file sets Alright so the clear files I got are Tanjiro Mitsuri So pretty Tengen so cool Inosuke Man I really like these Shinobu Oh my God so pretty And Zenitsu his facial expression Wow he looks cool here So if you put a paper in there, the design is supposed to change, so let's check it out. Oh, that's really nice So you can see, the design and the background And I think if you take it out, you see the words. That's so cool And for the F prize, I got three of these acrylic charms and I kind of wish I got more of these because I love blind boxes and bags So for the acrylic charm, there's ten different types And there's one secret here. I wonder what that is. Let's do it! These are actually super nice So I got Tengen and Gyutaro Alright. So I hope I don't get any duplicates Aww it's so cute I got Nezuko and Zenitsu So cute and Tanjiro and the Spider guy I forgot his name the first enemy That's pretty cool Oh, and that was way back in the first season. Wow So it looks like this looks really nice and it comes with this so you can hang it Alright guys So now it's figure time My favorite part So let's start off with this C prize Oh, my gosh, this is so cute Nezuko and Mitsuri Honestly I love Ichiban Kujis because this is like so playful, you know? And like, when I saw this, I was like, okay, I'm going to be there when it comes out So I can pull this And I'm so happy I pulled it. This is so cute Nezuko is so adorable. My God they're both so cute Oh my gosh. Alright, let's check it out So cute! Omg! Oh my gosh, Guys, why are they so cute? Oh, my gosh This is just heartwarming So A and B are Masterlise figures, so they're pretty big This is not a Masterlise figure But there is two girls in one figure So this is pretty cool Oh my Gosh, this is so adorable. I love it This is so cute. Alright so I love Nezuko's facial expression, first of all, and Mitsuri, I love how she's holding and petting Nezuko That's so adorable And I like how her toenails are painted. And her fingernails Look at Nezuko Oh my gosh Her hair looks beautiful And Nezuko's toe, her little feet looks cute Yeah so, Mitsuri and Nezuko together is so cute Two girls on one stand Alright, so now let's open the B prize Oh. Oh man So here is a B prize Muichiro figure So this is a Masterlise figure, and it's so big Oh my gosh I love these Masterlise figures I have some for Dragonball and they look so amazing so I really want to get this Let's check it out So I love how they have a handle for these big figures recently Alright Let's check it out Oh my goodness So here's the base It's really small, so it doesn't take up much room And this figure is actually really heavy Like, extremely heavy Oh my gosh What the! Oh, my gosh. It looks- Oh, it's so sturdy. And I think it's like the biggest Kimetsu No Yaiba figure I own Wow! I love it. Oh my gosh I love the hair So I'm watching the newest episode of Kimetsu No Yaiba right now And I'm loving it so much because I feel like I see Muichiro's character development Yeah. So maybe I can watch Kimetsu No Yaiba with this figure now This is so cool. Oh my gosh! So here is Muichiro Masterlise figure And wow, he looks so cool I love his eyes. It looks so nice And I really like the sword It's a really detailed and it looks nice I feel like I feel like his hair... It's nice but I feel like they could've done a better job with the painting but nevertheless, this is a really nice figure Yeah, but it's very nice He's very heavy and sturdy, and this is my first Muichiro figure Alright, so the last figure for this Kimetsu No Yaiba Kuji is this A prize Wow! Mitsuri So cute! Yeah. Actually don't have any Muichiro or Mitsuri figures So I'm super excited and it's a Masterlise too Oh my gosh Omg okay So here is Mitsuri Wow, She's so adorable. Oh my gosh My first Mitsuri figure And it's interesting because, I think Muichiro weighs two times more than her Very interesting. He has a lot of volume maybe She's lighter, but she's actually a little bit taller He's 22 cm, I think, and I think she's 23.5 I need to double check But I remember her being a little bit taller than him But this is so cute. I love this I love her facial expression, it's adorable and I love the color Wow! I like the color that they did for her hair And of course, I love her sword So here is Mitsuri Masterlise figure And this figure is so nice I feel like they did a really good job with her facial expression And the gradation of her hair And I also like the detail in her sword The heart is so nice And I just really like this pink and green combination Her hair in the back also looks very beautiful, flawless. I actually thought the base looks kind of weird Like it's not, it's not very nice. Yeah it's very interesting So I kind of wish they changed the base, but I really do like the figure It looks beautiful So she actually stands without a base, but I feel like it's a little unstable So I'm probably gonna keep the base on But she does stand on her own So for the next kuji I'm going to open It's actually not something that I did recently It was something I did a while ago For this one it wasn't like there was really a pull It was more like how it ended up There was two figures left and there was a guy in front of me He pulled 20 and he couldn't get any of the figures And that reminded me of this one time when I was pulling for a kuji like really early on and I pulled 20 times and I just ended up getting the bottom prizes So that does happen occasionally But yeah he pulled 20 times and there was only 11 left So at that point I wanted to just get the whole thing because it just makes more sense So I did and it was a really good find Yeah, so this kuji was JoJo Stone Ocean part two of the Masterlise Figure Series And there was part one earlier in the year And I had no chance to pull it I've never seen it so I was really glad I was able to pull for this one And even though I didn't get all the characters, I'm super happy for the characters I got And yeah so let's start opening Alright, so let's open the G prizes These are glass plates, they look pretty nice These are all random And here are the characters you can get So it'll be nice if I get the character and their stands Alright, so let's check it out Oh, yes. Here's Jotaro Wow, this plate looks really nice. Wow Alright And here is the next plate This is pretty exciting Oh, what? Well, I got double Jotaro well, you know, this plate looks really nice Like, usually the other ichiban kuji plates are like plastic Maybe some are ceramic, but this is glass, so it's actually really nice It'll be a nice interior, too But yeah, double Jotaro So I have two more Hopefully we don't get any more Jotaro's I want Jolyne or Star Platinum Ooh! So here is Star Platinum! Yay! This is gonna go so well with my two Jotaro's Alright, so here's the last one And imagine I get another Star Platinum That's going to be like, kind of cool, but like, a little bizarre Alright, let's check it out! What the heck!? Really? So here is another Star Platinum Wow. What the heck Ahh okay That's pretty funny Wow. I can't believe I got Jotaro and Star Platinum x2 And this is the F prize And there was only one pouch left And it's a green baby Yeah, it's pretty cute And here is the green baby pouch Let's open it up Oh wow It's actually pretty cute I like the color zipper This is pretty nice So I got about four towels, and these towels are super nice because they're all long towels 4 of for these And here are all the characters you can get So here's Diver Down and here is Stone Free Ahh I love it! Here is Weather Report Man I really like the color they use for this kuji It's really nice Here we have White Snake Cool So first I got Emporio and man Not sure if you watched it I don't want to give any spoilers, but this character Emporio is so awesome So I'm really happy I got him Alright let's open it Here is his base And here's Emporio He's so small Oh my gosh Oh wow, this is actually really nice I actually like all the wrinkles that they added on the clothing and his facial expression Yeah, it's very nice So he's a Masterlise And I'm kind of curious to see how big the other JoJo's are because you know how JoJo characters are really tall So here is Emporio Masterlise figure And it's funny because he's so small, he's like the size of my hand, but he's still a Masterlise figure And I really like his gloves I think the detail on the glove is really nice And of course His face looks really cute. Emporio The blue under his eyes is also very nice. He's so small And yeah, I like how his uniform looks a dirty and he has wavy hair You can see it in the figure as well They did a really good job with these JoJo figures Alright, so next, let's open the C Prize I can't believe the C prize is left too So here is Weather Report And I love Weather Report so much I also like Anasui but then, he was already gone So I'm just happy that I was able to Weather Report It's so interesting because a box is so big compared to Emporio's box Alright so let's check it out Wow, so big! So here's his base and there's instructions And wow, he is so big Oh my gosh. Wow Okay. This looks really nice. Oh my gosh So here's Emporio And here's Weather Report. Wow, I'm really loving this kuji The quality is really good Oh my goodness So here is Weather Report Wow, he's so tall and I love how he's looking up like he's looking at the sky and, you know, his JoJo pose looks so great So cool And I like the base too, it's nice It's nice and stable and simple And I feel like this whole figure just looks so flawless. The painting is very nice and the back looks great too And I love how fingers are so detailed. Look at that That's amazing So yeah, this figure is so cool I love it So next, let's open this "Last One Figure" Oh my gosh, this looks amazing So initially I wanted to pull the A prize, which is Jolyne and the Green Baby And I was pretty sure I couldn't get the "Last Prize" I mean, even though I wanted it, it's pretty hard to get the last prize because you have to pull the whole thing in order to get it Instead of the A prize I pulled this last one and I'm really excited because Jotaro and Jolyne, they're like two really tall characters and they're inside one box as a Masterlise So I'm really excited to see how it looks like So let's open it Wow so there really is two characters inside one box Here's one Woah omg this is humongous Oh wow Wow! Really? This looks amazing So here's Jotaro He's super heavy So this is a pretty small base for a pretty big figure What? Oh, my gosh. I opened it and realized that there are two different figures I thought they're going to be standing together, like, connected somehow, like their shoes or something But they're individual It's so crazy So here's Jotaro looking badass as usual Oh, my goodness, this is so cool And it's really well made Let's open Jolyne Wow this is too good So here's Jolyne's base Oh my god So here's Jolyne This is crazy This last one prize is like... I feel like this is the best prize I've ever seen Oh, my goodness Alright so Jolyne looking cool, as always And Jotaro I thought it was really nice for the A prize to have Jolyne and the little baby But that green baby, is pretty small, right? It felt like a little extra But this extra This is an extra, it's humungous. Like this is the best last one prize I've ever seen This is so worth it I'm so surprised I'm surprised how they're just individual, but they can stand together I like that. Oh how did it go Like this So they have that Jojo pose, Oh my gosh, it's so stylish I love it Alright And here is Jolyne and Jotaro Wow. Man this figure looks so good And I love their pose. I love how they look so good together Look at Jotaro. Love his facial expression He's so cool and I love his jacket It's very nice. And I like the patterns on his pants and I love how the base is so simple Just one base And here's Jolyne Oh my gosh Her pants. Look at that. Love the color She looks great And look at that facial expression Damn, she's so cool Look at the finger Look at the tattoo. Butterfly tattoo Look at the detail on the shoe Oh my goodness. They did such a good job. Wow. Oh, wow They look so stylish from the back too And you can see the star birthmark on her back And look at the hat I always wondered if the hat goes all the way to the back of his head I feel like it doesn't It looks like it just fuzes together with this hair Yeah. I can't believe the last one came with two figures, and they're both one of my favorite characters This is amazing I can't I can't tell you how much I love this figure So this is another reason why I love Ichiban Kuji so much They're so playful They like to do, you know, the figure with Nezuko and Mitsuri I feel like this is like the playful side of Ichiban Kuji and why I like it so much I'm so satisfied with this figure. With all the figures The Masterlise is very well worth it So that was part two of JoJo Stone Ocean And right now they actually have part three, of Stone Ocean kuji And oh my gosh, it's really interesting I actually went to a convenience store to check it out and usually for ichiban kujis like for the Kimetsu No Yaiba kuji They have two A's two B's and two C's But for this kuji they only have one figure each So there's five stands and there's only five figures out of 80 pulls So I don't know, that just seems really hard but it looks really nice So I'm going to try looking for a really good kuji I don't know if I can find one, but I also think that... The fun about kuji is that it's kind of like a scavenger hunt, I find it personally fun to fun to just walk around and look at how each kuji is doing So I think I'm just gonna, walk around and see if I can find something Alright So I want to explain how the Ichiban Kuji site works because this is where you can find all the information on where you buy the kuji What kind of lineup there is and how much it is and where the location is at So first you type in Ichiban Kuji And then it's going to tell you the new line up. There's Kimestu No Yaiba So first you click on the lineup and it's gonna tell you it's 2023, that means year Click on English Honestly, even if it turns into English it's not perfect. There's a lot of Japanese left I see the line up there So here's the May line up So let's click on SPY X FAMILY Alright. So Spy Family, honestly, you might meet Google Lens or something because this is the English page, but it's still very much Japanese. So the first part says when it's gonna be released May 13th, 2023, and tells it you how much it cost: 700 yen And the third bullet is where they sell it. Lawson, HMV, cinema, Ichiban Kuji online So click on the bottom right and it will tell you Where you can buy it And honestly, it's really hard because you have to put Tokyo and you have to put the prefecture and all that stuff So Unless you can read Japanese You shouldn't use this I think you should click on the second button It says Find kuji from one kilometer within you And at that time I was in Akihabara because I thought that's a very, very good place to find kuji's So here's all the stores Lawson Akihabara It tells you it's 242 meters away from where you're at right now so you can click on the store It's going to give you a Google map And it's gonna tell you where it's at And then you can look at the directions on how to get there Yes, that's kind of how I find kujis I just click on the button where it tells you what stores are close to you I think that's the easiest way The part where it's not translated on which store they sell it at It's kind of a hassle, but you might have to really use Google Lens to translate it and then you can find out which convenience store, which store, does it So yeah, that's kind of like the overall like way of navigating the site and a way of finding out where you can buy the kujis And for the kujis that aren't released yet They don't have a list of the stores where they sell it. So you have to be at a site on the release date and see which stores are selling it Alright So we opened a lot of Ichiban Kuji figures And Kirby was here the whole time chilling with us Yeah, that was a lot So let me know what your favorite Ichiban Kujis were or if there's any specific character you liked That was a lot of fun I really like these Masterlise figures They look so amazing But yeah, thank you guys so much for always watching and I hope you guys have a wonderful day and hope to see you guys again soon Bye~
Channel: Selena is Akane
Views: 28,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Anime, Figures, Unboxing, Haul, Akihabara, Ichiban Kuji, Gacha, Japanese, Anime Figure Haul, Figure Unboxing, Unbox, Demon Slayer, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean, Jotaro, Jolyne, Mitsuri, Muichiro, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Kirby, 鬼滅の刃, 蜜璃, 無一郎, ジョジョ, 承太郎, 徐倫, Weather Report, Stand, スタンド, カービィ, Dragonball, ドラゴンボール, 呪術廻戦, JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen, CCS, Cardcaptor Sakura, カードキャプター, Evangelion, エヴァンゲリオン, My Hero Academia, ヒロアカ, 一番くじ, フィギュア, アニメ, 開封動画, 初音ミク, Miku, Star Platinum, DBZ, 秋葉原, オタク, Otaku, Weeb, Akane, 比嘉セリーナ, Anya, JP
Id: 3iWesCJMnxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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