These Foos Explain Their Fast Growth, Relationship Drama & Toxicas

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[Applause] [Music] all right guys what's up SAR here along with Bradley Martin pardon the interruption but did you know the number one fantasy sports app is go ahead tell them tell what it is prize pick the best easy download right now put code Bradley when you download it they'll match you up to $100 um I like honestly I just like a little sweat when I when I when I watch yeah you can pick your favorite players and you can pick more or less on them um you can you know 3x 5x 10x 20x your money by picking your favorite players more or less what why are you looking at me like that I want to actually check if my pck it so I'm going to do it right now live reaction do it live reaction right now it's going to happen do you do you do you win a lot yeah I've won I'll tell you right now I'll tell I've won $118,000 really oh and not today though no not today some you don't hit you can't hit every time you that's the thing that's the thing with life okay you don't win them all you can't win them 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and who and who yeah no we started yeah yeah who who started it like who was the guy who was like yo I got this crazy idea I don't know it was kind of like us three and then but it was kind of like it was Angel I feel like it 100% was Angel yeah so like the first time that um that we ever recorded was when I was going to go to Miami and then I always wanted to Vlog so I bought a camera and I was going to college at the time and then I have like B homies and they're like you want to come to Miami with me and I was like yeah it I was like I'll go he was my barber so I was like I was like come out with me cuz he was already doing Tik Tok I was like help me film you know so I paid for his ticket and then U we flew out out there that was the first Vlog ever like a straight wh yeah I got out you got flown out like aore L to Miami too that's the that's the Mecha of that literally some Diddy Vibes for sure hell I'm glad at wi bro it played all good you know what I'm saying and ended up long-term best friends and now we're here G so yeah what what inspired you to want to do it was it just other YouTube you saw cuz how old are you how old 24 24 yeah uh 25 25 yeah I think um yeah for sure the YouTube ERS um but like I don't know I've always wanted to be more than like just like like a normal person you know like I always wanted to be more than that like I always knew ever since I was a little kid like ever since I was a little kid I always talking my mom like oh I want a Lambo you know like like oh all right was it just cuz of what you because of the internet cuz you saw nah just ever since a little kid like literally like I could remember I was like 6 years old talking about I want to Lambo I there was no type of social media my boy Wasing big I always wanted to be like some big you know yeah yeah that's I swear man like cuz I've had these conversations with so many people yeah and everyone who has success they at at some point they kind of felt that yeah where they were like yo there there's got to be more for me yeah I think a lot of people feel that and then they're just afraid to act on it do it for sure that's probably the hardest part what made you be like yo I'm just going to try it though I was just like I had I had opportunities that other people didn't like for example going to places like that and that day we had got a big penous so I was like bro this is a perfect opportunity for me to record you know how did that happen like who who would have um one of my friends he's a baller um shout out raw shout out the Ballers yeah that fol um he bought the pan house $15,000 for five days something like that yeah 15 17 band something like that and I was like bro it's blessing me you know I'm going just pick up the camera and do it I remember I got like I think 800 views first video ever yeah for sure yeah so you got completely from the ground yeah there was no there was no like collab people there wasn't well well I I mean it started it started before that I mean that was like when we were like damn we can really do something on YouTube but we started on Tik Tok yeah like during Co yeah we started doing Tik toks like late at night just around you know if we're going to get to the like the bottom bottom like where the it really started it has to be the Tik Tok that made with when um so I was a barber right and I used to love watching like Barbers like go up you know like I don't know if you're familiar with any Barber influencers like some Vic Bland St I know Vic I had him on yeah yeah so he um back then when he was doing more barar in content like stuff like that like it was always inspirational and me as a barber I was like bro like like I'm tired of just working my all day so let me try and make some some money off of media cuz um back then I would cut up like uh wolfy you remember wolfy right from the cloud house I cut up wolfy Landon um a bunch of YouTubers you know what I'm saying so I always seen their lifestyle and I was like bro it can't be that hard you know what I'm saying so I had told him put pulled up her a haircut I was like bro let's film a video at first it was more of of like a like bro what like we're going to film a video like what what do you want to do and then I was like bro just go along with it and then he said [ __ ] it he did it next thing you know he posted it the same hour viral viral what was that video it was like me pumping up his chair and then like he's hitting his head on the on the ceiling yeah it like when your like pumps the chair up too much and banging my head on the ceiling and bro so that one like hit like I think 2 million in like a day so it was like w so Tik Tok is probably the thing that really helped get you guys to start hell yeah sure that's where it started from for sure that's where us three like will link up every night do Tik toks do you think it's still the same Tik Tok has the same um I mean I feel like for small businesses I feel like Tik Tok is probably the best route to go is just for sure as far as bus like a Creator that's what I'm saying like engagement wise N I feel like At first Tik Tok was really cool because they said an algorithm they said everything we're pushing out everything that's that's going you know but now it's kind of like the algorithm is just up like I I feel more of like they have more restrictions now like they like you know um you know kind of like looking into details about like what's posted in the video are you are you driving and like in the video like stuff like that and they kind of like slow it down so it's definitely like a lot less of a help than it was but it still goes crazy for a lot of people yeah so you guys are you guys are obviously having a ton of success on YouTube right now and you said something I found really interesting like you saw these other guys doing it you saw their lifestyle and you were like ah it can't be that hard we can do it yeah now that you're doing it obviously you have a long way to go you still you guys love doing it is it as easy as you thought it was gonna be h no this [ __ ] is a job you know it I'm saying you know you've been in the game forever this shit's a job bro like a lot of people say they want to quit their 9 to5 and have a a freelancing lifestyle but bro this is way worse than a 95 it's like a literally all day thing sometimes like it's it's an hourly stressful job like you have to make sure you know editors on time you're editing on time you know your booking stuff you're you're uh setting appointments for like you know videos and stuff like that it's it gets hectic bro for sure and it's hard because we have like eight people that we have to work with and stuff so it's like scheduling egos personalities you know everybody has to fit in you know yeah it's hard that's something I always curious about the ego thing is like do you guys ever like what stress does that create is it like obviously scheduling is one thing but do you guys ever feel like I hate to be the one to even ask this question and like even put it out there but I'm sure it's it has to be somewhere in the thoughts like do you ever think someone's going to like not turn on you but be like I'm going to go do this over here now or like I want more popular because there's so many people that's got to get difficult to manage I feel like we've been through it all yeah like so far as a team like we've been through it all like before this like we've literally been through it all damn near there was no these you know so like I feel like like couple of us wanted to quit you know yeah it's all about communication and you know being straight up with each other like that's that was the main thing for us like us being straight up with each other you know um holding each other accountable yeah literally and being like understanding about other people's situations and stuff yeah and that's kind of what really helped us through it yeah like you said there's who said it he said it ego is a demon sometimes bro like like sometimes you know don't get me wrong I've been through it myself I'm sure Philly Angel tell yourself like sometimes when when when the views come in you know things are changing for you you know people are saying what's up to you in public like it's so easy to start feeling like like like like I can start I can start doing this myself somewhere else like you know like on my own this and that and I feel like we all went through that cuz we had three separate channels it was my channel his and angels and it was just always like nah let's film for our our Channel like my Channel today no no it's my channel this day like yeah it just got so hectic like with the Egos and like a little bit so it was kind of like we sat down and we really wanted to blueprint this we were like bro I'm sure you were super close to them but we love the Nook boys like boys have always been like our our role model in this world so we would like spectate and we be like like these guys really don't post like separately at all like these guys wait to meet up you know they have meetings they they do it as a group you know X Y and Z and we really just kind of like followed their blueprint in a way yeah and it's been working yeah cuz I see the I see like the comments like the Mexican elk boys that's pretty funny yeah that's cool but I feel like also like if like now now like as of now like if you get exposure by yourself like for example if I'm getting exposure by myself I I feel like you throw that back into the group one you know it's like good exposure like even if you get it by yourself it's all going to fall back to the group one like in some sort of way you know like our group channels our main focus for sure so even if we're getting exposure like one of us ourselves it's always going to fall back down to the group do you guys all are you guys like all contracts you guys written together you have a business like how does that work we're we're we're escorp up like we these who zc man we all that you know it's crazy bro like for a lot of young influencers out there even even if you know people who are out there doing it like big already I feel like it's so important to treat this as a real business and really get all the legal down because you don't you guys no one out there knows like how much you'll literally blow up overnight and all of a sudden you become you know easy target for these people to come you over take your name you know um take your like take your ideas it gets crazy you know what I'm saying so definitely all my young influencers out there or even if you've been out there make your legal bro yeah for sure Mark trademark have you run into anything like that any issues uh just with uh just with merch yeah we're trying we're trying to figure that out right now actually what what about they're doing like fake merch oh that's such a like half off yeah that's such a common thing that should even happens to me dude I bro I swear to God three weeks ago someone sent me like a like a a screenshot of a Instagram DM it was Greg actually sent it to me he's like yo tell Brad about this and I watched this video Someone AI voiced me video was like Hey guys Bradley Martin didn't sound like me we're doing everything like n it's like like they're just stealing people's money and it went through like a Shopify and a Facebook ad and everything so somehow it got okayed on the back end to be able to be a basically scam and it's like I'm watching this clip and I'm like what the they took old they took a video that I shot and like aied my voice over it and being like buy now click here and it was like that's scary dudeo that is insane and what the what's the worst part is that you can go on YouTube search as up Google this and that and the fake merge is right there exactly like it just they do ads on it so like as soon as they search up these Foods that's what pops up you know at the end got get a lawyer yeah no we have we're about to do something about it at the end of the day though I must say you know I don't I don't feel like I'm too mad about it I don't know about the guys I feel like yes it it's kind of irritating because we put hard work and time in these designs and you know to drop and everything we're super excited about it but at the end of the day bro if there's no replicas out there bro it's like yeah you're not you're not you're not doing nothing you know what I'm saying you're doing something right if people are making replicas cuz they know that you know that's 100% true 100% true like it's you're not going to avoid that because it's like whoever it is is a scammy just like they're probably they're probably sitting there doing it to you doing it to him doing to everyone trying to get some money like that's their little hustle I'm not saying they should be doing that but you know it it's got to kind of feel good in a weird way cuz you're like oh doing something right yeah for sure so but I do feel bad when I see uh supporters um in PR and they're wearing the fake merch and they're just like signning like like look I got the shirt I'm like I'm like yeah sometimes sometimes we just don't even tell them we're just like oh thank you good look and we sign it you know Etc but it's cool though bro at the end of the day you know you guys for out there trying to scam we all that [ __ ] for sure them straight up but but shout out to the motion you know what I'm saying shout out to all the people supporting cuz you know there's no if there's no replicas out there we ain't do nothing right for show so Tik Tok Tik Tok that's where you guys kind of blew up a little bit what's the latest cheese MO is it basically just that you got a girl and you're like you're having another kid like oh yeah what's like is it all the drama like is I don't get it why do people get so enamored by that I just broke the internet today literally yeah literally bro before coming I had posted I had just revealed that I'm having a a baby yeah I think when you were at s with M I had told you myself that my girlfriend was pregnant yeah she was chilling by the way not drinking I perfect amazing yeah know but that's pretty much the biggest news like I think it's been going a lot like really viral lately cuz um on YouTube on our C our couple Channel like I was kind of hining like pregnancy that she might be pregnant and a lot of people were just spectating but today like all the rumors are just like just like you know verified so she is pregnant is so so is is did did your girl have like a YouTube thing before you or did she do it like with you she's actually a a model bro like she's a big time model she she does most of fashion of his work she's worked with Sheen Forever 21 like bro she's big time and she's been on billboards like that's kind of how I knew who she was got it and you know you know what I'm saying me me being mean when I got a little more followers I was like yeah you're like what's good yeah cuz funny I shot my shot like 2019 oh this is a good story bro nothing bro like I had literally like got no response bro she and it's so funny cuz like I was like a I think uh like down bad bro I had like a n for real 9 and5 job paying me like 14 an hour hoping I could bag this bag like no stars so when when I when I was like fully single and I was like you know what I'm going to try dming here bro like let's see how it is right now let's see if she knows who I am and it works so that's crazy that's you know what she started liking my photos and then I had seen that and I was like let me go like her photos back cuz I already knew who she was and I go I go to the messages and it already has a message I sent in 2019 I was like did you follow it up with the like hey what's good now no I unsent it this is hilarious I had unsent it and then I sent a new message but she has seen it bro come on she seen dude that's that's classic so now that's like your girl and nah bro this is my life partner for real we're gonna we're going to take it there but besides that drama wise Angel taking a a really known Salvadorian out there I feel like it's been all over the place this month or like the past few months you know like we've been having a lot of motion yeah with everything I feel like um ever since my accident I don't know if you've heard the ATV thing yeah so I flew out like 800 feet right and damn near almost died so after that like that [ __ ] opened up my eyes and I I was like damn like a lot of people have a lot of love for me you know because you saw the reaction yeah so I was like you know so I seen that motion and then and then everything just started like like this past few months has been crazy with all of us you know it sucks that like situations like that happen you know like drama happens and stuff but bro in our field it's kind of like it's a win-win you know yeah you know what I'm saying as long as you don't die no yeah no I'm talking about like the story getting out the actual situation like yeah I D what happened to you what H like what happened I was uh honestly I don't really remember too much cuz it was a pretty big fall um I just took a corner too quick and flew off a cliff what it is I can't so you were in a like a like a quad or yeah I was in a in a Canam okay yeah you fall out of it do you okay you buckled you ass might have been dead if you didn't have bro it was pretty insane I I literally don't know how I have pictures of my Canam there's nothing left did you get did you get any physical injuries uh just my broken knee damn but I'm outside already like seriously only been three months or like two months I don't even you should take Brad to the club maybe Brad won't go pop some bottles you you like going out yeah I like to go out I've always been like I don't know like I feel like you're only young ones you know so you got to enjoy while you can and like obviously um don't be dumb about it like don't waste all your money doing it like do it if you can you know but don't be like you know just my bad it's like gambling it's like you only play you know you got to choose your like you know what you waste your money on I mean that's not really what I I just be going on weekends like just week every weekend yeah every weekend yeah basically so wait who's the who's the Salvadorian girl me oh uh Elsie shout out Elie okay do you know who she is no no um damn I don't even know how to describe her I guess but she's she's just like like my girl like another like really big um you know girl influencer yeah like I don't even know how I just still find it so funny that you shot a shot at the girl she was like yeah you know I'm saying like get some motion it's like okay that's fair though like I don't blame it though I don't blame works yeah 100% that is definitely how life is it's got to be tough though for a lot of guys who are just like don't have it and they're trying you know shooting the shots and it's like man yeah you know but I must say though like focus on yourself K I say like he just said when you focus on yourself you work hard on yourself your life reflects it like you're going to be in better situations better relationships around better environments look if we didn't work as hard as we did we' never be with Bradley Martin say on the podcast know I'm saying so you know your hard work massive respect for you guys man like did you is this so this is want to get more into this conversation but is this like was this taught to you was this shown to you like who what sort of mentors did you guys have moving into this like family or we just jumped into it yeah like social media yeah just in life you know like Father figures are there people in your life for like yo you can do this or did you like what was the upbringing like for you guys man this is this is the father figures right here to each other like I really feel like um like we are really good at being best friends off camera so once all this started happening we really like sat down and we talked for hours on what we should do how should we do it we would ask around we have a couple YouTube homies that I already knew cuz I was a barber and then he knew cuz uh he has a homie Shadow Valley racing he's like they like a big Racing Page so he would give us like advice on how to post when to post and you know from there we just kind of like started learning ourselves and we we just became the example like we just kind of like already like formed our blueprint like in the game so before that though like family like did you have like what was the family like going up oh you started over there I feel like for me um I mean I was going to college so that was you know um that was my route so my mom was kind of like I'm not too sure about it you know but my mom's always been supportive so she was like like whatever you think you know like it's your your fin like your financial side of it you know so I was like um she always just went along with it and now she sees it you know yeah yeah so like not really support oh yeah I guess support because she never told me oh don't do it she was just like whatever you know whatever you think is good for you yeah yeah that's pretty much it for D I feel like for me it was it was kind of like that but kind of the opposite cuz my parents are like very oldfashioned so I was playing baseball at the time and for my whole life I sore I was going to play like baseball professionally and stuff um and then when Co happened they canceled my season and I just stopped going dropped out and then we started making Tik toks and for like the first couple years they're like H you might need to start getting a job you know like this and that they didn't really see it until like a couple years later and then that oh yeah until they finally seen the motion and then they started getting behind it but yeah it was it's normal it yeah it was a little tricky in the beginning for sure yeah what about you man my brother he's a LAPD officer my dad he works at a hotel he's AEL H manager like one of the main managers at a hotel in Beverly my mom's a school teacher I had all these backgrounds bro and I literally had no like guidance like as far as like individually with them besides my brother I always thought it was cool I want I wanted to be like a swap member like I was kind of like following his footsteps you know like Little Brother Big Brother of course and I think it wasn't really in time my angel bro like that's shout out to PD by the way 100% shout out to PD have to show love tap in have to bro have to but as soon as I met Angel bro I really felt like I had a like this was my brother you know like I really felt like we grew up together a lot like within the time we met and we kind of just gave each other inspiration you know like that's really where it came from who who's the main sort of like creative honestly all of us yeah all of us like I feel like there's so much brains it makes it a lot easier you know 100% I think I think on the internet nowadays like to be really successful you have to have a team yeah for sure for sure bro you have and you also have to have characters like if you don't have other characters like individually you can do a lot of great stuff and you know like the family stuff you can do a lot of great stuff but like to get that real motion I think having like a group of people doing it it just it's it's way different like the motion is way different you know what I'm saying cuz like I don't know I think I think maybe from the outside looking in you know like you have groups of kids who are like oh these are like my homies like oh we're like that and I think that's probably a lot of reason why you guys have the success is because you probably have a lot of kids who are like damn like I I can identify a lot of things that they like I also like it and then the Latin Latino uh you yeah I want to talk about this huge yeah so like that's that's in our favor you know we're Latinos and there's mostly Latinos out here yeah so let's talk about that a little bit cuz I asked you guys that question I was I was drunk as dude you guys got like literally you guys got me the drunkest I've been in 10 years I'm not kidding 10 years he you having great time though BR it was amazing but I'm not going to lie two like the day after I was like I slept the whole day I was like dude what did I do the the the Hang they don't hit the same when older bro they hit you for real but on this idea like the the Mexican the Hispanic culture is so such a massive thing right now and I I always find it interesting cuz growing up um like more Western culture was like would side with hip hop and like a lot of people would be like you know I went to a school with a lot of a lot of black kids and a lot of Hispanic kids and everyone would kind of try to be like the black kids does that make sense yeah 100% And and so do you guys feel like I don't know it's just more socially accept even though not that it was never accepted but way more kind of popular now to like identify and be like I'm Mexican I'm Hispanic honestly I feel like um you know I don't even know I should be saying just in general black people say whatever you want yeah yeah okay I don't mean it no way no yeah know yeah yeah black people definitely were trans seters and I feel like like when it comes to race and like you know ethnicity sometimes it's just a trend bro like like a lot of black people were coming out you know either in movies artists like all the music that were Bing everything so I feel like um you know like I think in the video we made Manny Manny stated that all these new Latino artists are making it cool for like you you you see so many like black black uh people uh messing with the Spanish culture now it's crazy like every and just white everyone I think we're I think Latinos are training now that's what I think but like so what was I'm just curious what was the switch I have no idea I think JP uh Bess pluma um basically I feel like they them two really blew this change changed it yeah they they blew the it's interesting though cuz like it's not like there was never Hispanic artists before or like athletes before oh he's not even Hispanic though he's Puerto Puerto it's not the same but Spanish music I don't know I feel like I mean just singing in in Spanish and making it really like oh we all like this oh and Bad Bunny how can I forget B Bad Bunny it's weird though cuz like it it almost like it came at a time where like it almost like hip-hop was kind of getting lame too and then like the Hispanic music came in I was like oh this actually sounds good but it's like it always sounded good I guess those people just kind of came in and like made it cooler I don't even know but it's it's interesting it's just interesting how it just to me like obviously I'm not Hispanic looking in I'm like it you could tell that not that there was never Pride there before because there was always Pride because it's a very it's a very prideful culture but now it's like people are like nah this like they really represent that more than ever MH it's just interesting to see the the transition in the movement of it and for you guys it's cool cuz like I don't know if you guys recognize this or not but you guys are like a version of that to like obviously there's artists right and they're making music and the kids are like oh maybe I want to be an artist but you guys have this sort of uh in the YouTube space a deeper connection I would say with like the youth and Hispanic youth or anyone right but you're probably making a lot of kids be like damn I I can do this they did it they're popping they're cool people love them cuz you guys are like really doing it like congrats by the way but you guys are you know we talk about Bad Bunny peso pluma all these people amazing amazing artists amazing influence but you guys are like on this tier that's I didn't even say lower it's just different but it's also more connected yeah for sure like do you guys ever feel like a um like an importance in that or like a like a like you have to do certain things or you have to say certain things do you ever feel like like almost like you have a how how do I say like um a role to an obligation exactly yeah I feel like people with us because of who we are literally like because of that like they could relate to us you know they're like and mostly because of where we came from which is the Valley San Fernando Valley I was born and raised there um it's like a lot of people it's like a small City you know so if you're coming from there like you like anybody else can make it you know if we're doing it you guys could do it for sure too I'm from the Bay from oh sh yeah so they're harder out there you guys are a little softer down there sorry oh here comes the I heard ratchet the Bay Bay's cool hell yeah B hopefully we go out there one day for show it's I haven't been there a long time so it's I'm kind of from here now to be honest I've been here for like 14 years now you take us out there take us your yeah we let's go to the mission to the what let's go [ __ ] it fck no that would be cool like have you guys ever considered going to like different places and like showing up yeah we're actually about um travel to Portland we're going to go to Oregon and then we have uh another date for Houston coming soon so we're going to be traveling a lot more soon you know where like your your biggest audence has to be in La though la la um what Houston I feel like Houston like am out the bay too A lot of people tell us to go to the Bay Chicago yeah yeah Chicago's crazy you know what I think it is though I feel like we just don't know like I think we we have to go out there to find out cuz I feel like on social media demographics like you know if you guys are influencers are watching this or just people who don't do social media if you guys go to your profile press insights it will show you like people who follow you from where and honestly bro like it's all over the place but I think once you go to those cities you know different whatever it is you'll find out like how much people come up to you how much people with you like how much love you get from businesses you know all that yeah yeah do you guys get love in La though yeah I love every time we hosted in La it was always packed same bro like our biggest Clips were in La even for me like I like to go out so they be treating me lovely bottle literally this that's dope though yeah what other what other perks like that have you been like damn this is cool cuz it's always interesting like the the coolest perk of like having money to me was always just buying food yeah I I was being able to travel like having time obviously but being able to buy any food I wanted yeah but there is that other side that like because you have the social sort of clout you get sort of treated differently yeah like what other things like that um funny yeah I feel like you're saying like it's either you have money or clout right well I mean you could have both but like the clout thing is always interesting cuz even if you don't have a lot of money with it like the clout like businesses know okay these these guys like them so they you know come around here because people with us so what other sort of perks like that have you noticed that like you maybe maybe shocked you damn what is the biggest perk we've had as a group I don't even know I feel like I feel we we just have so like you could for sure go to any cookout anywhere oh yeah yeah pretty much huh just po I don't got nowhere to watch the fight be like come through got fight I will say bro how cool it is that whenever I have to throw a party for my son we have to schedule a video we post on our story bro people are so quick to come to get lend a helping hand like like get like shoot us just for promo like you know the promo sometimes they just want to bless us you know so we do we do get a lot of like uh we do let me say like this we save a lot of money on in on video Investments because sometimes they just come out being free MH that's the biggest perk I think so cuz we profit at all more you know yeah so are you guys like the the main Money Maker is it just the YouTube cuz I was curious when I when I found out how many there were of you guys I was like which is a whole another funny joke to me in my mind but you guys multiply dude I'm I'm like how like do you guys all get here in one car that's the mexic no I'm kidding I saw you you have nice whs no but like is it is it I don't know like it how do you how do you get the money because like obviously I know I know what AdSense looks like I know what it can be but is it like are you guys like how do you decide who gets what you know what I'm saying and like we I think we we're really good at respecting what like who plays what role in the group like you know even cuz at you know to start off me Andrew and Philly we've went negative on YouTube plenty of times bro like for I'm talking about spending some of our last like like we're not at this point we're only making $300 a month on on on our videos like we're up bad you know but we had this we had the goal and the dream right so you got to spend the money we got to bro so I think we kind of like we can all three of us say like we we not went broke but we definitely took a dent into our saving account to make this happen so for sure that was us three initially so I think you know just because of that like how much time and and like money and effort we put into this I think that's why me angel and Philly kind of like make a lot of the decisions you know and and you know obviously we we kind of break off the homies you know you know I can't I don't even like I hate money don't get me wrong I hate money talk just people are curious but we'll keep it at this everyone gets paid what they deserve to get paid just say at that cuz us three we'll take a pickup bro like we just took a pickup for for one of our boys in the group because bro he works his ass off first you know and that's one thing about us three that I love that we have this Dynamic where we respect the people who work hard in our group you know what I'm saying like you're working your bro like pull up let's have a meeting let's talk like you know explain to me like what you can do different how you can you present you can you can uh uh you know better the business and bro if if you're right on spot on and you've been working bro we'll shoot it to you bro we'll take a pay cut so so who's more the business guy you all three of us right all three all three we act like as the owners we act as one yeah we act as one one owner yeah yeah solid do you guys so do you guys see yourself like adding more people or no never it would [ __ ] up the dynamic like wex out already yeah maxed out not even that but I feel like it just wouldn't be natural content wise too it just wouldn't be it yeah what are some of the people like the the the people that you really want to collab with you know what's crazy boys yeah I to say the nug boys that's like our probably one of our dreams sketch I think skch make that that would be crazy I think sketch could uh could really bring a crazy Dynamic to collabing with these because it's two different worlds so I think sketch would be dope but outside of like the really big mainstream YouTubers I think we pretty much like tackled all the collabs we could you know in our like in our like uh you know Latino Community yeah so who are the mainstream guys like sketch nug let's name them shoot like for sure what sketch nug um KET that be also JP J yeah artist wise JP yeah what his game huh feel like Aiden Ross too he's pretty man Aiden Ross is cool yeah I I like Aiden Ross but I I really don't keep up too much on his content yeah but yeah def would you guys ever do streaming we were thinking about it it hard all of usall game we'll be we're too crazy bro like we'll get exposed we'll get canceled yeah we'll get canel n you guys W get canel I'll be right there trying to filter everything I'm saying it' be so hard yeah that's tough it is tough the streaming stuff you really have to like be on that's the beauty of YouTube though you get to like edit your video make it your certain way you know bro in all honesty like everyone who does social media out there watching this or like you know who wants to just know bro not every film day is a great day like you know like there's so many bumps into filming bro like like someone's late the people you're working with are late doesn't go through like shot out or the night before you get up and they Moody and everybody wants to film Nobody wants to film sometimes nobody knows how to make content like you know like in the moment yeah it gets hectic you know what I'm saying so for sure so so how do you how do you surpass that cuz like I totally understand that and there's also the the inevitable of like ups and downs where it's the video is not always going to bang mhm you guys ever be like filming video you're like yo this you this up you know um it's been a while since yeah I feel like we're at our at a point where we know we can't do it half be all bangers right now like like yeah you guys are at that point you guys are doing this for sure can't be putting on cuz you guys how many subscribers do you have on your YouTube we're about to hit 400,000 but you get like 500,000 500k video right now that's a big like thing I'm telling you like to show your growth it's not normal for channels that many followers to get more views than the actual followers you guys are crushing dude that's crazy because when we first started we' always get like 100k like we would always get a lot more than like what our subscriber count would show why do you think that is damn I'm telling you com I think goes back to what I said earlier I know what it is what is it bro it's I feel like the females make the account they have the account they subscribe you know what I'm saying like girls are more into like doing like audence we have 75 it's all female like 85% females we're some good looking guys come on this is crazy I had no idea so we have a lot bro we I feel like 15 20% of like of our audience is literally male like but besides that it's like 80% females yeah that's crazy my audience everywhere 98% man no way that's the gym it's the content you make you know yeah it's like it's so funny cuz that gym concept of like yo you're going to train and girls are going to Care no none of them care it's only of the guys D bro looking good Ty [ __ ] yeah so you have all girls likey that's crazy fuckinge yeah like I was saying bro like I really feel like that 15 to 20% is the the homies the guys who just too lazy to make an account um never even had a YouTube account like they just hit the link on our stories to watch it you know what I'm saying like and that's what that's that that that views difference from our subscribers that's happening so yeah hey to all the homies out there man make that account gang you know what I'm saying subscribe yeah I think I think I think once I think you guys continue I think it will shift a little bit I think you will get a lot more dudes for sure like about a year and a half ago or a year ago that's when I noticed more guys start coming up to us you know before that was all girls get more this interview for sure all I'm hoping some of the girls come watch this please please yeah dude that's oh that's that's cool though that means you guys you guys have like a really bright future I think for sure cuz like the guy the guy obviously the guy audience is women spend more money women are way more engaging women like like they follow they do all the stuff guys are like that's what I'm saying that's what saying like the have the account they subscribe but when you get the guy audience you you'll notice like you if you go to like clubs every dude will be like bro yeah yeah they always say what's I've seen you I know you yeah literally it's going to be sick it's funny bro cuz I think right now like I think we all see it when we go out it's always the girlfriend saying hi the girl saying hi like so I feel like the guys I feel like right now when we're in public bro I feel like a lot of guys hate cuz they're just like literally I I was going to say that but I don't want to be the one to say that but yeah most of the time people come up to and they're like like my my you're my girlfriend's favorite this and that I'll be like all right that's cool bro let's take a picture or something that's funny though that's so that's so opposite for me I had the exact it's always be like the girl be like my boyfriend's a big fan that's funny damn that's crazy so so do you think you know is it just cuz the content or like why I you know what's funny I think um why we blew up was because at the time they were like oh who are these cute ass we were just single fools like yeah I swear that's why we blew up cuz girls thought we were cute and I promise you we're not being bigheaded bro this is literally what it is that's what it was this is so funny it's crazy this is hilarious being good it's like we were it was like we were that boy band that like didn't make music you know like it was just like the boy man who went on Tik Tok and did the wo and it's like you guys were dancing oh okay I will say our content definitely shifted significantly like of what we do before it was more trendy like you know like we wanted to go hit millions of views doing dances and stuff like we would do like transition dances but yeah who's the best dancer this he backlip you can do a back flip proba flop now damn ass D I'm a d got that now [ __ ] my knees are going to buckle I might TCH the ankle bro Angel tell them what happened we went to a business meeting with this like big time movie producer what going to like say what's up to him what happed yeah so this F right we all go to the elevator and the elevator's about to close f starts running twists his ankle like fat bro in front of the in front of the producer like the directors and everything I was like me bro did you walk you trying to walk it off like I'm good I'm good it hurt bro I was like I got secondhand embarrassment for that's crazy like that that's my homie right there literally bro that's my homie that's CRA but what's cool though like I feel like what's dope is that um the way we are on camera is very much who are in person so I feel like they were just laughing like they're just like this fatk like it's just more funny to no I think that's why like you I always noticed like the the influencers that always have the most success are just are like that's who they are because I've been in the game for a very long time and I went and film with you guys the same exact way same conversation same sort of like Baner it's like there's no it's it's really when you when you have sort of interactions with influences you're like you see them and then different yeah plent of those guys but I think those people I I don't think I don't think there's there's no longevity in that kind of true I was about to say I was going to say they die out you know like people start noticing that 100% And also I think not even just people notice it I think it's like if you're not being you you also just get tired of it a lot of like they die out because they're like they they they somebody not exactly and then at some point it's like damn this is tiring even just for that person yeah like you'll notice that a lot a lot of YouTubers that like they kind of fall off it's like they or they stop sometimes it's because the content maybe they just like wanted to stop making that content and didn't want to make other content um they didn't want to like change their content or like evolve their content but a lot of times it's cuz I feel like it's not a genuine act it's like I'm just I'm doing this because I know that I can get views or I can get money and that's it not going to lie bro we uh we we at one point really felt like we were overdoing it with the drinking and then we had a whole meeting bro like it was funny cuz we had a whole meeting we had like we're like all right bro like we need to start making content outside of drinking cuz I'm tired of being up on a Wednesday on a Thursday so yeah like I get that like things do change and people outgrow their you know what they're doing at the time like that's 100% fine but the only reason why it's never affected us because none of us changed as people drunk or not like we're still these people you know what I'm saying like alcohol was just lit to you know get off we should make a tequila bro I'm saying after that tequila I had I was like whoa yeah that tequila like we made a tequila like dude let's do it let's make a funest it for us I'll do it put you know what's funny we've been trying to do that like we've been trying to like see how we can do that but we want to get like like you know how there's beatbox how there's buzzball why to make something like that like I don't know freaking everybody bro we got that we got we got uh we got tree coming out bro like I don't know if you're familiar with PL playe do you know who they are is that a is that a marijuana thing yeah it's like a so um they were like our first biggest put on as far as like bro biggest bag we've gotten you know like God bless them and we sold out 40,000 units across Southern California like in I think a week right or less less than a week two weeks I think so wow I really feel like you know with the r investors and the right the right timing the right person like can really go bro i' invest in that 100% And that's no really I really would when I when I drink like I don't like drinking I I will drink everything kind of but like I do always prefer the cleaner stuff and Tequila I'm not trying to make this a health thing but obviously tequila is not healthy for you but in in small amounts it can be yeah we're not we're not does have as much sugar tequila and Sprite seven up right I be uh like what's the you know what's the what's the what's the grandma remedy oh he's talking about like palas you know when they're like what's a chaser for for a tequila shot no like no like cold like you have a a sore or something tequila like if you feel if you feel na just drink a Sprite or S Ginger yeah ginger ale ginger ale too yeah dude I'm dead serious I would do that we should talk about that for sure it's it's crazy bro cuz like you know what like you know humbly you know we're I'll say this that we've been offered a lot by a lot of people bro we've had a lot of people try you know this and that we've pulled out of a lot of situations and and I think the biggest reason why like our audience like loves what we do and like like you know they they sell out our our merch and everything it's because we really take our time and we don't force nothing bro we really are waiting for the right people come in our life and you know we're not just doing it just throw out like we want we want our supporters to get really up off our and love it you know like whatever we drop so it's got to be clean too you know what I'm saying it has to be fired it's got to be yeah it's got to be fired can't be no stuff guys this podcast sponsored by better help little quick break before we get into the rest of this podcast if you guys have ever felt you needed someone to get sort of an unbiased opinion or Viewpoint from on something that you're going through in your life it's an easy easy place for you to do this so you don't have to go in you don't have to actually go talk to someone in person you can do it live like kind of like on a zoom call talk right now to get 10% off that's better talk to get 10% off your first month but I can't recommend it enough I've I've G to tons of therapy in my life obviously yeah clearly you need some more so I and I do and I still do yeah um but if you guys have ever thought about doing it and you want to give it a shot go to SL talk right now give it a shot you will not be mad that you did it no it's a super convenient way and and honestly it's it's very helpful it's an unbiased person have you have you ever have you ever got um help like in therapy because I I actually have no I haven't I have no I literally I actually have you have yeah and maybe that's why you've grown as a person over the past few years that I've known you yeah maybe why I've stayed plateaued is because I have't you should go you should do it check it out okay you know you can go to and/ check it out code raw talk code raw talk but yeah let's get back into this podcast did you so that that idea cuz like a lot of people do things just just for money straight up you know that like do you guys so you have stuff offered thrown at you and you're just like how do you decide what is like true we don't that's the thing like I think this field is a very like you know you you live and learn type of thing like you we we learned a lot through just going through like meetings and like you know turning down deals taking deals like like like we just got over on this one now we know better for the next one type yeah all like trial and error I feel like that's how we've learned most of our stuff like literally Tri and error we've everything we're still learning we do it ourselves like obviously we try to get as much as help as we can but I feel like throughout this whole journey we've learned almost everything ourselves and I I think that's the best part because you know you're learning it yourself you don't have someone else doing it for you bro that's one of the biggest mistakes that influencers make that's one of the biggest mistakes that I made by allowing other people to control certain part parts of your business that like at cuz at the time I was so focused on just making content and just doing stuff and I would I would align myself with certain people that I thought had my best interest and not just their own and like time always tells the truth I've been over so many ways by certain people man like and what you're saying I swear I I wish I knew and obviously I can only speak from in hindsight but the the truth to what you're saying is so real because it's like if someone gave you guys a ton of money and you didn't know how to make the money you're not going to know how to keep the money you're not going to know how to like fully invest it properly how to use it properly it's the same thing like if you're not learning the parts of the business that like you know you're just focus on content like I was yeah will take advantage to take you for a [ __ ] ride bro I got taken for a ride with the apparel for like eight years straight oh sh yeah bro that's insane I've talked about this plenty of times this whole company but um yeah like really took me for a ride and it's just a it's a it's a thing cuz like obviously the outside like their only prerogative is money from a Creator right oh how could I get the most right and obviously there's some good relationships you can find where like it's synergistic and like someone might have something else to offer but if it's just a business person doing business nine times out of 10 they're like I want to get as much as I can which like I also don't blame them for but at the same time like it can be really because when you're in the position of like you're you have this sort of stardom in a sense you're so focused on keeping that going and making the content that like to look back over here is just a whole another business it's a whole another thing to look at and it's cuz there there's a lot but it's you guys have a really good benefit here cuz you have so so many people I was just about to say we have eight of us so we we could spread the um the responsibilities for show and I feel like we all have the same vision and we're all like like deep down we're all like business man you know so we want to like learn it ourselves like like later on in the future I want to get real estate you know stuff like that so I feel like that has a lot to do with it like cuz we're business man learning like learning all your mistakes and in all these categories and way bro that's the only way that's why I'm so like school's so stupid nowadays cuz it's like I feel like School teaches you just to I don't know like almost like just and this is fine if you want to do this but just to work for someone else yeah for sure that's what I did and a lot of people want to they want to do stuff like this because there is such a more than ever is there the possibility of like creating real wealth for yourself in your family than there ever has been because of the internet there's obviously a lot of negatives to it as well but like if you learn from all those things like you can just get dude so bad but so so you guys it's it's dope I see it because you obviously you know it's not just one person making decisions doing everything it's like you have almost like not necessarily an assistant but you have other people who are doing work for you or helping you and we have a team manager so since he came on board bro like he's really been taking care of us like like really like like telling us how how much we need to change our personal habits and then you know so it could reflect in our business you know everything I I really feel like he cares about us and a lot of people that came Buy in our lives just doesn't care how you find this um we're cool with another big YouTuber group uh not group uh a couple they're called g&b I don't know Garrick and Britney I don't know they are no no yeah so it's it's a couple that that get gets managed by him and I'm I'm really cool with him so we're kicking it he told me like bro you got to talk to my manager cuz that's like his hometown friend you know how usually is it's like you know okay like you know we'll see but no bro like soon as I tapped in boom getting paid boom booking things getting done you know uh X Y and Z bro like and what I like about him is that he knows our worth you know like he big too he's not just doing stuff just to get a bag he's doing it if it benefits us as well he like you were saying earlier yeah yeah well there's more longevity than that most most like sort of business backend or management people they kind of see people as like as much money as I can get right now take advantage of it but it's like if you do this the right way I've been doing 14 years MH so it's like if you do it the right way there's money forever as long as you know how to transition and you know you're able to like plug all the holes even getting over I was still able to sustain so it's just like but i' I've learned everything now I know everything now he I must say Brad I think you're the only successful gy influencer that I've ever met I like the only one that's still alive today getting views getting paid bro cuz I think that was a real like phase for like in on social media for a bit I feel like everybody want to be a social like a gym influencer but I really feel like you're keeping it alive bro so good G apprciate flow thank you man thank you I appreciate that did you guys ever watch gym content when you were growing up just yours I think yeah let's go I love that I used to love when he used to used to used to have girls on the other side bench I was like this guy's animal and he would do like the the pull jumping videos too like like bro bad you know what I'm saying but you're really the Pioneer for that so that's cool I appreciate it man that that feels was good thank you so much damn give me that so so have you guys had like have you guys had any sort of um I don't know had there ever been a moment where you guys were like you want to this is UNC uncomfortable question um get rid of someone [ __ ] [ __ ] we try getting rid of each other right here sometime like I said earlier bro like but but that I just want to say before we get into this more is like that's important not saying getting rid of them is important but like having those moments and like all this stuff like learning from it and growing from it is is essential cuz like there I don't think there's a world where it always works forever always because at some point someone's going to be like this and we talked about a little bit before but has there ever been a moment where you're like yo we got to do something about this you know what's funny there has been and the good thing about us is we're not just like oh you're out of here now we give you a chance to improve we tell you what's going on we're straight up to you you know and we tell you what's going on and you know you make your own choices you're going to either step it up or you know yeah yeah but pretty much it's like I feel like we help each other out because we've we all check each other like these F have checked me like I'm doing something like bro like you need you need to step it up you know and I feel like that's a big it plays a big role in like friendships and it just makes you grow as a person like literally makes your gra a you need that yeah you can't you can't around I mean especially when you start talking about like real goals aspirations like owning businesses owning real estate like you guys are really doing something special like the fact that at one point in your life you guys did none of this had no income from this and now you're all able to live a life that's like beautiful you're having two kids like buying a house like you're it's like that sounds crazy say again not this not a trip two kids two kids I I I'm behind bro but it's that's crazy though but like it's it's dopee like we should be doing that you should be having kids you should be having family this my dream you know fact that you're able to do that though from like nothing and do it together is just beautiful man like you guys are really good really good representation you guys are Crush no yeah bro like like you said uh well like these guys said bro checking each other I remember this one time bro I had these uh have a meeting with me it was it was like the beginning days like you remember like when I just had uh was around the time where I was having my first My First Son bro these guys had to check me so many times like hey bro what's up with you bro what were you doing I was just like I was just like not taking it serious I was like preferring to do other type of content rather than than the homies the coner with the homies like I wasn't focused on these Foods I was more like like like we talked about earlier you know what I'm saying like I feel like all of us like had that phase where we were just a little selfish you know with trying to like blow up ourselves so I had hit that little phase that I was going through and like yeah I had we had a whole talk and I was so bled bro for a week after they talked to me yeah cuz dude no one wants to see the gang split up you that's like the worst thing if the gang splits up it's like everyone's like wait what the cuz like how big we are if we lose somebody it's like yeah what's going on yeah cuz then everyone questions it's almost like you have a relationship and then she's gone you're like what everyone want to talk about that where did they go yeah I definitely will say just like my situation I shared each one of us in the group had a situation where we had to step it up for sure we've all had our own like accountability talk is it just cuz you're just like chilling or you're like you're you're you're focused on your own stuff or you're burnt out yeah sometimes you're not doing enough in the Vlogs you know you're just there to have a good time instead of like there to make content you know like yeah and do do you guys every time cuz I know when we film you guys were like yo we got to do a snap we got to not a Snapchat but a Tik Tok on top of you guys try and do that every time you film just depends yeah yeah it depends we do try to do Tik toks every week though yeah like what yeah so I guess my question really is like obviously YouTube's the main focus what other platforms do you guys focus on that you also see like ads a lot Tik Tok Instagram YouTube we're trying to get to Snapchat but yeah honestly we're so like not focus on it but it's cool though because our supporters are crazy I we're just not educated on the Snapchat yeah yeah first day we promoted already we already have like 25,000 subs and but it's just like we don't know how to freaking post on it like we don't know how it works yeah like we don't maybe you could put on I'll tell you yeah just hire someone who just films that okay and then obviously I think you guys probably don't want to step on the YouTube video so what I would do is I would I would have it all filmed like like uh natively on the camera like not on Snapchat not on Instagram not like film it on the camera like just Clips like 5 10 second clips of like whatever you're doing that day and then just post that the day either the day of the drop of the video I think you you'll have a lot of Engagement will actually add to the YouTube that's the way to do it so then you don't step on the video yeah what we were trying to do was like use our Snapchat to promote our video so like little sneak peeks of it I'm saying yeah and then like they'll go watch it like once it comes out like but imagine you had you had you had a Snapchat just like obviously you guys have all your own but imagine you had just one for for the group we just did one 25 Subs in day that's what I'm saying so have someone just shoot that and then post it that day you post a YouTube video this is so game right now you guys but it's all good not you guys everyone's gonna be like I'm doing that too but but like if you filmed it and just Snippets and like you were like yo make you know like little little captions go watch the full videos live now but it's like a mini Vlog it's so crazy bro cuz like um I feel like different influencers like have different ways of going about their content days there's like you have your Tik tokers your snapchatters and your YouTubers right kicking it with a snapchatter is so interesting I just see them like lit record everything yeah speaking of that yeah yeah hold on yeah cuz I do it all I be like I got to go like this just finished my cup of water literally fin a cup of water on a pod with Brad yeah be like yeah they'll be like about to go take a piss Snapchat is really like like that you know what I'm saying it's it's so interesting to me that's why we don't understand it but it is it is it is you do it that just keep it so simple and just have someone just shoot it boom boom boom post that day your will go up for sure back to your question bro I really feel like um YouTube is definitely our biggest Focus yeah cuz cuz that like rolls over into our merch our events um we're starting to get integrated promos like stuff like that so I think making our content the best and most interesting is in our best interest especially financially cuz it's going to bring so much motion yeah I mean in YouTube it like streaming and YouTube are probably the top of that chain as far as like making content and the valuableness of it cuz the clips everything else that goes to Tik Tok all the stuff that gets spread it's it's it's king and then also it's long format content so you actually get people a chance to get to know you for real which is the biggest thing because now nowadays like the Tik Tok influencers or people just do Instagram it's there's so many so to really stand out people have to be able to go like oh I like this person for this reason not just because like I see them here a little bit little bit a little bit they watch your long form content they really get to know you as people No Cap bro we have people coming up to us uh hitting some of our major insecurities in in the in the channel they call me uh they call me they always say call me a cockeye you know cuz like I have like I had B PA you for like six months of my life and my eye never went back like it was just always like like you know off so these call me cockeye we call him forehead cuz he's a big that so they'll come up to us and be like yo cocky I'll be like yeah but you know like I've been on the I've been in the game for so long that like you need that like for sure me with the hat the bald like the drug dealer like all the little things that's a part of the that's just a part of it and that's that honestly if they're doing that that's that's love you know that's the most right there but so wait so that's one of your insecurities is that why I got way too many but yeah is that your biggest n honestly bro I'm not going to lie I'm really not insecure man I feel like the the the way I look already like I'm chilling I just like my I I just I just feel like it's more like like it gets me insecure when I see the comments hit it I'm just like damn know it's good though true yeah it's funny though to me personally like I'm in person I hear all this dumb I'm laughing I'm like bro you guys what about what about you guys do you have any big insecurities um I feel no I don't think so you just got to know your worth Kings literally like I'm not even around I swear you just got to know your worth and how so so someone that does not know their worth how would you get them to know their worth cuz I think that's the bigger problem damn that's hard it all starts with them bro from yeah literally walk around with your out you know what I'm saying not not you just got to you just got to be like I don't know like you're that guy bro like like be that guy you know what I'm saying yeah literally selft talks I think self talks are so important I don't know if you do it yeah but sometimes you're just driving I'm driving I'm like I'm like man these in the videos you got to be confident in your own skin you know yeah for real how do you that cuz a lot of people cuz I know that I understand that I'm old enough to know that that's key yeah before you have it though like how did you find it like cuz before you guys had any of this you had to feel like you felt yeah I I I don't know if you guys felt the way that he said earlier about like cuz I can relate to that and I know I talked to a ton of people who relate to the same thing like yo there's more for me I know that there can be more for me how do you act on that and like start being like yo I'm going to show signs of that I don't know for me is like sometimes like when there's situations I'm about to go into like I be stressing it you know and then I'm just like but when I get in there it's just like all right you got to know just do your thing and once you accomplish that you're like what the that wasn't too bad you know just in any situation and I feel like that after time like you keep doing that and you just build your confidence like you're going to be a little you know nervous whatever the hell it is but you just got to do it and um don't stress about it too much and I feel like you build your confidence over time just getting things done I think a lot of people worry so much about the outcom like how how they expect it to be and then when it's not they're like didn't happen like what do I do how do I move from here and this is but you're right it's like all the stuff we were talking about like the success or the business stuff the learning of it and people I think are afraid to learn yeah truly because like they they want to I also think because of the internet and like looking out and seeing you guys seeing other influencers other people that they're like oh they emulate or they want to be like or they want to do the things that they do I think before they even do the things or even try they're they're like ah it's too hard for me yeah they're just it's it's fear it is you know what's funny um I don't know I feel like yeah you just got to do it yeah I was I was going to say you know a lot of people know that they want more for themselves but they don't really act on it you know like if you don't act on it you know you don't put the work in like nothing's going to come out from it like you you you won't know until you try and even if you try you fail you just got to figure it out you know like it's all about consistency bro my thing with this I feel like confidence my confidence 100% has been built off of Milestones I feel like I I feel like everyone out there needs to acknowledge when they're passing Milestones because I feel like a lot of people don't appreciate their Stepping Stones as much that's what builds your confidence I feel like it's funny I talked about this with myON and sneo because I was asking them like are you guys really happy and the conversation was not just that question but it it was in regards to like not slowing down and stopping making content or doing what you're doing but stopping and being like Oh I did this to to to sort of go not not make yourself feel good about doing it but to know that I did this okay what else what's next I want to continue to go but I'm also grateful I'm also like happy that I did it cuz I fully can say there there was a time in my career for so many years where it was like I didn't do any of that it was just like what's next what's next what's next and I got to a point where I was like what the am I doing like is it just more like cuz I never really got to sit and go like damn I'm really doing this like because obviously I'm here now we're having this conversation I'm still doing it but there was there was probably like a 8ye Time span six to eight years where I was just like non-stop what's next and everything I already did I was never like happy about yeah yeah you know you're just doing it just doing it I definitely feel like bro like a lot in this like you know with myself in this career like I feel like I've always appreciated our Stepping Stones bro like when we hit like 5,000 subscribers I was geeking I was calling like bro we when we hit 50k we jumped out of plan like [Applause] like we thought we were on did it for 50k subscribers all of that was our 50k um special I can't do that man SC people have tried to talk me that for years I'm like real fun bro bro even Manny uh the big guy in our group bro he did that have to pay the guy $200 extra just to get him yeah I'm afraid of that cuz I'm heavy cuz like they're like there's a weight limit that's my excuse hey that's funny cuz he they were like yeah there's a weight limit but we just had to pay the guy an extra 00 but I'm like but if there's a weight Li I don't want to give him more money just so I could die you know what's funny they're like yeah there's this dude he's super experienced like he could do it comes out shortest shorter than our homie skinny too tiny skinny yeah we're like this guy's going to take our friend skyd hey but you know what uh uh scientifically it would make sense you want the smaller and like the skinnier guy to go go with you know the bigger guy you know I want to do it let's go we should do it we should go do it that's my biggest fear ever let's go cuz I hate heights bro funny bro my hat off yeah so my no but me up bro scary that was the scariest in my life but it was also like the the funnest I've ever so what is it like cuz I I hear like the minute you start to fall you're like all right so I think the only scariest part is probably the buildup yeah coming up yeah you you like pulling up to the plays you know seeing all the waivers see how serious yeah the wa like you could die you can die you know sign your life away and then I think the scariest part is like getting in the plane and then just going up open the door like you can't do you're just like but you all went out one by one yeah yeah who went first um who the [ __ ] we went in like three s separate groups yeah it was a lot of us so we had to go like two separate planes I think you guys would have just took one Honda Accord up there sorry racist so funny to me God damn it sorry no I love dude it's why is it why do you guys think there certain cultures you could joke around with more and others you can't I just think how accepting the culture is you know I feel like a lot of Hispanics we if you start talking bro we're going to laugh but I feel like with black people bro be careful you might get socked you know for sure you know what I'm saying that's real though that's real such a thing bro it's funny though I think it's so funny man so even with the white people too they they getting all offended when you start I feel like YP could just make fun of him all the time though I feel like it's so acceptable what do you identify as I mean I'm Italian I mean I'm white obviously I'm Italian but you know good folks good folks good folks we're we're in the if you saw me you didn't know me what would you think you white as hell America America B hey did you see that edit in the video probably not wait you put an American thing in there yeah oh bro hey I say no Brad don't be watching the video pull that up I want to see it now yo can we pull that up pull that on the TV I want to see they were asking I was like yeah I think it's probably like it was like the first like s minutes of that Vlog all right so let's watch this you you put an American flag thing in here yeah yeah we put a whole edit for you right here see if you like it all right all right let's watch let's watch this post you think Bradley Martin is with the Hispanic Community you think that supp tapped in I no I think he's far from it I think he's from maybe I don't know maybe I don't know disrespectful I don't know that looks like he's a real American sure what you got I'm so glad you picked the best picture oh I love that picture yeah that was pretty much it though that edit right there was hilarious bro shout out my but I'm like I'm lowkey like I'm Mexican though yeah you're close yeah close right yeah like neighbors like far neighbors like like across two cities down neighbor yeah like two c yeah like but like I'm in there though I'm at the car side like I'm Ean you know you're there you're there yeah you seen The Vibes you can grab a plate so so do you guys when you guys you guys edit your videos who's the person being like yo this will be funny throw this in there or is you have an editor who's doing all that um so I have a team uh obviously all three of us decide who we hire and you know have work with us and if we like their the way they they they edit stuff we decide that us as three the only thing I do is when I get the video I throw in the inserts when I think I need them you know I like did you throw that in uh no that was our editor have a editor have a beast bro yeah but I just kind of finalized make sure we don't get canceled for nothing you know whatever important PR train the video dude it's crazy that's another whole thing about YouTube It's I don't really like I don't like how much you have to sort of filter yeah it kind of sucks like I love it I love I love I love YouTube for what it is but like I wish it was what it was which I guess you can't cuz like that's not how these things work in business and ads and all this but it is definitely a place where like you say certain things you do c certain things they're like they really look at you differently bro bad it's and it's just up the the whole like algorithm too you you post like crazy back before we were posting a lot of smoking and I feel like that's why we weren't weren't really getting pushed up a lot you know like on views and everything but I feel like once we stopped incorporating the smoke in air the blunt rolling everything the drinking too I feel like our skyrocketed cuz YouTube is not like letting our kind of just like cleaned up the content just a little bit I wish I just wish I wish it was like whatever I understand because obviously they're trying to protect whatever kids and it's like you don't want to post certain get people be like yo I should do this but I don't know I feel like you should be able to just post what you want on there me as a parent bro all that I feel like I I feel like bro doesn't matter how much YouTube wants to control XY and Z bro at the end of the day it's up to the freaking parents bro to control that so yeah if your kids watching these foods keep through CH shout out to y'all keep letting them watch that that is real though man I mean like that's that's the weird that's the whole weird conversation to have which is like the tech industry and like the sort of media industry is like obviously they're trying to control because of this you know the advertisers but at some point it's like it's not about like you can't protect everyone from everything it's like it does require the parent to be like yo to teach their kids it's weird because nowadays it is kind of like if a kid is you know louder talking or like doing something they shouldn't a lot of times parents are just like here just watch this so it's like it's just it's the parenting aspect up like I don't think Tech should be parenting your kids you know like you got to be parenting your kids like I had a whole 10-minute conversation with my todler on trying to calm him down cuz he he wanted to he wanted to put on um what was it a Blues Clues on YouTube I was like bro let's go let's go play like let's go outside I take him outside he's going tantrums and I finally got him to play around with the balls yeah cuz it's just like at some point it's like are we having technology raise our kids or are we going do it man yeah you have to Bro limit your screen time crazy are there any other videos that you guys like that like really really blew up for you that was like this is the video oh we just hit a million on on YouTube for our first time which one it's so crazy bro cuz on YouTube we have so many videos that have um 900k 800k 700k 600 500 400 but this is the only meal we have mil which which one was it we blacked out for 24 hours drunk for 24 hours yeah that one was insane I'm glad I wasn't there I wasn't there he have yeah that one was wild I was on my Bradley Martin [ __ ] I punched the whole uh hole through Philly's door dude I don't understand like the the oh man drinking to that degree is crazy though it's nuts I think that was a video that really had us had that meeting and be like let's call yeah let's chill this out that was the video for sure so so what kind of content do you plan to continue to make obviously like what you guys are doing your life like where do you like where do you see it transitioning to have you ever had that conversation yeah I think for us right now so I think the reason why we're so like popping as well is because all of our ideas are like original ideas you know so I think the only move for us left right now like once it Peaks after that's us traveling traveling literally going somewhere else and doing the things we do somewhere else just because people like to see us us doing things like the first time yeah so now let's go on a cruise ship for8 days let's go Jamaica or something wild as feel like you guys got to do that yeah a Cru sh would be insane we've been talking about it for a while you see how the idea came up that's how our meetings are bro we just talk get faded and we're just like o and then we look over to our manager book it like the most the most faded times like where you come up with the best idea sometimes it's crazy it's crazy how that can be true yeah I I could relate to I had to stop smoking though man get bad aniet I'm lightweight with everything dude for real that's crazy I could be right now I'm smoking you never you never are you yeah this is wax oh this you just function easy yeah I don't I'm just yeah I think all eight of us in the group really function off for weed like crazy good get creative yeah it's it's it's definitely a person by person thing like some people like for me if I like in this situation if I was high there would be moments where I would like second guess and I'd be a little bit anxious no for sure like it's like you look at things from like like I don't know you want to know something funny me and Phil in the car about to say that right now tell him what you told me I was like cuz he was like let's roll up some weed I was like nah I'm trying to be clear-minded you know I'm I'm not trying to be just statued up right there just dude I I did a pod one time that I had to take down from my channel cuz the dude was so blasted no way he was so high that I was asking questions his answers were like yeah it was so funny dud oh one word answers bro it was insane I feel like if I was if I was high right now I feel like I'd over talk really yeah I think when I'm faded I just could talk for days not a bad thing but you know I feel like I just won't good podcast it be really good yeah yeah yeah for sure so so the which the video that had a million views is you guys are just blacked out 24 hours just drinking 24 hours we did activities though we went around yeah we went hiking with with the hydro packs oh my with wine in filled with wine in wine is the craziest drunk bro no no so oh that was a different video we 2s drinking wine and then this was 24 hours wine oh dude the wine hangovers are the worst ever was so bad wait Sy can you pull up the the 24 hours uh blacked out one I want to see this the and go to like I also want to talk about you guys do just go popular it will pop up right there how did you guys decide to do long videos all your videos are long um well this is free game like you just gave earlier you know but bro once your video so a lot of people don't know bro that pause it pause it a lot of people don't know bro that you don't get paid for YouTube video unless it's over like 8 8 to 10 minutes right okay so the longer your video the more you can space out ads naturally and the more ads in the video brings the more Revenue right you know what I'm saying so to our supporters we always just had a vision where we wanted to make the F TV show like we we love to feel like it's AEP real episode like you're waiting to see and like for example I used to like watching life life of Ryan type so you would wait on MTV to have that show drop right so that's the game right there you got to you got to make longer videos to spread out your ads to have more for sure I see and even when we were dropping like 20 25 minute videos everybody was always commenting like we need longer videos like they want more content too as well yeah but not everyone could do that some people like you got to be interesting yeah literally remember a watch time a drop remember that one time we dropped like a 12 minute video when we had Bravo the back Chaser and Phoenix bro our supporters are grinding us bro bad like cuz they want a longer video Yeah well it's I mean it is all based it's all based on watch time so like like you said like if someone just has a 40 50 minute video but it like they're not sustaining throughout and it dips it probably is probably harder cuz if your watch time dips then like your spread of like sending out the videos to you know notifications to like more subscribers like goes down yeah so there's definitely but to be able to do that like you said you have to you have to be entertaining go like I'm guessing right now I haven't seen this video go to like go to like see where his hand is go under his hand and press right there how how drunk are you guys here go before that look at what we did yeah yeah go a little bit before that right there right there there perfect no it's whose house whose house is this this is my my house before I moved into my new one okay yeah you got to go a little more forward um by Pillow where we wet you oh you want to show them that one oh no start with this one though start with this one this one's good too oh this fo was knocked out he had fell asleep cuz he was so damn drunk and we were just stacking down him look just look at this next clip right I think yeah I think you have to back it up yeah so there's another one he fell asleep he was under all those pillows are you guys still drinking at this point yeah all all the time look that's him that's him down there under yeah he's under all the pillows the TV was so loud I couldn't hear these laughing I was just knocked out has anyone ever gotten hurt yeah bro yeah oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] just reminds me of like college Bro Look at that put my my [Laughter] sons oh oh damn that would have been a dopee picture was still sleeping hey you're just like you're like black you're just sleep for real no I was black I was black yeah you got to be blacked out not to fill all that bro I was so mad bro what's the what's the pause it for a sec what's the worst situation you guys been in have you ever been in where you're like besides you getting hurt obviously have you guys ever been like oh this is bad have youever been in any like a sketchy situation like filming out is or is it all mostly in home like like like you know danger like yeah danger I don't think so just the end the county fair you remember that time you said you went to the movies but it wasn't as a talk about that though that's true I you off camera I thought we were talking about like like during vlogging right vog in general while we're out vlogging I would say when we were walking the tight rope that was bad tight rope that's true we we did like walking out tight rope a yeah we were walking on a tie rope like I don't know how high it was but like high over like a bunch of rocks and it was scary that was worse than skyd I would say who idea was that stupid James we have two homies in the group they're they're more athletic like Outdoors let's do it they bring that energy into the channel like where we go do crazy like like the we just we just got picked by dogs I don't know if You' seen that we we just got bit by train K9 I I saw I saw the thumbnail I haven't seen the video yeah so that was that was their idea too hurt hell yeah like even with the stuff on F like bad like bad I always want to do that that hurts you're a bigger guy so you probably handle it yeah I'll go do that but that means they have a bigger you know something to grab on yeah feel it you feel like it feels like their teeth go I just Flex on it his teeth right that dog about to pop all those steroids over dude hey you fast forward a little bit to show them the clip of when they dump water on me uh I'll let you know whenn oh no little right there we were contemplating whe whether we're going to do it or not yeah we're kind [ __ ] should we do I think this is the reason why this video hit a million because we got to go viral let's do it yeah he would do it for sure said he would behind the camera [Laughter] you guys are so faded it's hilarious [Laughter] literally you you can fast forward a little bit a little bit have you guys ever fought this phys but that was the closest more more more right there right there right there don't skip it bro I was so mad Brad you have no idea bro thought he was drowning he woke up yeah that would scar out of me though key and I gave his my door coat cuz he he lives with me so just any emergency this is not an emergency it was a team effort it's funny it's funny too cuz he had put something behind the door yeah he knew he knew we were going to with him and we Dam you were drunk and you like let me throw something here cuz I knew it bro cuz bro you see what happened earlier so yeah you're like that feel smart I like that light that's dope my room look like a VI huh that's dope where's my son's like he likes that we're stressing it like we all had to touch it we're like all we're all going to throw it at the same time I was recording oh my God this clip freezing cold keep in mind I had to stay and record just oh my God bro look look look it took off bro look how I come down piss we barricaded ourselves in there I was tripping bro I was like there's no way we did that [ __ ] this this reminds me of all the dumb done with Steve 100% look that pissed off yo he's mad you're mad mad as yo you're really mad I launched a glass thing at his door look his fist is all bald up yeah yeah pretty much it though yeah pause it pause it pause it but yeah this is the the the video that for sure like our biggest video and I think it definitely why do people like to see people with people so much it's Jersey short Vibes you ever seen you watch I've seen it I've seen it bro it's all the drama the AR the bickering people love that people love drama are you are you do you I don't know CU obviously now you're you're obviously you know having a kid another kid but do you involve your girls in this kind of stuff as well um not these videos like that no I don't think any of us want to bring like the girl dynamic in these videos but I have my own separate Channel with her where we do content yeah why not why not the girl dynamic in the video it's interesting cuz you have such a girl audience I feel like um for us like while we're filming it'll fck up The Vibes yeah not like not like like they're burden but like we're all locked in when there's no like there's no girls around you you know I get it I cuz it's like a bro thing yeah it's interesting how the audience is a lot of girls though that's that's the thing though the girls don't want to see a girl in their favorite their favorite group like in that dynamic they want to just see the boys like it's more of that too you know like e why was that looking at Philly you know like who's that standing next to Angel you know like it's always like that you know like which is cool you know like cuz they have so much love for us damn you got it's such a different audience than me it's so funny it makes sense though that's why that's why when you put up the s De M video and you you brought a uh your home girl I was like damn I was like I was like the whole CIS for of guys I was like it's going to be crazy yeah no she that that's she got it though she didn't care no yeah yeah it was no like nothing towards her at all it was it was all up but yeah cuz I noticed that I said that to you and you're were like uh can I tell can I tell them yeah all Brad comes up to me he's like hey bro we got to somehow involveed the girl and I'm like I I don't know how to tell Brad cuz I was the first time collabing with Brad I was like oh yeah we'll try but in my head I'm thinking like bro we never like film with girl like it it if if anything the guys were just kind of like awkward like didn't know how to act themselves in front of a girl you know like literally probably what it is that's fair though wait so that's why she was hitting the piñata or what cuz you asked him to no she just she just hit it yeah I was drunk at that point yeah when I said it to him I was I was already kind of drunk but at that point the pinata I was like I was wasted bro yeah yeah she was cool though she put up a good visor dope super cool super cool so do you guys uh when you when you go travel are you are you going to plan like obviously do the same kind of stuff but are you going to do like like meetups like Live Events type stuff or what what are the plans for that so the way we kind of work is whenever we hit new cities we host a club Mand we get we get a bag to be at be at the club and then we uh we we explore we explore wherever City we're at and like during the day to make that funny content and yeah we you guys got to go to South America dude that' be crazy got go Mexico you got to go somewhere in South America 100% it's just dangerous and really though but you speak Spanish yeah we speak Spanish and all that you think it's it's really that dangerous bro JP could get shot out bro that imagine but isn't jlp out there like taunting people though I have no idea I have no idea about that you like you just got to like know someone like that knows their you know how to move out there but you guys got to know someone out there yeah so that's funny cuz we met um call him the coyote so go out there we hit him up you know Tak us to everything we like but you've never shot a video in Mexico yeah we have we went a uh Baja Fest right Baja Fest we went to TJ slide you SE slides that just launch you yeah TJ sketch you guys got to do a video go to Hong Kong bro probably mer they're exposing their freaking business out there n like you been there Chinese food by the way I just know about it no but I'm saying you don't got to do a video in there but like you know some something around that would be so funny we've always thought about it but it's like damn like we don't want to be stepping on the or or go to like somewhere like super like like where you not you're not supposed to be because obviously you could be anywhere but like like no no no like go to like Sweden or oh yeah some super left we want to go crazy like we want to like am yeah like where you're super like not normal at all like you go to Mexico a little more normal right obviously but like if you go to somewhere else where you just like really are like what the I think Houston going to be Houston and Portland is going to be upcoming that's going to be live for us cuz it's like a whole different environment like we're La if you see the way we came dressed you know all that when we out there it's going to be kind of like people people know we're not from there it'd be interesting though if you went like super overseas somewhere UK or something yeah no we want to we were talking about going to Jamaica we want to go to Jamaica that crazy have you been to Canada Puerto Rico yeah Canada Canada's dope Canada like loves YouTube YouTubers for sure [ __ ] hey we got to go to can you got to go to Thailand too I want to go to Japan lady boys dude no they're there that's what you're into I don't know with that but but it's it's a beautiful play but Japan dude hey yo you guys going to Japan would be they're so lit Japan is so cool don't get me wrong bro like all all those sounds so sick but it's just all within like the budget like how how much we're growing like you know we travel as much as the supporters and you know get us there CU that's like flying expensive all way across the world the whole team with maybe nine 10 people yeah that's a plus security and a cameraman like that's a lot bro that's what we're having you know we're trying support SK sub bro at the end of the day like conent gets as crazy as much as you guys supporters No Cap yeah it's real man it's it's D such a it's such a cool cycle it's such a cool cycle the whole like the fact that you can do things that you know not everyone can do and you can like live this lifestyle it's it's so it's such a blessing man to have the audience and support that's what's the coolest thing about the internet I feel is like it's people that like cuz nowadays it's uh the celebrity the idea of a celebrity is so different cuz like before it was you saw someone you know you watch a video or a movie and this guy got all you know they got this many views or this many downloads whatever on Netflix streaming whatever it is and it's like a it's a it's an actor something that you don't really know but like I was talking about earlier how you guys are so much more connected with the audience it's like I feel like in the next 10 years people who do this kind of stuff like celebrity wise far surpasses any of this like old school kind of like Hollywood acting type yeah you know what's cool bro I really feel like um we've we've had fair fair amount of encounters with people in other fields that are like you know I want to say actors but like artists Etc and it's really insane to me like how much of a difference it is when when people see us versus like you know them in public a lot like I feel like you said like since we're so connected with our audience like like the real life motion is there like bro people are just coming up to us saying what's up like saying being friendly you know like it's crazy bro cuz you got a bunch of girls though doing that some homies you know homies homies % do you ever do you ever like like obviously you know you're taking your you know do you ever like you know like use that and you're like yeah what's up oh for sure for sure for single people for sure that's right the F of k cut that one out not that but I well I mean at some point you might you know you fans brand were you trying to tell us BR no I'm just saying like I not anymore at one point at one point I did for sure I must have right I mean I must have like it you know I don't really be I don't know about a fan maybe someone who just knew me cuz my fans is mostly guys so I'm not the dudes but it's like no no but at some point it's like a you know a girl you know no for sure makes it way easier yeah it's kind of hard now because I feel like a lot of people already know us so it's like they're either a fan or they just do you ever get sketched out about like sliding DMs I don't really do that you don't do that you're in person kind of guy that or just let them come vanish mode 2 21 that's funny dude what you what did you guys think about all the the LA the LA the Drake the Kendrick beef I don't really look into it yeah I wasn't really into it yeah n it's not really like something we were interested in a banger though yeah hey I'm not going to lie though Kendrick that was I I feel like that one's like going mainstream it's going like that one hit a l crazy allegations in the song tooe it's crazy how viral that song went with all the like really dirt allegations crazy I think that's why it went so viral because he was throwing so much shade and and he made like a little dance Bob too like he kind of he kind of made it like one of those club like yeah pedopile kind it's kind of crazy right it's kind of crazy yeah the it kind of damn kind of lowkey I'm such a drake fan kind of just makes you feel a little bad kind of hey bro sometimes is what it is it is what it is if you if you look at it like it's all been like right there like he's like texted like there's there's evidence where he's texted um some like actor and she was young like around young people The Stranger Things girl but it's like what is it really just that though is it you know I don't know bro because I seen a streamer get sied to desist for his video so on what if you guys see this video go down y'all know why they like Drake's Drake's team sent out ceased assist cuz the streamer reacted to it and and broke it down what streamer [ __ ] I don't know his name bro but yeah he if you search it up you'll definitely find it but it's crazy bro yeah the internet oh man you think like all these it's funny cuz I always want to I've always want to like talk about this like it's crazy how all these higher LS be on some weird that I don't understand yeah like all these like Diddy parties that was crazy like it's insane we about to get canceled now no no no no it's just like czy it's just crazy how they're so high up and they do be doing weird just CU they can no I was like I was talking about with sneo and Myon about this I I just don't get it it's like what point do you go I have all this money and I'm going to do weird literally like what you could do everything whatever the you want you want to go put your penis in a b like that you know what the that's what D was doing right I don't know you went to his party or n hell no n Angel right though bro like I feel like I feel like a lot of people um get very like um like you know I don't know something's not connecting in their head when all that money's in you know they meet the more higher reps they're like oh this is what the higher reps too you know see I feel like it's not after they get a lot of money I feel like they've already have like those kind of problems and then they get money and so they're like now they can just do that of do whatever they want I mean because there is Big higher ups who don't be on some weird you know like a lot of people yeah yeah no it's it's definitely a weird it's weird it's weird how pre pre prevalent it is that's the right word like how po like not popular but how like it's it's like this guy then that guy then that guy then that guy have you ever seen some weird like being in this uh yeah cuz you're pretty up there BR not uh not to that degree you know like i' I for sure have seen like you know the way people popular celebrity will treat like women and like kind of just run through them I've seen that I've seen that firstand but like not so much like the weird the weird nature of it cuz that's just a whole different thing yeah I think you have to be like in a different like setting for that like or a different maybe a completely different tax bracket I don't know weird I think that's what it is tax brackets Maybe the tax bracket level like now this is how I am now this is how I am so stupid though it's crazy though yeah for sure have you guys have you guys had anything weird like I oh yeah I don't want to too much about that sound like you were kind of talking about something like that earlier um how like what's your weirdest sort of interaction with a fan um like like kind of like like creepy or like sure yeah for me is when I'm outside my crib and they be passing by and they're like yo what's up and he lives on the Main Street this is where I live you know oh bro actually I have one yeah I was uh uh at our old house the one we just seen the video at um a FedEx driver actually he uh he does a little U-turn in Fr my house to drop off a package and then he's dipping out he has his phone out recording me come out get my package he goes yo be clean it's like like I I knew you live here I've told all my homies i' be droing I'm like buddy I'm like you know it's you know say what's up but bro phone out yeah bro I literally had no socks on no socks on you got you got got my T did you clip the nails bro no it was bad you're on Fe finder somewhere right now literally bro but it was crazy bro I was just like wow like like I feel like sometimes like the crazy experience happened because sometimes supporters um lose touch of reality of like how like human wise like like we're human too you know like you know like you can't be pulling up recording me outside my package especially you work for FedEx gang like I'm going to see you every week bro chill like like we could be cool you know but like that's crazy I think they just they they're probably just so excited they're not even thinking like yeah exactly like they lose touch of it you know which is fine but sometimes it just goes overboard you know like I remember one time I was at my gym and someone I think came to visit me from like really far I think it was like Mexico or something and uh I was training someone like someone actually paid this was years and years ago someone paid me to train them so I'm training them like at the gym my old gym and um this it was like a you could tell was must have been the kid's sister and like his parents and the the kid was there and they were like trying to wave me down they were at the front of the gym and I was training like literally like someone like I said someone paid me to like give me their like give me to give their time right and so they're like waving me down and I was like hey you know and but I didn't come over to the front cuz I was working with the person yeah and then I got this crazy message that was like f you like you only have this CU of your supporters and I was like I get that but like this wasn't it's it's not like we set up a date and I was like yo come by a meet up I'll say hi to it was like I was just it was a random day at the gym and I remember that chick was so mean to me like he's your biggest fan like you you're a scumbag I was like what like oh angel I was about to say we kind of felt that cuz we had th thrown our own event and we had showed up like late as and we're supposed to have like a meet and greet and I forgot what you were going to say though no the movie theaters which one like like all right so me angel Max um another these was remember we're leaving the theaters I was my girl I had Eddie and like my my other homies and then we're leaving bro and then when I was walking in I had seen a supporter he pulled up in a truck said what's up I was like oh what's up and then we come out bro it's 1:40 in the morning bro like no disrespect to you my boy like you're watching this bro much love I appreciate the you know what I'm saying you staying out there but bro 1:40 in the morning we walking back to our car we're slumped bro I have I was sleeping through the whole movie this guy cuz we we're known for drinking right so he pulls up with a buzz ball and he's like oh yeah everyone take a shot this and that it's just like it's just like like bro no bro like I can't drink and drive I can't driving I was like [ __ ] like you know like moments like that I really do feel B for supporters cuz I'm sure they watch the videos they're like I'm going to get a shot and this and that but those moments are like like like Ace 100% when they're like yo'll take a shot I'm like dude too many dude like you and 10 other people saying the same God I can't drink like that it's all love though but definitely certain situations are like we do feel bad for having to say no or this and that yeah yeah do you ever do do you get like love in like places that you thought you wouldn't like like restaurants or like grocery stores or places that you're like wow that's weird they were here I feel like you don't go to bookstores I feel like just in general like sometime I be going to like cover or something you know and then the dude in the back be like no you're good I'm like what free play say l bro I like no way like know little things like that is cool like yeah B that's funny I haven't employee who he he before he worked for my gym he worked at a like a poke spot and he's now the gym manager he's worked for me for like eight years now he's at the gym manager at my current gym but I remember he worked at a poke spot and I'd go there every day after the gym before I opened my gym before I hired him and he would give me free Pokey like so funny every week I see like you're not giving people free stuff in my gym right bu but there people probably take a lot of it's fine it's like the homies but um yeah it's there there are like little little weird perks like that the food stuff's dope man for me you know what's funny last time I was at Togo Madera and have you ever been there oh yeah I love yeah right so I was right there chilling you know uh doing my thing and then the chef comes out like the main Chef he's like oh I [ __ ] with your videos bro like much respect you know guys are doing it you know main Chef like oh yeah making me look good yeah hell yeah that's that's got to feel good he's like he's like what you want from like appetizers I was like whatever you recommend brings me out some wagu tacos I was like oh it's lovely I was like yes sir yeah sh like that's dope bro bad ass I love it you know yeah yeah what what is what do in in your guys is each you can answer this but like what does it mean to you to like have what you have and to be able to represent the kind of culture and the community that you guys represent what does that mean to you man I feel like it means I I feel like it mean it means a lot to me especially because I'm not Mexican I'm Guatemalan yeah so all the time bro like I love to see messages of like my fellow Guatemalan people you know hitting me up say like like damn bro like I really don't know Guatemalan like you know uh who was on YouTube like bro I look up to you like I me my whole family watch you like we'll literally get people tagging us everyone like dinner peaks of dinner on the couch like 20 people deep just watching our episode that's got to feel good I think that's the best part when like they put their family on their uncles their the I think I love that the most like whenever I I I see that you know I'm like like we're really the dinner time you know special you know what I'm saying we're really the the after work special we're really the after school special everybody I think the craziest one is when they have like the little kids watching us and stuff throwing up the L all yeah I don't know this little kids watching this that's crazy I had people I've had people tag their dogs the dogs are looking at the TV [ __ ] way I swear I'm not even lying it's so funny had this one guy was one guy right with his kid and his wife and he had tagged me on the story and the baby was watching it and then we're right there shotgunning and I'm just over here like w do I repost this like like I was happy that you know the kid is entertained but I'm like that's crazy I want I want to say this should I say it remember the one I showed you guys which one bro a little kid I'm talking about maybe 10 12 years old yeah he's over here like yeah throws the camera he has a whole Corona in his hand I was like wait what dude looks young as hell you know you could tell he's like 13 at most 10 I was like I can't repost that I was like what the cuz like obviously it's not acceptable right drinking under the age but like I mean I can look back when I was a kid I was we all did it we all did it all that bro back to what I said earlier where the is this kid's parents why why is he saying Le to a camera at 10 years old chugging and Corona like that's really where the parents have been and I feel like we could never get blame for that bro cuz we put out what we put out it's really up to the parents to let their kids receive what you know whatever they receive is the parents fault bro like at the end of day 100% I mean you can't control that you can't you can't control who's watching your videos no hell no and we don't ever promote we want youngans doing this and that no bro like we do it cuz we're of age and it's what we do it's our life right now and we're having fun M you let your kid watch us and your kids Le take with a Cora bottle that's on you g it's true it's true literally bro like cheers you're stupid star yeah right oh my God bro this is good man this is fun so so where do you guys see yourself this is the corniest question but I always got to ask it in five years are you guys going to keep making the same content or how do you see it evolving you guys ever going to do a podast by that time I think we want to have like something out like a product like tequila alcohol something like freaking hookah lounge you know more on like the business side it's got to be super like real it's got to be super genuine yeah that's when it crushes bro we want to do a like a bar like a club where people like that's our club and people we want to make it the most turned spot in the city you know like that's that's one of our goals like La thing yeah like be so popular Hest see WR investors for a club bar right now it'll be the most popping Club in La no cap and we'll be there like every Friday and everybody's going to pull up the show EXA what where where would you put it what city probably downtown downtown the middle of everything come there not the valley I feel like the valley though my boy Angel City and weo [Laughter] ohle Valley yeah but I honestly feel like bro like as much as we're from the valley like I feel like La would be perfect though because it's in between everything like the the valley is only like 25 30 minutes away then we got San Bernardino people coming from that way like you know everywhere you know what I'm saying like I feel like it lays the center of it that's why a lot of businesses are out there so that's what you guys are are is are you I'm not saying you're working on specifically but what other sort of um projects are you guys actively working on outside of making content right now we're trying to move into the weed industry the weed industry you talked earlier yeah that's the right now alcohol we were in works with the producer hoping that we had we we we locked in a deal for like aity crazy like a reality TV show but just wasn't there like you know the number wasn't right yeah yeah for like a for like a streaming platform I'm assuming actual TV show like on an app oh okay yeah like it would have been on app but the Network's on like a like a channel too and everything okay I see what does that is that the stuff that excites you guys the most I think that be lit all of us Under One Roof making hella content yeah yeah for sure bro it has to make sense for like I feel like it'd be sick if you guys just got like a warehouse somewhere like like a fantasy Factor you know what's funny that's what we want like our headquarters to be like headquarters yeah that would be badass does no have something like that yeah yeah yeah you guys can have put pinatas and stuff Pata a taco lady in the front or tacos in the front easy inside that [ __ ] bro who who who Who's who's grandma whose's mom who cooks the best oh right here angel oh you cooked the best that's right I remember yeah my mom my mom's a good cook and well I mean I have freaking Taco stands and you know my mom has fruit stands and stuff like that yeah so like you know like the ones that that are on the corner like that angel right there out there in dad you know what's funny about mom uh she was like the first originator ever of I feel like doing a lot of that like she was the first ever like in our block is one of the most popping blocks it's right there San FR [ __ ] I don't even say but it's popping like there's so much vendors and my mom was the first one ever there first one ever bro I'm going there yeah short ever and now after this you got to give me the info I'm going there yeah I got you pull up and and now there's so much vendors it's crazy but I feel like just that my mom you know she now it's social media so people took it to another level you know she just got the OG customers you know stuff like that she real life popping she started the trend right there yeah I can literally say my mom started that Trend out here in the valley like she was the first one ever out there and now it's popping that block you go right now popping like just more more vendors a whole lot of vendors I I want to know what block this is you can't say can you say it or no uh it's by the San frer Swami uh like everybody goes there I I don't be outside on the weekends or I'm going to get spotted a lot for sure but if you go like to days what Saturday yeah if you go right now it's popping dude I love I love street food it's love it bro like the best most when you're up hit the to Bro oh my God some food I dude I need to eat I'm so hungry bro um so kid you have two kids anyone else have kids I do you have a kid yeah I have a daughter How old uh she's about to be two damn was the mom in the picture said damn I'm just like because I don't have any kids I'm kind of got to catch up uh she is in the picture but um we co-parent okay yeah cool is it is it ever get difficult um for sure I think so but um I feel like you know you just got to take care of business and as long as everything's like you know I feel like as long is my daughter's good and you know and I'm there for her like you know it's cool yeah yeah and you know you know take care obviously of the mother of your kid as well too you know some ways you know she's the one that gave birth so yeah yeah respect for sure um do do so no one else has kids I figured you all would have had kids I'm still a kid at heart bro you want kids uh eventually but I'm only 24 these guys are crazy for having kids I I told myself the earliest I'd ever have a kid was probably but I'm looking like towards like 27 28 yeah yeah that was that's the the hard I'm trying to enjoy my younger days bro like yeah yeah you guys are crazy for you still enjoy your time bro oh yeah we see you bro trust I feel like you know I feel like a lot of people think once you're a parent you can't have fun and like n just get your done you know after you got your done be outside you're the example of that one literally after you go to to a gym you go look over what do you do you come home you just chill by yourself right yeah yeah where I do a little more work but because I don't have no but I'm saying you're downtime you come home you chill you just do whatever you do right yeah imagine coming home to like your kid your girlfriend your wife you know what I'm saying that's like the amazing part of it like after your days like after this pod bro like I'mma go home I'mma have my I'mma have my girl there you know I'mma have my son I'mma chill you know what I'm saying like that's what I'm coming home to and that's what I always wanted so yeah it is kind of crazy Dre there it is kind of crazy doing it young but like I've always wanted this what what is what has being a younger parent taught you I think it's got to it definitely probably made you better at all this stuff cuz doesn't it give you a little bit more like I I think these guys would tell you like definitely like when me and Angel got had kids like we locked in more locked in way more and it feel it's like you got another person to think of now you know you can't be selfish anymore you know you got to it's generational wealth now at that point you know you got to make sure your kid is good after you not just generational wealth that's right my boy my boy a just on professional no that's real that's real you got to make sure your kids are good after you yeah and you and and so you have a you have a a different baby Mama does that ever get hard with the current um no there's no contact uh we co-parent she's in the she's in my son's life 100% we uh 50/50 you know we co prating well yeah we co prating through my parents you know it just makes it easier yeah it makes sense that's a good clip right there that's probably going to get clipped for no reason really yeah I almost getting clipped I don't even know I I like normally I know when I'm trying to get a clip but it's but it's all good on this side bro like you know I'm I'm happy that Moon a moon has his mom you know his mom's killing it like in his life doing good yeah you know and then when I get him I just do like you know I do my best on this side you know it's all about him at the end of day I'm happy that he has both of us at the end of day co- paring is is going well the moms the moms has off to you girls cuz you moms are you guys get not too much or you guys don't get the credit you guys are supposed to you guys are like the the foundation of our kids sure fact shout out to them for real without them that would be oh yeah but it's dope though bro cuz like you know I found someone and I have this partner in my life now who you know when my when my son's over here she she helps me out with so much bro she she got on my back with him like she's helping me teach him things you know making me a better father too you know so beautiful bro and it takes a lot for a woman to step up and like you know go into someone's life who already has a kid you know you know what I'm saying like it's it's tough you know so abely and vice versa too like for a guy to go into yeah same situation you know what I'm saying that's a large responsibility it's just baling that's crazy on that side I would just hope you know whoever ends up being that father figure on that side for him you know just always treat myself in respect teach him well and just give him a good life on that side yeah for show yeah I respect that's pretty freaking um matur of you I grew up bro for real I'll be tripping because I have a daughter you know but I feel like um that's where you being in the picture plays a role you know because once they grow older they're going to see that so as long as you're in the picture you're always there for them they're always going to know you know where home's at you know if there's someone else you know so you got to be in the picture for sure that's a big yeah and do you you guys all grew up with like both par parent figures yeah I had both my parents I did that's nice man yeah just with my mom got it um well dude this was amazing this was dope guys are awesome bro you got a lot no and I'm proud of you guys for real you guys are cring it means a lot coming from you for real I've been watching I've been watching your guys' stuff you you know don't boys for a long time it's crazy to see someone that was on my screen um you know our flowers as well you you guys deserve it man 100% like I I enjoy filming with you guys was so much fun like that was just at in and of itself was just cuz for me it's like I don't have to do things anymore just because I just do them because I want to I'm at a point in my life for like like to even do this podcast is like just cuz I want to you know and I respect what you guys have done and I and I'm glad you guys are doing this the culture and you guys are crushing it man you guys are great examples you guys aren't you know obviously you party you have fun you drink but you're not you know you're not stupid about any of you're aware I think you guys are good good role I feel like I feel like you know it's like we try we're trying to like let people know you know you got to be a businessman at the end of the day you know like business wise it's not just all having fun it's all fun games but you can't be getting lost in the sauce you know no you got to have together been lost in that sauce a couple times I've been there too man like you like you said earlier about the learning man it's all as long as like you could take these moments and like every once in a while turn around and be like yo what did I learn from this like how can I grow from this that's how you continue to just build and build and build you got to Lose Yourself to find yourself or what literally this guy [ __ ] I swear this [ __ ] you got to lose you got to Lose Yourself to find yourself we do want to tell you bro like we get offered so many pods we don't really go on pods BR this is only our fourth pod ever oh nice so we really with you bro we really want to come out here and show love cuz the way you went off for single Tom mile what you yeah for real you guys are awesome man we we definitely got to do more stuff together yeah for you should take us to the Bay we should go to the Bay for a vlog I'm down [ __ ] skydiving for show I don't know about that I'm scared of that one again we got to we got to we got to do something with the boys too do it that hey uh call call up the homie NK right now hey you think plant the seed plant the seed the you know what TR me out BR like I like when you when you reached out you know through um my friend suie and everything you said that you were aware of us and all that it really tripped us out cuz we were like like who else really is out there watching you just don't know you know so that was pretty cool bro that you reached out no and and I and I get that too cuz I remember when like I would hear people like I would even like randomly find people on Instagram who like I had followed or who I had with before I'm like they following me and like people were like I it it is always kind of a trip to go like oh this person has seen my stuff yeah like I went to uh I went to New York last week and um like they we were sitting there like around drinking and Sequon Barkley was like oh you're that gym guy let's do some together like random people that I'm like I have no idea that they know of me but they cuz also I think that gym guy how do you feel about that that's that's dope yeah that's who I am you're pretty mainstream like like through and through that's that's me like my like that's where my heart is and that's where all like my life has taken me through so it's like that's a that feels good to know that like oh I've seen that guy that's the gym guy it's cool it's Cool's [ __ ] to me I don't know if you ever seen But like the UFC's Fighters before about you like whole 260 like people know about you bro it went viral yeah and even went so viral there was a clip of Demetrius Johnson talking to is I'm talking talking about I tried to fight him at a party which was a straight up lie got that straight up lie no no I never tried to fight him in fact I remember goinging up to him he was with two girls and I remember like dapping on being like yo you're dope bro and then they everyone was like kind of around at Jake Paul's house they were like wrestling in the backyard like and because he had a boxing ring at the time and I remember literally in my mind being like I'm going to avoid that because someone's going to try to pull me in like around and my hat's going to come off I swear to God I swear to God I I can't do that's how you know how real this is that's how you know how real it is cuz in a video clip he said that I tried to fight him I'm like no dude like that wouldn't have happened that was so that was a funny so right yeah people talk but it it is what it is you got him covered though Israel I mean I'm too 60o that's crazy I think I got to stick with the troll no but Demetrius Johnson I think you probably take him he's like what like 52 5 three like but he is a super skilled fighter yeah for sure he's probably like the best like flyweight on the planet it's like could I could I smash him in the face with something is you know it's a street fight I never I never once said yo I'm going to beat you never said that he's the man at Jiu-Jitsu I know that I'm like fully aware of that that that's why it got so many people riled up though the whole the whole like joke sh is like there's like a weird little tiny truth to it and like doubt there's enough doubt for people to go wait a second and then argue about it I just thought it funny the funniest clip ever was when you did it with Nate di yeah you're a podcast brother you're a brother n dude Nate Diaz is so he's such a cool I want to meet that such a cool guy cool dude and him I'm just kind of I'm just trolling you know like that guy is so cool man like you'll meet him at some point he's he's exactly what you think he is yeah people everybody says that he's exactly that guy like who you see is exactly who you get that's F such a good dude that's dope bro that's dope that you get to meet all these people you know what I'm saying bro it's a blessing it's such a blessing that's SE the the podcast you did with Shan yeah I've done a few with Sean yeah recently I did one recently but I've done one where he was here I've done like three or four with him that's fire Sean's one of the coolest people ever bro he looks like cool dude he's cool he's such a good dude like there are there are some people that like man I really like you get why people have the I mean you guys are like that when you meet people and you like the vibe is just there doesn't like you know when you talk to someone you're like oh that felt weird all the people that like really sent out to me are always the people that like down Earth people it's exactly what you think you're going to get that's dope hell yeah probably the best people too yeah I feel like cuz we come from the same thing probably you know I think that's gota be one of the biggest reasons yeah coming from coming from nothing from nothing we respect we respect our beginnings yeah yeah that and that's what I I think I think that's that's a cool thing to kind of make a point in this in this whole podcast and video is like there is real there is real power to starting from nothing and having nothing oh yeah cuz like you said earlier we were talking about but like learning through all the ways the whole way up and like being really grateful for what you have and I think that's a part of your guys' success for sure MH you know so off and I'm proud of you guys for real for the opportunity nothing but love and I think your channel is going to continue to blow up and let's make tequila let's get it we got to get something hey No Cap shout out Brad bro shout out to you your content bro you you're well respected by all of us bro and appreciate you giving us the opportunity with everything for sure opport thank you guys for coming on man um yo every Tuesday 11 subscribe notifications all that good hopefully get some more female followers that I'm trying to get like you know trying to get like a nice 8% female that's sick but uh yeah thank you guys so much man and subscribe to them follow him on YouTube um you guys got each got your own Instagrams they can proba find all your there yeah just just just go follow these FS just these F yeah check it out I love you guys thank you for watching see you guys next week
Channel: Bradley Martyn's Raw Talk
Views: 276,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradley martyn, fitness podcast, motivational, how to build muscle, zoo culture, video podcast, exercise, bmfit, joe rogan, comedy, full send
Id: ZzHp0IdfExY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 42sec (7182 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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