These Foods Can Make You Happy | Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. Josh Cullimore Live Q&A

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welcome to the exam room live brought to you by the physicians committee hello i'm the weight loss champion chuck carroll thank you so very much for raising your health iq with us in more than 130 countries around the world and thank you as well for helping to make the world a healthier place now here is the question for you right we've all had our bad day but is it truly possible to eat your way out of a depression can food improve your mood and vice versa can food actually make your mood a little bit worse well we are going to find out today we're going to explore all about that with doctors neil barnard and dr josh cullimore as we open up the doctor's mailbag to go inside your mind and what's on your plate going to be a fascinating conversation and because this is the exam room live we're going to tackle a little bit of everything whatever it is that you're on whatever it is that is on your mind go ahead and post that in the comments or in the chat now we're going to be opening up the doctor's mailbag to answer your questions and you can also find me on twitter and instagram send me your questions there at chuck carroll wlc so let's go ahead and start answering some questions explore food and mood with doctors neil barnard and josh cullimore gentlemen thank you both so very much for being here today hi there chuck hi chuck so glad to be here great to see you both dr barnard i want to start with you and this question from serena serena is wondering flat out what foods can make you happy you know it's an interesting and an interesting question and an important one and it's one that we stumbled upon really by accident we were doing a study a number of years ago with geico the car insurance company because we had done some studies showing that a plant-based diet a vegan diet could help people lose weight and tackle their diabetes and so our friends at geico whose national headquarters is just about three blocks that way from our office they said let's do a study here and we did and geico employees as part of a clinical trial went on a completely low-fat vegan diet and exactly what you'd think would happen happened which is that they lost weight and their cholesterol's improved and their blood pressure came down and all these things which you would expect but something that we weren't exactly expecting happened too and that's that their moods got better and we were able to measure this using specialized uh validated paper and pencil psychological tests and we found that depression specifically improved anxiety improved and job absenteeism improved in other words people were able to work and not be home and so uh other researchers have looked into the same phenomenon they found that for whatever reason when people's diets are plant-based they get away from the meat the dairy the greasy stuff their moods seem to improve so the reason we think that this is doing it is one is the gut microbiome gets healthier that feeds back to the brain the other is the diet has an anti-inflammatory effect anti-inflammatory effect means your your joints don't hurt or skin conditions get better but it can also mean that your brain is responding better because we've learned a long time ago that inflammation affects the brain so bottom line vegetables fruits beans whole grains getting away from the animal products can indeed help the mood all right so then on the flip side her follow-up question is are there foods then that make you depressed and what happens then when you eat your feelings you know we turn to the cake the ice cream the high fat foods that are on our no no list for a lot of people so what happens to your mood when you eat those dr barnard yeah um there's we found it's a very individualized effect and there's some people who have a real problem with sugar in particular i'm talking about a person who says um okay i'm going to indulge today i'm going to have a big sugary pie or a chocolate cake or something like that and sometimes some people feel more or less okay afterwards but for others they find their they are moody and their moods are changeable and irritability comes up and we believe that it is perhaps a sugar effect or an effect of sugar and fat combined here's why we say that um sugar seems to affect the brain by increasing serotonin production that's okay if you're about to go to sleep because it helps you to sleep but if you are not it seems to cause moodiness to to to get unleashed and the sugar fat mixtures have almost a drug like effect that you can actually measure in psychological studies a little bit like a narcotic so for some people they do worse and the last thing i'll say is that when people are on fatty diets especially a meaty diet pms gets worse and we discovered this in the opposite direction this is 20 years ago we published in the journal called obstetrics and gynecology a study where we were looking especially at menstrual pain but we found that pms bloating water retention but also moodiness got better when people shifted toward a diet that was all plants and really low in fat so put that to work see if it helps i always found in my previous life that when i was eating those types of foods my mood would improve but it was just a short-term gain and then the crash on that was really substantial and if i was having a bad day i'd be right back in the doldrums in a hurry and i actually found a little bit just from my personal experience can't speak for anybody else that it was even harder than to climb out of that hole maybe not just because of the the issues you were just talking about but then also the reality of you're kind of especially if you're trying to improve your health and lose a little bit of weight you're also compounding everything with that guilt then of having indulged in something that you ordinarily were trying to keep off of the plate and dr barnard that also made it a little bit more difficult as well you know i think you're right chuck and then there's one other thing to add to it something some people use the the term borrowing like you're borrowing a little bit of happiness so i'm going to eat these really crummy foods and let's say it does make me feel a little bit happy now well i just borrowed a little happiness from later and what you're really borrowing is dopamine your cells have a certain amount of dopamine in it i'm going to release it all now and then there isn't much left later so i feel crummy it's the same way when a person drinks themselves into oblivion okay you might feel happy for 45 minutes or something like that but um by and large people who do that their moods not generally better um over the long run compared to other people all right so the bottom line here is if you're having a bad day reaching for that whole pint of ice cream probably not the best idea right let's do something healthier talk with a friend go for a walk eat healthier things um and what you'll find is that you've got a little dopamine still stored up to keep you on the straight and narrow and feeling good later on all right dr cullimore coming to you now a lot of people in the morning they say well look i'm just not myself until i get that cup of coffee and matter of fact a lot of people also say i'm feeling blue until i get that cup of black coffee so the question then from la becca is can coffee improve a person's mood yeah there was um an observational study recently which showed that the coffee actually reduced depression by about a third overall um so yeah there is some evidence for that and that's probably due to the antioxidants and the anti-inflammatory compounds found in coffee potentially the caffeine and that that's something that to be careful about because some people have a different reaction to caffeine so if you find that caffeine makes you more anxious after you've had it um then you need to be more careful um but but overall that we there are quite positive results for coffee do you know i hate to put you on the spot but when you're talking about that anxious feeling was this uh as you doctors would put it a dose response say if somebody had like five cups of coffee they get the jitters they're feeling more anxious there and then maybe somebody who's only had one cup of coffee feeling a little bit less anxious do you know if there was a dose response considered yeah definitely and it does also depends on how tolerance you are if you're someone who drinks a lot of coffee normally then you're probably going to have a lot less of an effect so yeah it depends how much of a coffee junk you are normally and back to what it was dr barnard was talking about if you're adding a lot of stuff to that coffee it's not just a black cup of coffee you're going to the line at starbucks you're getting that frappuccino that caramel macchiato loading that up with a whole bunch of high fat cream and a ton of sugar probably not the best idea either correct no you know exactly right there chuck yeah the the fat and the sugar that people had definitely are negative all right let's stick with you here dr callamore because uh somebody told me that you know quite a bit about dairy and that's good because our last episode was a gangbuster one we had somebody write in and say well look hey i'm just not convinced that darry is unhealthy and her challenge then to dr broner was convince me so we have a follow-up from that episode and this is a question from kimberly dr cullimore she's wondering is organic pasture-raised raw milk a healthier option she says i'm sure most of these studies were done on people who can see consume just standard pastries milk okay yeah thanks chuck and i listened to last week's uh episode dr barnard and uh he made the excellent point that the major contributor to calories in milk is the sugar it's the lactose and that is still present um whether the milk is pasteurized or organic and also the same with all the other negative compounds that are found in milk so the saturated fats the estrogens the igf-1 compounds which is the likely cause of prostate cancer which is much more likely with with dairy products so actually being organic or pasteurized really makes no difference at all um to to all those negative consequences of milk sounds very similar to the question somebody wrote in asking whether skim milk was a healthier option than whole milk the answer that dr barnard had for that person was very very similar to what it was that you just gave here and a follow-up to that for you dr calamore maybe dr barnard if you would like to weigh in on this as well this is a question from maj wondering whether milk is good for menopausal women since it has estrogen in it so there have been a few studies which have shown um a positive effect of cow's milk on menopausal symptoms however those studies were observational which means there's lots of confounding other factors which could be the true reason um such as that uh women who drink milk tend to be more health conscious or um have a higher income and they haven't done any studies which are randomized control trials which are a better quality of evidence and it's also just worth emphasizing again all of the negative consequences of dairy products so that the cancer the heart disease parkinson's disease acne so it's much safer to to go for soy milk for example which dr barnard's study has shown with a whole food plant-based diet reduces the symptoms of menopausal of the menopause but without any of those negative consequences of of cow's milk dr barnard is there anything you would like to add to that i know you've done so many studies recently with uh menopause of women yeah it's i have to say it's been a really wonderful experience um we started these studies in the fall of 2020 because we were looking at the effects of diet on menopausal symptoms especially hot flashes but also sexual symptoms and others and the combination that we hit on did not have dairy in it at all the thing that seemed to really work by that i mean what really knocked down the hot flashes a lot was three things vegan diet no animal products at all number two keeping oils really low so this was not a guacamole fest you know not lots of peanut butter and nuts it was it was vegan and low in fat and the third thing was soybeans we asked the participants to have a half a cup of whole soybeans every day and i described this in my book your body imbalance but we had the time to do a couple of studies on this and it is we expected the effect to be kind of moderate but the effect was profound for many of the women uh many of the women were just they didn't have any more of the really bothersome hot flashes at all and for others they were just turned way way down and then we looked at uh sexual effects vaginal dryness and so forth for many of the women that improved as well and we were really quite struck because it's the effect is just the opposite of well let's say a person has some dairy and they think well it's got estrogen in it maybe it should help me feel better um but you end up not having good you know good effects on your body weight and your cholesterol might be worse and other things when people go on the vegan diet low fat plus soybeans there was good weight loss better results all the way around better health and it's also just the opposite of the effects you get if you took hormone replacement therapy where the dot the prescribing doctor has to say well it'll increase your risk of certain kinds of cancer it can increase the risk of blood clots increase the risk of heart disease maybe increase the risk of dementia you think good grief you know if i can do this with diet so much the better so bottom line uh skip the milk skip there's a much better approach and what we described is the way to go and dr barnard i want to stick with you here so let's uh we're talking menopause now but let's shift to earlier in the fertility spectrum talk a little bit about pregnancy we have a question from meg and meg is wondering whether the mechanism for gestational diabetes is the same for regular diabetes a great question because this is a a big issue and and it's growing fast uh gestational diabetes what that means is you didn't have diabetes going into pregnancy you're part way through the doctor does a blood test and says sorry your blood sugar is really high this is gestational diabetes this is going to affect you it's going to affect your baby we got to treat this what kicks this off is insulin resistance that means that your your pancreas still is making insulin and the insulin's job is to get the sugar into your cells that's all still true but for some reason your muscle cells and your liver cells aren't responding to that insulin that's insulin resistance and to answer your question yes this is the same thing that kicks off type 2 diabetes which is the real common form of that disease and in fact after you give birth the gestational diabetes usually resolves but it is a sign not only that you're going to get diabetes again during your next pregnancy but you're probably headed for type 2 diabetes overall so what do you do well you kind of do what we were describing for menopause vegan diet really low fat 20 years ago we did a study in people with type 2 diabetes and showed that just those things plant-based diet getting the oils really low it counters that insulin resistance makes your insulin work again gets your blood sugars down plus all the other benefits helps you lose weight helps keep your cholesterol down too so so yes a similar mechanism and it's something you definitely want to take seriously follow-up question now for meg really quickly is an a1c of 4.5 high for someone who's eating a whole food plant-based diet dr barnard no that is a great a1c um you can go up to you can go all the way up towards 5.65.7 you know if you're if you're at 5.6 you're in the normal range so so four and a half that's great you could sell that a1c on ebay people would like to have that one doc [Laughter] call me off guard with that one okay i wonder what you would get that's pretty good uh okay uh dr cullimore your turn on the hot seat take a question now from gretchen uh two-parter she's wondering one what is tmao and two what could cause someone's level to be elevated if they're eating a whole food plant-based diet yeah so tma o is one of the compounds that we've realized in recent years is is responsible for heart disease so we've known for a long time that vegans have a much lower risk of heart disease and we we thought that's due to the saturated fat and that is definitely a large part of it but we've realized there are other things going on as well and that includes this this compound called tmao and that's caused by compounds usually from animal products meat dairy eggs fish that gets metabolized by the microbiome which is the good bacteria in your intestines and it it produces this compound which causes furring of the arteries and and puts you at much higher risk of heart disease so as i mentioned it mostly comes from compounds like choline carnitine which come from animal products it is worth checking that you're not having any energy drinks because they often contain carnitine and other things it's worth getting your liver and kidney function checked because that can cause higher levels as well but if you cut out animal products that should should uh drastically reduce your levels for most people when you're talking about energy drinks are you speaking about something like a gatorade or maybe a monster energy or a red bull the the monster drinks yeah they contain carnitine which can be a vegan version uh so it may say it's vegan but it's just worth checking that let's stick with you let's stick with you here doctor carla more take a question now from sarah she says this is kind of a long-winded one but i think it's a good one my mom has been plant-based for about six months and she recently got lab work done and she was disappointed to see her cholesterol was 30 points higher she says she mainly eats whole food plant-based with the occasional vegan junk food what could cause cholesterol to go up on a plant-based diet okay i mean that's a good question because the evidence does show that vegans generally have much lower cholesterol levels she said that she has a healthy diet it is just worth checking she's not having processed burgers like impossible or beyond because they are high in saturated fat from coconut oil other things to check are that she's not drinking too much alcohol smoking and she's doing some exercise other conditions like the the menopause can cause cholesterol levels to go up as well so it is it's definitely worth her speaking to her doctor to rule out other medical conditions that could be um contributing to that sometimes some genetic effects as well um but yeah if if you're eating a whole food plant-based diet high in fiber legumes fruit and veg for most people that will bring it down so i would encourage her to speak to her health care provider and and dr barnard what is the percentage of the population who would be genetically predisposed to having higher cholesterol um maybe one in ten something like that uh i really got it from their parents but i think that dr cullimore said something really really important that i don't want people to miss he said look look at the coconut oil look at the palm oil you know years ago people didn't use these fats very much you got a jar of peanut butter what was in it peanut butter um but nowadays they are mixing in some palm oil you know look at the labels you'll see what i'm talking about coconut oil is used in lots of things and they advertise it as natural it might even be organic or whatever but you know what it is it's loaded with saturated fat unlike just about every other vegetable oil coconut oil and palm oil have a lot of saturated fat and that's going to raise your cholesterol level so um avoid those and cholesterol levels typically typically going to fall and and fall a lot when people go from an omnivorous diet to a vegan diet let's shift from one plant-based phenomena to another dr barnard sticking with you a question from khaki here what should you do when your blood test shows low white blood cells happens all the time um and it's well first of all do talk to your doctor and if it's low but generally within the normal range or maybe around the bottom of the normal range most doctors will say well this is probably okay a lot of people when they got in get on a healthier diet their white blood cell count goes down a little bit and think of it this way what are white blood cells they're your soldiers they're they're in your bloodstream and unlike the red cells whose job it is to transport oxygen the white cells are your soldiers they're looking for a virus they're looking for a bacterium and they're going to attack it they make antibodies that's their whole thing so if you're on a healthier diet and you're not taking in so many toxic proteins dairy protein and that kind of stuff your white blood cells may well drop and your doctor can interpret if you're still in the normal range or if there's if there is some kind of problem going on which is less likely cullimore over to you are you big into fasting do you fast yourself um i have done periods of that in the past yeah okay well we have a question here from steph she could rely on your expertise with this steph is wondering what is the healthiest way to fast yeah so it is a really interesting area of research it's still an emerging area of evidence um dr hanna kaliova at the positions committee has done a lot of work on this so yeah there is um some reasonable evidence actually that intermittent fasting can help you to lose weight and improve your metabolic figures like your cholesterol um your blood pressure your blood sugar control so really the the best way of doing that is to have an eight hour window um every day where you you eat all of your calories and it's better for that to be earlier in the day so that you're you're not eating later afternoon and in the evening and uh yeah there is there is some some evidence showing that that will uh help you to to lose weight and drop your cholesterol i believe that this is the 318th episode of the exam room that will be released and dr barnard this is the very first time in all 318 episodes that we have ever gotten this question i don't know how this one has escaped until now very interesting one from lee who says that she and her husband have been eating a healthy plant-based diet now for two years they feel absolutely fantastic but dr barnard lee says that one thing she has noticed is that she sneezes a lot more since changing her diet so she's wondering whether being vegan makes your nasal passages more sensitive to things as you're breathing in she's read my new book 300 recipes made with black pepper so well first of all chuck 318 uh episodes that's great you should be complimented and no i i'm i'm kidding about the black pepper um obviously when one sneezes this is the body's rather crude effort to get rid of something that you've inhaled so if you've inhaled some black pepper or pollen or anything else you're sneezing it's just a way to get rid of it and so the question is somehow now that i'm vegan am i more sensitive and am i i'm sneezing more uh frequently because uh my nose is detecting invaders sooner that's a new one on me okay let's take a question from doka uh also wondering about oxygen here somewhat related i guess i don't know doka's question dr barnard is it possible that eating a whole food plant-based diet enhances the oxygen saturation in a person's blood we've looked at this and related questions for athletes because think about it when you you've got exercising muscle and as let's say you're you're running or you're just going upstairs or whatever you start breathing harder when your lungs are pulling the oxygen out of the air and your lungs are putting it into your bloodstream why to get it to your muscles because they need it they are using it they're using it a lot so you need good oxygenation of your blood in order to oxygenate the muscle so that they can continue to work what gets in the way what gets in in the way is velveeta and all kinds of fatty foods if you eat fatty stuff it makes your blood more viscous more thick uh more like oil less like water and so it doesn't flow as well and your oxygenation goes down and this is why a lot of people are getting away from all the fatty foods this is why people go to a vegan diet when they have an when they're in an endurance sport so if you want to improve the oxygenation of your blood but more importantly the oxygenated oxygenation of your tissues you want to get on as clean and low viscous diet as you can so that means vegan no animal products i mean cheese 70 fat that's just asking for viscous blood and reduced athletic performance so get away from the animal products keep oily foods to a bare minimum and your oxygenation and your athletic performance is likely going to be a whole lot better gentlemen we are covering a lot of different ground today i love these live shows we get questions about so many different things that literally everybody is going to key in on something that applies to them so this is so cool uh dr cullimore let's go to you here and hopefully you can help out tara ray tara ray's question is when i don't consume oil i always lose too much weight she's wondering what she can do differently okay oh she's got a the opposite problem to most people um but um yeah but for people who are struggling to put on weight there are plant-based foods which are higher in calories so soya products and tofu have more calories than the most legumes so i would try and focus on those in terms of carbohydrates or grains quinoa is a bit higher in calories and and then you've got nuts nut butters avocados are higher in fats so you don't want to go too crazy with those but if losing weight is an issue she could uh she could eat some more of those and that should uh sort the problem out and let's stick with you we've gotten this question from nora in the past a similar question anyway but it's definitely one worth revisiting nora is wondering whether eating unhealthy food can really just kind of erase the effects of an otherwise healthy diet for example she says well drinking a soda wash out all of the health benefits of eating the salad with it so unhealthy foods animal products sugar processed foods we we know now that they're really not good for the the microbiome the healthy bacteria and that healthy bacteria are so important for for everything in our in our health we're realizing now and having lots of fiber whole food plant-based diet is is really positive so that you will you will just be counteracting the benefits of of the healthy foods with with those processed or foods that are high in animal products so yeah try and try and keep the unhealthy foods to a minimum dr bronner we were talking about sugar a little bit earlier in the show but added sugar refined sugar but samantha is wondering more about natural sugars specifically from dried fruit she's wondering is too much dried food is too much dried fruit i should say an issue you know your body evolved to use sugar that's your body's favorite fuel and that's normal and it's good so your body will take glucose out of fruit whether it's fresh fruit or dried fruit and it goes into the blood and goes into your muscle cells and gives you energy goes to your brain and powers all your brain functions so sugar is not a bad thing sugar is a good thing and your body also has appetite control so that when you had enough your body says all right stop if you so if you're having fruit whether it's dried or fresh i would not worry about it i think it's perfectly fine unless if if you feel for whatever reason you are binging and this is an emotional thing we're eating a huge amount which is frankly really pretty rare with dried fruit um in that unusual circumstance i would take it more seriously but otherwise no that natural glucose is a fine thing all right let's take a question from an exam roomie on instagram sent this to me at chuck carroll wlc uh dr bronner they say uh i've been vegan for a year and recently began losing my hair what should i be eating is there a supplement i should be taking okay um we don't hear this very much but i've heard it maybe maybe once every four or five years i hear i hear that and a couple things to be said first of all hair loss does happen in men in particular can happen in women as well on a genetic basis as time goes by although when you look at large populations it actually tends to happen less often when people are on plant-based diets i know that sounds funny but the reason i'm saying that is that dermatologists in japan as the japanese diet was westernizing and they were noticing more obesity more diabetes more heart disease the dermatologists were reporting more hair loss as the diet was westernizing and the thought was that somehow the testosterone is affecting the hair follicles in an adverse way okay but let's let's say none of that is you let's say your problem is just over the short run you're having this funny kind of hair loss um two things to think about one is uh hormonal shifts can cause hair loss you see this with pregnancy you know i'm talking about where a woman's has gone through pregnancy and whatever and she's noticing now um some hair loss which is temporary that's just a hormonal shift it's temporary it's going to go away and when people make a diet change you could sometimes see hormonal shifts that are usually positive and helpful and are and your body will readjust the other thing though is i have seen maybe three two or three cases in 30 years of people who were having a little bit of hair loss which you normally don't see but they did see it and they found that just adding a little more plant protein seemed to knock it out what am i talking about tofu tempeh beans um any kind of really high protein food they were just having a diet that was really just not really uh sufficient for them and adding more protein seem to knock it out all right and we have time here for a couple of more questions so go ahead keep on posting them in the comments or in the chat i promise we're going to get to as many as we can with the time we have remaining but uh next up dr calamore is a question from danielle daniela's wondering how important is it to buy organic legumes to avoid glyphosate so glyphosate is a herbicide which has become increasingly common um over the last few decades in fact it's uh increased i believe 15 fold or even more since uh genetically modified crops have been used more commonly so so it is an issue and in the us the the level that is deemed safe is is higher than in europe um so and the world health organization has said it is a probable carcinogen so it probably does cause cancer so i would suggest to try and go for organic foods as much as you can and depending on your budget and you know how easy that is for you and it isn't just legumes it can be other crops as well um so and also organic foods they they can still have small amounts of glyphosate um but it's usually much lower levels um there was a study a couple of years ago that showed that glyphosate was in basically all children's breakfast cereal so yeah it is a concern and i would try and go organic if you can that said though for people who are on a tighter budget what would your message to them be if they can't afford to buy organic is it still okay to go ahead and buy the conventional produce it is because the the health benefits of fruit and vegetables are extremely strong and will outweigh um the the potential risk from the glyphosate so it is yeah it's really important to make sure you eat fruit and vegetables and fiber and yeah just a bonus if you can avoid the the pesticides all right and along those same lines dr callamore your final question today comes from diane who is wondering whether using a non-stick spray like pam is okay she says the label says that there are zero calories in there but is there still some bad stuff so um pam is a spray with very small amounts of oil and many different brands available so yes it's obviously better to use that than any animal sources of fats like butter or lard however it is still an oil which has is unnecessary has uh unnecessary uh effects on the body it's a processed food it has other additives like emulsifiers in there so it's a better option just to to avoid it all together and fry your fruit and vegetables in water if you can um it can take a you know a bit of getting used to the water frying but once you've got the hang of it actually you really don't notice the difference and it is the healthiest option altogether quite easy actually uh it was uh dr dr jim loomis our colleague who turned me on to the whole idea of water fine or water sauteing as i will call it um really a lot easier when you get the hang of it and then you would think um and so dr brought our two quick final questions for you the first one comes to us from gail who is wondering whether there's any data on diet and restless leg syndrome ah okay uh restless leg syndrome not very common um but a really an annoying thing if it's if it's hit you you have this tremendous impulse you can't be still and there's tremendous uh need to move your legs as the syndrome is called and yeah the dietary research is not anywhere near done or even clear but but there have been some inklings in certain direction number one iron rich foods that's good and i'm not talking about liver i'm talking about green leafy vegetables also beans uh potassium-rich foods and you know about this already bananas fruits and vegetables in general have the potassium you need also folate folate is a b vitamin famous because pregnant women will take it as a supplement to protect the baby but folate is in foods that have foliage green leafy vegetables again so yeah green leafy vegetables um plant-based diet in general some suggestion that avoiding caffeine avoiding alcohol might help as well all right and the last one comes to us from hoa wondering if sodium levels are low dr barnard but the blood pressure is high should someone still add salt to their diet even if they're still on medication okay if you're on medication to get your blood pressure down your blood pressure is not where it needs to be first of all blood pressure is dangerous stick with your doctor follow your doctor's advice if you need medicine take it um but controlling salt is just one part of getting your blood pressure down and not the most powerful part so no i wouldn't add sodium there's there's no value to that to doing that if you have traces of sodium it's okay but i wouldn't push it up just because your sodium levels came back low on your on your test don't do that um you know but what i would add to this if you're not doing this already get away from animal products and keep oils really low especially the coconut oil the palm oil that dr culliman was talking about a little bit ago those increased blood viscosity as i was saying earlier blood thickness that makes your blood pressure go up so years ago decades ago the dash trial dietary approaches to stop hypertension said here's people with high blood pressure let's get the sodium out yeah sure but do two things reduce the meat and fat increase the vegetables of fruits and what happened blood pressure dropped within two weeks so that's the trend boost your plant-based foods get away from the animal products and even within the plant-based world get away from the coconut oil palm oil your blood pressure is probably going to come down stick with your doctor because you might rarely people need additional treatment it's important to take advantage of that all right gang let's go ahead and close up the doctor's mail bag for today and don't forget if you enjoyed this video you feel like you raised your health iq by a point or two be sure to like it and subscribe to us right here on youtube or like us here on facebook and dr barnard i'd be remiss before we left today if i didn't say a huge thank you to the gregory j writer memorial fund for their support of the exam room live and the physicians committee which is helping us to raise everyone's health iq and make this episode possible the gregory j ryder memorial fund supports organizations like the physicians committee that carry on greg's love for animals by promoting plant-based health and working to end anal animal abuse while emphasizing programs that promote systemic change and also benefit people you can visit the gregory j ryder memorial fund online at that's gregory writer r-e-i-t-e-r fund dot org and over the weekend dr barnard i got the nicest note from allison mahoney at the writer fund and she was just so proud of all of the work that we've been able to do here with the exam room and just busting at the seams saying how how excited she was that that the greg fund was able to help us out to continue to get this message out to now more than 130 countries around the world well i let me just echo what you just said a huge thank you to allison mahoney huge thank you to the gregory ryder fund um there's a lot of work that needs to be done to get the word out chuck you're doing it um allison you're doing it thank you so much all right and dr barnard dr cullimore thank you guys so very much for doing it and bringing us a lot of information here today greatly appreciate your time okay thank you all right and also don't forget to subscribe to the exam room podcast on apple podcast or spotify wherever shows are available and when you subscribe please also leave a five star rating and a nice review if you would be so kind for today my friends that is all the time that we have i want to say thank you once again to doctors barnard and cullamore for being here and to you my exam roomies thank you guys so very much for learning right alongside of us into the crew behind the scenes that makes the magic happen thank you all for making us look so very good for everyone here at the physicians committee i am the weight loss champion chuck carroll we'll talk to you again very soon but until then keep it plant-based
Channel: Physicians Committee
Views: 70,051
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Id: P3eqd10qKEs
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Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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