THESE DEVIL FRUITS ARE EVIL!! Every Gorosei’s Power Explained in One Piece! Gear 5 Luffy VS Demons

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all five Goro just revealed their demonic devil fruit powers and they are all based on terrifying mythical creatures after like 900 chapters of wondering what their powers are we finally know the truth and the truth is shocking so let's break it down first up let's talk about St Jay Garcia Saturn because he is the first of the five Elders to fully reveal his devil fruit powers in the story Saturn's official title among the five Elders is the warrior God of Science and defense and he serves as the main antagonist of egad Arc at least until he summons the other four Goro to Egghead and then they join the battle along with his fellow Goro Saturn is one of the five highest authorities within the world government and the vast majority of the world believes that these five run the entire thing however the Goro are secretly controlled by the real ruler of the world imama but of course that is top secret information in fact the world government is willing to kill everyone in an entire Kingdom just to keep the information hidden Saturn is unique among the five others in that he is also an accomplished scientist and he is actually among the top scientists in the world that said he is not at the level of our boy Dr Vega Punk since we know that Vega Punk was able to trick him on several occasions although Saturn's scientific prowess is still impressive but despite being a scientist Saturn is not the kind of person who is trying to use science to make the world a better place instead he is an incredibly cruel man who supports enslaving people he holds extremely discriminatory views against entire races of people like the Buccaneers and he is even willing to conduct horrific human experiments on innocent civilians for Saturn everyone except the world Nobles are mere insects whose feelings and opinions don't matter at all as one of the leaders of the world government Saturn possesses the authority to deploy entire Marine fleets launch weapons of mass destruction like the Buster call and the mother flame and command the pacifistas and the seraphim but those are powers that come from his authority rather than from his own body and if you've been a one piece for some time then I'm sure you remember for how long the one piece fandom debated about whether the Goro were even Fighters or whether they were just like politicians well the egad arc cleared that up for us very quick as it revealed the full extent of the Goro's dark Powers including their demonic awakened mythical Zone devil fruits Saturn possesses a lot of rare and strange magical abilities and as of the making of this video we don't yet know which of his powers come from his devil fruit and which of his powers have other even darker Origins some have even suggested that the Goro might not be devil fruit users at all but actual devils devils that IMU created in order to help him control the world for over eight centuries I saw this idea suggested by arur from the library of Ohara on Twitter and something like that might explain why Saturn and the other GTO don't seem to actually age Saturn looks the same now as he did 40 years ago and it is quite possible that he has looked this way ever since the void Century but regardless of the the exact nature of his power Saturn's full power is truly menacing and impressive he is so fearsome that Marines who are ranked at or below the level of commodore are not even allowed to look at him and if they do dare to look upon Him their heads will literally explode now that is power the true extent of Saturn's power is only revealed in chapter 1094 when he uses a magic circle in the shape of a pentagram to summon himself onto the surface of Egghead from a nearby World Government vessel when he merges from the magic circle Saturn has taken on a giant inhuman form he still has a human head but he also has the horns of an ox his legs and torso are like those of a spider and he has the same swirly Cloud around his head and shoulders that Luffy has in his gear fifth form except Saturn's Cloud isn't white like Luffy but dark the shape and appearance of the cloud along with Saturn's animalistic characteristics suggest that he has an awakened Zone devil fruit and since we know that no real animal has oxorn and spider legs we know that this must be a mythical Zone in fact the creature that Saturn's devil fruit is based on is called USI Oni sometimes referred to as guki and it is a Yokai from Japanese mythology so if Saturn is really a man and not literally some kind of devil or Yokai created by emu then it is safe to assume that he has a very rare and very powerful awakened mythical Zone devil fruit Saturn in his hybrid Zone form has impressive durability and absolutely incredible healing and regeneration when Bonnie peed pieres his body with a large sword the wound heals itself immediately after the sword is taken out and Saturn doesn't even seem affected by it he says that if he was even a little bit concerned about the sword he would have just easily avoided it but he didn't even bother because the attack simply wouldn't injure him he was also able to easily regenerate a broken horn as well as a severed arm and even a blow from Franky's radical beam couldn't do any permanent damage to him Saturn has unbelievably powerful hockey and strong Fighters can immediately sense his presence as soon as he appears he is also able to project a terrifying aura that can straight up paralyze most people around him as I said earlier a mere look from Saturn can make the head of a lower ranked fighter explode and this ability may also have a telepathic connection because we know that Saturn is able to communicate telepathically with the other G even if they're half a world away as we saw in chapter 1,110 Saturn also has the power to create four more magic circles and summon the other four Goro to Egghead from marijua in a matter of seconds this is straight up cross Global teleportation and it is a power that is absolutely broken even when compared to some of the most OP powers and abilities that we have seen in one piece so far like with most Zone users Saturn has three different forms human human Beast hybrid and full-on beast mode in both his hybrid and Beast form Saturn is absolutely gigantic so much so that he makes even Kuma look small by comparison when he is in his Beast or guki form Saturn has large pointy spider legs that he uses to pierce his opponent these legs are shockingly powerful and they are even able to pierce Kuma's body which is said to be stronger than steel the spider legs are also able to release an incredibly toxic poison which could of course be used to poison Saturn's enemies on top of that Saturn has the ability to launch a barrage of dark explosive balls at his opponents which cause a massive amount of Destruction if they land on their target luckily for Luffy they can be deflected with a huge cartoonish baseball bat Saturn's full Beast form is absolutely gig gantic it still allows him to keep a human head but his body becomes more like that of a spider and his eyes look bizarre and much less human and his entire body seems to be coated with poison Sanji points out that Saturn seems to be becoming less and less Human by the minute though to be fair Luffy's eyes can get pretty freaking crazy when he's in gear five this is especially the case when he's actually mad about something and you can tell there is anger in his eyes but he still keeps that wide na grin on his face once Saturn goes into his full beast mode Luffy quickly realizes that nothing nothing he does even in his gear fifth form seems to do any real damage to Saturn his regenerative abilities are just that strong it's interesting to note that the Yokai that Saturn's mythical Zone devil fruit seems to be based on has both a similar appearance and similar abilities to Saturn including the production of poisons and causing incurable illnesses for those who cross its path as we know Saturn was the one who caused jinny and Bonnie to contract an incurable illness due to his cruel experiments the iion or Yoki Yokai also has an extremely cruel and brutal personality just like Saturn and it is set to appear near beaches since Saturn arrives to egad on a ship and then teleports onto the island the beach and water connection also fits really well next let's talk about St Marcus Mars and his devil fruit power which is called itsumade itsumade is a yo-kai that is described as a reptilian bird that cries the words itsumade itsumade over and over again in Japanese the word itsumade roughly translates to until when and as I said this is actually the sound that the creature is known to make the mythological creature's real name is unknown Mars's official title is the warrior God of environment so I guess he is really passionate about climate change I mean just look at lulua the entire Kingdom God climate changed right to the bottom of the ocean we don't know as much about Mars's personality or background as we do about Saturns but it's clear that all the goto including Mars are very concerned with maintaining the balance of power in the world and with keeping the world government on top they also see themselves as Superior beings and everyone else is seen as being below them Mars does appear to be a bit more stoic and composed than the other gor because he never seems to lose his cool even when he hears very disturbing and troubling news that said Mars is just as obedient to EMU as the other gor are and he is just as willing to commit horrible acts of mass murder in order to preserve the secrets of the Void Century just like Saturn and the other GTO say Mars possesses the highest Authority in the world aside from emu meaning that he ranks even higher than the regular Celestial dragons and has all the weapons and institutions of the world government at his disposal his devil fruit is also an awakened Zone type and it allows him to transform into a giant bird monster as well as a human bird hybrid in his Beast form Mars also has the swirly Dark Cloud around his head and shoulders one of the big advantages of mars' full Beast form is that like kaido he is able to fly and fly quickly we are still learning the full extent of his fruit Powers but we can make some educated guesses based on the Yokai itsumade as this is clearly the creature that Mars's devil fruit powers are based on the itum Yokai is described as a particularly Eerie reptilian bird with a human-like face and a snake-like body as far back as the year 1334 there are records of a terrible illness affecting many people in Japan and causing many deaths each night the people reported that an eerie Supernatural bird would appear and cry itsumade itsumade or until when until when people were terrified of this creature and so a master Archer was commissioned to kill the bird other versions of the story state that this bird would appear near the bodies of those who died in a battle or from starvation it would then cry itsumade itsumade essentially asking until when will the corpse be left here without being given a proper burial in some versions The itsumade is actually a vengeful Spirit of those who died in battle or from starvation the spirits of these unfortunate people essentially came back to life in the former an eerie bird yo-kai based on these descriptions we know that the itum in one piece will have powers that are associated with birds and with snakes the connection to death and illness may also suggest that like Saturn's guki the itsumade will possess poisonous and toxic properties and since some believe that the itsumade is a vengeful spirit that came back from the dead it is possible that this creature would have phoenix-like abilities to Rise From the Ashes or to use paranormal type abilities like Brooke does as one of the five Elders Mars is an extremely skilled hockey user and when he is summoned to egad his arrival is accompanied by a thunderous blast of hockey that looks like black lightning when he sees Mars flying in his Beast form jimbe remarks that this creature has Preposterous hockey now let's talk about St Topman War cury the so-called Warrior God of Justice who possesses a devil fruit based on a giant bore Yokai called hoki in Japanese mythology and funi in Chinese mythology along with all the usual five other powers that allow him to command the assets of the world government wary also has the standard five Elder telepathic ability to communicate with the other Goro and the ability to teleport half a world away almost instantly after being summoned by a magic circle on top of that he has the power to regenerate from even the most severe injuries at least when he is in his mythical Zone Beast form presumably he also has the ability to either not age or drastically slow his aging just like Saturn and the others now we don't know too much about his personality but as the warrior God of Justice we've seen a few small instances where he actually seem to care about fairness when emu orders the destruction of lulua he does mention that this is a highly populated Kingdom and he also seems to value good relations with the fishmen and particularly with jimbe back when he was a warlord however these are very minor instances of him seeming to care and in general he is just as ruthless towards those who are not World Nobles as the other goo are and of course in the end he will follow U's orders no matter how brutal they might be like the others wary appears to have an aw ween the mythical Zone which turns him into a giant boar with four massive tusks these tusks can be transformed into giant powerful blades in battle and these blades are so strong that they can be used to fight against multiple actual Giants at the same time waru's Beast form also features that swirly black cloud around the shoulders and despite being extremely large and girthy in his Beast form Mercury is still extremely fast and he can even perform acrobatic Feats like somersaults unsurprisingly wary possesses insane ly strong hockey and he is confirmed to possess conqueror hockey as well he can produce an animalistic screen that has been referred to as a conqueror hockey Roar and this Roar has the ability to disorient and push back even the most powerful opponents such as gear five Luffy and the Giants Dorian brogi in fact the roar is so powerful that it can make an entire Island pulsate and it can knock out random people many kilometers away the origins of funi the Yokai that waru's devil fruit is based on dates all the way back to the West Western Han dynasty of China from about 2,000 years ago the funi was described as one of the six monsters that had destroyed the countryside during the rule of Emperor Yao the funi has also been associated with a Chinese rain deity and with fertility it is possible that wary will turn out to have some interesting water or liquid based powers and that would make sense because in Japanese the planet Mercury is associated with water moving on to St Ethan Baron v n Judo the warrior God of Finance who is a very interesting member of the GTO because of his style of dress and use of a katana which has led many to theorize that he may be secretly connected to wano the name n Judo clearly seems to have Japanese SL wano Origins and some believe that the name n Judo was actually inspired by nasun nojo a samurai skiled in archery who lived between the 12th and 13th centuries that said the name Ethan baren certainly doesn't sound like it came from Japan or wano it's a name more suited for say a member of the English nobility so nuro might actually have mixed Heritage I'm very curious to find out who this guy really is what his connection to wano might be and whether he is part of some important mixed Heritage bloodline on top of having all the usual powers and knowledge of the G njo seems to be exceptionally well informed about wano zunesha and zo even more so than the rest of the five Elders this again hints at a nuro and wano connection his devil fruit is the mythical Zone type model bakot the baksu is a Yokai that appears as the skeleton of a horse apparently this is the spirit of a horse that was burned to death and has now returned to the land of the living to seek his revenge in his Beast form n Judo has the swirly black clouds that indicate a fully awakened mythical Zone and he has both a full beast mode and a hybrid Centaur mode in which n judo's human torso is combined with the lower half of a skeletal horse in his beast and hybrid forms Nudo is incredibly fast and he is likely the f fastest of the Goro he is able to attack and neutralize multiple pacifistas in various locations throughout Egghead island with such unbelievable speed that many people cannot even perceive nuro's movements as expected from one of the Goro nuro has overwhelmingly powerful hockey and he's able to infuse his Katana with Armament hockey in order to make the weapon even stronger and more effective on top of that nuro has the power to generate ice and he can imbue his sword attacks with ice allowing him to freeze and neutralize his opponents with ease the power to freeze is interesting here because the yo-kai that the devil fruit is based on is said to have burned to death but instead of fire Nudo is able to use ice I wonder if this is an interesting play on The Myth by Oda or if Nudo will turn out to have the ability to use fire as well as his choice of weapon indicates nuro is a master swordsman and when combined with the speed that his devil fruit provides him he may end up being one of the contenders for the title of the world's greatest swordsman right up there with mihawk and eventually Zoro n doesn't fight often and definitely not in public so he might actually be the world's greatest swordsman but the world just doesn't know it yet finally let's talk about St shepher Jupiter AKA Jupiter who Bears the title Warrior God of Agriculture now he seemed particularly interested in the NAA devil fruit and he outright asks why this devil fruit was given a different name this clearly implies that Jupiter wasn't involved with the decision to rename the naika fruit which could mean that as the youngest looking of the Goro he might have joined their ranks later after the decision about renaming NAA had already been made although he shares all the common powers of the GTO Jupiter is unique in that his mythical Zone devil fruit model doesn't appear to be based on any Japanese or Chinese mythology the name of his devil fruit is the mythical Zone type sandworm and it allows him to transform into a gigantic sandworm monster as well as a sandworm human hybrid this form has the same black swirling Cloud again and as a giant sandworm he's able ble to dig through the ground in order to sneak up on his opponents then suddenly emerge from below and swallow them whole this creature that he can transform into appears to be based on sandworms from the Dune series which is interesting since Oda doesn't usually base his characters on alien creatures from science fiction he normally prefers to use history and mythology from our own world as the inspiration for his characters and their power now I'm not an expert on Dune but I know that the sandworms are incredibly powerful and fearsome creatures and we could expect expect Jupiter's worm to be extremely strong fast and agile a key strength that he has is the ability to burrow underground essentially staying hidden until he suddenly surprise attacks and swallows his opponents it's likely that the sandworm will also possess additional Powers perhaps something related to causing its opponents to see Illusions I say this because the sandworms in Dune produce a psychedelic drug known as the spice which is extremely important to the story of that series it's entirely possible that Oda will incorporate this into Jupiter's powers in some way and personally I can't wait to find out the full extent of all of the gto's powers and abilities don't forget to leave a like And subscribe if you'd like to get updates on the Goro's Powers as we get more information in the future and after watching a video on the Goro why not check out this video about their Master IMU Sama what are emu's true powers and secret devil fruit abilities link on screen and in the description
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 100,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1hOnBk8U4Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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