These boots should be crafted every game

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oh my God chat you never guess it's my favorite modifier fast food get it guys cause I'm a big guy I just love eating fast food modifiers actually I used to hate on it a lot but whatever some guy hey want some sand there you go Merry Christmas that's a Taco Bell my Taco Bell order is interesting I get Doritos the taco the taco Dorito taco you know what I'm talking about and then instead of like the beef I get that replaced with potatoes and then we add chicken and nacho cheese so good go to the Village there's a blacksmith here and I think there's carrots as well hey look at this four obvi I really need this to do my can potato is crazy potato and chicken with cheese bro that doesn't sound good to you all right I also Chipotle something burrito with chicken and I replaced the fiesta strips with potatoes in that and I eat that as well it's also a burrito that's cheaper which I like that as well I don't know I like chicken and potato all right so maybe with uh Chipotle I had a burrito from Chipotle which I thought was really good but wow my I just like my stomach hurts so bad I just don't think I can ever eat there again sour cream at Chipotle don't get sour cream on any of your stuff from Chipotle and maybe maybe it won't be that bad sitting around here talking I can't even find anything in my cave I was actually down to do like a level 30 or something but I can't do that I don't find diamonds so no diamonds I know it's crazy out here I have five levels bro like I couldn't even find a bunch of redstone or anything that was a really disgusting caving Adventure we'll just get a bow go to zero Zoom with like pretty basic stuff a decent amount of healing at least if you're in a situation we had to fight waves of fifth graders with an 8th grader boss every five waves how long would you survive dude those fifth graders are Scrappy kicking me in my shins you're the eighth grader boss like a bully 8th grader as well like gonna be tough out there I'm gonna say like maybe three waves how tall I'm six foot tall I'm athletic as well don't look like it but I'm quick I mean I look like I'm quick you play me a basketball I got a quick First Step I'll get it I'll get by dude so I peel all the Sheep again man they peeled all the sheep and they just put on the ground I'll be hooping ah what do I do that for I knew I messed up whatever I don't need sticks all right people fight right in front of me uh oh yeah it's fast food I completely forgot about that on 14. boots are on the ground I just grabbed a lot of stuff um that was cool actually I just got sharp three and boots and I can make a g hat and I got a bunch of gold off that so that was actually pretty awesome feel bad for that guy not really I actually don't really care a lazy brush they got diamonds I want those but the Sheep sheep's in my way quite lazy that's 11 diamonds holy poggers really need to make a backpack don't I already and an Ender Pro let's go whoa whoa whoa oh he's cooking me we can toss around now whoa whoa calm down why wasn't he fighting the guy that was behind them just mad I took a stuff doesn't make a difference either had the runaway I respect that now we're speaking my language you're gonna dig down what a block to place you know I don't I I you know I don't got shears in my bar that was a lead actually he's athletic the fight proud of that guy for coming back up to play me appreciate that I got 13 diamonds on me we should let me make a backpack we have way too much loot what do I craft with all this stuff I don't really know try to make Fates claw I get a blaze right that'd be cool and we have 13 diamonds right can I get chest blade I want to make Fitzgerald Let's see what I can get there it is Fates call wow I got a puff for fish through all the rods that sucks it's all red I would really like to get Vidar though we're just gonna use my rod bro I don't need it I'm gonna Rush with speed oh it is like that cool cool don't need a ride I don't need a ride that's not gonna get me killed just make a chest plate I guess who that is probably the rod let's go for him Place water my Thorns is doing work right there my thumbs was going ham hello whoa no way this guy jumped out to me here right oh he didn't notice this mistake I was I was actually zooming in here who's that another half Diamond a lot of half times out here oh you guys want one I got this guy too maybe fast food man don't know if that was the right choice that was definitely not the right choice that was not the right choice it's a sharp three book eight diamonds okay two heads interesting a lot of people are fighting over there I'm interested to get in on that because this guy's on 10 I could make fusion though a full iron oh don't cook me there's lily pads there it's very intriguing foreign I'm interested very intrigued I want to get this stuff too though I got a brewing stand interesting yovadar is busted especially on this this map bro it's all water I guess ah this guy's just gonna run it's coming back okay I gotta sharp to a drag all right gonna find me in the water I know I can make pants I'm gonna make them into hide I can make fusion armor too though which I will do first hey you got half diamond he's still lucky he fell right down okay dude jeez man I mean way too long to do that I have too much stuff bro what am I supposed to do all of this who gave me all this stuff man when did this even happen like I got a bunch of backpacks got a bunch of heads everywhere I got a bunch of diamond armor random backpacks like everybody made chest boot or pants boots Helm of course I get those where I want tapstrider though that's so lame I can make hide and but I could also make one more Fusion piece first I'm doing it I don't care about the prompt four boots sorry helmet huge actually I'd so much rather have that oh yeah I'm gonna make dice too all right chat use your Dyson mode what we're gonna get from Dice oh wait but now I can't make hide B9 yeah not really I'ma go for a dice baby bang oh that's a lot of levels chat that is a lot of levels you can make a bunch of holy Waters could have inventory real quick we gotta we gotta fix the inventory bro star five drag potentially I want to make sure I have healing though so one two three four so make a holy water we're gonna make another holy holy water they're gonna make guess what another holy water and then we're gonna guess yeah we'll just make good other holy water we're running out of time I have enough time all right we can we can get there I don't have enough time to craft everything this is getting ridiculous just get to Mid real quick yeah I think I'll be fine I think I need everything I can still make a bunch of gaps too I got full all right you got that that's fine chicken wing all right chicken wing okay it's gonna go straight for me because he knows I don't have everything crafted try for drag let's just go in got everything crafted at least enough now I got one more Diamond I can make brown four pants too so I will go for that as well there's a lot of kills I can get over here I went for the kills man holy water and fast food okay man and I'll just go straight for you with the rest of this death match that's what we'll do if that's really what you want this is what you asked for how has nobody killed each other yet what do you want from me chicken wing okay that guy died very fast [Applause] chicken wing all right we make a lot more healing too I picked up with diamond off that guy I did go make hide I got like one head off me I think I never heard of the late pads actually I saw them but they were at zero zero I forgot to pick them up I don't think I even need them maybe it's like they want to fight me and then they don't then they just run away and I just I don't understand there's still two other guys left I think they're just hiding this is content chat this is content I'm gonna just use the instant Health Three Pot I don't think they have any more healing I think that they had El Dorado this game or something that's the only reason why they have an instant Health 3 Splash but I mean if you have like no healing left I don't know why you would keep running and bowing and hiding and only coming for me when I I'm fighting somebody just straight up bow it's a head on him the guy I killed there's another instant Health three just overheal again I guess fast food is crazy with that a holy water and fast food is ridiculous or just flood mid I don't want to do that though I don't think I'd have to do that for this game trying to break your gear I mean okay I guess wow his Rod broke who would have thought who would have thought riding me for 25 minutes would break your rod that is crazy yeah awesome that was fun I hope you guys enjoyed watching that I had fun you're gonna get me they both away you guys got this together all right that was a game it's like a 12 kill dub that wasn't insane fight sheesh that went crazy chasing after somebody for seven straight minutes that probably be a second Channel game just because I hated the death match so um if you guys enjoyed that video don't forget to drop a like consider subscribing to the channel and watch on YouTube streams and twitch streams with all these beautiful people look at them all don't watch another video mindful in the bottom right of your screen you guys have a great day later
Channel: scotteh Live
Views: 11,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft uhc, minecraft mods, ultra hardcore, scotteh, hypixel, uhc, hypixel uhc, hypixel highlights, hypixel uhc highlights, minecraft, scotteh hypixel, scotteh uhc, scotteh tapple, minecraft uhc but, minecraft pvp, uhc texture pack, i survived 100 days minecraft, 100 days, 100 uhc, 50 uhc on a new account, 100 games of uhc, ultra hard core, hardcore minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days hardcore, these boots should be crafted every game, these, boots, should be, crafted
Id: W4xfL69s9CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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