These Are The DUMBEST Coaches In NFL History...

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okay so NFL coaches are weird right I mean some stick around for just maybe a season or two and others stay for an eternity but there is a very rare breed of coaches I want to talk about in this video the special walking disasters that burn all bridges they possibly can on their path to failure and the first coach we're going to be talking about Art Shell definitely meets all those qualifications and much much more now Art Shell is going to be different from all the coaches on this list because he was actually a Hall of Fame player for the Raiders back in the 70s and even coached them from 1989 to 1994 but the problem here is that he was rehired Again by Al Davis on February 10th of 2006 and straight up immediately all the wheels fell off the truck and I swear to you that is not an understatement because just a few days after being hired Art Shell was told he could have any offensive coordinator he wanted so the lunatic hit up his home boy Tom Walsh who at this point had been out of coaching for seven years and he was hired on the spot literally the only thing on Tom Walsh's resume before this was that he used to coach for the Raiders in the 80s and he was currently running a bed and breakfast in-house in Idaho I guess none of that mattered because the Raiders just said screw it went ahead and hired the both of them and uh people were baffled even back then as the headline for this article just speaks for itself so after the Raiders now had their offensive coordinator and head coach they decided to do the routine thing where they met the players including the best wide receiver on the team outside of Randy Moss in Jerry Porter so you know Jerry Porter and his two coaches had a meeting and everything was going well until Jerry Porter said that he was going to go to Florida and train there and our shell just lost it Art Shell was not having it he was livid and dropped the Pete Weber classic Who Do You Think You Are I Am or what whatever and that was that and just after this confrontation Jerry Porter requested a trade which never happened and now the culture was already out the window and throughout the off season just about every single Raiders player was complaining that he was still running the team like it was the 1970s you know hard schedules grueling practices and very little breaks and it just wasn't flying with the players at all and remember the Raiders hadn't even played a game yet so although Art Shell had already lost the culture he hadn't technically lost the locker room yet but don't worry that would happen in week one the game went about as horribly as it could have as the Raiders put up zero points getting trounced by the Chargers while their offensive coordinator Tom Walsh stood on the sidelines holding his goddamn breakfast menu as he orchestrated debatably the worst offense in NFL history but yeah after week one it was just a constant downward spiral for the 06 Raiders and Art Shell this was a Raiders offense that had Randy Moss on it and still wasn't able to do anything on offense finishing with the eighth worst offense by dvoa metrics of all time and on the season the Raiders barely won two games and after another embarrassing loss to the Chargers late in the season Al Davis canned Tom Walsh once more and finished the season leading the league in turnovers while also scoring the least amount of touchdowns throughout the whole year so just a perfect combination right there and you know the saddest part is the roster was also at least semi-talented with guys like namdi awesome wall Sebastian Janikowski Shane lechler Derrick Burgers and More importantly Randy Moss and Warren Sapp two guys that could have been way more helpful if Art Shell and Company didn't piss them both off instantly during training camp but you know according to an interview that was done on Warren Sapp at the time somehow at least one guy on defense seemed to like Art Shell unlike the Forgotten predecessor to the Patriots even before Bill Belichick yep let me introduce you to this Blockhead right here are named Rod rust just like Art Shell rodrust was once a very respected figure in New England he was the defensive coordinator there from 1983 to 87 so people were fine with him coming back to be the head coach when he was hired again in 1990. but there are some people that just kind of aren't equipped to be a leader of men and rodrust would prove to be one of those guys as he was a uh how you say hands-off leader and I guess that can work sometimes but when your team isn't super motivated and your only pro bowler is on the goddamn o-line then that is a perfect recipe for a grease fire of the season but hey it didn't start out that way though as in literally the first game of the season against the Dolphins and Dan Marino they were leading 21-6 and looked to set the tone for the new year and they lost well okay then but in the next week the Patriots accomplished something extraordinary as in week two they won a game beating Jeff George and the Colts by two points a team that would go 1 in 15 in the following year after the win God I guess the Patriots just forgot how to interact with humans among other things as certain Patriot players would be charged with sexually abusing a female reporter verbally and of course the football gods were not happy with this little scenario as they began a losing Onslaught immediately as sorry to spoil things but uh the Patriots never won another game that year blowing more and more leads to finish 1-15 on the season and later on as the year was just slugging on and on the players were constantly losing more and more respect for Rod as after just about every single game he gave the same speech about how things will get better and we just have to keep working and improving but oh God it just it just didn't work at all his players just kept trying less and less with each game by Year's End the Patriots fired Rod rust and a season later the owner would sell the team which sounds awful but at least our old pal Rod wasn't you know directly involved with the team's controversies and getting steamy lap dances in a bar as a merry man sorry about that but time to talk about this horny Korean known as Urban Meyer after a Fallout with Doug Marone the Jaguars decided to go for a bigger fish this time as they pulled Urban Meyer away from his natural habitat of college kids and hired him to be the next coach of the Jaguars there were parades in the streets of Duvall the savior of Jacksonville had finally finally arrived uh oh God why you know we live under the world of a seven second video that was posted to social media last night this video surfaced over the weekend I uh I just apologize to the team all right all right that's that's enough but let's start from the beginning because just the second that Urban Meyer was hired he started doing everything he could to burn the team to the ground Urban decided to start off small by hiring an old friend and confirmed racist in Chris Doyle to be his right hand man as assistant coach but uh he resigned within days due to people just for some reason not being super happy with the hire cool a fantastic move Urban so if plan a uh predictably going up in Flames Urban now decided to set a culture in place and that it was going to be an abusive one and uh Urban Meyer was going to be the only abuser he did whatever he wanted when he wanted threatening everyone from coaches players and Hell people above him saying he was going to fire them and that he basically owned them and somehow this is just the beginning of his terrible terrible decisions as probably off of a bottle of vodka and TWO zanbars Urban Meyer decided to sign his former Florida Gator Golden Boy quarterback Tim Tebow as a tight end in 2021. that was a whole Fiasco he looked horrible in pre-season almost like he'd never played the position before and he was cut before the season began yeah remember this is all still before the season started the Jaguars then lost their first four games of the season in embarrassing fashion with random outbursts by Urban Meyer at his players and inexplicable benchings of players like James Robinson who was arguably the best player on the team also around this time Urban Meyer was pretty famous for uh rarely returning back to Jacksonville on the team plane and this all culminated in a loss to the Cincinnati Bengals where this crusty hobgoblin was found in a bar getting a lap dance from a woman who wasn't his wife now after his little traditional healing ritual fast forward about seven games and things just keep getting worse for Urban Meyer as throughout this entire time he was still running the Jaguars like a corrupted dictator absolutely zero Jaguars players had any respect left for the man and it also didn't help that he didn't know anything about NFL football as before a week 13 game against the Super Bowl champion Rams Urban Meyer allegedly leaned over to a Jaguar staffer and said oh my God I I can't who's this 99 guy on the Rams I hear he could be a problem for us I mean I I guess he's not wrong turns out Aaron Donald was a problem as the Jags lost that game by 30 then the following week Urban got a little too inspired by the amount of field goals his team was kicking and gave Jag's kicker Josh Lambo a little taste of Friendly Fire as he kicked the man in the leg during warm-ups and that was effectively pouring gasoline on a house fire as Urban Meyer I would be fired a week later and Trevor Lawrence was finally free but if you can believe it I actually believe there is one coach out there that was able to out duel Urban Meyer's uh Shenanigans after a rough 2006 season the king of coaching fiascos entered the scene as the Falcons hired Bobby Petrino a college coach from Louisville to Pilot the team going forward and for some very important contacts just a year before signing this deal with the Falcons he took a 10-year deal with Louisville and dipped after just one season so you know he seems like a very loyal guy who's gonna stick around when things get tough but for the Falcons it also didn't help that before the season began Michael Vick was imprisoned for dog stuff so along with Bobby Petrino existing it looked like Falcon fans were going to have to keep all sharp objects as far away as possible for the entire 2007 season so he didn't have too many off-season Shenanigans but as the season actually began during his time coaching the Falcons he only won three games for them all year long and only won those three games against teams with losing records of course losing all of his players respect in the process I mean from every single player account he was just a straight up as Falcon's owner Arthur Blank got multiple phone calls from veteran players basically getting on their hands and knees and begging him to ax Petrino for good and boy Bobby Petrino loved to live up to his legacy and prove everyone's characteristics of him correct as one year after stabbing Louisville in the back this time he went for Atlanta's heart as he effectively threw a game against the Falcons number one rival in the Saints losing 34-14 in pitiful fashion so you know all the players and coaches go back into the locker room they're sad it's just not a good environment overall maybe you take a shower or whatever then you go home right but wait coach Petrino is nowhere to be found nobody knew where he went after the game and eventually the Falcons got the answer they were looking for as they turned on the TV and saw this without further delay I'm pleased to introduce the 30th head football coach in the history of the Arkansas Razorbacks Bobby Petrino Bobby what are you serious the goddamn serpent slithered away in the middle of the night after losing a game by 20 left the team high and dry and went on to a whole nother League also for one more cheap shot by Petrino with an evil grin on his face he wrote this sorry excuse for our resignation letter printed it out copied it and put one in each Falcon player's locker room overnight like an anti-villain Santa Claus and you know what he's done this before as way back in 2001 after just one year on the job as the Jaguars offensive coordinator this slime ball just dipped from Jacksonville to take the Auburn offensive coordinator job without telling anyone but you know on this Falcons coaching staff was a certain offensive coordinator who would unfortunately inherit the cursed Legacy of Bobby Petrino and although he wasn't a raging he may hold the crown as the Undisputed worst head coach in dare I say sports you know him you love him it's Hugh Jackson the NFL's poster boy for utter coaching failure way back in January of 2016 the Cleveland Browns needed a culture change and decided to hire former Bengals offensive coordinator and Raiders head coach Hugh Jackson to ring in a new era I'm sorry but I'm going to start out with another spoiler in his first two years of coaching the Browns Hugh Jackson's record was 1 and 31. one win 31 losses I I could just end the video there I could but we kind of need to know why Hugh Jackson was such a bad coach right well there are a ton of reports from players that Hugh Jackson's ego was just already huge and by the time he got the head coaching job it just grew to exponential levels so after just a little over two and a half Seasons Hugh Jackson was fired by the Browns and you know at one point he did actually have his players respect but as he just stayed season after season that respect slowly dwindled down into nothingness and after he was fired I mean for God's sake you had the Brown's actual starting cornerback demarius Randle just laughing at him when the Bengals hired him to just barely be on the staff and to take the disrespect to a whole other plane of existence the Browns now freed of Hughes shackles were up 21-0 on Hugh Jackson's Bengals when the same guy demarius Randle got an interception against the Bengals then went over to Hugh Jackson and handed him the ball and got a nice pat on the helmet I I don't think Hugh Jackson really understands I mean it's pretty simple Hugh Jackson just wanted things done his way and wanted people to just listen to whatever he said but what he wanted just never worked so from Art Shell Rod rust Urban Meyer Bobby Petrino and Hugh Jackson these were the worst coaches in NFL history so that's the video and if you liked it then subscribe because I got a lot a lot of videos on the channel just like this one and if you like this video then watch this video right here where I watched every single Super Bowl and basically told you what I learned it's pretty good trust me anyways ah until next time
Channel: TubFrog
Views: 86,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumbest nfl coaches, tub frog, tub frog nfl, worst head coaches in nfl history, nfl coaches, worst coaches in nfl history, worst nfl coaches, worst nfl coaches to win a superbowl, worst nfl coaches of all time, worst nfl coaches ever, nfl, nfl football, nfl history, american football, nfl highlights, nfl throwback, free agency, barry mccockiner, tom grossi, urinatingtree, yoboy pizza, worst head coaches, sb nation, worst nfl coaches 2022, urban meyer, tom brady, The worst
Id: gp_1Ok53idA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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