These 8 Things Are DESTROYING Your Health RIGHT NOW! | Lewis Howes

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cancer is caused by food really seventy percent certain percent of cancer is caused by food and sugar is the number one culprit people that are maybe eating a not so healthy diet people that are overweight if they do have depression that there very well could be a link between the diet the lifestyle the obesity have olive oil and vitamin d have lots of vitamin d three d3 and then what's next to live a long life we don't always know about the foods we put in our body how they affect us in a negative way but this video has the top health experts in the world to teach you how to prevent yourself from destroying your health [Music] i have olive oil vitamin d have lots of vitamin d three d3 and then what's next to live a long life next is you got to get some form of long chain omega-3 fat better known as fish oil and vegans have no excuse anymore there is algae-based dha and epa but here's the deal your brain uh is about 70 fat so if you want to call me a fat head you know i will touch you yeah yeah and yeah i can just see now the internet and lighting up thinking andre is a fan fat so half of the fat in your brain is actually an omega-3 fat called dha so half basically half of your brain is fish oil and as i talk about in the longevity paradox you look at people what are called the omega-3 index which basically looks at how much dha you have in you over the past two months people with the highest omega-3 index have the largest brains and the largest areas of memory the hippocampus people with the lowest levels of dha have the most shrunken brains and the smallest memory areas hippocampus so mom was right when she said fish is brain food you know she was absolutely she didn't know why it was but we now know it's dha is really what makes your brain so sushi's good sushi is actually not a good idea oh wow most of the people i see with high mercury levels are sushi eaters or dentists uh so and particularly sashimi grade tuna you just wanna you just kind of wanna stay away from it ah sugar fish is amazing though yeah and it's got the grains too yeah it's got the grains you know so so no sushi yeah so once in a while yeah once in a while okay absolutely yeah yeah but yeah so fish oil is incredibly important yeah and what i try to get people to do and again i measure this every three months and all my patients and when we're talking you know thousands and thousands of patients over the last 20 years you want to get about 1000 milligrams of dha per day now how do you do that well you get fish oil i mean you can go to costco and you look on the back and you find serving size and make sure it says one serving size they love to fool you uh they may say two or three and then you look down below and you see dha and you look to see how much dha is in a capsule and you add it up and say oh okay there's 250 milligrams of dha in this capsule so i need to take four wow four a day yeah i mean a day yeah a thousand a day okay we got olive oil we've got uh vitamin d3 we have fish oils what else do we need to live longer so you got to have polyphenols in your diet so what the heck is a polyphenol how do you remember polyphenol think about polyunophenol phenols are plant compounds polyphenols are plant compounds that plants use primarily to protect themselves against stress and sunlight just interesting fact we know that red wine is beneficial for you because of actually two polyphenols the most famous is resveratrol the other one is kercetin or curceton the higher the grapes are grown the higher in altitude the grapes are grown the more polyphenols they make because they need more to protect themselves exactly exactly it's basically uh suntan uh you know they've actually protected themselves against sunburn interesting also the more the plant is stressed the more polyphenols it makes to protect itself right okay so polyphenols are traditionally in dark colored berries so for instance blueberries blackberries raspberries interesting fun fact the leaves of these trees or vines have more polyphenols than the actual fruit does so for instance black raspberry leaves have far more polyphenols than black raspberries and i take black raspberry capsules oh by the way and it's in the book there you go so olives for instance are loaded with polyphenols and olives that are stressed uh produce better they're even better olive leaves have more polyphenols than olives so olive leaf extract is an easy way of getting the huge amount of benefits without drinking a liter of olive oil so d what about like uh you know leafy greens do you want stressed out looking leafy greens or do you want healthy thriving locations one question it turns out that the reason organic vegetables in general are better for you besides the fact that they haven't been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides and probably roundup and we can get into that is the fact that these creatures these plants actually have to work harder and they have to produce more polyphenols to protect themselves against insect predation and so that's actually the reason you want to eat organic so when you're going to the farmer's market and the poor little organic vegetables they've got pockles of insects and they don't look very good you go i want that guy that guy is struggling he is going to just be so loaded with polyphenols and correlation with that is the more bitter the better because polyphenols in general are very bitter uh for instance when we were developing you know my signature product vital reds it's pure polyphenols primarily and they're bitter so we did lots of taste testing to figure out how the heck we're gonna mask these really bitter compounds so more bitter more better in fact as i talk about in the book i i had the pleasure of knowing jack lalanne who who you would know is really the godfather of fitness and nutrition in the united states and i knew him in his later years and jack used to have a saying is that if it tastes good spit it out interesting now what he really meant by that is bitter things nasty tasting things is actually what is going to give the bugs that are actually going to keep you alive what they want to eat and don't you know more bitter more better so you know the more polyphenols the more bitter greens i can get into you the better interest but you can get that through capsules and other things too yeah you can uh and in fact that's one of the reasons i'm a nut about taking a bunch of supplements because we if you look at even really good organic eaters most human beings only eat maybe 20 different plant species i probably like three yeah yeah most people do like five maybe yeah you know and you know when ketchup is not a vegetable it's a tomato and one so our our ancestors and even looking at modern hunter-gatherers like the hanza tribe they go through they eat 250 different plant species on a rotating basin and you think about all those plants are grown organically they're in six feet of loam soil they got their cool microbiome so they're just replete with all these nutrients and polyphenols and so you know if people think that they can actually do a great job eating healthy without supplementation i got oceanfront property in palm springs i'm happy to sell them [Music] we're talking about the brain and food connection right now in the world it seems like mental health and depression um is a hot topic it's something people a lot of people are talking about they're having mental health challenges depression challenges and i'm sure there's many factors to this social media comparison bad foods a lack of exercise a lack of sleep anxiety up all night environment lack of purpose lack of there's a lot of social factors probably that tie into a mental health challenges how important is food by itself and relating to minimizing depression social anxiety and mental health i think food is extremely important because it's directly linked to obesity and obesity itself causes low grade inflammation and foods that are really high particularly when you combine a high saturated fat with a high refined sugar so let's say you're eating your you're drinking your glass of milk with your cookie like that's the worst because you're getting the saturated fat and the sugar that's my whole job and um and that's been shown to cause a very high what's called postprandial inflammatory response we've been talking about postprandial glucose response which is after you eat so postprandial there's a inflammatory response that also occurs after after eating and um inflammation itself has been shown to inflammatory molecules cross the blood-brain barrier and they they have they play a role in in basically um depressing dopamine signaling and serotonin and all sorts of uh you know affecting neurotransmitters and brain function and there's been studies directly showing that if you inject a person with an inflammatory cytokine it causes depressive symptoms versus really injected with saline yes so the more inflammation we have on the body it increases depression exactly inflammation we used to think again the brain was separate from the body and that you know the immune system and and all that didn't didn't you know affect the brain turns out that was all wrong absolutely wrong and these inflammatory mediators do get into the brain and they get into the brain and they change you know they're changing the the firing of certain neurotransmitters and things like that they're also activating the resident immune cells in the brain called microglia astrocytes um a microglia a type of astrocyte and um you know that that also is linked to to depression and um so we we put out a little short video on this on an animated video actually on depression inflammation and depression and talk about a lot of the studies because it's something i don't think people realize that the food you eat and not only the food you eat your lifestyle you know being obese and overweight being sedentary being sedentary you know exercise is one of the best anti-inflammatory medicines you can get period and it also happens to be one of the you know best lifestyle um remedies for depression as well i mean randomized controlled trials showing that all sorts of evidence so um is this any type of exercise or are you a hit training cardio uh 30 minutes 60 minutes what's your opinion well there's been there's been studies looking at you know i i would say the large body of evidence seems to show aerobic exercise is is really important with respect to depression and and that is because aerobic exercise leads to increases in what's called brain derived neurotrophic factor bdnf as it's called it's basically um a growth factor that's produced you can after just 20 minutes of a moderate intensity workout you can increase your level you can find levels increased by like up to 30 percent in plasma it crosses into the brain and in the brain um it does a lot of things not only does it do what igf-1 does it actually grows new neurons it helps you grow new neurons and it helps your neurons survive so it plays an important role in preventing brain aging but something else very unique that it does it plays a role in what's called neuroplasticity neuroplasticity is like your brain's ability to adapt to stressful conditions you know i mean this is what children can do pretty pretty good um as you get older neuroplasticity goes down as does everything but neuroplasticity is important for for for being able to cope with stress like the stress of a pandemic for example you know more neuroplasticity helps with those stressful divorce people are going through you know are losing your job um lots of lots of stressful things but but but neuroplasticity helps the brain cope with that and brain derived neurotrophic factor helps increase neuroplasticity which decreases with age so um again aerobic exercise was important but you know there's been studies linking strength training to lower depression rates as well yeah any type of exercise will help exactly i do but i really think that aerobic there is that there is a place for aerobic with respect to the bdnf the brain drive neurotropic i always tell people that every day i try to put myself through some type of physical pain that makes me feel discomfort whether that's sweating for 10 minutes or a 2 hour workout or playing basketball hiking whatever i try to put my mind and body through something and i'm like gosh i don't want to do this but by putting myself through pain controlled pain it sets me up to be more under control when there is chaos and pain right i think that's the the key we should get to is like controlled pain healthy pain so that you're not out of control when there is chaos and pain in the world you're what you're describing um scientists often refer to uh as hormesis and that is basically a little bit of stress on the body like exercise basically because our body tries to maintain home what's called homeostasis um a little bit of stress will cause our body to respond to that stress with a lot of anti stress anti-inflammatory antioxidant growing new brain cells any all these beneficial things so wow a little bit of stress gives you a lot of good stuff right interesting whereas low grade chronic stress all the time it doesn't do anything you're not you're not getting that you're not getting that powerful yeah this is power this is amazing um i'm gonna say something that i hope i don't offend anyone when i say it that i am all about self-love self-care loving yourself for who you are accepting yourself for where you're at in your life physically emotionally environment financially all that the more i hear you talk about this the quote-unquote self-love movement of accept who you are and accept where you're at with your body and what you eat and it's okay to eat whatever you want just love yourself for who you are is that self-love mentality that specific type of mentality killing people and hurting them if they aren't willing to adapt a no it's not okay to continue to eat whatever you want all the time and just love yourself and accept yourself for who you are you have to make sure you arm your body and your mind and your health with the nutrients the tools the exercise in order to decrease depression and increase happiness i i think that there's the you know absolutely if you're going to just eat what you want and accept being obese that you will you'll be causing yourself more harm and both physically and mentally and um and and that also probably affects your loved ones as well you you know that care about you or perhaps that you're interacting with and you're in a terrible mood and so you know when your neighbor's happy you're happy right you know so i think that there's there's part of this movement and i think there's a fine balance between you don't want to have your expectations so high that you could never be happy yeah right i'm never gonna look perfect and someone's always skinnier than me and i'm never gonna have blue eyes i've never i've never you know so if i'm always like well only people with blue eyes are the prettiest like then i'll never be happy so like that's an unreasonable expectation right um in my mind so i mean there are things where you know like i i'm never gonna be a billionaire and if that if that's all i wanted in life to be happy i'll never be happy so there are things i think that you can there there's a certain balance between and you want your expectations behind in in a way you want to always aim for what you you know aim for the stars in a way and and try to like work hard to get there so what i'm trying to say is i think that self-love movement came from somewhere right i think there was there was something to that right but i think it sort of spiraled out of control and and um what what's happened now is you're saying well accept things that i don't want to change rather than you can't because you can change that you can lose weight you can um eat different foods and get make different decisions people that are eating refined sugar people that are drinking these sugar sweetened beverages you know and there's there's a lot of people maybe not so many people listening to the podcast or watching it but um there are people that do and you know there's been studies that have shown refined sugar acts on the reward pathway in the brain dopamine pathway in a very similar manner to controlled substances um drugs like nicotine yes methamphetamine not to the same degree but they're acting on the same systems and they're it increases a feel-good hormone doesn't take it for the moment but then it makes you decline afterwards and crash right it does and and you know i i think the important point to realize with that is that when you take that away when you stop um what happens is there is a withdrawal and and it's been shown at least with for example with nicotine studies that your dopamines getting constantly fired fired fired and so your what's called dopamine receptors which basically the dopamine acts on to make you feel good those start to decrease because your neurons are going oh well i have so much of this around i don't need so many of the receptors so when you take away that thing that's causing the dopamine all the time to go away you have less fewer receptors and now you don't feel as much i mean it's just really bad you're not feeling any amount of dopamine right but it's been shown that that sort of normalizes within three months and three months is a long time but it's actually not that long i've cut i'm cutting out the sugar you mean of life this has been shown with nicotine i'm just drawing i'm drawing a parallel saying look it's not going to be easy the first month it's so hard it's so not going to be the first month it may not be easy the second month but it's going to get easier and it's not only is it going to get easier you're going to be happier your body's going to regulate itself the hormones are going to regulate right things are going to self-risk yeah things start to to get back to normal exactly and very challenging but it's necessary to get healthier and happier right it is i i don't think people realize that you know depression it's not it's not just a genetic disorder it's not just something that can't be fixed ever uh no in some cases you know there there are you know there are definitely genetic cases of depression i'm not saying that that's not the case but can you hear depression through food and nutrition and exercise well there have been studies that have shown that exercise can be a treatment for depression and there have been studies that shown um changing someone's diet can also improve depression depressive scores um and particularly the the combined two uh is even more robust which makes sense um you know so there's something for people to realize people that are maybe eating a not so healthy diet people that are overweight um you know overweight definitely obese and um if they if they do have depression that there there there very well could be a link between you know between the the diet the lifestyle the obesity you know you know fat cells itself they also increase they they produce inflammatory cytokines so independent of the whole eating the diet and the postprandial inflammatory response just having fat like particularly visceral fat like around your organs and stuff like this stuff this stuff is causing low-grade inflammation and do you know what low-grade inflammation is it means that you're basically activating your immune cells a little bit all the time and activated immune cells require a ton of energy so you're taking energy away from your brain from defending itself yeah from from just just having you know having a great day for i mean energy is just having energy it's like a sink exactly just having energy it's a sink low grade inflammation i mean you were telling me this you know we were chatting a little bit earlier about how you were eating this terrible diet back when you were doing your arena football and you were always tired always tired low grade inflammation it's an energy sink because it requires so much energy to activate your immune cells and there's only so much energy it's like a triage right it's triaging there it's taken somewhere else and it takes you away from your mission from your vision of your life from your career from your energy with your family your friends yeah you have to have energy i mean it takes motivation to want to go to the gym it takes motivation also to want to to like do stuff or to talk to people to you know is there a genetic thing that or dna thing that holds someone back from losing that weight if they've tried for years or is this still uh you know they're just lacking the discipline what what is that there's absolutely many genes that regulate um obesity and and and my like i'll just tell you my mother-in-law she is also um a little she's not you're not obese she's you know had has in the past had an overweight problem and has tried i mean she's the kind of person that tries and goes all in and she has tried every diet just everything and just nothing seemed to work so i mean how does someone like that if they've tried try try and it's just like you know what i'm beating myself up the diets i'm trying the exercise is not working what do they need to shift well i do so you asked about genetics and that there is a really important role for genetics as well but i think that um in order to know that you're going to have to you're going to have to measure biomarkers in your blood so you're going to have to measure lipids like your ldl cholesterol different particle sizes of those cholesterol inflammatory biomarkers like high sensitivity reactive protein your triglycerides your hba1c which is a long-term measure of your long-term blood glucose levels measure those things and also you can get a genetic test there's a variety of genetic testing services out there 23andme ancestrydna i do have a genetic report that basically we look exclusively we're looking at genes that are affecting basically interacting with diet so people that are eating a high protein diet some people with a certain snip which is a one change in one nucleotide of dna in a gene basically can gain more weight and the opposite issues like i mentioned or eating the ratio of saturated fat to polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats so saturated fats found in foods like dairy red meat fatty cuts of red meat polyunsaturated fats fountain fish in fish monounsaturated fat is found in olive oil olives you know nuts so these things like even the ratio of those things can affect depending on someone's genetics their ability to to gain or lose weight but can you and more so like people there's some people have it where they eat a high carbohydrate diet and they gain more weight so is there so is there any is very so it's not as simple as what i'm hearing you say as just eat less calories a day and you should lose weight not always if you suppress the calorie intake you're gonna burn more and eventually you're gonna burn you know i think that's the one thing that's pretty tried and true is that your caloric restriction most of the time people will you know lose weight lose weight okay but you know the question is how sustainable is that you know so you maybe maybe what you need to do you know the other thing is that a lot of times obesity there's there's a dysregulation in hormones hormones like insulin leptin is another big one and you have to reset those hormones in order to like have a normal biology and sometimes resetting those hormones takes a reset that's kind of a strong stressor like like a long fast a long fast you know where you're basically you're basically resetting those things and and that's what did it for my mother-in-law so that was my long story get along get a couple of them so she did now by the way you know when i say a long fast typically intermittent fasting is is anything less than 48 hours uh a longer fast would be longer than 48 hours three plus days yeah so she did the first time she did a three day she started out by doing um sort of a caloric restriction low calorie diet just to kind of get her into it and then she did a three-day fast where she didn't eat anything a little bit of salt she would take a little bit of salt in and drink some water and then she did four days um and she did this like you know separated by like a month and that reset her metabolism and all of a sudden she started losing weight you know and this has also been the case for a few a few other friends of mine particularly one that was morbidly obese and he lost like 180 pounds oh my gosh [Music] tell me again the stat on diabetes how many people have it or are pre-diabetic and and what i'm undereducated on this so how many different types of diabetes are that okay how is it caused okay okay so type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease pancreas fails it's called we should be called juvenile diabetes uh and you need insulin it's just you need it it's you need insulin if you have type one diabetes you need antibiotics your pancreas dies because your pancreas makes insulin and helps your blood sugar get balanced keeps that's the blood it's sort of the gatekeeper what's the glucose into your cells okay so it's really important um so how does that die how what has died from that i mean how does the pancreas die oh well it doesn't get to that point it's an autoimmune like an auto like you get multiple sclerosis or gastroenteritis it's it's basically your body attacks your pancreas is that from eating a lot of bad foods well there's been links to dairy and actually as a driver of type one diabetes gluten 29 of people who have type 1 diabetes have celiac that are undiagnosed so wow celiac is a big cause of autoimmune diseases including type 1 diabetes so that's a very small number of people okay very few one out of two americans have what we call type 2 diabetes we just call adult onset except now kids as young as three are getting type of diabetes from drinking soda from the crib i mean oh my god i i was i was working in when i was a resident at an urgent care center and this woman comes in for back pain she got her baby in a carriage and i see her feeding this baby with brown liquid in a bottle who's seven months old and i'm like what is soda i'm like what is that that's coca-cola no i said why are you feeding your baby coke she smell uh he likes it oh my gosh oh my god look my wife showed me this this video on on on social media today it was a baby it looked like it was maybe eight or nine months old baby having ice cream for the first time oh having sugar for the first time and you watch the baby eat the ice cream i'll light out my eyes and then the baby like i want to wrap the thing and it stuffs in his face i was like oh my god it was just so crazy and it's highly addictive so uh yeah so now we're seeing one in two americans suffer from either pre-diabetes or type two or type two diabetes and and that is when you eat too much sugar and starch and every time you do that it raises your insulin your body becomes resistant to the insulin so it doesn't work as well so you need more insulin and insulin does what insulin makes you hungry it makes you store belly fat it locks the fat in the fat cells and it slows your metabolism it's like a quadruple threat for your body to gain weight so it's why we're seeing you know and that's goes back to what we're growing right so why are we eating all this food that it's because that's the food we produce right and so that's the other part of the problems we have the chronic disease we have the economic impact and we're like well why do we have this food so as a functional medicine doctor i'm always asking why right well why are my patients sick because it makes money right well no yeah but i'm going even further like i got interested in this because as a why would a doctor care about agriculture and soil and all this crap because as i was thinking about my patients diseases most of them were caused by food and can be cured by food some people well how many how many are most of them is this like fifty percent seventy percent eighty percent of anyone that comes in to the hospital or your patients yeah who has some type of disease or some type of sickness unless it's like an environmental thing like mercury or lyme or mold you know most of the cancer cancer cancer is caused by food really seventy percent second percent of cancer is caused by food and sugar is the number one culprit heart disease diabetes alzheimer's heart disease the big killers are by sugar and food yes yes so if you change your diet you should be able to cut those prevent or cure sometimes sometimes cure depends how far along things are i guess yeah you can prevent heart disease alzheimer's yes 100 i mean the studies are there it's crazy even people already have alzheimer's when they improve their diet they can get more functionality back so so you've got me thinking okay well if the patient's disease are caused by food what's causing the food it's the food system and like what's causing the food system it's our food policies like what's causing our food policies it's the food industry that's lobbying congress it's got money it's the biggest lobby group in congress is agriculture and food by far like by twice as much as the next uh lobby group by like gas and oil yeah exactly right and it's like what so then i began thinking well if i'm gonna help my patients i can't do it in my office like i can it's like it's like i'm like in the boat baling the boat with a hole instead of plugging the hole right you're not going to the source right so then i'm thinking okay well what do i need to do as a functional medicine doctor i need to go to the root cause right the root cause and why and then it became clear to me that it's our agricultural system that's driving so much the problem and what we grow has been based on good intentions that we're in the 50s and people were hungry there wasn't enough food there was a lot of poverty and so we we figured out a system to produce an abundance of starchy calories so we can have food so food and we were great at it and we have cheap abundant corn and wheat and soy which are the commodity crops that are turned into industrial processed food which is now 60 of our diet and for every 10 of that you eat your risk of death goes up by 14 yeah so you're crazy so you're basically you know feeding americans diet we know is going to kill them the research is so clear on this there's no scientific debate and yet we don't do anything about it because of these dysfunctional food policies and then the way we grow the food causes climate change we'll get into that but the number one cause of climate change is our food system really people don't realize that i didn't know it i'm like it's oil and you know gas and all this stuff i'm like well what is it is it the trucking is it the animal feces okay so first of all deforestation is devastating not only do we like destroy the soil on which we cut down the trees but the trees are carbon sink so we lose that so they're not sucking in the bad air that's putting out good dioxide right i mean basically plants suck out carbon dioxide that's what they breed we breathe oxygen they breathe carbon dioxide so that a perfect antidote right and then the soil also we're damaging by the way we're farming we've lost a third of our topsoil it's responsible now people don't know this but of all the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere the loss of soil organic matter like healthy rich soil is responsible for 30 to 40 percent of all greenhouse gases currently in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution does that mean why is that does it suck up does it suck because soil is it can hold more carbon than is in the atmosphere right now there's a trillion tons of carbon wow in the atmosphere which is a lot i don't know trillion tons i don't even know how to measure that uh and the soil can hold three trillion tons of carbon and how does it do that it's an ancient carbon capture technology that is available all over the world that's free free that can be more effective than all the rainforest on the planet then all the forests and trees on the planet it's called photosynthesis and that if you have like grasslands for example like we had big prairies in the united states they suck down carbon they breathe it and they put it through the plants into the roots feeds the mycorrhizal fungi which then make healthy soil feeds the bacteria and you get this incredibly rich live soil that holds tremendous amounts of organic matter that is carbon right i mean carbohydrates comes from the word carbon which comes from carbo carbon dioxide wow right like ding ding dong connects and it's just and so we've lost we don't have the soil for it to consume then we it just bounces off back into the air i guess and we're just consuming it in other ways yeah and and the soil can hold so much carbon the u.n estimated that if we took the five of the five million hectares of degraded farmland around the world if we took just 2 million of that and spent 300 billion which is the total military spend for 60 days around the world which is not much yeah 60 days two months of everybody's military spending we literally could stall climate change by 20 years wow because of putting back the carbon in the soil uh and and not only that it holds water you see that you know in in iowa and in the midwest there was floods that just destroyed a million acres of crop land that otherwise could have been fine if the soil could hold the water but it just sits on the top where it runs through and we lose all this water so that when you have an organic matter in the soil it holds 27 000 gallons for every one percent organic matter in the soil per acre so it's an incredible water sink it's a carbon sink and we've lost all these soils and it's because we're growing these commodity crops in ways that destroy soil soil we're tilling the soil we're turning over soil erosion it runs off into the rivers uh it we kill all the life in the organic matter by poisoning it with fertilizer right with pesticides with a glyphosate herbicides and and it's it's staggering and then we have all these sort of unintended consequences you know we we started growing all this food and we thought this agricultural revolution was great all these chemicals are great you know fertilizer is great we can do all this good stuff trackers big farms more food feed the world uh it's backfired on us wow and it's producing the worst food on the planet that's causing devastating environmental damage staggering climate change so it's it's the soil loss it's you said at the deforestation it's the factory farming animals which is should be banned it's the transportation storage refrigeration and the food waste i mean food waste in a lot of waste yeah well we we waste forty percent of our food we've literally had a plate we don't imagine going to the grocery store buying much groceries take and getting home and throwing 40 of the garbage the average americans waste 1800 of food a year and it's about a pound a day uh and that goes to landfills the landfills then it rots and creates methane so you could be a vegan throwing out your food waste and scraps and you could be contributing climate change if food waste for our country it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the us and china wow yeah it's methane to produce uh and and we need to compost we need to have community garden it's always to fix it but it's it's like when you look at the whole end-to-end food system it is the number one source of climate change about 50 of greenhouse gases and people just don't appreciate that so why i mean if this information is public and it's out there and policy makers are aware of it they're not they're not aware no i spent two hours on a sale book this summer with a senator a smart senator he wasn't aware of it and i i literally his jaw was hanging open the entire time are they not presented with this research and information no because because they got so much money sentenced by the lobbyists probably right i mean listen if all the people who are walking their office are monsanto and cargill and you know mcdonald's and pepsi and like and they're all donating millions of dollars i would say billions of dollars um they're not hearing the other side of the science and you know how do you how do you fight that so you know i i always should deride of lobbyists but i plan on you know up creating a food fix campaign which is a non-profit along with an advocacy organization to start to literally lobby senators congressmen key people in the administration around these issues and start to drive policy change because in the uk and you were talking about i think in australia new zealand or in i think in asia you were saying that you can't do certain things with the food otherwise you'll go to prison you'll go you know you'll get killed you'll well yeah i mean like in the uk they don't have a lot of these dyes right right yeah so it's so funny you know the fda you know is so influenced by the the food industry um and and i was once with the uh the former uh head of the federal drug administration food and drug administration uh peggy hammer former she was she was you know she but then she was the fda commissioner yeah um but but now she's former and i was at the world economic forum i said peggy how how come um you know we have so much trouble with with getting advances in food labeling or dealing with toxic chemicals in our food or antibiotics and animal feed or you know it's like she's like well uh when we try to make too aggressive change congress threatens to shut down our funding because of the food lobby they threatened to shut it down yeah and then what if they shut it down what would happen well they they're limited in their ability to do their job and so the ftc the same thing happened in the 70s there was a movement by the federal trade commission to have uh you know negative educ i mean positive education campaigns are on sugar and how bad it was but the congress says we're going to pull all your funding and shut you down if you if you do this and so they pull back so so uh you know in in you know for example you asked a question about asia we have this thing called grass which is generally recognized as safe so the food additives we have you know we have you know thousands of food additives um only about five percent have actually been tested for safety in the u.s some of them are grandfathered in right like so crisco for example trans fat was grandfathered in as a safety food to eat but it took 50 years for researchers to finally prove to the fda that it wasn't safe because it was the basis of all processed food right crisco shortening you know it shortens your life i was like oh my gosh and and so they they literally had to be sued by a scientist in order to actually turn it into a non-safe substance and then of course they gave their food industry years and years to get out of the food so but but but in this country there's so many things that are used in our food supply that are banned in europe like bht butylated hydroxy toluene food additives uh various dyes and something called azo dicarbonamide which is a softener that makes like bread more like fluffy inside yeah and it was used in subway sandwich our friend bonnie hari outed them and said this is your yoga mat material and your subway sandwich and they gotta take it out to eat her yeah and she got it out but the fda still says it's fine to eat right and in singapore if you use it and you're a food producer you get a 450 000 fine and 15 years in jail for putting in the food that same ingredient the same ingredient that anyone can use in the u.s right in the u.s yes and most of the things that are safe put safe here are banned in europe so it's like yeah they're not doing their job and then antibiotics you know we have 30 million pounds of antibiotics are used in animal feed about 37 million total so about 7 million for humans to treat disease and 30 million for animals why for growth it's a growth factor right it makes them fat and it makes humans fat too and it is used for prevention of from overcrowding and and the fda says well this isn't a good idea i mean nobody thinks it's a good idea but they go would you please pretty please not do it it was a voluntary guideline that the fda produced not mandatory please don't do it yeah you have to have a vet certify that the animal's sick before you give them antibiotics oh man and now they they you know continue to do it and just laugh you know they had voluntary the the the fda ftc put in voluntary guidelines around junk food market would you pretty please not advertise the bad stuff and advertise more good stuff it was just voluntary and the food industry went ballistic and had it overturned so even the voluntary guidelines are nullified like no wow and it just i mean sugar i mean it's like i'm the first one to raise my hand when i say like i love sugar and it's my i read my biggest advice right i love cookies and candies and cakes and brownies and anything you can think of i love it right you know we programmed it i don't know why i don't diabetes so much sugar i've had my whole life but i can't be having that much because you look pretty good well i train hard too you're right i go through waves and but as a kid i would drink like nine ten dr peppers a day i remember what like some days in the summer you're just sitting here president but i would just i mean i would run around and and work out and play sports but then i just drink yeah because i thought that's what you were right you were 16 18 you know like and i was like 9 10 right so i was like but it was you'd see it on commercials like your nba superstar drinking dr pepper or sprite or whatever after on the basketball court and i don't know if it was just like subconscious or just it tasted good and you didn't think about it all i mean this is where the food industry is so i mean i talk about in my book food fix but the industry is so strategic about how it advances its mission and goals and it does it through multiple channels and i'm just going to go through them because it's just people just don't know the celebrity endorsements right yeah the first you know obviously you know celebrity endorsements which is the obvious one they co-op social groups so they they fund groups like the naacp and hispanic federation the you know african-american and latino communities are the most affected by diabetes and obesity and they co-opt them by funding them i i want to show the movie fed up at the king center in atlanta and bernice king martin king's daughter was all about it and she was excited but once once we got it scheduled a few days later i got a call that we couldn't show it i'm like why because coca-cola funds the king center no yeah i went to spelman college you know which is african-american women college in atlanta and the dean said to me half of the 18 year olds coming into college have a chronic illness obesity hypertension diabetes 18 year old women and i'm like why is there soda machines all over the campus why it's just because coke funds no and one of them one of the people on the board of trustees is one of the highest executives coca-cola oh man an african-american woman it's like so they co-op social groups and that's why they for example post soda taxes because they're they're in the you know in the funding of these these big soda companies and then of course they they fund research so they fund 12 times as much research 12 billion dollars worth of research a year to study nutrition so gatorade gets studied by pepsi and really gatorade's the best thing in the world it's not it's just sugar right or you know right right so it corrupts and pollutes science so people are confused why is there so much confusion about nutrition science third they they create front groups they call them spin doctors so they create front groups that seem like they're independent groups like crop life yeah or you know like they're tweeting the center for consumer freedom right or the american council on science and health which by the way is run by a bunch of doctors who suggest that uh pesticides are safe the type fructose corp is great for you that smoking doesn't cause disease and you know why do they do why would they do that because they get paid a lot they're funded by monsanto and big food and pepsi you just look at their funders and they're basically i mean they spent 30 million dollars fighting gmo labeling in california this front group it was all funded by monsanto right and then you got these front groups and then you have um them co-opting scientists and academies so the nutrition academies the american heart association american diabetes association their funding in large part comes from industry and and so the academy nutrition dietetics which is our main nutrition association 40 of their funding comes from the food industry you know they have sponsored you know lectures at their meetings that are you know with people saying well high fructose corn syrup is good and diet drinks are good and like right it's just completely corrupted and so these professional societies give guidelines and they're they're corrupt and dr ionitis from stanford who's a scientist who looks at carefully at the research and and conflicts of interest says you know these professional societies like the american heart association and diabetes association should not be making guidelines and then so you've got all these ways in which they sort of screw things up and then of course they they're aggressive in advertising and marketing and which is illegal in those countries and then they have lobbyists running around washington driving policy that supports all of what they do so you you've got this massive effort and and it's often subversive and illegal and it's you know it's kind of shady [Music] you uncover all the lies about food right that's right all the lies that the food industry tries to feed us and tell us which is actually healthy for us but when it's actually really bad that's right and so you know my mission has always been about educating the public about the chemicals in the american food supply and my first book the food vape way was all about the chemicals how do we get the chemicals out of our diet and this book actually takes it a step further and goes behind the scenes and shows you exactly the playbook that the food industry uses to continue selling us these chemicals to continue to confuse us about what's truly healthy so that we continue to buy their products really so it's like false marketing absolutely packaging into the marketing the language the words they use the things you read on social media the things you see in the media they'll have a fit like healthy looking woman or man on their packaging just to say this is how you're gonna look even though it's not good for you whatever it may be right that's right all it's all marketing uh a lot of it is okay yeah and even even if they have the ingredients that show that there's all these chemicals and bad stuff in it they're saying other things on the front that's right the face it looks nice but on the back it's like all dirty yeah a perfect example of this is diet coke right diet coke diet right is part of the name right it makes you think that you're going to stay lean and trim and that you can get away with eating zero calories and still enjoying this buzz from this caffeine and the sweetness from this drink but what's really happening behind the scenes in your body is you're consuming artificial sweeteners that trick your brain into thinking that hey i'm receiving some nourishment because this thing is sweet and it tastes like something that has calories and nutrition but in actuality you're not getting any of those calories so your body's like wait a minute i still need some nourishment i still need nutrition and so your body continuously craves additional food so you end up eating more than you would otherwise do and so you end up in this yo-yo cycle of dieting and never being able to break free and then how many chemicals are going to die coat you know or how many ingredients is a lot or is it it's not a ton of ingredients but the ingredients are awful they're bad yeah i mean one of the ingredients is caramel coloring right i mean caramel coloring is not the kind of that you would make like when you burn sugar um but it's made in a laboratory you know there's been studies that show that it you know animal studies have shown that it's linked to cancer you know this is a caramel coloring you definitely do not want to be consuming on a regular basis in a drink do you have you been seeing the uh commercials from diet coke no there's some there's these amazing commercials i was watching um a couple months ago that was like this kind of chill looking i think i saw two of them one was a guy and a girl it was like this like cool casual girl who's like life's short have a diet coke like have one because you can it wasn't like this there was kind of almost saying like this is bad for you life's short just enjoy some diet coke like have fun like do this do that you know yeah they're losing i mean they're losing the battle right now i mean in terms of they're not trying to say this is good for you anymore yeah well they've they've gotten away with a lot of different things and there's there's a there's many different stories that i share within the book that show how the the coke industry uh the soda industry whether it's coca-cola or pepsi you know if they have uh tried to change our perspective about health and diet in this country they've said you know what it's not about sugar or carbohydrates which our food is mainly made up of it's actually about fat you should you should eliminate fat in your diet or hey why don't you exercise more and there's been evidence where you know not only have they colluded with the cdc and other government officials they've colluded with uh you know professors at some of the highest degree universities in our country um to try to persuade the public uh that we have a problem with the fact that we don't exercise enough when really we're consuming too much sugar and too many empty calories which is their products so so how many of these companies are actually living by this kind of feeding you lies mentality that's a good question um you know the majority of companies uh that are uh you know the legacy big food companies the kellogg's the general mills the campbells the coca-colas the pepsis the mondelez the craft heinz those are the ones that have really gotten away with uh and i don't want to say murder but they really have because what what has happened is that they're using the same playbook as the tobacco industry when it comes to determining what people crave what makes them addicted to food and what makes them continuously buy them you know the majority of chemicals that have been invented in the last 50 years or so have been invented for one reason to improve the bottom line of the food industry not to improve our health not for our nutrition not to make us healthier not to help us you know achieve our health goals or to avoid disease they've only been there to improve the bottom line of the food industry so you just think about that so when you look at an ingredient list and you see all these different chemicals in there they are not serving a purpose for your nutrition or your body or to make you feel really great they're just serving the interest of the food industry and this example it can be shown in a really unethical way when you look at our food versus other food in other countries so for example mcdonald's french fries here in the united states they're made with a slew of different chemicals one of the chemicals is dimethyl polysiloxane it's the same ingredient in silly putty it's also an ingredient that is uh preserved with formaldehyde and an ingredient that the fda has not truly even studied or proved to be in our food system right can it be in mcdonald's if it's not fda approved well it's it's it's a grass it's generally regarded as safe but the but but the ingredient itself is actually um deemed safe by the food industry themselves not the fda so there's this underlying assumption that our our ingredients are being like managed and tested and safety tested by the government right but the fda doesn't have any of the mechanisms to do that so they rely on the food industry themselves to say hey this stuff's okay now in europe they have different standards they say you need to prove this stuff safe before you put it in your food so in europe when you look at mcdonald's french fries they use three basic ingredients really potatoes oil and dextrose which is just sugar and then you can add the salt after you fry it so you can actually determine how much salt you have on mcdonald's french fries in europe but here in the united states totally different scenario and i think one of the most unethical behaviors is when uh con big food manufacturers especially american food manufacturers start to um change their products overseas to meet regulations and not change them here so a great example of it is the american food companies change stuff overseas because they have to right here they'll cut corners to save money yeah and a great example of this is was the um craft petition that i started to remove artificial food dyes from mac and cheese in europe if you use yellow five and yellow six in a product or any of these artificial food dyes you have to put a warning label that says may cause adverse effects on activity and attention in children now this warning label uh is mandatory by the government if you use these ingredients right um but here in the united states you can get away with using them so instead of putting the warning label on kraft mac and cheese in europe uh kraft said you know what we're going to change the ingredients we're going to put beta carotene and paprika that's what we're going to use over there but we're not going to change them here in the united states so they know that their product could cause hyperactivity in children but they choose not to change it wow because our government allows them to get away with it and i feel like that's the most unethical food practice ever because as a company as someone who is serving food to you as two people you have i think an ethical obligation to say you know what i should serve it the least harmful as possible to people i shouldn't know this information about different regulations and just ignore it for different populations because i can get away with it and make more money wow crazy now how many you did a campaign against craft a while ago right that's right it received over 300 000 signatures craft changed yeah craft is now removed artificial food dyes from their mac and cheese as well as yeah so they moved the yellow file it's gone oh really yeah it's gone so 300 000 names they removed one or two ingredients or yeah they actually yeah they they re-changed it and um it was really funny because they the way they launched it you know of course they wouldn't give the activist credit or or you know the people out there that were demanding this all the parent parents that wrote in and wrote letters um instead they said oh you know uh this is like new and improved and you you always do the same mac and cheese you've always loved you know and so they they really just made it like we heard yeah yeah yeah it wasn't like you know the customers wanted this right right you did this with the subway as well i remember you doing a campaign like a video about how it had like a yoga mat ingredient in there or something like that that's right so that's another example of an ingredient it was called azo dicarbonamide i we dubbed it the yoga mat chemical you know what that means what is it like what are these chemicals you know yeah you know it's a chemical that's used as a dough conditioner so you know when you um look at a piece of bread that's been manufactured and you see all those little itty bitty holes and they're like in this perfect realm but if you bake a bread at home or something has a big hole in the middle and if you get really good bread from a restaurant that they bake there it's like all you know it's not uniform well as a diet carbonate makes it really uniform so when you're a fast food giant and you want your bread to all be the same and made exactly the same so people know what they're getting when they get there you know and it you know it does cheapen the the process in terms of it makes it faster to produce as well that's what they were using and this ingredient was not only banned in europe and other places uh around the world um uh you would get fined like you know several hundred thousand dollars uh in singapore if you use this chemical because of the interactions it had with not only it being up in the air and you can inhale it but also when it's broken down it turns into a carcinogen and so you know knowing that subway was using this chemical here in the united states and not elsewhere across the globe because subways like was the largest not not no longer the largest um fast food chain because of this campaign they were the largest they were the largest yeah bigger than uh mcdonald's or bigger they were they had more stores than mcdonald's at that point yeah wow they did yeah four years ago they did they had more stores they were worldwide but they were choosing again to service these cheaper more uh alarming chemicals here in the united states and so you know i wanted you know these campaigns weren't about taking out this chemical or that chemical and suddenly having these products be super healthy it was about showcasing what is in your food making people become aware of it and not only have people become aware of it there's this amazing trend happening in the marketplace where people are wanting organic and natural foods now and it's a continuous marketplace that continues to grow because people are becoming aware about what these chemicals are and they don't want to consume them yeah and it's it's just a beautiful thing so we're in this amazing food movement and and through this change and being a catalyst for this change and being a voice for this change you know i received enormous pushback from several um experts and you know quote-unquote experts didn't know that they were hired experts at the time i had my hunches that they were hired by the food and chemical industry um and i received a ton of backlash online for these campaigns and it came out of nowhere and at the time i really didn't know how to handle it and the only way that i knew what to do was just to like sit here and like not listen to it so i like i i cancelled google alerts because not so much negativity there was so much negativity and i realized that my mission shouldn't be driven upon what people say about me whether it's positive or negative so when something would be happened positive in the press i'd ask my mother and my team not to send it to me and i'd ask also anything negative don't send it to me because really my mission should come from within right it's really the reason why i'm doing this is not so that i can be popular or be featured in some mainstream magazine it was so that i could get this message out i want to talk about the chemicals i want to talk about the food industry i want to talk about what's how people's lives can change and not feel like a zombie anymore like i used to feel in my early 20s when i was eating all this processed food and so um so as a result of me being an activist and me you know getting into this kind of spotlight environment i mean right after the book came out you know after i was on this podcast i mean my my world just like blew up i mean you know time magazine reached out we're like you know we're naming you one of the most influential people on the internet and i was just like what like what like next to barack obama like no you're you're crazy jimmy fallon like you're crazy right you're crazy and um and i was getting these kind of accolades right but i also at the same time was being pressured and pushed by this agenda this media agenda to paint me as pseudo-scientific or someone who doesn't understand chemicals or someone who just you know is is being a fear-monger or trying to make people afraid of these chemicals in this processed food and they wanted to paint me as this and so i found myself in this kind of like media frenzy of all these people wanting to interview me but for the wrong reasons and so i started to just take a look at what was driving some of these interviews who who are the people behind these um requests and then who are the the antagonists in the story that they were interviewing and it became very very clear that there was a a campaign that was being funded by the food and chemical industry driven by several different pr firms to attack me as a messenger of change and to do whatever they could do to get me to stop yeah and not only did they want to do whatever they could do to get me to stop but they also wanted to confuse the public so that when anybody would listen up to something i would say they would try to question it and say well maybe she's just being a little outlandish about this i remember seeing this like on twitter there was tons of responses to everything you put out and people just spamming everyone and all that stuff right and that was actually an astroturf campaign and actually this is a tactic that's not only used to take down activists but it's used to take down ideas in the public so when when the food industry wants you to believe a certain thing or the chemical industry or a big conglomerate or any type of industry they will hire not only uh astroturfers like you know groups of online trolls really try to get you to shut up just to try to get people to shut up or to to make people who are um trying to to change the status quo feel stupid about it so they'll do whatever they can to try to get you to stop sharing the truth and so not only will they bully you online but they'll go into comment sections of mainstream media articles and try to fight with people in there and try to showcase um fake comments to take the side of the food industry to take the side of the corporations and not only are there these online troll groups but they're really being driven by these front groups that are they they look like third-party independent groups right they have these long fancy names these councils associations yeah they have these long fancy names but really they're just they're really there being funded by coke and monsanto and all these other you know giant uh food and chemical companies that are trying to drive the agenda and one perfect example of this that happened recently is i'm sure you saw headlines everywhere coconut oil isn't healthy it was on the front of the usa today wow it was everywhere and you know as a person who's been studying health and nutrition now for over 10 years i was like whoa whoa how's it not healthy yeah and it was every i mean i'm not talking it wasn't just in usda it was on everything and it was because the american heart association was the one delivering the message and people believed this association little do they know that the aha seal used to be on tricks and other cereals that were terrible for your health but um and and they're you know they've had their seal their steel you know you can buy their seal basically and put it i mean it was on subway it was on a lot of different fast food chains um but but not only that is you know people see this american heart association and they just automatically believe it they don't even know that a lot of it's being driven by the food and chemical industry and that their experts are being paid secretly behind the scenes from the corn and the canola industry crazy so the corn and canola industry is driving this message that coconut oil is unhealthy because they see coconut oil sales take over their sales because people are becoming aware of wait how's corn oil produced how's canola oil produced oh it's produced with hexane and a very carcinogenic gas and oh it's inflammatory causing in my system it is an abundance of omega-6 fatty acids and no wonder i need omega-3 in my life and why my body's so out of whack and why i'm experiencing depression and alzheimer's and all these other diseases because of this reason right so um so you see that you know you look something you know you see a headline and you just automatically believe it i mean it was so believable that my mom is texting me and she's like mom she's like bonnie i told you so i didn't like coconut oil anyway like she's always been like she just likes a good old-fashioned butter which is good but but you know we've always i've always told her like if you fry something fried in some coconut oil versus like you know canola oil or corn oil or soy oil and um and she's like look it's it's all over the paper and she's even believing it and meanwhile if you don't look behind the headline you don't look into who's driving this message and the experts who are being paid to promote this agenda you are going to suffer as an individual because you're you're going to believe this information you're going to make these choices about your health and what you're feeding your family and you're setting them up for failure and so this is what feeding you lies is about exposing these tactics exposing this playbook so that you as the consumer you become a health investigator yourself you can see beyond a headline now after reading this book you can see when you see slews of comments believing one thing that just you know your intuition is like saying i don't know about this you can kind of dig deeper and see whoa is this an astroturf campaign and i give you tactics on how to handle that if that happens to you you know if you're leaving a comment and people are bullying you about a certain belief or view um and not only that but there are specific lies in there that affect us every single day at the grocery store when you see a label that says gluten-free and you're on a gluten-free diet does it mean that that product is safe it doesn't it might be gluten-free but it might be filled with all these other chemicals that's right i mean you know the food industry loves a good diet right they love the they love anything that they can use to market processed food in a different way that is fashionable and trendy and the trendy thing right now is gluten-free right um actually the next the next one is keto right and you even see like slim fast getting into keto products and their products are garbage it's absolute garbage for your body i mean there's there's you know they're full of synthetic chemicals uh vitamins and minerals you know different um artificial sweeteners that you know make your metabolism um just completely like shut down because it starts to like create leaky gut and you know you have all of these chemicals that really shouldn't be part of your diet [Music] you said american milk is something that we should not have in order to fix leaky gut yeah is there such thing as non-american milk that is okay to drink yeah so most people can have sheet melt can have goat milk interestingly enough goat milk traditionally was called mother's milk because the con the components in goat milk are very different than cow milk yeah uh they're far more similar to human milk and so i actually tell mothers if they're going to you know give their child some animal milk please make it goat melt interesting yeah rather than cow's milk okay is there any other foods that we should not eat to heal our uh leaky gut so the the more the more you and i need to talk about this in plant paradox as well but yeah uh the more you there are a few people that actually react to either the white or the yolk of eggs most people don't okay but that we test for those and here's just something to throw out i don't want to cause widespread panic yes there is a lot of enough of that in the world right now that's right yeah we got planning there is a lectin in spinach that um i was unaware of but thanks to a company called vibrant america they discovered that there are a class of lectins called aquaporins and they're present in tobacco they're present in spinach they're present in corn they're present in soybeans they're present in green peppers and i think that's it anyhow they actually can cause leaky gut and they can cause leaky brain and i stumbled upon this because i have a few people with really bad ibs and really bad autoimmune disease who are saints they follow my program they never cheat why would they why do they still happen and they yeah why do they still have issues and so when we had these new tests lo and behold almost every one of these people reacted to spinach no way and they ate a lot of spinach and knock on wood so far when we took the spinach away from them that was the key now don't everybody go home and throw out your spinach but if you're following my program and my program does have spinach in it and we're still having problems consider giving up spinach there's no human need for spinach now you said uh what was her name is she a doctor terry is that her name carrie walsh dr you're terry walsh you said she was doing like 10 or 12 cups of veggies a day for nine cups of vegetables the snake looking back at you now what should those now why is it important to have nine cups of vegetables and what does that do for your microbiome your gut every day this is so getting back to dr david kessler head of the fda we thought that carbohydrates were carbohydrates and you know and complex carbohydrates starches were fine because they're complex carbohydrates everybody's wrong food manufacturers have figured out how to make a complex carbohydrate a simple carbohydrate and make you think it's a complex carbohydrate okay so when you read a label number one if you have to read a label you're probably you should put the package back because there shouldn't be a label on a head of lettuce right give you an example but you have to take and if anybody if the take-home point from this is what we're saying we'll save so many people's lives read total carbohydrates on the label then take away the dietary fiber that'll be the next thing under it so that will tell you the amount of grams of sugar per serving in that package do not look at where it says sugar do not look at added sugar it is a lot so it says zero sugar zero added sugar yeah so let me give you an example that he used on my podcast which was a great example he said let me what would you find in a store the label says it's 300 calories it has zero fat it has zero grams of sugar and it has four grams of protein and it has 35 grams of carbohydrates is it broccoli i don't know what is that it's a bagel a bagel a bagel and wow 300 calories 300 calories wow zero sugar how does that zero sugar i thought that's just yeah that's a lot of sugar the label law lies to you it's got 35 grams of carbohydrates now to make that exact sugar which is sugar it is pure sugar in fact it is better than sugar the way it has been manufactured so you take to figure out how much that is there's four grams of sugar per teaspoon so let's take his 35 grams of sugar divide by four let's make it easy make it 36 grams that's nine teaspoons of raw sugar in that bagel so that's number one all of a sudden you have how many grams of sugar would that be that's well so a coke a 12 ounce coke is about 12 grams of sugar wow so you're basically chugging a coke when you eat a baby and it'll actually get into your bloodstream faster than if you chug the coke no way how is it going faster when it's just because it's been broken down you actually have to digest the sugar molecule on the coke you don't have to digest the sugar molecule in a bagel really yeah main main lines so that's number one number two what nobody knew was the bacteria that most of your bacteria live down in your colon and your lower part of your small intestine and they're waiting for the complex carbohydrates that you do not digest normally they're waiting for their meal that always used to come and that meal never comes anymore because everything's been so finely processed that we don't get those complex carbohydrates down to them so they starve to death now what's really cool is that those guys take that meal and they make all these really cool compounds that number one keep the wall of the gut intact allow the wall of the gut to heal itself they make compounds that actually are text messages to the mitochondria in all of our cells and particularly in our brain that guys down in the engine room are working under full power and we've got you know scotty beam me up sort of thing you know give me warp drive five and we've got the power and you know it's okay to go into hyperspace if they don't make those compounds your mitochondria go geez i'm not i got nothing to work with here and we got no backup system i'm gonna sputter down to a crawl and people wonder why they're fatigued even though they're eating more than ever and they're eating all these sports drinks and they're having 12 27 cups of coffee and going where's my energy and it's because we no longer have this beautifully designed symbiotic relationship and we starve the most important part of of us and that's why jacqueline said if it tastes good spit it out so why nine cups of vegetables then because that is actually giving those guys what they want to eat now terry doesn't didn't know this back then but her first book was minding my mitochondria or feeding my mitochondria but now we know it's actually we got to feed those guys we have to eat for them mitochondria we gotta eat for the bacteria [Music] you've got uh nine pieces of primal advice for athletes but i think a lot of entrepreneurs could live this way yeah too and still like be better entrepreneurs be more productive have better relationships be sharper all these different things and i think everything you do to be a better athlete makes you a better entrepreneur absolutely absolutely but you talk about adequate sleep and this is something i've been talking about a lot lately on my podcast and bringing out different sleep experts but why just emphasize is sleep important for you i mean sleep is when the body renews and regenerates repairs itself it's when a lot of the neural networking happens to overlook sleep and to think well you know i can sleep when i'm dead well you know that just is so such faulty logic yeah it's so critical and so important i try to get eight hours a night myself if i get less than six for some reason i i feel it i know it i try to make up for it i try not to let that happen i try i try not to schedule late nights because i wake up at the same time pretty much every morning so if i say i'm wake up or yeah 6 30 6 a.m 6 30. but if i were to go to bed at one i'd still wake up at my normal time so i i have to really force myself to not force myself because i'm tired at the end of the day i'm and i and i have this whole wind down process so my wife and i will we'll watch some uh we'll do some television uh after dinner um we'll catch up on we'll do some some binge watching catching up of whatever the latest series was uh but around 10 we'll break uh i i have a pool in my backyard and a jacuzzi so i go into the pool's unheated so in the winter time it might be in the 50s wow i'll walk into the pool and hang out there for a couple of minutes and get really really cold but not to the point of shivering just it's kind of a process in and of itself then i'll get the jacuzzi so my wife and i'll hang out in jacuzzi we'll just recap with the day's events where it's very uh we turn off all the lights in the house we have a fire pit out there so there's a real sort of a primal cave caveman kind of thing to that um then i'll just finish off with another minute in the cold and we and towel off and go up to bed and i sleep like a baby as a result of that wow so that's cold there yeah the hot cold therapy and that's kind of how i wind my day down and that prepares me to sleep it brings my body temperature down um which is uh you know they say that you're that uh you should have your lower body temperature to sleep better um we keep the room around 67 yes um we have blackout curtains so it's a real cool sleeping environment mm-hmm you know yes um i always like to keep it cold yeah yeah okay and so if you do like a cold shower before bed you think that's a good thing i think it's a good thing yeah it'll help you sleep better i think so try it i mean you can't hurt okay you talk about stress and rest balance what does that mean well uh you know you there are certain stresses in your life that are unavoidable work stress uh commuting stress sometimes training waiting in the lobby for 45 minutes stress sorry well i'm more stressed about the traffic coming from right now you never know what it's going to be it could be you know i planned for two hours i got here in an hour and or i got here in less than an hour right so it's good yeah but so so you have these stresses um and some of them are imagined even though your brain thinks they're real they're they don't exist you know that our stress mechanisms in the body were they evolved to handle true life or death situations you know a tiger bearing down upon you uh an infection that's gonna that's gonna kill you a broken leg that may you know whatever uh have its imp impact on you not uh you know am i going to miss my kids rehearsal or am i going to be late for work or whatever that those those cause stress but they're not life-threatening and yet we the brain sees them as life-threatening so the the the message here is that you sort of have to identify stresses and then appropriately orchestrate certain rest and recovery now uh we talked about this before the show that meditation is a form of of rest and recovery but just taking maybe if you need a nap you can you can do that but certainly that that goes back to the whole sleep thing being being being critical but the other part of rest is recognizing if you're an athlete recognizing when it's just inappropriate to go out and train just because your schedule says i have to go do six miles today you know if you if you wake up that day and you feel like crap and you and and the metrics you know the heart rate uh variability is wrong or or you're just not feeling good then you're better off taking that day off than plowing through it and and being able to write in your logbook yeah i got through the workout felt like crap but i got through the workout i was just rested just rested yeah yeah gotcha okay the third thing you talk about is personalized schedule and inconsistency is the key so in uh in primal endurance we go back to that philosophy that the body you know is a very um sort of temperamental uh it's in temperamental states back and forth sometimes you're in a state of of energy and health and sometimes you're not and you can't really plan on when those states are going to be so you have to be willing to listen to the cues and for that reason we say inconsistency is the key to consistent racing if you're an athlete so it's it's when you feel good you can go hard when you don't feel good back off uh you take time off we use the term periodicity so you can periodize your training so that there's there are tranches of training days a week at a time where you're really going deep deep hard hard and then you might take a week off or take it real easy and back off you can break those further up into into quarterly annual segments uh always with the idea that some days are going to be good some days are going to be bad you're going to trend toward wanting to build to ratchet up over time but you're okay kind of not doing stuff uh as as hard and so it doesn't become this linear kind of progress it becomes more of a fractal thing that trends toward improvement gotcha uh the next thing you talk about is aerobic emphasis train slow to race fast what does that mean yeah so this is the toughest one for current endurance athletes to really to to grok and that is um a lot of athletes and i was certainly one for 20 years you basically go out and you train to hurt so you run or you ride or you swim at a heart rate that's you know 75 to 90 percent of your max heart rate and you see how long you can hold that right right and and so you're training to hurt and it's and it's and it hurts you it does hurt you but you feel tough as a result of it and the but the problem is you're not really training the body to be become more efficient you're just training yourself to hurt so when we talk about efficiency in racing we go back to the original premise about glucose and glycogen being sort of this determining factor in in muscle tissue when you run out of glycogen you sort of hit the wall so how do you manage glycogen well one way would be to eat a lot of carbohydrates and drink a lot of gels during the race the other would be to become so good at burning fat that you never really tap into that glycogen interesting so we train you to become so good at burning fat now that's the 80 that we talked about with the diet but the other part of that for the endurance athlete is if you train at a low enough heart rate that you are it it's typically it's 180 minus your age so let's just say you are 40 years old so 180 minus 40 is 140. so that's going to be your maximum heart rate you're never in your training you're not going to go above that you set your watch you set your heart monitor to to give you a signal as soon as you get above 140. now you you start out and you at that 140 maybe you could only run 13 minute miles even though you're capable of running seven minute miles at 175 beats a minute or whatever right but now what we're doing is we're measuring how good you are at burning fat and we know that at that at that number 180 minus your age that's the highest rate that you can put oxygen through your system and and know that you're burning mostly fat and we know that because that's the that's the pace at which you could breathe you could close your mouth and breathe through your nose and get plenty of oxygen or that's the pace at which you could be with a training partner and talk without losing your breath once you start losing your having to catch up or having to get winded we know that you're going into burning you you're building up lactic acid you're not burning fat you're not burning fat or you're burning less fat and starting to burn more sugar so we want to we want you to be at the highest end of your of your fat burning without tapping into your sort of glycolytic uh uh abilities and we know that number to be generally around 180 minus your rate so now the idea is you go out and you train and the first day you go out you're in 13 minute miles and that's as fast as you can go without the heart rate um you know bumping up to over 140. well you're not very good at burning fat you might be good at burning sugar like i say you might be able to run seven minute miles or six minutes right so but over time if you stay at that high heart at that maximum heart rate of which is low much lower than you're used to you find yourself running 12 minute miles and then 11 minute miles and then 10 30 and 10 and 9 30 and what it means is even though the heart rate hasn't changed you're still putting the same amount of oxygen through now you're burning more fat so you're becoming more efficient at burning fat so that when you do decide to ramp up and and throw in the the interval training and the weight stuff that we have you do in the gym now you're you're starting from a baseline of being a much better fat burner than everyone else around you so just so i wrap my head around this is your heart rate dictating how much fat you can burn based on how no so so your heart rate is dictating how much oxygen you're putting through your your system and it's because it's delivering oxygen to the muscles and the muscles are using oxygen to burn fat they don't they they can burn glycogen or glucose with oxygen but they also burn without without oxygen okay so you know like you could run a 100 meter sprint with your nose plugged and you there's no oxygen involved yeah you'd still want to breathe you'd want to breathe at the end of it but and you'd have to be to recover yeah recycle but you don't need that oxygen to burn that full amount so so when we when we train the body to become more efficient burning fat and by the way the heart it's interesting the heart we're not training the heart to be stronger the heart's already pretty strong so the heart doesn't get stronger does the heart doesn't have a pr right you know what i mean it does it does what it does but what happens is you become more efficient at with with the materials that the heart gives you so if the heart is pumping oxygen x amount of oxygen and you're not good at burning fat you can't do anything with that oxygen but the better you are at burning fat the more you can use that oxygen and burn the fat in the mitochondria and avoid having to go into that glycogen storage situation okay all right so it's it's really about training to become more efficient at burning fat not forever but it's certainly through the base building phase and that's that's a just a huge hurdle for a lot of endurance athletes to overcome because they go wait a minute i can i can already run seven minute miles why am i why am i dropping down to 13s but invariably and across the board we see as if they stick to this for weeks at a time they become more and more efficient so now we know that that now you're running seven thirty seven minute thirty second miles and you're burning you're getting ninety two percent of your of your energy from fat so that when you do decide to run those six minute miles now you're you're starting from having burned more fat and you don't have to use as much glycogen interesting to get there interesting okay cool um structured intensity what does this mean uh it means uh partly means you've got to go into the gym and do some some heavy lifting yes but not a lot okay and this is if you want to be an endurance happening yeah if you want even if you even if you want to be an endurance athlete one thing that that athletes used to avoid like the plague was the gym right they would or if they went they would do you know 50 repetitions of a light weight because they're thinking well you know i'm doing when i'm running a marathon i'm running you know 3 000 repetitions of of of a leg turnover so why don't i simulate that in the but you're saying lifting some weights is going to be key to your endurance as well so what happens in any long endurance contest in addition to running out of fuel is you run out your your power uh decreases because you haven't trained the power an example would be you've got three hills to climb in a bike race the first one you go up 100 of your power the second one even though you have energy your muscle fibers are they've been exhausted and they they haven't trained to sustain your power so now you go up the second hill at 82 percent of your max power and you might go up the third hill at 65 percent of your max power well if we could train those muscle fibers deeper and deeper to sustain power for those for those efforts that require actual power uh we can we can maybe go up that first hill at 100 and go up that hill second hill at 100 and that third hill at 95. right so we do this work in the gym where you load muscle fibers up with fairly heavy weights it's typically 80 percent of your one rep max and we do sequential um repetitions with with sequential rest in between so it's not like you do uh three sets of of five and you stop it's like you do uh three repetitions rest 10 seconds three repetitions rest 10 seconds two repetitions rest 10 seconds rest 20 seconds and to until you can't finish one good rep and then the workout's over so it's not you just did one set and it might have might have comprised 200 repetitions right but that maximally loaded the fibers deeper and deeper and gave you this ability to sustain power gotcha um the next thing you talk about is lifestyle practices what do you mean by that well so now we talk about everything else but the training so if you're you know it's it's uh spending time with your family it's playing playing games with your you know uh playing frisbee with your dog yes uh playing ultimate with your with your with your friends it's uh um you know it's all of the other things that make life enjoyable that as an endurance athlete i know i used to go well i can't i can't afford to do that i might get injured or i might you know i can't like i can't go skiing because i might twist and twist the knee well if you do the training right and you spend that time in the gym you're less likely to twist a knee skiing than if you were uh you know that than if you were just going to the slopes without having done any training at all sure right so um we we want people to have a full life because training for endurance contests should be preparation for an undertaking that you would not want to encounter on a daily basis you know you want to wake up in the morning and go i got that 10k today i gotta go clean out my gi tract i'm so nervous you know but you wanna you want to be that nervous because you want to put it all on the line that day what we're saying is don't put it on the line every day in your training have fun um you know do the do the right sort of training that builds this this beast that when you get to the race you're you're going to enjoy it you're going to have fun you're going to perform probably better than if you've done the old paradigm of training right but you'll have lived a life in the interim i mean i so many of my you know ex triathlete marathon buddies you know couldn't have a relationship it was just you know imagine they put all their energy into this one thing yeah i mean they you know it's like uh the wife says can't you stay home and cuddle you know saturday morning and the husband goes no i got 100 mile ride i got to do yeah you know and uh then i'm gonna go you know run after that and then i'm gonna take a nap because i'm gonna feel like crap because sure i did so much so we we try to look at at the life in general and say well an awesome life includes participating in these events participating in life and doing well but it also includes participating in life yeah yeah so not to the exclusion of all of everything else [Music] there's a social issues people don't understand that the quality of the food we eat the processed food the refined oils the sugars the chemicals the additives affect behavior we know for example lewis that in prisons if you give people a healthy diet in prisons they will reduce violent crime in the prison by 56 if you add a vitamin supplement it goes down by 80 percent because they're all nutritionally depleted i mean i had a patient not a patient he was a i don't know he was a guy who was in jail was a murderer he wrote me a handwritten letter years ago he said i followed your program in jail i realized i was a murderer my behavior was so violent my whole life and when i changed my diet i became a completely different person i realized it was what i was eating and now i i am so thankful for having my life back so you think our diet also determines our behavior absolutely there's clear evidence about that i was just reading a study the other day that showed that people eat a lot of carbohydrates and sugars and starches have much more violent behavior we know that people eat refined oils which we now have ten percent of these as our calories from soybean oil it's in everything it's not less than we put in our food it's in every package processed food that has led to increase in homicides and violence and suicides around the world and we've gotten higher on these refined omega-6s and low on omega-3s so the evidence of how it affects behavior mood poverty it keeps poor communities down and then the food industry targets these communities disproportionately so you have all these things happening at the same time and then kids kids can't learn in school because they're eating doritos and coke and they can't actually focus and learn and their behavior is all erratic and they're on these chemicals which alter their behavior that's why you know one out of six kids has some neuro-developmental problem which is enormous right add now affects you know one out of ten kids i think uh um i think 14 of kids have adv and about one in ten kids are on medication you think add can be removed if we have a better diet or is that something absolutely i have the brain no absolutely no it's not a brain problem it's a body problem and the body problem is caused by our diet and by environmental toxins and i've had hundreds of add patients who've transformed their lives i mean i i just uh we're talking about the broken brain documentary series i did i had a guy i was in a new york russian bath house the other day so i come to that i saw your series i've been on a d medication my whole life and it helped me get off my medication i mean we see this so you've got health you've got the economy you've got social justice and poverty issues you've got climate you've got environment you've got education it's all connected and the issue is that most people don't connect the dots number one and most people don't realize that we're in this situation because of money in the food system that's driving our policies right you were mentioning how you were mentioning how uh you know there's some press hits that you do i won't mention who but that would say you can't talk about certain things because of a sponsor that's funding oh yeah oh yeah you can't talk negative about one brand or one product or no because of that yeah that's right i was told you can't cover this subject because we get our funding from this sponsor i can tell you a story from the past because the show's not on the air anymore it was the martha stewart show and i was on the show and uh we're working with a producer and we were talking about getting healthy and working out and detoxing and martha had her trainer there and the producer says we're gonna have to do a bit as part of the segment on dairy and how dare he's such a great sports recovery drink no way yes and so i was like you know i'm just sorry to tell you but there's all this evidence that that's not true so i downloaded all the scientific papers documenting the science behind the fact that dairy is in a sports drink and he's like i know but uh we kind of have to because this spot is sponsored by the dairy cows my gosh and then the if you're ever on television you know that the experts don't get notes they don't get cute cards they don't get teleprompters they have to know their stuff well this woman who was the trainer had all these cute cards that was being held up about dairy with all the bullet points of why dairy is such a great food and sports drink it's insidious so we think we're getting news we're thinking getting authentic from experts too from best possibilities or specialists or experts and we are influenced by these experts huge i mean the evidence is so clear that you know industry is heavily funding science and they're funding corrupt science so if you look at the data for example artificial sweeteners 99 of the studies done by the food industry show that they're safe 99 of the studies on artificial sweeteners done by independent scientists find that they're not safe you know if your industry funds a study they're eight to fifty times more likely to find a positive benefit for their product right of course right whereas you look you look at and then you look at the american heart association the american diabetic association the american nutrition i mean the american nutrition dietetic association these are all funded by the food industry i mean if you look it's coca-cola it's pepsi it's cargill it's frightening to see how much money is you have trix cereal for kids as a heart-healthy cereal cocoa puffs lucky charms i mean trix has seven teaspoons of sugar red dye blue dye yellow dye you die you know it gets all in there and it's a heart healthy food why because they get 300 000 for every time they put that check on a box no way yes way and this is happening globally globally i mean there's a huge battle going on in malaysia now because nestle has has promoted this drink called milo which i never heard about but it's a big drink in the developing world and in asia and south america and it's basically ovaltine it's basically a malted beverage with sugar that has the same glycemic index as coca-cola and they have athletes on there in sports characters and how it's a great drink for health and they had this commercial which i saw which was a filipino rock star singing this great you know rap song about how everybody who's a kid has an energy gap four out of five kids have this thing called an energy gap i was in medical conference what's the energy gap i mean i was at a medical conference of fifteen hundred doctors has anybody here heard of an energy gap that four out of five kids have no they completely made this up and they say these kids need milo for the energy game yeah and they this guy who lives over malaysia called them out on this and they came out with this huge propaganda campaign against him to discredit him and manipulating the facts and you know lying and i'm i was just watching this whole thing it's unbelievable so it's it's not an accident that we're in this situation wow the manipulation yeah and do you think that all inflammation chronic pain and disease is can be eliminated from the foods we eat or is caused by foods i think besides having like a car accident or something there you know i'm a functional medicine doctor you know run the center for functional medicine at cleveland clinic and so we look at the root causes of disease and there are many right there's environment there's lifestyle there's genetics all affect these systems in your body right so we always say there's five causes of all disease based on how they influence your genetics and combine with your lifestyle toxins so environmental toxins that's not your fault that's just the fact we put 80 000 chemicals in the environment without testing them we have 3 000 food atoms we eat every year as americans about 3 to 5 pounds of it which is frightening and you know there are heavy metals and pesticides everywhere so we're exposed to a lot of toxins they make people sick infections which we can get whether it's viral infections and bacterial infections lyme disease tick infections uh allergens which are increasingly common and or food sensitivities things where your body's creating an immune response whether it's gluten or dairy those are big and then poor diet and stress all those are contributing to disease but by far the biggest cause is food by far uh and and it affects i mean we what's amazing is it's not it's not just like a little bit i can say oh my migraines or my arthritis or my irritable bowel people don't connect the dots between how they feel and the food they're eating and then when you switch people have transformations very quickly yeah you know they notice it quickly quickly yeah i mean pain goes away the weight goes off all these things yeah i mean i say food is medicine it's not just like a medicine it works faster better and cheaper than almost any drug i mean we have people who are off insulin who are type 2 diabetics within a week you know and and get off all their medications i mean there was a huge study just published on a ketogenic diet intervention for type 2 diabetics and i don't think ketogenic diets are right for everybody but in an extreme situation where your metabolism is so broken it can help reset things basically reducing carbs to 30 grams a day 70 fat and health in the context of a healthy plant-rich diet and they were able to get 100 of the people in a year over diabetics off of the main diabetes medication and 94 off insulin or dramatically lower with an average weight loss of 30 pounds about 12 percent of body weight and this is unprecedented in the research because food is if you know how to apply it in the right way at the right dose for the right person it's the most powerful drug yeah now here's the thing you talked about in the book that you've been studying food for 35 years 40 now 40 years i was like oh i did the math it's night 2018 i was started in 1978 in college and i'm like that old here's the thing you've got 11 new york times best-selling books you've probably done how many books total 14 14 books uh 11 new york times including this one food what what the heck should i eat and for 40 years you've been studying food and you say even the experts are confused by the science they are they are so how come how you know all the answers i don't think about 40 years yeah i don't think i know all the answers but i don't have a bone to pick yeah in other words i haven't spent my life dedicated to the low-fat diet i haven't been dedicating my life to paleo veganism i mean i i'm looking at like what worked and the other thing i know is that i'm not an academic well i do research but that's not how i started i'm a practicing doctor so what's happened over the years is the latest thing comes in i try it see what happens see what happens the patient so seeing tens of thousands of patients doing thousands and thousands of lab tests over the years seeing what happens when people change their diet and how their biology responds that's the best laboratory you'll ever see right i even noticed on myself i was a vegetarian for 10 years and i see pictures of myself when i was 28 and i am so scrawny even though i ate really healthy i ran five miles a day i did yoga all the time and i look at myself now doing far less exercise and i'm far more muscular and have more muscle mass than i did when i was 28 because i learned how to change my diet and we know that with the right kind of high high fat diet and and and adequate protein actually increases muscle mass wow yeah i mean i literally just got off the phone with a friend who says you know i went on a vegan diet and three days into it like i can't lift anymore yeah but then you see some like you know athletes that are all vegan just trying to gain muscle mass and gain strength in your life well what is it maybe they're taking steroids i don't know who knows do you think so you think living a vegetarian or vegan uh fully vegan or vegetarian lifestyle that it's hard to gain muscle mass i think it's hard it's hard it's not impossible i mean if you really work at it and really work out and there are great vegan athletes out there but there's never been a historically voluntary vegan society ever and when you look at the whole yes when you look at zones or no they were never exclusively vegan really right they always had some animal food right now and fish or something yeah and you know as hunter gathers we ate 800 species of plants so we had a very plant-rich diet but we also included wild animals when we could catch them right exactly and so it is part of our evolutionary history and our bodies are well adapted and the protein in vegetables is different so for example there's something called leucine which is an amino acid that is the rate limiting amino acid for muscle synthesis in other words in order to milk muscle you need this amino acid and it's very low in plant proteins very high in animal proteins right so why not just live a plant-based diet and then have the supplements you could you could and i you know i patients are vegans monks i mean i'm not going to force people not to eat it but it's much harder to do and you have to know what you're doing and and i see people over time initially when they switch from a processed american diet to a whole foods vegan diet they're going to get so much better of course yeah but the real issue is compared to what right right we really need to do is and they and they've looked at over time these big studies looking at animal and plant proteins and stuff over time looking at what people do and there's a there's a vegan vegetarian omnivore study which was 245 000 people it was an observational study but they didn't find any difference in outcomes another study 42 country study looking at food pattern consumption over long periods of time showed actually the people had animal fat and protein did far better than people who focused on cereal grains in their diet less heart disease another study the pure study just came out recently 135 000 people it was five continents i think 18 countries 10 years and there was actually an improvement when people had more saturated fat and more good fats and less cereal grains and more animal protein more animal protein or more more male protein yeah it was not a risk factor right now these are difficult studies to interpret sometimes because they're they're observational but you look at interventional studies where you intervene by giving people high fat protein diets with lots of plant foods people do better metabolically so really yeah it's very hard to eat a low glycemic diet if you're a vegan you can but it's very hard i have a friend who's a keto vegan and she's a type 1 diabetic and she's rocking it but you have to know what you're doing and you're so disciplined yeah super disciplined super smart about it it's challenging yeah so i think i think you know and the data on meat honestly which i go into the book in great detail is confusing for people because there's this it all depends on the factors of the meat yeah i mean you get it the environment it's in how it's fed and how it's raised exactly stress right exactly i was processed everything right totally right so you know people go we shouldn't be eating meat because it's better for the animals better for the environment right yes we should not be eating factory farmed meat this is really bad it's bad for the animals it's bad for the planet it's bad for us because the quality of the meat's very poor but let's say a wild elk or grass finished bison or even cow very different and it turns out that these animals actually have higher levels of omega-3 fats and higher levels of antioxidants and minerals and nutrients and beneficial fats and actually are great source of protein and don't have the harm that we think they do when you look at the studies that showed there was harm the reason they show that is because when you do a study observational study you give people a questionnaire every year so you take 10 000 people 100 000 people and every year you give a question here would you eat would you last week would you know if you can remember and people answer according to what they think they should answer a lot of times right so if meat is bad they're going to underestimate the amount of meat they're eating so during the time of these studies meat was considered bad so people who ate meat didn't really care about their health so they smell and the data show it when you look at the factors of these people there are characteristics which you can read in the studies which i read they were overweight they smoked they drank they eating fruits and vegetables they need exercise they didn't take vitamins they more processed food more sugar of course they were sicker [Music] what should we be doing on a daily basis we've got to focus on a couple of things one is that you you have to know the truth and not a truth that was paid for okay because those truths those aren't truths not in chronic illness the truths that have been paid for so someone says oh here's the truth about this illness or here's the truth about lyme or here's the truth about no any truth that's been paid for for that that's not the ones you go with here's the truth truth is we have pathogens we have toxic heavy metals and we have to learn about the foods that feed these pathogens and we have to learn how to remove these pathogens kill them off we have to learn how to remove toxic heavy metals out of our system and we have to learn how to use foods as medicine to do it but when everybody's playing guessing games because they're removing gluten but they don't know why they should they'll end up eating gluten again because they don't know why they should even really remove it anyway so what does spirit of compassion tell you are the three to five things that you should never eat or eat very limited amounts like once a year the number one thing is eggs don't eat eggs don't eat eggs what because the pathogens oh no yeah the virus i love eggs look take take shingles virus for one like spirit of compassion has taught me about what that virus does right as far as what symptoms it creates the shingles virus when science research doesn't know this it creates trigeminal neuralgia that's what it creates so uh the shingles you don't even have to have a rash anywhere in your body and you can have gum pain jaw pain neck pain ear pain head pain on the side of the head you can have body pain you can have all the shingles can do all of this right it can make your gums feel like they're burning it can make your face feel like it's on fire it can cause all these different things and the shingles virus feeds off of eggs so when you're eating eggs every single day you're eventually going to get the shingles virus if you have it because everybody has the shingles virus in their system most everybody could be heightened it's got to be high eliminated maybe you had an emotional experience that knocked you down really good maybe your immune system has been down because you're zinc deficient that's a huge thing that's why i'm always recommending zinc and then you're eating eggs all day not all day some people eat them all day but you you eat eggs every day three four times that's the first food here's the thing eliminated never eat eggs or have them once in a while there's a big part of there's a big part of big pharma that's really dark that people are unaware of okay that dark part of big pharma is 80 90 years ago they raised these viruses in labs using eggs as the viruses food that's how it's done okay so you got your fibromyalgia you got your autoimmune diagnosis you got your chronic fatigue syndrome your multiple sclerosis you've got your hash modus thyroiditis your eczema psoriasis your rheumatoid arthritis or whatever you got going on your lyme disease now because that's an autoimmune now you got all these things from eggs no what whoa the bugs that create all these illnesses were raised in labs and somehow escaped those labs 80 90 60 years ago and because and these bugs were raised on eggs eggs was the food so they took a really great survival food right you like eggs yeah i love them you love them right great survival food they're easy you make them in the morning you know you just fry them up yeah the protein right all of that they took that food they ruined it for us so that's one example stay away from eggs all eggs even if they're like your own chickens it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter doesn't matter i look if if they're your own chickens it's great if they're organic great if they're free-range great all that's great it's better but it's still going to feed if you look if you don't have a chronic symptom you don't have a chronic illness you feel great nothing's going on in any level eat the eggs and then if something comes up down the road get rid of the eggs okay so that's number one what's the next food we should never eat dairy products all dairy feeds viruses cheese the bugs cheap feeds the buns goats milk sheep's milk whatever whatever you want it just it feeds yeah kefir just it feeds the bugs okay yeah milk cheese butter the whole bit so butter yeah come on man so get the butter out of your coffee that's the worst thing you could do if you're sick even ghee yeah it's bad yeah it's not going to be good the thing is again if you're not feeling any symptoms none of this stuff is really bad if you don't have any of the symptoms symptoms if you're not dealing with all the pathogens everybody has if you're not dealing with the streptococcus and the different groups of strep that everybody has in their system and if you're not dealing with the different epstein bars and all of that if you're not i mean if you're not dealing with anything then you could probably get away with this stuff and you can eat it is it bad for you in other ways some of it could be maybe you know whatever and of course you could always find a paid-for study that says eggs are good or this is glitter that's of course yeah you can always find a paid for study but that paid for study and everything else around it all no nobody knows why women and men and children are suffering like they are with the heart arrhythmias that are mysterious and the heart palps and and all the different body pain and the migraines and the tingles and numbness and ticks and the spasms nobody knows how any of that and the fatigue nobody knows what's going on or causing all of that so then you know hey wait a minute but there was a paid for study saying that that's really good for me and my doctor recommended them because it's a great protein source let me just eat them and then try to do my keto diet with eggs let me try to do this diet maybe stay away from gluten but in the end and i have total respect for everybody that's trying to experiment and you know you'll see it on youtube too you'll see like a few years ago people being like okay i'm doing this and then all of a sudden they're getting sick like it's showcasing now because we have a documented record we've never had before with people with symptoms it's showcasing things now like on social media we're seeing it now where someone's like okay i'm loving my eggs i'm doing it for like you know a year or whatever and then a year later you know they're getting eczema and psoriasis and they don't know why it's like things are act we're seeing it now when we never even could see it before because you know social media is showcasing this documentation of everything in people's lives okay so we got no eggs no dairy what else okay those are those these are the two these are the basics those are the two big ones you eliminate that you should be yeah and gluten is your third basic that's your third those three so anything that tastes good eliminates whether you want to stay animal protein whether you want to be vegan and stay vegan and plant-based that's what you get rid of whether you're gluten dairy eggs yeah yeah exactly but you're saying meat is okay or plant-based is okay and or what's the ideal meat here's what it's spirulina i should tell you here that you should be eating i'm a big supporter of plant-based huge supporter okay uh the spirit of compassion a big supporter absolutely okay plant-based one i mean total big supporter okay but i'm not i'm not anti-the animal product crowd and what they're doing because i'm not against meat either and i think that gets the plant pro the plant uh based people mad at me that are that love me they're like wait a minute he's not against him how come he's not against him how come he's not fighting for staying away from you know animal products and stuff because the animal products like say meat right doesn't feed a pathogen so it doesn't feed a pathogen so so i i can't take personal i can't take it personally you know personally i like plant-based you know better like on a personal level but i have nothing against animal protein here's how it works if like years ago when i used to do all the readings you know i worked over i worked on one-on-one individuals 250 000 individuals for the last 30 people would come into your office you would do a reading right yeah and and doesn't matter if i like an animal product or not it's not about what i like it's about what what is going on inside the body so spirit of compassion will be like will be like this person has this so they need to get rid of this food so this person has for example an hhv-6 cytomegalovirus or or epstein-barr or they got a streptococcus and everybody's walking around these bugs by the way and yeah oh yeah they are it's just it's really it's unbelievable and so spirit will say you have to remove this food so it's not a personal thing where i have to right where i have to all of a sudden pick a stuff black and white i get it everybody's trying to get on somebody's team with the diet or program that's working for them and then they you know stay with it and they try it and then they go against the other side right you see it everybody's trying to get on somebody's team that's the way that's human nature that's the way we are but i can't do that i can't get on just the plant-based team because i know through spirit of compassion that meat won't feed a virus there you go dairy well so then i'm like no both sides well of course vegans aren't going to do dairy but but both they might be i don't yeah but you know but they may want to do dairy some day they may want i mean a lot of vegans break and they go on to cheese or they go onto something it's like but if they know no wait a minute this feeds this the same thing with people that are eating animal protein stay away from dairy so you're not feeding your pathogens to keep your your hashimoto's going and to keep your you know fibromyalgia going and your chronic fatigue syndrome going so it's really important i can't take a belief system like i can't side up with the beliefs yeah yeah yeah okay so those are the three main things is there anything else that we should be and then it's about taking out the toxic heavy metals taking out the mercury aluminum the copper yeah that fish or that if you're if you don't have a lot of metals you'd probably eat fish right you could have sardines you could have trout you could have salmon you could have fish if you're not dealing with a lot of metals but if you've got symptoms and you're dealing with issues and you're suffering you're struggling yeah just keep keeping more toxic metals in the face keep the extra metals out exactly keep the keep them out it's important but getting the metals out of the body bringing in this if i can give tips to anybody out there you know watching this podcast it's get to get on the celery juice and why celery juice have more benefits than water why does it help you cleanse the toxins i guess it's it's it's herbal medicine it's an herb it was missed by everybody everybody thought it was just good for crew to pay right or maybe throw a celery stick in somebody's smoothie or juice or something if it's kicking around and spirit of compassion has taught me going all the way since i was a child that it's a miracle medicine really yeah because it's an herbal medicine and has power that people don't know about just like so many other foods have power but this one particularly it has a sodium cluster salt so something called sodium cluster salts that's a pathogen killer that's different than salt it's different than sea salt or anything else but it's a pathogen destroyer it starts to break down the membrane that's around the pathogen the virus has a sheath around it it's cell sheath and the sodium cluster salts and celery juice start to wear it down and break it down and that's just one thing i mean celery juice binds onto it binds on to byproduct that people have in their body so toxins from pathogens it binds onto it and pulls it out of their body wow so that's just a couple of things i mean i could go i wrote a book all about it i mean those are just a couple of things okay so juice being one what else should we be adding get the heavy metal detox the medical medium heavy metal detox smoothie in you so you can remove the metals so if you're somebody with eczema or psoriasis or liken sclerosis or somebody any kind of like skin problem of any kind rosacea did it like go get the metals out yeah acne yeah sure definitely it even helps with that because streptococcus causes severe cystic acne and that's what's behind that and it does feed on metals too a little bit but what happens is that you want to get the metals out celery juice helps to flush the metals out once you've loosened them up with the heavy metal detox smoothie so you want the medical medium heavy metal detox smoothie to pull that stuff out that's one example um and these are just a couple of things you can do get rid of your gluten get rid of your eggs get rid of your dairy whatever side of the aisle you're on whatever you're just get rid of those things and add celery juice and then in the smoothie yeah and you should be healing yourself you're moving forward and then of course there's a bunch of other stuff you can do and there's tons of information that i talk about all the time adding to all of this but those are some starting points if someone's just going to listen to this and then just be like well get started here you want to learn about the key foods you need to eat to master your health make sure to watch this video right here humans who eat two cups of mushrooms per week do not get alzheimer's disease and it's because of any type of mushroom any type you want to go to the grocery store mushrooms
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 343,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lewis howes, lewis howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success habits, health, health theory, nutrition, how to live longer, how to stay healthy, healthy foods to eat, healthy food, dr.gundry leaky gut video, anthony william, dr.rhonda patrick, mark sisson, mark hyman, vani hari, health and wellness, health tips, superfoods, eat healthy
Id: auphtVFpTc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 31sec (7351 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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