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Wow, wow, wow! *shriek* Welcome back, to another episode, of the most talented subreddit on the Internet! You already know what it is. If you don't know, you better know! Ow! I hit my head. It's so solid. I mean, I guess it has to be solid. *humming* D flat and a G flat. I can't hear it. (The most talented subreddit ever!) ( Ling Ling 40 Hours, unite!) (Ling LIng wannabes!) (*shriek*) (Practice, practice!) (Did you practice today?) (Ling Ling 40 hours!) (Ling Ling 40 hours!!!) - Whoa, dude! - Be like... We're on 92 thousand. 8 thousand left guys, we're gonna do it. - Dude, we're gonna hit 10 thousand. - Oh my god. We need to prepare something. Pause, we'll think about it for next time. "Nooo!!!" Actually, that's kind of true but not really, like yes, we do end up coughing up thousands... tens of thousands— hundreds of thousands, on instruments, but we don't make that face. - we're not like... - Yeah, we're not like, - "Take our money!" - "Take it!" The number of times I've met people in uni that've been like, "Yeah I had to choose between spending all my savings on a car or on an instrument. And I chose an instrument." - I know. - And then so they're like, riding a bicycle to uni or something. Guys, it's so hard. Please support us. - Please support us. Check the merch guys. - Please support us. *groans* It's a hard life. *sigh* Survival. - *laughs* - *laughs* Just then...! - Busted. - Did you see Eddy's face, he's like... "G flat, D flat." Ooh. Infinity. To be honest, that looks more like a percussion part. But hey, they're the same thing, get it? - 'Cause it's "smash-a-viola"! Ohhhhh!!!!! - *screech* - You made a big mistake. - I know. Can I just say the violin is placed on the wrong side of the case? I really hope it doesn't like, fold that way. - Just analyse this violin for you. - It needs a new re-hair. - At least—at least— - The fingerboard is very, very dirty. It got the stickers, the 1 2 3 4 fingers. Awesome, let's see if you actually play. Let's see. 2 days ago. We should upvote this. Is that how it works? I don't know how to Reddit. - This is the cutest thing ever. - Criticism...yeah. We want to criticize you. Okay, so I promised that if my post gets like 55 upvotes, I would attempt to play the violin. Sorry, pause. How many upvotes did you get? - Wow. *chuckles* - Oh, gotta do it! It got more than 55 upvotes. - It did. - So, I'm going to be playing "Mary had a little lamb". Oh. But quick update, we got the strings fixed, but the thing is though, I broke another string. Is this a sign from God saying I'm not supposed to play the violin? If so... I don't care. I'm gonna learn it. - Oh!!! - Dude, what a badass! - She real hard with that... *chuckles* - Yeah, may Ling Ling be with you. She got that Ling Ling spirit. "I don't care if you tell me not to practice." - "I'm gonna do it." - "I'm gonna practice." Yeah, I'll start now. Can I just say like... - ...the violin looks too big on her. - Yeah, it looks... Sorry. *chuckles* Not bad. Not bad, not bad! Not bad! - I think it's good. I think she's— I think she's— - Yeah, I think she's really good. - Much better than all the movies. - Yeah! - *chuckles* - *cheers* The bow was good, in the place. Nice. Keep it up. Look forward to the Paganini Caprice in 3 years. *chuckles* Ha—hald? - Bald. - Bald, oh. Bald and, oh yeah. Old and greasy. *snickers* That—that basically should be our response to any like, America's Got Talent. - *yawn* - Yeah. Okay Boomer. Okay Boomer. - *chuckles* Dude I like that. - Yeah. I would upvote it except I don't know how. *chuckles* - That's right. - Ohh. Yes. The insider knowledge guys. The better the meme, the sharper the intonation. *chuckles* Wait, what? According to this person, viola is... - The ultimate... - The next level of jazz. Oh!!! But what if you play jazz viola? Is that a thing? That would just be like wrong notes on wrong notes. *chuckles* *laughs* - Wow that's so true. - Dude that's so true. I'm thinking like, even um, Anaconda, right? Nicki Minaj. *humming* Oh, yeah. - Like I can literally put it on that. - Oh yeah! C, E flat, D flat, that's it. *snickers* *laughs* "Ung Ung 40 Urs." *chuckles* That's right, guys. This is a very funny timing, because we did... ...literally just filmed a video of us... ...reviewing really cheap Amazon violins, but, this is next-level cheap. 50 cents! I don't think you even get that. I think it'll come in and just be shattered wood, and it'll be like, like IKEA, "Build it yourself!" - Dude, that's the biggest discount I've seen in my life. - I know. - $170 to 50 cents. - How is that even possible? - How do you even make it— - That is not worth $170. You—You just know— Whoever made this is like, "This is porbably worth like, a dollar, - but if I put $170, and then cross it out, - Yeah. - put 50 cents, people think they're getting a bargain." - Yeah. - Dude, why are the bows beneath the fingerboard? - I know, it's so dumb! You don't put it there, you're not supposed to put it there! Oh my god.. Alright guys, if anything you learned from our channel and r/lingling40hrs, Do not buy these instruments! - Yeah. - Just don't do it! And don't put your bow under the fingerboard, - that's so bad for it. - That's just sacrilegious. I'll give a negative thousand reviews. Oh, that's funny. - The struggles. *chuckle* - Yeah. - Any instrument really, like the string instrument? - Yeah, that's actually like... ...a general thing, like, if you have small hands, you're just... - Yeah. - You had a natural disadvantage. It's equivalent of like... - A basketball player, who's short, versus tall. - Yeah. So naturally, it's just harder, but not saying you can't get good. - Yeah. - You're just at a disadvantage. Oh my god. - You wanna review the next meme while I get a charger? - Okay. Oh, that's cute. Thank you, u/shiina_KURO. I love the variations. Whoa... Dude that's actually sick Alright, quick, plug it in. Alright, here we go. Hey, look, it's the same shirt. Guys, check out the merch, 40 hours every day! Eddy poses, for merch! You go, Lisa! That's right. That's a good wholesome positive meme. *chuckles* - That's very funny. - That's very good use of the meme. Oh, wow. That's seriously not good. Maybe—or maybe someone broke it. They didn't want to like, tell teacher they broke it, - So they just put it back in the case, and put it back. - Yeah, and then like, that makes it no one knows. Yeah, 'cause school violins, - they all come in that store room, - Yes. where you can just grab one. *laughs* Guys. Oh my god. - Wow, this is becoming like, a jazz-shade... - Yeah. ...Reddit, subreddit, everyone's just giving shade - to the jazz players. - Shad—shady jazz players. Alright guys. We gotta appreciate the violists, the bassoon players, the piccolo, and the jazz players! Ohhhhh!!!!!!!! - Dude, that is some weird surreal art. - Nice. Bro you look like an alcoholic, - except you drink bubble tea. *snickers* - Bubble tea. That's literally my life. - Why is my... *laughs* - I know...your neck... You're just in the background there. Can this be in like a modern art museum? Yeah, we should! That's so cool! Alright, I think that's it. Thank you guys so much for watching Ling Ling 40 hours. We're almost at 100K subs, please support us! Get the bubble tea, get the bubble tea. Please subscribe... *moans* ...for 100k Ling Ling wannabes. See you guys next time. - Hit the bell button - Hit the bell button, in case you haven't seen us, please help us. Yes. Thank you. See you guys next time.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,043,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: qWq8yLKyxMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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