Thermodynamics Class 11 | One Shot | JEE Main & Advanced | Vinay Shur Sir | Vedantu JEE
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Channel: Vedantu JEE
Views: 98,595
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Keywords: vedantu jee, vedantu, jee, jee advanced, jee main, vinay sir vedantu, Thermodynamics one shot, vinay shur sir, vinay shur Thermodynaics Physics, vjee, thermodynamics class 11 one shot, jee physics, carnot engine, first law of thermodynamics, degrees of freedom, thermodynamics, thermodynamics one shot, thermodynamics jee, thermodynamics class 11, thermodynamics physics, thermodynamics physics one shot, thermodynamics vinay sir, vinay shur sir live, jee 2025, jee 2026
Id: 2zw_TFMBAJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 34sec (11554 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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