Theresa Caputo Communicates With The Departed - Part Two | The Meredith Vieira Show

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you have the picture of your son with you cuz he goes come on my mom brought my stuff with with her and it's in her pocketbook he's like you're really seriously not gonna talk to me so oh wait this is crazy do you always carry them with you so this is what habits I just have and I just experienced the the first year anniversary on Monday so this is wonderful I feel relieved this is an old packet so like this yeah you also have to understand the second I get to the side all the souls want to speak at one time because when we were sitting I I was st. marys well the the sunset bowed there was a mother that stepped forward and a husband that bet that's step forward and so as soon as I got to the other side they started show me like things that I carry the pictures that and it's almost like they have to jockey and push to the front of who I'm going to speak to sounds like him it would be him quite the way that I Monet's like seriously you're not gonna talk to me like I'm really good looking my mom has my pictures of me in her waka book that's not fair yeah thank thank you so but your son says that you sat with him after he died is that correct um whose well we he passed away on a bench so we go to this bench by the lake done by her house so no we have to understand it's that moment of what you say to him after he died you understand that yes so that's probably why I stopped and said to you about the tree in the bench cuz then the bench can you can also connect remember I was also telling you how souls band together so that when we hear little messages little things that spirit has me say even though I might not look in your direction when they brought up the Sun and the bench but you can also connect with that as well thank you and like when spirit brings up something and they make me feel something that you were not able to do for example sit by their bedside sit with their physical body after they died that's their way of letting you know that you wished you did that and to them it is as if you actually did it because and that's something that if you keep going over I wish I was there I wish I said something to them why had the opportunity to go in that room and say goodbye and I didn't them I regret that how are you supposed to heal from that departure now do you think that it's odd I didn't say anything else but just that and stared at you and you can connect with that correct and that's what you needed to hear today it's not about who it is but getting the details of how they died their name their birthday their this what they wore on their left hand it's not about that it's about delivering the message of healing and that is what you needed to hear does that make sense because all I keep hearing is no regret let it go and embrace my soul do you sing uh or do you listen to church music or gospel music cuz all I keep hearing is release my soul awake my soul and I keep hearing like Alleluia that song Alleluia make sense to you it was perfect say of course but that's what you needed to hear fair and honest father died and I wasn't there and I'm so upset about it so upset about it did you feel it could have been different or should have been different I could have said this that it is in this but your father also says that you he has to take some responsibility here because I don't know if your father kept things from you like didn't tell you how sick he was or didn't know what was happening correct yes he said so how is that your fault if you weren't even aware of exactly what was going on how did you have known to have been by my bedside constantly fair yeah cuz I asked your father then you can say release the burden the guilt that should have could have would have or the regret and I said you have to give her something else for her to be able to do that and he said well it wasn't her fault I didn't tell her she wasn't aware yeah there was in another countries in another country and I was in another country but he you were not aware of everything and he says and I'm sorry for that and then he looked and he goes you know why he goes cuz I really didn't think I was ever dieeee true so how unfair is that that you carry that burden well who just died from the chest I'm having difficulty breathing and there's like this blow to the chest and my whole chest just got tight and then I just died I was he shot is he okay do you not know who shot him as a person not being held accountable the person wasn't but the person look listen this isn't about I don't need any else on the police department that's not what they know about a person is dead oh that was weird I think that's it I don't know about you this was an incredibly moving experience thank you to those who shared at the end of the day it really is about closure and peace yes and thank you thank you so know they didn't have in the median or Sundays at 9 p.m. Eastern on TLC you
Channel: The Meredith Vieira Show
Views: 617,403
Rating: 4.8563366 out of 5
Keywords: Meredith Vieira, Meredith Vieira Show, Talk Show, interview, celebrity, special guests, Society Of Exploration Geophysicists (Organization), Theresa Caputo, Long Island Medium, Medium, Ghost, seance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2015
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