'There's Never Been A Country Or State Called Palestine': DeSantis Rips Pro-Palestinian Protesters

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with that type of of of views where it calls for a cease of hostilities in occupied territories the bill was penned by a pro Palestinian activist that mayor Fraga asked to uh to write the the resolution what's your take on it what kind of message did it send to the rest of the State uh considering it's the first city of its kind to pass it toward I think it's a total fraud and the fact that they're doing that here in South Florida is a joke the people of Florida as a whole but certainly the people of South Florida they stand with the state of Israel Israel was the one that was [Applause] attacked now we we went to the University of Florida in Gainesville last week uh and we did a press conference where they tried to set up an encampment that attempt lasted about five minutes and then they were they were escorted off um but you know we're there and it's interesting because we don't let the inmates run the Asylum we don't let you disrupt University operations we don't let you take over property but yet and so none of that is First Amendment activity and so will some people say oh well well you're cracking down on people's rights to protess no you can protest but you can't act in ways that violate basic code of conduct and in fact during our press conference we are there doing a press conference it's me I've got the board of trust from the university the president of the University I've got other people and I've got all these guys out there screaming uh from The River To The Sea so obviously they have a right to do that I mean I think the more they open their mouth I think they look like a horse is Pat with what they're saying but that's fine that's fine you know my view is very simple like with some of these people you know better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt and when they're saying this stuff when they're saying things like from The River To The Sea you know that's just not some cheeky chant they're basically saying they want to see the destruction of the state of Israel and a second Holocaust that's what Hamas wants that's why Hamas baked babies in ovens that's why they were raping the mothers that's why they were beheading elderly people on October 7th you know it's interesting I didn't see uh those folks protesting hamas's actions they were very quiet about hamas's actions now they're just doing and they're protesting this but I'd also say people should learn their history the fact of the matter is there's never been a country or state called Palestine Jews have the the longest connection to that territory it goes back to Biblical times thousands and thousands of years they were displaced by hostile forces over the years but just in the immediate history until World War I that was hundreds of years of rule by the Ottoman Empire by by Turks that was not a Palestinian State and then the Brits took it over after World War I they had the Mandate for Palestine and the vision was to have a Jewish State and an Arab State and in the UN after World War II adopted Jewish State Arab State Jews accepted it founded modern Israel the Arabs rejected it and went to war against Israel a war that they lost they also lost a war to uh to annihilate Israel in 67 73 and they've had all these intifadas ever since then so how is it somehow that you're occupying uh when you have the best connection to the land you had you accepted a partition plan uh and then had to win defensive Wars just to be able to keep your people alive so I think a lot of this is not rooted in facts it's not rooted in history and uh look I we took a big delegation over to Israel my first year as Governor uh I've had a opportunity to go many years um really over the last decade I've been many times and you know we look about the US I mean we are a speck in history compared to that history there you go back there you've got thousands of years many thousands of years of History you can open up a Bible you can walk in these areas and see what they what what was written down uh all the things that are so important that really form the foundation of Western Civilization uh is right there and I can tell you this if you go to the old city of Jerusalem and you're somebody like me that that goes to the Church of the Holy SRE or some of the other Christian sites you're able to go you're able to practice freely I can tell you if Palestinian Arabs controlled that you would not be able to do that in fact Bethlehem is in a Palestinian Arab controlled area and you know you go to the church where they have it to commemorate the birth of Christ and it's a nice church but you walk out and there's this massive mosque that they built like to overhang it and there's trash everywhere it's just not nice so uh I just wish people would would be honest about the history here uh be honest about the right to defend yourself can you imagine if if something happened to the United States where some hostile force was was baking our our babies in ovens and and doing this I mean we we would never stand for it in a second and yet Israel is the one country that somehow they're just uh expected to have to accept this uh without doing all they can to defend their people uh so I think a lot of what's going on has just been been a farce I don't think a lot of these people really understand uh what they're doing I think some of this is is just um more trendy in in terms of that and I would also say on these college campuses a lot of the worst agitators are not even students of these places they are being funded to go in and to cause chaos and um you know look you have a right to say dumb things you have a right to believe in dumb things uh but you don't have a right right to cause chaos in our communities and I think Florida's drawn that line very appropriately yes
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 311,928
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Id: GXRbW499bdM
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Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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