原來人生有使用說明書,我們一直都用錯了自己?EP63 booktender 路嘉怡

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There are certain things that you have to let him experience. 有一些事情是你必須要讓他去體驗 It's just that some people have some designs 就是有些人有一些設計 He's just going to keep going for the experience 他就是要一直去體驗 He can only learn by experience. 他只能透過體驗來學習 It's just that if you tell him that it's gonna burn him, he's not gonna be able to do anything about it. 就是你跟他講說這個會燙他沒有辦法 He's just trying to get burned. 他就是要燙到 Then you have to let him get burned. 那你就必須讓他燙到 He's got more than one time. 他有的不只燙一次 He may have to get burned five or even ten times. 他可能要燙五次甚至十次 Then you will gradually understand that 那你就漸漸會理解說 Everyone has their own path in life. 每個人都有他必經的人生路 This is the Drinking Library 這裡是只能喝酒的圖書館 A place to rental your stigma and explore the unknown 一個出租成見探索未知的地方 Actually, I'm a scaredy-cat. 其實我是一個蠻怕生的人 So I will use a state 所以我會用一個狀態 So that people can't get that close to me. 讓大家沒有辦法那麼靠近我 I think that's also after learning about human maps. 我覺得那也是學人類圖以後 And then I realized that I really am. 後來才發現我真的是這樣子 Wow, so you're from the top of the character 喔 所以你是本來性格上面 There are some shy and introverted 就有一些害羞內向這種 It's not shyness, it's just fear of strangers. 也不是害羞 就是怕生 I used to go to those fashion parties when I was a kid. 小時候常去那種Fashion Party And then as soon as I got there 然後我一到那邊 I'm just going to get three bottles of champagne and put myself on the line. 我就趕快三個香檳先把自己 Bird! - Bird! ㄎㄠ 一 ㄎㄠ Yeah, that's how I relax. 對 這樣我才會放鬆 Then you can play with everyone. 然後才可以跟大家玩 This state is the same as mine. 這個狀態跟我一樣 The first thing I usually do when I record a program is 我通常錄節目的第一件事就是 I kept drinking and drinking while everyone was talking. 大家在講話我就一直喝酒一直喝 And then I just go out with people I don't know very well. 然後我只要跟不熟的人出門 Get together for dinner or go out. 一起聚餐啊或是出去玩 And then I get drunk very easily. 然後我就會很容易喝醉 Because I will. 因為我會 Actually, my brain is very tense. 其實我的頭腦是很緊張的 And then I kept drinking. 然後就一直喝酒 Yeah, I drink it and then I relax, so it's okay. 對 我喝了以後就放鬆了就ok How do you deal with this state of yours? 你怎麼去面對自己這個狀態呢 Which state 哪個狀態 You, for example. 就是譬如說你 Are you nervous? 緊張嗎 Nervous or shy? 緊張啊或是害羞怕生啊 It's just a hard scalp to face. 就是頭皮很硬的去面對啊 Insofar as the work of psychology is 就心理學的工作就是 You have to meet a lot of people. 都要見到很多人嘛 Yeah, and you'll be meeting strangers. 對啊 而且你見的都會是陌生人 Yes, that doesn't matter if you're at work. 是 那個如果在工作的場合沒有關係 Because I know I'm working. 因為我知道我在工作 But in private I would 但是私底下我就會 In fact, my friends around me 其實我身邊的朋友 It's always been high school, college. 一直都是高中同學 大學同學 For example, I have to know you for at least 10 years. 譬如說我要跟你認識至少10年 It's the only way to get into my real circle of friends 才有可能進入我真正的朋友圈 It's recognizing that 10 years is the basic 就是認識10年是基本 And then we had some destiny. 然後我們有一些緣分 And then it often encounters 然後常遇到 Or we're just having a good time talking. 或是我們聊天聊得很開心 I'm the one who's going to really 我才會真正的 Slowly accept this friend 慢慢的接受這個朋友 I'm actually taking a long time. 我其實需要很長時間 There's a life role in the human chart called Tetragrammaton. 這在人類圖有個人生角色叫四爻 The lines of the I Ching are 1 2 3 4 5 易經的爻有1 2 3 4 5 And then my mind is in four lines. 然後我的頭腦是四爻 The four lines are very fond of making friends 就四爻是非常喜歡交朋友 Very much like to build relationships 非常喜歡建立關係 But her simultaneous duality is 但她同時的二元性就是 Because she likes to make friends too much. 因為她太喜歡交朋友 She makes friends and she'll give them her heart. 她交朋友就會掏心掏肺 That's why she's so shy. 所以她會很害羞 She'll be afraid to make friends. 她會很怕交朋友 Then she is a binary 那她就是一個二元 She's binary with everything. 她跟所有的東西都是二元 So this is a kind of 那這個算是一種 Some degree of insecurity? 某種程度上的沒安全感嗎 Is that a good way to describe it? 可以這樣形容嗎 Yeah, yeah. 是啊是啊 We've talked about this all the time. 我們老是有說過 A person with four lines is 有四爻的人就是 More likely to enjoy drinking 比較有可能會喜歡喝酒 Awesome Human Pic Awesome! 太棒了人類圖太棒了 What about the two of us? 那我們兩個有嗎 I like to drink. 我喜歡喝酒 It's called rationalization of drinking. 這種東西叫喝酒合理化 Yeah, right. 對啊 What's going on here? 什麼內容怎麼轉到這邊來 It's true. 確實啊 Because when you're done drinking. 因為你喝完酒以後 Your mind is relaxed. 你頭腦就放鬆 You're going to let go of that tension. 你那個緊張就會放掉 Then you'll use your true self. 然後你才會用真我 Or use the real 或是用真正的 Let's say we're talking about the producer's sponsors. 比如說我們說生產者的薦骨 Starting to make some moves. 開始去做一些舉動 A lot of people nowadays actually 現在很多人其實 To a certain extent I feel that 某種程度上我都覺得 They don't have much security. 他們沒有太多的安全感 I'm going out on the road now. 我現在出去走在路上 Meet anyone 遇到任何人 Everyone tells you they're sociopaths. 每個人都跟你說他社恐 It's almost as if I've encountered 幾乎我遇到 I think nowadays, in this generation 我覺得現在這個世代 It's just that everyone will just 就是大家都只會 Along with the ones that work together 連一起工作的那些 Younger children 比較年輕的小朋友 It's the way they express themselves. 就是他們在表達上 They are very good at writing newsletters. 他們就很會寫簡訊 But they can't follow you in. 但是他們沒有辦法跟你進去 Interactive 互動 And there's no way to talk on the phone. 而且還沒辦法講電話 Yes, sir. 對 I sometimes feel like saying 我有時候都會覺得說 It's a waste of time to type in SMS. 打簡訊打是很浪費時間 And then there's a lot of stuff 然後有很多東西 You said it would be faster. 你講會比較快 Because there are several. 因為好幾項嘛 Then I'll call. 那我就會打電話 Then I found 那我就發現 A lot of people don't know how to talk on the phone these days. 現在很多人不太會講電話 Without you 沒有你就 That means you're old. 那就表示你老了啊 That means you're not a young man. 就表示你不是年輕人 Okay, that's it for this episode. 好啦我們這一集錄到這 Only old people make phone calls. 老人才會打電話 It's only the old guys that are playing. 老人才有在打 The young man who can 年輕人哪有誰可以 I work with them. 我跟他們合作 They're just texting fast 他們就是簡訊很快 And he can snap a lot 而且他可以啪啪啪很多 And then you'll be tempted to call. 然後你就會很想打電話 And then they have meetings online as well. 然後他們開會也是線上 No. Online meetings 不 線上的會議 And then I said. 然後我就說 I want to really see 我想要真實的看到 The look on your face in that moment 你在那個當下的表情 I would have known to say 我才會知道說 What are your thoughts on this matter? 你對於這件事情的想法是什麼 Yes. 是 That's what I want to feel. 就是我要感覺到 What is your energy field? 你的能量場是什麼 I was thinking of saying 我在想的是說 Let's go back to the beginning. 我們回到原本 Inside each and every one of our personalities 我們每一個人的性格裡面 Because I'm not necessarily a 因為我也不見得是一個 Very secure man. 很有安全感的人 No, you didn't. 你沒有啊 Hahaha. 哈哈哈 He's more of a 他比較有 Hahaha. 哈哈哈 But he's regretting it now. 可是他現在很後悔 Show me the picture. 把圖給我看 What a pain in the ass. 煩死啊 Hahaha. 哈哈哈 Because there is no such thing as a human map. 因為人類圖本來就沒有 Right or wrong or good or bad. 對錯或是好或不好 The human map is just a way of letting you know 人類圖只是一個讓你知道 How do you use your own manual 你怎麼使用自己的說明書 Ahh. 啊 Use your own 使用自己 Yes, sir. 對 It's your life instructions. 是你的人生使用說明書 It's an interesting concept. 這概念蠻有趣的 I think it's a good concept. 我覺得這概念蠻好的 Someone who has learned 有人學過 I don't think we've been taught that since we were kids. 我們好像從小到大沒有學過 How to use 怎麼使用 Use your own 使用自己 Yes, sir. 對 I'll give you an example every time. 我每次都舉例說 If you were a washing machine 如果你是一台那個洗衣機 Couldn't you have toasted it? 你就不能拿來烤麵包啊 So if you're a toaster 那如果你是一台烤麵包機 There's no way you can get it. 你就沒有辦法拿來 Laundry 洗衣服 Blow-drying hair and such 吹頭髮之類的 That's it. 就是 But we'll always envy those who are 可是我們永遠都會羨慕那些 We don't have it. 我們沒有的 It's just that we're all looking at 就是我們眼睛都是看著 The qualities that we don't have in others. 別人身上那些我們沒有的特質 And then I thought, "Wow, he's great. 然後就覺得哇他好棒 He's so thin. 他好瘦 He's so beautiful. 他好美 He can 他可以 He can bake bread. 他可以烤麵包 Yes, he can bake bread. 對他可以烤麵包 He can do the laundry. 他可以洗衣服 That's the one. 就是那個 Porsche is the envy of the world. 保時捷跑車就會羨慕 Gravel Truck 砂石車 I think he can build a house. 覺得他會蓋房子 Gravel truck 砂石車 You can load a lot of stuff. 可以載很多東西 Probably envy the bus 可能羨慕公車 He's loaded with people. 他載的是人 He can help people move. 他可以幫人移動 That's us forever. 就是我們永遠 It's been in this state all along. 都一直處於這個狀態 Then I think the anthropomorphic map is helping me. 那我覺得人類圖有幫我 Clarify these 釐清這些 So you thought you could do it. 所以你以前覺得你可以幹嘛 I think I was pretty confident when I was a kid. 我覺得我小時候蠻有自信的 Enter this circle from the beginning 從開始進這個圈子 Instead, I've become less confident. 反而變得比較沒有自信 Really? 真的嗎 Yes, sir. 對 Because you're really in the loop. 因為你真的進來這個圈子 You see a lot of great people. 你看到很多很厲害的人 I know him. 我懂他 Everyone is more talented than you. 每個人都比你有才華 Thinner than you, prettier than you. 比你瘦 比你美 Smarter than you. 比你聰明 Better than you. 比你厲害 Because I used to go to school 因為以前我在學校 I just thought it would be nice to say 我就覺得說 That's it. 就是 That's the one. 是那個 Tamkang English Department 淡江英文系 The Class of Schoolgirls 校花之類 I'm just going to think to myself 我就會自己覺得 I guess I'm okay. 我應該還OK吧 Not bad. 還不錯 And then it's true. 然後是真的 After the start of the work 開始工作以後 I'm starting to feel terrible. 就開始覺得很可怕 It's my face on the camera. 就是我的臉在鏡頭上 Why does it look so big? 看起來怎麼那麼大 And then you'll want to 然後就會想要 Because I had a round face when I was a kid. 因為我小時候臉是比較圓的 And why do I look so fat? 然後為什麼我看起來這麼胖 Because the others are so skinny and small 因為其他的人都很瘦很小 They don't weigh more than 50kg. 他們體重沒有在超過50kg的 Or even 42, 43 kilograms. 甚至就是42 43kg那種 It's just that being on TV will widen him a little bit. 就是上電視會稍微把他拉寬一點 And then I think that time 然後我覺得那個時候 It's actually quite painful for me. 其實對我來講還蠻痛苦 I remember when I first started 我記得剛出道的前 A few years ago 前幾年吧 I just go to the broker every day. 我就是每天都去找經紀人 I've been crying. 一直大哭說 I don't want to do it. 我不要做了 Your face is on the verge of 你的臉已經快要 It's even smaller than that microphone. 比那個麥克風還要小了 That microphone is bigger than your face. 那個麥克風都快比你的臉大 I think it's because of that 我覺得因為那個 Growing up. 長大了 The face will get smaller. 臉會變小 I think that's a good thing. 我覺得這是好處 Growing up makes your face smaller. 長大臉會變小 Why does the face get smaller when it grows? 長大臉為什麼會變小 Because you're the one who started it all. 因為就是你開始 Because you may have been more 因為你可能以前比較 The collagen is starting to disappear. 膠原蛋白開始不見啦 Whoa, whoa, whoa. 喔喔喔 So I think life is fair. 所以我覺得人生很公平 It's because our faces were so round when we were kids. 因為我們小時候臉就是很圓嘛 And now at my age 然後到現在我這個年紀 My face isn't too concave. 我的臉沒有太凹 Then your friends will be jealous. 然後朋友就會很羨慕 I told you no. 我就說沒有 It's just that life is fair. 就是人生很公平 You guys have grown up with very small faces. 你們這些臉很小的長大 The face will start to dimple. 臉就會開始凹啊 And then it will start to droop. 然後會開始垂 But because I have a lot of 但因為我有很多 Double the collagen on the face 兩倍的膠原蛋白在臉上 I was more chubby when I was a kid. 小時候比較chubby的 Just now, when I grow up, I will. 就現在長大就會 It's a little less recessed than this. 比較不會這麼凹陷這樣子 For me there was once that 對我有一次那個 Endorsement of a medical device 代言醫美的東西 And then the clinic doctor said 然後診所醫生說 Hey, I see your temples are too sunken. 欸我看到你這個太陽穴太凹陷了 There's a little bit of a dip in there. 有一點凹進去啊這邊 Because people are so fond of patching it up to a very 因為大家都很喜歡把它補得很 It's because the Korean ones are so full. 因為韓系的就補得很滿 He said, "Do you want a little something or something? 他說你這邊要不要補一點什麼什麼 I said I don't want it. 我說我不要 My face is finally getting wired. 我的臉終於開始有線條了 Face finally... 臉終於... It's just fine. 就是好 Because I used to envy that kind of 因為我以前就很羨慕那種 You know. 你知道 High cheekbones or concave cheekbones. 顴骨很高或這邊很凹 Or this line. 或是這邊線 The lines are obvious. 就線條很明顯 I think it's great. 我覺得好棒 Because I don't have any. 因為我都沒有 And then I said 然後我就說 Now I'm finally enjoying 我現在終於開始享受 The face is wired. 就是臉是有線條的 And the doctor said, "Oh, okay. 然後醫生就說喔好吧 Ha ha ha ha. 哈哈哈哈 What I wanted to talk about just now was actually to say 我剛剛想要講的東西其實是說 Because in the old days, we used to envy people. 因為以前常常我們都會去羨慕別人 Because I was talking about envy. 因為剛剛講到羨慕嘛 I'm surrounded by people who are often envious of me. 我身邊很多人他們常常會羨慕 And then they're going to do things that are actually very similar to what they're doing. 然後就會去做那些其實跟他們本身 It doesn't matter. 沒有關係的事 Except it doesn't matter. 除了沒有關係以外 And then it doesn't really fit. 然後也不適合其實 You know in that process 你知道在那個過程裡頭 I would have seen 我就會看到 You're going to feel bad. 你會覺得很難受 You'll be nervous for them. 你會替他們感到緊張 But because we were young 但是因為我們那個時候還小 You might just as well say it doesn't fit 你可能只是到說不適合 But he wants to go. 可是他想去 Then go with him. 那你就隨他去 Then there's always a voice inside of you that says 那你心裡面總會有一個聲音就是 He's hit a wall. 他碰壁了不適合 He'll be back. 他就會回來了 But I have found one thing 但是我有發現一件事情 There are just some people 就是有一些人 He's clearly not fit. 他明明就不適合 And then he hit a wall in there too. 然後他在裡面也碰壁了 But what? 可是呢 It's a bit of an anachronism. 就是有時不我與的那種 Wow, I feel like I'm not getting my talent back. 喔覺得自己懷才不遇 Yes, sir. 對 So you know that at this point in time 那你知道這個時候 You're going to have a hard time 你就會很難 Harder 更難 Go tell him that 去告訴他說 You just don't fit in. 其實你只是不適合 Yes, sir. 對 I think this one is very hard. 我覺得這個很難 It's true. 確實 But in the human chart 但是在人類圖 There are a few things that are 有一些事情是 You have to let him experience 你必須要讓他去體驗 It's just that some people 就是有些人 There are some designs 有一些設計 He's just going to keep going for the experience 他就是要一直去體驗 He can only learn through experience. 他只能透過體驗來學習 That's when you talk to him. 就是你跟他講說 This one will burn him no matter what. 這個會燙他沒有辦法 He's just trying to get hot to 他就是要燙到 Then you have to let him get hot. 那你就必須讓他燙到 He's got more than one perm. 他有的不只燙一次 He may have to iron it five or even ten times. 他可能要燙五次甚至十次 Then you will gradually understand that 那你就漸漸會理解說 Everyone has their own path in life. 每個人都有他必經的人生路線 But he did that five or ten times. 可是他那個五次十次 That's all it takes. 這樣子就已經 He's almost forty-five. 他已經快要四十五了 But after five or ten times. 可是他五次十次以後 He knows when he's done it ten times. 他到底十次就知道 What's the best medicine for him? 他什麼藥是最好的啊 He'll know the best way to dress it. 他就會知道怎麼包紮是最好的 He then learned another skill 他就學會了另外一個技能 We'll all use our perspectives 我們都會用我們的角度 Go and see what other people are doing 去看別人的事情 But I think that studying human charts 但是我覺得學人類圖 There's something about it that makes me want to relax. 有讓我去放鬆這件事情 I think everyone 我覺得每個人 That is, even if it's your best friend 就是即便是你的好朋友 Going to make some decisions 要去做一些決定 You don't think he's right for you. 你覺得他不適合 Or he's going to do something about it. 或是他去做一些選擇 You think it's dangerous? 你覺得有危險 But you're still going to let him go. 但是你都是還是要讓他去啊 Yes, sir. 對 Actually 其實是 Because of the things that will be brought 因為會帶來的東西 It's also his own. 也是他自己的 It's just that you can't help him. 就是你沒有辦法幫他 Yeah, that's right. 嗯沒錯 It's just that you're looking at him. 只是因為你看著他那個 I've been frowning for over 20 years. 眉毛一直皺著二十幾年 It's just a little bit of Botox. 就是打一點肉毒 That's it. 就是 You know how hard he works. 你知道他辛苦 But you don't. 可是你不知道 Maybe he'll have that one day. 也許他有一天那個 Maybe it's like that. 可能像那個 The guy from the fucking multiverse. 媽的多重宇宙的那個男主角 Kwan Kai Wai 關繼威 He is. 他就是 It's also played to the point where it's really 也是演到真的是 Fifty-something. 五十幾了吧 Yeah, I just can't get it right. 對啊就是搞不好 He just keeps trying and trying. 他就是這樣一直試一直試 Or something like that. 或是像那個 The guy who dances. 那個跳舞的那個大叔 Uncle. 大叔 He's still a late bloomer. 他還是很晚才出道啊 Yes, yes, yes. 對對對 That is, if you stop him now. 就是如果你現在阻止他 He probably thinks he's listening to you. 他可能覺得他聽了你的勸 And then he doesn't. 然後他不這麼做 No, I wouldn't dare. 沒有 我不敢勸 Just help him out. 你就幫他加油 Because I think 因為我覺得 No matter how much a person suffers 人不論他怎麼痛苦 But why is he in so much pain? 但是他為什麼會這麼痛苦 He must have been doing a 他一定是在做一件 He's got the passion thing. 他有熱情的事情 It's him that's got a problem with this. 就是他對這件事情 It's with a dream. 是懷抱著夢想 So, although he looks like he's in a lot of pain 那雖然他看起來很痛苦 But he could be internally 但是他內在可能是 There's that passion that burns. 有那種熱情在燃燒 You wouldn't understand the joy. 那種快樂你不會理解啊 Well, it's true. 嗯這是真的 So I think if people 所以我覺得如果人 You can find one thing 你可以找到一件事情 Let's bet your life on it. 讓你投注一生去做 In the end, even if it doesn't work 最後就算沒有成功 I think it's actually pretty good. 我覺得其實也很棒 Yeah actually 對啊其實是 Do you see 你那個圖上面是不是看到 We're actually kind of autistic. 我們其實有點自閉 No, it won't. 不會啊 Because you two are together. 因為你們兩個在一起 That's it. 就是 No one else is needed. 不需要別人 Yeah, I don't need anyone else. 對不需要別人 Your combined picture is called 你們的合圖叫做 Nowhere to go Nowhere to go It's the two of you together. 就是你們兩個在一起 It's the nine energy centers. 就是九個能量中心 It's all going to fill up. 都會被填滿 Like my diagram is very blank 像我的圖非常的空白 I only have two energy centers 我只有兩個能量中心 There is a definition. 是有定義的 And then I'm left with nothing else. 然後我其他都是空白 But I'm with my husband. 但是我跟我老公在一起 I'll make it nine full. 我就變九個全滿 Just like you guys. 就像你們一樣 So I'm relatively 所以我相對而言 I'm going to need him very badly. 我就會非常需要他 It's when he's not there. 就是他不在的時候 Those blank energy centers of mine 我那些空白能量中心 It's just that you're always being influenced by other people. 就會一直被別人影響 Because the human figure 因為人類圖 If your energy center 如果你的能量中心 There are blank spaces 有空白的地方 You're just going to zoom in. 你就是會去放大 Twice as much as the next guy. 旁邊的人的兩倍 Then I'm with him. 那我跟他在一起 It's just that you're going to feel 就是會覺得 The world is enough as it is. 就是世界這樣就足夠了 You two together. 你們兩個在一起 I think it's something too. 應該也有什麼感覺 That sounds good. 這樣聽起來很不錯 It's like you complete me. 就是you complete me的感覺 That sounds good. 這樣聽起來很不錯 Do you feel it? Do you feel it? 你有嗎你有感覺嗎 I think it's okay. 我覺得還行 You'll have a better sense of what's going on. 你會比較有感覺 You'll feel better. 你會比較有感覺 Because your picture is rather blank. 因為你的圖比較空白 It's relative to him. 就是相對於他 It's a bit blank. 那圖比較空白 I think what he said today 我覺得今天他講的 The best line is 最棒的一句就是 What the hell? 找死喔 Why is this line funny? 為什麼這句笑點在哪裡 Because he's relatively blank 因為他比較空白 Yes, sir. 對 But what's blank? 但是什麼是空白呢 It's just that he doesn't have a channel connection. 就是他沒有通道連接 Energy can't flow 能量不能流通 Okay, what about the blank energy centers? 好那空白能量中心呢 That means he didn't. 就是代表他沒有 Stable and Continuous Operation 穩定持續的運作 Does not represent an energy center 不代表能量中心 He can't function. 他不能運作 It's that he won't stabilize 而是他不會穩定 I get it. I get it. 我懂我懂 Just too much energy. 就是能量太多 No place to vent 沒有地方發洩 That is, you may be 就是你可能會被 Other Impacts 別人影響 Like you two, for example. 譬如說像你們兩個 It's all about emotional centers. 都是情緒中心 There are defined people 有定義的人 And then I am 然後我就是 Emotional Center Blank 情緒中心空白的人 So I am now 所以我現在就是 Zoom in on you twice. 放大你兩倍 Double your size. 也放大你兩倍 I'd be the one with the quadruple 我就會變成有四倍的 Emotional 情緒的 That's it. 就吸收到那個 But compared to you. 可是相對你們而言 Your emotions. 你們的情緒 It's in your own state. 是在自己的狀態裡面 You're actually less likely to be 你們其實不太會被 The Emotional Influence of Others 別人的情緒影響 You want to be angry now. 你現在想生氣 Even if the person next to you is happy 就算旁邊的人很開心 You're still mad at me. 你還是會生氣 Meetings 會會會 When you're happy. 那你開心的時候 Don't be mad at me. 別人生氣 You're ok too. 你也是ok的 That is, you are on your own 就是你們是在自己的 Stabilization 穩定運作裡面 But I'm blank. 但我是空白的 So I'm going to be influenced by you guys. 所以我就會被你們影響 Okay, so you're 好所以你們就是 Together 在一起 no where to go no where to go I think you two are very content together. 我覺得你們在一起很滿足 But sometimes 但是有的時候 If we stay together 如果一直在一起 I feel like I can't breathe. 也會覺得無法呼吸 I feel that way sometimes. 有我有時候會有這種感覺 Yeah, that's right. I still want it. 對就是我還是想要 Breathing 透透氣 But not for long. 但是也不用太久 Like this 這樣子 It's just that occasionally you have to split it up like this. 就是偶爾要這樣分 I have to go to the market in the morning. 有我早上有去市場 The process of buying fried rice 買了油飯的那個過程 I think it's pretty easy. 我覺得還蠻輕鬆的 Alone 獨處 Looking for death. 找死 Okay, let me ask you this. 好吧那我這樣問 In the human map 在人類圖裡面 That's because it's got a lot of squares. 這因為它好多個格子嘛 All those triangles and squares. 那些三角形啊正方形啊 Circular 圓形 No Circle 沒有圓形 There is no center. 沒有中間 Square 正方形 Yes, sir. 對 Possibly on a different system 可能在不同系統 There will be different shapes 會有不同的形狀 But that's pretty much it. 但是差不多就是這些 They're all called energy centers. 都叫做能量中心 The human map has nine energy centers. 那人類圖有九個能量中心 Energy Center vs. 能量中心跟能量中心 One by one, one by one, one by one, one by one. 中間的一條一條一條 Some red, some black. 有的紅色有的黑色 It's called a channel. 叫做通道 And then inside that energy center. 然後那個能量中心裡面 There will be numbers 會有數字 One number at a time 一個數字一個數字 And then it might be circled. 然後可能會圈起來 It's called a gate. 叫做閘門 There are a total of 64 gates on that map. 那人類圖總共有64個閘門 What about when you were born? 你出生的時候呢 It will have that star symbol. 它就會有那個星上符號 It's the position of the planets in the sky. 就是天上的行星的位置 See how it affects you 看它是怎麼影響你的 Which line of which gate does it land on? 它落在哪一個閘門的哪一個爻 It will circle it on the map. 就會在圖上把它圈起來 Then these numbers if circled 然後這些數字如果圈起來 They have formed a channel 它們有形成一條通道 Are you following me now, my little friend? 現在有跟到嗎小朋友 I'm in the 我在 Go for it! 加把勁 Kid. 小朋友 Because you two look like kids. 因為你們兩個表情很像小朋友 I'm serious. 我就認真在講 I'm serious. I'm serious. 我認真我認真 You know there's a number on this? 你知道這上面有數字嘛 Right or wrong? 對不對 So there will be two rows of numbers next to it anyway 所以反正旁邊會有兩排數字 The two rows of numbers will fall on that map. 那兩排數字就會落在那個圖上 Circle it. 把它圈起來 So if we go to both ends 那如果再通到兩端 For example, I only have one channel 譬如說我只有一條通道 It's lanes 5 through 15. 它是5號到15號通道 So I've got these two to pick up 所以我有這兩個接起來 The energy flows when you pick it up. 接起來能量就會流動 The two energy centers at the beginning and the end 那頭尾的兩個能量中心 It will have color. 它就會有顏色 You know what I mean? 懂我意思嗎 OK OK Yeah. 對 With movement comes color. 有流動就有顏色 It's because it's the energy that comes out of the 對因為它能量就會從 Of these two energy centers 這兩個能量中心當中 There will be a flow of 都會有流動 What if there is no flow? 那如果沒有流動呢 It won't have a color. 它就不會有顏色啊 It would not have stabilized 它就不會有穩定的 Fixed operational energy 固定運作的能量 Oh, okay. 哦 OK In fact, the simplest way to put it is this 就其實最簡單的說法就是這樣 What happens when you don't have stability? 那沒有穩定會怎麼樣 I've been affected by the 就被人家影響 It's a bit sensitive. 會比較敏感啊 You will. 就是你會 You will feel 你會感受 In fact, the blank is very similar to 其實空白就是很像 I've often described it this way 我常常會這樣形容 Will be filled by others 會被別人填補 I've often described it as having color. 對我常常形容說有顏色的 It's like you're holding a cup 它就很像你拿一個杯子 Inside the cup 杯子裡面可能 Because of the different channels 因為不同的通道 It's got all kinds of drinks in it. 它裡面有各種飲料 It could be wine. 它可能是酒 Probably a coffee 可能是一個咖啡 It could be juice. 可能是果汁 It's just holding the cup. 它就是一直拿著杯子 Inside the cup 杯子裡面有 That it meets the blank 那它遇到空白的人 You're just holding an empty glass. 你就是拿一個空杯子 And it's going to fall back on you. 它就會倒給你 Oh, yeah. 哦 So you can tell what it's drinking. 所以你可以知道它在喝什麼 You can feel what it's drinking. 你可以感受到它在喝什麼 I get the analogy. 這個比喻我就懂了 Oh, so. 哦所以 Because of the drinking I'm 因為喝酒我就 Yeah. 對 And then so you're 對然後所以你就 Let me be the one to teach you what you need to know. 讓我是應材施教 So you will easily feel the feelings of others 所以你就會很容易感受到別人的感受 Yes, that's right. 對就是 It will be affected by 會被它影響 Blank Sentiment 空白的情緒 I'll know what you're feeling. 我就會知道你們的情緒是什麼 So although it's unstable on its own 所以它雖然自己不穩定的運作 But at the same time we can understand others 但同時我們是可以理解他人的 For us it will be affected 對我們是會被影響 These are two sides of the same coin. 這都是一體的兩面 And then there's the 然後還有一種是 It doesn't have a circle. 它一個圈圈都沒有 The gates are not circled at all. 就那些閘門完全沒有圈起來 It's just completely blank. 就是完全空白 Then it will not understand 然後它就會不了解 What is the operation of this energy center? 這個能量中心的運作是什麼 Then my description would be 那我的形容就是 It doesn't even have a cup. 它連杯子都沒有 It doesn't know what it's pouring. 它根本不知道要倒什麼 For example, like it's 就譬如說像它的 Root Center 根部中心 It's the square at the bottom. 就是最下面那個正方形 It's completely blank. 是完全空白 That root center is a 那根部中心是一個 Ability to handle stress 處理壓力的能力 So that's where you get the pressure. 所以就是你遇到壓力 Chances are you won't feel the pressure. 你有可能不會感覺到這是壓力 And then people will think that 然後大家會覺得說 Are you under a lot of pressure? 壓力很大嗎 What is stress? 什麼是壓力 Because it just doesn't know what pressure is 因為它就是不知道什麼是壓力 Or sometimes it just does. 或者有的時候它就是會 It's just going to travel between the two poles. 它就是會遊走在兩極 They're designed like this. 他們這樣子的設計 Sometimes all of a sudden it's 有時候突然就是 It's going to be a pain in the ass. 它會煩啊煩就是 I want to throw it all away. 想把這一切都亂丟 And then run away. 然後跑掉 And then either it just keeps doing 然後或者是它就一直做 It's just that it's not pressurized. 就是它沒有壓力 Because it doesn't even have this design going 因為它根本沒有這個設計去 It doesn't have pressure filters 它沒有壓力的濾鏡 To understand what stress is. 去理解說什麼是壓力 It's possible. 有可能 Something's broken. 某個地方壞掉了感覺 No, it's not. 不是啦 It sounds like 聽起來 I get like this sometimes. 我有時候會這樣 For example, you said that there was no 譬如說你說那個沒有 How to feel the pressure of this thing 辦法感受到壓力這件事情 People think I'm under a lot of pressure. 就人家都覺得我壓力很大 But I think it's okay. 但我覺得好像還好 So this could be yours. 所以這個可能是你的 A protection mechanism 一個保護機制 It's just that I think that every single human map 就是我覺得每一個人的人類圖 That's when you were born. 就是你出生時間 It's that it must have very clever 就是它一定有很巧妙的 Mutual Relationship 互相的關係 For me sometimes I feel 對我有時候都覺得 I should be under a lot of pressure. 我應該要壓力很大 Yeah, but you don't know what pressure is. 對可是你不知道什麼叫壓力 It's just a lot of pressure to do something. 就是壓力很大要怎麼樣 What's going on? 要做什麼 For me it would be in my mind to say 對我就會在想說 Should I show it? 我是不是應該表現出來 I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I'm not sure what's wrong with me. 我好像哪裡怪怪的這樣 Because like it is 因為像它就是 All other energy centers are full 其他的能量中心都是滿的 So it has eight energy centers. 所以它有八個能量中心 All of them are running steadily. 都是在穩定的運作 But relatively speaking 可是相對而言 It's that center of pressure that's completely blank. 它那個壓力中心完全空白 It will not know what it means to be blank. 它會不知道什麼叫空白的感覺 So this thing for it 所以這件事對它來講 It's very strange. 是很陌生的 It's true. It seems to be true when people talk like that. 真的 人家這樣講好像真的 It's just that you're a stranger. 就是你覺得很陌生 Because you other your emotions 因為你其他你的情緒 Have your own operation 有自己的運作 Intuition has its own operation 直覺有自己的運作 Brain, Logic, Throat, Sight, G Center 頭腦 邏輯 喉嚨 G中心 You all have your own operations 你都有自己的運作 So you're all clear. 所以你都很清楚 Don't you think that's what life is all about? 你覺得人生不就這樣嗎 But for that other blank 可是對於另外的那個空白 You would think 你會覺得 I've been saying this a lot. 對這我常常在講的一句話 That's it, isn't it? 啊不就這樣嗎 Yeah, because you think that's it. 對因為你覺得就這樣 It's true. 是真的這樣 And then you'll feel like 然後你就會覺得好像 It's like that's all there is to it. 遇到什麼事好像也不過就這樣 Yeah, that's why. 對就是說你們為什麼 Like when I left the house today. 像我今天出門的時候 I recently permed my hair 我最近燙頭髮 Then I blow-dry my hair and put on my makeup. 然後我就吹好頭髮 化好妝 I told my husband 我就跟我老公說 I think a perm would be great. 我覺得燙頭髮好棒 I can go out like this now that I'm blow-drying. 我現在吹乾就可以這樣子出門了 And then my husband is a 然後我老公是一個 A man with a defined mind and logic. 頭腦跟邏輯有定義的人 But for the two triangles up there 但是就上面那兩個三角形 The top triangle and the inverted triangle. 最上面那個正三角形跟倒三角形 I told you this was great. 我就說這樣好棒 I'm on my way out. 我就在出門 And then my husband said back to me 然後我老公就回我說 Shouldn't everyone be like this? 不是每個人都應該是這樣嗎 And then I laughed out loud. 然後我就笑出來 As far as he's concerned. 就對他來講 His world is simple. 他的世界很簡單 Just about everyone isn't 就每個人不就是 You're going out with your hair dry? 吹乾頭髮就出門嗎 But I think men are basically more 但我覺得男人基本上就是比較 Relatively simple animals 相對比較簡單的動物 But if he's the one whose brain logic is empty 可是如果他是頭腦邏輯是空白的 He might join me in trying to say 他可能會跟我一起想說 Yeah, a perm or something. 對耶燙頭髮什麼的 It's just all kinds of nonsense. 就是有各種胡思亂想 For example, you might just 譬如說你可能就會 We'll just say 我們就會說 Yeah. Tie it up or something. 對呀要綁起來或什麼什麼 That is, we can have extended 就是我們可以有延伸性的 But for those who have logic in their heads. 可是對於頭腦邏輯有定義的人來講 They are just fixed ideas 他們就是固定的思路 A to B is this. 就是A到B就是這樣子 I'm just blank. 我就是空白 Yes, sir. 對 So he must often feel 所以他一定會常常就會覺得 It's just one, two, three, four, five. 這件事不就是一二三四五 But then you'll feel like saying 可是你就會覺得說 No, we have 500 ways to do it. 沒有我們有五百種做法 Why do you have to do this? 你為什麼一定要做這樣子 Yes, that's right. 對 沒錯 So I think 所以我覺得 This is for my couple to get along 這個對於我的夫妻相處 It's just that besides being on the job 就是除了在工作上以外 Getting together as a couple really helps 夫妻相處真的有很大的幫助 How old were you when you got married? 你幾歲結婚 I'm 38. 我38 It's a bit late. 算比較晚了 For us to get married after eight years of love. 對我們談了八年戀愛以後結婚的 And we weren't really looking to get married in the first place. 而且我們本來也就沒有特別要結婚 And then because my husband went to NJ for a year to work 然後是因為我老公去了南京工作一年 And then I felt really crazy at that time. 然後我那時候真的覺得很瘋狂 Of course I understand now. 我現在當然理解 I learned about human charts 我學了人類圖知道 Because he's with me. 因為他跟我在一起 And he filled me in. 他就補滿我 I can get very confused on my own. 我一個人就是會很混亂 And then I cried every day. 然後我每天都在哭 I cried for a year. 我哭了一年 And then I said that when he went to Nanking 然後我說他去南京的時候 And then you cried every day. 然後你每天都在哭 For me, just talking on the phone makes me cry. 對我只要講電話就會哭 Then someone mentioned his name in front of me. 然後別人在我面前提到他的名字 Or what makes me cry. 或什麼我就會哭 Then all my earned money 然後我所有的賺的錢 Whenever I have time, it's three days and five days. 我只要一有時間就是三天五天 I would have flown to NJ to be with him. 我就會飛到南京去陪他這樣子 Just miss him. 就想念他 Yeah, and then we were each other in that time. 對然後我們就是彼此在那段時間 Just a strong sense that we need to be together. 就是強烈的感受到我們需要在一起 That's why we came back and got married. 所以回來我們才結婚的 Sounds great. 聽起來很棒 Yes, it's a turnaround. 對就是一個轉機 Right or wrong? 對不對 Because usually at this point in time 因為一般在這時候 You'd think it'd be a crisis. 你會覺得很有可能是危機 Yes, it's about leaving to work in a foreign country. 對就是離開到異地去工作 Yes, it's a long distance. 對就是一個長距離 I'm sorry I'm so old. 對然後這麼老了 So old. 這麼老了 You said I 你說我 I said at 38. 我說38歲的時候 In making friends you will feel 在交朋友會覺得 I'm not 18 anymore. 其實已經不是18歲了 That one doesn't feel the same. 那個感覺不太一樣 That's it! 就對啦 That age. 那個年齡 Because I didn't think of it that way. 因為我沒有這樣想過 I didn't think the age would be 我沒有覺得年齡會是 Talking about love is a problem 談戀愛的一個困擾 He's a 他是一個 He just said that before we recorded 他剛剛有說在我們錄製之前 He said he was actually a 他說他其實是一個 There's no way a man without love 沒有辦法沒有愛情的人 Uh-huh. 嗯 Actually, I think it's a pretty good thing. 其實我覺得這件事情蠻妙的 Yeah, but you know I'm in the human picture. 對可是你知道我在人類圖當中 It's just that I think a lot of the points strike me 就是我覺得很多打動我的點 When I first started studying 我在一開始學的時候 That's all I could find. 我就找到這個 I'm not saying I only have two energy centers. 我不是說我只有兩個能量中心 One is a recommendation. 一個是薦骨 That's what we all have. 就是我們都有 That's the one. 薦骨就是那個 The last end of the tailbone. 尾椎的最後一端 Then recommend the Bone Center 然後薦骨中心 It's right here in the lower abdomen. 就在下腹部這邊 As long as the producer 只要是生產者 There must be energy in the center of the sponsors 薦骨中心一定會有能量 And then he's in charge of our life's momentum. 然後他掌管我們的生命動能嘛 And then the other one is the G-center. 然後另外一個就是G中心 Just one above the sacrum. 就薦骨上面的一個 Energy centers in the shape of a diamond 菱形的能量中心 The G Center is in charge of love and life direction. G中心掌管就是愛跟人生方向 So I only have these two 所以我只有這兩個 Then when I saw this picture 然後我一看到這個圖 I think 我就覺得 Yeah, it's just like a book I told you about a long time ago. 對啊就跟我很久以前說的一本書 It's like saying you'll die if you don't love me. 叫不愛會死一樣 My picture is just love or death. 我的圖就是不愛會死啊 All I have is love and life force. 我就只有愛跟生命動能 So this is the only one I can hold on to. 所以這個是我唯一可以緊緊抓住 It has stable operation 它有穩定的運作的 It feels like living is about love. 它感覺就活著就是要愛 To the Blank Energy Center 對空白能量中心 It will not be affected except 它除了會受影響以外 It is also a place to learn 它也是一個學習的地方 You're going to learn how to say 你就會去學說 Oh, so this is love. 哦原來這樣子是愛 It turns out that this behavior is love. 原來它這些行為是愛 It's love for me. 它這樣對我是愛 You said the G-center was empty. 你說那個G中心是空的啊 Uh-huh. 嗯 I just suddenly 我剛剛突然 Understand one thing. 明白一件事欸 That's me. 就是其實我 I often talk about when I was 20 years old. 我常常講說我20歲的時候 I'll just 我就 Make a vow. 立誓 I'm going to find proof of love in this world. 我要找出這個世界愛的證明 Uh-huh. 嗯 I think that's a great statement. 我覺得這句話超棒的 It's because of me. 就是因為我 I believe 我相信 But I want to find that proof. 可是我想要找出那個證明 It's not that I don't believe 我並不是不相信 Yeah, I don't know. 對對不知道 And then I wanted to find that proof. 對然後我想要找出那個證明 So I've actually, from the past to the present 所以我其實從以前到現在 I've probably asked thousands of people 我大概問了上千個人 What is the definition of love to you? 對你來說愛的定義是什麼 Because I want it. 因為我很想要 It's a question for all of you. 對你們都會問這一題 Yeah, it's actually me. 對其實是我 I love asking this question. 我很愛問這個問題 Because I'm dying to know. 因為我很想知道 In other people's hearts 在別人的心裡頭 What does love look like? 愛是長什麼樣子 Then it's not limited to 那它不限於 Not limited to love 不限於愛情 Yes, sir. 對 This thing is actually 這個東西其實 I've always felt that 我總是覺得 I'm very vague about love, I must say. 我對愛情是很模糊的我必須說 But I am not 但是我並不是 I am not 我並不是 I'm not in love. 不會愛 I'm not in love 不會愛 I only 我只 I can't say I don't know what love is. 我不能說我不知道愛是什麼 Just saying 只是說 Just saying I want to know 只是說我想要知道 What does it look like in your mind? 在你心裡是什麼樣子 For example if I have 譬如如果我有 If I had a chance to 我如果有一個機會 The person I want to ask the most is my father. 我最想問的那個人是我爸爸 What is love to him? 對他來說愛是什麼 Because the one thing I want to unravel the most in my life. 因為我這一輩子最想解開的 That's probably the end of it. 大概就是這個結 That's why I've been going on and on 所以我才會一直不停的 Go ahead and ask the question. 去提出這個問題 So sometimes 所以有的時候 I was just talking about that. 剛剛在講那個 G-center is blank G中心是空白的 Because you might be interested in 因為你可能對於 Love this thing 愛這件事情 It's strange. 是很陌生 Strange Blur 陌生模糊 So you'll want to find that answer. 所以你就會想要去找那個答案 Yes 是 I'm telling you, I'm going to respond. 我跟你講我有去對應的 It's me, too. 也是我 I feel very touched by the words 我覺得非常感動的話 It's our granddaddy. 就是我們的祖師爺 That's it. 就是 Passing on the human map as a whole system of a 傳遞人類圖這整套系統的一個 His name is Ra (Ra Uru Hu) Ra Uru Hu. Ra Uru Hu. Ra Uru Hu. 他的名字叫Ra(Ra Uru Hu)拉.烏盧.胡 He said that because the G-center is blank 他說因為G中心空白的 It's a lifelong search for love. 就是一輩子都在追尋愛 But then he said 但是他就說 You don't have to chase after love anymore. 你不需要再追尋愛 You came into this world 你來到這個世界上 You have to be love. 你要成為愛 You must become love itself 你要成為愛的本身 It's because you're on a quest. 就是因為你在追尋的過程當中 And you have a lot of experience 你就有很多的體驗 So you're gradually absorbing all of this. 所以你會漸漸把這些都吸收進來 I'm not talking about blank energy centers 我不是說空白的能量中心 It's also a place to learn 也是一個學習的地方 For example, I have the definition of G-center 譬如說我有G中心的定義 I'd say that's what love is all about. 我會覺得愛就是這樣子 But you're touching 可是你接觸的 Because of your blankness. 因為你的空白 So you would ask people 所以你會問大家 So you have a lot of contacts. 所以你接觸很多 You've absorbed it all. 你都吸收進來 The last thing you'll ever be is love. 最後是你會成為愛 Whoa. 喔 I think it's beautiful. 我覺得很美 I think that some aspect of the human figure 我覺得人類圖某個層面 I would love it if it was romantic. 我會很喜歡就是它很浪漫 Ahh. 啊 Although it is a very rational 雖然它是一個非常理性 Because when I first started learning 因為我一開始在學的時候 Because I'm interested in the mind, body, and spirit of these things. 因為我對身心靈這些事情 It's quite interesting, isn't it? 是蠻有興趣的嘛 And then I 然後我 I am a very sensitive person 我是一個體質很敏感的人 For example, I'm learning qigong or something. 譬如說我學氣功啊什麼的 I think 我覺得 But then I studied human charts. 可是後來學人類圖 I found it to be a hard 我發現它就是一個硬邦邦的 Everything's in the book. 所有東西都在書上的 You're just going to experiment 你就是要去實驗 You're just going to see 你就是要去看 You're just going to read it. 你就是要去讀 You'll see. 你才會知道 But at the bottom of it 但是它最底層 I think it's romantic. 我覺得是浪漫的 It's these every time in the book 就是這些每次在書上 And then I read these words 然後看到這些話 Pop up and I'll get hit. 蹦出來我就會被打到 It's just that you're going to be loved 就是你是要去成為愛的 Are you a romantic? 你是一個浪漫的人嗎 I'm very romantic. 我很浪漫啊 Now you think your husband is a romantic. 你現在覺得你老公是個浪漫人 My husband is 100 times more romantic than me. 我老公比我浪漫100倍 Whoa. 喔 What do you mean? 怎麼說 He's such a romantic. 他就是一個很浪漫的人啊 He's a 他就是一個 So the romantic part of him is 那他的浪漫的部分是 What are the specifics? 具體表現在什麼 In every part of life 在生活的每一處 For example 就譬如說 Inside the details 細節裡面 Yes, in detail. 對 細節上 It's just that we're at home. 就是我們是在家裡 All conversations are 所有的對談都是 Can't be heard. 不能被別人聽到 Because it's disgusting. 因為很噁心 Just... 就 It's because my husband is a man. 還是因為我老公很Man嘛 You know he's a 你們知道他就是一個 A big one at 185 centimeters. 185公分的一個大個 Then the mustache is a bushy eyebrow. 然後鬍子就是濃眉 It's just that he is a very Manly boy 就是他是一個很Man的男生 But he's coming home. 但是他回家 It's like we're at home every day. 就是譬如說我們每天在家裡 We'll walk hand in hand at home. 我們會在家裡手牽手走路欸 At Home 在家 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. 等一下等一下 At Home 在家 That's not a very big face. 這樣臉沒有很大 At home 在家裡 Yeah, we're home. 對 我們在家裡 It means walking hand in hand. 就是會手牽手走路 And then we'll 然後我們會 He's gonna blow-dry my hair. 他會幫我吹頭髮啊 We've been together for 18 years. 我們已經在一起18年 But we're going to keep talking about it every day. 但我們每天會一直講說 I love you. 我愛你 More than once 不止一次 Then for example, I recently 然後譬如說我最近 When he was in Nanking 他在南京的時候 My birthday that year. 那一年我的生日 He is in every part of the house. 他就在家裡的各處 Hiding different gifts 藏了不同的禮物 With different cards 跟不同的卡片 He sent me a text message saying 他有傳簡訊給我說 Hey, it's your birthday! 欸 今天是你生日喔 Do you want to go to the study? 你要不要去那個書房 Take a look. 看一下 It's really good. 真的很好 Yeah, and then I totally 對 然後我完全 Let's review this, shall we? 檢討一下好不好 This is too difficult for me. 這對我來講太困難了 Here. 這 I can't win at all. 我完全打不贏 Impossible mission. 不可能的任務啊 That's about six on that day. 那一天大概有6個吧 And then at the end of the night 然後到最後晚上 It's just a different time of day. 就是每天不同的時間 And then there is, for example 然後就是譬如說 There really is a thing 真的有一個東西 And you know. 而且你知道 That was before he came back. 那是在他前一次回來 He might come back once a month. 他可能一個月回來一次 He came back after his previous 他是在他前一次回來 He's already got it hidden. 他就已經藏好的 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 等等 Then his G-center is 那他G中心是 Defined 有定義 Hey, there's a definition in the center of Ping-Ding-G. 欸 平平G中心有定義 No. My definition. 沒有 我的定義 Not the same as his definition. 跟他的定義不一樣 Yes, it's possible that there's a different channel. 對 可能是有不同的通道 That's what's in his cup. 就是他杯子裡裝的是 Different Drinks 不一樣的飲料 What he's installing is probably 他裝的可能就是 Romantic Doubt 浪漫的質疑 Can you just add something else? 可不可以就是加一點別的 There's no way. 沒有辦法 Our romance is embodied in 我們的浪漫體現在 In all the details of life 生活的各式細節當中 like like But you're in this moment 但是你在這個moment Maybe it's not felt. 可能沒有感受到 But after I passed away. 但是在我過世之後 You're perfectly understandable. 你完全可以理解 After you passed away 你過世之後 We are pursuing 我們追求的是 It's a real pain in the ass. 真的超煩的 We seek historical positioning 我們追求的是歷史定位 But for example 可是譬如說 We'll be at home together. 我們會一起在家裡 Watch your youtube videos 看你們的youtube的影片 And then my husband said 然後我老公說 These two should look a lot like us. 這兩個人應該跟我們很像吧 That's it. 就是 Because you two can talk. 因為你們兩個是可以聊天的 We can chat together. 可以一起聊天 Because I'm at home with him, too. 因為我跟他也是在家裡 We often 我們常常 He loves to drive. 他很喜歡開車 And then his favorite 然後他最喜歡 Talk to me while driving. 開車的時候跟我聊天 That's the one. 就是那個 The feeling of space in the car. 在車裡面的那個空間感 And when you're driving. 以及開車的時候 He wouldn't have to be bothered with business. 他就不會有公事來打擾 Always wanted us to go together. 一直要我們一起去 We just can be very dense 我們就是可以很密集的 In that state 在那個狀態當中 It's just that we like it very much. 就是我們非常喜歡 I'll tell you what. 那個我說 It's a vacuum phase. 就是真空式的相處 When I was married. 我那時候結婚的時候 I told him 我就跟他說 I don't want a diamond ring. 我不要鑽戒 Because my diamond ring is boring to me. 因為我鑽戒對我來講很無聊 Then I don't want a proposal either. 然後我也不要求婚 Because I'm embarrassed. 因為我覺得很尷尬 And then the wedding is anyway 然後婚禮就是反正 Look at the Double Fangs. 看雙方家人 We try to 我們盡量 Organize a wedding at the simplest level 在最簡單的程度辦個婚禮 Then I only have one. 那我只有一個 I want a one-month honeymoon. 就是我要一個月蜜月 Because I feel like honeymoon. 因為我覺得honeymoon嘛 That's why they call it a honeymoon. 就是為什麼要叫蜜月 It's just a month. 就是要一個月 And then because of this 然後因為這件事情 He is the fulfillment of my dream. 他就是完成了我的夢想 But it was his company. 可是那時候他的公司 Not responding to this 並不答應這件事情 Then he left his company. 然後他就離開他的公司 And then 然後 Just because I want to leave the company. 就因為想離開公司 Yeah, right. 對啊 It's so cool. 好帥喔 This man. 這個男人 This man can 這個男人可以 How can you be so manly? 怎麼這麼man This man can 這個男人可以 And he 而且他 When we get back. 我們回來以後 And he created his own business. 他就自己創業了 And now it's very successful. 然後現在非常成功 I think this is 我覺得這是 There are times in life 人生有的時候 You need some courage. 你需要一些勇氣 Uh-huh. 嗯 So manly. 好man喔 This thing sounds 這個事情聽起來 Awesome. 帥斃了 And I feel brave. 而且我覺得勇氣 Not when you're successful. 不是在於你很成功的時候 That's the only way to have courage. 才能夠有勇氣 It's because you're still 是在於你還 It's still nobody's time. 還是nobody的時候 You're going to have to back up some of this. 你就要先幹一些 God damn it. 他媽的 It's really cool. 真的帥斃了的是 Wow, this is the time of year. 哇這位這個時候 It's so cool. 好帥喔 I'd like to meet your husband. 我都想認識你老公 Yes, yes, yes, yes. 可以可以可以 When he was 他那時候 His boss told him 他老闆就跟他講說 So can we go 25 days 那可不可以去25天 And then he came back and told me 然後他就回來跟我講說 Who's that? 欸那個誰誰 The boss said 25 days? 老闆說25天可以嗎 I told you you were sick. 我就說你是有病嗎 Is there a difference of 5 days? 就是有差那5天嗎 I just did. 我就是已經要 It's been 25 days. 都已經25天了 Is there a difference of 5 days? 有差5天嗎 Yes, and I've 就是而且我已經 I've decided to be with you for life. 決定要跟你在一起一輩子了 Uh-huh. 嗯 It's just that there's a difference 就是有差 You're comparing these 5 days to me. 你跟我計較這5天 Yes, sir. 對 I want it for the rest of my life. 老娘一輩子都要 Because I think 因為我覺得 He had a point there. 他那時候是有道理的 You're the ones who got married. 就是你們結婚了 And then you really have to get along in a vacuum. 然後你們真的要真空式的相處 And then we traveled to Europe for a month. 後來我們就是去歐洲旅行了一個月 You'll start to feel that 你會開始感受到那種 It's a different stage 是一個不一樣的階段 Uh-huh. 嗯 Oi oi oi 欸欸欸 What? 欸欸什麼 Did you guys go on a honeymoon? 你們有去看蜜月嗎 We don't have one. 我們沒有啊 No 沒有 We don't have a wedding. 我們沒有婚禮 And no diamond ring. 然後也沒有鑽戒 Nothing. 什麼都沒有 Then we'll get married that day. 然後我們那一天去結婚 That's the day or so. 那一天還是挑 We're both free. 我們兩個都有空的 And then when we went 然後我們去的時候 The two of them are still going to take snapshots. 兩個人還要去拍快照 Then take a snapshot. 然後快照拍出來 Much like the two 很像兩個 You know the wanted man. 你知道通緝犯 Yes, sir. 對 When the snapshot of 當快照的 Just released. 剛放出來的 Yes, sir. 對 And then I don't think we washed our hair that day. 然後那天我們好像也沒洗頭 Or something like that. 還是什麼之類的 Do you think your husband and you 你覺得你老公跟你 What's Different 最不一樣的地方 It's just super different. 就是超級不一樣的 He 他 He's very nerdy. 他非常的宅 Because he was working 因為他在工作上 May have to face a lot of people 可能要面對很多人 Uh-huh. 嗯 So he's 所以他就是 It's a relative house. 就相對宅 As soon as work is over he wants to go home 一工作結束他就想回家 Then Holiday 然後假日 Or 或是 I used to be super bad at this. 我以前超不習慣 It's just that, for example 就是比如說 Various Festivals 各種節日 Or my birthday. 或是我生日 He'll do it all. 他都會 Because I 因為我 Love to play with friends 很喜歡跟朋友玩 He's not feeling well. 他覺得不舒服 Uh-huh. 嗯 Because he wants my focus 因為他希望我的focus It's on him. 是在他身上 Uh-huh. 嗯 But I'm a 可是我是一個 Very much like a friend. 很喜歡朋友的人 So I 所以我 I have a lot of friends too. 我的朋友也很多 So I have to go 所以我必須要去 Getting along with my friends 跟我的朋友相處 So he's a 那他是一個 An insecure person? 沒有安全感的人嗎 To a certain extent also 某個程度上也是 Oh. 哦 For me 對我來說 The important point is 很重要的一點是 You have to be home. 你必須在家裡 It's a relief to be one of his 成為他的一個很安心的 Really be one of him 真的是成為他一個 Peaceful Harbor 安心的港灣 Because boys, for example 因為男生比如說 Like his job is to 像他的工作就是 That's a lot of work. 真的很繁重嘛 And then we have to deal with it every day. 然後每天都要處理 Face a lot of things 面對很多事情 And then when he came home. 然後他回家的時候 Just cook what he likes to eat. 就是煮他喜歡吃的 Give him a hug. 抱抱他 And then every day before he left the house 然後他每天出門前 I'll say it. 我都會說 Go for it today! 今天要加油哦 Wow. 哇塞 What's going on? 怎麼 Hey why am I all 欸為什麼我都 Ha ha ha ha. 哈哈哈哈 Wait a minute. 等一下 I'm going to complain. 我要抱怨一下 Why don't I have any? 為什麼我都沒有 Ha ha ha ha. 哈哈哈哈 I'm still talking. 我還在說 No, but he would have done the same to me. 沒有可是他也會這樣對我 We are 我們是 Did you do this to me? 你有這樣對我嗎 No 沒有 I'm not telling you. 不是我跟你講 I know what the problem is. 我知道問題在哪裡 It's true. 真的 I think some ceremony is necessary 我覺得有些儀式感是必要 I know. 我知道 I know what the problem is. 我知道問題在哪裡 Because we go out together every day. 因為我們每天都一起出門 Because we all go out together. 因為我們都一起出門 Oh. 哦 So there's no need to 所以都沒有需要 So go for it today! 所以今天加油哦 Hahahaha. 哈哈哈哈 Hey, this is great. 欸這超棒的 I think it sounds good. 我覺得這聽起來很好 I think guys really need 我覺得男生其實很需要 I need it. 需要啊 No, it's not. 不是 Wait a minute. 等一下 Sounds super 聽起來超 Superb 超級棒 or 或是 Or you go home. 或是你回家 And then it says 然後就說 Ah, you're back. 啊你回來了這樣子 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 對沒有他一回家 And he would say to me in a very loud voice 就會很大聲跟我說 Hello. 哈囉 And then I said. 然後我就說 Hello. 哈囉 And then I ran out and hugged him like this. 然後就跑出來抱他這樣子 WOW I need that too! 哇塞我也需要 I need it too. 我也需要 That's it. 就是 You do now. 你現在有啊 I have I have 我有我有 I think it's just some 我覺得就是一些 A lot of the rituals of that life come 很多那個生活的儀式感來 Create 營造出 For example, we all say to each other 譬如說我們彼此都會說 Thank you, I'm sorry. 請謝謝對不起 It's true that every single thing 是真的每一件事 For example, he hand-brews my coffee in the morning. 譬如說他早上會幫我手沖咖啡 Buy me coffee. 幫我買咖啡 I just thanked my husband 我就謝謝老公 Now 到現在 Up to now 到現在 That's every day. 就是每天 Still 還是要 That's it. 就是 He's your favorite. 他是你最愛的人 You have to treat him with the highest standards. 你要用最高規格對待他 I'm using the highest specification. 我有用最高規格啊 Without you. 沒有你 Make me a cup of coffee. 幫我煮杯咖啡 Which part 哪個部分 Tell me about it. 講一下 I'll make a cup of coffee. 我煮杯咖啡 We're all liars. 我們都耍賴啊 You would say to a passerby 你會對路人說 Thank you, I'm sorry. 請謝謝對不起 Why is it that even the home 為什麼連家裡的 The people closest to me don't want to 最親密的人都不願意 Yes or no? 有沒有 But I wouldn't tell a passerby 可是我不會跟路人說 Make me a cup of coffee. 幫我煮杯咖啡 Right or wrong? 對不對 But... 可是 It's just that people still like to hear good things. 就是大家還是喜歡聽好話啊 All right, then. 那好啦 I think 我覺得 It's different for everyone. 每個人不一樣啦 But 但是 I'd also recommend that people at home 我還蠻建議大家在家裡 Frequent Practices 常常練習 Thank you, I'm sorry. 請謝謝對不起 And then I love you. 然後我愛你 It's a good concept. 這個概念不錯 I think this is a good concept 我覺得這個概念很好 It's about treating the people around you as if they were 就是要把身邊的人當 Treat it like it's the best it can be. 就最高規格對待 I think the thing is 我覺得這件事情是 It's easy for most people to forget 大部分人都很容易忘記的 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 對 Because you're going to put the highest specs 因為你都會把最高規格 Take it to the client 拿去對客戶 Uncooked 不熟的 For people I don't know well 對不熟的人 Boss. 老闆 And then 然後 The less familiar you are, the less right you are. 越不熟你就不對啊 The more pity 越可惜 Yes, sir. 對 The more familiar you are, the better. 越熟的人越好啊 This one is real. 這個是真的欸 It's just that sometimes it can be very 就是有時候常常就會很 Did you hear that? 聽到沒 It's easy to forget. 很容易就會忘記 You're the one who forgot. 就是你忘記 Do you think it's possible to say that he will understand 你覺得說他一定可以理解 But in fact 但其實 Everyone needs to be treated well. 每個人都需要被好好的對待 It's what the ancient people used to say. 就是以前古代的人說 It's a real one. It's a real one. 這個親生狹 That's it. 就是 You are. 你就是 The closer you are to someone, the more often they will be 越親近的人就會常常就會越 The more you follow him 越跟他 It's just that you know 就是你知道 You are. 你就是 It stinks. 相近臭 Yes, sir. 對 With mom. 跟媽媽 What? 跟什麼 With Dad. 跟爸爸 With the other half of the body. 跟身邊的另外一半 That is, if you can 就是如果你可以 Remember to start doing this 記得開始做這件事情 You'll have a great atmosphere in your house. 你們家裡的氣氛就會變得很好 It's just that we'll all be very 就會大家都很 Happy 快樂 Yes, sir. 對 So you're going to use this on your parents? 那你這個會用在父母身上嗎 No, I won't. 不會 Let me ask you a question. 欸我問你一個問題 Why would you from a very young age 為什麼你會從很小的時候 I knew you'd be 就知道你這輩子就是 That's it. 就是 It's just that you need to fall in love. 就是需要談戀愛 It's love for you. 就是愛對你來講 Why It Matters 為什麼重要 I'm from 我從 Childish 幼稚 I don't know. 我不知道啊 That's an internal 那就是一個內在的 Demand 需求 Demand for 對需求 I've had a boyfriend since kindergarten. 我從幼稚園就有男朋友 And then when I was a kid 然後我小時候 Wait a minute. 等一下 I had a boyfriend in kindergarten. 幼稚園就有男朋友 What a concept. 什麼概念 I had a boyfriend in kindergarten. 就是我幼稚園有一個男朋友 And then 然後 It's true. 真的 A real boyfriend. 真的男朋友 And then on his birthday. 然後他生日的時候 His mom brought him to the house. 他媽媽有帶著他來家裡 Invited me to his birthday party 邀請我去參加他的生日派對 And then I remember that their house was very beautiful. 然後我記得他們家非常漂亮 And then we're all going to wear little dresses. 然後我們都要穿小禮服去 And then when we went 然後我們去的時候 Just a lot of little kids. 就是有很多小朋友 So is it up to me to 那是不是由我 Follow him. 跟他 First dance. 開第一支舞 Ha ha ha ha. 哈哈哈哈 Hahahahaha. 哈哈哈哈 Isn't it a proud feeling? 是不是很驕傲的感覺 Wait a minute. What's this? 等一下這什麼內容 Wow. 哇塞 Isn't that amazing? 是不是很神奇 And then 然後 First Dance 開第一支舞 It's true. 真的 I think there's that. 我想像有那個 I've always had that screen. 我一直有那畫面 And then I remember he was wearing a little suit. 然後我記得他是穿個小西裝 Chirp. 小啾啾 And then mom wore that dress for me. 然後媽媽就是給我穿那個禮服 And then I went to his birthday party. 然後我就去參加他的生日派對 And then you know it's awesome! 然後你知道很厲害的是喔 I grew up. 我後來長大 I know. 我認識 Drummer of the Glutinous Rice Troupe 糯米團的鼓手 It's my good friend. 是我好朋友 His name is Hung Chi-Li. 他叫洪峙立 And then one time I went back to my parents' house 然後有一次我回我父母家 And then I saw 然後看到 My kindergarten graduation photo 我的幼稚園的畢業照 Inside Hong Chi-Li 裡面有洪峙立 Ha ha ha ha. 哈哈哈哈 And then I said. 然後我就說 Hung Chi-Li, you're my kindergarten classmate. 洪峙立你是我幼稚園同學 And then we were right. 然後我們就對了一下 And then I said 然後我就說 I want to find my childhood boyfriend. 欸我想要找我小時候的男朋友 And then he said. 然後他就說 Oh, which one? 喔哪一個 That's the only one I showed him. 我就只給他看那個 It turns out he did find that guy. 結果他後來真的找到那個男生 And the boy is now in Italy. 然後那個男生現在在義大利 That means he's married and has a child. 就是他已經結婚生子了 Then we added each other to Facebook. 然後我們就互加了Facebook It's as if we've gone from 就像我們從 Cool. 酷欸 I haven't seen you since kindergarten. 幼稚園長大以後就沒有再見面 Hahahahaha. 哈哈哈哈 Yes, yes, yes. 有有有 I had some favorites when I was a kid. 小時候會有一些喜歡 What was the reason for your breakup? 請問你們是什麼原因分手呢 The boyfriend from kindergarten 幼稚園那個男朋友 No, it's not. 就是沒有啊就是 It's about changing schools. 就是換學校 For kindergarten 對幼稚園的 Actually, there is no such thing as a private 其實也沒有私 When I was a kid, there were no private calls. 小時候那個也沒有私下打電話 Because we all say kids are so dumb. 因為我們都說小朋友都超呆 And then I went from little one 然後我從小一 It's just that there's been a lot of talk about love. 就是有一直在談戀愛 And then we'll all 然後我們都會 What's the concept of being in love in the first grade? 小一在談戀愛是什麼概念 Daily 每天會列 Each semester is listed 每個學期都會列 My Favorite Boys List 我喜歡的男生排行榜 That's who's in first place. 就是第一名是誰 Who's in second place? 第二名是誰 Oh, my God. 天兒啊 I don't have any. 我完全沒有 It's a total love brain. 完全是戀愛腦欸 Really. 真的是 Yeah, that's right. 對啊 I don't think anyone has taught me anything since I was a kid. 我覺得從小沒有人教我的學 The development of the brain is 腦子的發展就是 It's so cool. 好酷喔 A person who exists for the sake of love. 就是為了戀愛而存在的一個人 Yeah. 是啊 So I came to think that 所以我後來覺得 It's just that if you don't love it, you'll die. 就是不愛會死啊 I'd like to ask a question. 我很想問一個問題欸 That's what we've seen from you on MTV 就是我們從小看你在MTV From a small view 從小看 Wait a minute. 等一下一下 I'll tell you myself. 我自己講這個 I have no girlfriend either. 我也是因為沒有女朋友 From Small 從小 You're gonna have to drink some more of this, please. 你這個要再喝一下拜託 From the moment we talked to each other. 從剛剛我們聊天聊到現在 In fact, the way you make me feel 其實你給我的感受 Always been a very confident person 一直都是一個很有自信的人 So I'm more interested in asking 那我比較想要問的時候 It's your past. You had a past. 是你過去你有曾經 A very frustrating moment 非常沮喪的時刻 And then that's how you go 然後那個是你怎麼去 Face yourself. 面對那個自己 I'm actually a very unsure person. 其實我是一個很沒有自信的人欸 You're a very unsure person. 你是一個很沒有自信的人 Yes, sir. 對 This is the duality 這就是二元性 I think 我覺得 Because I'm not confident. 因為很沒有自信 It's the only way you're going to want to look confident. 才會想要看起來有自信 Just the drunks. 就只有喝醉的人 You'll say you're not drunk. 會說自己沒有喝醉啊 What? 什麼啦 Just the drunk ones. 就只有喝醉的 That's where you hear it all the time. 就是你聽到那一直說 I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk. 我沒醉我沒醉 He's just drunk. 他就是喝醉啊 But... 可是 Whoa. 喔 This makes a lot of sense. 這個超有道理的欸 Makes super sense. 超有道理 And it's something that can be applied to everything 而且是可以套用到所有事情 It's true. 真的 I hadn't thought about it. 我沒想過這件事情欸 Whoa. 喔 Only drunk people say they're not drunk. 只有喝醉的人會說沒醉 If you're not drunk, are you drunk? 如果你真的沒醉 你喝醉了沒 I'm okay. 我還好 Not bad. 還好 Sister's drinking. 姊的酒量 So that's why 對所以就是 This is applied to everything 這是套用到所有事情上 I think 我覺得 When you don't have the confidence 當你沒有自信的時候 That's why you want to show confidence. 你才會想要展現很有自信 So where did your lack of confidence come from? 所以你那個沒有自信是從哪裡來 Do you think 你覺得 I think it's just to get into this circle. 我覺得就是進這個圈子啊 It will start 就會開始 It's just really 就是真的是 Yes, sir. 對 Surfing Elevator 沖浪坐電梯 Falling down is a very low self-confidence 掉下來就是非常沒有自信 That's because 那是因為 Whoa. 喔 So your lack of confidence 所以你的沒有自信 It's because there are more levels of 是因為有比較級 Yes, sir. 對 So I'm going to keep 所以我後來就會一直 Want to try to find various ways 想要嘗試找各種方式 Make yourself more comfortable 讓自己可以比較舒服 For example, you mentioned 譬如說你提到 It's about you and dad. 你跟爸爸的事情啊 In fact, we're really growing up. 就其實我們到真的長大 We are the 我們就是 After becoming an adult 變成一個大人以後 We're all dealing with all the states of being a kid. 我們都在處理小時候的所有狀態 Then it is synthesized 然後它是綜合的 It can't say 它不能說 Actually, I can't say 其實也不能說 It's about getting into the circle. 是因為進入這個圈子 Starting to lose confidence 開始變沒有自信 Is it possible that you are a child? 會不會是小時候 Possibly. 可能 Disciplined 被管教的 Or something. 或是什麼 There are a lot of complications 有很多複雜的因素 So we'll start with 那我們從 After becoming an adult 變成一個大人以後 I'm just very active in dealing with my 我就是非常積極的在處理我這些 Does it count as a childhood scar? 算兒時的傷痕嗎 Yeah. 對 Because I don't think the parents did it on purpose 因為我覺得父母也不是故意的 Because when my mom gave birth to me 因為我媽媽生我的時候 I'm 24 years old. 才24歲 My mom is super pretty. 我媽超漂亮 She's better than me and my sister. 她比我跟我妹都 I think we both agree. 我覺得我們兩個都公認 When she was young 她年輕的時候 It's prettier than us. 比我們漂亮 Youthful Maiden 青春的少女 Maiden 少女 That's it. 就是 She's really pretty. 她是真的長得很漂亮 And then 然後 So 所以 She's just a big girl. 她就是一個很大正妹啊 That's why she's so personal. 所以她個性 And she suddenly had a baby. 她就突然生了一個小孩 And then the kid got all rebellious. 然後這小孩又很叛逆 There's just a lot of process 就是有很多的過程 So I think as we grow up. 所以我覺得我們在長大的過程 It's just been 就是一直 I have been very active in these matters. 我一直很積極的在處理這些事情 For example 譬如說 I'm going to learn qigong. 我去學氣功 Or I'll write a book. 或者是我寫書 I just keep on and on and on 我就是一直不停的在 To heal these things. 去療癒這些事情 And now I think 然後到現在我覺得 In fact, after 40 years of age 其實進入40歲以後 I think it's a little more stable 我覺得有稍微穩定一點 Now that I've grown up, I actually understand it better. 現在長大其實比較理解 Parents they didn't mean it. 父母他們也不是故意的 They love you very much. 他們很愛你 But they're just going to use a different 但是他們就是會用不同的 In a way that may be hard for you to accept 可能你很難接受的方式 To give you love 來給予你愛 And then you can't take it. 然後你沒有辦法接受這樣 But you're in the process of escaping. 但你在這個逃離的過程 And now after understanding 然後在現在理解了之後 You'll want to go back. 你還會想要回頭去 Patching a certain level of relationship? 修補某一種程度的關係嗎 Actually, I'll take my chances. 其實我隨緣 Because I don't think it's too easy 因為我覺得不太容易 Because I think what happened 因為我覺得發生的事情 It just happened. 它就是發生了 It is impossible to patch 不可能修補到 I don't think there's anything going on. 好像沒有事情發生吧 It's a hard thing to do. 這是很難的事情 But 但是 You're just trying to do your best. 你就是盡量的 Understand them. 去理解他們吧 But the process of growing up 但是長大的過程當中 You do have to spend a lot of time 你確實要花很多時間 Going to fix a small time 去修復小時候 The feeling of not being loved. 那種不被愛的感覺啊 You have the strongest feeling of not being loved. 你有最強烈不被愛的感覺 What time is it? 是什麼時候 Because our family is 因為我們家就是 I'm with my sister. 我跟我妹妹嘛 And then my sister is a 然後我妹妹是一個 Looks like a relatively well-behaved person 看起來比較乖巧的人 But she's even more of a rebel than I am. 但其實她內心比我還叛逆 And then I'm a big fan of 然後我是一個很愛 The man who clashed with his mom. 跟媽媽衝突的人 So often, a lot of times 所以常常很多時候 I always feel like my mom 我都會覺得媽媽好像 I like my sister better. 比較喜歡妹妹啊 But because 但是因為 Later I understood it to be 後來我理解是 Mom will think that her sister is the weaker one. 媽媽會覺得妹妹是比較弱小的 It's just that she's skinny too 就是她也很瘦 And then she looks like she's 然後她看起來就是 I'll come to my house to fix the bulb's plumbing. 我就來我家修燈泡的水電 They all say 都會說 Don't take my sister's food. 你不要搶妹妹的飯吃哦 It's from the little 就是從小 I grew up in such a state. 我是在這樣子的狀態下長大的 But my sister loves me too. 但妹妹也很愛我 But I'm just going to have a natural 但是我就是會有一個自然而然的 It's just that I'm going to feel 就是會覺得 You seem to be the unloved one. 你好像是不被愛的那個 Actually, you're probably the more rebellious one. 其實你可能是更叛逆的那個 But you are because big sister 但你是因為大姐 Rebellious to me. 對我很叛逆 But I think what the mom said later was that 但是我覺得後來媽媽的說法就是 I think I am a very independent person 覺得我是一個很獨立的人 And I'm a 而且我是一個 People who are less likely to need to be taken care of 比較不需要被照顧的人 But a sister needs to be taken care of 但妹妹是需要被照顧的 And then we did have the 然後我們確實有在 Settlement 進行和解 It's just that sometimes I 就是有的時候我會 I'll talk to her at the right time. 在適當時機我會跟她講 I'll tell you what I thought when I was a kid. 我說說我覺得小時候 You're nicer to your sister. 你對妹妹比較好啊 But I think 但是我覺得 It's all about harmony and discord. 就是有和跟不和啦 There are just some people who are with people 就是有一些人跟人之間 I think one of the scariest things is 我覺得最可怕的一件事是 If you give birth to a child 如果你生到一個小孩 And then he was 然後他是 He doesn't get along with you. 他跟你不和呢 I think I'm right. 我覺得這是我對 The biggest fear of having a baby 生小孩最大的恐懼 or 或是 He just doesn't like you. 他就是不喜歡你呢 Or maybe you just don't like him? 或者是你就是不喜歡他呢 That's the one. 就是那個 Like is a feeling. 喜歡是一個感受嘛 Love is at the bottom 愛是底層的 You must love your children. 你一定會愛你的小孩 You must love your parents. 你一定會愛你的父母 But if 但是如果 You guys just can't help it. 你們就是沒有辦法 What if we like each other? 彼此喜歡怎麼辦 Because indeed 因為確實 There are a lot of such cases around me. 身邊有很多這樣的案例嘛 I saw my friend having a baby 我看到我的朋友生小孩 And then you'll feel like saying 然後你就會覺得說 This kid really doesn't get along with his parents. 這小孩真的跟他父母很不和 It's just that the parents are suffering from him too 就是父母也被他搞得很痛苦 And then the child is 然後小孩就是 He doesn't like all the things his mom does. 他不喜歡他媽媽做的所有事情 Then I think 那我覺得 Oh my god this thing 天哪這件事情 This is my greatest fear. 這對我來講是最大的恐懼 Maximum Harm 最大害 Have you ever felt that 那你有曾經覺得 Doesn't your mom like you? 你媽媽不喜歡你嗎 Yes, there is. 有啊 Of course, when I was a kid, I didn't understand. 當然在小時候不理解的時候啊 Or 或者是 I think my mom 我覺得我媽媽 The choices I've made are not the choices I would have made. 做的選擇都不是我會做的選擇啊 It's just that when I was a kid, I resisted it. 就是小時候會很抗拒 My mom, for example. 就譬如說我媽媽都會 My mom is a very girly person 我媽是一個非常女生的人 She'll always be 她永遠都是 Wake up in the morning and put on your makeup. 早上起來就化好妝 She always wears dresses. 她永遠都穿裙子 High heels 高跟鞋 There is a state 就是有一個狀態 That's why I didn't wear dresses when I was a kid. 所以我小時候不穿裙子啊 I don't think I'm like my mom. 我覺得我跟我媽媽不一樣 You don't know where that state comes from. 你不知道那個狀態是來自於 You really can't remember. 你真的想不起來 Which moment are you in? 你是在哪一個moment It may have been harmed. 可能被傷害了 You decided not to go with him. 你決定不要跟他一起 Or maybe it's just natural discord 或者是天生不和 It's really hard. 真的很難欸 But I always feel like saying 可是我總覺得說 Because there is love at the bottom of your heart. 因為你底層是有愛的嘛 That. 那 But it's possible 但可能 It's just that my husband has always felt the need to say 就是我老公一直覺得說 He felt that 他覺得說 Is it because I'm not loved? 我是不是因為沒有得到愛 I said I 我說我 Now there is no way to go 現在已經沒有辦法去 Go back in time and ask 回到當時去問 Tell me what's going on. 說發生什麼事情 It's hard to tell. 很難分辨 Yeah, it's hard to tell. 對很難分辨 What the hell is causing this now? 到底是為什麼造成現在 So we're just going to keep going. 那我們就是繼續走下去 We're going to go down in the best shape of our lives. 我們用最好的狀態走下去這樣子 And then it doesn't have to be like everyone else. 然後也不需要像大家一樣 There's just so much love. 就是有那麼多愛 That's just that it's fake too 就是那也很假啊 That's because it's not. 就是因為就不是這樣 I put all the love requirements 我把所有的愛的需求 Or 或是 The ability to give love 給予愛的能力 It's all on the other half. 都放在另外一半身上 Hey, I have a question. 欸那我有個問題 That means you've been to 就是說你有曾經去 Talk to your parents. 跟你的父母說過 Do you think 你覺得 You don't love me enough. 你們不夠愛我 What's on your mind? 在想什麼 Yes, yes, yes. 有有有 Drunk on Mother's Day once. 有一次母親節喝醉 Get drunk. 喝醉 This is a hard one. 欸這個很難 I think this is very hard. 我覺得這個很難欸 And then we, mother and daughter 然後我們母女 Like I'm just gonna cry. 好像我就大哭 I told you you didn't love me. 我就說你都不愛我這樣子 It's true. 真的 Yeah, my sister was there. 對我妹也在 When I was a few years old 幾歲的時候 About ten years ago. 大概十年前吧 It's the one time I got drunk. 就是有一次喝醉 Because we're a drinking family. 因為我們家都是喝酒的Family It's because our family 因為我們家 Drinking Family 喝酒Family Because I feel that with my own parents 因為我覺得跟自己爸媽 Even if you can feel this thing 就算你可以感受到這件事情 But it's hard for you to tell. 但你很難講出來 You have to drink. 一定要喝酒啦 Must drink. 一定要喝 It's hard to tell. 很難講 How did your mom respond? 那你媽媽怎麼回應 Your mom said no. 你媽說沒有啊 I love you so much. 我很愛你啊 I understand that too. 我也理解 But I just wanted to tell her to say 但是我只是想告訴她說 I grew up with this trauma like this 我從小到大的這個trauma這樣子 Uh-huh. 嗯 OK. OK But because 可是因為 You're becoming an adult. 你變成一個大人 You're very understanding. 你很理解 Why is mom in such a state? 媽媽為什麼會有這種狀態 That's if you're a mom. 就是如果你是一個媽媽 And then there's a 然後有一個 It's just a lot of work. 就是一天到晚鬧事 And then the other one is very good. 然後另外一個就是很乖 When I was a kid, I used to think 以前小時候會覺得 Mom wasn't sure. 媽媽沒有肯定 Yes, sir. 對 It's just that my mom is a 就是我媽媽是一個 Very strict mother 非常嚴格的母親 And then say I'm in elementary school. 然後譬如說我在小學 I'm always at the top of my class. 我就是一直都是全班第一名 And then I was very impressed 然後我非常印象深刻 Once. 有一次 Once in junior high school, I came home with the third best grade and got beaten up. 國中有一次考第三名回家被揍 And then because she said 然後因為她說 You're the one who can take the first place test 你就是可以考第一名的人 Why did you come third? 你為什麼考第三名 So she's very demanding. 所以她要求很嚴格 Yes, sir. 對 And then it's just one point short of a hit. 然後就是差一分打一下那種 But you are. 但是你就是 It's not easy for you to think about her now. 你現在去想她也不容易啊 Yeah, but she thinks you're 就是可是她覺得你 It's all about the people who always come in first place. 都是一直考第一名的人這樣子 But why do you think 但是你為什麼會覺得 It's not easy for her either. 她也不容易呢 I just want to say that when I grow up 我就是長大以後去想說 If she's going to face a 如果她要這樣去面對一個 Her children. 她的小孩 It's the people we see around us 就是我們看到身邊的人 How to love her children 是如何去愛她的小孩 You'll see. 你會知道 She's doing it for your own good. 她是為了你好 Go do this thing. 去做這件事情 But this is all rational understanding 但這都是理性的理解 But it was very hard to be there. 但是當場是非常的難受 But when we were kids, the state of affairs was 可是在我們小時候那個狀態就是 You must be very good. 你一定要很好 You must be great. 你一定要很棒 You are. 你就是 You can do it. 你可以做到啊 And then my mom beat me for it. 然後我媽媽打我的原因 It's because she thinks 是因為她覺得 You just can. 你就是可以 She just believes in you. 她相信你而已 Yeah but she doesn't know I'm a 對但是她不知道我是一個 Seven Energy Centers 七個能量中心 The centers are blank. 中心都空白 You're just trying to do nothing or something. 其實你只是想無所事事之類的 She's the one who's going to keep pushing me. 就是她會一直push我 She'll feel like saying 她會覺得說 You're just a great kid. 你就是一個很棒的小孩 It's just always going to be great. 就是一直要很棒 But you want your mom's approval so badly? 但你很想要得到你媽媽的肯定嗎 I won't now. 我現在不會 You used to? 以前會嗎 Actually, no. 其實沒有 I just don't want to get hit. 我只是不想被打而已 I found out later 我後來發現 I don't really need your approval. 我其實沒有很需要大家的肯定 I just think 我只是覺得 It's just a smooth life. 就是生活平順 I still live more in my own world. 我還是比較活在自己的世界 I was just about to ask that question. 我剛會問那個問題啊 Actually, one of them is 其實有一個是 On my birthday this year 我今年生日的時候 Got a text from my mom. 收到我媽媽的簡訊 What's that? 那是什麼 And then my mom said to me. 然後我媽就跟我說 I'm going to go back to my previous statement. 我要先前情提要一下 That is to say 就是說 We are a very traditional family. 我們家是很傳統的家庭 And then it's not so lovey-dovey. 然後是不太言愛的 It's just that you know how to talk about love. 就是你知道講愛 I'm not going to talk about it. 不會講這個事情 Uhm speaking love this 嗯講愛這個 Sounds sad. 聽起來就很難過 Actually, that's right. 其實那個對 That's how it was in those days. 那個年代的大概都是這樣 They don't talk much about love. 都不太言愛 So I think they're just being held hostage. 所以我覺得他們就是被制約 It's serious with the non-self. 跟非自己很嚴重的 Uh-huh. Maybe. 嗯或許 And then they 然後他們 For them. 對他們來講 This thing sounds very 這個東西聽起來很 It's very sticky and greasy. 很黏膩很 I don't think it's greasy. 其實我覺得不是黏膩 It's that they never learn. 而是他們從來沒有學習過 They didn't learn. 他們沒有學過 No learning for them 對他們沒有學過 And then a lot of times 然後很多時候 I don't care. 不管 How do we express 我們怎麼去表達 Love him for this. 愛他這件事情 The Emotion Center's on the fritz. 情緒中心在發威了 Yes, no. 對沒有 How does he express himself? 他怎麼去表達 Love Me 愛我這件事情 No, no, no. I'm serious. 沒有沒有我說真的 That's the thing. 就是這件事情 It gave me a great feeling. 給我很大的感受 I've been thinking about this for a long time. 我思考了好長一段時間欸 I didn't tell you. 我沒跟你講 This thing 這件事情 Because 因為 In fact, this matter 其實這件事情 Always in my heart. 一直在我心裡面 For in my heart 因為我的心裡面 There is a question mark. 是有問號的 That question mark wasn't me. 那那個問號不是我 Questioning my mom's love for me 質疑我媽媽對我的愛 Neither. 也不是 It's how we express it. 而是我們怎麼去表達 Love this thing 愛這件事情 This thing 這件事情 For me it's the funniest. 對我來說才是最有趣的 Because 因為 I think I'm in 我覺得我在 In the past life 過去的人生裡面 often 常常 I don't know how to express my love. 不知道怎麼表達愛的 It should say 應該是說 I don't have much of a chance. 我不太有機會 To express this matter 去表達這件事情 The most I can remember is a couple of times 我最記得有幾次是 I came back from New York once. 我從紐約回來有一次 And then I 然後我 That time back was 那一次回來是 He doesn't know I'm back. 他也不知道我回來了 Then I snuck back in. 然後我是偷偷跑回來 And then that morning I 然後我那天早上 When I got home 回到家的時候 I opened the door to his room. 我就把他的房間門打開 And then my mom saw me 然後我媽看到我 He's probably stupid. 他就大概傻了 Almost a minute. 將近一分鐘的時間 But he didn't say anything. 但他沒講話 And then he just said one thing. 然後他只說了一句話 And he said. 他就說 Why don't you come over and hug me? 你怎麼還不過來抱我 This sentence is 這句話是 I'm in the 我在 I've been alive for about 23 or 24 years 我活了大概二十三四年 I've never heard him say that to me. 我沒聽過他跟我說過這句話 I've never heard of it. 我從來沒聽過 That's it. 就是 He's pampering me. 他在對我撒嬌 That moment 那一刻 You know that moment in time 你知道那一刻的那一刻 I suddenly feel that 我突然覺得 I'm a child. 我是小孩 I'm an adult too. 我也是大人 The mood of the moment 那一刻的心情 Very, very complicated. 非常非常的複雜 But between me and him 可是我跟他之間 There are still a lot of knots. 還是有非常多的心結 The knot. 那個心結 It's also complicated. 也很複雜 We're not the only ones. 不是只有我們 I think mothers and daughters are both really 我覺得母女真的都很 Mothers and daughters are difficult. 母女很難 He's also not just in the 他也不僅只在於 That bond between mother and daughter 母女之間的那個情結 The above complex 上面的複雜 And there's a lot going on in our family. 還有我們家有很多事 So he's complicated. 所以他是很複雜的 Because he's watching what I do with it. 因為他看著我怎麼處理 What's going on at home 家裡面的事 And so on and so forth. 等等之類的 Anyway Anyway It's my birthday this year. 我今年生日了 He was listening to my podcast. 他後來有在聽我的Podcast Then my Podcast 那我的Podcast I've actually never 我其實從來 I think mom 我覺得媽媽 My mom cares about my work. 媽媽很關心我的工作 Yeah, but I've never 對但是我從來沒有 I'm interested in this matter 我對這件事情 It's all very open. 都是很放開的 And then on my birthday this year. 然後今年生日的時候 I just got a text message 我就收到一個簡訊 Uh-huh. 嗯 He 他 I know he has been 我知道他一直以來 My expectation is that 對我的期盼就是 He wants me to be happily married. 他希望我的婚姻是幸福的 Not like him. 跟他不一樣 Uh-huh. 嗯 So he told me 所以他就跟我說 Daughter, I wish you 女兒我希望你 Happiness 幸福快樂 That's great. 好棒喔 And then the last thing he said was 然後他最後一句他是說 00:51:57,840 --> 00:51:59,480 Your mom loves you. 你媽媽是愛你的 Oh, wow. 哇 Oh! 喔 Haha! 哈哈 The emotional center is attacking me. 情緒中心開始攻擊我了 I'll be honest with you. 對然後我說實話 I'm seeing 我在看到 When I read this message 我在看到這封訊息的時候 It's just a couple of sentences. 其實只有短短的一兩句 But I 可是我 I was actually stupid for a long time. 我其實傻了很久 But in that sentence or two 可是那一兩句裡頭 I think there are many, many 我覺得有很多很多的 Details 細節 There are a lot of details 有很多的細節 There's his desire for his life. 有他對於他這一生的渴望 Yes, it is. 是 He has 他有 His Deficit 他的虧欠 And then there's his life. 嗯然後也有他這一生 My expectations and hopes 對我的期盼跟希望 It's me in there. 就是在裡面我 Inside these two sentences 在這兩句裡面 I can totally relate. 我完全可以感受得到 Oh, wow. 哇 You. 你 But 但是 That's me. 就是我 But I'm still 但是我還是 I actually wanted to reply to his text message. 我其實我很想回他那一封簡訊 But I've basically 可是我到現在我基本上 I can't go back. 回不了 Uh, I can't respond. 嗯我回不了 Why are you doing this? 為什麼 Because I think I'm not interested in his 因為我覺得我對他的 Love is more complicated 愛更複雜 It's just that there's too much complexity. 就是那個複雜的程度太多了 It's just that I'm sure a lot of people 就是我相信很多人 Possible 可能 I'm in the same state as me. 跟我處在同樣的狀態 Because 因為 He's not easy to solve. 他不是很容易可以解的 Yes. 對 A lot of love and hate in 很多的愛跟恨在 He is not a man whose words can 他不是一句話可以 He's not. 他不是 But you know mom. 可是你知道媽媽 What did he pass the olive branch for? 他什麼遞出橄欖枝 I think the one that hands out the olive branch 我覺得那個遞出橄欖枝 Also he was on that day 也是他在那一天 What he can do 他能夠做的事 In fact 其實 He's still treating me the same way. 他到現在對我還是一樣的態度 He's not. 他不是 He's not from that after 他不是從那個以後 He will. 他就會 Getting Better 就變好 No, no, no. 沒有沒有 Yes, yes, yes. 對對對 That's how he was with my mom. 他跟我的媽媽就是這樣 No no no no. 沒有沒有沒有 It's hard. 很難 He's been like this his whole life. 他一輩子都這樣 He would suddenly 他會突然 Wanted to tell you something 想要告訴你一些事情 But he's still going back. 但是他還是會回去 You'd be shocked to hear that. 你聽了你都會嚇一跳 But you 但是你 Yes, yes, yes, yes. 對對對沒錯 What I'm trying to say is to say 我要說的是說 Love is not easy 愛不容易 But 但是 I think 我覺得 How can I describe it? 我怎麼形容呢 Love is not easy in this 愛都是在這不容易的 Inside all the processes 所有的過程裡面 Yes, sir. 對 Accumulated 累積而成 It's all over you 它都在你所有 There are no words. 沒有辦法用言語的 In the process of describing 形容的過程裡面 Now if I feel a very deep love 我現在如果感受到很深刻的愛 In fact, this 其實這個 Because this newsletter is actually 因為這個簡訊其實 I can't tell you. 講不出來 I can't tell you. 說不出來 He's probably buried in 他大概又埋沒在 The one I had with my mom. 我跟我媽媽的那個 Inside the message process 訊息的過程裡面 He's buried again. 他又埋沒住了 In that daily 在那個日常 But all of you will know the moment. 可是你們大家都會知道那個moment He will too. 他也會 The most interesting thing about this is that 這個我覺得最有趣的事情是 That's it. 就是 A lot of times he's in that routine. 很多時候他在那個日常裡面 You can feel it. 你可以感受得到 But you can't tell me. 但你講不出來 You can't say it either. 你也說不出來 And then 然後 There's nothing you can do. 你也沒有辦法 It's easy to give him proof. 很輕易的給他一個證明 It's easy to give him a definition 很輕易給他一個定義 But you can't deny that he exists. 但你不能否認他存在 But you can't be sure that he 但你也不能肯定他 There it is. 就是在那裡 So I think family relationships are hard. 所以我覺得家人的關係很難 That's it. 就是 If we follow the previous generation 如果跟上一代 It's not even finished yet. 都還沒有解完 And then you have the next generation. 然後你又有下一代 And then the thing is 然後這件事是 I think the hardest thing in the world. 我覺得人世間最難的事情 I think you can choose your friends. 我覺得朋友是你可以選的嘛 But your relatives your family 可是你的親戚你的家人 It's just that you don't get to choose. 就是你沒有辦法選 What kind of kid do you want? 你要一個什麼樣的小孩 Or what kind of parent are you going to choose? 或是你要選一個什麼樣的父母 It's the same for them. 對他們來說也是一樣 So I think this thing 所以我覺得這件事情 It's just too much for me. 實在是給我太大的 Fear. 恐懼了 And after the baby is born. 而且小孩生了之後 There's no turning back. 就沒有回頭路了 Because he will. 因為他就會 He's growing up every day. 他每天都在長大 And then, even if you haven't learned to be a parent yet. 然後你就算還沒學會當父母 He's still growing up. 他還是在繼續長大 I think the finaly thing is the hardest. 我覺得finaly這件事情是最難的 So I 所以我 There is a deliberate desire to 有刻意的想要 Don't let this happen again. 不要讓這件事情再發生下去 Because I think 因為我覺得 If a parent inadvertently causes 如果父母不經意的造成 Child. 孩子 If it's hard to grow up 成長的辛苦的話 Then I hope 那我希望 I don't want to cause any more 我不要再造成 Other human beings in this world work hard 這世界上其他人類的辛苦 But you really don't want to do this? 但你真的不想要做這件事嗎 Actually 其實是 From the bottom of your heart. 打從心裡你想的 I think it would be too much work. 我覺得會太辛苦 It's you or him. 辛苦是你還是他 It's all hard work. 都辛苦 Because I don't want this kind of relationship anymore. 因為我不想要再有這樣子的關係 Continuity 繼續的延續 I did yoga at home every day during the epidemic. 疫情期間我每天在家裡做瑜伽 Then I fell in love with yoga. 然後我就愛上瑜伽 And then the yoga teacher 然後瑜伽的老師 He made a similar remark. 他說了一句類似的話 That's what it means to keep a balance. 就是說保持平衡 Maximum force is required. 需要最大的力氣 That's when you know you've been moving 就是你知道你一直動 You keep going to solve 你一直去解決 It's easy. 這是輕鬆的 But it's hard when you don't move. 可是你不動才是難的 That's what you're practicing. 就是你要練習這件事情 You're not the only one who needs to practice. 不只你要練習 We all need to practice this thing. 我們大家都要練習這件事情 And then it's just like talking to the human map. 然後這又正好跟人類圖講 Producer is you have to wait 生產者是你要等待 And then respond to it when it comes up. 然後當事情來面前要回應 I can't wait. 我等待不了 So this is the most important 所以這個是最重要 I want to start an online course. 我要開線上課程最重要 It's to teach people that you try 是要教大家說你試試看 You don't even need to know about those energy centers 你都可以不用知道那些能量中心 Don't know those channels 不要知道那些通道 But you'll have to wait. 但是你要學會等待 Because we are designed to wait 因為我們的設計就是等待 It's just waiting. 就是等待 And then you know yoga 然後你知道瑜伽 You're making gestures. 你在做一些姿勢 It's just hard. 它就是很難 That's where it's balanced. 就是它在那邊平衡 You're balancing. 你在平衡的時候 You look like you're moving the hardest. 你看起來不動是最用力的 It's easiest for you to move around. 你動來動去是最輕鬆的 Well, of course we're going to do something light. 那當然我們會去做一些輕鬆的事情 But actually this thing 但是其實這件事情 If we want to get better 如果我們想要變好 Or we want to be more 或是我們想要變得更 Not necessarily good 不一定是好 It's just easier and happier. 就是變得更輕鬆快樂 We can try this. 我們就可以去嘗試這樣子 In fact, this kind of thing should be with everyone. 其實這種東西應該是跟每個人的 Personality has more to do with 性格有比較大的關聯 Yes, that's why everyone faces different challenges. 是所以每個人面對到的挑戰會不一樣 But actually for the producers 但是其實對於生產者來講 Waiting for a response this is 等待回應這是 70% of the people in the world have to practice. 這世界上70%的人都要練習的 Then I'd feel terrible at first too. 那我一開始也會覺得很可怕 I don't think waiting for me would be a good idea. 我覺得說等待我就不 So now it should be producers 所以現在應該生產者 It's 70%. 80% of the people are producers. 是70% 80%的人都是生產者 Yes, about 70%. 對大概70% And then the second one is the projector 20%. 然後第二種是投射者20% And then there's the 8% display 然後還有顯示者8% And then the responders do at least this 然後反應者最少這樣子 So what is showing the producer 那什麼是顯示生產者 Show that producers are also producers 顯示生產者也是生產者 Two types of producers 生產者兩種 One is a pure producer 一種是純生產者 One is to show the producer 一種是顯示生產者 Show Producer 顯示生產者 Without it it's just a term. 沒有它就是只是一個名詞而已 It's just half and half. 它就是一半一半 Show Producer 顯示生產者 If you see that your diagram is showing producer 如果你看到你的圖是顯示生產者 The representative is a man in a hurry. 代表就是一個很急 Very focused on efficiency to be very fast people 很注重效率要很快的人 And then the other half are pure producers 然後另外一半是純生產者 They are just very demanding of perfection 他們就是非常要求完美 And then we're going to do what we're going to do. 然後按部就班 No we both are showing 沒有我們兩個都是顯示 Pre-producers 先產生產者 It's okay. I can talk. 沒關係我可以講 So you're just in a hurry. 所以你們就是很急 But you can feel 但你可以感受到 I am a pure producer 我就是一個純生產者 I'm doing something. 我在做事 I'll have my own rhythm. 我就會有我自己的節奏 I won't. 我不會 I don't have access to that kind of 我沒有辦法進入那種 Very, very, very urgent. 很急很急的狀態 But I have my own 但是我有自己的 Well I'm another angle 嗯我另外一個角度 Come see this thing 來看這件事情 That is, if you're listening right now 就是說如果你聽到現在 I don't know what you're talking about. 也聽不懂的話 You'll be looking for the link at the bottom in a minute. 你等一下就去底下找連結 Yes, sir. 對 Here we go. Here we go. 來了來了 I'm going to like it later. 等一下就去點讚 Bottom Link 底下的連結 Let me be professional 讓我專業的 Yes, and then I used a different angle 對然後我用另外一個角度 Go see this thing 去看這個事情 I'll help you find the data. 我幫你把資料找出來 I'll go to the bottom and click on the link in a minute. 等一下就去底下點連結 How's it going, guys? 好不好各位同學 Then wait for me. 然後等我 Because I'm taking this online class at KnowledgeSatellite. 因為我在知識衛星的這個線上課 The course is called 課程叫做 A Practical Class on Human Mapping with Kaye Lu 路嘉怡的人類圖實踐課 It's just a practical life lesson. 就是讓生活實踐課 Let's all think 讓大家我覺得 In fact, all knowledge is unimportant 其實所有知識都不重要 But you have to do 但是你要做 It's true. 真的 You promised me. 你們答應我就是 Starting tomorrow 明天開始 Waiting starts tonight 今天晚上開始等待 The right thing comes to you. 適合的人事物來到你面前 It will appear as a signal 它會以信號的方式出現 Then if your referrals 然後如果你的薦骨 There's a response to this. 這件事有回應 Just go for it. 就去做做看 Do you know the recommended response 你知道薦骨回應 It's like when you go to a restaurant. 就是譬如說你到餐廳 To a Michelin restaurant 到一個米其林餐廳 Let me tell you something. 大家跟你講說 It's most famous for this dish 它的這個菜最有名 But how do you see the menu? 但是你怎麼看那個menu I don't even have a feeling for this dish. 都對這個菜沒有感覺 Do you want to eat one of the other 你想吃一個其他的 That's the recommendation response 那個就是薦骨回應 It's not a mental judgment. 它不是經過頭腦的判斷 Your body wants to do 你身體想要去做 We were just talking. 那我們剛剛聊 Who is your latest idol? 你最近的偶像是誰 I'm not a recent 我不是最近 I only have one idol in my life 我人生只有一個偶像 Just my idol. 就是我的偶像 I'll stick with what I said earlier. 還是秉持著我前面講的 All About Love 就是要愛 You have to love 你要愛 I just have to be with him. 我只是要跟他在一起 Which one? 哪一位 And then my only idol when I was a kid. 然後我小時候唯一一個偶像 That's what I think. 就是我覺得 I'm most likely to be with him 我最有可能跟他在一起 Who's that? 那是誰 It's possible that I know him. 我有可能認識他 And I'm also trying to 而且我也試圖 It took a lot to get to know him. 用了很多方式去認識他 And then he knew me, too. 然後他也認識我 It's that Zhang Hak Fan. 是那個張克帆 Red Child 紅孩兒 A lifetime of love 用盡一生的愛 Just for the sake of 只為了 He's the one who's shining 他是那個shining I'm not going to be able to do that. shining love you honey girl swing girl honey girl搖擺女郎 It's true. 真的假的 Zhang Kefan is your idol. 張克帆是你的偶像 When I was a kid 我小時候 And then I 然後我就 My 我的 China 國中 My High School Souvenir Book 我的高中紀念冊 Everyone is saying good luck to you and Kefan on your wedding. 大家都說就是祝你跟克帆結婚 Like this 這樣子 And then 然後 Later, because of the 後來因為 My junior high school classmates' 我國中同學的 High School Students 高中同學 It's his sister. 是他妹妹 Knowing his sister 認識他妹妹 And then I had to give him my love letter. 然後還要把我的情書給他 And you're going to write him a love letter. 你還要寫情書給他 And then I remember the only time I went to a 然後我記得我唯一去過一場 His book signing 他的算簽書會 Don't know the signature yet. 還不知道簽 At that time 那時候 Signing 簽唱會 Autograph Session 簽唱會 Signature CD's 簽CD的 Do you have any idea how hard I've been working on this machine? 你知道我有多用心機嗎 Looking for a very cold 找了一個非常冷門的 Viewpoints 景點 Record Label 的唱片行 Because 因為 I know there won't be many people there. 我知道那邊不會很多人 Then he'll see me. 然後這樣他就會看到我 And then I 然後我就 After his sister talked to him 在他妹妹跟他 After handing him my love letter 交給他我的情書之後 I was there. 我去了那場 Use your heart. 用心 I'm very well intentioned. 我很用心良苦 And then I went over there. 然後我就到那邊 And then he said 然後他就說 It's you, blah blah blah. 就是你啊什麼什麼的 And then I take one more. 然後我還拿一個 My Bag 我的包包 I'll give him my bag to sign. 我那時候的包包給他簽 Like this 這樣子 I hope he can be impressed by my beauty 我希望他可以被我的美貌 Beauty Fascination 美貌迷倒 hahahaha 哈哈哈哈 At that time 那個時候 hahahaha 哈哈哈哈 Have fun with this! 好好玩這個 I think when we were kids 我覺得我們小時候 There will be a lot of these 都會有很多這種 I don't have an idol. 我沒有偶像 My idol is 我的偶像就是 I'm going out with him. 我要跟他交往 Yes, sir. 對 I only have 我只有 This is the only thing I have. 我只有這件事 Oh. 哦 I get it. 我懂 I'm not going to like BTS 我不會去喜歡BTS I'm not going to like that. 我不會去喜歡那個 GD or what? GD或什麼 Because I think 因為我覺得 My first consideration is 我第一個考慮的是 He's too young. 他年紀太小 Or 或是 He's the same size as 他個子跟 Stay with me. 跟我在一起 I might 我可能 I am considering 我考慮的是 I'm with him. 我跟他在一起 So your premise is 所以你的前提就是 With the premise of socializing 以交往為前提 Being an Idol 當作偶像 So your husband 所以你老公 In fact, it's your idol now. 其實現在就是你的偶像 Yes, sir. 對 Ahh. 啊 So you haven't 所以你還沒有 Before dating your husband 跟你老公交往之前 He's your idol too. 他也是你的偶像 Neither. 也不是 No, it's not. 不是 It's just that he and I are friends. 就是我跟他就是朋友啊 Just a friend I know. 就是認識的朋友 But 但是 I'm not very good at idolatry 我不太會去崇拜偶像 And then there's one in the middle. 然後中間有一個 It's Jack Johnson. 是傑克強森 hahahaha 哈哈哈哈 It's true. 這真的 You won't too. 你不會也 Trying to follow 試圖的想要跟 Jack Johnson 傑克強森 Because I'll just tell the record company to say 因為我就叫唱片公司說 Going to see him in concert 要去看他演唱會 And then 然後 Later on, so did I. 後來我也是 What is it? 什麼內容啊 What the hell am I listening to? 我到底聽了什麼 But... 可是 But I have 可是我有 I 我 Because I had grown up by then. 因為我那時候已經長大了 And then I was going to say 然後我後來我就想說 Jack Johnson is married. 傑克強森已經結婚了 It's just that I don't have 就是我比較沒有 No chance. 沒機會了 But I'm still going to the backstage 但是我還是要去後台 And then I saw him. 然後見到他 Because I am. 因為我就是 Similar 類似 A Host Identity 一個主持人身份 Interview him. 去採訪他 And then I looked. 然後我一看 It's like Jack I love you. 好像傑克我愛你 Jack, I love you. 傑克我愛你 I love you. 我愛你 I love you, Jack. 我愛你傑克 Ha ha ha ha. 哈哈哈哈 You have to remember me. 你要記得我 I'm Miranda from Taiwan. 我是台灣的米蘭達 Hahahahaha. 哈哈哈哈 You. 你 Essentially a madman, right? 本質上是個瘋子吧 Yes, sir. 對 It's just that I'm interested in this whole love thing. 就是我對愛這件事情 I am very 我是很 You really exist for love. 有你真的是為愛存在的 Yeah, that's all I got. 對就是我所有東西 I must have love. 我都必須要有愛 There is no love without 沒有愛就沒有 Even the people I work with 即便跟我工作的人 I also think it's a good idea to say 我也覺得說 We must 我們一定要 That is, are you going to 就是你是要 Love me 對我有愛 If you're just trying to 如果你只是為了 Getting paid to work with me. 領這個薪水跟我工作 I can't feel your love for me. 我感受不到你對我愛 I'd have no motivation either. 我就會也沒有動力 Oh. 哦 I understand that. 這個我明白 I understand this. 明白這個我明白 We've been thinking about this lately. 我們最近也在想這個事 But I'm 但是我是 It's all described in terms of trust 都是用信任在形容 But I think love 但是我覺得愛 I think love is actually very obvious. 我覺得愛其實很明顯 You can tell if this man is 你可以知道這個人是不是 For example, our work 譬如說我們的工作 Our agent 我們的經紀人 He just has to love me. 他就是必須要愛我 I'd know if you didn't love me. 如果你不愛我我會知道 You can feel it. 你可以感受得到 Yes, sir. 對 And then you know 然後你知道 I know you're doing all right. 我知道你都做得很好 But you don't love me. 但你不愛我 Then if I have to see you every day. 然後如果每天都要看到你的話 Yes, but you don't love me. 對但你不愛我 And then it felt perfect. 然後那個感覺很完美 But you don't love me. 但你不愛我 Hahahahaha. 哈哈哈哈 Can I get a special feature on this? 可不可以特寫一下這個 But you don't love me. 但你不愛我 This won't work. 這不行 You can't love me if you don't love me. 就是你不愛我就不行 It's true. 真的 But I really think 但我真的覺得 If we live in this world 如果我們活在這個世界上 And then we're surrounded by 然後我們身邊就 It's all over the place. 堆著一堆 We don't like it. 我們不喜歡 And then he doesn't love me either. 然後他也不愛我的人 What the hell was that for? 到底到底為了是什麼 Don't have these people 不要有這些人 Don't let these people 就不要這些人 Just delete him. 就直接把他刪掉 Yes. 對刪掉 Delete Delete Delete 刪掉刪掉 Yes, sir. 對 Let's see. 我想想 Why didn't you become a harmonizer? 你為什麼沒有去當諧星啊 Am I a harmonizer? 我是諧星嗎 Your face is so funny. 你的臉好好笑 But my husband says 可是我老公都說 I'm really bored. 我真的很無聊 He says you're just not funny. 他說你就是很難笑 And he said. 他就說 You're just super funny in the mirror. 你就是在鏡頭下超好笑 But 但 As long as 只要 Because we're trained. 因為我們受過訓練嘛 That's us. 就是我們 That's me, I started out as Sister Yin. 就是我一開始是小燕姐 The man with the belt. 帶的人 After I left MTV 我在離開MTV以後 It's Xiaoyan. 就是小燕姐 Sister Xiao Yan would tell us that 小燕姐就會告訴我們說 12345 12345 And then we are 然後我們就是 I've been trained in these things for a long time. 很早就受過這些訓練 And then it's hard to take these things off 然後也很難拿掉這些東西 And then my husband said 然後我老公就說 In fact, in your private life 其實你私底下 It's just a super north blue guy 就是一個超北藍的人 Right. 對啊 But everyone will feel the need to say 可是大家都會覺得說 You're the pop godfather. 你是流行教主 What? What? 什麼什麼 But I didn't want it either. 可是我也沒有想要 Special strength to do this 特別強力的去做這件事情 Because 因為 At that time, it was known that 當時知道 For example you will see 譬如說你們會看到 People will see 大家會看到 It's just something that comes very naturally 就是很自然而然的事情 I don't need 我不需要 It's time to come out and say 這時候站出來說 Oh, no. 喔沒有 I'm not like that. 我不是這樣子的人 I think 我覺得 I'm a very compliant person 我是一個非常順勢的人 There we are today 有我們今天 Before the interview 採訪之前 I'm actually very worried. 我其實很擔心 What are you worried about? 擔心什麼 Bishop 教主 Worried About Interviewing the Pop Godfather 擔心採訪流行教主 Because I 因為我 I'm not popular at all. 我一點都不流行 You don't have to lighten your hair. 不會你的頭髮就亮點 No I'm not today 沒有我今天 I'll tell you today. 我今天我跟你說 Look at a lot of words 看很多字 Let me tell you something. 我跟你說 I think you 我覺得你 That is, he can already beat 就是他已經可以勝過 Rambling Xiang 亂彈阿翔 I'm telling you that I'm today 我跟你說我今天 Before talking to you 在跟你聊天之前 I'm super nervous. 我超緊張的 Tongue 舌哥 Because I 因為我 Because I'm not popular at all. 因為我一點都不流行 I have no idea at all about people who follow the popular 我完全不知道跟流行的人 What do you want to say? 要講什麼話 But I am now 可是我現在 I'm interested in the word "popular 我對於流行這個字眼 There is a certain degree of 有某種程度上的 Not a lot of confidence 沒有太多的自信 No, that's your resistance. 沒有那是你的抗拒吧 It's your demeanor. 就是你的言談舉止 And then you're actually popular 然後其實你是流行的 But you don't want 但是你不想要 Framed by this box 被這個框框框住 So I'll just say 所以我就說 Hey, how are you guys doing? 欸你們怎麼樣 He just said no. 他就說沒有 I usually like shorts and tank tops. 我平常就喜歡短褲背心啊 That's it. 就是 Is that north? 就是靠北嗎 Yes, yes, yes. 有有有 I think that's a protective color. 我覺得那個就是一個保護色 And then of course I 然後我當然就 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 對啊對啊對啊 But I think 但是我覺得 That's a protective color. 那就是一個保護色 Actually, the popularity of this thing 其實流行這件事情 You're the one who picks the 就是你挑選一個 It's just a matter of what works for you. 自己適合的東西而已啊 Oh, yeah. 喔可以 I start today. 我從今天開始 I think I'm super popular. 我覺得我超流行的 I was told by the pop godfather 我被流行教主講 I actually understand 我其實很理解 That hair of yours. 那你的一頭秀髮 Who can compare 誰可以比過 But I want to ask you a question. 可是我想問你一個問題欸 What is happiness to you? 對你來說快樂是什麼 What is happiness? 快樂是什麼 Because I've just been feeling it. 因為我剛剛一直覺得啊 You are a 你是一個 A person who can bring happiness to others 可以帶給別人很快樂的人 No matter what you've been through in the past. 不管你過去經歷過什麼 Each and every one of us 我們每一個人 Probably all of them. 可能都會經歷過 A lot of frustrating times 很多沮喪的時候 Or a very lost moment 或者是很失落的時刻 And then you don't even remember. 然後你都不記得 Yes, sir. 對 And we're recording now. 然後我們錄到現在 Actually, you're all 其實你都是 Very happy, very fast. 很開心的很快樂的 Yeah, you know what? 對你知道嗎 Just before I come to record 就我要來錄之前 My husband said 我老公說 Hey, you're going to be on that show? 欸你要去上那個節目啊 They'll make you cry. 他們都會把你逼哭 And then I said 然後我就說 But is there a possibility that 可是有沒有一個可能 Because a lot of people just 因為很多人就是 No regular drinking. 沒有在常喝酒 I cry when I drink. 喝完酒就會哭 But I drink a lot. 但是我常喝酒 And I just laugh when I finish my drink. 而且我喝完酒就是在笑 No, no, no. 沒有沒有 The purpose of our program 我們節目的宗旨 Definitely not forced to cry. 絕對不是逼哭 Yes, I know it's not. 對我知道不是 But I think 但是我覺得 It's just that when he cries 只是他哭的時候 Because 因為 It's just annoying. 就是很煩嘛 I'm just out for a drink. 就是出來喝酒喝一喝 Just cry over there. 就在那邊哭 That's it. 就是 Drinking is all about having fun 喝酒就是要開心啊 What the hell are you doing with Mr. Sheridan? 你到底跟雪力老師 What's the difference? 有什麼兩樣 You should be 你應該是 Laughing my ass off. 笑死了 Mr. Shelly came last week. 雪力老師上禮拜來也是 Wow, I'm telling you, it's arrogant. 哇我跟你講 囂張的 It's not about drinking, it's about having fun. 不是喝酒是要開心 If you are not happy 如果你不開心 Just don't drink it. 你就不要喝啊 Let me ask you a question. 我跟你講我問你一個 Tougher questions 比較難的問題 Good. 好 Hey I was just happy 欸我剛剛快樂 He hasn't even replied to me yet. 他都還沒有回覆我欸 How can you pull my question? 你怎麼可以扯我的問題 I think happiness is 我覺得快樂就是 You have the ability to laugh every day 你每天有笑的能力 Oh. 喔 Because we often don't have the ability to laugh 因為我們常常沒有笑的能力啊 But you know you have the ability to laugh today 但是你知道你今天有笑的能力 Uh-huh. 嗯 That's a good one. 這個不錯欸 Laughing is also an ability 笑也是一種能力 You're the one who's laughing. 就是你笑得出來啊 Do you think Lu Jiayi is a 你覺得路嘉怡是一個 What kind of person 什麼樣的人 Lu Jiayi is a very lazy person. 路嘉怡就是一個很懶散的人啊 Sleep 10 hours a day. 每天要睡十個小時 And then you love to drink. 然後很愛喝酒啊 hahahaha 哈哈哈哈 And then it's very 然後很 He's perfect for our show. 他好適合上我們節目 What's he on? 他上什麼 Uh-huh. 嗯 Just very relaxed people 就是很輕鬆的人 And then the one who loves to talk shit. 然後很愛講幹話的人 The Northern Blue 北藍的人 That is, everyone 就是大家都 I can't get my point. get不到我這一點 I'm frustrated. 我很挫折 I get it. I get it. 我懂我懂 Because I'm telling you. 因為我跟你說 The reason is that everybody thinks that it is a good idea to say 因為大家都覺得說 You've been on the screen for a long time. 你很早就呈現在螢光幕上面 And then you're supposed to be asking for a 然後你就應該是要一個 What is the state of people 什麼樣狀態的人 But actually I am privately 但其實我私底下就是 It really is. 真的就是 I don't want to say anything meaningful. 我不想要講任何有意義的話 Hahahahaha. 哈哈哈哈 That's you. 就是你 hahahaha 哈哈哈哈 Drinking. Drinking. Drinking. 喝酒喝酒喝酒 I think 我覺得 hahahaha 哈哈哈哈 Because I often go and ask 因為我常常會去問說 What is love to you? 對你來說愛是什麼 Then a lot of people will feel like saying 然後很多人都會覺得說 Because I would be asking people 因為我都會在問別人 What is the definition of love? 愛的定義是什麼 Then a lot of people will feel like saying 然後很多人都會覺得說 Why does this program have to keep asking people? 幹嘛這個節目要一直去問別人 What is the definition of definition of definition of definition 什麼是定義定義定義定義 But in fact 但是其實 What I'm looking for is not a definition, but a meaning. 我其實在尋找的不是定義是意義 Uh-huh. 嗯 Meaning it is subject to change 意義它是會改變的 Did you know that 你知道嗎 It's actually going to go with your time 它其實是會隨著你的時間走 This is how you learn 這就是你的學習啊 I think it's great. 我覺得很棒 I just really want to go. 對我就是很想要去 Because every single one of them I did 因為每一個人我幹 I'll ask you next fucking year. 我媽的明年問你 I don't believe you. 你會一樣我就不信 Uh-huh. 嗯 It's just that it's not going to be the same 就是它會不一樣 It's possible. It's possible. 有可能有可能 But for me I would be different. 可是對我來說我就會不一樣 It will be different for you. 對你會不一樣 I will be different. 我一定會不一樣 Because I want to this year 因為我今年想 I have never guaranteed that 我從來沒有保證說 The meaning of what I want in 2023 我2023年想的意義 Same meaning as I thought in 2024. 跟我2024年想的意義一樣 Love is breath and love is air. 愛是呼吸愛是空氣 Love is living 愛是活下去的 The most important element 最重要的元素 Uh-huh. 嗯 Do you think you can die without love? 你覺得沒有愛你會死嗎 I'm gonna die. 我會死啊 It's just that love is 就是愛是 Love is the essence of my life. 就是愛是我生命的本體 Ask me what love is. 你要問我愛是什麼 I just don't love it, it'll kill me. 就是不愛會死啊 His husband should be lucky. 他老公應該是幸運的啦 In a way 某種程度上 I think a man can have someone so 我覺得男人能夠有人這麼 You know. 你知道 Just keep watching him and love him all the time 就是一直關注他一直愛他 I think this is you. 我覺得這個是你本身 To your husband. 對你老公 Soup, right? 姓湯對不對 Is it Soup? 是姓湯嗎 You're a lucky man, Mr. Towers. 湯先生你很幸運 It must be said that 必須說 Yes, yes, yes, yes. 可以可以可以 No I think I'm really lucky. 沒有我覺得我真的很幸運 Yes or no? 對好不好 I feel like I'm 沒有我都覺得我 I think 我覺得 I think he's lucky. 我都覺得他很幸運 Really? 真的嗎 I think it's pretty good. 我覺得還不錯 I am optimistic. 我算是比較樂觀的 Because so am I. 因為我也是 I'm as pessimistic as you are 跟你一樣比較悲觀的 I feel like my life 我都覺得我人生 I'm not going to do that again. 再遭也 But that's 不過就是 Yeah, they're all found. 對都是撿到的 I feel like if he didn't have me in his life 我都覺得他如果人生沒有我 He's boring. 他很無聊欸 Right, right, right. 對啦對啦 OK. OK Is that right? 是嗎 OK. OK Yeah. 是啊 Look at him. Everything's filled up. 你看他所有東西都被填滿了 Yes, that's right. 對對是 There are no vacancies. 都沒有任何的空缺 Yes 是 Isn't that right? 是不是 But he had radicalized 但他有激化 Activate 激活 Activate Activate 激活激活 No, I don't think of those two words. 沒有我想到這兩個字 I think it's funny. 我覺得很好笑 That's what activates your points. 就是激活你的什麼點數 Activate Activate Yeah. 對 I activated his points too! 我也激活了他的點數啊 Yes, sir. 對 His life is so boring, isn't it? 他人生這麼無聊對不對 Then my life is out of control. 那我人生很失控 So I filled in his boredom 所以我填補了他的無聊 Then he also activated my 然後他也激活了我的 You know out of control 你知道失控 Stabilizing Power 穩定的力量 But you have 但是你們有 There was an attempt by me to 有被我 Have you changed your mind about me? 有對我改觀嗎 Yes. 有 Clam. 蛤 Yes. 有 I'm sorry. 我對你 Yes, yes, yes. 有有有 I don't have much of an opinion on his hands. 我對他手上沒有什麼觀 And then he didn't change anything. 然後他就不改什麼觀 Actually, before I came here, for me 來之前其實對我來講 I feel like I'm under a lot of pressure. 我覺得我壓力很大 Absolutely not. 絕對不是 What does that mean? 什麼意思啊 It's not because 不是因為 You are not my type You are not my type So I don't want this question 所以我不要這個問題 You are not my type either You are not my type either Either Either You're too skinny. 你太瘦了 Thin 瘦 Skinny me. 瘦死我了 No, no, no. 沒有沒有 I think before you came here today 我覺得你今天來之前 I'm under a lot of pressure. 我壓力很大 Why are you doing this? 為什麼 Because I'm afraid. 因為我害怕 I'm not trying to tell you anything. 我不是要跟你講什麼 And then I kept thinking 然後我一直覺得 You must be a very Cocky person. 你一定會是一個很Cocky的人 Cocky Cocky Cocky is just plain proud. Cocky就是很驕傲的人 It's the guy with the big dick. 就是老二很大的人 I don't have a dick. 我沒有老二 It's just that it's a very 就是那種很 Cocky, he's the one. Cocky他就是那個 Proud 驕傲的人 A very cocky guy. 很雞掰的人 I look like I'm giving off that vibe. 我看起來就是給別人那種感覺 I saw you when I was a kid and thought 我小時候看你就覺得 I just seem to be 我就是看起來就是 It's just awesome. 就是很厲害的 You're a good talker. 講話很會講的 And then 然後 Okay, then. 好然後 And now 然後現在 That's the stereotype. 就是那個刻板印象 When we were kids, we watched TV. 我們小時候就是看電視 And now 然後現在 This person should be very 這個人應該是很 Why 為什麼 Because I win. 因為老娘勝 Yes or no? 有沒有 Isn't that right? 是不是 If you can't make it. 跑不到就 I'll tell you what. 我跟你說你先 Okay, whatever. 好啦隨便啦 Just crying for 只是在哭著要 No, no, no. 沒有沒有 But it really isn't. 但真的不是 Because I was here today before you came. 因為我今天你來之前 I'm nervous. 我好緊張 I just want to say 我就想說 No, I'm not. 路嘉怡來我不是 I really don't know what to talk to him about. 真的不知道跟他聊什麼 I'm not sure he is. 我會不會他就是 It's hard. 很難搞 And then 然後 I 我 Just so you know. 就是你知道 There's no way to have a good conversation with him. 沒有辦法跟他好好聊 But after I talked to you today. 但我今天跟你聊完之後 I totally think you're 我完全覺得你是 It's all up to you. 完全處在你自己 Life in the world 人生的世界裡面的 You're a very real person. 你是很真實的人 Sincerity 真誠的人 I am Real person 我是Real person Really. 真的 It's just very far north. 就是很靠北的真實的 Too far north. 太靠北了 I'm a little too far north. 我有點太靠北 So I 所以我 You know. 你知道 The polarized one. 那個兩極化那個 A little too far north. 有一點太靠北 It's just like you're going to like it a lot. 就是喜歡你的會很喜歡 And then I don't like you very much. 然後不喜歡你會很不喜歡 That state of affairs 那種狀態 I don't care I don't care He only cares 他只care He only cares if his husband loves him or not. 他只care他老公愛不愛他 Hey, this is great. 欸這件事很棒欸 I think it's an exercise. 我覺得是練習啦 Yes, sir. 對 Does this thing need practice? 這事情需要練習嗎 Yes, sir. 對 Practice not caring. 練習不要去在意 I still care. 我還是會在意 But I'm getting better. 但是我就慢慢變好 And then because your husband cares about you. 然後因為你老公很在意你 No, it's not. 沒有就是 For example, the community 譬如說社群 You were talking about that social media stuff. 你剛講那些社群媒體的東西 Let's say my husband is doing a show. 那譬如說我老公做節目 He's a big fan of variety shows. 他綜藝玩很大 They've got a lot of acid. 他們超多酸民 And then I think the surprising thing is that 然後我覺得很驚訝的一點是 One of my husband's partners. 我老公的一個partner His daughter 他的女兒 I remember that time. 就是我記得那時候 Discuss this matter with him 跟他討論這件事情 That's him. I think he's in junior high school. 就是他好像國中吧 Just 12 years old. 就12歲 13, 14 years old 13、14歲 Then I asked him to say 然後我就問他說 What's wrong with you? 欸你怎麼啦 And he said 他就說 I'm going to leave a message too 我也要去留言啊 And then I said you 然後我就說你 It's about who's ugly, blah, blah, blah. 就是說誰很醜啊什麼什麼 It's just some really bad messages. 就是一些很難聽的留言 I told you why you wrote that. 我就說你為什麼要這樣寫 He just said no. 他就說沒有啊 I'm just going to say it. 我就嘴一下 Give me a mouthful. 嘴一下啊 It's really a mouthful. 真的是嘴一下 And then I said you knew about it. 然後我說你知道這件事情 How serious will it be for the person involved? 會對那個當事人有多嚴重 He said it was boring. 他說很無聊欸 I'm just going to say it. 我就嘴一下 I'm forgetting all about it. 我都嘴完就忘記了 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 對對他們 They don't care. 他們都不在意 And then the people watching cared 然後看的人都很在意 So I think it's a different generation 所以我覺得是一個不同世代 And then we just keep 然後我們就是一直 The impact of this 受到這個衝擊 And then it was like 然後後來就覺得 We have to practice gradually. 我們要漸漸練習 If we're going to keep going 如果我們要繼續走下去的話 That's what we're trying to do. 我們就是要 Stronger than them. 比他們更強壯 I met Lu Jiayi. 我遇到路嘉怡 I had a completely new experience 我有完全全新的領會 Because he's funny. 因為他很有趣 It's because he's a 是因為他就是一個 Very honest. 很坦蕩蕩 And then someone very far north. 然後很靠北的人 It's too far north for me. 對我超靠北的 But I didn't get a chance to show my 但是我沒有機會去展現我 Showing his leaning north 展現他的靠北 Because he debuted too young. 因為他太小就出道了 And then he didn't. 然後他都沒有 He has to. 他必須要 Do you know that there is a kind of 你知道電視圈有一種 There is a frame 有個框架 Yeah, and before he comes. 對而且他要來之前 He must have felt like saying 他一定覺得說 Every time we're on the program 我們每一次在節目上 It's all very meaningful. 都講得很有意義 It's just that we're actually too far north. 只是我們其實也超靠北 We want to go north. 我們超想要靠北 Good to be here now. 好來現在 No 沒有 Start talking. 開始幹話 There's no way I'm going to be able to get out of 沒有我今天從 Crackerjack Special 幹話特輯 I have from him 我從他身上有 Understanding the other thing 理解到另外一件事 It's the attitude that counts. 就是態度很重要 I felt his attitude today. 我今天有感受到他的態度 A Life of Nothing 無所事事的人生 I'm telling you, a life with nothing to do. 我跟你說無所事事的人生 That's an attitude 那是一個態度 And then I today 然後我今天 No I really have to today 沒有我今天真的要 I really have to say something today. 我今天真的要講一句話 One thing I felt later on 我後來有感受到一件事情 That is to say 就是說 You just said 你剛剛講說 In fact, you're the one who's missing something in life. 人生其實你就是有缺 Then you want the full process 然後你就想要完整的過程 Yes. 是 What I'm trying to say is that 我就想要講的是說 In fact, you said 其實你說 What are you talking about? 講什麼啦 It's been a long time. 講那麼久 No, we're not. 沒有我們要剪 I'm going to have to cut the back. 後面要剪 All right, all right. 好啦 Spell it out for yourself. 自己把它講清楚 Be professional, will you? 專業一點好不好 Be professional. 專業一點 That's it. 就是 All of our life's shortcomings 我們人生所有的缺 It's all about our desires. 其實都是我們自己的慾望 Yes. 對是 If you don't have the desire 如果你沒有慾望的話 You can't feel your lack of 你是感受不到你的缺的 So there is no desire 所以無欲無求 That's the way it is in this case. 這件事情就是這樣 Yes, sir. 對 No Desire, No Strength 無欲則剛 No Desire 無欲無求 Everything is in the same realm. 無所事事都是同一個境界 I think this is a very high 我覺得這個是一個非常高的 That's my life goal. 那那是我人生目標 I think it's better than 我覺得比 Become a rich man or something. 成為富翁或是什麼 It's hard. 都難 But I want to be like that. 但我想要成為那樣子的人 This thing is great. 這件事情很棒 Because I think life 因為我覺得人生 Whether it's the lack of desire 不管是無欲無求 Or you have a desire. 或是你有欲有求 All your desires 你所有的欲 You want to fill in the blanks. 你想要去填補 You have no desire. You can take it very comfortably. 你無欲你可以很安然的接受 It's all your choice. 這都是你自己的選擇 Yes, sir. 對 No one is forcing you. 沒有人逼你啊 Yes, sir. 對 You don't care what family you're born into. 你不管出生在什麼家庭 At the end of the day, you have desire or you don't have desire. 最後你有欲或是無欲 That's all you. 那都是你自己 Self-selected 自己選的 It wasn't handled by anyone else. 都不是別人處理的啊 But he 但他 You know how he can be so strong. 你知道他為什麼可以這麼強 It's because he has no desire to be strong. 就是因為他無欲則剛啊 But I think it's because he's beautiful. 但我覺得他就是因為長得美 Gradually 漸漸的 I feel like I'm getting older and older. 我覺得年紀越來越大 I'm interested in my appearance of 我對我的外表的 Request 要求 It's going to get lower. 會變低 That's what I look like. 就是我就是長這樣啊 That's it. 就是 All right, you guys. 好啦你們 You've all seen me when I was beautiful, right? 大家都看過我美的時候吧 Or maybe I'll be beautiful sometime. 或是我有時候會美啊 But sometimes 但有時候 It's okay to be ugly. 醜一點也沒關係 That's what I look like. 我就是長這樣 You're beautiful now. 你現在很美 I think you're beautiful now. 我覺得你現在很美 Thank you. 謝謝你們 I'm really happy. 我真的覺得很開心 That's it. 就是 It's the best job in the world, isn't it? 這是全世界最棒的工作吧 I also hope that you can continue to 我也希望你們可以繼續 It's great. 很棒 Then you can 然後可以 Come often 常常來 It's possible. 可以 It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. 可以可以可以可以
Channel: 只能喝酒的圖書館
Views: 130,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: human design, human design 人類圖, podcast, 人生 哲學, 人生 感悟, 人生 疑問, 人生 觀點, 人类图, 人類圖, 人類圖 導師, 人類圖 愛情, 人類圖 投射者 愛情, 人類圖 通道, 只喝酒的图书馆, 情感 學習, 情感 教育, 時代 焦慮, 理解 自己 方式, 理解 自我, 生活 哲學, 生產者, 自我 探索, 自我 探索 成長, 認識 自己, 認識自己, 路嘉怡, 路嘉怡 人類圖, 陸嘉怡, 靈魂 拷問
Id: z1SC9kQXfOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 32sec (4772 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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