There's a Monster in My Tummy | Good Habits | Sheriff Labrador Cartoon | BabyBus TV

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Baby Bus chew your food a long long time ago there was a monster who loved to play high and se you should eat slowly little hamster come on guys let's play R light green light I'm coming oh oh wait for me are you ready Green Line Red Line someone left come out now it wasn't us come and who's talking I'm coming for you it's so [Music] scary the monst chasing us huh Don't Be Afraid kids it's us what's going on there was an invisible monster and it told us to play with it it was so scary oh an invisible monster it's right over there let's go have a [Music] look there's no invisible monster it's probably just hiding somewhere what's that sound huh right here [Music] Go Away monster Mr marm I'm officer Doby not a monster pH but I heard a strange sound coming from the tent it was so scary that tent over there come on let's go ouch why is this earphone on the plate Don't Be Afraid guys Sheriff Labrador will catch the monster you won't find me I'm hiding right here the sound is coming from Little hamster's tummy how did it get into my tummy ow oh my tummy Sheriff Labrador the monster it's inside little hamster's tummy what I'm right here that's the monster's voice don't be afraid the sound just came from the earphone little monkey is this yours yes I put it on the table but where's the other one H the earphone on the plate and the monster's voice coming from Little hamster's tummy I got it little monkey's earphones fell on the plate and little hamster ate one of them that's why the sound was coming from his tummy oh I remember now little hamster gobbled up the food and I told him to take his time and chew his food where is he now we need to take him to the hospital he went that way Toby let's go pi little hamster little Hamer hamster uh it hurts so much please come out of my tummy watch out [Applause] ouch daddy look oh no the road is [Music] blocked Doby leave it to [Music] me my tummy hurts so much little hamster you've swallowed an earphone we'll take you to the hospital now Sheriff Labrador safety talk kids when you eat food you should chew it well don't gobble it up otherwise it might cause indigestion or you might accidentally swallow something that isn't food if that's the case let an adult know and go to the hospital right away please remember that [Music] scary Dino [Music] robot wow it's so cool do you like it little kid uh-huh I do I'll give it to you for free huh for free that's right for free wow thank you so much goodbye bye good night sweetie good night good night mommy and [Music] [Music] daddy is it morning T-Rex [Music] where are you [Music] going mommy daddy where is our [Music] sh Labrador we were asleep and suddenly woke up to the sound of a scream and our son was missing please help us don't worry there's no case that I can't solve [Music] ouch who bit my bottom that hurts rex look so scary we got it from a strange young lady for [Music] free there must be something wrong with the T-Rex papion check it right now got [Music] it here's the result there's a remote control chip inside the T-Rex looks like a bad person lured away little bison by a remote control T-Rex but what should we do I've already located their position H let's go save little [Music] bison I want to go home I can't stand it anymore it's little bison's voice hurry hey stop how do they find me here what do I do I have a [Music] [Music] plan watch me take a look at this it's so slippery aren't my toys [Music] amazing hey Doby papion coming oh no sh door stop right [Music] there heading to the end of the Earth [Music] goodbye oh no she escaped again don't worry I've already hacked into her car control system let me give her a surprise hey you'll never catch Dr antel now heading to the police station oh what's going on [Music] oh I failed again pel you're under arrest Sheriff labrador's safety [Music] talk kids you shouldn't take anything from strangers there might be something dangerous in those things so you should be careful can you remember that left don't play with sockets Go Dino welcome to robot snack house how can I help you I want to get some too [Music] [Music] here's your ice cream yay it's so yummy wow one chocolate cake please [Music] okay what's going on huh chocolate chocolate huh [Music] chocolate cake is ready oh no the robot turn me into a cake Blueberry Blueberry [Music] Blueberry let me blueberry ice cream is ready o That's so terrible ouch the juice cup needs to be filled with juice yummy juice is ready please help what's going on oh a super [Music] donut help Miss king rat snake what made you become a donut Sheriff Labrador something's wrong with the robot at the snack house huh let's go have a look help us please oh no they all became food hot dog hot dog stop chasing me Doby draw the robots attention help you let's save others hey robot look here come on turn me into a hot dog hot dog hot dog it's coming come on uhoh run [Music] help we're safe now oh no it's so fast Sheriff Labrador I can't go on I have an idea let's run circles around the robot strawberry mango avocado fruit cake fruit cake uhuh finally it stopped what's wrong with the food robot papion give it a check its circuits are broken no wonder it went out of control let's go check the [Music] shop huh the robot's charging socket is burnt oh no something's wrong over there the Smoke's coming out of my house stay here we'll go have a look huh get oh my what's going on look the dino robot's hand got stuck in the socket that's what made the food robot and other sockets broken we need to turn off the power over there [Music] leave it to me hey huh trash detected trash detected go away I'm not trash huh watch your back hey power off [Applause] oh that was so scary little bear you should stay away from sockets okay I got [Music] it Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids sockets are very dangerous and you should never touch them if you do you could get seriously hurt by electric shock so if you need to use electricity ask an adult for help please remember that revolving door [Music] safety there have been many thefts in the mall lately we need to find the Thief okay my car watch [Music] out be careful when you go through a revolving door or you might get hurt sweetie how did you end up here while I wasn't looking Mr Yak it's very dangerous for kids to go through a revolving door alone okay I'll keep that in mind here your car thank you see you later good thing you didn't get hurt it's all my fault I'll buy you another balloon yay w where's my wallet oh no my wallet is missing balloon balloon where's my wallet Grandma I want a balloon crack my wallet is missing uhhuh qu what happened Sheriff Labrador someone stole my wallet qu M too what the thief is back let's go find out who did it now got it [Applause] [Music] [Music] he looks suspicious it must be him H Daddy bought something for you a robot sir I didn't see anyone suspicious the thief might have already left well there's something suspicious about weasel [Music] wow I got it where's my wallet let's go you stole his wallet didn't you oh it's the police I can't find my wallet either you stole it right no it wasn't me this is my own wallet huh he's right this is his [Music] wallet wait Sher Labrador what's wrong your shoelace it's loose ah oh it's my wallet oh no they got me it was you Thief I got to run stop right there stop you won't catch me it stinks bye-bye oh why did I turn back you can't run away hurry he went into the clothing shop over [Music] there that's strange where did he go let's check the fitting rooms no one's here [Music] sir what did I do I'm sorry we've got the wrong person the last room he must be in here what are you doing here you scared me I'm sorry where's Weasel H H oh no these are weasel's clothes what then that lady was weasel in Disguise let's get [Music] him there he is they found me hurry hurry hurry hurry [Music] stop it's dangerous to do that I'm not listening to [Music] [Applause] you my tail it hurts so much that was so scary you shouldn't steal things you're coming with us Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids you need to stay close to your parents when going through revolving doors keep the direction the door is turning don't push or try to squeeze in and don't play around or you might get hurt in the case of an emergency press the emergency button to stop the door please remember these tips left the farting prank White Horse my dear Snow White will you marry me yes I'm sorry I didn't mean it I just it stinks it really stinks Sheriff Labrador Mr White Horse help me please calm down Mr White Horse what's going on someone must have set me up that's why I keep farting what please find out who did this don't worry there's no case that I can't [Music] solve it was him who set me up Chef elephant I was totally fine before I went on stage but I had diarrhea after eating your cake are you blaming me for your diarrhea I'm sure you have put something in my cake that's the reason why I have diarrhea you must be jealous of my handsome face and that's why you have set me up up what are you talking [Music] [Music] about elephant are you trying to attack me please arrest him wait it wasn't Mr elephant what look at the plates over there a lot of people ate the cake but you're the only one who got diarrhea that means there's nothing wrong with the cake exactly Sheriff labador made a good point didn't he well Mr White Horse what else did you eat before you went on stage oh zebra oh I [Music] remember found it Mr zebra gave me a slice of pizza look at this Sheriff Labrador I'm sure Mr zebra has put something on my pizza because he wanted to replace me as the prince what that's not true huh you were jealous of me weren't you what that's why you have put something on my pizza if I am sick then you get to play the prince oh I didn't was just born this handsome what's wrong with that I didn't do it calm down both of you we'll find out if there's anything wrong with the pizza leave it to [Music] me I can't hold it anymore it's okay I don't need to wash my hands oh I'm so [Music] hungry ooh it's a donut Mr White Horse you should wash your hands before [Music] eating it's okay not a big deal Sheriff Labrador a lot of harmful bacteria were found on the surface of the pizza zebron it was you it can't be it wasn't Mr zebra the person who made you get diarrhea is yourself what me how can I possibly do that according to the report most of the harmful bacteria were found on areas where your fingers have touched the bacteria were from your hands you didn't wash your hands before eating the donut just now either the bacteria on your hands got into your stomach and that's why you had diarrhea I'm I'm washing my hands right now I don't want to be the farting Prince ever again Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids there are lots of bacteria on our hands wash your hands before eating after going to the bathroom playing outside and using the public transit if you don't the bacteria can get inside your stomach and you can get sick that's why we should regularly wash our [Music] hands a big shark is coming [Music] [Music] [Music] don't [Music] worry wow here you are oh Hi I'm the new police officer papel nice to meet you officer papon I have lots of useful tools they'll be handy for [Music] operations hi I'm Sheriff Labrador the sheriff Labrador the shark is fighting people please come shark hello hello let's go to the beach right now okay so windy come on [Music] up hold on tight look what I've got spin SP up into the sky [Music] Doby let's go watch out watch me go I'll take care of the shark thanks Doby everyone get out of the water right now you missed you can't fight me what Doby come on up now all right play time's over [Music] bye-bye that was so scary thanks you guys are [Music] awesome Sheriff the door my brother was out surfing but he isn't back yet what we'll go find him right [Music] [Music] now help he is over there got it help me [Music] hurry he's in Danger let's go see what I've got the shark's so strong run everybody Pon we need your help got it look what I've got this is a smart rescue B it's fully automatic wao let's get on Doby hurry up oh no come on hold on tight everyone let's [Music] go I'm sorry something's wrong with the welding but don't worry there's another way look pedals Doby pedal [Music] [Music] [Music] the shark was so [Applause] [Music] scary Sheriff labrador's safety talk kids sharks are very dangerous sea animals we shouldn't play in the water when there are sharks around if you ever see a shark get out of the water and go to a safe place nearby also don't go into the water when you have a wound the smell of your blood might attract sharks please remember these [Music] tips don't play in the driver's seat huh hey parking here you'll get a ticket hey stop hey little bear you shouldn't stick things like this on cars I'm sorry it's dangerous to be outside by yourself come on we'll take you home wo [Music] awesome I get to ride in a police car yay hey go police car stop you shouldn't sit in the driver's seat it's very dangerous okay then I'll sit here not in the passenger seat either kids should sit in the back and fasten their seat belts sit up let's [Music] go W wooho hey watch out that was scary little bear you should never stick your head head her arms out of the window that was really [Music] close I I got [Music] it here two burgers please all right here you go wow thanks bye Oh Daddy Daddy Sheriff Labrador why is my son with you Mr bear it's dangerous for little bear to play outside alone please be careful sorry I was so busy today I didn't keep an eye on him oh thank you for bringing him back please try these my special Burgers they're really good wow such big burgers no we're all right come on please have some H wo hey wao let's go hey what's going [Music] on oh no stop right now little bear how do I stop this little bear watch me oh no it's head downtown get in the car papion Sheriff Labrador a burger truck is out of control and little bears in it we need your help got it [Music] [Applause] help oh no I can't see anything [Music] papon's here papon follow the truck got it hey hold on tight get us on top of the truck no problem leave it to me a Papio sorry my mistake J FL door fasten your seat belts hold tight I'm going to break oh no the brak's broken papion where can I make an emergency [Applause] stop there's an emergency Lane ahead got it too many cars ahead leave it to me sit up [Music] straight hold on ph that was so scary I'll never play in the driver's seat again [Applause] [Music] a sheriff labrador's safety talk kids when you ride in a car always sit in the back and fasten your seat belts never stick your heads or arms out of the window or play in the driver's seat if you start the car by mistake you can cause a serious traffic accident hurting yourself and others let's stay safe when we're outside and when we ride in a car W dangerous overloaded car Daddy's [Applause] back kids look Daddy's got a new car wow it's awesome daddy we want to go for a drive in the new car huh all right line up [Music] everyone it's too crowded no it's not let's just stay home today please we really want to go then we'll just drive around for a bit okay okay set tight let's go ouch I st crush [Music] me what's that smell it's [Music] it's hey watch me wow it's so clean it's dirty again hey you should drive safe with [Music] [Applause] manners looks like something's wrong with that car Doby let's follow it papion ready for backup got it don't push me I need to part again let's open the window huh there are too many people in the car that's so dangerous we need to stop the car why am I on the main road oh no watch out I can't control the car Watch Out papion Mr wild Goose's car is out of control we need your help got it it's Pap on Showtime let's go [Music] [Music] move aside move [Music] aside oh that was close it was so scary we're going downhill I need to stop the [Music] car the brak's not working why is there's smoke coming [Music] out Mr Wild Goose stop the car the brak's not working it's so scary I want to go home [Applause] [Music] P's here huh Sheriff Labrador there's a cliff up ahead what we need to stop the car right now got it flying CL go it's it's a [Music] [Music] cliff everyone's safe that was so scary oh thank you so much for saving us Mr Wild Goose you broke the traffic rules you're coming with us to the police station I'll never overload my car again Sheriff Labrador safety talk kids it's very dangerous to ride in a car that has more people than it was designed to seat when riding in a car kids should sit in safety seats in the back and fasten their seat belts and while riding you should remain seated and keep your heads and arms inside the car please remember that
Channel: BabyBus TV - Kids Cartoon
Views: 15,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BabyBus, babybus tv, Kiki, Miumiu, Mimi, Timi, cartoon, for kids, babybus cartoon, baby panda, kitten family, meowmi family, BabyBus English, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, stories, kids stories, kids videos, kids songs, babysongs, baby cartoon, animation for kids, new episode, super rescue team, magical Chinese characters, good habits for kids, math kindom adventure, yummy foods family, safety tips, babybus sheriff labrador, babybus rescue team, baby shark
Id: 5xHj44aVrNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 11sec (2771 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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