There's a "2nd Chinatown" emerging in Vegas. Don't miss it! 🥢😋

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hello everyone you know we're so blessed living  here in Vegas there's over 5,000 restaurants makes   it pretty hard to get bored especially when  you have so many great choices I've lived all   across the country and I honestly feel that  we have the greatest collection of Chinese   restaurants anywhere seemingly one better than  the next it appears our cup runneth over with   our traditional Chinatown bursting at the seams  with Wonderful Chinese restaurants a new pocket   of restaurants has emerged to our South and  West some of become calling this new center of   Chinese cuisine the second Chinatown with this  intense competition if you want to succeed in   Vegas you have to really be on your game today  we're reviewing a restaurant many call the best   just 15 minutes from the strip in the heart of  this second Chinatown this place is a real doozy   we were here for lunch and you can order dim some  as well as main course dishes we decided today to   get a mixture of both dim sum as well as the  more traditional main course Chinese dishes   and found many from each category were simply  mind-blowing rainbow kitchen opened in early 2020   it was an ill- fated launch as 8 Days Later all  businesses were forced to close however despite   the disadvantaged start they become quite a  success you know they say the cream always   Rises to the top well rainbow kitchen is right up  there with some of the best Chinese restaurants   in Vegas before we begin I want to remind you  to please like subscribe subscribe comment and   join our VIP Club for some great members only  perks I started off with the jasmine tea this   is not your average tea in your average Chinese  restaurant it's been hand selected by the owner   in China and Rivals any tea I've tasted anywhere  the only tea I've ever enjoyed this much was at   tea time at the Beverly Hills Hotel back in the  80s it was called gunpowder tea and I've been   looking for it for the last 40 years since the  first time I tried it today I found something   comparable in the jasmine tea one of the unique  aspects of this tea is the pots they import from   China which allow you to choose the Brewing level  of the tea we were told they cost 10 times more   than a regular teapot but they're so worth it it's  heated from below with a small candle and when you   lift the lever it stops Brewing the tea so when  your tea is strong enough raise it up and voila   it's done I for one like my tea as bitter as an  angry old man so I kept the lever down the entire time okay so where to begin with this roasted  pork the owner Ben Chang is from Hong Kong and   knows his barbecued Meats this is without  a doubt one of the best versions of roasted   pork I've ever had in a Chinese restaurant  perfectly roasted lechon style pork with moist   tender fresher than fresh pork flavor there  was absolutely no gamey taste to this roasted   meat just a wonderful tender and juicy texture  bursting with a mommy flavor nice and salty in   a good way and the skin was beautifully  crispy and crunchy just as it should be   adding a wonderful textural contrast to the  Supple Tome pork meat served with hoist and   sauce and a wonderful light and refreshing  daikon radish slaw on the side it's sweet   and tangy an incredible execution of this dish  definitely a rainbow kitchen home run on this one though honey walnut shrimp was originally  thought to been invented in Hong Kong honey   walnut shrimp's popularity really caught on  here in the United States in the80s and it's   one of the most loved dishes by both Asians and  westerners the sauce is usually a combination   of sweetened condensed milk honey and lemon let  me start by saying the prawns here are beautiful   they're huge and the breading is very light  crispy and Airy I've rarely ever seen a more   beautiful honey walnut shrimp in texture however  they could have been a tad sweeter for my liking   the honey walnut sauce fell a little short of my  expectations in fact I was tempted to sprinkle   on a packet of sugar to make up for the lack of  honey I thought they needed to bring them from a   9 and 1/2 to a 10 and I might have if nobody were  looking still they're up there with some of the   best I've ever had and I would surely order them  again but ask for them to be a little sweeter next time these crispy salty dumplings took us for  an express one way Ticket ride to flavor Town   these as we call them little footballs rival  any of the best I've ever had at any dim sum   house anywhere they're up there for one of  our soon To be best of China dim sum videos   look at how crispy these are the skin is bubbly  but the interior is perfectly glutenous without   being doughy these dumplings are filled  and I mean completely filled with Rich   Porky goodness as well as garlic and garlic  chives I can't say enough good things about   these crispy salty dumplings usually when  I have these there's always something that   seems to be out of balance with the textural  contrast either too gummy and glutenous or an   overly crispy outer shell and almost always  an underfilled interior but here they were   Perfection I can't imagine how they could be  any better made get these you're going to love them after the stupendous highs of the previous  dish we were greatly looking for forward to the   pan fried noodles I don't know where to begin  with these right off the bat the smell was kind   of revolting like rotting fish in an old Chinese  market the noodles and sauce themselves were both   okay the crispy fried golden pasta was perfect  wonderful texture but here's where the fairy tale   ends and the nightmare begins it was described  To Us by our server as a mixture of Seafood and   Meat but it was not it had just a few pieces  of barbecue pork teeny tiny bits of beef and   shrimp the rest was fish and an unpleasant fishy  tasting fish at that it also contained Calamari   that was almost inedible and had the texture of  thick rubber bands this would be a good dish if   you're trying to strengthen your jaw muscles  the fish overpowered the entire dish and the   barbecue pork lost all its flavor even the shrimp  was diluted and purged of the usual beautiful   shrimp flavor the entire dish was drowned with  the taste of the fish I've mentioned before before   that I for the most part stopped ordering this  dish in Chinese restaurants because it's always   incorrectly prepared Taste Restaurant made some  of the best I've ever had eating it renewed my   faith and that's why I took a chance and ordered  it here at Rainbow after this horrible experience   I I doubt I'll rush out to order this Dish  anywhere else in this town other than taste if   you like crispy Hong Kong style noodles check out  our taste video well given the overall quality of   everything at Rainbow I have to imagine this fish  issue was an anomaly however I can only convey to   you what was placed before us this day and I'm  sorry to say that today this dish was a [Music] disaster okay with that unpleasantness behind  us time for an unusual yet tremendous truffled   treat these are again one of the best little  dumplings I've ever eaten the truffles are real   shaved truffles not just truffle oil and they  impart a superb flavor into the shrimp shrimp   filling it's a marriage made in heaven and  you can tell that the quality of the prawns   is outstanding I made my unusual secret sauce I  make when I go to dim Sum soy sauce vinegar and   chili oil but to be honest these are so good  on their own they don't need anything else in   fact I found my sauce only muddied the flavor  I prefer these dumplings pristine and pure with   the rich aromatic truffle flavor we both love  Truffles and if you do too then this infusion   of truffle and shrimp in a Chinese dumpling is  going to be a dream come true true and a must try [Music] dish Mongolian beef has become our  barometer dish cuz I judge most Chinese   restaurants on their execution of This Magnificent  recipe PF Changs nailed this recipe in the 9s and   brought it to new heights of popularity however  here this dish lacked wok hei also known as the   breath of the walk this phenomenon takes place  when a well seasoned hot walk gives the food a   magnific and almost maniacally charred flavor  I think a Mongolian beef is a dish that Wai is   a necessity to make so that it tastes as it  should one of our favorite all-time dishes   however here it tastes more like a Sichuan beef  with its sweet sauteed onions and sugary spicy   red chili sauce and therefore I felt missed the  Mark I'm not saying it's horrible in fact it was   quite delicious but is it truly Mongolian beef  not to me it lacks that magnificent charred walk   burnt flavor this makes the soft velveted beef  mimic a fabulous filet mignon. Mongolian beef   is usually marinated in oyster sauce soy garlic  and brown sugar then seared in a walk or on a   grill that's hotter than the face of the Sun and  continually stirred to give it that magic flavor   besides lacking this wok hei flavor there's not  enough green onions in this dish and some crispy   noodles would have been a big [Music] Improvement  cashew chicken was first made here in America by   Chinese immigrants around the time of the gold  rush and has remained popular among Chinese and   westerners alike today here at Rainbow it was a  great dish thinly sliced velveted chicken so clean   and fresh and overflowing with Rich Umami flavor  just the right amount of garlic and onion to give   it that boost of flavor and play off the cashews  the transparent sauce that enveloped the entire   dish was smooth flavorful and silky that cashew  had a wonderful charred taste that really gave a   Nutty flavor to the whole dish I love the burnt  seared red peppers that give the cashew chicken   a wonderful smokiness the green peppers celery  onions and carrots were also a great addition to   the entire package flavor-wise however the amount  of celery and onion was probably used as a filler   and there were way too many of them in this dish  I understand times are hard and people need to   stretch their budgets these days but the dish was  overtaken by veggies even so I did enjoy this dish [Music] The kung pao chicken while a good dish  was lacking in the same way as a Mongolian beef   it just missed a mark by the deficiency of  the wok hei this dish tasted as o were made   in a Teflon pan there are so many places in Vegas  that make this dish as close to the famed Madam   Woo's SK Seafood, BBQ King both have some of the  best I've ever tasted was rainbows terrible no   but it lacked those elements that Define what it  means to be a good kung pao chicken a Charred Red   Pepper flavor would have brought it to a higher  caliber it was also a little on the sweet side   for my taste buds this dish paled in comparison  to the spicy House Chicken we'll be discussing   in a few minutes that dish far surpassed my  expectations and rivaled almost any other   chicken dish I've ever tasted but let's not get  too far ahead of ourselves the kung pao contained   all the right ingredients peanuts Peppers  soy and Umami but didn't have that magical   walk High flavor it needed to take it over the  [Music] top turnup cake with EXO sauce this is   one of those dishes with such wide variation  across the many Chinese restaurants we visited   EXO sauce is usually made from coarsely chopped  dried Seafood such as shrimp or scallops it's   rich in the flavor it derives from the sauteed  toasted garlic chili peppers and onions a good   EXO sauce rarely tastes fishy if well balanced  the predominant taste should be a deep Umami   flavor here at Rainbow wow what a dish this is  so good it could convert a meat eater into being   a vegan well maybe not but it's a wonderful  flavor packed Delight I think this may have   been the standout dish so much flavor the turnip  cakes are some of the best I've ever had crispy   exterior not at all fishy many of the turnip  cakes made at Vegas dim sum houses are way too   fishy over the top fishy and that means they've  overdone it with the shrimp paste I don't taste   anything but the wonderful flavor of the turnips  and these remind me of a delicious crispy potato   pancake the EXO sauce is a punch of garlic spicy  chili and garlic oil right in the face and it's   a powerful Treasure Trove of flavor I'd be  happy just eating these little flavor bombs   and nothing else I'm definitely coming back for  these outstanding treats and I highly recommend [Music] them most people think sweet and sour  chicken is an American dish because of its huge   popularity and wide prevalence even at lower  level discount type restaurants however few   people realize that this dish originally was  created in China and is an authentic Cantonese   favorite sweet and sour chicken has been loved  by many people old and young all over the world   for centuries though I enjoyed this dish here it  was more on a level of a Panda Express than that   of a Chinese fine dining establishment the best  version of this dish is perhaps made by the great   Sylvia woo of Madame Woo's Fame I found similar  preparations in our Chinatown sk seafood used to   have the best but they two have succumbed in  greatly increased the amount of onions in the   dish to overcome Rising costs in the past few  years the chicken at Rainbow was cut into huge   deep fried moist chunks the breading wasn't too  thick it was nice and thin the sauce was again   on the sweet side but passible to be satisfying  it would have been better if the sauce had more   vinegar and L sugar the chicken chunks were  crispy with almost a Charred Red Pepper and   subtle bitter orange rind flavor in the background  though not the best sweet and sour I've ever eaten   we did enjoy it we also love the mustard  here at Rainbow it really paired well with   the sweetness of the chicken and helped to tame  the sugary sweetness and make it more palatable we were unsure about the spicy House Chicken but  decided to see what this dish was all about well   one bite and time and space ceased to exist and  I felt rocketed into another dimension this is   perhaps one of the best chicken dishes I've ever  tasted anywhere in any Chinese restaurant it's got   the depth of flavor that any spicy chicken dish  should have but surpasses it by a long shot in   The Taste Department look at this beautiful deep  red red velveted chicken stir fried to Perfection   with Sichuan peppercorns and spicy red chilies  I can't even begin to guess what all is in this   spectacular dish that makes it so amazing and sets  it apart from anything I've ever tasted because   it's so well balanced that no one spice stands out  it's not crazy spicy just enough to wake up all   your senses and make you wonder why you've never  eaten anything quite like this dish before the   unique flavor of this recipe is unrivaled there  was some stiff competition today but the spicy   House Chicken won the prize for the standout dish  here at Rainbow kitchen I'm already planning my   return visit to experience this amazing dish once  more and highly recommend you give it a try as well from dizzying highs to tragic lows we  experienced it all at Rainbow kitchen overall   though we really enjoyed ourselves for the most  part delicious food there were a few NE such as   a lack of walk high in the Mongolian beef and  the kung pao chicken and one tragic fail with   the pan fried noodles but the high points were  stupendous the crispy fried pork the Truffle   dumplings the crispy salty dumpling and of course  the two standout dishes of the day the turnip cake   and the spicy House Chicken these two dishes alone  are enough to bring us back and we can't wait to   return to experience them once again make sure to  order those in addition the staff was attentive   and friendly and Bill the owner was very nice he  takes the time to wander through the dining room   to chat with everyone it's a nice touch finally  there was a strange disinfectant fee of $1 that   appeared on our bill it was a little off-putting  I always found it better for the prices to include   the cost to operate your restaurant rather than  singling out an additional fee for something which   applies to everyone especially for something  we all assume happens at every restaurant one   final thought based on the few dim sum plates  we tried and examining the many others offered   to us I'd venture to say this place would be a  great restaurant to come for dim some possibly   surpassing their Entre we'll be back sometime  in the near future to further investigate this   other side of rainbow kitchen who knows maybe  we'll see you there and make sure to tell them   Let's Eat Vegas sent you I know we're all guilty  of watching YouTube videos and not participating   as a reminder please like comment subscribe or  even become a VIP member to our Channel it means   a lot to us and it helps us to grow and to bring  you more reviews until we eat again bone appetit
Channel: Let's Eat Vegas
Views: 22,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chinese food, chinatown, las vegas, dim sum, sweet and sour chicken, mongolian beef, kung pao chicken, turnip cake, honey walnut shrimp, tea, live seafood, cantonese, popular restaurant
Id: qHpKq7i4_ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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