There Are No Shortcuts To Getting Out Of Debt

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[Music] sacrifice determination you can be intentional about your character but you gotta be on the same page they were calling to let you know we are debt free house and everything you have done really really really good and you're not gonna quit it's been a huge witness for us to be able to share that it was time to get serious intentionality people to success this is your show America I knew it 22 what I know now our life would be better is the show that's changing the world now you don't just listen to the show you live it live from the headquarters of Ramsey solutions it's the Dave Ramsey show where Dad is dumb cash is king and the paid off Home Mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice I am Dave Ramsey your host this is common sense for your dollars and cents the common sense is so rare in America today that it's now like having a superpower so we're glad you got some and you tuned in to us thanks for hanging out we'll add to your tools in your belt so that you can go have a better life living like no one else so later you can live and give like no one else open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five doug is with us to start this hour and Chattanooga hi Doug how are you how about yourself better than I deserve man how can I help excellent I was going back through recently my old FPU DVDs back when it was a 13 week series and at the time you were telling people to only buy fixed annuities never buy variable no you guys [Music] have never ever in the history of my freakin life told people about fixed annuities you misread the mr. the DVD then but it seemed like a couple of times you said that no absolutely not no never have I said buy a fixed annuity ever heard you talk about a backdoor Rock where you put money into not 401k sorry an IRA where you put money into an after-tax IRA and then roll it mm-hmm money put into an after-tax IRA that money that you put in you can take out tax-free but the growth is still taxed is that correct the money that is in the after-tax IRA going in has already had taxes on it and as an as it Oh's it is not taxed until you take it out and then it is why why do you need to roll it to a roster then it's not until you take it out if it's not taxed taken out versus taxed at all I got it that's right okay that's all I need to know I guess I'm pretty a brain dead today no it's okay that's what we're here for man that's good questions good clarification how old are you 54 cool so you're really focusing and getting real serious on your investing right I am trying to good have you got a copy of Chris Hogan's retire inspired book I do not let me give you a copy brother okay excellent thank you hold on I'll have Kelly pick up and we'll send you a copy good questions all right I have no idea what this name is Kelly what is this guy's name this person's name Zubair yeah okay that is correct thanks sorry I'm sorry I just didn't want to destroy your name because I'm sure people mess you up all the time I didn't want to be that guy so I appreciate it the correct is Zubair that is correct perfect how can I help sir well thank you for taking my call I have a question about a car lease so I discovered you about six months ago on your podcast and right before I did I got a car lease the my total debt right now is $400,000 it's all student loan I'm a physician and the reason why I got the car was I was driving a lot from work I got married last year and my commute went from five miles to 70 miles and I was spending a lot on gas so I was spending about $600 on gas and now with this hybrid car that I got on the lease I'm spending about 250 per month on gas so I have thirty three months left on the lease my payout right now if I wanted to purchase the car is 27,000 if I wanted to pay for the lease in total its thirteen thousand so I'm not really sure what you would do in this situation which is why I'm calling please tell me you have a huge income I do so I've been practicing for two years and our household income is about the 250,000 thank you Jesus okay good Wow because you got a mess on your hands so how fast you plan to be debt-free my calculations right now so in the past year I've already paid off a hundred thousand we started out five hundred and my payoff time is in about three years good for you I like your plan okay that's cool and so on in the future when we're doing a calculation on a car there's two things we want to keep in mind that are separate from your question okay number one is if you have a 70 mile commute whatever you are driving when you add up the miles you put on it in a year you are destroying its value other that is true and so what we want to do mathematically is we want to destroy the least amount of money and that means that we would buy the least car that will get the job done now you now we've got to define what get the job done is if I make three hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year get the job done means different than if I make thirty five thousand dollars a year you want to ride in something decent okay you can afford to destroy a little more expensive vehicle as my point just because you're in it all day long and so I'm going to enjoy the vehicle to a degree but probably wanted to destroy something that's not 50 grand instead let's destroy something that's 30 or less agreed agreed okay in its value but but I want you to I want it to be reliable in your case gas mileage is very important agreed on that you made a good decision on that part of your thinking that was very wise looking at all of that your savings there is dramatic they hand so gas mileage reliability and comfort creature comforts because you spend a lot of time in the car and by the way you make three and fifty thousand dollars so you can afford to have a decent vehicle but let's not drive a you know let's not drive $130,000 Maserati and destroy it okay even though you could technically afford that car but let's not run that thing 70 miles a day each way now that would be silly you follow me absolutely yeah and hopefully the driving a short term because my wife is finishing her training in one year which is why we're stuck in the commute okay then that'll change your equation too okay so you're running your miles up way over on the lease or you're going like way over when you turn it in so the first year I'm going to be over but the its 45,000 in total and I don't plan on going over that over the course of three years okay all right but you're over scheduled now correct yeah all right it's probably gonna work out without me doing the math in detail it's probably gonna work out about a break-even to drive it on out through the lease okay versus getting rid of it now you're gonna take a hit it's just a matter of how are you gonna take the hip monthly between now and the balance of the lease or are you gonna take the hit when you sell it today and have to go buy something else that has good gas mileage and reliability so I probably would run it on out through the end of the lease in your case with the numbers you're giving me because you know if we add up the total your 13 thousands of remaining on the lease but we also look at how much upside down you are today already you're almost driving this car you're paying a little bit between now and the balance to drive it but you're above with the hit you would take versus 13,000 you might as well pay the 13,000 it's what I'm saying yeah is that logical to you yeah I put it so next time though the number one key that we find the people who are millionaires all the way up to deca millionaires is until they have a million dollar net worth they drive a used car it can be slightly used and they pay cash for their cars that's what we find among people who build wealth now a lot of doctors make a lot of money and don't have any money they're notoriously known for sucking and how they handle money you're making some really good decisions so I don't think you're on that path but the adjustment I would make long term is whatever you do in the future you pay cash for it you make enough money whatever you do in the future you pay cash for it and that is your shortest path to well [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you know when we talk about living life so many people will talk about it from just a singular perspective like they talk about just doing it on their own but I think that that's dangerous you see when you connect with someone and you start to talk about your hopes and your dreams something happens it keeps you from just thinking about them it helps you to actually make them a little bit more real you see I think every person needs four people in their life I think everybody needs a coach you need a mentor you need a cheerleader and you need a friend now here's what I mean by those the mentor this is someone that is doing things well they're handling life well they're having some success a coach is someone that's helping you to get better you remember back in the sports days or maybe in your music days a coach is helping you to improve now a friend this is someone you're able just to be real with maybe you're having some frustrations in your job or some irritations and relationships all around whatever it is a friend isn't judging you a friend is there at a lesson but most importantly you also need a cheerleader these are the people that believe in you they want you to be successful they want you to encourage you they want to help you to get better now as much as I want you to find people to fill that role for you I want to make sure that you're being that role for others think about that you see we're not designed to do life alone I want you to identify a few people but I want you to be in that role for others as well now when you identify someone to be either a mentor a coach a cheerleader or a friend I want you to ask them ask them if they're interested in helping you helping you achieve some goals and in return I also want you to help them also reach out and achieve some goals that you can do this if they're close in proximity you could meet for lunch maybe once a month if they're further away maybe you hop on the phone with them a couple of times a month you see they don't have to be super close with all the technology today with Skype and FaceTime we can be right there with people so I want you to include some other people in your life but I want you to make sure that you're included in other people's lives as well we're not meant to do life alone we're here to support each other and encourage each other so we can all get better let's face it life can be crazy between work school kids church and everything else under the Sun it can be tough to find time for the things that matter most even breakfast once we're good grains comes in good grains is an innovative cereal company committed to delivering health and happiness to 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over the country and a special day today because we're spotlighting Ramsey care and the customer experience going to give you a lot of fun behind the scenes talk to a lot of people that make the experience happen that take care of our customers and fans so very well and Ken Coleman will join Dave in studio the back half of the second hour don't miss it more of the Dave Ramsey show coming up [Music] James is with us in Chicago welcome to the Dave Ramsey show James how are you I'm well sir thank you for taking my call sure what's up I have a question about rolling over a 401 K or more specifically mutual funds an old 401 K that I'm looking to roll over and I met with a smart investor pro of yours and we you know set through the interview or whatever and they mentioned that they had 26 mutual funds in their company and then I've heard you mention that you pay you're smart investor Pro because there's hundreds of mutual funds to comb through and I was just kind of wondering if you know the varying sizes of companies and does that change or is there something else I should be looking for no there are there are branded mutual funds a smart investor Pro is someone that sells mutual funds they can sell any one of about eight thousand mutual funds if they choose to okay unless their company keeps them from doing that and I don't think they would be one of our smart Buster pros but then a given brand a given company might have branded funds within their company and they probably do have 26 who does he work for what's the company name it's the one I turned the one that I did meet with Sir Ivan's yeah sir Ivan has their own brand of funds okay and so they have thrive oh they have thriving mutual funds but they also sell American funds or they also sell whatever I don't know name another brand I mean there's other brands of funds that they could sell into easily if he's only going to direct you to his company funds then I don't need to know who he is so I can fire him because I don't want him only doing that because thriven might have some good funds and they might have some bad funds within a given you know they might have a good Growth Fund but their aggressive growth might not be good as an example and that would be true of almost every fund company okay I mean Campbell's makes a lot of different soup but but their vegetable soup might be better than their chicken noodle you know that kind of thing and so that's what you're looking at here so you're looking at the actual individual fund not that and if they're only selling that fund name then are their own brands then then we don't want them so I'm gonna put y'all hold Kelly's gonna pick up and we're gonna verify with that smart Wester Pro because we want to talk to him make sure that they're properly taking care of you guys and so hold on I want I need that guy's name I don't think he's doing anything wrong I think you just misunderstood but I want to double check with him and be sure so hey thanks for the call man open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five Orion is in Detroit Michigan hey Ryan how are you are you better than I deserve what's up I have a question for you me and my wife went through your program and we paid off all of our debt with the exception of our vehicles so I was wondering if given our situation now if we should stop our contributions to our IRAs and focus solely on the cars or if you think we should do both to keep paying down on the vehicle and keep the contributions coming in for example you said you went through our program you mean you went to Financial Peace University yes sir how long ago we did that back in 2013 2014 I believe ok so this is just your refresher to that course ok because 100 percent of time we tell folks until they get to baby step four to stop all investing you should have already stopped the IRAs back in 2013 we didn't have our situation kind of changed we had to move to Alaska for our job so we had to get reliable vehicles now small in Alaska is smart in Minnesota is smart in Tennessee living in Alaska doesn't change what's smart okay I see what you're saying yeah we just needed reliable vehicles for the environment that we were in so so you went back into that so you got off the program and went into that little yeah yeah okay all right so now if you want to get back on the program here's what you would do and then you need to decide how many times you're going to get on and off okay because you're going to do this like somebody loses 30 pounds 14 times right are you gonna keep it off this time are you gonna keep just doing this cycle that's the thing so because every time because let me just tell you there's always a freaking excuse to borrow money there's always something as glittery that I can turn a want into a need in my head I am required I am forced to buy something you can always do that in your head and as long as you do that you're gonna stay in debt and as long as you stay in debt you're gonna stay broke so you got to decide that that's a decision you're gonna make but let's start your fresh again here's what you do ready set go you stop all investing and you're back in baby step two and you attack these car debts with a vengeance or you sell the cars whatever you got to do we're going to work on these car debts like you're not going out to eat you're not going on vacation you're on a budget a written budget every single month every dollar has a name before the month begins and you attack and attack these car debts with a vengeance and you get them paid off if you cannot clear both these car debts with in two years when you sit down and do your budget fresh again tonight with your spouse that means one of these cars is being sold you got too much car and don't tell me you can't have a reliable car then I'll spend an X number of dollars that's horse crap there's all kinds of reliable cars out there at all price ranges everything down to nothing and so you know you're just justifying and rationalizing buying a car which I can do too because I like cars but these days I can afford it so that's the difference and that's the position you want to get yourself in drive like no one else so later you can drive like no one else so the answer your question is yes stop investing your in baby step two and attack your debts with a vengeance once you get through with that finish up your emergency fund baby step three at three to six months of expenses and then baby steps four five and six or simultaneous and you restart your investing 15 percent of your income going into retirement and baby step four five is kids college and six as we pay off the house early amen thanks for listening I appreciate it open phones a triple eight eight two five five two two five will is in Nashville I will how are you hey I'm good Dave hurry sir better than I deserve what's up good man I just got a quick question about my son he goes to utk and he's not done very well with his grades I guess over the last three years he's still classified as a sophomore and we had some money for him for school and unfortunately he's out of that money now and I do not want to co-sign a loan for him he makes me feel super guilty about it and I just want to know what my other options are besides him not okay let me get this straight he's underperforming but you're supposed to feel guilty well yeah well that's a conversation that might go differently on my deck well I'd like to hear what you have to say yeah I mean I mean I listen to you all the time I know what you're going to say yeah I mean I love this kid and I'm gonna knock him not on his heads what I'm gonna do so here's here's the deal University of Tennessee if you live in Tennessee is not that expensive get a job get six of them walk dogs yeah babysit babies mow grass deliver stuff with your little car and work because what he's doing right now is drinking beer not going to class because if you go to class you can graduate right if you got me if you got decent level of IQ you go to class you can graduate now you might not get a degree in chemistry I got a degree in finance but all I did was go to class and I graduated in four years and I worked 40 or 60 hours a week while I was in school do you work when you were in school well I did this junior Birdman work not really no didn't bend so Fred yeah so he's about to work summers here summers here and I'm gonna let him feel guilty while he's working like 80 hours a week right I mean I just don't know what to do like about his living quarters it gives it has to be paid for as well I mean Winn next fall right well well yeah is he home for this time well no he's living in apartment because last year he decided you want to live him one of the group apartment Oh though and how's he gonna pay for that well he's been paying for it we paid for it until the winter semester started okay well I guess if he wants to stay in the apartment he's gonna forget like seven jobs yeah I know that's what you would do that's what I would do I think he can do it he's just got to decide that it's up to him they stood up to you you're not a walking ATM and he's not been performing in the classroom which makes this doubly hard so I will roll up our sleeves at home with our budget and I'll try to pitch in some cash out of our budget and help you get through this son but you're about to go to work Bubba that's that's how the conversation would sound on my deck [Music] you ever wonder why most people borrow money the way they do they use loans and credit cards without giving it much thought want it now but don't have all the money for it hey no problem I'll just put it on this little piece of plastic and it's mine buy now pay later has become a way of life for the normal American right now the average total household credit card debt is over fifteen thousand dollars and the average student loan debt is about thirty thousand dollars that's a lot of money to pay back and that doesn't even count the interest later in this class you're gonna learn why credit cards and car loans are such a terrible idea but first we need to ask a question how did we get here let's take a quick look at the evolution of the credit industry in America before 1917 buying things on credit was extremely rare that's because there were laws preventing lenders from charging high enough interest rates that meant lenders couldn't make much money by offering loans to working Americans so they didn't bother with it sure there were small-time loan sharks who took advantage of broke scared and desperate people but these were shady businesses and the high interest rates they charged were totally illegal jump ahead to 1920 World War one had ended and the consumer demand for big-ticket manufactured products skyrocketed around that time lawmakers were trying to shut down the illegal loan sharking industry so they relaxed the credit laws and made it profitable for respectable banks to offer loans and what do you get when you mix consumer demand for stuff and the legalization of personal loans well in the 1920s you got the birth of the American credit industry then a little bit later at the tail end of the 20s and into the 30s the Great Depression was raging the government relaxed lending laws even more to help banks stay profitable then moving into World War two the economy improved a lot because the war created a ton of new jobs after the war the soldiers came home the economy was in a lot better shape and the lending laws were still relaxed that pretty much set the stage for the birth of the credit card in the 1950s debt was becoming easier and more socially acceptable for the consumer and it was more profitable for the lenders it was a perfect storm the credit Monster has grown like crazy since then in the past 50 or 60 years debt has gone from something people were a little ashamed of to something that's totally normal in our culture banks keep coming up with all new and different ways to get our money everything from high interest rates to a million different little fees that pick our pockets and we as a society have become so addicted to debt that we still get excited when we're approved for a credit card we think hooray I've been given the opportunity to lose all my money and spend my life in debt I'm so lucky the bottom line is that a lot of people you think look wealthy are completely broke a big house nice car and flashy jewelry may look great on the outside but most of the time these days it just means that the mailbox is filled with outrageous bills and that the house is filled with unbelievable stress about how to pay for them this is not the American dream it's a trap but there's a better way a way to have everything you need a whole lot of what you want and a legacy you'll be proud to leave to your kids someday that's the kind of stuff we're gonna cover throughout this class Mike and I went on our honeymoon to Maui and it was our first big trip together it was amazing we were like let's move here so we bought a timeshare there and we went all the time for the next two years straight in 2015 we were expecting our firstborn child and we're really excited about it it became a lot of work just to get out of the house let alone two mouths okay I mean I tried everything to get out of our timeshare but I just couldn't make any progress and then finally uh one of your friends actually told us about timeshare exit team and they were great they were amazing so now we can just relax at home as a family or go on other vacations and not have to worry about the money spent on a timeshare time changes everything if your timeshare no longer fits your life call the team that can talk to you about options for your timeshare call timeshare exit team today or go to timeshare exit team com [Music] kicking off this spotlight show of my friend Melissa here in Martha's place to figure out what Melissa does all day Melissa tell us about your day to day here okay my day to day is preparing for all the guests that come in I come in about 8:00 in the morning I start baking cookies restocking things in here and during that time we have a lot of visitors come in that want to purchase books or just maybe they're just passing through town and want to hear about what we do here so now I take pictures of people that in the lobby that want to want their picture under the Dave Ramsey sign so yeah we are open in here from 8:00 to 5:00 so I am busy all day long actually this morning I made this gooey butter cake okay come on in this looks amazing look at those bubbles so what's all in this uh yellow cake mix cream cheese love love about four eggs powdered sugar more love the prayers Breyers lots of prayers I love that it looks delicious can't wait to dig into that one this is what you get when you come here this is one of the first faces you see and we're so glad for it Melissa thank you for all you do for us and our team and our fans I love this this is quite a blessing I love being here more coming up with Melissa [Music] our question of the day comes from you can find out why your for yourself that is the number one online retailer of custom window coverings this is a cool story so Jay starts this whole thing in his garage a few years ago it becomes a multi-million dollar business selling window blinds on the Internet the guy's a world-class entrepreneur love this company they take great care of you you can't beat their prices check them out all kinds of deals they're always hit the slice Ramsey or Ramsey promo code to get the deal right yeah today's questions from Collin in Texas I'm looking to open a checking and savings account with an online bank been looking at Discover and American Express I want to know what you thought of those banks or is there a different online bank you recommend thank you well I don't do business with anything that has American Express on the front of it because they once asked my wife why she would stay with a man that wouldn't pay his bills and she called me crying and said she was thinking the same thing so I'm done with them that's what happens when a hillbilly gets mad that was 37 years ago I'm still pissed okay so I don't do any business with American excess under any circumstances and I really don't like doing business with Visa but I have a Visa debit card through my bank Discover pretty much has one goal in life and that's debt so I'm not sure why I would use them as my bank so overall both of them sound like credit card companies to me not banks and my tendency would be to stay away from them for those reasons now what I use an online bank exclusively there's nothing wrong with that if you check out their background and so forth I am a little bit more old-school and I use a what you would call a click and mortar bank a bank that is a traditional bank but has tremendous online capabilities and so I've got both however I've not been inside of a bank in probably years because of too reasons one is I don't have any need to go in I'm spoiled rotten I have an accounting team here that does all of my transactions I don't go to banks I don't need to so I've just spoiled that's what that means I don't even go over there to deposit my own stuff other people do that right so that kind of thing so I'm a little bit of a weirdo in that sense so I don't need a actual physical location most of us do transactions now 90 something percent of our transactions are online so there's nothing wrong with an online bank I haven't chosen that route personally so I don't have a recommendation for you the other thing I look for in a bank is I actually want human beings around even if it's online that I can have somewhat of a connectivity to that's why I don't recommend you do Bank business with the super huge banks the Wells Fargo's the Bank of America is where you're pretty much a number and they couldn't give a rip less if you're there especially unless you're borrowing money and so I use community banks and credit unions those are the two things I endorse in a lot of communities around America when you turn on the Dave Ramsey show you'll hear my voice which we don't put my voice on stuff I don't believe in and having chat our team hasn't checked out in detail and so a lot of community banks a lot of credit unions have my voice on it and a lot of those have very high-end online experiences and so again you get a click and mortar you get the benefit of a location where you can walk in and you know Sally the you know or George the the teller and you get to know them over the years like in the old days if you're regularly making a physical deposit or withdrawal or something you can do that you actually know the branch manager you know like in the old days and they actually in the smaller banks actually they actually have more power a Bank of America branch manager has less power than the teller in terms of waiving NSF fees or you know taking care of a problem or something moving some money or they really are their ability they can't even approve a car loan I mean at the local level they're just good although decision making is decentralized and so in the old days a banker was a pillar in the commune and they had a lot of power to make decisions now a banker is a joke in these large banks they they know they truly they have nothing it's like an entry-level position it's a horrible position honestly if you're a branch manager for Bank of America I'm sorry for you I really it's pitiful and so of course I'm obviously don't like Bank of America I don't know why anybody in this business there Wells Fargo they just make up accounts and put them on I mean and fired well they fired thousands and thousands of people for fraud you know so yeah just that's that's my thing so online banking is okay I don't personally do it so I can't really tell you to go do it because I'm not hypocritical I love the small the regional bank and credit union and that's where I would send you Laurie is an Elkhart Indiana hey Larry how are you I'm good thank you for taking my call today sure what's up I want to know if I should stop contributing to my 401k to put extra money towards my house payment - no okay how old are you I am 38 how much do you owe on your home 75,000 - what do you make of your household income about 90 sometime and how much do you have saved in your retirement accounts now retirement accounts are close to 130,000 good okay so we're telling you to put 15% of your household income into retirement at baby step four in your case that's about $10,000 a years um right okay and you wanted to put that ten thousand instead towards the house to pay it off faster right okay and if we don't do that how much your extra you're gonna be paying on the house we're paying two hundred and nine dollars in interest each month on the house that one what I asked us at how much extra are you paying on the house oh I'm sorry I do apologize mr. um we we were doing a hundred extra up until about a year ago we ran into some financial issues with our house to waterproof it which cost us almost our whole emergency fund have you got have you got that rebuilt yes we have you've gotten it back up to about 13,000 any time here's what I would do all right the typical person working our system putting 15% of their income away for retirement living on a written budget to addressing kids college at whatever level you need to if you need to and baby step 5 any other money we find a bonus an inheritance a sale of an item or money we squeezed out of the budget we throw at the house the typical person is paying off their home in about seven years doing that the numbers you're giving me are more like nine years if we take the 10,000 and throw it at the house it reduces the nine to five okay nice so the only thing we're having a discussion about is about for years you're going to pay off your house short of ten years if you do what I'm teaching you in your with the numbers you gave me okay and then the only question is are you paid off a nine or in five by abandoning for five years your retirement savings at 38 years old which I would not do that's going to make you a lot of money and so I'm going to put I'm going to stick right with those baby steps exactly you're you're right in the case study range the stuff we use to develop the baby steps you're sitting there the age group the income everything and you're sitting right there and when you run these numbers out two or three different ways that's what you're going to find so I love that you want to get your house paid off and here's my suspicion your incomes going to go up during the next five years most people's duh do most people's income goes up over time if you know if you go five years and don't get any income raised at all something wrong right I mean most people at least get a cost-of-living bump right so you should get some kind of increase in your income and hopefully you're growing in your career you're moving in your career our careers and you're moving up that way and so over that five years we're not dealing with a straight-line income we're dealing with an increased income don't increase your lifestyle as your income increases throw the difference at the house and that's how I get to your seven or nine years on your house instead of five and I'm gonna continue to invest in your 401 KS this is the data that takes you to millionaire status those are the data points right there paying off the house and investing steadily in the 401 K this is the Dave Ramsey show [Music] we live in a country where people are turning their ideas into money-making businesses every day each one of us have ideas passions skills and talents hey it's Anthony o Neill and I have helped thousands of teens across the nation make wise decisions with their money relationships and life choices did you know that 75% of parents want their kids to learn entrepreneur skills but don't have the time and resources to teach them with detain entrepreneur toolbox you can finally give your team the tools they need to succeed I knew that I liked to make art I knew I liked to make jewelry and I knew I liked to make money so I kind of put it all together panco but I figured that there was a big need in my neighborhood to pet care and I thought why not me this tool boss would teach entrepreneur skills like self-confidence responsibility hardwork and goal-setting get the team entrepreneur toolbox today think about all the passwords your brain has to remember it's impossible right so instead of coming up with new passwords every time you open an account most people just give the same password over and over and over again that's not a good idea remember the yahoo breach you know that one breach alone affected over 3 billion users yeah that's why I'm a huge fan of LastPass LastPass generates and stores and creates strong unique passwords to keep you safe and secure no more guessing your password and getting you locked out of your account LastPass manages and organizes all your accounts with your logins and unique passwords in one safe place and you can access them from your computer or your mobile device I personally use LastPass and I love it so join over 13 million LastPass users including myself and start managing and securing your passwords today try LastPass premium for personal use or LastPass families for your entire family visit slice dave and try it for free here with melissa again this time to talk about the experience that our guests get when they walk through these doors what happens when you come in you'll notice lots of things going on signatures on the wall from people that are debt-free but we are now in Martha's place and in the bookstore so we sell most everything you can get online including well we don't have all of these things these are the date rick dave's recommended reads we have those mm-hmm and then we also have all the top sellers Total Money Makeover financial peace all the the financial peace jr. kits things like that and we if I can't answer your questions there's a lot of people here that can so when people come in and they want to talk in depth I can help them I can answer a lot of their questions but I am part of Ramsey care team and there's a roomful of people that can also answer questions too which is a perfect segue we'll be chatting with those folks in just a little bit thanks so much for giving us behind the scenes Melissa they'll come see us [Music] [Music] a couple of important things going on around here number one we're having a flash summer flash sale right now in the online store Dave Ramsey comm you could save up to 72 percent on some special limited time deals this means we deep cuts yeah hurry these summer deals end on Saturday we have 7 summer deals on sale plus one bonus deal our number one best selling bundle the starter special is on sale you've never seen it this cheap 72 percent off the kids adventure pack everything check it all out at deals right now Dave Ramsey comm or call triple a 22-piece the second thing is our entree Leadership Summit our world-class best-in-class event for leadership for next year is shaping up to being absolutely incredible of course our team Kristi write me Chris Hogan will be speaking many other top line speakers will be with us of course Pat Lynch Gianni will be with us Marcus Buckingham that wrote the book strength binders absolutely incredible speaker will be with us Henry cloud but boundaries will be with us Peyton Manning will be there to speak and teach on leadership as well and he's got some good stuff to say about that I've been on stage around him a couple times simon Sinek is going to be wacked back with us the problem is it's in May of next year it's April the 28th through May the 1st in San Diego and it sold out today the they sent me an e-mail a few minutes ago and it's already sold out the tickets that are not sold out are the Platinum and preferred tickets the platinum you're backstage with a VIP picture and a lunch with Peyton and me and so on and so those are in your course sitting on the front row in this event with almost 3,000 people in it so it's the Platinum czar pretty incredible tickets the preferreds are as well they're in preferred seating and you get access some other places and there's some lounges and these events are absolutely stellar they're incredible so if you want in on that it's basically gone but you can still get in platinum our preferred though those higher end tickets there's a couple of the left not many of those and they'll probably be gone within a week or so at the rate we're going and then we're gonna start taking waiting lists on the rest of it in case someone drops out so again the entree Leadership Summit San Diego now the smart money events are on sale they're selling very very rapidly for the Fall Charlotte North Carolina Chris Hogan Anthony O'Neill September the 20th San Francisco Chris Hogan and me in October Minneapolis October 29th chris hogan and me that one is 93% sold already if you're in minneapolis and you want to come in October I would suggest you get your tech at hello okay San Antonio Texas November 15th chris hogan and i that 160 percent sold out colorado springs chris hogan anthony o'neill tickets there and then antonia san antonio Jenna that's January 17th January 22nd chris hogan and me in san antonio those just went on sales or there's tickets there kansas city smart conference in october is 74% sold there's less than one thousand tickets left for that already so again these things are lighting up guys so just telling you the marriage and money events are all 50% sold out for September October November Orlando Houston Anaheim Phoenix that's Rachael Cruz and les parrot doing those of course Dallas Texas just went on sale smart conference in January business boutique is seventy percent sold out with Christie right and the whole team there that's going to be an incredible lineup this coming November these are our live events I know it's summer but when I got that email this morning I went gosh we need to be really just telling you guys what's on we don't hype the tickets we just tell you they're there and we want you to come and we want to sell out but also don't want you to call me up in October good idea so don't get your ticket if you're gonna come cuz they're gonna be gone that's not hype it's just mathematical fact justin is in Asheville North Carolina hi Justin how are you I'm doing well Dave god bless you thank you for taking my call sir sir how can I help my mother turned 65 on August 2nd and she will get her 200 access to her $200,000 in retirement and she then broke her entire life and she had the most atrocious spending habits you could imagine so her getting access to all this money scares the jeebies out of me I'm trying to get her to understand the importance of paying an expert for their advice and she doesn't want to she thinks that she can just listen to my brothers and my sister and her friends and she can figure it out on her own and I know that that's not the case what can I do to get her to do the right thing with this last big financial mistake that she can make and turn into a financial security and strength for her rather than a mistake it's really frustrating to watch people you love do stupid stuff it really is and because I love her so much my income has gone up like twice what it normally is Justin last year because I changed careers so and I've been listening to you for years and so I have a small head on my shoulders when it comes to finances so when you talk to her about it her response is what I don't need open-minded like she's listening to me but at the same time I know that she's also listening to other people she has it in her mind that she can just do what she wants she in her town no she is no she's not she's hundreds of miles away from me I am gonna take time off work so I can get with her I'd like to get her with a smart Wester pro in her area yeah limbus company heard to her her meetings yeah but I don't know who those are I haven't made any phone calls to them I need to get on the right track yeah just jump online at smart Wester at Dave Ramsey comm you can find out who to get in touch with there that would be smart I was going to say physically take her to Financial Peace University group you know and take her to the lessons the nine different lessons pick her up every night but you can't do that you're hundreds of miles away here's the problem okay can't make adults not do stupid stuff stupids not illegal right and you know it just you and it's just you just can't make them and all you can do is persuade that's all you can do as far as whether you give someone a fee to help you do your investing or you give someone a fee to help you handle your money here's what's interesting she's gonna take two hundred thousand and do DIY do-it-yourself this woman has never worked on her own car right what's her car worth nothing about maybe a thousand dollars it's months but she didn't work on it right so she she pays an expert to work on a thousand dollar item but won't pay an expert to work on a two hundred thousand dollar item right does she pull her own teeth goes to the dentist and the pays an expert to deal with her mouth right right you pay an expert you pay an expert to look at your eyes if you need like I wear glasses I'm going to the optometrist next week to get my prescription looked at again I'm getting old you know I mean you pay an expert that has been trained that knows what the flip they're doing but money is so interesting people think they needed DIY that you pay an expert you'll sell your own home that's ludicrous I can show my house so everybody's buying houses yeah everybody's buying houses but you're gonna make a huge mistake it's gonna cost you thousands and thousands of dollars to trying to save two nickels and commission from somebody that actually knows what they're doing listen I I'm the money guy and I have a smart investor Pro I'm the money guy and when I get ready to do a state planning I don't do my own I'm the money guy I don't do my own taxes you know I hire an expert I don't want to do that crap also don't work on my own cars hello because you need today I have a degree in computer science to work on a car now and so you have to reboot them I don't know how to do that and you know it's a so that's what you got to talk to her about is just see if you can get her to grasp how important this is that she involve an expert it's two hundred thousand dollars God has entrusted her with is she going to be a good and faithful servant or is she going to continue from Adam throughout her life of misbehavior I don't know how blunt you can be with her and get away with it what is persuasive to her how are you going to get through I don't know but it's good that you love her enough to try I'm gonna give you a low probability unless she accepts your advice that she's that the story's going to turn out well I'm afraid you're right it's going to turn out poorly this is the Dave Ramsey show [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys it's Rachel Cruz cable and satellite bills are the worse mini plans are overpriced have hidden fees and force you to argue with someone over the phone just to keep your rates from going up now here's the truth whether you're paying off debt or saving for your emergency fund it helps to think creatively for ways for you to save money each month and ditching cable is a great place to start but don't worry you don't actually have to sacrifice your favorite Network TV shows just to boost your budget get a marathon HDTV antenna buy free signal TV the marathon whole house antenna brings powerful and reliable long distance TV signals into your home and studying HD quality in fact it generates a signal so strong that it can power 4 or more televisions in your home so no more paying for extra cable boxes either it's super easy to set up and get started plus you'll start saving immediately because it's only a one-time purchase that's less than the typical cable bill with no monthly fees or contracts go to free signals dot TV and use code rachel at checkout for a special free shipping discount get your marathon antenna today and start saving with free signal [Music] chris hogan here i've spent so much time on the road and talked with a lot of people and the millionaire success stories that are run into might surprise you most stories that have a happy ending don't feel like it along the way you're gonna get a glimpse into the life of a self-made millionaire what came out of it was a lot of lessons this is millionaire my name is Amir and this is my lovely wife Connie we along with our two grown children run a consulting firm where we provide speaking consulting workshops and those types of services to two leaders I left Iran because there was a lot of unrest at the time in 1978 there was a war there was a revolution there was a lot of stuff that happened and I didn't make it back home for 13 years Connie came from a background of very modest means and that's running the hoods you say the hood my family was lower middle-class I guess are struggling we struggled the whole time my parents told me nothing absolutely nothing about finances and my parents obviously lived in a completely different culture they didn't know anything about this console and they weren't here to coach me or teach me or anything like that so I have to say we were clueless we had no idea what I mean about finances about life or anything we were in love I mean we didn't know anything about anything we just knew that we loved each other and we said hey why not let's go ahead and get married we were kids at the time I was going to school I had two jobs and Connie had one job and between the two of us we had a car a beater and and so that's where we were when I got out of college I remember my salary was about $36,000 a year okay so for many many years it wouldn't reach a six-figure salary we did a lot of stupid with zeroes in front of it as they've mentioned but then later on in life what we did was we essentially got a lot smarter about how to manage our money and the fact that that is not something that is a good thing and and and and that's how we really started making real progress in our finances I was looking at TV and I saw this reality show with a family that had a large amount of kids and someone asked him how can you afford all these kids and they said we're debt-free and I'm going like they're debt-free with all those kids and we have two we could be debt-free so I I went on their website I tried to find out what they did but it wasn't practical enough it wasn't what I needed cuz I I needed the how-to and then I discovered a Ramsey I saw his billboards here in Atlanta and about the course and told me we have to do this I'm you're had no choice [Music] she is an avid reader on a variety of topics and when she came to this one she was like look we got to do this we took the course and really found the principles to be very helpful and so we started coordinating about nine years ago FPU and in fact even right now as we speak on Monday nights we are coordinating our I think our 10th class having a budget having a plan having some sort of a discipline to do that those are basically foundational things that need to happen what are some things that really contributed to us getting there for me the first thing is stop chasing the next hot stock I cannot tell you how many bad decisions I made it was like geez every time we heard about something is really doing great we jumped on the bandwagon only to see a tank we're gonna put our money in long term you know mutual funds and we're not gonna chase that next thing more behind the scenes with Ramsey care I'm here with the director of Ramsey care Melissa Wilhoit will also tell us all about your team so we are Ramsey care so we're the customer service of Ramsey solutions so we do a lot of things our team has 14 people 15 including me that is set up we have a service team a sales team and then also the front desk and the bookstore also fall under that umbrella so anyone who has a question that Dave would answer we can answer most of those if not we can get you connected with who can of the specialists we also most products that we have on the website we can sell those as well so you can call in and we can hook you up with those and get you if you're confused you don't know what to do which one do I need we can help you with that and get you the right product and so we're kind of a jack-of-all-trades yeah you really are and you do it so well and people are calling in at really difficult times where life they're scared they're stuck they're confused they don't know what to do they're crying and you guys handle it all so well we're so thankful for everything your team does and won't be talking to more of your team members here in just a little bit for that great chat with Millicent learning all about how Ramsey care works and thankful for all the work that you guys do exactly thank you [Music] sacrifice determination you can be intentional about your character you've got to be on the same page today we're calling to let you know we are debt free house and everything you have done really really good and you're not gonna quit than a huge witness for us to be able to share that it was time to get serious intentionality people the success this is your show America at 22 what I know now our life would be better is the show that's changing the world you live it [Music] live from the headquarters of Ramsey solutions it's the Dave Ramsey show where dad is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice I'm Dave Ramsey your host you jump in we'll talk about your life your money it is a free call at Triple Eight eight two five five two two five at the bottom of the hour Ramsey personality Ken Coleman the host of the Ken Coleman show podcast and XM radio star will be joining us for 30 minutes and as you know on the Ken Coleman show he talks a lot about careers about finding your passion we're gonna be talking about resumes in a little bit when he comes on so if you've got questions about your career direction you've got questions about your jobs you've got questions about how to land that job well they want to only Ken Coleman will be with us at the bottom of the hour you can actually probably start getting on the lines now and be ready to take your call next in the second half of this hour John's with us in Spokane Washington to start this hour hey John how are you amazing how are you better than I deserve what's up well my amazing fiancee just recently got me to pull my head out of the sand and start trying to do the Total Money Makeover we're doing it together starting July we've got our budget set but one thing that's kind of looming ahead in the future is 17,000 plus dollar student loan debt that I have that's old debt again I had my head in the sand I was kind of I'd kind of given up hope on everything and so I hadn't even been bothering with it and I'm wondering if that kind of like a student loan debt if that is something that you can try and get any kind of settlement on or if that's out of the realm of possibility with the student loan debt cool when are you getting married we are our plan is to do it in two and a half years when our debt is paid off that's kind of our celebration and like kind of a like we've proven our commitment to financial success and we're doing it were you know committing to each other as a result of that how old are you I am 42 okay all right and she is 38 okay just a side note not your question but we don't recommend people wait to get married to be debt-free Oh as long as you're both on the same page and you're heading in the same direction it actually helps you get out of that faster to be married because you think you can combine things from a legal standpoint and a relational standpoint at a different level and create a different level of intensity pointed at the math and you can just you know two individuals trying to work together so we'll definitely take that to heart and look at possibly you know we she's probably wanting to make sure that your head is then going to stay out of the sand and yeah so mutual thing we kind of agreed that but but yeah I understand what you're saying so but I mean after you've proven yourself a little bit and she says okay this guy's gonna be worth for them with then I brought if it were me I'd roll the date up okay anyway back to your question old debts can be settled for pennies on the dollar but student loan debts that are old almost impossible to do pennies on the dollar and the reason is you've probably heard the phrase they're federally insured student loans which means the federal government has told the bank that if you don't pay it they will gotcha so the bank has no reason to write off the original principal or the interest now what the government does not insure is excessive collections fees or gotcha fees or even late charges and so what I would ask for is an audit on the account and say what you know what of the 17,000 how much of that's what was originally borrowed that's your principal how much of that is interest and how much our collections fees and late fees that those last two are the ones I'd go after you got a shot at those but the government has ensured the original amount borrowed plus all the interest you're not going to get that written down now is that a like I've had the collection agencies like letter so I know it's act it's been at collections do I go through the bank of the collection agency you can start the collection agency it's fine on the on stop glass the problem is you're just going to find you're not dealing with intelligent life and this is going to be an adventure for you it's just very very difficult I mean the Sallie Mae people are dumber than a rock now if it's at that if it's at navient we're having some discussions with navient we're finding they're doing a better job by and large but you see that still a process it still has to go through and you know figure out exactly where you are and so how old is this loan when did you originally take it out now thirteen years old yeah and what was the original amount borrowed notice around 12,000 I believe okay and so if if the interest rate was 5% then we know that six hundred dollars a year times thirteen okay so you're over seventeen boss consider by considerably right you're probably I have paid some like and they were taking my tax returns oh well so there's been some taken down and that that may have applied and helped to then so you're probably going to find that yeah that's seventeen I don't know how much you paid but you got to figure that out and see you know what your balance is of interest and principle that's not going to be negotiable the late fees and the collections fees are negotiable particularly if you say you get yourself in a position that's right I'm a check you know you save up a little money and you're just gonna go show you send your money today do not settle any debt unless you get the amount in writing from the company so they can be an email or whatever but you have to have it in writing and do not give them electronic access to your checking account because number one they're dumb number two they lie and they will clean you out and there's nothing worse than liars except dumb liars and they're really really hard to work with we work with them all the time so you got to make real or that the follow-through was done properly do not give them electronic access to your checking account and always have it in writing before you settle any kind of a debt good question really good question Christopher is on Twitter says Dave do I need to set aside 25 percent of my earnings for taxes if I'm driving for uber absolutely they don't withhold taxes you're a contractor any time your contract labor taxes aren't withheld you're going to a tax problem at the end of the year and so if you make a thousand dollars a month driving for uber which a lot of people are right now that's fit two and fifty bucks a month that's three thousand dollars in taxes you're going to do give or take at the end of the year and if you haven't had extra withheld over at your main job then you're gonna have a three thousand dollar tax hole when you get rid of fire your taxes and you need to have the money to do that if you have been making money for a while as a contract person you are required to do quarterly estimates or you will be penalized and that means once a quarter you have to pay in what your tax estimate is which is your income minus any expenses associated with operating your business which by the way would be the fuel or the miles whichever you choose to take if you're driving for uber it is deductible it's a business that you've opened up and so talk to your tax person about laying out a proper profit and loss statement on your business so you know how much in actual taxes you're gonna have do this is the Dave Ramsey show [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay here's your rule on summer vacations you can't take one no summer vacation unless you save up and pay cash for it the days of you borrowing to go play are over you're not five years old you need to learn to delay pleasure seriously you cannot win when you take a vacation and the vacation follows you home and you have all the regret and payments on it for two or three years you're paying on that vacation that you take this coming summer no don't do that be a grown-up I'm gonna devise a plan and follow it adults devise a plan and follow it children do what feels good and ever since we took spring break in high school we think we're entitled to a vacation in our culture ever since our family took us on a vacation well a lot of you grew up in households like I did where vacation was a camping trip of the lake that didn't cost much because we didn't have the money to go to a Ye or go to the dadgum Mediterranean or something which there's nothing wrong with going to why there's nothing when we go in the Mediterranean if you got the money and if you're out of debt and you're not spending a large percentage of your financial world to take a vacay seriously people so this summer you gotta lay it out and say all right we're gonna go in July we're going to in August we're gonna go in September we're gonna take a Thanksgiving vacation and go see the family or take the family with us on a cruise or whatever I don't care what you do all i care is you be an adult and you devise the plan and follow it and that means you save up for that vacation and you go on vacation with - here's the deal folks you can't go with cash you don't go it's that simple you got to be a grown-up it's time when it comes to vacations listen up small business owners no one knows better than I do how important it is to keep track of your business expenses I remember those days if just one person doesn't pay it can throw your world into a tailspin and that's why I'm excited to tell you guys about fresh books fresh books is a cloud accounting software that makes billing painless it's ridiculously easy to use and it allows you to track time capture expenses and customize and create professional-looking invoices you can also get paid online right from your invoice meaning you get paid faster plus fresh books lives in the cloud so you can securely access it from your desktop phone or tablet wherever you are find out why over 10 million users just like you are already using fresh books start your 30-day free trial today at FreshBooks dot-com / Dave Ramsey and make sure to enter the Dave Ramsey show in the how did you hear about us section [Music] hanging out with my friend Janelle Janelle tell us what you do here well that's why I work here in the cafe half the day and that's when I come in and get things set up in the mornings early mornings I've been here for five years now but I just started in here last January yeah and so you were our first director of first impressions hanging out the front desk and now you're everywhere now I'm everywhere whenever one out because it's gotten busier and busier in here and you know poor Melissa is over there trying to keep up with all of our guests are trying to get helped and you're giving tours and stuff to what's going on yes I love giving tours that's why we have guests that come in and we do a quick tour on the first floor and that's one so people don't know that we kind of give you to show you around the place you there's a lot y'all can see us we've got a lot of fun Josie yes you can schedule it Dave Ramsey comm click on the show and then visit the studio can't wait to see you all right - no that's right see you soon [Music] thanks for joining us this is the Dave Ramsey show at the bottom of the hour Ramsey personality Kim Coleman the host of the Ken Coleman show podcast and XM radio show who's going to join us can answers the questions about your career and the direction we're gonna be talking a little bit about resumes and so if you have a career question question about jobs a question about getting a job a question about resumes five ways to fix your resume in order to get your dream job you know we're going to deal with that and so if it needs a little work this is the thing jump in and participate we're gonna hold open some lines right now James and Kelly let's hold open some lines and so Ken's callers can get through and we'll have some stuff lined up the phone numbers triple eight eight two five five two two five Erika's in Tampa Florida hi Erika welcome to the Dave Ramsey show hi Dave pleasure to speak with you you too what's up I'm calling about my daughter she's 18 and she's headed to nursing school which is fully funded she has a car that's paid for and about six thousand dollars that she's saved in the bank my question is what should she be doing with her money investing saving what do you recommend she should save every dime in that bank account that she can until she graduates from nursing school debt-free got it and how's your nursery school fully funded she has the Florida prepaid college you saved money in the Florida prepaid plan correct okay and there's enough in there to send her to college through to her bachelor's yes oh okay and how she thinking for the rest of it well she'll get her bachelor's and then she's going to decide then if she's going to go on to get her master's okay so her bachelor's gets her what LPN or orient no it's actually beyond an RN it's two years beyond an RN okay all right so that that gets right so she's going to go into the workplace at that point and then decide what she's going to do correct okay she got the money then to save up by being a nurse by being an RN okay it's a great field great field and so in case something breaks in the system the number-one investment the best possible investment this young lady can make is in herself to ensure that she graduates 100% debt-free so if she saves up a crazy amount fifty thousand dollars during the time she's in school which she won't but if she did there's no harm she gets out gets her are in and she's got the money to you know set up her emergency fund to make her transition out into the adult world and get an apartment and get some furniture and you know put a you know deposits down on utilities and maybe buy a house later and so forth so she's got money for transition if she doesn't need a dime more if she needs money more she doesn't go oh the thing messed up at Florida and I didn't know and then I had a does loan and you know I don't want to hear that later I want her to graduate debt-free so just save money got it we aren't we're all fans so she'll do what you say well I'm a hundred thank you very much I think that'll help her I appreciate the call Scott's with us in Michigan hi Scott how are you good thanks a might call this sure man what's up um we just started your program couple months ago beginning of May right Total Money Makeover and answered we're on baby step two right now so we put all of our savings accepts $1,000 baby emergency funds towards the debt good what we do have is we have a three old now that we adopted as a baby and he has about four thousand dollars as gifts from our parents family and stuff that were given to him in a savings account right now I was wondering if that's the best place for that until we get to the point that we're saving for college for him or if we should do something else with that it's going to be you know a good couple years before we're actually investing for college but how much how much in years before it needs to get used for anything sure how much debt do you have um about thirty thousand what's your household income just over eighty good okay so you you should be debt-free and just a little over your easy yeah we're looking at the end of next year that's a latest okay eighteen mots alright that's cool that works good yeah I mean you can leave it there or you're gonna go in it into a college fund I mean you can go meet with a smart Wester Pro and pick out some mutual funds and put it into a 529 if you want there's no problem with that I would not use that money for you to get out of debt unless it's no good unless unless it's to avoid a foreclosure or you know an extreme situation the kid doesn't have food or something you know I would use it then and I would figure out a way to put it back later but in this case you've got good numbers and I think you'll prosper more by just leaving it alone it's you know when you have a child technically they don't own money until they're 18 it's technically it's your money so it's only morally his money and in your mind my mind his mind he doesn't know he's not thinking about this but he's three but but anyway that that's the the the point is is that minors do not do contracts minors do not that's why if you go to open a checking account for a student that's a minor the parents are on it it's a custodial account because minors can enter into contracts and so they don't own money and the only time that there'd be an exception to that is if the parent is abusing money that has come to the child an example of that would be some Hollywood kid that earned a bunch of money and that you know the dad is the manager and rips all the money off or something the kids 16 it is 14 or something you know that that's you know that gets you in trouble but in this case you know I would just leave it alone anyway and I would move it over to a 529 or something like that you're on the right track thanks for the call zebb is with us in sacramento california has a bower young and it's a ramsey pleasure thanks for taking my call sure what's up my wife and four kids just recently started the program we're in baby step number two and I was curious I'm in order to help get the debt snowball going a little quicker if I should take a loan out against buyout 401k no to help no okay usually you should never borrow on a 401k and you should never cash out a 401k in order to get out of that you can't borrow your way out of that anyway and so yeah it did seem counterintuitive yeah you're you're moving my whole your didn't moving the debt you're not really paying off that so how much debt do you have we have sixteen thousand mm-hmm and how much what's your household income fifty-five thousand yeah good well I'm excited from you this is a new beginning and you guys are gonna be on a budget you're gonna win like you've never done before life is good here's why we don't borrow on a 401k right when you leave your job not if when you're going to leave your job when you die when you get a better job or when they fire you you're going to leave your job when you leave your job if you have a 401k loan the loan is considered by the IRS and early withdrawal on the 401k and you will then be penalized 10% plus your tax rate on any monies you don't repay in 60 days when you leave your job and that gets you into a mess the other problem is that you're unplugging good growth stock mutual funds inside that 401k in order to borrow money when you borrow money on your 401k you pay yourself interest but it's 5% 6% something like that and last year you would have made if you had it just in even in an S&P last year you would have made 19 percent on your money and so you would have unplugged that in order to pay yourself five and so you're missing out on all the investment upside number one number two but number one when you leave your job you get yourself in our serious crack when you do that it's a mess for you don't do that so good question man I'm excited for you you don't have a ton of debt you got a decent income you've got a new awareness you're trying new things and doing new things you said I've had it I'm going to change my life or going in a different direction and that direction is going to cause you to win that's exactly what happens so the chris hogan says the numbers change when people change the numbers change when people change it's a great quote that's that's tweetable right there the numbers change when people change here's what's weird you start making more money here's what's weird you have a whole sense of control about your whole life that you didn't even know you had all just because you were getting controlling your money ken Coleman is next answering your career questions hoax to the Ken Coleman show don't miss this this is the Dave Ramsey show [Music] so the second thing I would say that is really critical for anybody who wants to be a millionaire if you will you need to decide if you want to be wealthy or if you want to look wealthy if you decide that you want to look wealthy to others then chances are there's gonna take you a long time and you may not ever get there when you have a scarcity mentality you feel like there's only so much of this to go around and it really causes you to be greedy to hold on to things not to give anything not to because then you're gonna have less but have an abundance mentality the more you give the more will come your way we really made a commitment to ourselves to have this house be a blessing to other people so we have helped countless classes in our basement for people who wanted guidance on finances I do a lot of coaching on leadership and that sort of thing from time to time we've known people who needed a place to stay for a period of time the other way that we try to do that is you know I'm a I'm a consultant I'm a speaker and I have a lot of friends who do the same thing and what I do is I recommend their work they recommend my work it's not like okay we're competitors and if you have more I'm gonna have less so I think this whole notion of having an abundance mentality makes you a giver and it opens up a lot of doors that otherwise would be closed more and more as we're exposed to people who have accumulated millions of dollars we are now very clear that it's not about how much money you make it's about how much of that money you keep because even when we did hit six-figure for quite some time we were actually just spending the money we weren't keeping any of it we save we have targets we have a plan and we adjust our spending as we need to so if your Excuse is you know I grew up in this kind of environment you can overcome it if your excuse is I don't make a lot of money you really can overcome that by going after something that you love to do to increase the amount of money that you make but at the same time most importantly keeping more of the money that you do make and if your excuse is while I'm too old for this stuff but we've had people in our classes were in their 60s and 70s and yes we have those conversations that says oh geez I wish I had started when I was 20 but you know what I can start now it doesn't matter what kind of adversity you're dealing with if you're hoping if you really have hope for a brighter future that fact in itself transforms who you are in this moment and what you do and how much enthusiasm you live your life with so my encouragement to the viewers would be adopt a an abundance mentality if you don't have all the tools and methodologies go after it there's plenty of learning I mean you can start with a Financial Peace University it's only nine weeks what are you gonna do for nine weeks take the course and make it happen it's possible so go for it and I certainly wish all the viewers the best because it is possible that they will be in the same seat that we're in telling their story step one one thousand dollars to start your emergency fund step two pay off all debt using the debt snowball step three three to six months of expenses in savings step four invest 15% of household income in Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement step five college funding for children step six pay off house early step seven build wealth and give Haggai in Ramsey care with my friend Luke Deal Luke what do you do here I'm the Ramsey care sales team lead what does that mean to everyone watching online if you're purchasing something from Dave Ramsey calm the online store and you call in have questions you come to us we help you with that order over the phone answer questions get you got it to the right product wow you're already incredibly helpful so I can see why you're great at your job thank you for leading our team so well so what's your favorite part about doing the people helping the people I love it helping people in need and crisis got them to resources get hope back that's a good way to feel at the end of the day that you actually did something you helped people and that's what we do here we do work that matters and Ramsey care is the front line of that thanks for chatting we appreciate a budding Q George hey guys I'm Rachael Cruz and I'm happy to announce that we have a new addition to our family that's right baby number two is here Winston and I are so excited but as every parent knows when your family grows your priorities begin to change suddenly you find yourself making decisions for your kids future over your own after all it's all about them right it's their future you want to preserve and protect that's why term life insurance is so important for you and your spouse I'm so grateful that dad taught me the importance of life insurance early on as I travel the country I hear so many stories about young families left with nothing debt struggling to survive it doesn't have to be that way term life insurance is so affordable and so easy to get for almost 20 years Xander is partnered with the Dave Ramsey show to help families like yours protect their legacy give them a call or go to their websites I know they will take good care of you and your family [Music] [Music] as promised we're opening up phone lines for the Ken Coleman of the Ken Coleman show Ramsey personality answering your questions about your career choices about your job about resumes and we're going to talk a little bit about that the phone number here triple 8 8 2 5 5 2 2 5 but cause on this show there are two sides to the equation the income side and the outgo side we spend about 90% of our time dealing with the outgo side around here but occasionally and I tell you work an extra job you need to change jobs your job sucks and often times we hear people doing their debt free screams who have changed jobs who have accelerated their career who have picked up extra hours they've done something to increase their income and I always ask for a range of income and it's amazing how much their income has increased because they got intentional about the whole money side of the equation so Ken's show is a big part of that equation welcome back in good to be here Dave how are you good to have you man Gooden have you so on the resume yes this thing that you and the team put together if your resume needs work and you're sick of getting stuck at the bottom of the pile go to Ken Coleman show calm for a free pdf to transform your resume and it is not a one-page guide I mean this is a small book Coleman we got 15 to 16 pages that don't we just don't show you what we want you to do we tell you why you need to do it how you need to do it then we give you an actual template so that you don't have to do anything other than plug your relevant information into it and it's working now I taught our leaders when I'm talking about the 12 points you go through when you're hiring that the resume is basically a waste of time you don't no one has ever looked at a resume and go I'm hiring that guy I mean very few times even hardly look at the rest okay right there I'm so glad you said that I was doing some research but with the team before we put this together and I had heard some anecdotal evidence that the average hiring manager spends less than 60 seconds looking at a resume so I went online to see if there were actual data points and studies on it 6 seconds yeah six seconds no you think people are listening right now Dave one one thousand two one thousand just play that out six seconds that's what most people are spending as they hyper scan your resume to your point well there's two reasons okay one is the information on there's by-and-large useless it's hiring manager I've been doing interviews for years and number two they lie that's right I put lies on there in question and I'm not gonna hire them based on this piece of piece of paper what I'm looking for is a reason to toss it that's right and pick up one that I'm actually going to talk to that's right that's all cuz there's 73 of them in a stack here so I'm not gonna do 73 interviews I'm just going it yeah yep yep you know did you approve you the point manager my work resumes are worthless Dave without a relationship good line Rick Perry one of our HR gurus sit in this week's staff meeting he said we've already had 10,000 people apply for jobs at Ramsey solutions and we've hired 200 10,000 and we're halfway through the year so that's the point that you and I are illustrating you get hired here most of the time it rains these solutions if you know something because you and our leadership have done something very smart and you've said hey we want to get the right kind of people in here so we're gonna incentivize you current team members to recommend people that you know that might be a good fit and so that's the whole point a resume without a relationship is worthless so what we've done here day we've flipped the resume and on our template we have said you need to lead off with who you know at that particular company because if I'm looking if I got six seconds data tells us I got six seconds to stand out well first of all the relationship walks into the door and says hey I just recommended so-and-so who I know through a good friend of mine a rockstar character I think they've got the talent think they have the culture fit we just wanted you to know let's at least talk talk now what happens Dave comes out of the pile yeah now when they look at it because this is what we're recommending in this resource when they look at it they also are reminded oh they know this person this person in this person it's know longer referrals its relationships and that's what we lead with yeah so how do you get in the door if you don't have a relationship well there's a sociologist and his name escapes me and who had done some research back in the late 80s and the research continues to be touted by HR professionals and here's what we found that our acquaintances Dave actually get us more job opportunities than our close inner circle so inner circle being family members close friends and the reason is because that's largely the same network but our acquaintances so this would be 1 2 3 4 degrees removed so I know Dave but Dave knows this person and so Dave will open up the door over here or I go to somebody that I know not that well but hey we had lunch or we played golf six months ago yeah it was a great time hey I'm looking for something here do you know anything and so what we find is is that our acquaintances this research proved that acquaintances expand our circle so when I say you got to know somebody it doesn't mean that you have to know them personally or even well yeah you got to know somebody that knows somebody that said company that you want to be at one example would be I get an email from a guy that I haven't talked to in three years and not because I'm mad at him I didn't seen him sure and he says hey my cousin's son is trying to get on with you guys well that's like three degrees of 4 degrees of separation now exactly and so and he sends me the resume my cousin Sharpe says it says the kids sharp let's talk to you should talk to him the least yeah and so I email back what I always email back because I don't do the interviews anymore obviously we've got an HR team and the hiring managers do they're only interviewing on here but I'm emailing back all I can promise you is is will pull the resume out of the pile but that's a game changer so I am that's exactly how it works and then you get you will at least give them a look and if they walk in and you know they're you know you you thirty seconds it's over that's possible right I mean you might be nice to them for 30 minutes but in 30 seconds it's over that can happen that's right but then but but the other thing is the you know the kid at least gets a shot the kid is 26 you know but the young guy got out of the pile and Dave the calls I'm getting on that so now folks this isn't this is this isn't June so he gets out of the pile he might get an interview he's probably gonna get an interview at least a conversation he's he's taking his odds way way higher and here's the point I get that call with that Ken I'm sending out resumes all the time I'm not get anything back yeah because you're essentially wasting your time exactly you're just sending out resumes and it feels good to us and I don't want to step on toes but this is the fact you think you're being effective you think that you're hustling you might as well just little fire with all the resumes the same amount of effectiveness has happened same amount of effort and here's what's happened with LinkedIn and Technology we think all its effort by submitting a resume online or emailing a resume or posting something on LinkedIn when what we're suggesting is it's all about relationships get out there and talk to people and find your connection and if you do that then this resume template works then I've had folks walk in the lobby when I'm here to break and say hey I really want to come work here like I can't help you you know but cat that's working the lobby so I keep working on the HR guys I'm sorry and you at least get an eyeball then and I'm not suggesting we need a lion out here in the lobby we don't okay yeah but but the point is is there some kind of human connectivity that causes that resume to gather power when you just go on and you just fill out resumes I mean you you autofill them and they just you're just you're completely I agree you're completely wasting your time I talk about this all the time I call it the proximity principle I came up with it in the car one day a couple months ago driving into the office because I was looking back at my journey of just straight-up hustle I didn't have huge connections you didn't either we just hustled we stuck ourself in two key areas places where the right people were and places where I could learn observe and grow people in places this is a relationship game folks this is a effort game walk up and introduce yourself hello get around the right people because the right people Dave are gonna get me to the right places and then all if I get in the right place I'm gonna meet the right people we make this too difficult so what we're trying to do though is if you do it we're talking about and you submit this resume people are going to go fact we've all had a couple emails of people have gotten quick responses by using this on job boards completely free yet how to write the perfect resume five ways to fix your resume and land your dream job the Ken Coleman show you go to Ken Coleman show calm and put in your email we'll send it out to you Ken Coleman show calm will come back with your questions about your career choices with the Ken Coleman from the Ken Coleman show this is the Dave Ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Music] hey folks I'm Ken Coleman you might know me from the Dave Ramsey show or the entree leadership podcast let me ask you a question do you dread going into work on Mondays you're not alone a recent Gallup poll found that nearly 70% of Americans hate their jobs life is way too short to walk through the week like a zombie we all want to live a life of meaning and I'm here to help I'm really excited to announce my new radio show and podcast the Ken Coleman show over the years I've had the privilege of interviewing leading business experts athletes entertainers and politicians now I'm here to share their success stories and struggles with you as we explore how to find your sweet spot take a leap of faith and maximize your potential if you're looking to go from being stuck in a job you hate floating through the week with no sense of purpose to working in your strengths and unlocking your full potential I invite you to join us on the Ken Coleman show so subscribe tune in and share with your friends and family we all have busy lives I get it but being busy doesn't mean you get a pass on maintaining one of the most expensive appliances in your home I'm talking about your heating and air system the simplest thing you can do to extend the life of your heating and air system is to replace your air filters regularly that's why I'm a huge fan of filter by comm filter by automatically sends any size replacement filters to your home or business when you need them you can schedule them to arrive every month or every three months it's up to you it's so convenient you never have to worry about finding the time to pick up air filters filter by comm is your one-stop filter shop for well priced air filters in any size you need plus they ship free within 24 hours you can buy one or buy a bunch and when you sign up for auto delivery you get an extra five percent off you literally set it and forget it get started today at filter by dot-com back in Ramsey care for some more behind the scenes this is Brad fanned Rick brattin how are you doing awesome how are you do here I'm on the Ramsey care sales team okay so is that a part of Luke's team or what yes I'm a part of Luke's team so we answer lots of phone calls lots of emails there's also several of us who man the online Dave Ramsey store chat as well so if you don't want to call in you can also talk to us online if you have questions about products anything that we sell here I love that new feature it makes it so easy if you just go to our store page you can jump into the chats right there in the corner you'll see the chat button and you can talk to any of these lovely people everyone wave here all the ladies and Luke in the back here of course and the rest of them are taking calls from our customers and fans like you and we so appreciate that any last words for these nice people watching online go Vols Dave Ramsey rules the best woo here you go folks we've got more with Ken Coleman coming up next let's clap him out folks [Music] this is a rich conversation the thean komen of the Ken Coleman show joins us this half-hour answering your questions about your job hunt your career changes getting in the zone this unbelievable 1215 page little book that's a PDF is free at Ken Coleman show com Ken Coleman show dot-com it's a free pdf how to write the perfect resume 5 ways to fix your resume and land your dream job because I made my subtitle resume suck it's there of no value whatsoever and what was your was your tweetable line resumes are worthless without a relationship attached to it meaning someone walking in going hey I want you to take a look at this person know a name changer and our organization is no different than anyone elses that's doing a lot of hiring we've hired 200 people this year we've had 10,000 applications so that is a point oooo - right I mean it's unbelievable you know that's right you don't want to be in that number all right Steven is with us in Orlando hi Steven your question for Ken Coleman how are you doing I'm having the time of my life Steven how are you great my question is well my professor considers you know a bachelor's degree being associated plus 2 years experience and most jobs require and my main question is should I apply for a more advanced position than what my skillset currently is I just graduated with a degree in web design and then at the interviews let them know well not quite that I can't still do all this or so I set the ball lower and high for a job that just let my bare minimum skill set and then show them I can exceed you know that how much time do you have left in your schooling I'm all done I'm in internship this summer okay Greg glad you're in an internship I appreciate the question I just think it puts you in an odd position to say that you you know applied for something that you don't have the chops for now if you have the chops and you can prove to them that you've got the actual on paper qualifications whatever they put down for that role then I'm okay with that but what I'd rather you do is take this internship and then be doing more than what you're doing right now doing as much web design as you can I mean for anybody anything it could be your church it could be a social club that you're involved with you need to start showing people your work there's a book by Austin Kleon that I recommend called show your work and in your position right now certainly when it comes to web design your entire resume is your actual ability to do something and you could say I've got the skills or you can say here's what I've done and I want your mindset to be I'm gonna anything I apply for I'm going in showing them that I've done what they want he done and then and then just exceed expectation that's about that what work your way up a ladder just completely blow people's mind with your work ethic that's right with your smile don't try to sell them that you can actually do something that you're not technically qualified for I'd rather you get in I've got a three part role that I think everybody has to do to win in the now so that they can get to the next and that is for you and that is know your role that's a clarity issue when you get hired accept your role that's an attitude issue and then it's Dave just said maximize your role that's an effort issue you do that you'll have no problem moving up yeah because I mean we around here we say someone stuck their head up mmm that's not their head up and all that means is they were like not they were not only doing what they were supposed to be doing well but they did it so well and a little bit more that's right they maximized their role and that's how you move up because we have noticed that's right we have k-ras here that means key results areas so when I came on or anybody here that comes on this is what a win looks like it's very clear so the clarity is there now it's up to me to have an attitude of this is an opportunity to win but I this is what the win looks like it's been described for me but now I'm not only going to do just that I'm gonna go above and beyond and find ways to add additional value to my KRA you do that you move up here at Ramsey solutions and I would say in any healthy culture in any industry in America if you do that you will move up there we go just like that all right Elijah is thus in Raleigh North Carolina hey Elijah welcome to the Dave Ramsey show your question for Ken Coleman hey yeah I'm 19 I'm a Christian filmmaker and creative director at my church I currently look at a grocery store part-time but I want to get started in the creative field doing my own business and kind of like a freelance type of the deal full-time and I have no idea how to get started from like a logistical or financial standpoint are you a Christian filmmaker do you make Christian films are you a filmmaker that's a Christian both secular work and a lot of Christian work too okay well just for fun real quick I'm gonna answer your question it's not a financial issue so I just want to take that off the list but let's just dream at 19 tell me your quick answer 10 years from now what are you making what videos or films or short stories are you making gotcha so here's the deer how does a 19 year old get started you get started by actually finding people that need a short video if you look at local television you watch TV tonight look at how many local commercials have got video elements as a part of their commercial meaning they're they're just paying some production company do a simple commercial and a lot of them are bad not knocking local ads are bad they're abysmal so there's an opportunity let me give you another opportunity at the church itself do more at the church I want to see you maximize the opportunity to church I know you don't enjoy that much but it is an opportunity for you to show your work as I said to the caller earlier the other thing is look for small businesses that are successful but they need video content everybody needs video on a website to help tell their story you sir at 19 have the great great flexibility to get out there and volunteer your services and do it for them if they can pay you great but at 19 I'm volunteering two or three projects to create a portfolio or another word is a real in the in the production world that would be your highlight reel some of your projects creating to page create a Facebook page and show your work by the way everything I just described costs you nothing but effort yeah you just put you to sweat but he doesn't have any money to start a production company at 19 he's got to spend a little time well and the other thing is is that you have the unique advantage of 19 year olds in today you know in 2018 means they were born in 1999 they I feel old yeah I mean that's think about that so there he has never been in a world where YouTube wasn't there that's exactly right that's exactly and so it's second nature for you on how to utilize something like YouTube versus me at 57 I have to have people like you around explain it to me or Rachael Cruz yeah there's loves to explain crap to me that I don't know about culture but these are resident pops resident pop culture diva yes but you know that's an advantage it's a he and so you could roll into a heating and air company that's owned by a 50 year old and show him how to make money using YouTube how to get clients using YouTube and he wouldn't even know how to spell it no you know right and so you get its inherent to you because you've never been in a world that didn't have it yeah but how about walking in to somebody who owns a small business that your parents know and say hey if I were donating my time here's some little things that I've done at my church if I were to create a marketing video for your website that tells people in three minutes or less what you do and I can change their life would you let me do it no pressure you don't have to pay me guys gonna look at you go well sure man go for it yeah if it's bad I won't put it up yeah and then one other thing I want to add for that young man that I didn't say and for other people that are in a similar situation when I asked him what do you want to do 10 years from now he couldn't tell no that's okay he's 19 he's maturing however here are two questions that clarify that even at 19 I would say to him what stories or what products or services fire you up what do you personally like what do you consume or what problem do you most like to solve what tugs at your heart a solution and so go find whether that's a ministry or a non-profit or a government service that serves people that connects to your story a problem or again what do I enjoy and go find companies that are putting up products or services that you consume what he'll find is he'll get really excited about making stories or videos about products or things that he consumes that he enjoys it's not difficult to find things that fire us up the Ken Coleman show is daily on Sirius XM 132 iTunes and Google Play for the podcasts the podcast is exploding you need to load it now you see why don't miss Ramsey personality the Ken Coleman show Ken Coleman show calm is where you go for your free pdf how to write the perfect resume 5 ways to fix your resume and land your dream job because resumes suck that's my last part from me there you go hey Ken thanks for hanging out with brother fun times Dave thanks for having me [Music] we all have smartphones isn't it time for a Smart Plan pure Jacque USA offers simply smarter Wireless that covers 99% of Americans stop overpaying for wireless unlimited plans start as low as $20 per month and include the same great coverage you never pay for any data overage fees and pure talk USA never turns off your data no contracts no hidden fees no surprises if you're thinking are absurdly low cost means less coverage make again your talk USA operates on the largest gsm network in the u.s. to ensure you are connected virtually anytime anywhere and our 4G LTE network provides the fastest internet speeds like more expensive carriers you can keep your same phone and your same phone number add multiple lines to save 20% off your total bill go to pure talk USA are and do something smart today unlimited talk and text plans start at $20 per month no contracts no activation fees no reasons not to try come to pure talk us a calm and see how much you can save enter this promo code to receive 50% off your first month [Music] so what is that consolidation [Music] debt consolidation just means turning a bunch of debts into one giant debt this gives you a lower interest rate lower monthly payment and a simplified payment plan but here's the problem you actually end up paying more and staying in debt longer with these types of loans because in almost every case the terms get extended which does mean a smaller payment but it goes on forever like the universe or Rey's Anatomy what season are they on 42 Oh 50 close enough now I'm debt free but let's say in an alternate universe I have $30,000 in debt okay track with me on these numbers I have a $10,000 loan at 12% interest with a 2-year term and a $20,000 loan at 10% interest with a four-year term my monthly payment on that first loan is five thousand seventeen hang on I messed something up five hundred and seventeen dollars and my payment on the second loan is five five eighty three that's a total payment of $1,100 a month now let's say I'm on facebook checking out the latest memes and I see an ad for a debt consolidation company they're promising to lower my payment to just six hundred and forty dollars per month with a nine percent interest rate if you're doing the map at home that's four hundred and sixty less per month and a lower interest rate well color me intrigued but alas has the great philosopher Bret Michaels once safely articulated every rose has its thorn it will now take me six years to pay this off six years turns out smashmouth was wrong all that glitters is not in fact gold although that album did glitter and went gold in fact it went platinum which by the standards set by the Recording Industry Association of America is technically better than gold all that to say I'll end up shelling out over forty six thousand dollars to pay off the new loan verses about forty thousand to pay off the original loans which means my lower payment cost me an extra fifty six hundred dollars and took an extra two years to pay off I've got two words for that [Music] just now No this conversation always comes back to interest rate you see the rate that comes with the debt consolidation loan is usually set by the lender and it depends on your credit score which we talked about in our last video my point is the interest rate isn't even the problem most of the time after someone consolidates their debt it grows back faster than Tim Allen's beard in the Santa Claus it's not about math it's about mindset Dave Ramsey says personal finance is 80 percent behavior but only 20 percent had knowledge so even though your choices landed you in a big steaming pile of debt you can work your way out you just need to see debt differently and get on a plan my favorite plan is the debt snowball Dave walks you through it the Financial Peace University a nine lesson course that's helped millions of people get out of debt you can check it out at fpou com here's the bottom line a better interest rate or lower payment will treat the symptoms but the debt snowball fixes the problem and now you know [Music] are you struggling to stay on budget get out of debt or even find new ways to save money well if that's you keep watching this is the Rachel crews show the Rachel Cruz show is here and we're gonna show you how to make saving money fun our culture has us trying to keep up with something just out of reach spending money we don't have to impress people we don't even like that's not real living I'm here to help you make progress with your money and your life so your money journey you guys would you say like right now in the present you guys are in a pretty good spot yes has it always been like this no we're gonna talk about tough issues celebrate the victories and share of plenty of tips on shopping budgeting home decorating for Less organization Gareth I hear that you're back because you start to feel the organization happens meals on a budget guarantee marriage fashion hands more if it's a part of your life it's a part of our show [Music] [Applause] more behind-the-scenes here for our Ramsey care spotlight now can't you celebrated your 10-year Ramsey bursaries yesterday how was that it was amazing I was so surprised my office was decorated with balloons and pictures and cards everywhere it was so nice we had a red velvet sheet cake bigger than our faces well here's the deal cat today is your tenure and one-day anniversary so I got you a gift here you go here's a peppermint so sweet thank you sacrifice determination you can be intentional about your character you've got to be on the same page say we're calling to let you know we're debt-free how's that everything you have done really really good and you're not gonna quit it's been a huge witness for us to be able to share that it was time to get serious intentionality people this is your show America I knew it 22 what I know now our life would be better that's the show that's changing the world now you don't get us to listen to the show you live it live from the headquarters of Ramsey solutions it's the Dave Ramsey show where dead is dumb cash is king and the paid off Home Mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice I'm Dave Ramsey your host you jump in we'll talk about your life your money it's a free call at Triple Eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five crystal starts this hour off in Atlanta hi crystal how are you I'm fine mr. Ramsey how are you better than I deserve what's up in your world okay I have two questions my first question is my husband argon baby step number two and we've been having this conversation he's more philosophical thinker so you have to go years down the road so I was wondering if if we owned a house right now if we can use our 3d even though we own our house as a way to get caught up on our on our mortgage like to pay more down on our mortgage before we get to four or five and six okay you own a home but it has a mortgage on it correct yes sir okay baby step six is pay off the house early right baby steps four five and six are done simultaneously baby step 3b is saving up our down payment to buy a home if you don't own a home okay so there's no need to substitute because the only question would be do you not invest while you pay only extra on the home and the answer would be no don't do that okay you want to start putting 15% of your income when you get to baby step four into retirement and baby step five is doing something for kids college if that's appropriate in your situation I mean if you have kids and so forth number three and then baby step six is pay extra on the home with anything else we can get our hands on so what's your household income it's it's 125 before taxes good and how much do you owe on your home we just bought it is 300 okay all right and so all I'm saying is is instead of putting it all on the house once you get to baby step 4 put 15 percent which is 15 thousand out of 125 well 17,000 under 125 towards retirement and everything else can go towards the house does that make sense and so it doesn't it doesn't really slow down paying off a $300,000 mortgage because $17,000 doesn't make that big a difference right that's the point so we want to get started on retirement and baby steps four five and six run simultaneously you're simultaneously you're putting fifteen percent of your income into retirement and then you're putting money towards the towards your kids college and so forth and then any extra money we can get ahold of pays off the house as quickly as possible Tina Marie is with us in Boston hi Tina Marie how are you doing well thank you so much for taking my call sure what's up I've been working for 17 years for the same company I was 19 when I started and I'm a do not have a small yellow key a degree I'm finished a year and a half in video radio telecommunications for college my job has been in the financial industry and a mutual fund transfer agency there are layoffs potential I've gotten past the last couple rounds but I'm looking to see what to do next I have a couple options available um last year I took some certification classes online for project management that the company paid for I can continue to do that looking at just taking certification courses I'm data science certification is one that I was looking at doing this year again with the company paying for that with tuition reimbursement my other thought is isn't Morris actually going and get taking classes for a degree I don't know that I'm going to be here long enough okay no am I going into debt I think you've got a basic skill set that has served you pretty well up to this point so your experience around data which is what you're doing now in the mutual fund world and then if you can learn get a couple of those certs that you're talking about in the data world that will be very helpful because here's the thing in the marketplace today in medium-sized and larger small businesses okay not not four-person operation but an operation that's got 50 or 100 employees okay are starting to understand that one of the most profitable areas and we understand it here at Ramsey that we can possibly do is data collection and mining understanding our customer and loving our customer well by knowing them well and that's all data is okay and so how can I serve my customer if I don't know them and I don't know how they're interacting with me and so too many people just do a transaction instead of build a relationship data gives you the ability to build a relationship with a customer and serve them well really take their best interest at heart when you're designing products and so forth so data management is a huge field organizations that don't properly collect categorize and manage data are going to be severely limited in the coming decade so you're sitting on a goldmine kiddo at 19 I got very lucky that someone just noticed my analytical skills on my Excel knowledge and I did I get this got in it the second thing is is that even if someone doesn't know what a PM 1 a p.m. to or PM 3 is from product management certs if they even if they don't know what it is they will appreciate the results that you can bring as a product manager properly managed projects or products either one or by a PM it increases the efficiency of an entire team and again in a small to medium-sized company even in a large company there's a huge upside because really what PM means to someone that doesn't know what it means they don't understand what you've got if you're a PM 3 we do we hire PM threes and ones and twos all the time ok we appreciate it here but when I didn't know what it meant the first time I discovered how important that a PM is is that is when I saw how much stuff they get done because there's a process to getting things done as you know yeah and so you're sitting on two very strong certs there you do not need to go get a four-year degree and going debt to do it you lean end up leaning to both of those certs and some combination of those two things with your experience is going to take you and may you may get a raise over where you are now mate you may want just go ahead and leave soon as you get certs will not wait on them to take your head off because apparently they don't you know apparently the fear is ruling around there right now and and maybe it's not where you want to be but I definitely would go get all I could get out of those two categories as fast as you can get it especially if they're paying for it and I would just load up I mean I would go to school 24/7 work and go to school and eat and that's all you need to do right now and really because both of those have I mean it's 10 and 20 year implications for your future because you're sitting right on top of a powder keg in a good way I'm so excited for you Tina this is gonna be awesome it's kind of your future so bright so lean into that stuff kiddo lean into it hard and way to go you're scrapper I like you you're good stuff thanks for calling in hey folks this is your show it's all about you the phone number is triple 8 8 2 5 5 2 2 5 this is the Dave Ramsey show [Music] going from that steady paycheck to having to create the revenue myself I was very fearful about actually making the jump I have a full-time job trying to build my business on the side balancing all of those things it's a lot to juggle I'm trying to figure out how to run my business effectively from a customer service standpoint but also from a financial standpoint I wasn't sure if I would be confident enough to pull this off there's so many different moving parts I feel like I have to do everything how do I grow this business there is a movement happening right now of women starting businesses and here's the best part you can too hi I'm Christie right and I know firsthand what it takes to start and build a business now maybe you're already running a business full time or maybe you just have an idea in your head that keeps you up at night regardless of where you are at any stage in business it can be overwhelming to put yourself and your heart out there on the line for over a decade I've coached women step-by-step from the earliest stages of finding their idea all the way through achieving more success than they could have imagined I've created a custom plan for them to win and now I want to give that plan to you my new book business boutique a woman's guide for making money doing what she loves will give you everything you need to grow your business to the level you want you'll learn how to market your business you'll learn the business side of things such as how much to charge how much to put aside for taxes and how to budget for your business you'll learn how to sell without being pushy and how to earn and keep your money and not feel bad about it and most importantly you'll learn how to manage your time so that you can have a business and life that you love this book has given me the step-by-step plan I need to move to the next level with my business it's good book to live by it's something I can reference no matter where you are at in your business this book has given me those answers they all meet using this book as that tool is what's incredible there's never been a better time to make money doing what you love and this is the plane you need to do it our high health care costs getting you down are you confused trying to navigate the health insurance world do you wish you could find an affordable biblical solution to your healthcare costs based on New Testament principles Christian health care ministries are CHM helps christian families churches and businesses join together as the body of Christ to share their major health care costs as a CHM member you can go to any doctor or hospital you prefer you aren't bound by an approved healthcare provider list and all treatment decisions are made between you and your doctor no treatment approvals are ever part of the CHM experience for tens of thousands of Christians CHM is a trustee affordable and biblical health care solution and it can be the solution for you as well visit us online or call today to learn more about how we can serve your family church or business Christian health care ministries one eight hundred seven nine one six two two five CH ministries dot org here at the front desk with my friend Mel as we call her Mel your title is interesting so we don't call them receptionist even though they work at the front desk what's your title my direct my title is director of first impressions and what is that about why do we call it that um well we think it's really important to give a good first impression when people walk through the doors or call the phone I love that so your day-to-day duties obviously you're here at the front desk you're the first person people see we're gonna talk about that more in a little bit and let you get back to the phones but for now more of the Dave Ramsey show coming up [Music] [Applause] [Music] Louisa is in Atlanta Georgia welcome to the Dave Ramsey show Louisa what's up hi Dave thank you for taking my call we do have a date for $60,000 and I would like to know if it is a good idea to get a loan against the house which is already being paid off not if we can help but I would avoid it what kind of dad have you got we have a $21,000 balance on our car and then credit cards that uh that we have and actually of about $40,000 on credit cards yes okay how long have you been doing that recently we had we have we use all our emergency Alfonse view to a loss in our family so all the fonts were gone and we have to get the credit cards and then you know and stuff from the house that broke down and there are more than $10,000 so we had to have it that is the reason why we went up to up to $4,000 mmm so you guys all lose your jobs no okay so you get in click on the in during this time right now is it will be like about a thousand I mean sorry six thousand sixty thousand dollars a year between the both of us I haven't just got a better income from his job okay well that's good news all right no I would sell your car okay I would not you've got a real mess with credit cards here I would cut them up and vow to never use them again no matter what happens and but if before I would borrow I wouldn't borrow on my house to buy a twenty-one thousand dollar car when I make 60 and essentially that's what you're asking me to do and so I would not do that I would probably move out of this car and downing car dramatically and then be able to pay cash for whatever you move into and then let's attack the credit cards smallest to largest using the debt snowball in that order list them smallest to largest pay minimum payments on everything but the little one and attack the little one what what is concerning me is this okay and I want you guys to go back on dresses you don't have to answer me but you and your husband need to answer this question okay what are you gonna do next time there's a problem okay you gotta have an emergency fund in place of three to six months of expenses once you get this debt paid off and what kind you know is the type of problem that occurred ever gonna happen again or was it just an unusual never happen again type thing or was this a thing that stuff comes up and we just instead of working our way through it and instead of limiting what we bought we just put behind you're making 60,000 put another 40,000 on credit cards so you had $100,000 problem I mean that doesn't sound right kiddo I don't think that happened as a matter of fact I'm questioning you so I want you guys to do some soul-searching because sometimes what happens is is that there's a problem in a family like someone's ill or there's some kind of a crisis and while that's going on we go do a bunch of other stupid stuff and then we blame it on the crisis but I bet you if you go back and detail out the $40,000 or the credit card debt that only a portion of it is associated with your crisis and that's what I normally find in thirty years of doing what I do so I really want you guys to look at that because I'm not positive I'm just but based on my experience that's what I think has happened Susan is I'm sorry grace is with us grace in Philadelphia hi grace how are you good thanks for taking my call sure what's up um so I have a question about a rental that I own so we've paid off all I did all are dead except for that rental and it's a home that we own in Virginia but we're anything out right now mm-hmm so we're trying to save for a home but we all on the lawn on the rental so my question was we try and paid on that rental instead of saving for home you should sell it so we're currently renting until next year so we do plan to sell it next year no you know so for the next poet now but we have tenants in there well only when you get the tent when the tenants leave good leaving next year like a release that's right okay so that lease expires next year when in May of next year so you just signed it yes okay so what do you owe on the house 140 what's it worth about 180 so why are you keeping it we've just had the tenants since we moved last in 2014 so one of them taping it why did you keep it in May why don't you resign them on you put it on the market now I guess we didn't we didn't think about it yeah you were not renting in Philadelphia and said hey I want to be a landlord in Virginia no no this is about default you wandered into this and didn't bother to wander out so I you know I asked the tenants if they want to buy it let's see if we can get out of it now and you put that forty thousand bucks in your pocket now and that moves you towards buying a house in Philadelphia quickly get your debts paid off if you have any but you don't need to be owning a rental property in Philly in Virginia when you live in Philadelphia you're too broke and besides that I I'm not broken I don't own any long distance landlording long distance landlording is how you end up having somebody change their Harley oil in your living room so you just don't want to do that you need to be on top of property more than that even if you have a management company in some cases especially if you have a management company so yeah I want you to get rid of that as soon as you can get rid of it so that you can have a lot less risk in your life and you let you to your point you're a hundred percent debt free and you're able to save up and buy your first home that you live in in the town that you live in and that's way you had a boning rental property Susan is with us in Nashville hi Susan how are you hi Dave um I am calling you because I'm hoping that we have not paid a stupid tax but I'm hoping you're not going to tell me that we did I went to a college counselor marketer's herself as a somebody who would help us plan for our child's college and it was in like a three tiered approach one of the things that she raised the point about was a 529 plans and al 529 count against you when you're applying for financial aid in college you know they're going on okay okay they only count against you if you're trying to act like you're poor okay if I'm trying to get income based scholarships that count against you we shouldn't be getting income based scholarships unless you're poor well we're not okay and and I thought we were like it is this this income level where we should meet with this woman to minimize our I don't even know what it's call it our exposure so we met with her and unfortunately we pay their $1500 and I thought she was going to help us position ourselves in a better way when we apply for colleges and filling out the forms and so on we walked out last night and what it came down to was basically she was trying to sell us an insurance policy and get us to transfer our 529 plans to this insurance policy I know that's a horrible idea man no no no no no and my stomach is I feel like I've been kicked in the gut I can't leave you paid her the money last night no we paid her a couple weeks ago and I'm just wondering if we can get this money back how about it I'll just call him and ask her but I think she probably already spent it probably yes I don't think you're gonna see it again I mean yeah I wouldn't pay somebody $1500 to coach me for how to get a kid in college so just for the rest of you out there but I don't mean there's it's not a regulated position prefer you to pay someone to coach you to do that it's not there's no regulatory body involved and so the only thing I can do is if I were you I would just call upon our and go listen we're not satisfied and we're gonna post you know on social media that we're not satisfied with you and we would like a refund and if we don't get one then we're going to let other people know not to use your services as loudly as we can and that's the only thing you can try to do here [Music] so how do you actually get rid of your credit cards well number one don't sign up in the first place but that's probably not you so watch this video blog to make sure you know how to completely cancel your credit cards I talk a lot about getting out of debt and living without debt steering clear of debt all the above but when it comes down to the actual tactical approach of okay I'm going to pay off my credit cards how do you go about closing your accounts well number one make sure you know what accounts you have open so you can run your credit report on some free websites like Experian TransUnion there's a couple that are completely free so go check those out and that's gonna show you what open lines of credit you have including credit card accounts then take that card the beautiful plastic wonderful card that brought so much magic and destruction into your life which is why you're putting it rid of it and just cut it up put in the microwave blow it up whatever I don't care get rid of the credit card because you don't want to have it around because it may be tempting to be like well oh no we had an emergency we'll just fall back on this No get rid of it number two before you close the account pay it off depending on the credit card or the credit card company if you close the account before paying off the balance sometimes they'll hit you with like extra fees or higher interest rates and that kind of thing once it's paid off close the account so contact the credit card company itself and say I want to close the account now people out there this is where you have to be strong see I'm so strong I have so many muscles be strong because they're gonna say oh but don't you want to take a nice trip to the Caribbean next month you can use your credit card points all you have to do is every time you fill up with gas just use the credit card in overtime and they're gonna just start putting you in scenarios where the credit card may start to sound appealing again you're like oh wow there I am on a Caribbean island with a fruity drink and a little umbrella in it and it's beautiful but then all of us that know my gosh credit card bills start surrounding and you have no money and you have to go back to that place and remember that going into debt is not a good thing and the stress and anxiety you felt with all that credit card debt you don't want that so stay strong when they try to talk you back into it say no I am closing this account and then follow up with a written notice meaning actually write a letter to the credit card company showing proof that you cancelled the credit card and having that proof is great because later if they don't end up closing the account and if you have to like get into like fights and stuff with them you have proof that you actually did it once your credit card account is completely closed you should get a proof letter from the credit-card company showing that your account is closed keep that letter because for some reason someone tries to open up an account or they claim that you didn't or whatever you have proof to say okay no the credit-card account is closed and here is proof and then last but not least check your credit report again now it may take a few weeks for that line of credit to completely come off so let some of the process go through and make sure you do check it again to make sure that they relate to close it the feeling of not having any payments could you imagine having no debt payments where the world says no no credit cards have to be part of your life debt is so normal everyone does it just get a credit card it's fine and then what's fine the average family in America is owing about $16,000 in the credit card they're probably not feeling too fine and shabby are they no no but you're not gonna be one of them and if you're thinking how in the heck am I going to steer clear of debt and live without a credit card well you can just pick up my book pay cash for it don't use your credit card to pay for it actually if you go to Rachel you can't even use a credit card so anyways love your life not theirs I talk all about debt and how to live a great life without debt so make sure to check out the book you can pick up at any bookstore or go to rachel cruise com so guys keep up the journey if you're getting out of credit card debt or any kind of debt keep it up start paying it off quickly and close those accounts Cheers I thought of Cheers without a fee s death out of so many celebration words but freedom that's the celebration enough I'll fish [Music] the whole mortgage home buying process is snow complicated more so today than a very intimidating you know what takes away the intimidation is not much of death and that begins the journey all the way down to the ultimate goal of baby step six and becoming a hundred percent debt-free house and everything one of the things we do is we provide homebuyer workshops these homebuyer workshops provide them great information we call it our smarter mortgage plane and it helps them get through step one two three four five and we actually focus them on step six and getting them in the home out of the loan out of debt so great too and that's why this partnership has worked you guys are thinking about our listener who has a set goal how you can participate in them achieving it and that's the beauty of this Churchill with Ramsey solutions marriage [Music] thank you for calling Ramsey solutions how may I direct your call can I place you on a brief hold we're in the middle of a video channel hit okay thank you hey Mel sorry about that just taking some calls now tell us about this thing that you've started kind of a rogue lost-and-found here a lot of people we leave weird stuff in weird places what are some of the stranger things you found well we have an array of sunglasses as you can see so that's great for sunny days when I forget my sunglasses we also have a teeth whitening pen that's very strange never seen it before am I like yeah you know what I'm just kind of we can throw that one away okay thanks for chatting with us mail appreciate it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Matt and Alexis are with us in Albuquerque New Mexico hey guys how are you great how are you better than I deserve I see on my screen you're debt-free congratulations thank you so much we appreciate it well done how much have you paid off we paid off $24,000 in about nine months way to go and your range of income during that time about 80,000 okay what do you guys do for a living I'm a pastor and alexis is a nurse okay fine what kind of debt was the $24,000 it was a combination of student loans that I had from ministry school and then it was also some credit cards and I financed a motorcycle and so it was a combination of all those things okay all right so how long have you two been married about eight months now oh so that's what started all of this huh so you decide you're gonna get married and so we got to get on the debt snowball we got to get this debt cleaned up is that what happened yeah so we got engaged back in 2016 and at a time we were both living in separate cities and we just made the decision to take the SPU class together but in our separate cities and just take time out each week to talk about what we learned and we really want to start our marriage off on the right foot very good Wow what a wonderful thing so the first nine months our first eight months of your marriage you're plowing through this debt immediately what do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is yeah so the thing that we keep telling people is you know you've got to make sure that you stay just trying to make the right sacrifices you know for us we were just incredibly intentional about setting up our lifestyle to just live on one income so that we literally can just throw an entire income at that debt and that's what helped us paid off so quickly is moving into a house that was far cheaper than what what we needed we made sure we didn't have any car payments and really just lived again under that cap of one income yeah that gives you a lot of options then for the rest of your life it does I mean that's pretty amazing if you can hold to that so on what kind of a ministry are you and your senior pastor or what kind of a pastor no I am a small groups pastor for a church now here in Albuquerque okay excellent okay well you definitely know one thing the small groups need to be talking about don't you yeah absolutely you know when our church kind of rolled out FDU I didn't know what it was but I was responsible for it you know so it was like you know we're going to do this I had no idea what it was and we began to take the class and I realized and this isn't something I just need to teach people it's something I needed in my life as well so it's something that really put me on a journey while you're putting people in the church on it as well you know I was talking to a group of pastors the other day telling them that all the data points we have in working with over 50,000 churches now over the years the churches that are growing aren't always serving a felt need in the community they're serving they're teaching people how to be married according to the Bible they're teaching people to raise kids according the Bible how to handle money according to the Bible and when they touch those different needs in people's lives well the biblical truth that church tends to grow and prosper so congratulations man you guys are doing good work thank you so much man we really appreciate it and yours you're spot on you're exactly right very very well done proud of you too did you have people cheering you on I mean you're leading the whole dadgum parade I guess she did absolutely we did we had an incredible support system yeah did anybody tell you you're crazy we have yeah yeah you know I'm driving an old car and I got people talking to me all the time about buying a brand-new car and we just keep saying though we're never gonna do it yeah very cool well very proud of you too thank you for leading the classes there and what a great way to start your marriage awesomeness guys awesomeness we're going to send you a copy of Chris Hogan's retire inspired number one bestseller and that's the next chapter in your story to be millionaires and outrageously generous as you go along and I got a feeling with a nurse and a pastor that we won't be able to stop your generosity so very very well done very good stuff Matt and Alexis Albuquerque New Mexico $24,000 paid off in nine months making 80,000 a year count it down let's hear a debt free scream yeah but three two one this is how it's done Wow you know what's interesting is in our world the self-improvement world that we live in the ramsey team lives in we don't do live events in the summer because you guys are too busy going on vacation and getting in debt and we don't do live events between Thanksgiving and Christmas because you're too busy getting in debt to go to a live event then and so our our business has a seasonal aspect to it particularly the ratings to talk radio ratings in general go down in the summer because when you're on the beach just listening to me just doesn't work you need music right I mean I get that I understand I mean what kind of nerd would listen to Dave Ramsey on the beach seriously but talk radio ratings in general go down and you don't want listened to you know Sean Hannity Rush Limbaugh you know yell and scream about politics when you're on the beach you want to hear music I do anyway I'm on the boat I don't turn on talk radio I mean really so I get that so summertime people kind of go into Coast modes when I'm saying you know and you know family vacations backyard grilling fourth of July's coming up you know and here's the problem you can't let your being an adult go on vacation it's okay to go with the rhythm of life but you can't say I'm gonna spend the whole summer seriously going into dad I mean that's just that's stupid and you can't not do your budget you have to do your budget and you have to still be doing the smart stuff now I get it that you're gonna focus on family and enjoy your summer and I want you to I'm going to enjoy my summer I can promise you that but there's a simple trick that'll keep you from losing out on investing through the summer if you set your contributions up to happen automatically I've set almost all of my investing in mutual funds to happen automatically it comes right out of my checking account every month just like that I'm in an investment and even if I was looking at something else and I was sitting on a cruise ship somewhere there was an investment happened anyway and so don't put off investing for the summer don't put off budgeting for the summer don't put off your debt snowball for the summer and if you want to get started with your investing maybe maybe while you got a little bit of time on your hands it's a good time to actually sit down and look at your overall investing strategy you might actually have a little margin you know schedule wise right now to do that so jump online at Dave Ramsey comm click smart Wester now if you don't know what this is we at Ramsey are not in the investment business we do not sell insurance and I don't own any portion of an insurance business we believe in insurance and we endorse Jeff Zander and Zander insurance for life insurance we think you ought to do it and I'm a customer of his and we don't sell mutual funds I'm not in the business I believe in them I buy them and I recommend you buy them but I don't make a commission when you buy a mutual fund nowhere know how I do get paid an endorsement fee for endorsing people in different industries because I'm in the radio business that's what I do the smart Wester pros are people that we endorse and they will meet with you with the heart of a teacher and sit down and help you lay out your investment plan and you need to do that and you can put it on autopilot for the summer if you want or if you get a little margin here in the summer you can sit down and unpack and start to know what you get what you're up against and what you can do with that Roth IRA rollover or that that 401k rollover or whatever it is just click smart Wester at Dave Ramsey comm put in little information it'll drop down a list of the smart Wester pros in your area that we recommend you select which one you want and you'll find them to be the kind of people that you'd expect them to be if I recommend them they got the heart of a teacher they're gonna give you advice that sounds a lot like what you hear here they better they won't get my endorsement otherwise that's how this works because I want you to be taken care of you matter to us this is the Dave Ramsey show [Music] now you can listen and watch like never before on your device wherever you are Radio out of whack give it a smash PC on the fritz smash it to bits mr. show check out past episodes right in the app it's the Dave Ramsey show not that far back customize your highlights to catch all your favorite moments like dead free screams and Dave Rance you unethical slime balls but wait there's more you can also see what's coming up next on the show plus you can start right where you left off like this love your work keep it up we've got little hipsters with their growth all stunted and yes we're on Android to get download today you can get it for the low low price of $0 download in the next 30 minutes and it's twice as free but that's not all you can also use it to walk the dog cover your bald spots call for help in case of emergencies I've been bet and I can't get out you just have to reach a moment where you say I've had it give your car a mirror-like finish sick of paper towels the Dave Ramsey show app holds 80 times little water slice the tomato with ninja-like precision make a tasty smoothie throw it in the dishwasher with the Dave Ramsey show app you'll have Street free plates every time but don't take it from me listen to this random man or woman this is the best up I've ever seen in my life don't delay download today and you'll receive your very own Dave Ramsey chia pet here's how to order watch the live stream on the Dave Ramsey show app check out past episodes customize all your favorite moments and see what's coming up pause resume and scrolling through the show comes standard download the Dave Ramsey show up today on the Apple App Store or Google Play I have to admit I'm not a fan of dental insurance very seldom does it pay off yet I understand that just one dental emergency can blow your budget quickly and the truth is no matter how expensive dentist visits can be you have to take care of your teeth that's why I am a fan of one dental comm one dental comm helps you save at the dentist immediately with an everyday low price it's like a Costco membership pay a little to join but you save big every time you use it plus you can choose from tens of thousands of dentists all across the country and unlike dental insurance pre-existing conditions are accepted there are no waiting periods no maximums no claim forms and no deductible it even includes orthodontics for kids and adults in fact I have team members who have saved over a thousand dollars for one procedure start saving today at one dental calm just a few minutes of the show left but I wanted to thank all of our Ramsey care team members who make the experience so great for folks that come in here folks that are calling in emailing in we're back tomorrow and we're live an hour - that's 2 p.m. central with our friend Ken Coleman and Anthony O'Neill thank you all for watching have a great day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our scripture of the day Habakkuk 3:19 the sovereign Lord is my strength he makes my feet like the feet of a deer he enables me to tread on the heights Alexander the Great said I'm not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep I'm afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion that's good Brittney's in dallas texas hi brittany welcome to the Dave Ramsey show hey hey what's up Colin get some advice about how I could get out of bed okay how much data you got I have $65,000 in bed twenty-fourth belongs fifteen thousand in credit card debt I have a personal loan about 46 hundred dollars and I just got married so my husband has about fifty thousand dollars worth it and how much of this is cars my car is sixteen thousand he is is 8,000 okay man you guys got a lot of debt yeah what's your household income he makes fifty thousand I made thirty-six thousand with the potential to get a bonus or a thousand dollars every month okay so you make $36,000 zero $15,000 a credit card is out you've been spending like you're in Congress kiddo I know you ready to stop I am I've closed majority on this but we wanted to keep open maybe a few you know just in case just in case me working for you I know you've got fifteen thousand dollars of just in case mm-hmm so I think you need to get us some scissors out and have a plastic surgery party tonight you and your husband chopped up all these credit cards I'd be a good first starter you willing to do that oh well I mean it's me because before we got together he didn't have credit cards are you willing to chop up every credit card tonight yes or not yes okay are you willing to never go to a restaurant until you get this cleaned up unless you're working there okay you ruin to cancel your vacations until you get this cleaned up yes this one's gonna take as you have an eighty six thousand dollar income and $100,000 worth of debt you end deep stuff you know there's another thing I've been a bill collector for the past six years and I'm painfully out-of-pocket I want to eventually stop working so that I can take this program occupational therapy I know I'll be able to make more money if I do that so I feel like right now I just want to focus on paying off the credit card it's a unless I'm in the program I should be able to get a part-time job to find car loans and help him with the household bills well I think you got about $100,000 worth of problems between you and getting that degree I want you to get that degree I like your idea and I want you to head that direction I think you're probably trying to get there quicker than you need to right I think both of you need extra jobs and you guys are going to have no life beans and rice rice and beans and you lean into this and if you'll do that I can show you how to clean this up but you're gonna have to pay you're gonna have to be more committed than you are right now yeah probably or put off put off quitting your job anyway maybe even go to school you can put go to school all right hey for it that's fine but I want you I want this off your back because think about what it would be like can you even imagine what it'd be like if you had no payments right yeah you'd have money yeah if you had no payments like a lot of it I know even being a collector yeah that's the irony of this kind recession in it yeah but the but yeah I think the thing is is that you you know you can really be one of those people that you call every day for the rest of your life or you can decide to change your life right now today's your today's your day and if you can get him on board if the two of you will get after this I'll show you how to do it but I got to tell you I had the prescription that dr. rims is going to give you is gonna taste bad it's gonna be rough you're the next two years of your life are gonna suck but you're gonna live like no one else so later you can live and give like no one else all right that's what Sharon and I did kiddo I mean we were broke we couldn't even pay attention I mean we were just we fought all the time about money stress fear fear anxiety lump in your throat sweat right above your eyebrows in the palms of your hands you ever had that happen yes I get takes two seconds five minutes is like I'm so tired of being a rat in a wheel right run run run run get nowhere yeah if you're ready to change it's gonna hurt but it'll be but it'll work I'll show you exactly what to do but you're gonna do it and if you don't do it it's gonna be your fault not mine okay all right I know I'm gonna pay for you to go through Financial Peace University it's a wine it's a one-year membership and you go to nine lessons in a group right there in Dallas there's a bunch of them operating in Dallas right now I'm gonna pay for them we'll give it to you for free okay okay then where you are I've been scared how old are you guys 28 I'm 29 he's 32 yeah almost like I've done this before yeah good job you can do this that's exactly how old I was broke I don't want to put on school you're gonna put off a lot of crap kiddo or you're gonna live your rest of your life like you're living right now no I don't want you to put off school either but you're broke hundred thousand dollars in debt I want you to be very afraid so afraid you do something about it like the doctor says if you don't lose 20 pounds you're gonna die so what are you gonna do you're gonna lose 20 pounds by God right right this is this is the game you're in now you got to decide because you can't play you can't do ish I'm doing Financial Peace University ish yes you'll get you ish that's all it'll get you so if you'll submit yourself to this process five million people have gone through this class I'm giving you then the ones that submitted themselves to the process have completely changed their lives and a lot of them are millionaires as a result but that's ten that's ten years less ten years later you got you got your degree and you're like yeah you got your degree and you're making a hundred thousand and you're debt-free and that's the 40 year old you or the 40 you is gonna look back at the 28 year old you and go you're stupid you should have done that stuff that man told you to do right it's gonna be one of the two it's no in-between there's no ish so don't do this if you're gonna itch cuz you're just gonna be aggravated ish doesn't work Dave ish truth ish sort of ish do it do it you hold on I'll have Kelly pick up the only thing I ask for you to do is to promise to attend all nine lessons you and those but and I will show you how to do this stuff and I'll convince you that it's going to work why because it will work it will work if you'll do it this will get you out of debt and you're gonna have a really painful two years you're gonna live like no one else so later you can live and give like no one else I will show you how to get not only up to Ground Zero because right now you're in a hole we'll get you back up on top of the ground first and then we'll show you how to build a millionaire life and that's what these people do they follow this stuff it's what happens to them if they don't do ish and you want to adapt and you want to write your plan you can write your plan but you're broke so your plan sucks follow mine it works and this is not because I'm there again but because we have a track record of helping literally millions and millions and millions of people do this so today's your day kiddo decide if you is or if you ish which is you and that's that everybody's got that day this is yours what are you gonna do and when you get out you're wealthy someday and you find somebody to scared the Deaf like you are you pay for them to go through the class pay it forward hold on Kelly's gonna pick up we're gonna pay for you to go through that puts this our the Dave Ramsey show on the books we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's altima lyon lee one way to financial peace and that's to off daily with the Prince of Peace Christ Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of the things that makes the Dave Ramsey show unique from other shows is that we genuinely care about our listeners that's why we're intentional about choosing advertisers that we know will serve our listeners well is no exception for years I've been telling you how amazing these guys are offers high quality window treatments at unbelievable prices and their customer service is unbeatable they make buying measuring and installing blinds fun affordable and shockingly easy and if you accidentally miss measure or pick the wrong color they'll remake your blinds for free when you're looking for window blinds the only place you need to go is blinds 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Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
Views: 75,835
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Keywords: The Dave Ramsey Show (🔴 LIVE), 06-28-18, dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live
Id: bGWrttBOeuI
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Length: 174min 28sec (10468 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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