There are No Secrets. Here's How to Win.

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yeah you're chilling don't even worry about the macro your coms are good you try your best to play good macro they're going to they're going to I really think the problem is like this I feel like we're about to take some bad fights and no amount of like cracked aim is going to make a fight good here let's see though we just get blinded cuz we're playing stairs open my fight stairs with me righta I'm fighting off you this guy isus 6 I'm going Spike down B and now this is good no info maybe this Lane Peak is the first part of the round where I felt like we have a huge advantage and do you feel the same way like if there was an enemy Lane right now do you feel confident on this duel like let's say they right here yeah I do it pretty often yeah yeah cuz this is the first Duel of the round that I like it's the first one where you would actually have an advantage and I get multi frags good good good because this duel is awkward this is awkward um and let's pull up who who do you like watching on killjoy because we can probably find some Ascent beholds who's your who's your killjoy Idol because it's no longer mechanics P never heard of him bet yeah look where we started around ignore the sheriff by we started around Lane on this angle that you liked um peing Lane and I like that angle a lot more too pre aiming for Dart timing peeking see we're not holding we're peeking he doesn't even want to give away that he's rotating got the silent drop oh wait wait look look look so we're losing the round peeking what a beast get out of my way perfect perfect perfect perfect they're about to get Rush turn down your my do you see how fast like I've never watched this player before okay but do you see how they're immediately playing the way that I tell you you should be playing uh there's no secret it's just um so they're getting rushed on B and it should come as no surprise to you where Pike is currently playing we ran from Lane to right here does it sort of make sense because this fight is good for us and let's see what happens bam ulate is ready oh back gets his Al I'm smoking back uhoh this is dangerous oh thank you Astro so yes our aim is cracked but paa is positioning in a way that enables him to get two in a way that you probably could get two as well um maybe not against these radiant players but in your lobbies against the ascendance you would get to does that make sense we'll look at the aold for a sec we're in a a weird off angle here and I'm sure you can imagine if they come out we'd probably get one for free turret destroyed defeated reload up like peer Advantage stay down my ready reposition peek over here and notice no holding no holding we peek and we tuck what's his ping I'm actually curious is he going to hold tab again this is very good my I like how he doesn't hold it actually feels High ping 60 oh perfect yeah cuz the way he's playing it actually does look like he has high ping um notice how he never holds he Peaks the angle he's not afraid to Peak the angle though but we Peak we Peak and we don't hold we're moving because um standing still on higher ping is like you're dead nron Okay nonon how we doing how we doing we got notes you hit the world's hardest wall in mmortal if you don't start treating every fight like it's your last fight literally your only problem is you don't convert 50s you remotely okay yeah so the way this works by the way is it's called engagement MMR which is like part of the way the matchmaking system tries to predict what rank you belong in and it's based off of of course your engagements so we're trying to make you uh clean that up let's take a look let's take a look here uh this is probably fine I don't think they're going to realize your tiles unless they're bot mid right now SW grenade I'd just be a little worried because you're playing this lurk roll but let's take a look SW be yeah we're too slow that's for sure I'm commit short eyes go go yeah so your team is rushing a main here as you can see in fact they're rushing quite effectively uh props to your team they're very very quick we're only 5 seconds in they're already coming out a main um but in this scenario try to picture yourself as the tree player right now and if you're the tree player boom if you're the a tree player and they're flooding out a main you are almost certainly coming into the smoke right here to like spam out or play over here to play for a shot or you're going to come peak okay these are like the three things you can really do you're with me so far okay so there's these like four options they have and one of them is coming to clear mid but generally speaking when they come to clear mid they are going to like very quickly Peak this line that you're on and then they're going to come out and check catwalk and then they're going to like turn around and go back to tree um you probably know this you've been there they're not really expecting you tiles here um and even if they do make contact with you I think it's a pretty fair engagement um and you're you're pretty likely to just catch them on bad timing cuz you only have to look one place you're just always looking catwalk that makes sense so I like walking up faster here when your team's rushing the the big risk to you is bot mid uh but I'm not too worried about bot mid I would go faster cuz your team's going faster chill go f watch out short behind us I'm watching City okay n Ron n Ron nron I'm curious why don't you want to walk up like close to these barrels like what what's causing you to hesitate to get more aggressive cuz like we're down numbers it's basically 2v4 our breach has a single millimeter of HP timing how much they see me I think so so right here if we walk forward you think it's bad timing should yeah I I would take risk here I don't like that we're playing so cautious on SES yeah we just have no smokes love it watch mark one thing I got I got Mar Downer okay okay okay okay if I just want to win another fight like drop everything else right now in your head all I care about is you getting another kill that's it we're not going to win the round what are you doing like give me a play are you doing the same thing or do you do you want to do something else shift back to Lane since K callsite yeah yeah I like Lane a lot I like that I think that would be good I'm also down uh if you said you want to get like close stairs catch them off guard marus like I want you in a head space here with the only thing that matter like you need to be a KD player right now because we're just doing damage to their economy down B last player standing um like there exists a world where a player grabs this guardian and throws it off the map like in boat I get one though I'm sh I I believe you Mar down last this looks like the type of Engagement they would expect standing their eyes are down Nice Shot Mar St on reveal contact my brother yeah then you just take the duel again maybe okay so let's pause here cuz here now I think it's even more clear that you want to reposition if we're just trying to get another kill so I'm trying to figure out where your mental block is and right now it's feeling like your mental block you might be thinking that duels in this game are just all aim like maybe that's why we're struggling a bit because we are just taking this eyes are down aiming and dueling and you see Omen just jump spot us and wide swung which is really uh hard for us to deal with here placing swen nades are coming now I'm needing I'm needing Market okay Market is failed yeah did we call this night round I feel like five stack rushing with no smokes is a recipe for disaster do the same again okay I can market and yeah I think maybe just say okay I'm down can we split mid or something like can Jet and breach take Market Market I can now nobody wants to go out cuz like there are smokes yeah just CT Lane honestly probably mark it too good spray good spray I like that yo J J L yeah I mean no smokes is just tough you definitely do not five stack rush into Cipher's bomb site tell you that much yeah I like this a lot more they are am oh my so g g I'm ning I'm ning I'm ning we need to go with my good watch out behind you it CL reloading reload enemy in Defender okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah reloading yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're too worried about just taking engagements so this is like a really tough angle to fight on and there's two of them but your team is flooding through market so like we can just alarm bot on the ground here and play in this right corner so we can place an alarm bot over here outside of their Vision so they can't just shoot it immediately and we can talk there's multiple ways to fight for space and I think you're getting caught in your head that you just have to swing and fight them uh because I give you notes that your your gunfights are are bad but gunfights being bad doesn't necessarily mean we just want to engage in every every duel we we want to fight them for sure but on our own terms if that makes sense we've taken Market control this was very difficult for us to acquire and now that we have Market control we we have the luxury of not having to give them this fight anymore if that makes sense sometimes you do have to take awkward fights like when we were scaling into Market we didn't have a choice but now we have the opportunity to really control this space a lot more carefully does that make sense out yeah you you lagged on theum spot come here come here come I yo brid you should land you have money I'm going to heaven oh he's just peeking enemy spotted a you can Al kill I like the after plant okay I'm after plant I like the old running myet has your heav I'm picking up your Heaven contact there's no world they're going to fight here wow these Ks are crazy going to be the same heaven heaven we have rold last player standing I'm picking up your hav contact yeah so like you peeking tree here is a bit bit crazy it sort of makes sense but if I'm peeking tree I definitely want to like jump out and air strafe left cuz yeah the heaven angles are big problem just call this time I'm going to come to you go main go main yeah you just ignored cwalk entirely you see definitely cannot do that tunnel vision yeah you did I'm mostly ignoring the macro to just look at the engagements we're finding he has no go up cat go up cat he's still there he's still there he has no yeah we we hold too much we hold a lot you just have to turn this into peeking like every couple seconds peek out and as you start peeking convince yourself that there will be an enemy there each time you peek it um I believe you're playing on like 50 ping so it's even more important like this type of static hold above honestly like above 20 is really miserable in this game I think you're going to you're going to find a lot more success if you take anytime you're holding an angle and unless you have an OP or a judge turn it into peaking okay so pretty much any hold so when you're holding B main here turn that into peeking uh here you're holding catwalk turn that into peeking the only time you should be holding is if you're really trick off angle and even then you might want to be wiggling a bit side to side cuz 50 ping is really annoying to play around C go up and that's why you died here like you have no time to react I'm dead ass you can't do anything about this go up go up C so you have 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and at this point he's probably already shot you 18 19 20 2 23 24 and then it registers on your screen but um if you shot like in that last five six frames it wouldn't have even registered there you're already dead to this guy Omen is a beast I got you [ __ ] I miss also this is what it looks like for the enemy Omen when he Peak to you catwalk or tiles do you see how easily you lay this guy out that's what it feels like to Peak someone holding and not moving this is the kill that the enemy Omen got on you that other round where you were just holding I going play it back I need you see how easy these kills are oh [ __ ] I missed I got you so easy going to reloading oh for God's sake one got to go my I feel oh what a bad retaing oh [ __ ] three not not they heard J yeah know he should have Bree tilted tree but also we should have canceled like it's Cipher's sight we got two picks we've never faked nothing nothing they might go they might go I love this kill on notice how it's a lot easier when we're like peeking this is really good nothing B nothing they might go tree they might go tree watch out yeah I would just knife out somewhere over towards tree here go in the corner go in the corner we'll pick Crossfire good 30 seconds left let me go first though yeah yeah yeah yeah but don't hold don't hold like peek it on timing oh you have a line bot never mind who cares is still here oh never mind Phoenix killed D me two two wait I'm coming back I have I need to one enemy remaining 10 seconds left down mid yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm getting [ __ ] that's yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good angle nice one one be they legit cannot do anything about you here oh so you can double up Lane look at you nron can we just come back okay they might be op on you C thank you so much for the tier three wait oh B clear watch out watch out oh wait what yeah he's- 100 okay freeze cuz I feel like you're about to just Peak this guy be mate here yeah yeah we got to chillus 100 we just fight them like that's not worth it man that's not worth it yeah he's minus 100 but like we have a turret Lane we could swing off of at the very least with a mly our team has full a control so you are the B anchor like I do want you to fight and kill him but I do not want you to fight and kill him on this angle does that make sense like I want you to be aggressive but not this way there's a lot of other ways we can get aggressive here uh we could even stay stairs here to peek off of our turret's contact that would not be terrible but taking this duel this way is a bit disrespectful to their Sher pushing me pushing me pushing me be good still GG SW grenade out GG turet for everything outs down bouncing [ __ ] planted I wouldn't have given away I here one enemy remaining I think I can hold it though yeah and that's I this is why you're struggling nron this is why you're struggling that fight's no good you can't settle for a fight that like I mean yeah they're lit they have a sheriff you get why peing 50 HP guy is bad because you're alone on site and there's 20 seconds left and you you're over peaking all of your util your entire setup is for Lane lever the time pressure is on them not on you think of it this way nron you're the player with the the sheriff be main right now okay and you have to play against me would you rather there's 20 seconds on the clock 1 V one okay would you rather I'm right out here in the open or I'm playing off my setup somewhere somewhere you don't know where I could be logs I could be close lever here I could be Lane I could be stairs peeking off my turret you have 20 seconds you have to push me cuz you have to plant or you lose the round playing off set you want me to be playing off of setup like you think that gives you a better Advantage you in the clutch how do you counter me then I'm saying what do you want me to do if you're in the clutch be main right now with a sheriff if you're KO you've got no abilities cuz your knife is on cool down your flash is on cool down yeah you want you want this like this fight that you're giving KO yeah it's good for you like I'm not trying to say it's not you have an advantage of course Ko's lit but it's still not strong this is what KO wants you to do like yeah you probably win on average when you take this fight but I don't know we'll call it an 80% conversion versus a 95% if we played a bit more correctly cuz the timer the timer and our setup the setup's just so huge it's like 7030 but I don't want to give it cuz a better option yeah pretty much it's tough it's tough cuz like the fight's not bad like you're not wrong there there's there's no disadvantage in this duel against KO like all else equal I like the duel but all else is not equal right now go back side with me who's next you are power go back go back go back you're out in the open you're out in the open can't that I can't go back oh you're dead yeah just a bit too late to get here it's so close but yeah I mean you started CT and so they spotted you come here I wouldn't be surprised if Fenix is another flash is KO also I mean hit you with a great jump my teammates didn't get my call yeah you need to worry less about that I'm pulling up the pikot again because there were plenty of rounds look like his teammates are trash at the Bold what our Phoenix is doing he's just dead whatever but we we got here on the proper timing um no I mean p didn't even communicate like kind of trolling P's also calling him out for that yeah but he's not adjusting his play p is not playing worse valerant to account for this Phoenix but you are playing worse to account for your teammates does that make sense you're playing slower because you don't want to bait or something but you should just let them die as long as you communicated what you were going to do as long as you say I'm going back site and if they die because he went back site like that's fine and they're going to so your old to try to spam you so if they do go back with me go back go back go back you're out in the open you're out in the open can't use that I can't go back 100 go back me yeah so this is why I don't like I that we're here right now who's next and then we go CT even though we had the plan already go back go back go back then we go backside you see how we lost all this time you're out in the open you're out in the open we get over here can't but now they can be up and so we get nervous about Crossing and we make contact we do this awkward jump so we're just a bit dizzy and if I get there pretty sure sure he's there what wait this is so convenient cuz you remember the KO fight you gave and I was like If This Were A 1 V1 wouldn't it be more annoying to play patient to find a good fight because the onus was on KO to come out and plant well now the onus is on you to come out and diffuse and so what's Cypher doing he's just waiting because you have to clear a billion things and you have to make noise cuz time's not on your side pretty sure he's there and so this is the POV of the KO if you didn't just give him the tri what wait I I could have sworn I I saw him there okay okay this is good good good good okay okay okay gunfight technique plus aim looks a lot crispier however we are leaning on this too much and force fights that are not strong too willing to take long range try 50s too willing to hold angles on high ping Peak with intent to kill and on swing does this perfectly play trickier defensive angles study more P conveniently you said you like Pica and I mean we've watched this guy play and the bir a beast they're doing everything correct keep coming the way you come but don't worry about teammates listening or playing correctly focus on yourself just try to engage in advantageous aggressive so your coms are great I don't want you to stop doing it you just have to like got chill like if your teammates ignore you they do something dumb that's fine but we still want to be going into a strong angle playing our game we don't need our teammates hey wujin here did you know that I stream every weekday doing VOD reviews and playing ranked if you enjoy the videos the best way to support me is to show up live if this video was just uploaded it's very likely that I'm streaming right now all of my coaching is free but that means I need to make money in other ways please consider supporting me with a Discord subscription if you can afford to do so I run many live events for my tier three subscribers as a thank you for letting me pursue my passion every 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Channel: Woohoojin
Views: 68,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TLE_7Lu7Ook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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