Therapist Reacts to Friends Clips (Breaking Down Iconic Moments from Friends TV Show)

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- Quite large! I- I- I- I had to throw most of it away! - You- you- you- you threw my- - Ross is hanging on by a thread, buddy. (laughs) - [Ross] My sandwich? ("I'll Be There For You" plays) - Okay, after the last one where I reacted to Sex in the City scenes, so many of you asked me to do more, so here I am reacting to Friends, which apparently, is a community fave. So many of you are huge fans. It was really, really fun. We'll be watching them deal with alcoholism, loss, breakups, getting back together, OCD, anxiety, and so, so much more so let's just get to watching. And the first episode of the very first season, the pilot, is what I wanna jump into first. Let's get watching. - Daddy, I just... I can't marry him! I'm sorry. I just don't love him. (scoffs) Well, it matters to me! - It should matter to everybody! (chuckles) - Come on, Daddy, listen to me! It's like all of my life, everyone has always told me, you're a shoe! You're a shoe, you're a shoe, you're a shoe! And then today I just stopped, and I said, what if I don't wanna be a shoe? What if I wanna be a...a purse? You know, or- - Thinking for herself. - Or a hat! No, I don't want you buy me a hat, I'm saying that I am a hat- It's a metaphor, Daddy! (Rachel sighs) - You can see where he'd have trouble. - The reason I wanted to include this clip and why I thought it was so important is it shows us how we can't keep letting other people define who we are. In the end, that only leaves unhappiness, and apparently running away from a wedding, in our wedding dress, on our wedding day. Probably should tell them beforehand if, you know, we're not sure, probably shouldn't get married, but at the very least, she did what was best for her. And, you know, I had a family friend of mine actually, like a distant family friend, who at the ripe age of 42, just up and left her family because she said that she never really wanted to get married or have kids, and she did get married and have kids at like 18, like very young. But, that's what happens when we let other people define us and tell us what we should be doing, and when we should be doing it, instead of just figuring it out ourselves. And I think this really foreshadows, like all of Friends where they're just trying to figure it out. And I think that's why it's so relatable, 'cause everybody's at different stages trying to, you know, get their career on line and figuring out what that means for them. And then trying to figure out relationships and what's healthy for them. Anyway, long story short, I just really like this because, even though she's not sure that she can get away without having her dad's money help support her, or Barry, who she's gonna get married to, she knows that she can't do that anymore, that she can't let other people decide and call her a shoe. And maybe she wants to be a purse or a hat. So many of you requested that I add these clips in, and as a licensed mental health professional, I felt that I really, really had to add in Roger the shrink. If you don't know who this is, it's a person that Phoebe dates. It's horrible. It's hilarious. Let's watch this first clip. - Rock, hard place, me. - Chandler, always with the jokes, right? (Roger laughs) - You're- (laughs) you're so funny. He's really funny. - He is funny. - I wouldn't wanna be there when- when the laughter stops. - Like who says something like? - Whoa, back up there, sparky. - Right? - What did you mean by that? - Hmm, well, it just seems as though that maybe you have intimacy issues, you know? That you use your humor as a way of keeping people at a distance. - Huh. - I mean, hey, I just met you. I don't know you from Adam. - Yet you're saying things about him that, you know? - Parents divorced before you hit puberty. - It's too much, man, too much, pump the breaks. - Uh-huh, how did you know that? - It's textbook. - That is just... That's the reason people always ask me all the time, as a therapist, Kati, do you, you know, psychoanalyze your friends, or Sean, or your family, and the answer is always no. I mean, first of all, it's exhausting to be on like that and to be thinking of things in like a bigger picture way, looking for patterns, that's a lot of what therapists do is look for patterns, and to try to make sense of what can seem nonsensical, right? It's exhausting, takes a lot of focus, so I don't do that. Also, uh, healthy boundaries. But this just shows you people's response to that kind of interpretation and like forcefulness, essentially, with an analysis that he really doesn't know Chandler that well. Sure, there are certain things you can tell from people really quickly. But, first of all, people aren't ready to hear them. And second of all, you shouldn't be telling people who aren't your patients. This guy has no boundaries. Okay, that's just to get started, but there are more clips with this guy because he is that good. So let's get into another one. - Hello? - [Phoebe] It's Phoebe. - [Roger] And Rog! - Come on up! - Oh, good, Rog is here. (Kati laughs) - What's the matter with Rog? - Eh, it's nothing, it's a little thing. I hate that guy. - See, strong reaction. - So he was a little analytical, that's what he does, you know? Come on, he's not that bad. You see, that's where you're wrong. Why would I marry her if I thought on any level that, that she was a lesbian? - I don't know. Maybe you wanted your marriage to fail. - Chandler's saying, I told you so, I hate that guy. - Why? Why would I- why, why, why, why? (Kati laughs) Why? - I don't know, maybe... maybe low self-esteem? Maybe...maybe to compensate, for overshadowing a sibling? Maybe you- - Wait, wait, wait. Go back to that sibling thing. (Kati laughs) - Well, I don't know. It's conceivable that- - If you don't know, shut up. Also if you do know, shut up. - ...sibling would feel like less of a failure in the eyes of the parents. (Ross scoffs) - Now siblings can do this where they will hold themselves back as to not overshadow a sibling or continue to overshadow a sibling, right. There can be some guilt, especially if we thought one sibling had it worse than us or whatever. There can be- obviously then there's, we've all heard of like sibling rivalry, right? So that is a very normal, I don't wanna call it psychological phenomenon, but just like a normal way that we react to life. Again, you can't just go saying this to people who aren't your patients and who didn't ask you. So frustrating. And I understand why Ross is frustrated and doesn't wanna talk about it anymore. Here's the last clip I wanna show. - That's tough, tough stuff. - He just like opened Rachel up. I cut that part off 'cause it's not really, you know, that pertinent, but you can't just do that to people and just leave them hanging. That's why it should be done in session. - Thanks for everything, Mon. - No problem. - Listen guys, - Yeah, right, not so great. - Mon, uh, easy on those cookies, okay? Remember, they're just food. They're not love. - (chuckles) As an eating disorder therapist, I find it so frustrating. I would never say anything like that to anybody. Even though, I will be honest, when I'm out in public places, I can see someone, like doing weird eating disorder behavior or notice when someone, you know, is engaging in binging, or over exercising, or something like that, right? I might think that's happening. But again, I have healthy boundaries between work life and personal life. And I would never say that! That's also, I think all of us can nod along and be like, it's also not helpful. Shut up, Rog. Okay, enough about Roger. We're done with Roger. Let's move on to one of my favorite characters. Fun Bobby. - Does this have non-fat milk? - Ummm, I- I don't know. Why don't you taste it? - Rachel's the worst waitress. (laughs) - Mm, no. - Oh, well, too late, sorry, you already had some. - What do you say we make these coffees Irish? - So what time in the morning do you think it is? - Um, cake! - Yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna get some cake. - You know what, it seems like you've been making an awful lot of stuff Irish lately. - Well, I would make them Belgian, but the waffles are hard to get into that flask. - Bobby. - Deflect with humor, very Chandler. - Maybe this is none of my business, or maybe it is, I don't know, but I'm kind of worried about you. - (scoffs) Okay, look. This isn't the first time somebody said something to me about this, but I don't know. I always made excuses about it. Like I'm just a social drinker, or hey, come on, it's flag day. - I wanted to share that little bit of that clip because I really, I, first of all, I love the way that Monica brings this us up with him. And I couldn't find the full clip online, but this ends with him just saying that, okay, but now I'll try to stop, right? Which is a great response to a very nice way of bringing up her concerns. Again, there's no judgment, or as little judgment as there can be when you're trying to mention that someone's drinking is bothering you, right? And that you're kind of worried about them. I love that she leads with concern. I think that's a better way to approach any situation like this because that's really what it is. You're really worried about them. And that's how you should broach the subject of, you know, maybe alcoholism, drug addiction, things like that. Because we know can get very defensive. So I appreciate the way she approached it. However, when he, and that's why I said it kind of cut off, but this goes on for him to be like, okay, but I'll give it a try. Yes, that could happen. But in my experience, I don't know, I'd love to hear from you guys, in my experience, that's not always how it goes. Usually people who are in the midst of their addiction can get defensive, can push people away, can say they're gonna stop and not. And this just like switch it on, switch it off thing, it's just not very realistic, but you know, it's a sitcom. Okay. Now, when you guys asked me to do the react to Friends, you knew these clips were coming. You knew it. By and large, when I asked on Instagram for the clips you liked, this one was requested so many more times than any other clip, and you've probably guessed it by now. The sandwich. - Ross. May I have a word with you? - Oh, of course, Donald. - We've been getting reports of some very angry behavior on your part. - What? - Threatening letters, refusal to meet deadlines. Apparently, people now call you mental. - Remember Phoebe wrote that letter to keep people out of his lunch again? 'Cause someone ate his moist maker. - We want you to speak to a psychiatrist. - His sandwich. - Oh no. (chuckles) You don't understand. Ugh, this is so silly. This is all just because of a sandwich. - (chuckles) A sandwich? - Yeah, yeah. You see my, my sister makes these amazing Turkey sandwiches. Her secret is she puts a, an extra slice of gravy soaked bread in the middle. I call it the moist maker. - I wonder if people changed the way they make sandwiches, leftover sandwiches, because of this. - Oh, you know what? - [Ross] What? - I- I'm sorry. I- I- I believe I ate that. - You ate my sandwich? - It was a simple mistake. It could happen to anyone. - Oh, really? - No. - Did you confuse it with your own Turkey sandwich with a moist maker? - Right? - No. - Do you perhaps remember seeing a note on top of it? - There may have been a joke... - Uh oh. - Or limerick of some kind. - That said it was my sandwich! - Now, now calm down. Come look in my office. Some of it may still be in the trash. - Why would you say that, dude? - What? - Well, it was quite large! I- I- I- I had to throw most of it away! - You, you, you, you threw my- - Ross is hanging on by a thread, buddy. (laughs) - [Ross] My sandwich? My sandwich? - Now of course, this is funny. And because it's all about this sandwich, and also, clearly Ross is overreacting. Although I will throw in my own thoughts about the fact that I don't understand why anyone would want to eat anybody else's lunch. Like, I don't know how you made that sandwich or who made it. I could see maybe you ate someone's yogurt, something that's like sealed that you purchased. Like, something like that, I get, but like, to open someone's bagged lunch they brought from home and eat something they made just seems weird to me. Anybody else? Maybe it's just me. But, also, if you don't know, if you haven't watched Friends, or you don't remember what was happening during this time, Ross is going through a shitty time. He's getting divorced from Emily, I think. And then he is having to move out of the apartment that he was in. So he has to move, he's going through a divorce, because the apartment was rented to him from like a member of her family or something like that. I think they bought it. So, so much upheaval in his life. And clearly, he's anger out because anger's protective, right, and he's feeling probably really hurt or really sad, and you know, maybe really lonely. So it's clearly an overreaction. It's not really about the sandwich, but that's what makes it funny. Okay, we're not quite done, yet. Here we go. - Ross. - Hey, Chandler! (Kati laughs) Monica. - Ross, are you okay? - I'm fine. I saw a psychiatrist at work today. - Why? - On account of my rage. - Which if I may say right now is out of control. - He gave me a pill for it. - A pill? - Uh-huh, well, when the psychiatrist told me that I had to take a leave of absence because I yelled at my boss, I started to get worked up again. So he offered me a tranquilizer, (sighs) and I thought it was a good idea. So I took it. - Wait a minute. They're making you take time off work? - And you're okay with that? - I don't know. It's gonna be weird, not having a job for a while, but I, I definitely don't care about my sandwich. (giggles) - It was never about the sandwich. I both love and hate this. First of all, I don't know how a job can force you to see a psychiatrist at work and then prescribe medication. I don't- That seems a little overstepping for me. I don't know. Maybe it's okay in some workplaces. I just can't imagine that being something that they would do where they have a psychiatrist on staff. That just seems very bizarre to me, but whatever. We'll just go with like suspension of disbelief, right? Go with it. That they gave him a tranquilizer at work, I'd be worried about him getting home okay. Like, did he have somebody with him? And also, I don't like the fact that this like re- not re-stigmatizes, but increases the stigma or continues the stigma of like, oh, if you take medicine, you know, it's just gonna make you a zombie, and you don't know who you are. Or, so there's that. I don't like that. And then I also don't like the fact that this is seen as treatment for his rage or for his upset versus understanding, like where the problem's really coming from. And let's talk about that, so that his anger's not coming out everywhere because he needs another outlet. Another way to cope. That's a healthy one that isn't rage or tranquilizers with cotton candy. Okay, that is all we have for the sandwich because it's just so good. But, now we're gonna dig into some anxiety-based, OCD type of things. And you guessed it. Monica's involved. Here we go. Oh my god, Chandler. - Wow, couples who live together do start to look alike. (Kati chuckles) So, Mondler, um. What uh, what you doing? - What does it look like? I am cleaning. - Did you get Monica's authorization to move all of her stuff? - Authorization, I don't need that. I'm gonna put everything back. - Put it back exactly where you found it? - Yes, I'm gonna put it back exactly where I found it. - Okay, first of all, that attitude is not helping. - She is not gonna care if I put her stuff back in the same stupid place. - Uh, hello? Did you just meet Monica? - She is gonna recognize that I did a nice thing and, and appreciate it. - I would. (Ross scoffs) I love when Sean cleans, so helpful. - Because when you have to move back in with Joey, Joey's hot new roommate can come live with me. - I see, I see. Y-y-y-you're trying to freak me out. - Look, Chandler, Monica is really weird about this kinda stuff. Believe me, I lived with her for 16 years. She is going to freak out. Oh my god, she's going to sit on you. - No she's not. Okay, you know, I'll prove it to you. I'm gonna call her right now. - So sure of himself. - Phone's done. - Why is he wiping everything, taking everything out? - [Monica] Hi. - Hey, Mon, - It's like way overdone. how's it going? - Terrible! I'll tell you, if, if, if I want something done right, I have to do it myself! Other people just wreck stuff! I really think I might kill someone tonight. - Oh, come on, come on. It can't be that bad. - It's worse. The only thing that's getting me through is knowing that I'm gonna be seeing you soon. I think I might even try to get outta here early. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Sounds like they really need you down there. - Enter panic. - Are you just hanging out with Ross? - It's all good, okay, bye-bye, Mon! She's gonna kill me. - The phone was facing the other way. And that goes back up there. - Okay now, I know everybody's talks about how they think that Monica has OCD, and it's possible that she may, but I don't see that. I don't know if anybody else understands OCD. If you have it yourself, you might get this. But OCD comes with like this build of like anxiety, and anxiety, and anxiety, and like worrying. You think something terrible's gonna happen if you don't do the compulsion. The compulsion being, you know, like everything symmetrical, or do something a certain number of times, or I don't even know, check things. Checking is very common. Like, oh, did I turn off the lights? No, I don't know, I'm gonna go check. And we check a certain number of times, sometimes, or we just have to keep checking, and it takes up a shit load of our time, right? However, Monica is more about the control of her environment, and so I'm not really sure if it's OCD necessarily, or if it's just more about her internal anxiety, and yes, OCD is part of like anxiety disorders, but I'm talking like generalized anxiety disorder. And I would argue that, especially 'cause we know that she used to binge eat as a kid and had an eating disorder, and she's kind of swung in this other direction. So I think she might feel like her environment is one of the only things she can control that gives her some sense of relief, right, from her anxious symptoms. Or maybe it's like, she replaced the cleanliness, and you know, wanting everything just so instead of doing the binge eating, you know? We use different coping skills. That's what I think is happening, but anyway, we're not done here. There's a couple more little clips here I wanna share. So let's move on to the next one. Here we go. - Know what we should do? - Okay, still fixing it. - You know, that'll be easiest. - I don't know why he took everything out. Move furniture around? It's not always necessary. - I got it. - Like why? Could've just like, you know, wiped down the counters, put stuff away, did some laundry, vacuumed. - The couch is perfectly in line with the carpet, and then I could just walk over here and casually just put my feet right up on- - Uh oh. - Okay, okay, here's what we do. We just move the couch closer to the coffee table. - But then the back of the couch won't line up with the back of the carpet. - Has to be just so. - Well, here, we'll just, we'll move the coffee table. - Wow. - Closer to the couch. - No, whoa, whoa, whoa! But then the coffee table won't be centered in the seating area. - It's a lot. - The coffee table Ddoesn't match the table- Ross! - Is it okay for me to come in now? - Uh-huh. - Why is everything different? - Bye. - (laughs) Ross just bails on him. Now I couldn't find the extended clip, but Monica does go on to tell him that she's grateful that he put all this effort in, and, you know, she doesn't freak out or anything like that. And I think that just goes to show you that it is more of like the controlling of her environment, and it also shows that she's grown as a person and really loves Chandler. But again, I just think it's something about the environment and controlling her environment, and I think that's more of what's going on with Monica. And I just appreciate that Chandler wanted to do something nice for her, and you know, was so silly to not think that it might be upsetting. But man, Ross just got out of there real quick. Okay. Moving on to, still in the Chandler-Monica space, but I wanted to include these clips because I think a lot of people are struggling with infertility, and people don't wanna talk about it. And I love that this conversation was being had so many years ago 'cause if you forget, Friends was like, what? Late '90s, I think, early 2000s? So it's been quite a while ago. So let's watch this clip. - Hi, honey. - Hey, look, I brought friend home for dinner. This is Zack from work. - Oh, of course, it's so nice to see you again, Zack! - You too. - You guys haven't actually met before, but boy, you're both polite. Why don't you have a seat, Zack. I'll get you a beer. - I got it. - Thanks. - Do we ever learn what Chandler does for a living? I don't remember. - So, Zack's pretty nice, huh? - Accountant something? - Yeah, I guess. - So how would you like to have a baby that's half yours and half his? - Excuse me? - Yeah, my reaction. - Zack may be the guy, I mean, look He's intelligent, he's healthy, he's athletic, I mean, he's sperm-tastic. - Sperm-tastic. (laughs) - Chandler, this is crazy! What did you even say to him? Come up, meet my wife, give us your sperm. - No. - Moving pretty quickly. - For a chance to get to know him, you know? I mean, if we go through a sperm bank, you never meet the guy, get to check him out. - That's true. - Chandler! - I'm telling you, he's great. I mean, even if my sperm worked fine, I think he'd be the way to go. - I'm not going to be a part of this. You can't just bring some random guy home and expect him to be our sperm donor. - Okay. - Zack. - Thanks. You, uh, you have a coaster? I don't wanna make a ring. - Tell me about yourself, Zack! (Kati laughs) - I love that. 'Cause it's right up Monica's alley, right? Doesn't wanna leave a ring. But the fact that they're looking for a sperm donor, it is true, you don't get to meet the people if you just go through a sperm bank. If you have a friend or family member who is going to donate because you can't. Like, I know one of my patients back in the day, her, was it her uncle couldn't have children with his wife, and her dad who obviously is brothers with her uncle, he offered to donate. They went through a sperm donor anyway, but, you know, if you don't know the person, then it is kind of weird. But you can still see their like health, their history, and you know, read about them so that you know enough to pick. But I just really, I like that they're talking about this, but let's go backwards a little bit. I know these are a little out of order, but on purpose, because now we'll get to see a little bit about them learning about not being able to have kids. - Oh, I still can't believe this. My uterus is an inhospitable environment? Always tried so hard to be a good hostess! - I can't believe my sperm have low motility because let me tell you, while I was growing up, they sure seemed to be in a hurry to get places. - Those medical terms are so offensive sometimes. - I'm sorry there wasn't better news from your test last week, but I wanted to talk to you about your options. - Okay. - Well, first of all, even though your chances of conceiving through natural means aren't great, you never know. So keep having sex on a regular basis. (Kati laughs) - Goddammit! - Don't worry, after a while, you'll tune it out. - Well, given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy or insemination using a sperm donor. - Wouldn't they have to do both if both of them are having a tough time? - Neither of those is right for you, you could always adopt. - Is that a hint? Because we love you Dr. Connelly, but we don't think we want you to be our child. - Oh, Chandler. (laughs) Always making inappropriate jokes. - Wow, talk about an inhospitable environment. - Okay. I wanted to bring up this little clip only because, I think often, medical terms are so offensive, and they just brush right over the emotional component too often. Like he was like, wish I had better news, which I understand. I don't expect doctors to be therapists, by any means. But I do think when it comes to complex situations, like chronic illness, or intense diagnoses, or infertility, I feel like there needs to be a little bit more bedside manner and not using terms, and I don't know if they really do use these terms, again, this is, you know, a TV show, but like, telling Monica that her uterus is an inhospitable environment. That's kind of offensive, or telling him that, you know, his sperm lacks motility, I think is what he said or mobility maybe? I feel like there's gotta be a better way to say things, like saying that your sperm count is a little bit low, and they're just not moving as fast as they used to. So you're gonna struggle to get pregnant or telling her that, you know, it doesn't seem like the lining of your uterus is thick enough for it to be able to house a baby, and it's just not in a good place for you to get pregnant. It could be more difficult for you and then give you percentages. Now obviously, I know I'm like soft talking it, but does anybody else feel like sometimes the medical terminology they use is just like, ooh, it's like hard to take. It's kind of offensive. Okay. That's enough of that. Let's move on to the final few clips. Well, I'll just let you learn. I'll let you learn as we go along here. Let's start here. - Uh, can I just say, I know we're doing this for Ross, and that's cool, but if it was up to me, - Ross is fine. - this is not what we'd be doing on our first date. - Well, what would we be doing? - I'd take you out for a romantic night. Some champagne, fancy dinner, feel you up on the carriage ride home. - God, Joey. - Feel me up? - In a carriage. - Hey, Charlie! - Hi! - Hi, hey. So. - Oh and Charlie used to date Joey, by the way, Rachel and Joey are now dating. Awkward, awkward, awkward, all around. - Actually, it's some stuff you left at my apartment. - Ooh. The returning of the stuff. - Oh, uh, thanks. - And you know, - I never did that. - you can just gimme my stuff whenever you want. - Just chuck it. - Yeah, I didn't throw any of that out. (chuckles) - Right? Same, same. - Ah, I thought I heard voices! - When he does that high pitch, you know it's not right. - Hey, Joey. - Hey. - And uh, oh, you're gonna have to introduce me to your new girlfriend. Huh? (laughs) - So uncomfortable. - I was kidding, I know Rachel! I know! (groans) - (groans) So uncomfortable. - Please come in, come in. - Okay, uh, well, we brought you some wine. - Ohh! That is so thoughtful. She's a keeper. - We brought you wine, oh my god. - Actually that's, that- - What, underwear! A toothbrush, and a Van Halen CD? I can use all these things! - (laughs) Oh my god, Ross. - Gosh, Ross, you know, you seem a little, um- - What? Fine? Because I am. Huh? Aren't you? Aren't you? Aren't- who- who else is fine? Come on. - Okay, listen, hey, Ross. Why don't you try to relax, okay? - A little much. - Maybe have a drink. - You know what, that is a very good idea! I'm gonna go make a pitcher of margaritas. (stomps, snaps) - Oh geez. How did he do that so fast? I had to include these clips because Ross clearly isn't fine. And I honestly, does anybody else hate that term, fine, when people ask how you are? "Fine, fine, fine." That's not an answer. I actually used to have like a no "fine" response when I worked at the eating disorder treatment center, and actually in my office, when I ask people how they are, they can't say fine. I'm like pick another emotion. Pick another thought, another word, anything. Because "fine" is almost like our automatic response when we just don't even, we're not gonna tap in. We're not checking in, we're not figuring out how we feel. We're just like, I'm fine. We just want people to like move on, and as a therapist, it's not acceptable to me. So I make my patients come up with something different, and I'm sure that annoys a lot of you, but that's why this is like "The One Where Ross Is Fine," 'Cause he's not, he's totally not. Okay. Here we go. The night continues. - Like you two... Are together. - Oh, he's doing his toast. - And now one day you might get married. And have children of your own. - Aw, he's having a hard time. - Yeah, he's not okay. - Dude, are you okay? - Totally. - Everybody cries into their margaritas. - Ross, you don't seem okay. - I'm sorry, it must be the pressure of entertaining. - Poor Ross. Things are awkward. You don't have to rush to be okay. You don't have to be fine with everything. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to not be okay. I think that's like the motto of my YouTube channel, right? Okay, final clip. Here we go. - [Joey] Morning. - Must've been a lot of margaritas. - [Ross] Did you- you stay here all night? - Yeah. - So you took off my pants and shoes? - Joey's a good friend. - No, no. You actually did that when you were dancing to the "Chicago" soundtrack. - "Chicago" soundtrack. - Look, Ross, about- about Rachel and I. Listen, you don't have to worry about that, okay, because nothing is gonna happen. - Joey is such a good friend. - What do you mean? - Well, she and I said from the beginning that we weren't gonna do anything unless you were okay with it, and clearly- - (scoffs) What are you talking about? I'm fine. - Fine, I'm sick of that word. - It's okay, Ross, you know, I- I totally understand. Of course you're not fine. You're... You're Ross and Rachel. - Yeah, except we're not. I mean, we haven't been a couple in like... Six years. - Wow, six years. - (scoffs) My god, is that right? Has it been that long? - That's what I hear, you know. - This is crazy, I mean, six years, and 'cause of me, you guys, aren't gonna be together? Can I ask you something? Really, what is this thing with you and Rachel? - C'mon, you know me, (chuckles) you know. - Joey. - I'm crazy about her. - And she feels the same way? - I think so. - Well then, maybe it's time we all moved on. - True. - Yeah, but Ross, I mean, you're not okay with it, so. - No, but. - I love that. - I wanna be. - That's the truth. - I- hey. I will be. (Joey exhales) Besides, I'm- I'm with Charlie, right? Oh my god, I'm still with Charlie, aren't I? I mean, she didn't see the dance, did she? - No, no, no. No, that was, uh, that was just for me. - I really wanna include this clip because Joey's a great friend, and so was Rachel. And even the fact that they were like, if you're not okay with this, we won't do anything. And I think that, you know, I'm glad that Joey stayed the night and made sure he was okay. And then Ross said, no, I'm not okay, acknowledging, I'm not okay with this. It's okay to not be okay, but I want to be. And that's where I would end it, is "I want to be." 'Cause he says, I will be. You don't know. Hopefully, yes, but just the "I want to." And that's the truth. He's not okay with it now, but he wants to, and he wants to support them too. And it's just, it's a lot of love. It's like a love fest. And so of course, I love it. And that's why they're such good friends, and they've been friends forever. Now obviously, there are so many other clips to cover. Like I didn't even get a chance to dive into Phoebe losing her mom to suicide. She talks about that off and on throughout the show, or issues that you can struggle with when you have a twin, or what's going on with Joey, or any of those things. And oh my god, there is just so much more to talk about. So if you like this video, and you want a part two, please let me know in those comments down below. And by giving this video a like and for more content like this, please subscribe to my channel, and you can even check out my mental health 101 series for a deeper dive into some of the topics we talk about today, like addiction, and OCD, and anxiety disorders, and all sorts of things. Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you next time. Bye. I'm all finished!
Channel: Kati Morton
Views: 38,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: therapist reacts, therapist reacts to friends, friends tv show reacts, friends tv show reaction, monica geller ocd moments, friends clips, friends tv show, friends, reacting to friends, friends moments, therapist reacts to tv shows, kati morton, friends the tv show tiktoks, friends clips tbs, best friends clips, friends moments funny, monica, ross, rachel green, chandler bing, phoebe buffay, Joey Tribbiani, friends clips funny, best episodes of friends
Id: L8wNGAtFV50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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