Theodore Edward Coneys: The Denver Spiderman

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hello everybody welcome back to another episode of the casual criminalist as always i am your host over here i'm simon and uh also known as your casual criminalist not really i'm evidently the boy with the blaze there's a in-joke on one of my other channels which uh just always gets brought up whenever i say anything else uh what happens here is uh callum has written me a script i have it in front of me right here if you're watching this show on youtube you can see that and if you are watching on youtube you need to smash that like button if you're listening on the podcast well there's no like button for you to smash but uh i'd appreciate a review as always uh today we have theodore ed ed edward connays connie's i should probably look that up this guy's not famous enough to make it into my pronunciation dictionary so we're just gonna go with connie's i'm sorry if i'm getting that wrong if you're a listener to a few episodes of the show already you'll probably be did i say already that callum writes this i will read it i've not read this before it's brand new to me we explore it together and then jen our wonderful video and audio editor will add in some music and some pictures and all of that good stuff let's jump in if you've listened to a few episodes of the show already you're probably well aware that we don't take too kindly to ghost stories muddying the waters of our true crime cases oh god of course we don't calum and i i really like that we're on the same page with this because whenever someone's like you know you're listening to some true crime thing then someone's like some people say it's ghosts i'm like well let's just ignore those people and actually investigate the crime and you know or just like it's not ghosts like the world's greatest detective scooby-doo we're all about ripping that dollar-store mask off and revealing the human culprit hiding underneath often what you find is far more disturbing than any ghost or goblin still there are some criminal cases out there which send a chill up the spine of even the most staunch rationalist that's because what they reveal is a troubling fact some houses really are haunted just not in the way you might expect that's what we'll be exploring in today's case the tale of a real-life haunting with deadly consequences fair warning this one has the potential to set your paranoia ablaze so if you live alone you might want to give this one a miss but if you've got the nerve to stick with us prepare for your nightmares to be fueled with the face of theodore edward coney's the denver spider-man a supernatural slaying it's the 17th of october 1941 septugenarian that means someone in their 70s look callum you often use i feel like sometimes you put in words that that might baffle me just for fun but i i do know septuagenarian phil peters is living alone at his house on the north side of denver while his wife recovers from a fractured hip and hospital this was back when even knowing how a stove worked was enough to brand a man a pansy so the retired railroad official has been had been collecting his evening meals from a neighbor while his wife was away from home ah the past i mean not when there was no ubereat it's not when men didn't know how to cook i still don't know how to cook no i do in fact i would say i probably do more cooking than my wife although no we've we've got a kid now and she tends to cook a bit more because she will cook the i mean kids baby it's a baby she's a baby my wife doesn't listen to this uh she probably does more cooking now why are we talking about my cooking and my home life this isn't why we're here this evening he was late for dinner darkness came and the neighbor waited a little while to see if anyone would eventually turn up phil had been struggling to adjust life alone in the house so she worried that he was holed up in a depression or worse that he could have taken a fall down the stairs when she went round to check up on the old man she found all the lights on the how in the house were turned off strange as he would have checked in first if he had somewhere else to be nobody answered when she rang the doorbell either the good samaritan went to enlist the help of some other neighbors who resolved to get inside and check if mr peters was all right the place was locked up tight though every window and door was bolted shut eventually one girl managed to pull back a window screen far enough to clamber inside while the others lifted her up after scrambling up from the floor of the house she called out to the elderly elderly occupant but there was no reply she crept through the rooms not wanting to start him if he was still inside it was her who got the fright however when the girl made it through to the downstairs bedroom and she found mr peter's body lying in a pool of blood and screamed loud enough that everyone outside could hear wait so it's like we've gone to a potential crime scene they're like hey small girl can you go inside rather than call the police who will break down the door so this girl is absolutely traumatized by finding this guy lying in a pool of blood that's going to take a lot of therapy if it wasn't the 1940s uh there were spears wicked confirmed in fact they were exceeded not only was mr peters dead he had been viciously murdered phil p yeah not many people die and then it's well i suppose you could crack your head on something and then be in a pool of your own blood but most of the time you're gonna be like murder murder or suicide either way not something you as a little girl would particularly want to come across phil peters had over a dozen skull fractures okay now it's definitely murder alongside many more bruises and lacerations on his body suggesting a brutally violent end it appeared that many of the worst injuries were inflicted even after death as his attacker continued attacking the corpse crazy people going to be crazy nothing appeared to have been stolen from the house so the incident was unlikely to have been a burglary gone wrong even more mysterious was the fact that there was no indication that anyone had come or gone from the house the police like the neighbors who came before them found every entrance to the house locked from the inside there was no oh no oh no remember i've not seen these before and i'm just seeing that did i read the alternate title for this episode callum wrote the title as well as the denver spider-man the ghost in the attic there's a dude hiding in the attic of this guy's house right and he came down and murdered him is that what's going on because if that's the case that is scary i don't like it i don't like it at all i'm trying to work it out and i think i think that's that's what's happened i'm like now i'm just in my office alone i'm like oh what if there's someone in that room i haven't been in ages living in there like a weirdo there was no sign of forced entry apart from the window screen which was caused by the neighbors who broke broke inside to find the body whoever had killed phil peters had simply disappeared into thin air spooky sightings a few months after the murder mrs peter's hip was fully healed and she faced the grim prospect of returning to the home where her husband was beaten to death the same home they had shared together since 1899 to make matters worse some unsettling rumors started to spread around the neighborhood the house was supposed to be unoccupied by a group but a group of children reported seeing a light flickers on and off in one of the windows this might have been explained away by the overactive imaginations of youngans but just days later a woman from the neighborhood claimed she spotted a ghostly face peer out at her from a darkened window well one police did you not search the building when you found like a murdered guy in there were you not let's let's check in the attic let's check in the cellar just to be sure yeah no i feel like that's kind of mandatory when someone's been murdered in a building and they're like no one came or went they're just like is ghosts it's not ghosts instead a family enlisted the help of a home care nurse and a housekeeper who took up residence in one of the spare rooms this was a short-lived arrangement because soon the nurse started to hear strange scratching noises from inside the walls and found objects left out of place in the morning why people like his ghosts it's the crazy murder in the attic her creeping sense of dread came to a head one cold january evening when she stepped out of her room in the middle of the night to investigate a sound and had an encounter with the ghostly presence itself years later she told the denver post just a few minutes ago i heard a sort of tapping i'd heard it before but i thought it was only just some woodpeckers but this time i walked into the kitchen and i saw the door to the stairway that leads upstairs slowly open then the spectre started to slip through the doorway a foot came out and then i saw a thin white hand on the door i screamed and the man ducked back into the stairway and i heard him running up the steps the nurse very sensibly noped right out of there after a brush with the supernatural it's not the supernatural why is everyone always like this it's a ghost no it's an actual man if i saw a ghost i'd be like well either you know i've my natural thing would be like okay it's a person okay there's no person there then my brain definitely had some sort of weird hallucination fart problem and i should probably go get an mri or take less drugs allegedly she probably dropped it up a resignation letter she never returned to the house the police were called that night by the time they arrived there was no sight of the intruder they chalked it up to another case of silly superstition why are the police always so bad in the casual criminalist why are the police so incompetent at the time she never really revealed exactly why she was leaving just that she believed the house was haunted with an evil spirit stop it one of the neighbors decided to take her place rather than leave the poor bereaved woman old woman to fend for herself it wasn't long before she had a similar experience of the paranormal when she heard something topple over downstairs late at night she crept down the stairs to check it out near the entrance of the kitchen she spotted the ghost it was a ragged and demonic looking thing wearing tattered rags with long spindly limbs and yellowed eyes when she screamed the apparition disappeared from sight and was nowhere to be found when the police arrived did they check in the attic did they did they check the attic that that would be nice come on guys rather than leave his mother at the mercy of a demon mrs peter's son demanded that she move in with him until something could be done about the strange happenings at the house given these similar reports given by two separate witnesses police officers were posted on lookout across the street from the now empty home this only lasted a few weeks when given the lack of any spooky happenings the surveillance was abandoned the following months officers would go back to check on the place in case the mystery man showed himself again okay so the police are kind of on it then they must have searched the at they must have searched the house if they're staking out the house so where did the guy hide i mean unless it really is a ghost it's not really a ghost if you believed me we don't know each other yet you'll get to know me i i don't believe in any of this nonsense could you tell the little gothic ghost hunting assignment wasn't their usual beat and they probably expected it to be pretty uneventful it was just a bit of daft superstition after all right spider-man home squatting that might be how things usually turn out in these cases but the two cops sent out for a routine check on july the 30th 1942 were in for the shock of their lives late that afternoon the postman came down the street doing his evening rounds the officers watched as he dropped off some mail at the peter's mailbox at which point they caught sight of movement at the living room window the flash of a face between the curtains they rushed across the street to investigate forcing open the front door to the abandoned home by this point everything was caked in a thick layer of dust kicked up in thick clouds with each step they listened for any sign of movement a long second pass without any sound then suddenly they had the click of a latch on the second floor someone was in the house after all the officers ran upstairs to the source of the sand a closet door at the end of the hall after one of them swung it open the pair spotted a pair of bony feet dangling from the ceiling obviously neither of the men had seen the grudge so they had no issue protruding pursuing the skeletal apparition into the attic hatch through which it was fleeing wait i've never seen the grudge so i'll be like i mean i'd definitely hesitate i'd definitely take out my gun as an american police officer i'd have one of those i'd be like yo get down from there i'm not coming up there you weirdo get down or i'm gonna like start shooting i'm a police officer detective roy bloxham leapt into the cupboard and reached up through the hole in the roof snatching a scrap of cloth from the tattered trousers of the figure then catching hold of its ankle he was able to wrench it back through the tiny passageway and bring the murderous ghost tumbling down to the ground with a piercing cry it's not a ghost to their relief the scrawny figure that lay on the ground before them was no vengeful spirit shocking it was a flesh and blood human what a man who had been knocked unconscious in the struggle still he looked about as close to the living dead as any man can be starved and ragged with long wild hair and a filthy beard he was so thin that jagged bones poked through pale white skin all over his body and the clothes on his back were rotting away while they waited for an ambulance to arrive one of the men decided to poke his head through the hole in the ceiling that's all about all he could fit through the tiny opening officers had noticed the hatch previously but its small size meant that they ruled out the possibility of any grown adult being able to get through it the occupants never bothered using it anyway and it was jammed shut when the cops tried to open it so they decided to just leave it that way that i mean guys there's obviously enough space for a person up there if this dude was living up there you could at least just pop your head into it couldn't you now though they were able to look inside it was a tiny space just 27 inches high and 57 wide the sort of place that costs a thousand pounds a month in london yes that's how dehumanizing the ghostly occupants existence was that is very very small i don't really know inches but i know 12 inches is about 30 centimeters so that's what i know how much a foot is roughly it's like three foot by six foot that is very small that is very small okay i kind of get why they didn't look in there it's more like it's just the size of a box by the looks of it he had been living in there for some time an ironing board was laid out on the floor as a makeshift bed piled with filth and crusted bedding in old magazines spiderwebs hung thick around the single dim light bulb illuminating the place the stench was so overpowering that the officer could only bear to look for a few moments before pulling his head out and returning to the main mystery below at that point it'd be like and that's one police officer and i don't work in forensics have fun guys did they have forensics in the 194 i guess like super basic forensics right so who the hell was this filthy miscreant lying on the floor in front of them the detectives called their captain an officer named james childers who went on to become chief of police years later he recounted his experience of that day with the descriptive power of a frustrated novelist telling the press how he was uh how he was faced with the strangest looking human i have ever seen he was a tall man just under six feet but thin as a wilted weed i'm just under six feet and no one ever calls me a particularly tall man thank you i suppose his dirty hair hung low over his ears and his skin was the ugly unwashed gray of an overcast sky this strange sickly character would later pick up the name the denver spider-man of moncrief place on account of his arachnid-like lifestyle the press cooked up the nickname when detective fred zano told him about the crawlspace abode saying a man would have to be a spider to stand being up there he was the first person to fully enter the attic having drawn the short straw as the smallest build of the officers at the precinct when zano climbed up to get a better look at the place he ended up vomiting from the stench the forensic skies would be ah well done you've contaminated all of our evidence stashed away up there he found a stock of canned foods a homemade radio and a power outlet rerouted from the home's main supply by this point the occupant had been carted off to recover from the ordeal under police custody to find out the spider-man's true identity the detectives would have to wait until he was back on his feet who was he once the skeletal squatter regained consciousness he proved surprisingly compliant for a murderous attic goblin given his condition all it took was a few good meals and a hot cup of coffee to coax him into sharing his life story what is go what persuaded this he's got to be crazy right he must be crazy as it turned out he began living as a spider after going on an ill-fated high school field trip and witnessing the tragic murder of his uncle ben who oh no hold on wrong wikipedia i was like wait that guy sounds young oh cause that's the spider-man origin story i'm so dumb yes the origins of story of denver's very own spider-man was actually far from it was a far more depressing tale than that born in 1882 as theodore edward edward coney's he lost his father i know i'm pronouncing that name coney's different every time i'm so sorry he lost his father at just five years old he and his mother moved around several cities before eventually settling down in denver young theodore was a troubled kid and ended up dropping out of high school at an early age it was in part due to health problems which plagued him throughout his life theodore was told from a young age that he wouldn't live to adulthood every time his mother sought a fresh opinion from a new doctor they told him her the same thing her son would be lucky to see 18. he was nearing that fatal deadline when he made the acquaintance of a man in his twenties named philip peters who shared his interest in music after meeting at a club for guitar and mandolin players the sickly youth would often come to peter's home which he hadn't long since bought with his new wife he'd stop by from time to time for a jam with the rest of the mandolin crew or just have dinner with the newlyweds this kind of social contact was bittersweet for the young man the company of friends largely just served to embitter theodore against the world that was denied to him by his ailing health he had no girlfriends growing up and his mother prevented him from getting a job or playing sports as a result he became an outcast among his peers preferring a reclusive life to their constant mockery eventually he even stopped coming around to filipina's house it would be several decades before he graced the doorstep again in the interim he swung from crisis to crisis beginning with the bankruptcy and death of his mother who was scammed of a life savings and home after she passed theodore khanos took off into the world he lived far longer than every a doctor's estimation but without ever finding much worth living for after stints spent sleeping rough he managed to land an advertising job at the denver brass works but he wasn't able to stick it out for long eventually he was forced into the life of a hobo during america's great depression traveling to california and sleeping under a bridge then slowly moving from state to state until he reached new york there he took up a job as a salesman which fell through within a few months that was coney's last attempt at fitting in with normal society time and again he was beaten and battered down and now all he wanted was a quiet spot to escape the world for the rest of his days [Music] the murder in september 1941 he decided to retreat back to denver where he sought out the charity of some old acquaintances high almost for people he planned to contact was peter phillips one of the few people who had treated him with genuine kindness in his teenage years coney's made his way back to 3335 west moncrief place for the first time in nearly three decades when he got there he found nobody home he tried the door which had been left unlocked as was the norm in that safe part of town at first he only intended to steal some food and money but as he wandered around the empty house another notion crept into his mind wait so he's like yeah i'm gonna go see my old friend see if they'll uh you know take me in and make sure i'm doing all right and all that stuff oh they're not home in that case i'll just steal from my friends no worries now in his 60s the elderly invalid health was in a poor state one more winter spent sleeping raph would probably be the death of him and look how much space his old acquaintance had in this warm comfortable home he searched around for a hidden spot to rest his head and eventually found the tiny attic hatch in the closet i'm really wondering how long this dude lived in the attic now and why did he end up murdering the person they must have caught him or something anyway anyone with a normal frame would have struggled to fit through but kony's was stick thin from living off scraps for years he was able to slip through without issue and fell into the best sleep he had enjoyed in weeks while the denver spider-man slept in the tiny cubby hole he heard the legal occupant of the home returned downstairs oh that is so creepy just lock your doors even if you're in a safe part of town i'm always locking the door rather than crawl out of the ceiling for an unhappy reunion he decided to stay completely still and maintain his secret hiding place as long as possible even if he let out the odd stifled cough peters was in his 70s and he didn't have the best hearing his visitors soon realized this and got bolder in his wanderings around the home at first the spider in the attic would only descend whenever phillips left the house but eventually he graduated to far creepier methods in his statement to police he was quoted as saying whenever i heard him downstairs i kept real still then i got bolder and used to shadow him from room to room what are you doing it was sort of a game it gave me a thrill it was the first time in my life i never had anyone at my mercy but i didn't want to hurt him you're a disturbed individual spidey but that is exactly what he did yes we knew that on that night in october about five weeks after the unwanted visitor set up in the attic crawl space he was caught red-handed at the refrigerator door he thought his host had gone out for the evening to visit his wife but actually he had been sleeping on the couch uh-oh when old man phillips found the disheveled hobo raking through his refrigerator he swung at him with his cane a struggle ensued and coney's managed to get his hands on an old handgun which he used to beat his old friend around the head yeah because normally when i'm in a fight and you get a gun you're like yeah let's beat him with the gun rather than use the gun although i guess especially if you're gonna kill the guy it's a gun phillips fled the living room but his attacker landed another solid hit before he could call for help the gun broke apart from the impact and phillips fell down unconscious so kony's let him be at this point he claimed he only planned to steal money and then make a break for it seconds later though he had the homeowner stumbling to the master bedroom so coneys grabbed an iron poker from the side of the stove and knocked phillips down again and kept beating the elderly man skull until he was dead 37 devastating strikes in total i mean what's it wasn't his skull fracture 12 times good lord after brutally murdering his unwitting landlord coney coney's cleared the murder weapon clean the murder weapon and retreated to his squalid little fortress of solitude dude it is time to leave like this is an example as we always have on the crusher criminalist of cat criminals being dumb you can't stay there you have to go it's time to run you've been on the run for i mean on the run but living rough as a hobo for the better part of 40 years you probably know how to hide from the police he was still there when the commotion unfolded downstairs and the police came to investigate his crime in fact he had been sitting on top of the hatch when the cops tried to open it ah so they did search and they were like ah i guess nothing's behind this hatch holding it shut thankfully for coneys those cold callers left his little doorway that evening and he was free to continue living in the crawl space for many more months people downstairs came and went and endured a few close calls when he was spotted during those nighttime kitchen raids few of the reports made any mention of his toilet situation and to be honest we should probably consider that a blessing i'll just leave it up to your imagination yeah i don't wanna i was thinking about that and then i'd stopped thinking about it and now i'm thinking about it again great so through the chilly colorado winter coney's teeth chatted throughout the night with the freezing temperatures in his hideaway but still it was better than anything the outside world could offer him this was the sort of lifestyle he had been dreaming of completely sealed away from society yeah living in a six foot by three foot box the dream once his victim's family finally vacated the house he had finally achieved the reclusive solitude he had been craving all his life his only contact with the outside world was the odd scowling glimpse of the mailman before scurrying back to his miserable little man cave the life of your average twitch streamer basically oh some shade gallon [Music] a terrifying trend before we wrap up the story of the denver spider-man we need to take a look at the wider phenomenon which he's a part of this is the part which is going to be jumping at every little bump and creek in your home over the next few nights don't tell me this is becoming a common thing because although the story of theodore edward cody's is pretty insane it's actually far from uncommon in fact there have been cases of secret squatters secretly popping up all over all around the world for example in 2018 a man in the japanese city of himeji went to visit his 90 year old mother who lived by herself while he was cooking dinner for her he had a bang from upstairs and went up to investigate now on the rooms he found a young man sleeping on a futon on the floor what not even hiding in the attic brazenly just on a futon he had no idea who the man was and neither did his mother so he called the police as it turned out the 20 year old had likely been living there for about five months although he refused to give any details to the police after his arrest not even his name he probably picked the home of the elder woman knowing that she wouldn't hear him upstairs and that she had pretty much written off the second floor of her home since she became too frail to tackle the stairs despite squatting in the woman's home and stealing her food the young guy wasn't a total animal in true japanese fashion he was polite enough to leave his shoes at the front door when he entered and somehow nobody noticed so i assumed he was like coming and going through a window or something no no he's just strolling straight into the house at least this guy doesn't sound like a psyche he just sounds like somebody didn't want to pay rent or for food pretty much the exact same thing happened in jiangsu province china in 2014. a man named in the papers as mr wang discovered that money and food had gone missing from his apartment and eventually tracked the culprit to a crawl space above his ceiling the stairway had been living there for about three months after accessing the space from the outside i really want to go check that room that i've been in a while right now dropping into the top two floor apartments loot their piggy banks and fridges from time to time the squatter even had the audacity to sneak down and use mr wang's kitchen while he was away at work these stories are relatively harmless compared to the denver spider-man no harm was done apart from a little bit of petty theft but the idea of an unwanted tennis in your home is creepy nonetheless yes it is as we've already seen potential for these situations to boil over into violence is very very real yeah i mean these guys are like different levels of criminals but still criminals and things could go bad sometimes though the motives are about more than just finding a warm place to sleep in 2012 a woman in south carolina woke up to a thunderous racket from above her ceiling far too loud to be an animal initially she thought she was being haunted by a poltergeist but of course she was of course she did it's like why would that be a person it's much more likely to be a ghost number of ghosts you've seen zero number of people you've seen to hundreds of thousands millions but when she called her adult sons for help they discovered an ex-boyfriend living in her attic dude no the woman had broken up with him over 12 years ago shortly before he went to prison oh this could have gone badly wrong he didn't take it particularly well and wrote her regular love letters from the inside oh no after his release he went straight to her house and took up residence in the attic for two weeks worst of all he had been watching her sleep through a ceiling vent the whole time i wonder how many listeners just glanced over at their air vents just then ah i don't like it look i turned around to look at my air vents one more story before we move on and it's by far the most unsettling of all american writer grady hendricks told the story of a similar encounter on twitter writing how he stumbled across an intruder in his kitchen as a kid in the 1980s his sightings were written off as fantasy by his parents until their unwelcome guest ended up passing away while hiding inside the walls oh god according to hendrix the thing that alerted them to the situation were maggots dropping through the air vent in his room dude no that is insane the recently deceased squatter had set up a foam pad next to the vent to watch the kid in secret what i think it might be time to board up those air vents for good yes screw that i don't want air vents anymore i don't need fresh air similar stories have come out of washington pacoca north carolina pennsylvania queensland ohio and on and on and on oh god there's a startling abundance of these cases out there so much so that it really makes you wonder how many secret squatters have gotten away with it completely undetected i'm glad i live in a relatively small apartment even my office it's like okay there's like a small room i've ever been into in a while but it's very small i don't think there's anyone living in there i haven't heard anything weird but if i did i would be like it's a ghost i'd go and check see if there's a weirdo living in my office as for our original secret squad of the spider-man of denver he had been wrenched out of his cozy little corner and offered a sweet new pad at the colorado state penitentiary where he was to serve a life sentence good after shacking up in the tiny attic coffin for over half a year it's probably quite nice to have heating and a mattress to sleep on when he was sentenced he's reported to have said now i feel safe i'll have a better home than i've had in years i was thinking during this whole thing it's like dude prison actually sounds like an upgrade he spent the rest of his life behind bars in relative comfort before passing away in 1967 a full 67 years older than doctors had ever expected him to live for like his fictional namesake the denver spider-man was tougher than anyone expected he endured far more than his fair share of hardship over the years never quite able to establish himself in a world that kept beating him down don't get me wrong there is no excuse for house-breaking and certainly it's not an excuse for murder but you have to admit that neither theodore coney's nor any of those who came before him would have even bothered to sneak into anyone's home in the first place had there been some alternative available apart from that south carolina vet pervert we've got zero sympathy for him yes a weirdo but while homelessness continues to play even the most developed nations and shelters around the world are packed capacity each night these kinds of stories will continue to emerge from time to time meaning the next time you hear a creaking the walls or you sway had an extra can of beer in the fridge it could actually be a sign that you've got an unwelcome plus one living under your roof i'm kidding of course what are the odds that this kind of true life gothic ghost tale have happening to you near zero right that's probably just the pipes again right right seriously though you should probably check gallup nice dismembered appendices number one the story of the original spider-man has left a pretty strong imprint on pop culture over the years and i'm not just talking about the deleted scenes from the avengers where tom holland climbs out of thanos's attic and pistol whips him to death i've never seen the avengers i have no idea what cane's going on about but i hope you enjoyed that in joke audience the the in-joke for people who've seen the avengers which has got to be like 90 of people right he was also the inspiration for a csi plotline an episode of the simpsons an eerie stanley gardener novel earl stanley gardener sorry and pretty much any media which borrowed the trope of murderous guests in the attic two how about one more light-hearted secret squatter's story to take the edge off that would be really nice kind of nervous now a group of male students at ohio state university rented out a house off campus in 2013 which they joked was haunted after breaking open the door to what they thought was a utility closet they discovered the fully furnished room of jeremy a previous tennis what a previous tenant who just chose not to leave according to legitimate janet brett muglin their secret room was actually a really nice guy who knows maybe yours will be too what's going on jeremy i mean that's kind of genius so i do hope you enjoyed this episode of the casual criminalist i've been simon this was written by callum thank you to jen who puts together the video in the audio afterwards uh if you did enjoy this show please hit that like button if you're watching on youtube if you're listening to this as a podcast please do leave a review and thank you for watching and listening and all of that good stuff and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Casual Criminalist
Views: 244,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime
Id: I0g18FUyoXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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