Thematic analysis with ChatGPT | PART 2- Coding qualitative data with ChatGPT

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before we start this video is sponsored by moonmilk which is a healthy spice mix that I created with my family it helps you relax focus and sleep better check the links in the description so in this video we'll continue the work that we started in the previous video the good news is that I don't think there will be a need for the third episode in the series because uh the second and third stages of our analysis are relatively straightforward they are very they are very similar to what we would do without chat GPT or using even Microsoft Word or any other software so so have a look at at my video where I explain the whole process of what is normally involved in data analysis and qualitative data analysis or thematic analysis specifically because that's exactly what we are doing so uh having done what we have done in the first video and this series so we created the initial uh the initial codes with uh the support from chat GPT now what we have left to do is simply organize these codes so that's step two as I said as I always say in my videos stage two or step two in the whole process is to organize these codes in some kind of groups they don't have to be themes just yet uh just some kind of groups that are meaningful and they help us make sense of these uh of this large number of codes and after that we're looking at the groups and already starting to think about our research questions and starting to think of how these codes that we have can actually help us answer these questions then we organize them into what will later call themes the reasons uh the reason why uh this stage two and three these stages will be uh relatively similar and straightforward and always overlapping and merged in the in the data set that I'm analyzing at the moment is because it's a simple and it's a short and small uh data set so uh so there is so I already kind of see straight away that the way I organize these codes into groups will pretty much resemble uh and reflect the fin fin codes that I also the final themes that I also uh will create for this data set but now let's have a look at what we have here so uh just as I as I prepared it last week or uh in the first episode I have my uh my codes my initial codes that if you remember were created by chat GPT I have our prompts I added some prompts to this list and I'll explain it later because again I did a lot of experimenting and trial and error to try to to get here uh and finally just a new file where we will uh copy and paste our uh our Focus codes so so the codes that have been organized into groups importantly uh as I said this second uh stage it could be done using anything just Microsoft Word or some other software uh there is really not that much use anymore in chat GPT except apart from maybe the fact that it will speed things up uh slightly and it just make the problem a little bit faster but uh at that stage one I would say this is where it uh it was the most helpful and useful here you could do without chat GPD but since we started this this series Let's uh see how it can how it can help us so uh so the first thing you'll be doing at this stage is looking at these codes and just kind of making sure that they they make sense in general that maybe uh if you can add something to the codes you can add something so uh remember they are they are color coded because what we'll do now will will eventually copy and paste the codes and to chat GPT to reorganize them uh but because they are colorcoded we will uh be able to eventually find which interviews they they come from another important thing is not to lose track of the quotes I said it before as well if we don't have the quotes if we can't find the quotes there is uh little use in having these codes eventually developing themes I mean there will still be use in doing that uh but then what we'll have to do eventually is try to find in the in the text some quotes that may help us demonstrate these themes so why do that why waste time if we can just make sure that we don't lose track of them now so as you remember there are different formats in which chat GPT uh works so so with one prompt sometimes it does one thing sometimes does the other so here for example have quotes that are separated from the codes which actually will work well for us today because we can just select all the codes and straight away copy and paste to chat GPD but others were organized this way so there are quotes and there are codes right here so in this case we'll have to just spend a little bit more time just separately copying each code without the co quotes and pasting to chat GPD but uh regardless of the format the important thing is that we need to uh keep keep track of this so later when we reorganize the codes for the first time we we need to be able through ideally to find uh find option here in Microsoft Word uh to find the quotes for a given code so if I want to find a quote for for a code uh that's called exhilerating Adventures experiences I'll just copy and paste it into this find section if I need to have a quote so throughout the whole process we need to be able to uh Trace uh back to these quotes and one more thing that we want to do at this stage before copying and pasting two more things actually before copying and pasting to chat GPT uh one thing is to make sure that uh if we can create another code if there are more codes there that than chat GPT initially found then we make sure to create these codes so what I mean here is for example we can we can see uh we can see some quotes here for example for fascination with pushing boundaries which is fine but then we have several quotes and for example this one talks about sterile environments uh so it's also in addition to pushing boundaries it also talks about a possible limitation or a challenge remember we are focused on challenges so straight away uh in our hypothetical study I mean we're exploring factors positively and negatively impacting job satisfaction so I see a code here so I'll just name it a code so I know it's a code don't need the numbers the numbers were created by chat GP uh in the first in our first attempt but here I'll say for example sterile environments or movie environments are not good so that's that's what this uh this part here says so that's what do you want to be doing I want to I won't be doing that all of that now live because it's going to take too much time but do you want to scroll through it and just see if maybe it missed something so it gives you the nice quotes and just make sure that if there is something to add like that then just add it as I always say too many codes are never a problem not enough codes can be a problem so especially if you're working with chat gbt you want to to lay everything out to it as clearly as possible so it can see uh whether something is bad thing or or a good thing so now the other thing that we'll be doing now and this is fully manual there is no way around it is go through this and think of ways to organize this think of all these codes that you have and start uh thinking of different ways in which you could possibly organize this if you follow my other videos you know that I explained this can be anything usually it's just it can even be as general uh groups as good stuff bad stuff good things bad things or uh or if you have lots of codes about about emotions you can just uh that could be your your grouping emotions codes about emotions codes about background information codes about good things codes about bad things so the point here is still not to develop themes the point is to just make sense of these codes because they are all uh they are not organized well they're all just listed randomly and there many different things so because what we're doing essentially is trying to develop good understanding of our data good enough for us to say these are my themes running through the data that will help me answer the research questions uh we just need to do everything we can to make this clearer to make it to make it obvious and clear to us what are these General topics that that we have in our data and this is easier if we organize codes into groups so one thing you may attempt to do at this point at this stage is also to copy and paste all codes into chat GPT right now and ask it to think or to develop groups for you so so give it a prompt saying uh these are the codes these are the codes units of analysis explain what the codes are you have to do every time you you have to clearly explain everything uh and then say organize it or please organize it so we'll stick to be to being nice to AI please organize uh these codes into groups uh based thematically you can attempt to do this uh the reason I'm not doing this is because I've tried several times it was always far from perfect I don't want to waste your time watching these different attempts of chat GPT but why not you can try it or you can try it and then paste it back and then add some of your own work so it's as I said it's a good tool for supporting your work uh chances are it will not develop these perfectly making sense uh groups for you but maybe there will be some kind of start something to to think about at least I tried and like I said it kind of messed things up a little bit but if I was completely out of ideas perhaps I would at least give it give it a chance for now I do have an idea of groups that I can develop from this and these are as I said said positive factors because so basically these are uh reflect in my research questions the groups are uh factors that may positively uh influence job satisfaction or all the positive things in general negative things and then other other for for all the stuff that is more difficult to classify so I did prepare a prompt for that let me copy and paste it into chat GPT now and yeah this is the one and I'll read it out in a second so so I'm uh so here is what the prompt says I will now let me just delete this I will now paste codes which are analytic units used in thematic analysis here i' would like you to assign each of these codes to one of the following groups challenges if the code name suggests that it it's something negative or something that may be May negatively influence person's job satisfaction positive factors coping strategies and positive experiences if the code name suggests that it is something in any way positive and may positively influence a person's job satisfaction and other for cods that do not match any of the initial two groups here are all the codes it's very important that you assign each and every one of these codes to the above mentioned groups this is because again if I don't say it uh for some reason it will just stop at couple of first codes so that's my prompt and now I'll be copying uh and pasting all my codes uh from these from these files so uh it's going to be easier from this alpachino file because I'll just select everything so these are the main codes plus little summaries that it created but the summaries are essentially very descriptive codes as well so I like to use these as well uh and then I do have to manually go and and select the other ones as I said it it may take a little bit longer because of the format so I have to go here and then select and paste and then go to another one and select it and paste so now uh having seen this and Having learned myself I know that perhaps next time I would ask chat GPT at this initial stage out would emphasize couple of times that I want my codes and my quotes separately as separate points because now I know this would have saved me some time otherwise I have to do it manually so let me just copy and paste all the codes now and then we'll we'll see what it does for you how it organizes these codes into groups before we continue I just wanted to remind you that there is a lot of service that I offer through my website so feel free to explore that website if you need a more detailed more tailored approach there are a variety of onetoone tutorials that I offer uh during which we can look at your coding or your data try to develop codes for it or I can evaluate your initial attempts to coding or address any other aspect that has to do with qualitative research planning and implementation so again feel free to explore this website and see if there is anything relevant to your needs okay so now I managed to to copy and paste all these codes uh remember the prompt is at the top and let's see what it does so it begins to organize all of these into challenges positive experiences positive factors and others I can already see there's uh there are some inaccuracies as we could expect but at the same time you can you'll appreciate the the speed of how fast it's it's doing these things so so let's just copy and paste all of that if I feel that it may not be the complete list I may ask it to make sure to include all the codes I'm not entirely sure if it's a full list but let's copy and paste this into our Focus codes and themes uh text file so this is a a new file just to separate it from our codes and from from our prompts from the other files that we've been using and now the next thing that we need to do of course is to make sure is to organize this is to organize this and make sure that it's there are no errors uh I can already see that there are things that are kind of weird so like cycles of life which is basically let's have a look I'll show you what is about so let's copy cycles of Life CU I'm wondering what that is about uh so this is how we will be now sorting the codes uh copy cycles of Life go to our quotes uh go to the find option and just paste cycles of life so where would that be let me just see cycles of life so that's that's what we do um and now we can read the quotes so it's basically oh this is a this is not the quote this is the the little summary so viewing life is a series of stages acceptance of nature life praising the idea life so it's reflection on life and then let's move to the next one this is where we have the quotes so I think we're here and then we're not see it's it's kind of a I would put it in the others uh in the others group so it's you could probably try hard and find something in it something more but but I would put it in the other category because it's not really about things you enjoy at work or things you don't enjoy so that's that what you do you you use the search option that's why I said it's so important to to keep the quotes there and move things around so so first you need to uh you need to make sure that these categories these groups make sense like desire for something new again without checking the actual the actual codes uh I know that this is not exactly accurate why would that be a challenge so uh so it's probably you know the lack of this maybe challenging factors or something new may lead to burn out that that we can uh infer from this but desire for something new is as such would not necessarily be a a challenge so let's see I can contribute to in a way so so basically yeah it's a desire uh seeking novel and engaging opportunities exactly so so this is definitely not a challenge so again we have to move it to to this positive factor so desire for something new as a positive factor and this is basically what you will be doing at at this stage so Focus coding just trying to clean up within each group uh make sure that it makes sense so that's the main thing again if you weren't using chpd you'll be be doing exactly same thing you can try and paste it back to chat GPD maybe ask it to be more accurate uh every now and then you can do a little bit of work and then again paste it back to to chat GPT it's it's all up to you it's very flexible at the moment it's not set nothing is set in stone CH GPT is clearly not a data analysis software so so you can I guess get quite creative in how you're using that so So eventually remember we were thinking about positive and negative factors I could uh I will uh what I would normally do now would be to organize these further make sure that there are no inaccuracies as that stand out like the ones that we just saw so they are definitely not they just don't fit the category for now I would also uh keep the wording the same I would keep the wording as it is now if you ever want to change the wording this uh or or maybe combine two two different codes so basically we are as I said uh moving towards this theming as well so creating themes because that's basically the final stages when when you organize things like I said apart from the other category our challenges and positive factors will eventually become what we probably want to call factors positively influencing and factors negatively influencing job satisfaction so the the boundary the line between this stage and the themes in this case is pretty uh fluid I would say so so once we have these so so this mainly about the wording but one important point is that if we change the wording so for example here we can see the one I just moved Desir for something new and maybe um seeking challenges uh so so this is basically about uh trying trying to so the workplace also uh giving us some challenging experiences some you know some variation if we design if we decide that we want to combine this as one for example one thing like you know like like I said variation or new things uh what I would do is before changing the name of it I would copy and paste both of these codes as a comment or somewhere to indicate what this used to be because that's important because if I just change the name now remember I won't be able to find the quote for for it so although here uh what I'll do so this is uh desire for something new and routine and seeking challenges yeah so uh so what I'll do is combine and say seeking challenges but like I said I want to make sure that I remember the wording so seeking challenges will be would be what I eventually keep and uh and I want to make a comment here saying this is what it used to be and also desire for something new cuz I didn't need both they are about same or similar thing but I won't be able to find the quotes for desire for something new if it's not there anymore so so that's what I mean as you're reducing these codes and and kind of merging them into more meaningful more inclusive uh sub codes or eventually sub themes you just want to keep track of what they used to be because again if I need to find a quote for seeking challenges I'll go here I'll select desire for something new go back to our codes here and remember and just paste it and find the quotes for it so important to be able to uh to trace the quotes another thing that you may do another thing that you may do is to I won't be organizing them fully now but uh let's say within uh the positive factors so again this is definitely not doesn't fit here at all it's going to go to our challenges if anything or maybe I'll remove it later but seeking challenges embracing authenticity uh let's say there is a another code never mind let's say we want to organize it further not sure how it will do with this but there's not that many codes but if I see I like to develop additional Sub categor sub themes whatever you call them so let's say I want a chat GPT to quickly give me an idea of factors that are kind of personal and external so you know we're talking about positive factors that may help them remain in in the job so so what if I want to uh what if I want to De uh distinguish between factors that are uh personal how we act you know whether we try something new etc etc and the factors are kind of external so more about the workplace itself uh so and I like doing such grouping so let's let's create a quick prompt uh I will now paste several codes units of analysis and thematic analysis and I would I say which represent people's experiences as well as factors and characteristics of workplaces uh I would like you to group these codes into those that may represent individual uh into that's what I say into personal those that represent and the individual qualities actions attitudes Etc may not be the best prompt but we'll see and external those that may represent qualities qualities of the workplace independent of the employee not sure how it will do but let's say I had this spontaneous idea let's say how it does so that's you can think of it as thematic analysis because that's the point where we're kind of organizing it further for our final themes so let's say positive factors that we want to develop into personal and external um as I said emotional connection as I said it's not uh doing that well but maybe the codes just couldn't be put into these groups I'll have to look and and decide but emotional connection maybe something for example that is personal can also be about the workplace providing that connection uh so it depends it depends what's in the data but in a nutsh show this is what and how you would be using uh this platform at the moment it's kind of back and forth you can be using it for your bounce your ideas of it uh see if it's possible to organize into these groups if I know it's not then it kind of saves me a little bit of times I a little bit of time I come back here and and see what I can do further if you're confused as to how this is thematic analysis again watch my other videos in which I explain what happens in these final stages because you'll see that that's exactly the same except that I usually use envivo and here I'm kind of switching between Microsoft Word and chat GPT I didn't want to make this too long so hopefully this uh is relatively clear to you now how you can experiment how you can use this as I said before it's completely new it's constantly developing I'm sure there will be plenty of updates at the same time it can crash sometimes yesterday I tried to record this video a couple of times but it was overloaded and it let me down a couple times so just bear that in mind as well but uh I hope you learned something new and let me know in the comments what you think I know you've been commenting on these videos you've been trying things yourself let me know and I'm really curious and excited to see and hear how you're doing how you've been using this this platform like the video If you learned something from it and share it to others so that they know where to find me on YouTube
Channel: Research with Dr Kriukow
Views: 22,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qualitative data analysis, qualitative data analysis methods, data analytics, chatgpt, chat gpt, data analysis with chatgpt, data analysis with chat gpt 4, thematic analysis in qualitative research, thematic analysis, coding qualitative data, coding qualitative interviews, chat gpt qualitative analysis, thematic analysis chat gpt, qualitative research, qualitative analysis
Id: ugvrdmbPkZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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