Their Unbelievable Reaction To This Willie Nelson Song Request

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] thing here something like that like you know spanish yeah i made this one up too that was amazing i like this part yeah your class yeah go i've never i've never looped hands before so it kind of worked yeah that was brilliant cool so why are you not in austin texas live music capital i i don't i don't know do you know anyone in austin texas i am in austin okay well not now okay well i know you you're from there so i've watched you on the internet you've deconstructed and redid fleetwood mac we've done journey but in austin we have willie nelson and asleep at the wheel do you know either one of those two i i know a little bit of willie nelson well i know of him you know i don't think i um okay well i sleep with the wheel i've never heard of that okay that's big balls in cow town take me back to tulsa okay okay any of those no that's not that does not ring up but maybe if i heard it i would recognize it well i can't sing it but willie nelson willie nelson what do you like did you know that willie nelson wrote crazy yes he did crazy fulfilling okay well maybe that's when that one is a little too uh what are some good willie nelson songs okay okay thomas don't let your babies grow up with cowboys on the road again on the road again on the road again i can't wait to get it always on my mind okay let me try on the let me try listening to this one on the road again i've heard i've heard this one i just need to i would need to figure out figure out the chords you know that's what you do that's why i can't wait to watch it playing music with my friends there it is there's a lot of lyrics to the verse i will attempt the chorus lyrics the life i love is making music oh he's got the that's the third one i'll do that that's it [Music] so [Music] music with my friends i can't wait to get on the road [Music] i just can't wait again get on the road again on the road again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] do [Music] that i've never been seeing things that i may [Music] friends [Music] i just can't wait to get on the road again [Music] going places that i've never been seeing things that i may never see again i just can't wait to get on the road again on the road again [Music] [Music] again [Music] making music with my friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you i believe this is your phone thank you thanks for the lyrics oh yeah i was the best you need to move to austin texas okay live music capital i'll drop a card austin
Channel: DØVYDAS
Views: 123,512
Rating: 4.9177856 out of 5
Keywords: Dovydas, music, guitar
Id: ASq02N96tCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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