TheDooo BLOWING MINDS on Omegle! -- 307 Reacts -- Episode 696

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I could just get a message from her that says I'm about to throw hands on this client not even gonna lie like all right girl do you think that's what [ __ ] medical field for you man like uh I don't know how they do it I not for me not for me [Music] I ain't picking [ __ ] out of nobody's ass no I'm not I'm not wiping I ain't I ain't cleaning I ain't washing I ain't moving I'm not doing any of that stuff dude the colostomy no I'm not okay anyways 307 reacts I'm at that's Chris you guys how's it going disregard that beginning conversation sorry about that sometimes my girlfriend works in the my girlfriend works in the in the healthcare field so all you healthcare workers out there uh no I know what you mean I know what you'd be going through and yes hats off salute way to go uh Stronger Than I am you guys are much stronger than I am in a billion different ways like some of the stories I get told me I'm like you know anyways speaking of stories you get told that are on the screen we have uh the do and uh he's on Omegle so it's we're gonna get probably a little bit of that every now and then uh he hasn't been on Omegle in a while what's have you been following him I I haven't been really following his best as YouTube will let me go okay you know what I mean YouTube has been uh it's been really our algorithm's been a little lacking yeah it's been really kind of throwing the hammer down on on that for sure um I'm getting things that have stopped showing up like Chris Ramsey that magician that I used to watch I don't know if you stopped posting or if uh YouTube has just worked it out of my algorithm because I kind of transitioned to like fishing videos and stuff and drywall videos and it's like okay well this guy's just like now I guess Matt lost his phone and now some 60 year old man has it or something he's just watching air compressor videos and bass fishing videos it must have been your fault okay because I found a video on YouTube the other day of a guy who built a house out of sticks in the middle of the woods and was making drywall with mud on the inside of the house and I'm like probably that could have been yeah I probably took the keyword mud been down a few rabbit holes in the last couple weeks trying to remodel the living room so like yeah it's you know anyways so we're gonna watch the dude get into some Antics on Omegle um keep an eye on your algorithms keep an eye on your subscription speaking of which if you haven't subscribed to us please do us a favor and hit that subscribe button that's all we're asking for this year if you want to go a step further there are other options in our description below we've kept you waiting long enough let's just get the deal on the screen shall we let's go what's up oh hey can I hear something yeah I'm taking requests though so you can just shout out a song and I'll try to play for you I'm here uh what do you got I hit the road Jack by Ray Charles Hit the Road Jack okay yeah probably have to mute it sorry oh we might have to yeah right here yeah you know look I'm okay so for anyone that doesn't know we're anytime this is just going to be a staple I'm I'm speaking this into existence right now so anytime in these videos in these Omega videos when they're listening to the original uh artist we are going to mute that section of audio or our microphones either one um because we've got we've just been going through the [ __ ] lately but speaking of YouTube just doing whatever they want we've been going through the [ __ ] lately with videos like this where they take these little tiny segments and they'll take anything they can from it so in order to avoid all that which we knew was coming it's fine that's okay we we're we're aware of that it's just why deal with it you avoid it why deal with it when we can just avoid it so that's what we're gonna do we're just gonna start muting that [ __ ] out so anytime the phone comes up and all of a sudden you know you might hear us talking like oh yeah okay yeah and you won't hear the video or anything that's what's going on let's keep going spoken into existence [Music] that face emulator [Music] all right foreign [Music] oh my gosh yeah buddy that guy has Josh Winbrook I was gonna say seems like thanks brother seems like a relative of Josh I started learning about 15 years ago martial art brother that's why I was a little lad straight up getting straight up gave that boy a workout from how much he was celebrating oh yeah yeah all right let's get into the fuzz here and I shot a lot buddy if I was a little lad it sounds like you're [ __ ] down Wally against his will do you need to see dicks on Omegle when you're like morning commute to work that badly all right bro try not to crash good luck all right boys and I want to tell you about this video sponsor Viking rise if you guys like games with insano soundtracks like Elden ring then I think you're gonna like Viking rise which is a new Viking theme strategy mobile game where you rise up as a viking leader in the world of midgard as a guy who's been bestowed with a crazy Viking name Kimberly feeds my addiction to war and murder Viking rise is giving away Seven Grand that you can win some of just click the link in the description below and download the game and you can be entered in to win some of that bread the art style feels very like authentically Nordic and the world changes with each season and the soundtrack ghost that's kind of way harder than it has any business doing it's made by world-renowned composer Nikolai starinsky who composed music for Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 2. famous Vikings like Igor Ragnar Bjorn and discover their unique skills and backstories Ivor is what for worries wish they could be he's got this brutal primitive wolf-like fighting style if you like being able to AFK there's an idle feature that allows you to automatically complete your upgrades troop buildings research and more without doing anything using the outdoor meeting function you can also join a tribe and fight alongside allies in multiple Dungeons and boss battles so you can win some of that seven Grand in a couple of ways obviously download the game with my link in the description box below in the top one to three players in the might ranking will get a thousand bucks each while the top four to six players are gonna get 500 and other than the top six a bunch of Lucky winners will also be picked to just win 500 bucks cash if you download Viking rise now you'll get a free gift pack that's worth 200 bucks to help kick start your journey in midgard well there you go everybody look we watched through the ad it's not everybody that says why do you skip the ads we don't we watch right through them do you see done see Viking Viking rise midgard at least it wasn't the other one I'm really glad I'm really glad you know if it was I might have skipped it oh we definitely and everyone wouldn't have I would have that's the thing like yeah we're gonna not watch that one because no one needs to watch that one and if you don't know what we're talking about welcome to YouTube Welcome to YouTube I appreciate you picking us for your first video ever uh but the next video you watch that's not us will have a sponsor for it so let's go okay holy [ __ ] sorry that was an accident sorry oh what song man that Love Like You Mario Love Like You by murlocs from wow what did you say love like you like the end of first thing from Steven Universe oh [Music] you can do about anything online this is really nice let me try to hear the brushes it was nice yeah [Music] three four incredible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I appreciate it man that was beautiful good song request thank you Rose do you have like a YouTube or something yeah if you just type in the do d00 on YouTube all my stuff will come up all right all right peace I'm hanging up on it bro what you do so we broke up right yep and then this [ __ ] moved on in three days she got with another dude right like I've been with this [ __ ] for like four years off and on and every time this like off and on okay always happen like every time we're taking a break she's with a new month why bother uh yeah I was gonna say at a certain point is she the problem with the relationship or I mean or do you just keep coming back you keep coming back around bro and she keep moving on and so like I hate to break it to you brother but you know raccoon maybe your friends aren't telling you because they don't want to see you react to it either because it is tough to break it to somebody but like dude I think it's I think it's time yeah she don't don't go chase if she's just gonna run off and bang some other dude immediately why are you going back to that like okay Kenneth calls uh those people raccoons that keep coming back to trash yeah that's that's fair yeah yeah garbage Bandit trash Bandit that's what it is yeah all right anyways just just move on I think it's time to move on you know I don't know always happen like every time we're taking a break she's with a new mother so annoying if I had to say like probably my opinion on it is probably like didn't ask soup I ask I love it because the Dude doesn't have to show his face so he can just get that though hey bro can you play something yeah what do you got can you play what's New Scooby-Doo we can do that let me listen to it for like 30 seconds though here comes the mute probably haven't heard this in years wait for it give me one second yes dude this one's definitely definitely gonna be muted rock yeah I love the heavy bass we just watched we just watched the Scooby-Doo movie a month ago or something like that it was it came up on Netflix or something we were like yeah why not yeah it's cheesy but it's good [Music] yeah oh you recorded it boy [Music] [Music] it's nice [Music] that guy just had a seizure had a moment I got lost in it dude that actually was probably the best song request I've got you a rock star dude for real oh damn bro thanks bro I appreciate it yo can you play Thunderbird what is Thunderbird never mind what is that oh I know what you want [Music] [Applause] companion of a ways people ask for the request for real okay this is real play Thunderstruck uh this is an active that's not an active counter okay Thunder Tundra stork tender strike Mary had a little Thunderstruck Thunder by a b c d thunder strike play Lightning God that song goes lightning strike strike Lightning by those one guys uh what's their name God under torch and then Thunderbird by Metallica I the life of an Omegle Creator man good Lord Tundra stork uh I I love the uh yeah what's your favorite one on this list I'm gonna pick dude I like Thunder by ABCD I think that's just [ __ ] a little historic is pretty thunderstorm is pretty good way out there um [ __ ] what was the thing play Lightning play Lightning what was the thing I was just reading uh Thunder torch no there was one of those oh the Mary had a little Thunderstruck did you ever see that no I don't know well I don't think so dude it was [ __ ] sick so he did lay down the Thunderstruck and then played Mary had a little lamb over top of it and it just and it worked dude it was so sick anyways the coolest versions of the song I've ever heard all right there's the list for you everybody and it keeps growing apparently they were pretty good what are we doing nothing crazy so I'm crazy I'm actually taking requests so you can just pick whatever crazy thing I play if you want can you play something by the weekend which song just pick one pick one just whatever the top one is and the mute and the mute [Music] [Applause] [Music] this week [Music] what [Music] thank you dude that was today that was really foreign that was actually crazy thank you brother I appreciate it every time dude I've heard it but not a lot I've never like tried to play it before that's wild hey I have a twist for my friends can you believe something for him yeah yeah yeah [Music] thank you [Music] at all and he and he doesn't miss dude he walks all the way up the skate or all the way up the neck and he's crazy in this crazy scale and hits the perfect route and like what nobody asked for that nobody asked that but you did make that man's day so and that would honestly make my day as well where another day closer to being six feet in the Earth yes you're good about it what was the beginning of that word that you just said he's playing guitar no should I not I mean I don't have to the new players music for me all right you're giving me mixed signals here man anything give me something how about just something chill or in vibey [Music] foreign [Music] sorry to pause right in the middle of this but do you guys remember um you know if you guys are around our age probably our parents sitting there watching the early morning uh weather report right and then they would do the seven day but instead of showing all seven dudes oh they would show like the one day at a time dude you know what I'm going with this yeah yeah it sounds just like the music and then like and then it would play it would like it would like like you said the one day at a time and then it would like do a thing and have a drop down and a guy would be like sunny today with a high of it and then he would fade out and then the music would come back tomorrow's forecast looking you dude whoa overload man wow that was okay that yes I do remember that for anyone the Dells does let's talk my name will be a high of 40 degrees partly cloudy skies this afternoon will lead to rain later this afternoon later this evening it really does dude you like it it really does wow I appreciate it man oh my God I'm just glad you liked it so much he probably lagged out like eight minutes ago he got froze forever ago it just wasn't paying any attention oh man that was a good one though that was a good one dude that was a really good one uh the Dew yeah man he he still every time every time he gets on the screen he does something that I'm just like what how how dude and I know he's been playing for 15 years but like he's been aggressively playing for 15 years yeah he's been angry angry playing for 15 years and uh it shows man like he's been really really like consistent practice shows and it shows when you do those really fast runs and you don't miss the notes it shows that you do that all the time and you practice those movements and those muscle movements so that when it happens and you need to make it happen in real time it just does the thing yeah and like really that's what music class is all about going through school it's it's less about what you learn when you're sitting in the classroom or more about taking it home and just doing it over and over and over again reading the music and playing it over and over and over so that when you come together in group the whole group I mean theoretically and ideally it should have all of the Dynamics and everything dialed in the pauses and everything and it should sound really really connected and and smooth um so that that makes a ton of sense man it's just it's all about just the the hours you put in yeah but damn dude he has a way he has a way of of impressing man every single time he's on the screen and that piano thing what was that dude I was trying to find the downbeat I couldn't figure I couldn't find it and maybe that that's a good thing like that's a really cool little well and it was just a completely improvised something he made up on the spot yeah so yeah I doubt he was one two three no probably not he's probably just like yeah that sounds good yeah and then put some of that in there and uh Wednesday's forecast is to take me back Sunny with a high 65 degrees um winds South Southwest yeah um 80 miles an hour yes yeah watch out for your trampoline might be in your neighbor's yard um he also has I don't know what plug-in he's using but he has a way of making his active pickups sound like single coils for anybody that doesn't know those big golden chunks in the middle of his guitar uh those are pickups they're basically just big magnets um the ones that are in his guitar that he's playing right here are powered by a battery so they're more more magnet I guess they're just they have more magnets um a single coil pickup we don't have an example I'm pretty sure everything in here in here is a humbucker or an active so uh but a single coil pickup is like what you would see on a Fender guitar there's usually three of them sitting in there just these little strips with a bunch of silver dots on the top of them uh that's a and they have this like this thinner sounding tinny kind of sound to it he has a way of making his beefy active guitars sound like a like a single coil yeah and I'm interested what his setup is for doing like what plug-in he's using in logic to make that happen probably just some some clean emulator if he's using a plug-in because I know true because I've seen pedals for that type of crew yeah he might just be running everything on the floor into logic or whatever he's using I don't know anyways yeah five out of five always every time he kills it well if you guys enjoyed this video as much as we did be sure to leave the thumbs up smash that subscribe button click the Bell become part of the notification gang wow man left me hanging here got him got me you got me like a week and a half ago or something like that so I had to get you back so now we're even all right now okay uh by the way if you guys are still here okay on the 16th oh the boys from 10 410 will be dropping a new song and uh and a new video may not have helped record and produce that for them and may or may not have shot and edited the music video for them uh so you're going to want to check it out it's a really good song um so yeah be on the lookout 10 4 10 May 16th we'll put a link down in the description below for their YouTube page and uh yeah May 16th check it out anyways with that we'll see you guys next time punch out the camera I'm commenting on this video oh God here we go
Channel: 307 Reacts
Views: 14,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0bxVLMr84Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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