The8BitDrummer // Koseki Bijou - Bury the Cringe

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what is this all right hold on I've seen this on the list a couple of times and I'm just like this has to be a vtube thing like this has to be a YouTuber thing it has to be has to be dude hold on oh God I don't know if I'm gonna play all of this but I do want to check it out because good Lord all right hold [Laughter] on bury the cringe don't kill the part of you that's cringe kill the part of you that cringes oh my God what is this dude what is this oh no what have you sent me what have you brought upon this cursed landb oh no oh no prepare to be demotivated [Music] no oh no I feel that why [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude let me turn it up just a little bit more oh box thank you for the gift sub to us B appreciate that very much K thank you very very [Music] [Applause] [Music] much what what in the world does that even [Music] mean I am thew [Music] a [Music] I feel [Music] [Music] that I love this song so much the the original the original I know the original very well do it [Applause] [Music] chat what does that [Music] [Music] mean what do that [Music] me oh [Music] I didn't know [Music] that dude I'm learning so [Music] much [Applause] [Music] I oh yeah [Music] I amcl of my [Music] CR [Music] for a [Music] a the reclaimer of my friend [Music] get behind t ring me [Music] not the B bad end [Music] probably through the under of night Sam what is [Music] happening what are they going to make this hit you want this Jewel then come try [Music] and what is happening [Music] dude dude this is [Music] awesome and [Music] you people here [Music] [Music] are oh yeah [Music] let's go ins I'm [Music] oh my God oh my [Music] God this is insanity [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] yeah let's freaking go oh my God man that was awesome [Laughter] dude that was incredible man oh my God doctor turn off my cringe Inhibitors bro that was so sick actually oh my God my favorite thing is that I just got to freaking rock out to bury the light so I'm okay with that but but dude like do you know what the difference is between cringe and comedy chat confidence all right and that song exuded confidence [Laughter] okay oh my God D shout outs to freaking uh uh kosek beu that that I hope I'm saying the name right that was awesome holy freak yeah I saw I saw you say that Yun yeah uh they got the blessing of Casey Edwards as well that's just so freaking perfect dude they were in itely [Laughter] motivated
Channel: Melowee
Views: 71,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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