The Z80's secret feature discovered after 40 years!

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the Zilog z80 has a protected mode.  To those of you who knows what a z80 is and what  protected mode is, this should be impossible.  In fact, it has been impossible  for more than 40 years,  since the introduction of  the original Z80 in 1976.  That is until now. Hi, I'm Andy and welcome to my retro attic. [Music] foreign [Music] how this seemingly impossible feed is pulled off  this is the Zilog Z80, the CMOS version of it to   be precise if you don't know what a d8 is there  are lots and lots of videos on YouTube that are   far better at explaining it than I am therefore  I won't go into the details about the history or   architecture of this chip feel free to pause this  video and watch those if you need a recap on a d80   links in the description below in short the  deity is one of the most popular CPUs in history   alongside the 6502 it is the heart of condos home  commuters game consoles arcade machines and more   including this beautiful Sony hitbit MSX 2 right  next to me however you didn't click this video   to see what the d80 can do but what it cannot  or should I say what it's not supposed to do the zad doesn't have a protected mode which means  it cannot run through preemptive multitasking OS   it cannot perform memory protection it cannot be  virtualized and most importantly and cannot stop   misbehaving on malicious program from overriding  system variables or accessing sensitive data the   last one is the most frustrating for programmers  since it means like a half-written buggy program   May easily scramble system Ram values and crash  the Entire Computer making debugging virtually   impossible these limitations are not simply a  result of primitive operating systems of the 80s   all programmers not wanting to spend time and  space support in this feature it was in the   hardware protected mode requires specific support  within the logic Circuit of the CPU itself support   that the z80 does not have or at least not as a  part of its documented features [Music] so today's   topic is about secret undocumented instruction  which enables a secret protected mode right   well not really you see the z80 happens to be  one of the most studied and most documented CPUs   features left out by the official documentation  has been dug out by people who wants to know more   about their favorite microprocessor there are many  blogs about reverse engineering the z80 at silicon   level and like the 6502 the z80 has its own visual  z80 visualization website showing the role of each   individual transistor in live action there is  even a book named the undocumented z80 documented   explaining all secret undocumented instruction  in great detail therefore the meaning of the   thumbnail of this video is actually twofold  the z80 can possibly support a protected mode   and second even if it does this feature  can possibly go unnoticed for 40 years   or can it it turns out that the z80 does have  a little known feature hidden in playing site   in order to understand it we start off at one  of its most well-known features the IL bus   I think it's safe to assume that most people  making this far into the video would have   known that the z80 use a separate address  space for the memory and I O operations   as a result it has an i o request or iorq pane  to indicate that it is doing iio operation   now imagine we hooked the eye open directly to the  non-maskable interrupt paying all nmi pin of the   CPU this will trigger a non-muscle interrupt  each time a program does an i o operation   what does that do you may ask well at this moment  pretty much nothing but it gives us a chance to   examine the output operation in order to translate  the i o access take the SBI 328 and the MSX as an   example assume we want to run MSX software on the  svi 328 we can capture each i o access made by the   program determine which device it is accessing and  forward that access to the corresponding i o port   on the SBI 328 there is only one small problem  the eyeball operation issued by our translation   program will also trigger a non-muscular  interrupt creating an infinite Loop and ultimately   overflowing our stack therefore we need some  sort of circuit to prevent this from happening   here we use a single RS flip flop we  connect one of the inputs to the Ami   Pane and the output Q to an or gate alongside  the iorq line finally we use the output of the   or gate as the new nmi input as a result an nmi  will set a flip up preventing further interrupts   how to reset the flip flop simple just hook the  reset signal to your unused device select on this   board is accessed the filter go to the original  state waiting for the next i o access to occur   another translation program can return control to  the original program order right well not so fast   remember that the original i o right operation  the one that triggers the interrupt it didn't go   to nowhere if a device is present on the wrong I O  Port it will still receive a piece of information   let's imagine our MSX program makes a right to the  vtp register at Port 98 hacks our translator will   catch the right and forward it to Port 80 heads on  the SBI however Port 98 hacks on the SBI is the a   port of the 8255 pdpil programmable peripheral  interface as a result the data on the pbi's GPI   opening is probably altered which can potentially  damage our system solve this problem we just need   to add another wire connecting the output of  the flip-flop to the enabling of the i o decoder   if our OS is written carefully enough to reset  the flip-flop each time the control is returned   to our user program this circuit will ensure  that each and every of our i o operation is   performed by the OS not some random potentially  buggy and potentially even malicious user code   and suddenly a little d80 is now running in  protected mode believe it or not we are 90 there   the only things left are memory protection and  a way for our user program to actually call the   system routines other than make a read or write  to a port and wait for the season to translate it   the first one is easy enough since the manual  management unit or the mmu commonly found in   386s or 60 or 30s it's just a super beefed up  version of the memory chips for 8-bit computers   and many members are controlled by i o ports  which are already protected by the circuit we   just talked about our OS just need to bank out  the system variables in Ram so that they are   not visible to the user program and back them  back in whenever a system routine is executed   here I choose the simplest kind of mapper a 256  byte static run connected to the high bind of   the address bus this will have an added benefit of  being able to fill the membrane with a single otdr   instruction another second task is not difficult  either thanks to another feature of the z80 its   RSD or reset command more like the ink command  of the x86 is encoded with 5 ones and 3 bits to   indicate the reset address this makes it very easy  to detect by just ending those pens together with   the inverted M1 signal we can then add a gate  to the input of the Zippo so the kernel mode   is entered whenever an nmi or reset instruction  is issued plus such an instruction caused into   a routine within the zero page of memory  it makes a perfect way to do system calls   and that's pretty much it I also added other  features but they are all design choices and   mostly just to speed things up or provide extra  functionality for example I use bigger mapper RAM   chips to provide Hardware accelerated task  swapping added a second map run to increase   the maximum physical RAM size supported still  two physical address lines to Mark a page as   non-writable and non-executable in order  to tighten memory Access Control added a   bunch of peripheral chips to provide Graphics  sound a timer some gpio and your input phase   so final conclusion here is this really a  secret z80 feature that's been hidden for years   no it's not it's just a clever combination of  several documented features and an external   circuit technically this can be done to any 8-bit  processors like the 8085 the 8080 and even the   6502 and 6800 but it will be much more difficult  and require much more external circuit because   this circuit does rely on some of the z80's unique  features to work efficiently namely the separate   i o address space the block I O command with  register B output to the high byte of the address   bus and special encoding of the reset instruction  however it is almost certain that the z80 is not   designed to be used in this way since many of the  geds other features will be rendered completely   useless like the powerful interrupt mode 2 the  entire multiple interrupt System including many   instructions dedicated to it such as the reti  and retn EI and Di and the iff registers and   the second set of genuine purpose registers for  fast contact switch I think it's safe to say that   Mr [ __ ] designed the z80 to work with his own  dedicated chipset run engineering well-tested   programs mainly in embedded systems ironically  most cities found themselves in desktop and   home computers with an Intel chipset running  whatever program that you user throws at them   then is this video a clickbait yes now  big disclaimer I hate clickbait videos   but I did it anyway in the title and thumbnail  of this video to be fair I did include a hint   that this required external Harbor at the  beginning of this video so that professionals   can understand the whole thing and click away  at that point if they pay enough attention   nonetheless I have made a clickbait video the type  of video that I hate to see but I guess this is   what you will get from a small YouTuber watching  other big virtual channels getting hundreds of   thousands of views as soon as a new video is  released but do I think this is cool though   oh boy I do just imagine what can be achieved by  this technique you can virtualize your computer   to create independent virtual machines you can  tweak those virtual machines to emulate different   platforms like the clicker Vision the Sega X3 1000  the sy328 the MSX and even the rear MTX 512 made   my memo Tech as they share similar Hardware there  can be slowdowns and incompatibilities but the   truth is that few games make use of full CPU time  and will run just fine you can run many programs   concurrently you can Implement a virtual VDB in  the OS and set aside some run to create a shadow   v-run and drag all VDB access of one program say  a spreadsheet to that virtual VDP then direct that   of a noun program say again to the actual screen  then you can use a boss key to tell the system to   swap the contents of the vram and Shadow vram and  exchange the registers of the physical and virtual   VDB within second so that your boss won't notice  you playing Gallagher at work you can even add   another physical VDB to your system and run dual  monitor with different programs going further you   can also add multiple keyboard or gain controller  and map those to different virtual environments   creating a linear stacked style two Gamers one  CPU experience but with all the 80s retro fashion   that's about it for this video but before  the end of it I have a small story to tell   during the making of this video I remember  seeing somewhere claiming that the reason why   the z80 has so many undocumented instructions  is that Falcon used sparespaces in edge of   the Silicon die to implement them as actual  instructions however early production units   show that those instructions work unreliably as  a result Falcon just dropped those instructions   out of the documentation to artificially boost  you since he had now Market ships that don't   execute those instructions as good ones as the  fabrication process made sure most chips run those   instructions just fine but the instruction set was  not updated for consistency as those instructions   were originally documented once they are very  reliable and useful so many software started   using them causing them to be re-edited in many  of the deities upgraded versions like the z180   and r800 as extensions to the instruction set I  think this story is fun but I cannot find where   I saw it so I left it out of the script if  anyone know whether this story is true or not   or can point me to the website where I saw it no  matter if it's a true story please leave a comment   below I would appreciate it but that's it for  today's video for real this time bye [Applause]
Channel: Andy Hu
Views: 708,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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