The YouTube Interview: Ron Paul

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Ochs I'm Paula nice to meet you my name is Steve Grove I'm over at YouTube news and politics editor over there yeah welcome you have quite the following on YouTube we're excited you could I'm sure you have more subscribers than any other candidate on the platform well Congressman Paul welcome to YouTube we're so glad to have you here and we're going to try something different today we're going to show you some some questions straight from YouTube users hi I'm Phil from Buffalo Congressman Paul you have publicly stated that you are in favor of abolishing the IRS and income tax what methods then do you see as appropriate for a revenue to run the federal government thank you well I'm not looking for a substitute I want to get rid of the IRS I want to get rid of the income tax but I want to reduce the size and scope of government to the point where we don't need the income tax we didn't have an income tax up until 1913 and we did quite well but since we've had the income tax government has grown by leaps and bounds and it has allowed our government to get involved in things that they shouldn't be involved policing our personal habits police in the economy and placing the world if you don't want the government to do that you don't need the income tax so a lot of people ask me what am I going to replace it with I don't want to replace it with anything I want to reduce it but the responsible question is that what are you going to do about all the spending and my answer is we should cut the spending we just don't need to cut the spending because when government's allowed to do this they do a great deal of harm and they don't really help us I want to release all the creative energy I can and all the productive effort of individuals are free to to pursue their own adventure and we certainly need to get the government out of the way and under those conditions yet don't need an income tax we should repeal to sixteenth Amendment and I'm wondering what his take is on environmental protections and how he thinks the Constitution best answers the question of environmental protection and oil good I think it's one of the challenges that libertarians and conservatives have because I don't think they address that subject well enough and frequently enough but if you accept the notion that free markets are beneficial to all of us and that we can relieve the poverty of the masses through capitalism and free markets then you say well does it destroy the environment in the process and absolutely not matter of fact the freer of the market is in the more respect you have for private property the better the environment is protected in the 19th century during the early stage of the Industrial Revolution there was a careless disregard for the environment governments and big business were in collusion they did not care what they did to their neighbors but there's a basic fundamental premise in a free-market economy that protects private property that you have no right whatsoever to pollute your neighbor's property so in in many ways it's much stricter than the system that we have today by writing regulations and sending regulators in to check out what everybody's doing the courts your honor private property and the extreme opposite of this would be the more socialistic a country gets the less respect they have for property and if you look at what happened to the environment under this Soviet system it was a total disaster but property is much better taken care of when it's privately controlled it's when the government gets control of it they destroy it the idea of the Commons and when everybody owns the land or the property nobody owns it and nobody cares for it and special interests get involved so you want to get as much property into the hands of private owners because they have a self-interest in taking care of it but the principle that we have to emphasize you do not have a right to pollute your neighbor's property you can't go next door and dump your garbage in their yard everybody knows that but you shouldn't be able to dump any garbage in the air and you shouldn't be able to dump any garbage into water so I am convinced that if you had the right respect by all the legislators and the courts to protect private property it would be the best method to protect the environment Congressman Paul I'm Austin Hynes and I'm speaking to you from Tulsa Oklahoma you say that abortion legislation should be decided on the state rather than the federal level does this mean that you believe the morality of the issue is not absolute and that each state should define what they believe on their own if the Constitution provides a right to life do we not also have the right to define when that life starts and ends on a federal level it's it'd be interesting to hear what you have to say about this but I deal with the abortion issue like I deal with all acts of violence I see the fetus as a human being that has legal rights has legal inheritance rights from the day of conception I as a physician if I injured the fetus I have liabilities if you are in a car accident or if somebody commits a violent hack and kills the fetus they are reliable and responsible but all acts of violence under our Constitution are dealt with at the local level murder secondary third-degree manslaughter all these things are done locally and they're not always easy to sort out and that's what is the magnificence of our system and our Constitution is that the more difficulty issue the more local it should be for sorting out these difficult issues so I would say yes the states have the right and the authority to write the rules and regulations and the punishments for the acts of violence and I I believe strongly that this should be at the local level therefore I would not support Roe versus Wade but I certainly am absolutely opposed to the federal government funding abortion but I cannot protect and fight for personal liberty if I don't fight for the right to life and if you endorse abortion moments before delivery or in the third trimester which is now legal I as a physician could be paid for it at the same time we have devised a system here today that if the baby is born and the teenager or whomever throws the baby away they are charged with murder but if you are careless with this attitude it it's more than just a privacy issue and say well as the privacy of the mother is the only concern but no it's the whether or not a living being is is involved if it were only the privacy issue I believe our homes are our castles and that government shouldn't have cameras there they should never intrude but I do not say that because our home our castles that we have a right to murder our children nobody really endorses that so it's very hard intellectually to distinguish between the killing of an infant a minute before abort and before birth in a minute afterwards and I think it deserves a lot of attention but I also recognize it's difficult for a lot of people to sort this out but that's why we really want the states to sort it out and not have one answer at the federal level because if you depend on the federal level to decide these issues you end up saying well it's in two courts the Supreme Court should rule and they legislated through that Roe versus Wade incident they actually got very involved and tell us how the medical process of when and what what abortions could be done so I think our system is that you reject that notion honor the commitment of the Constitution and try to solve these difficult problems at the local level and I am quite sure it will not be solved and and the solutions will not be perfect but we don't live in a perfect society we have to accept the political process which gives us the best answers one of your big tenant of your campaign is small government so I thought to end the interview we'd play a little game called small government short answer okay so here's a story I will give you five questions and each of these questions you have 15 seconds to answer so your small government candidate short answers as well so the first one comes from Sen at Sean Edwards in California the question is I'm gonna time you here so we'll keep you honest there's a gun well they're not a gong there should be but there's a Lisa stock first question is would you end the federal war on drugs yes Wow off to a great start freedom for USA what is your position on the national ID card are you for any type of microchip on our peoples skins absolutely not I'm not for any national ID card and I think it's an atrocious invasion of our privacy Jim Britain asks my ten-year-old daughter said it best let's just ask each of them why do you want to be President States as an American citizen why is the presidency your goal I want to restore the original intent of the Constitution which maximizes individual liberty and restrains the government from doing the things that they shouldn't be doing Oliver seem it asks do you use your powers for good or for awesome I don't consider myself in use of power hopefully it's more like using influence and trying to explain why freedom works so that I hope I have a good impact on final question is from row flowers and the question is who is Ron Paul well if I answer that I'm Ron Paul a physician who got sick and tired of what I was getting from the government and I didn't want to drop out and I didn't want to leave my country and I used the freedoms that were left to express my opinions and try to change things through a more peaceful manner that was 15 seconds right on the button Thank You congressman well thank you you know we talked about the monopoly control of the parties and we are up against as grassroots candidates but the truth is is it's a political equalizer in spite of the pressure to have all your money and everything lined up for early primaries nobody can fully understand yet how the Internet may affect a whole generation right now I'm so excited about young people being involved young people right now that are steer hearing our message or all of a sudden influencing their parents and for so many years I've heard give up on the younger generation all they do or play video games and they don't care and they're not interested and they're excited about this they're excited about the constitution and personal liberty they're excited about the economic issues and monetary issues they hate the war you know these kind of things so the young people really are assuming the responsibility for all the messes that's been created by previous generation so quite frankly I'm really excited about what's happening with the young people of this country
Channel: citizentube
Views: 226,302
Rating: 4.8510027 out of 5
Keywords: ron, paul, youtube, interview, citizentube, you, choose, 08, steve, grove
Id: yGGOiv7sA4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2007
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