The YouTube Golf Championship ft. ​⁠​⁠BobDoesSports

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Bob and Cutsy reminded me of the 2 old men from the Muppets up in the balcony haha

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Alexy92 📅︎︎ May 22 2023 🗫︎ replies

Perez, what happened?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/MittensMuffins 📅︎︎ May 22 2023 🗫︎ replies

It was a pretty good video. I was shocked Perez shot like he did. Very stiff competition.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/longster37 📅︎︎ May 22 2023 🗫︎ replies

Without George B, it lacked legitimacy though.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JohnDWhittaker 📅︎︎ May 23 2023 🗫︎ replies

I love how Grant invites Bob and Cutsy to commentate and then bleeps out works like "hell." He's a different level of religious weirdo

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Stuckkxx 📅︎︎ May 22 2023 🗫︎ replies
today you got the YouTube Golf Championship now you're going to have myself Bobby Fairways and Joey D here on the call for reasons that we don't need to State and today we are going to have the boys going at it against each other everybody wants stroke play so you know what you got stroke play you got the boys going after it today Joey D I'm gonna pan it on over to you and let's tell the folks how we're gonna be running things pretty simple Bob You Got Me and Bobby boy on the ones and twos and you got a couple of Dart throwers behind us and alongside us we're going to be doing their thing early and often it's an 18 hole match stroke play if you want to see it you got it you got a collection of some of YouTube's finest here we go early and often right now let's get a warm out of Applause here five for high let's Let It Rip I can't believe this right now [Music] dude well today's the day guys 18 hole stroke play five players One winner Daniel K golf club I'm so excited for this I've I've wanted to do a you guys know how much I I love stroke play so I wanted to really get a bunch of players together no Strokes today I wanted players of all kind of the same skill level to go at it um we don't have the Brian Bros they were supposed to play and Wesley and George would probably be the the guys coming into this that would be the best so I feel like the field right now with us five is gonna be really really even today let me go for three all right how you feeling uh it's pretty much crap shoot with my game have no idea what's going to come out might step out there and hit it straight might step out there and hit it sideways hopefully the putter is good I've got a chance Georgia in here it's anybody's game all five golfers today are very very even very equal take hits it forever but still got to put it in home so um I feel good I mean if I hit it well chip it well should be fine I only hit like 10 balls so I peered every single one of them but I think legit everyone has a chance today I think this is where it's most important today who makes the putts is who's going to win expectation is just Fairways and greens all day that's all I can ask for and hopefully some punch drop shoot around even I'd be happy you know my my actually my expectation is to go out there today I'm gonna pick really good targets and I'm gonna be committed to those targets and I also might hit some drivers off the deck hopefully they look something like this it's pretty good guys FP has not even showed up yet he's gonna walk to the first team probably had a long night or something he's gonna walk to the First Tee and just swing for the first time all right here we go let's just let's get into the parole oh no it won't oh I feel like I'm taking up okay that it's duh do it again [Applause] all right well let's open her up here boys all right guys first hole of the day Par Four here into the wind I'm nervous I am nervous this is legit this is legit boys I can feel it I took it you got it you're with us today yes sir if we're gonna have a good little time um how about it may the best man win couldn't be happier to not be swinging a golf club right now with the way things are going for me um but look we got me and Joey D in the booth on the ones and twos Joseph what do you got yeah I'm ready I'm gonna be bringing the at that action you're taking more of a gym dance approach or like a DACA I don't know we're gonna we're gonna feel it out as it comes you don't know what you're getting Pittsburgh Pennsylvania the larynx feels really good today warmed up this morning with a couple vocal exercises the tip of the tongue the teeth the lips she sells seashells by the seashore we're ready to come and take Grand format on the t-box oh hey I I'll tell you right now it's been so long since I've played in a tournament that that OB left I was thinking of it I really was creeping into my brain look at this golf ball Bob it looks like they couldn't decide if they wanted to go neon or white yeah bright yellow did we get two off the first not this is Real Deal guys this is straight up first nothing look at this golf ball here we go oh my word Mr stewby ladies and gentlemen the hometown kid got a couple of Big Iron resins he's here to win this video we hope he does that's one of ours yeah Yours Truly homecoming King welcome to the video center of the fairways are good is that where you want to be oh geez oh boy this might go to the next Golf Course look at that oh look at that that's a fun ride Mr Morris oh boy that is a fun ride that's a great way to start how do I follow that up that was a nice piercing draw through the wind bringing up the Caboose here we go that'll be about a hundred yards short of that drive boys guys this is this is the start of a long day 18 holes this round's gonna take a while but finishing everything out today nothing is good no Strokes straight up you're off and racing yeah that's uh five dry ones off the first box I want to win this guys I got a lot of adrenaline going through the veins right now some may say we're exactly where we need to be dog you think so some may say I've never seen you so comfortable going to a golf outing as you are today oh yeah you're in your elements when Perez is not the biggest guy on the course that's I mean bossed up is a big boy big presence big size big size some of these drives do I imagine you had to hit some of these drives look at take down there oh God he's always drinking out of some sort of jug it's never he's got the biggest water bottle I've ever seen in my life that might be for show and if it is the showman he filled it up I saw did he yeah full way I don't know about full way but he was pouring multiple bottles inside like the the plastic ones yeah maybe it's a crystal Glacier what is that oh it's a great water it's a spring water meanwhile you know more about water that's what you need to die you need a water silence you're out of the other Fairway whoa that looked like it was tagged I don't know didn't see it okay what do we got didn't see a splash I have no idea we might be the worst commentators in history we got Busta hidden off the other Fairway and where did it go we have no clue meanwhile Stewie from the left side talk about filling out a polo he's gonna play great today now I do see that this is a par five it's a par five yeah really I don't have the ability to get it really high really quick I'm just can't do it so I'm gonna take a six iron here we got 210 to the pen if I can get this just short of the green hopefully we can get up and down and make birdie foreign just short of the green here they'll settle in and the heart rate is high right now dude take is gonna be able to go on in two no problem look at jet throwing in the Reps here of a couple Jets just get a little whoa whoa what he is but we talked on this trip we're gonna we're gonna do our best to eat well hey Jet all right I'm really getting aggressive here you gotta start this thing out hot whoa somebody get me some breakfast I am yeah you know the thing is is like I feel like maybe it is a blonde roast you said it wasn't maybe it is because I I gotta you know what I started doing recently I started drinking my coffee with no sweetener no cream no milk that was black that's why I got you black I know you better I know but I'm I'm doing that because I think it's better for you 100 100 but it don't taste as good I'm gonna tell you that right now it never does are we staying on the car path I think we should be following you're right along how do you calm down you can't see we're doing a good job the first two YouTube golfers in the history of YouTube golf and don't golf this thing was what did we look dude look it's a shattered like 320. if it ain't next to the pin I don't want it Michael Morris oh boy back of the Green in two all right all right Mr Morris sick thing is he's not happy with it if I was on in two here I'd be thrilled oh the whole course would know about it that's why I hit seven because I knew if I pulled it a little bit it would be over so on the Dance Floor fighting for birdie or for Eagle guys I want to say it really quick though we're on the first hole here I want to give a shout out to to Rick shields for starting his tournament his YouTube Invitational and good good for doing their tournament I think they're both awesome things to have in the space and I think us all doing these giant collabs like this together is super special so it's crazy to see and I think just these giant competitive videos are going to be really really fun to watch back one day all right um some yardage away um the fuel shot for sure front pan show me something FP that's kind of sick oh backspin for the young man he's got that in the back I'm a doll 48 yards can't tell I'm scared of the water been on a different hole the entire time oh with a little backspin oh Oh I thought that was so good up and down here guys for birdie yeah it's nice that's gonna spin oh man who's swinging a hotter stick I watch all of Grant's videos believe it or not I told him I'm super fan really are you really yeah I watch every every one of them you've seen everything you know what I'll say about grannies every time I see him his teeth get white he gets taller and the teeth get whiter guy's a walking hat for Christmas yeah I should have everything million dollar smile you get you get an inch taller and your teeth get whiter just because some guys have it all dick who's that FP marker some guys really have it all 72 feet here for me for Eagle gonna be aiming at about a little bit outside of Grant's ball there he just moved so you want to see it okay wait what it's dead straight okay I'd be thrilled with it I am absolutely baffled right now Korean has selected to go with a pogo stick for a putter today but look Whatever Gets You in the cup is exactly what he's going to use I need one of those things baby just more control on that g wow the thing with grannies every time he plays he has a different one he has like seven Putters right now yeah I could be a unicycle you really are you're mental as you can see these bunkers are pretty brutal today so we've elected The Rake in place Mad Jack looks like the calmest man in America yeah he really is even a swing it's very just like common control oh that's silky Nice Shot very nice very nice that's why we're not playing tick because we would have been I don't know where that shot would have gone if it was me that was a horrible break he Mason landed right near the pin and rolled all the way into the bunker short-sided myself that's my fault um all right pop it out get out of your car hopefully oh I mean these guys are going to play some golf today and cut you here to drink some coffee putt down the hill for birdie let's put a little heat on these guys get on in for the young man oh I tell you what that's hell of a putt there Perez really apart for the young man need a little something a little something oh boy there you go look at that yeah it's easy to give a little one footer but when you gotta make it becomes two feet dude if you're gonna use that putter you better be a stick if I show up 20 handicapped using that water if you ever three putt with that thing you look like yeah that's correct he hasn't three points no he doesn't feel like right now I feel like a dad who's just walking the course watching his son play but they're just there for morals big butt here this is for bird good no yeah that's big time hot start all right I got this for par be a gift if I made it I'll tell you why oh we're here to play something I don't know if I'm more captivated by the putter or just your presence on the green I really don't know wow all right guys well after the first hole everyone is even parole made a birdie so he's one under that's a very birdieball hole but obviously I think we're all first tee shot first hole of the day we're all settling in here we are live here from Bennington all right thank you we use the entire cup there bang it around the edges oh look at that early one stroke advantage that's the one are we over here we're right here that is a sneaky bird all right so after one the magic is one under FP is par Micah's par branches par and nuts Park what do you think we would have been a bit we'll bring a boat I I I'm you want honestly I buried this whole last time and played it what do you think double that's right in between clubs a little bit we'll bring them both it's a pro look it's all about the lug baby yeah I mean look you gotta look 130 yards here guys second hole of the day feels good to get off it get the first one done dude I wanted to get off that green and I didn't I didn't even want a pot oh from the Caboose to have the tea box that is true I'm gonna go to a driving pitch pledge little gamesmanship going on here on 11. I will stroke Mr Horvat Mad Jacks Out For Blood I got a nine iron what'd you get Grant yeah I'm going full pitching wedge I I like this aiming at the jet here playing golf today big old swinger for the people there that was a little a little more terror than I was participating but I got him I gotta follow up those three it's not great we'll hit it right at jet with a little draw oh no oh hold on oh boy I'll give it to you that's impressive that you can hit it left with them grips are you gonna get it left with anything that's impressive those things are big all right here we go I was trying to get it back there with them boys come on win what are you changing directions okay no problem yeah I wanted to know I want to know who are you you should I think you should be rooting for a Perez it would be wrong oh boy all right we're feeling settled in now it's the second hole we're driving up oh man I need to get downwind and I need to get downwind quick just Pace myself I know how to do these 18-hole strobe plays I remember feeling really good once I got settled into the good good Majors I would always feel real solid so I just need to settle in again get back to that place well here we are today I love a good fall man I love a good fall um look they're here to play some golf today it's going to be a bit of a war zone me and Joe are finally starting to see why we're not in this today because there's going to be some good golf played and uh let's get the ball rolling we got 17 more holes to go how do you feel already I'm energized ready to roll no bad things can happen I had to go off to play today Mason's you guys watch Mason's a fun player to watch and play with because he makes it interesting he'll be getting up and down he'll be making puts he'll be doing a lot of special stuff today this is about as hard as they get though I mean I just hope I have 10 feet for par I got 25 feet it's fine I think he'll make it I mean I watched him pot with that spaceship and they go in you're looking at him right now guys like a seamstress weave in that Silk early and often silky smooth from FP an angel he's so good get up there I mean it's just it's just very nice half paved very nice absolutely here he's just solid Pig FP is healing the hands you can just tell he's got dog dog all right I'm I'm the next person to go got a little information off of of uh Mason's there but this is for birdie look at this roll here fellas okay Mr Morris go for it you got it brother you did it I'm gonna really try and drip this one in there from left to right I want to let this fall in there or badly some guy guys don't let the man get home some guys really oh ah the confidence too why is this rolling just Stags it out there stay hot two in a row come on now sure we can wow is out for blood today what a look I mean good God oh yeah oh yeah nothing but a G thing baby all right we are um two holes down Magic's just come out of the gate firing two under that's the lead a lot of golf to play though this hole I've seen with my own eyes Michael Morris Drive the greens so it's gonna be a fun one right now all right I just wanna I Wanna Give a quick little shout out to the arm long putter she came out of time out last night actually because she was in timeout the day before and Skyler my videographer and editor told me I need to use the arm lock today so shout out the arm lock box I'm just gonna go three wood play it safe because I don't know I've never played here that little chunk and run right there see that's good that he hit it a little heavy though oh yeah that's real nice what's the play here it's 294. you got plenty of room right why aren't you hitting driver shot dude this is intimidating everyone's staring at me like I need to hit a driver what do you think Scott I think it's just a good I'm just gonna play it smart I'm gonna trust my gut here I know I'm gonna get some booze for this but 294 to the pen I can't carry that water it's just a very awkward shot for me oh that's a nice looking shot I tell you what the automatically that's just really Purina yeah that's real nice trickle on down a little bit too yeah what was that a forearm oh smooth man I think with the wind blowing right I'm okay dude really good that's fine what a bail job from today that's my Miss I'm a happy man unbelievable leave how terrible I hit that I hit six inches behind the ball so in the middle I'd be thrilled with that yeah and Micah hit this far behind this my tea like right there right there yeah yeah it came in Shallow enough yeah back up again I like that play not everybody's got that shot I'm going to hit a Hybrid uh between these two bombs yeah in there okay all right no he's fine there ain't nothing nice to you hit him with a little sunglass drop yeah yeah yeah yeah what happened I just did a little tip of the shades for him just wanted to see that thing down you got enough in the tank to get this there yeah that's what I'm doing the the goal is to hit it high and just let the wind carry it for for as long as possible oh go go oh that's good Nice Shot thank you I'm excited about today I feel like the competition is going to be really good I mean we got two players under four already after two years and this course is is just a lot of fun so get ready for some something special today it's gonna be interesting today everyone's gonna battle this out to the final Hall I can feel it hopefully I'll enjoy this this is this is crazy let's let's see how many likes we can get for this video let's see if we get 30 000 likes we've got 103 got a little helping win maybe a little cross bunker kind of behind the pin and left I don't want to be there to be right of the pin hit a wedge supposed to be what I do Clydesdale feeling it um that was Purina oh look at that fixing the divot Yeah Boy took a couple holes to wake him up but now he's what the shot from FP there just stuck it to like three feet up the hill we got 68 yards from my ball and at a six degree landed just right there no that was on a roll just spun it left it sitting there I mean those are the shots that you dream of I mean that is a tap in for Grant there was not a guy swinging a hotter stick than Grand Horse hat right now he really is just second he moved down to Jupiter he found something I can't stand that kid it's not a little left spin you put on that dude he's he's so good at golfing it's annoying that was impressive I really thought he made it we got some in there they left me some room though look at these guys taking them darts oh I mean this is crazy all right thank God bad kick but that's fine all right I think it feeds pretty hard to the left here especially after seeing Grant so I'm gonna try to hit it just a little right of it 55 yards oh no no it's gonna go in for half a second wow everybody knows on the green Horvat Channel I have The Yips this is not fun for me but that's that's that's just sick man someone just decided to just rain on his parade man that's just oh tough we are we're playing lift clean in place today especially in the bunkers because it's soaking wet out here and we're playing lift clean in place in the fairways so we let Mason give himself a decent line but bunkers are all washed out oh the golf shot want me to get out of your way I'll finish it let me finish it quick how about it he hit you with the early time the more where that came from nothing I mean let me tell you all right got a little slider here this would be this would be a good one to make oh that was the end of the golf career I saw that it's a fun watch out here today Skye it really really is it looks like the uh the layup what's the playoffs stamp boom that's a bad boat maybe a double all right all right ready she had a moment to talk dead center cup Mr stewby oh oh this is good this is intense I knew it was gonna be good but this early we got four players under par now after three holes that's on the sky I gotta be value yeah and I wish I could say it's on him that's me yeah that I gotta be better awareness there's no doubt about it just no doubt about it [Music] yeah I was hoping that there was going to be some birdies today but I never expected this kind of start to this video This is Wild I mean cold almost just made three birdies in a row that look I really thought I made it it looked cash fourth hole of the day Par Four straight away guess it's driver I'm gonna rip it I think you can go pretty far right here come around all right that's fine yeah another far away yeah it's pushed it I tried to go right I just pushed it a hair it's gonna be right in that other that uh Par Four Fairway driver for me I'm going right at the pin I don't know if you can see it but I'm going right at it foreign that's not a not a fun miss there but it's all right I don't nearly have the pop of those two so I might be able to get on that green but I ain't getting on The Fairway oh yeah correct that that might be in the dream it went through no no did it your guy here we go bomb's way downwind yeah no that one yeah that looks real good tell you what gee this is exactly what the channel asked for yeah oh look at that run down what I'll tell you what Mad Jack's got something to prove today like comment subscribe not for us for G and the boys absolutely just throwing lasers out here today Grant should have a billion subscribers by the end of this yeah that could be close to the green oh boy that's a nice looking shot watch this too many times on the fourth hole now and I've watched this so many times with 18 volt stroke play like this you can get off to a real hot start but I think at by the 15th 16th hole everything's gonna start to level out I think fat Perez went through the Fairway here I don't know where he's gonna be that is what we're kind of dealing with everything he might be out of plan I I want FP to play well yeah I I do not have a I don't have an Avenue I'm just gonna try to get it out into the Fairway as far as I can to get an angle and then I just get up and down for par that's all I wanted that's all I wanted can't win the major on Thursday no you can't win with that you know what you can do you can lose all right I think I can get kind of fun here looks like there's a backstop it's got 114. good play that's two bad kicks all right yeah all right 96 yards downwind between the flag and Magic's ball would be nice that was sick thank you thank you 105 to the pen it's kind of a blind shot I just I can see the top of the pin here this is actually this is actually a really good mess oh my gosh it hit a sprinkler head he wanted to see some golf we're giving you some golf did you want to see some golf sure did Bob we're giving you some golf dude he is playing I'll tell you man are my pants too tight I mean you got them way too they're riding up on you Doug oh boy try to take it out of Micah's Buck yeah that looks good by the way you got 10 those pops really yeah they're they're a little milky white I can't believe that he just spun that off that Hill back there I got 83 yards just gonna go right at it here just really pick it right at the base of the flag there everything kind of comes back to the right so foreign a little chip up the green up and down par onto the next that's not what we wanted all right this is longer than we wanted [Music] a hole that's left at the end okay I've never seen a ball look smaller than when not gets up on with that putter that he's got it's like putting with a horseshoe I got some Intel to Memphis everyone back left at the end needed thank you young man very nice see a pretty big swinger here bird oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen that is a bird dude this is nuts down the hill trip it in there oh it's silky smooth it is repeat that's uno dos tres how do you say bird in Spanish got a little cue there with that lip whoa dude I promise this course is not that easy the most insane golf I've witnessed there we go baby yeah buddy oh man German looks guy pretty much just got to play your game golf it's a simple game see a stick hit a stick have some fun simple game oh man there's some golf being played help someone we're not swinging the sticks but there's some golf being played I'm for that you got a score update I think in my head yes Mad Jack is three under Grant is three under Micah's two wonder I mean it's it's it's it's starting to get fun [Music] dude magic is not letting up you said it early you said don't let him get high if he gets hot if he gets hot with the putter it's uh it's tough to beat if this video ended right now I'm pretty happy like this is crazy and we don't even have George and Wesley in this video which they were supposed to be here I don't understand how we just got off to the start 300 300 200 even and like one over we got the honors here 149 yards on this par three I'm going I'm gone oh man I tell you another look when you're on you're on I feel like he thinks that's a mess which is pretty sickening it's effortless let's talk thighs for a second though let's talk lower half let's talk top half Mike Morris Little T here pitching was just a really nice smooth pitching wedge nothing nothing too extra with it oh that could be really good oh no that's fine that's fine I thought it was gonna kick forward be a stock pigeon wedge for me knock it in there oh no yeah a little Yank A little yank oh my goodness I don't know what's love to hit sling her around come on pretty good oh man oh little spin down little English there I'm not you on the green just trying to add to another need all this one okay oh be the number baby be the number oh he's going for it to get down oh parade dress that's right all right first bad shot of the day really you might want to watch out back there all right fireworks further away firing up pins there's no doubt about that but it did I'll take that yeah a little bit of a Swang thing into the wind you're a little right to left pretty slide at the hole get there stretch yeah all right I got about 18 feet here it's gonna be breaking to the right a little bit just outside that little that little hole there is something really set the tone here really set it this goes oh my God come on gentlemen what an up and down this is really something come on all the time foreign put that leaderboard up on the screen Sky it's a stacked leaderboard a lot of crazy score so far now we're heading back into the win this is where it's going to get interesting long Par Four yeah sheets look good I like these huh tell you what you got it you got you got the style going now I know I'm sorry yeah I'm trying to gain some swag Man swag is tough to acquire yeah not that I know I don't yeah that's why I think so that's what some people think I have the opposite of Swag they say outrageous woman on the golf course depends on the day well you do look outrageous but that doesn't mean you don't have swag yeah outrageous cells Bob I'm just gonna throw this out of there again sunscreens anybody have sunscreen spray quick sunscreen spray thank you very much sorry to you know the way there but here's all she ever needed you oh it's some good stuff really get in there face first was an interesting move oh really is that rare I always go face first yeah it's the most vital oh the devil's applied that's impressive it's about half the bottle oh yeah half a bottle of sunscreen everywhere seriously everywhere you're white you know what usually usually the sunscreen Blends right in you don't see it that's why you don't know I'm not gonna use it right now you usually it Blends right in look like Casper sex hole of the day Par Four we're going back into the breeze still got the honors here I'm teeing this thing real low it's a little grainy up there in front of the green be careful you knew that was going right you knew it I'm going two iron just because this is really weird with this tree right here you don't need an explanation I'm just hitting to her oh my God that's fun that's a fun ride ladies and gentlemen this is the first RT shot we've had today here we go around hang on and down I don't got that oh we got it oh God we gotta Dodge oh driver from the young man off the deck this can't be real what the that is unreal I gotta explain that to me that's nuts it's Buster nuts are you serious hidden hope I do that every time I swing I don't get shots off the deck with a driver like this I've been doing that for a long time Grant I tell you hidden and hoping will only get you so far I need this wind to die down I need to die down this is a great just stop every time you stop every time he stops it goes harder back off no I don't need to back off wow I'll tell you what that is the focus of a fox right there attracting reconstructing reconstructing reconstructing prey wet ball is [Music] oh come on this way she is gone 180 dead into the wind that pin's sketchy he's trying to make solid contact get something on the Green I've never seen somebody throw darts like this that is the most ballsy shot there's water left it's into the wind the ball's above his feet and he goes at the pit [Music] 170. this has got to be playing like 200. really good shot we got 166 it was a good mess I mean I blocked it way right but that water came right into play and I just couldn't couldn't get comfortable so I'm going into the wind six iron I'm gonna punch how did that just go along I think it's I think it's up well guys I have no clue how that just went long that might have been my one of my best swings of the day from 170 into the wind I hit a punch little six iron there Flew Over The Back somehow I hope it's up I mean I I hit it too good I really did it went through the wind the wind never even touched it so I'm just praying this ball is talking a lot well not what we're looking for went in the drink 170 in straight in the wind still a tough shot safe I got 150. I am hitting they punch eight iron over the bunker and hopefully it draws back towards me thinking about it you should get you a little slope yeah yeah backside of the bunker oh sure good shot thank you sure he did lucky chunked it out here I don't know if you can tell on camera but it's pretty aggressive and the level of golf being played right now is it's some of the craziest that I've been a part of yet on as far as YouTube go oh shaping up how I wanted this hole to go but we pursue on all right you [Music] know this terrific job oh my these guys are good man settle settle I mean from there I don't think I was really really good this one's uphill right to left it's gonna be fairly slow We're Gonna Roll the Raw here we go all right birdie pot I need this up the hill right to left all right I got this for birdie I got about 12 feet maybe down the hill yeah this is a huge butt for me this is for bogey oh no he's not done here we go I'll take that one all right we're golfing today here we go that was a little scary there blew it by outside that comfort zone yeah takes me now to 200 Micah just took the lead at three under par out of nowhere and Cole and I just bogey it's time to go [Music] here we go seventh hole of the day here this is where it can get very interesting because we are on a drivable Par Four I mean you can go for it or you can lay up Mike has got the honors here it's like this is really interesting look we're not going to disrespect anybody and say the scores out loud right now because that's gamesmanship but when I get back to the card I'm gonna let the GoPro know what the scores are and you folks can see it tight ball game this is why you sign up this is why you subscribe also Grant is on his way to 1 billion subscribers he wants to get there by July 1 billion July subscribe subscribe now not for Grand for me because I care about Grant all right this is a really short hole I want to have a wedge until I can spin it so I like this oh shoot got the lead you hit eight iron perfect so easy little soft Flex for me let me see what he just did there could be my death but I'm going for it I'm going for it the ball play here I mean not right at the pin but I got to get something going all right dude please be It's gotta go oh gotta go good it's downwind wow dude look at this lightsaber you are a dog what a shot that is please do can we also golf Old Glory backwards hey hit him with fuel stick s oh good God all right I've got a uh I've got a five iron I'm just gonna lay back um trust my wedge game silky sky here by the name of Nick stuby just playing his softest touch in YouTube playing his game it's so solid watching FP hit the ball well after watching Mason's shot there that was the most incredible shot I've seen all day it's gonna hit a six iron here lay it off yeah man little slang thing oh oh it's gonna just roll by Perfect kill and lay up again sensible got you oh that's a good shot see that's five tremendous shovel five excellent shots are one tremendous shot yeah watching right where I wanted it oh my god well we're all perfectly in play off the tee and we got Mason who almost hauled out from 280. it was 290 I think to the pit to even carry the water with the three wood from 287 and take that pin on I don't care if I did anything in this all day I need this digs right in the Fairway my ball barely hung on that shot of the day for me all right 111 I'm gonna play this about 102 because it's downwind I'm gonna play a little draw right off of that bunker and everything feeds to the left oh yeah that could be really good that's exactly what I was going it's exactly how it Drew up in my head nice nice divot great contact a little short but that's where I wanted to be on this one I'm like Smiley dude this gatorade's got me a weird place you got 100 yards back left pin I love a wedge in my hand why that's a scary little shot man right over the corner of the water whew shot it it's your birthday get a little more sausage it's your birthday we gonna party like it's your birthday we're going hippopotic like he's having more far from home 94 yards we got a 60 degree we're going just right we're gonna let it funnel to the left to try and go right at jet [Music] scary shot here we go oh sure keep going good one thank you all right I need to make a putt s I've been hitting good putts all video but um I haven't got one to drop I need to drop it well hey you're actually going down at her here we go guys I missed it if I was right if I was like four feet right about here would have gone all the way down to the pin now it's gonna be fast I barely got to get this started oh God this is kind of a dripper don't want to do anything with it just get on a good line and see if the hole gets in the way here oh wow that really just snapped on him and I want to hear him yeah Gotta Have It Scotty you can't get that close off the tee and then do nothing with it you know oh did he do it no Google oh dude wait get in the shadow hold on get in the shower are you serious golf ain't fair man golf ain't Fair that's oh that is a good birdie all right birdie putt little slider a little buffalo chicken slider it really didn't expect you to all right I saw the teach I got to teach yes [Music] man I don't want to ever hit this button close listen to it [Music] Mason up he's got the honors I cannot believe that they're not going for Eagle but driver off the deck oh yeah all right that's fine driver for me ideally I want to be a little left in Masons window that I'm gonna be aiming at is my target here all right it's gonna be a good angle that's my partner all right keep it up G oh beautiful man write down the all pipe Cole how did Micah just come out of nowhere and like we didn't even sneaky back door that is like sneaky three under foreign cookies you should have seen him trying to unmelt it in the car it's the air vent dude could have been in there for hours for me nice way wow yeah the gallery's liking that a lot that thing was just hung up that'll get them going 190. it's a long hole 10. maybe more yeah oh that's fun yeah he's gonna knock down a little six wins picking up now guys might get a little challenging as we go on with this video I got 170 to the pin gonna hit a six iron here foreign carve this one kind of around I got a couple ways I can go this way or this way I'm a this way guy so I'm gonna hit a Hybrid through this small Gap try to find the green dude that was a lot of spinach I got 160 uphill live by playing 180 With the Wind so I'm gonna hit another 700 well it's not at the bunker that's not the worst place to be or four that was his third yeah sit uh-huh what a shot that was so cool all right take a big shot here yeah a little teeth while you're at it oh you'll get a little information off of this 60 feet breaking to the left the whole way I'm seeing the line pretty good here I might mess around and give this a give this a look trying to make it for birdie nice very nice a little bit long I'll take it though here we go take her out take her out up the hill left to right this is all speed here man I've had a pup that long all day yeah this is tough speed putt here from Magic foreign [Applause] right to left I gotta drip this thing in there oh all right so this should be now this is falling to the left a little bit nope to the right this way [Music] stubble ladies and gentlemen's fun fact for you folks for those keep track at home first double bogey we've seen here today which goes to show you that there was some fine golf being played over here at Banyan K Grant's not going to get rattled by that thank you for that sunscreen awesome Bob you gotta rub that in there dog [Music] imagine here but you never want to see it no yeah ninth hole here we go par five Mike Micah has the honors here it's three under par Cole is two under I'm even now we got FP and Mason at one over all right I'm gonna hit this ball way up in the air and I'm gonna hold nothing back coal is currently changing the settings on his driver no an angle across the water oh sweet Carolina I'm gonna live ladies and gentlemen oh that was pissed off that seems to be the one to go at so let's replicate that yeah I think that's gonna be good too yeah he does gen sixes come on around the bed now here not a long hitter but I should be straight here all right very nice all right here we go take up the rear here [Music] yeah it's okay right there oh it hit the cart path just needed to be a couple feet left of that final hole of the front nine here hole number 18 it's enough quiet I got a little quiet it's even though I can't tell if it's getting quiet because everybody needs food people are starting to settle in yeah and I mean we've got some like magic comes out of the day it's hot he's steady yeah you got Grant out of the gates hot and now we've got a three button yeah so all right big shot in my whole life great sit down that's the safe shot it's our guy right here forever in our hearts our pardon French oh it's absolutely Newt please be good please go yes all right Chrisette all right dude [Applause] how many haters do you have [Music] too many we are 260 yards to the pin downwind I'm gonna go just left of it that is insane oh boy yeah how far do you have 63. you guys got a huge I got 194. um got a little tree trouble here but I'm gonna go just I'm gonna go 20 yards left of it and just try to cover this bunker I thought you were gonna hook it around I said left of it and I was like you're crazy I didn't want to try to hook it that much off of that I've got 198 straight down when I'm ripping eight iron just keep it just left of the flag get over it's real good still moving towards it yeah it's on the Green beautiful that'll work oh man after that four pot that was a four pot after that I had to go for the green we got we had 263 there we got it pretty easy up and down I think now I mean I'm up on that back slope a little bit but should be fine we need to bounce back there's a lot of holes on the front end that I can get after I'm not letting that stop me today it stinks but not letting it stop me pretty tough shot Water Deep got to get over this hill Birdie on this one is huge foreign yeah he does man he could really let that thing drip not a whole lot of flaws to this guy all right Chad let's make this the way you bounce back from a four putt [Music] great shot G that is pretty can't though do not sleep on Grant or back I'm just on this small kind of a little scary down the hill oh please please please please please please come please come please come please come what a nice touch from the young man that's a great part eagle for the kid now worked out pretty well here gonna go bump and run right back to that PIN should go a little right [Music] I actually hit that a little a little chunky here we go four birdie I would really like to see this go down you know it's not not the end of the world if it doesn't but it would be a bonus this could be a big one it's for bird this could be for the lead if he misses out [Music] here we go for the bird he sure did man you're seeing some golf out here wow wow wow that's a big bounce back it's fun all right moving back to the left just a little bit I don't miss her this guy don't miss man let me get just a little sugar down low I'll give you a little something icing the beans that's for birdie needed that back to even feels good that wraps it up for the first nine we are on to the back nine now we're gonna recharge you'll get some food and head out finish this out and see what we can shoot it's gonna get intense just count the birdies off that's the lowest scorecard I've ever just count the bird that's a birdie Circle adding up under 40 normally I had a 33 for magic I said I missed a couple holes he's three under dude wow you had a 33 on the front Bob you could play bogey Golf and shoot a bogey in every hole on YouTube 78. after boguing every hole in the back you just have the freedom to do whatever you please making the turn now this Par Four is really interesting it goes straight to the right you can either go for the green or you can kind of lay up to the left it's a great hole Joey D would go for the green because he hits last time I hit it was just off the green actually I had a I mean I got probably got the role of All Rolls but yeah it turned out real good but yeah this is feaster famine here I mean risk reward right yep it's only like 270 as crow flies that's the crow flies is that what he said yeah it's only 270 as the crow flies I've never heard that no that's crazy longer than you never Sparrow he's never heard straight yeah I'm gonna be using that line now so he means like if that Crow flew straight to the yeah I know I get what it means I just never heard of it all right guys oh my God it's one of the most common but he's never heard it they don't have crows in Canada man you just gotta let the man cook whatever he's cooking we don't know but he's cooking oh yeah but it's good that's perfect it doesn't go through the Fairway up there no it's like that's cool flies that's a cool Drive what have we done gotta cool it on the crows man that's it that's lost we ain't Counting Crows here get what I did there but real soon came here to golf one one mission one goal all right nice little wood out there over the bunker look at the wedge nice FP play your game baby that's exactly what he's doing here today play your game they don't need nothing else really solid shot there all right playing it safe playing this side thank you you're just seeing Purina stripe show across the board nice that Temple's dumb Temple Town you're the mayor stupid dumb dummy mode dummy mode oh he went on X Games mode all right two iron for me I'm gonna try to go over this big tree right here where do we think that is heavy on the Range um should I hit another one Lumber yeah twice I don't know exactly where that is so I'm gonna hit a provisional here all right we'll see that was really good nice all right guys that was completely unexpected by Mike I mean he's got he's tied for the lead at three honor he's played such great golf up to that shot it hit the tree and then hard lumbered so you've got a chance that he came back here I think he's gonna be out of bounds because the range is all away I'll tell you what things just got interesting dude yeah I don't know if he's gonna I mean you need to follow him up there and see what he can do but like all right it's 93 yards it's probably a hair up pin towards the back I want to I want to get all the way back there a little spin foreign bad shot 65 yards a little wet all right guys 93 yards to the pin here it's gonna go with a 56 bringing in low skip it back there a little long a little steep it's a took about 58 yards I don't love the lie I need a bird gotta get hot sometimes just no check on it all right I think I'm gonna pluck this this little sketchy down slope green running away so I'm gonna I'm gonna put it well let's get there stretching I thought that was there yeah oh it's gonna be a lot quicker so would you take Seven Flags seven greens Seven Flags no this is now ten for ten flags and regulations Flags f-i-f-i-g no fir what do you say jet you knocking in you think these go in I saw you make one earlier they're doing a scramble man okay my goodness hey okay that's an uphill putt though that's all right guys just inside I got 130 left to the pin here hopefully I don't hit anyone Jesus the flag I don't know oh crap go go go we're okay with that nice touch that's a big putt here for bird to take the solo lead does he keep it going go oh my God that's a great pot thank you sir holy cow I'm wore out I got a birdie putt after all of that good time all right par putt just I pulled it one fear you grant I go bad Pokey from the middle of the Fairway thank you go pokes oh sir yes sir it's a lot of I'm ready to be done with this hole so da I gotta ask you because you do this I don't normally order the Caesar salad on the course what do I do do I just pour the dressing like this and then just mix it together oh no I think shouldn't it be better if I shake and then put more on and then Shake again up down oh that's not bad no up down so now I like to pour the rest of the dressing up no this is what I do Rattle and Roll oh [Music] and by the looks of it you got the sauce in the corners of your mouth that's probably pretty good probably had a great time Grant um it's a real good Caesar normally Bobby orders them we got a banger on our hands here oh God no no no no there's no way though yeah I'm Gonna Knock Down six oh no no no oh no oh no no no well I've seen the exact shot oh my goodness that's back to back who's up next well now I don't know how you follow that up I'm not I don't have the lead so I need to play aggressive still two back six iron punch right out over here if I too put that that would be insane that will be absolutely insane I'd say 100 not 120 foot putt up over a ridge eight iron for me I'm gonna go left side of that bunker oh God oh hey what are you flirting with that thing that's nice needed that it keeps going out after those shots I was like you know what I'm just gonna pick a Target and see what happens nice balls tried to cut that get over longer there's a number yeah I want to cut it in ah I don't have the mental fortitude yeah it isn't this tough [Music] that's right we gotta get it up and down a bit of a scary shot water behind there's really no bail so I'm just gonna try to hit a good bunker shot and act like the water's not there not ideal but up and down for Bo get out of here that's crazy what number are you playing wow how's this how's this for I'm gonna I'm gonna keep that in for you g all right just need to call them so far away left to right down the hill yeah shot right now not it jet not it it's not it at all right I think this is pretty straight down the hill got about 20 about 18 feet Maybe oh sure go how does that not go oh left it open [Music] you suck wow gonna needed that couldn't let it get away from me some shifting for sure look man this is this is me I was always gonna be right around Parks kind of let you guys do uh you know what you're doing that was uh that was tough that was three bogeys two cars yeah it's we haven't had a hole like that today you mean double oh in the water oh dear yeah wow thank you [Music] nice little part there driver in hand going right at that massive building pretty good Target oh dude oh that was not oh that was that's perfect I do think I'm gonna like that yeah yeah right around the corner shot shape what does that ball do to him all right I do that right pretty little hey yeah 150 inch yeah I mean look a game dog all right here we go so now Mike has got a two shot lead here's that um I'm even yeah gotta start forcing the issue here big need a big bounce back hole here wow I had no idea those were actually doubles on the last hole so now Mike has a two shot lead it's gonna be interesting to see how he handles that too shall he it's all mental now for him he knows he's got a little Gap you want to talk oh you want to talk power a sock powered that is a big boy drive out of my car my God Mickey Mickey he's uh he out drove us yeah I'm gonna go 165 here full seven Green Light Special 163 into the wind needed Dart Dallas back hole oh that looks good oh whoa we need that bounce back hole all right wow I got it 165. into the wind 700 as well oh that was terrible is what it was light looks cool 161 little vending just fast no ones is a files weird all right see if I can take advantage of it I got 88 yards straight into the wind I'm gonna probably play this in 88 probably like 95 I think if maybe even just if it's a little long maybe it'll kind of work back to the pin a little bit left of it I think it's just a little bit short but I gotta I got a good look at it there we'll see here guys um I'm trying to currently figure out my golf swing here got a little steep and that's kind of my thing right now I'm not turning my body I get a little steep and I stick the club and it shoots out right so I know what I'm doing in my swing um but that's an okay Miss I just block it a little bit so tugged it left really need to get this up and down all right I'm gonna put through here I don't like these little tight grainy lies oh my God red oh wow I got the read from FP I'm gonna chip this I feel better chipping This I Gotta land it up there let it turn left Bob the D that you chipped that from where he is is the day that I'm dead and buried in the ground oh oh it caught The Fringe oh he's gonna get some help oh what do you do there now what do you do exactly that no I I replaced mine and he plays it where it is for bogey or no for par for par need to avoid the buggy go oh no oh mama good roll young man thanks all right far save for the bow egg need it need it need it need it that makes me a little weirded out I saw yours great didn't move an inch I know man well this is kind of scary now is it turn does it not turn we're gonna find out yeah nice Bird yeah like a Batman not a boy all right another bogey another dumb dumb bogey but I'm feeling hot I got that confidence from the front night I just feel like I'm gonna turn the Jets on we got par 5's coming up I think it's gonna come right down to the wire [Music] I'm back that was a big bird there looks like a tough driving hole nice shot wow that's a good little bounce back there yeah really good it's good I mean it's getting wild I want to be in it but I'm gonna work our way back in there oh yeah Micah I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna go ahead I need a fairway yes yes yes yes a little extra something into that that hurt I need you some aerobic some water aerobics a little bit of a bold move here but why come here to not be bold oh that is so good yeah the speed was right down at the ball too all right here we go all right gotta get back in it oh oh man I love the dog King I really do Godfather legally I couldn't tell you to lose weight but I just was like that's a great bit guys if you made it this far in the video thank you so much for watching if you guys want apparel down in the link Grant 15 you're gonna get 15 off any apparel on the Primo website so go check it out if you guys want joggers if you guys asked where I get those joggers on Primo I'll have the link in the description also go check out Busta Jack go check out Bob does Sports those are all going to be linked in the description check out their channels yeah I went for the stick and we ended up right there so here we go we got 160 to the PIN eight iron I'm going after everything the whole rest of this stuff here [Music] [Laughter] oh it's part of the opening the oarc s great job especially under the circumstances all right you just rip one oh baby oh shot at me buttery buttery yeah all right I got two in there 160. it's just a stock eight iron for me here all right the Mad Hatter this guy a Mad Hatter thank you sir 152. I'm in great position to make a bogey all right thanks all right 92 yards for me I'm gonna play this about a hundred I got 60 this time because I want this to try to I want to throw this a little past it and let it spin back oh my whoa whoa whoa good lie over there [Music] wow a little bit of adrenaline coming out of the Morris Camp there well he's got this thing called a Fogle so it's the fear of going long so when he does that I think now it's gonna a little skinny over on the next Tee Box um I want to carry this about 28 yards and I think it is I think the wind might be a little into so it could help me a little bit probably a little bit long but hopefully I got a putt that was a little bit unfortunate for 90 yards I need something dropped a little bomb dude orange rocket I'm trying to give you a read I'm in it for you now what do you think it feels good to make bar magic oh give it a ride oh God downgrade whoa appreciate it wow you can just feel the nerves everyone we're all starting to get a little pity ladies and gentlemen here he is I was wrong the king of Jupiter Grand Wharf ladies and gentlemen has entered the chat he's back all right oh first bug of the day that's pretty crazy come on FP dripper I need it really need this conversation this is a big pot come on come on come on T1 two under right be careful shape it up be careful I'm nipping those heels I'm only five back I think Mad Jack's got the lead right now three he's two of them just doubled yeah so I think magic was 300 to start and that's three under yeah oh it's a double never mind so yeah he's two so they're tied let's talk grand for a second Grand war that is she he was one under he's one or he's even okay so here's what we got we got Micah two under we got mad Jack at two under we got Grant at even we got the fat Perez plus two uh that also known as two over and then you've got Mason the Big Daddy three plus three also known as three over for those keeping track back home but there's no need to keep track back home because I'm keeping track right here [Music] all right I gave one back there I gave one back that that's my first book that was your first baby yeah it was just a it was just like back there in the Fairway I had I was sending mixed signals to my brain and I hit a shot that my body wasn't ready for it was The X Factor a little bogey never heard anybody up yeah it's just like water off the duck's back right now here we go guys got the honors it feels weird 184. is it downwind I can't tell it looks like it's left definitely left to right it doesn't look like it's hurting okay well that's good swing they all could win yep good level yeah a little right there's levels to this well right there so if you don't want that seven I got you okay never watched it I got a six iron just cutting it in there foreign okay I heard seven iron here for me for my achilles and it was not here we go ride it right at the jet lines come on gotta stabilize here you can't let one bogey rock your world like that I kind of lost focus on my target though that's what happened we're on the back nine and things are starting to heat up now Bob tell me what you're seeing now oh they sure are Joe we're coming down to the Y here's ducks are crossing out here but they're having a good time here and we are really coming down to the wire here alongside Giuseppe D remember to tune in for our double header we have the Minnesota Wild yeah facing off against the Dallas Stars and don't forget next Tuesday the Pittsburgh Pirates take on the Detroit Tigers in the battleless teams me and Cole right here together we pretty much got identical identical shots he's going with a chipper not sure what I'm going with yet but I might go putter well I'll show you the chip anyway wow that's gotta roll out you can land on the down slope or Predator Chipettes guy whatever really actually his ball stayed really straight so I think after it goes over that Hill it's gonna it goes into the grain holy kettle what a move by this that was nice don't let that go unnoticed no matter what happens with this video don't let that go unnoticed all right okay come on settle down it's okay all right I need a cut here tread watcher that's crazy yo what the is that that's an iguana that's an iguana I don't like that part of the lizard species they can run fast they can swim basically they want to catch you too good do they bite they're they're not really aggressive unless you get close to their you know to the babies or to the eggs to their nest I don't like that no they're not they're not a predator species I'm a city boy I don't like that I gotta judge the speed just about perfect I got a long putt I'm back of the pack haven't hit I hit two good golf shots all day so I need something to change quick gotta go left I really need this park can't keep giving Strokes away it's gonna get to the hole oh my God great putt per bar oh talk about that because I go right that's right kid oh boy this hole has the funnel this all according to that it goes a little right yeah [Music] I think it's pretty straight nice dang it oh really that's a tough little pin there guys I'm sorry I'll let you down there I'm trying so hard to come back I'm I'm feeling it made a party and I just dropped it back but I'm only two shots back now that was a humbling hole that was one car that was a humbling hole gentlemen that's quite the bogey there still tied I'm back the one under Mad Jack is one under just gotta stick with the process here and uh let them come let him come back to me Bob just lost his phone there he goes that's his whole business man you can't mess around with that he's had it I feel like the whole time it's usually stitched to his hand he's absolutely lost zoom in on him that's a man broken man desperate four holes left two par fives on four back operation not last is still intact foreign oh that's nice man thank you yeah it's way down there on The Fairway yeah see you right there all right going safe again three wood that is real pretty oh that's real nice thank you shot Magic yeah I'm doing I got a little earthy little Mason action here I'm gonna go a little low draw with two iron oh no it's in the water isn't it can I drop up there or do I need to drop back here yeah it would have been right here at this the very beginning yeah well no like right at the Iguana yeah we're leveling out all right let's try to find a fairway so far so bad where'd that go up here that's way right in the Fairway a long way in gonna start happening guys we just gotta stay patient stay patient I'm telling you we're gonna have a shot about as conservative as I wanted to be there we go all right that that is unfortunate um I do we don't think it crossed up there so I gotta drop back here I got 270 so I'm gonna hit three wood and uh just kind of go from there hitting hitting my third shot dude okay right there in front of the green up and down for another bogey there is a mammoth on The Fairway oh my God that might be the biggest one I've ever seen are we sure that's an iguana I'm telling you right now that's there's one there too oh they're everywhere oh man look at that thing you want to talk about prehistoric imagine I touched it do you want to touch it it'll run off before I can get there just a tail it's gonna run off it's probably a terrible life I'm I'm terrified you got it you got it you got it I'm terrified there goes one whoa let's get out of here you know that thing dude that is wild look at the way it walks it looks like frog legs on the back I know big boy we're gonna leave him be we'll even be okay let's do that I need to get need to get a good shot here yeah gotta go nope 133 to the pin Micah had a great shot gonna hit a full 52 degree try to tuck it in there and just a little late on it that's right easy up and down is it downwind what's going on oh gosh that's dicey if it's into the win it goes in the water this is a recipe for disaster I should have never asked a question it looks into off the right to me foreign [Music] all right I had to drop hit it in the water on my second my fourth shot and then just get up and down for bogey all right yeah didn't get that bounce on it I'll take that 70 yards par might get a stroke here so it's on the Green safe shot safe shot my third shot ended up just a little bit right of the green a little about pin high but chipping into the grain here or Landing into the green so we'll try to carry this couple feet on yeah what a shot dude all right make like that for bogey get out of here and move on to too far five two four five's coming up it's about to get really interesting after this hole two par five that you can get after coming up here we go [Applause] I'm even far baby Bob's mom doesn't have his phone right there but Bob would be jumping in the water with him but you know just when I sit down to relax and think the things are slowing down this guy chips in for birdie I should laugh I should I really shouldn't I really shouldn't oh what a chip in for birdie ladies and gentlemen never ever count Mr Horvat out of the golf match come on I knew it I literally was thinking it Elder birdie is not over yet it's anybody's ball game oh this one that's what king this would give him a buffer here stretch you gotta go right there tried all right got a bogey putt here after the drop try to stop the bleeding well yeah I have to have this one this one doesn't go down it's just not my day oh there it is for the big fella how about it one time is that that's the bird right Bird oh that is big time thanks Joey hey that's damage control air out of nowhere I made three bogeys in a row but I know exactly why it was I got all the scores set up so after that whole Perez is at five over um then we got bust a nut at two over then we got Grant and Micah at even par and Magic solo lead one under here we go this coming down to the wire [Music] man what a birdie two shot swing between me and you one shot from Mad Jack there he got back on me yeah this has just been an absolute roller coaster wow that shiffin just gave me flashbacks guys to the UK good good manger I chipped in three times it feels amazing to do that right now in the circumstances we're in it's coming down the stretch super super tight at the Top This is Wild we got a par five now big birdie there I've gained two strokes on the lead since in two holes um part five I'm in it I'm in it I've got it coming back you're good you're all right nice shot yeah that's money yeah it's a great one going on that same line just over those bunkers yeah 350 on that one for those three yeah I didn't hit that good but it's gonna work all right downwind bombs away make any body all right slow and steady I'm gonna go right at that house I mean I can't imagine swinging that fast if you leave that face a degree closed or open it's probably way more of a dispersion oh yeah it's real nice I was ripped don't get that cheese brother yeah put a little something something had to do it I felt like I lost you for a hot minute yeah we were all pulling for you we were pulling for the kid I mean it's almost it's as tragic as life can be like this big business whoa that is enough I think I got to take my medicine here I don't think I can clear that with the four oh dry is it in nice just pushed it right in the tree it's one of the bigger shots of my YouTube career we got 200 yards to the pen six iron we're going right at it oh no hold on uh I can't afford to be short so the shot we're hitting [Music] all right with me that's it sit sit sit sit we're gonna find water water dude yeah it's water back there I have 173 downwind off the right I have to power a nine iron there's water along so I do not want to hit eight I'm gonna hit a big sling in nine hopefully it gets there oh wow go go wow that's a lot of time all right oh 155. I'm lucky I stayed up water behind us so this is tough yeah I just want to say safe route that's all right up and down overshot this by a mile 186 yards I'm on the next Tee Box so got a good lie I'm gonna hit eight iron wins off the left win's off the right so Splash you go in the water oh no oh Christ oh boy excitement things are happening things are happening I was fully prepared to take a drop guys and I'm up so I think FP is for sure in the water he took extra club and tried to make sure he carried the water and he actually went long but I'm somehow up well it's a drop for me so now I'm hitting four cutting up and down for par oh good job yeah see if we can get this up and down for birdie this would be huge this is for bird up and down for par that's what I need right this second [Music] you gotta roll that was a bad effort let me get this out of the way for everybody my dropping car all right here we go this is coming down to the wire what's that for Eagle yeah holy moly guys it makes it they said all day has been trailing from behind if he makes this could potentially be like tied to the lead hit it oh my God I got the rate here I got the Reed what was that for 30. is that far landed on the downslope and like plug [Applause] all right this is for par as well four bogeys in a row for me boogie boogie boogie bogey oh well got a par five and a par four to finish I'm now two back all right so we uh two holes left this is coming down to the wire tick magic in Solo lead at one under par then we have Grant at even we have Micah now and bust a nut at one over and our guy FP is at five over so you know honestly still Japan right now this is going down to the nitty gritty now Bob if you had to pick two holes left who you rolling with what do you think the odds are I gotta know what you're thinking FB Peter Winn give me FP of combine story sticking with my guy he's going with plus money um I'm gonna go I'm gonna go Grant here for the double he's one back but he seems poised to make a run good value there I think good value yeah only one back I like that I like the play but honestly we're not good betters so maybe go against us well I mean I'm getting nervous now holy crap I'm now two back of the lead I've clawed my way back into it there's a lot of sports par five dodgeball um might be in there that's all bounce you're good I'm going out I'm going out swinging and that's gonna be these last two holes I'm going for it all play I'm laying it all on the table long hits 302 on that one thank you to hear the shots that matter here coming down to the wire all right foreign for my family at this point it's a nice looking thing man yeah desert it's fine that is absolutely fine all right last but not least I'm gonna try to cut something off of that water and get something running down the Fairway here I need a big one good oh okay on a tree and kick left I gotta go for it I gotta make a I gotta make a good number here if I want to give this a run where would you rather be Bob Deli that's one Howard Stern Show Fight Night Heavyweight Championship hard three does couch NFL Sunday week one that's a hard four and then we're gonna go five for the win five a pickleball court uh maybe not no good food I tried I tried all right three something in this is a layup let's try to fillet one around the trees filet all right 300 yards there's just no reason to go for this green laying up that'll work great shot I'm gonna lay off as well it's 300 yards on this par five I just want to give myself a good wedge I got to catch coal what the heck I don't know is it the side of the cart pad it bounced I think it bouncing that bunker holy crap I gotta go For Broke Your jet I can't be holding back I got driver off the deck 299 yards oh shoot oh no you don't want a hero shoot when you have a driver off the deck he's a wild boy well see that's three I believe I'm hitting four right now that is very unfortunate here we go that might have been My Last Hope how far do I have 78. are you going for a big old slide yeah you go for the green yeah yeah hopefully it has to he's going for the green guys he says 278 he has to slice a driver slice driver man in the slice driver I got to take it over the out of bounds and then hopefully it cuts so 280 just gotta rip it and hope [Music] come on baby it's on the front oh that is insane oh my gosh guys come on baby oh my goodness he did it come on it's on the front that was 280. never far from home thank you come on now I'll give you a clip I'll give you a clip every once in a while big bad boy man never oh dude he's gonna make a shot at this I mean he's one he's one he's won over he's two shots back and he just got on in two he's gonna have an eagle putt [Music] 45 into the wind just uh one hit a green try to get a birdie pot just do something hold on stop hey tight oh it's not a good shot so that's what happens my fist shot yes I hit two in there two drop three hit four drop three hit four this is now my fifth shot from 126. you got a few words in hand all right it's about pin High I think I have a bogey putt what literally something happened I hit a wall and I've made four bogeys in a row and now I'm struggling to make five to make five in a row maybe double right every shot gets a little bit more important from here on out and this one is important looks good back there thank you nice shot dude I needed that one that was huge wow it's been a long day it comes down to a couple shots here Cole hit a great one how to get this up and down roll there Jay let her all roll their G what a oh man you're gonna like the way you look sir close this guy took Joe picked me man I gotta I gotta try and close this one out that's the guy you want to have on your side when push comes to shove come down to the wire give me Grand Wharf that solid picked to take home the dump oh no sit no unbelievable man six all right oh boy this is crazy I can't believe I have a putt to get in position here I left the best shot of my life with the best part of my life oh my goodness I couldn't leave it short boys okay tests are going back really ramping up around here now take it nice pot out of the way all right I got this for bogey this would put me at two over par got some work left but I'm gonna see if I can make it oh my goodness hard fault that puts me at two over it's gonna be tough for me but I'm not out of it technically to remain the solo leader okay no go ahead Grant geez man they really cracked heard a little crack in them they really do oh wow what a big time pot yeah the last hole please go in all right there she goes back of the cup wow we've got an interesting turn of event so we got Grant and Mad Jack tied at one under and we got Mike at what one over you're two over it's it's coming down the wire this could be anyone's game this is getting very interesting shall we D yeah it is it really is I got your scores for you right here okay talk dirty let me know if you're ready to roll I'm ready for you all right we had not with the par it ran with a big time Bird Big Time birdie to tie him he's tied for the lead now Mad Jack par so he's tired I told you dude yeah that's it you see one happy double and Micah bogey so I think it's magic and Grant one under then you have busted one over you have Mike at two over in your Perez I think it's six or seven dollars all right Jody we are here on 18 and it is getting spicy around here Jody why don't you look into the camera and tell the folks just what you're thinking and possibly what they're thinking yeah tell you what folks we've got a barn burner on our hands right here right now look for some theatrics early and often off the Tee Box here ticket doesn't like the term early and often that's neither here nor there it is going to be a race to the Finish ran over leave us all really good all right two back We Gotta Have It oh I'm fine the Big Daddy draw oh man this guy's got a whole bunch of people all right here we go flash drive of the day gotta be a good one time when did hit it all right here we go one more Drive let's make it a good one and finish wrong here yes wow [Music] you got through that one yeah great shot good one nice wow that thing rolled I mean hopefully y'all are entertained this has been a long day and we are tired and we we're sunburn all of us 110 just this is for all the marbles right here go oh good shot all right I gotta got a chance at it got a pot that's all I can ask for all right Buck 20 downwind back pin nothing to lose who's up there is that ticket jet could be a problem for jet oh yeah yeah nice it's my chance here guys how far do you shoot it shut the door he's a good guy you gotta do it to him I'm a I mean I like Mad Jack but okay A little thin all right I got 102 be a dart has to be a dart oh my God come back dang it all right well quite the turn of events for me in the last five holes this guy I made five bogeys in a row yeah I hit it great all day I really did I'm proud of myself I just I'm gonna try to overthink it foreign and it did not it's huge for my guy right now it's huge for the bed that we put in there we go guys I lost myself with a long one gave it a look that's all you can do give it a look now by the way if that was me coming back I'd be absolutely I feel like I've said this like three four times but I would be terrified the folks baby this is for the win folks think it is oh what a lag good luck yeah you're good for the BET's still alive man good round all right foreign here we go Prime Time tough here baby oh I'm too worried about the next button but thank you what a day another day oh wow oh gosh guys that was actually very successful very successful day very competitive I mean just crazy like all over the place there was never a dull moment clutch shots being pulled off I'll figure out the video I mean you come all the way to 17 and Mason slices a driver 60 yards and gives himself a chance to be right in it like it just doesn't get any better now crazy shout out to Cole for win and that's awesome guys check out Bob does Sports we're going to link their stuff in the description check out bus to Jack and check out Micah that's all going to be in the description yeah everyone behind the cameras [Applause] perfect thank you for having us I appreciate it yeah you killed him you killed the commentary aside from a couple holes we're we're looking forward you were about to have to call in it's not what this is about that but hey yeah guys until next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Grant Horvat Golf
Views: 1,889,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, GoodGood, Grant Horvat, GM Golf
Id: 5u7qgSTAvtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 0sec (8640 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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