The Year of the Expansion! | 1995 Caught in the Draft

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Sapp and Brooks in the same round. Two Hall of Famers. In the same round.

Thanks drug rumors!

I don't even care if Sapp really did do cocaine, it couldn't have been as much as the Jets' front office did right before passing him up for Kyle Brady.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Landlubber77 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Underrated QB

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/huey314 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was a fun watch. Lots of little tidbits that were fun

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/betaraywill 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
with the ninth pick the New York Jets select Kyle's ray he's a unique player drafted a couple of years ago time man Johnny Mitchell on shock it doesn't seem to fill a need for them [Applause] [Music] carry right there's always somebody looking to knock you off letters to everybody solid top 40 trucks gonna be the storyline of the day KB Kyle Brady Casey Kevin Carter Steve back now tomorrow someone will hand you the cap and the jersey from that team and we'll take you out out front and pose for pictures at that point we also have an NFL site on the internet you guys probably know more about it than we do we probably of your own Internet addresses and if time permitting we'll have you stop there for 10 minutes and chat with some fans on the computer in 1995 the world wide web was offered to the public for the first time you write to it like mail no a lot of people use it and communicate it I guess they can communicate with NBC writers and fissures Allison can you explain what internet is the technology was also changing the NFL Draft we hadn't yet reached that phase where you had the tweets and all the way that the fans can wade in but what I do remember is was just the availability of some of the information where typically it might have been a little more laborious to fight your way through it the fact that was on the internet made the the the preparation and the analysis just that much easier the league was expanding as well the first new teams in nearly 20 years added to the intrigue of the 1995 Draft the Carolina in Jacksonville came into the league they had a lot of advantages that other expansion teams had not had this is what expansion looked like before the free agency postures were filled solely with rookies and castoffs nobody wanted to revisit the days of the original Buccaneers nobody wanted to revisit a day when when these things are going to come in and go winless you know you think well okay we can start with a clean slate and we'll have a little time to build this our way and then whoops we need to sell PSLs in order to fill the stadium and build the stadium so we're in a position where we had to get the team as competitive as we could as fast as we could with an entry fee of 140 million dollars each the two new franchises had paid for rapid growth with almost unlimited salary cap space both teams invested heavily in veteran free agents we designed specifics for each position that we were looking for whether it be offense defense or special teams you know I had an age in mind I wanted everybody to be 26 years old I wanted a young team kneepads put them in there it's gonna cost you some money what are you doing what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing here you had Street free agents who had free agents who had draft choices you had College free agents that were gonna make up this first year of this expansion team the Jacksonville Jaguars I know Ron wolf who was at Tampa Bay in 76 he wouldn't even call Carolina and Jacksonville expansion franchises he called them free agency franchises my biggest argument at that time was if this was good enough for Tex RAM and Paul Brown Joe Thomas with the Minnesota Vikings why isn't good enough for these guys he knew full well that we could take advantage of the fact that we could cut many of the players that we got in the expansion draft and create caps base to sign veteran free agents which is what we did you got to crawl before you can walk these guys were strong I mean in a minute they could strutting right in before they could strut they had to build a roster Jacksonville won a coin toss giving them the first pick in the expansion draft Carolina would then pick first in the college draft we were thrilled that we lost the coin toss but the fans here were not in the media or not because they didn't realize how important the first pick in a regular draft would be to take for a lion Steve Beuerlein quarterback Arizona it was a coin flip in Jacksonville one because I love Jacksonville and I love the people but the experience was not what it was supposed to be the 30 year old Beuerlein lasted just one season in Jacksonville before ironically joining the Panthers as the big day neared the top of the draft remained unsettled [Applause] Carolina yeah they won't trade it you didn't know if it's gonna be me take first 20 Boselli was was a high pick warren sapp was very very high so you really don't know because these are all great players and you got two teams their expansion teams at the first two picks it was really kind of kind of crazy as craziest things seemed a breaking news story would further shake up the top of the draft [Music] the world's financial center provided the backdrop for the 1995 draft that evening a news report would send one prospect stock plummeting their background check by NFL security has produced seven positive drug tests by sap six for marijuana one for cocaine I started my career with not true statement about me what was that that I used cocaine for kid like me the one thing in my life is my integrity and that's what that was being questioned it was exaggerated it was misrepresented we were deeply upset by it how can I go to the University of Miami flunked seven drug testing nobody no 11:30 at night the night before the draft please tell me that I went on a ferocious hectic campaign to let everybody know it wasn't accurate Warren Sapp has never had any multiple tests of that nature that's a complete on truth they've talked about cocaine that's also very much untrue and you're looking at a guy right now rumors about saps character had no bearing on the Panthers who held the first Pitt Carolina wanted a franchise quarterback we felt like the choice of the quarterback was critical and it was between Steve McNair and Carrie Collins it was a very very hard choice it's the experienced big college quarterback [Applause] who's played big games played primetime nationally televised games and then you've got this quarterback with perhaps more physical skills but he has not had all of the college experience on a big stage and who's not been playing in an offense that is necessarily going to translate we ended up saying okay either guy is fine given a choice we'll take Carrie Collins because he'll play sooner the Panthers knew they wanted Kerry Collins they also knew that the Houston Oilers slash Tennessee Titans were interested in Steve McNair Kijana Carter was generally perceived as the top player in the draft and we thought people would come up for him fortunately we had a trade partner the Carolina Panthers have traded the first pick in the draft to the Cincinnati Bengals [Applause] [Music] selected running back from Penn State and John and Carter the Jacksonville Jaguars are now on the clock basically moved up four spots to get who you wanted to be the number one pick in the draft and then for a second-round pick which you know when you look at today's deals that that's a very good deal the optimism in landing the best prospect in the draft faded in Carter's first preseason game the I think my third running play and the eighth play overall on our team robert Porche who was a Pro Bowler beat the guard clean was there in the backfield Kijana like stuck his foot in the ground to avoid him and that's oh I think he blew the knee out he's trying to plant and come back to left hand just felt out the first pick in the 1995 draft had a torn ACL having Kijana Carter get not just an injury but a serious injury right from jump in the preseason it was a disaster and it set that franchise back he was tremendous he was a tremendous football player at the production the quickness nice almond in the mini camps he seemed like a free sure bet to be a a very very good player in our league he wasn't ever the same that I saw didn't see that same explosiveness so the consequences of having a surgery like that injury like that were were much more difficult to overcome Carter returned in 1996 but a rash of injuries limited him to just 14 starts over seven NFL seasons it makes me mad a little bit does that make somebody bus it wasn't cuz of my talent it's cuz interest and just so happened that it was injury out there's no that's another and they never really got to see the type of waiter I think I was I could have been in the lead with Carter selected attention turned to Alcorn States Steve McNair Tom Coughlin's calls us wise on the clock and says he's trading out there's two teams that want to trade into the spot to draft McNair and he wanted fourth to switch spots so very creative I mean that's what you do that's what we do in the draft that was the first and only time our owner was ever in the draft and I remember the owner but Adam said you know well we need to make that trade because we can't miss out on Steve and I kept thinking about it and I kept thinking about it and I finally said you know picked him I go no we're not gonna do it Tom you know hung up the phone we hung up the phone and almost threw up with the second choice in the draft the Jacksonville Jaguars select and you know it was very quiet moment right there tackle from the University of Southern California Tony Boselli Tony basilia so we got our guy had he taken McNair had he traded away and somebody take him here I probably could have been fired right there you know the first draft one pickier dead after McNair went to Houston with the third pick and Carolina took Kerry Collins at five the draft shifted to the top defensive players available Kevin Carter Kevin Carter defensive it for Florida goes to the Rams the paths of Kevin Carter and speed with Mia cross again four years later in Super Bowl 34 grandson III [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the high-profile players expected to deliver titles had been selected it was the unexpected players and events which would now take center stage yeah I was the cowboy I think that definitely because my performance that really escalated in the minds of all the teams and the coaches [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] five back in New York the Buccaneers have reached a tentative agreement on a trade which doesn't surprise us because defensive line the past record the home run hitter type this is what all teams coveted [Music] in 1995 more and more teams chased the home run type the world-class athlete who could impact a game at the NFL Combine no players stood out more than Boston College's Mike Mamula let's talk about Mike Mamula because very few times have players risen like this I mean this is like an Apollo rocket here you know during the year we knew it was productive and he was an intense great motor type player but he was a combination defensive end outside linebacker he went to the NFL advisory board they said rounds 3 through 7 he didn't listen I think he probably would have been a second-round pick but what happened was he hired track coaches strength coaches all these guys to prepare him for the combine in a way that no one else had ever done L'Amour's attitude was if they're gonna run me jump me do all these different roles that don't change every year why not go and train specifically for those drills so he blew up the combine you look at the combine numbers 4 5 8 speed 26 reps 38 vertical those are numbers that are remarkable and probably the best that's ever been recorded for a combination defensive end outside linebacker all of a sudden everybody said wow look at this guy and I everybody bump their grades up on him on the basis of what they saw at Indianapolis Philadelphia has now made a selection with the seventh pick just acquired from Tampa Bay Eagles select defensive end from Boston College Mike family right Mike Mamola from Boston College he's the guy that changed the paradigm and what's interesting now is that because they all do it it's a much better apples to apples comparison well the story was well documented you trained for that combine at times better than defensive backs the question is does the combine workout does it convert over to plain football of course it doesn't mean that's what that's what gets you from place to place you have to be somewhat of an athlete to get over to where you want to be so I guess should be playing dB the questions about Mamula were really about his size no he was great athlete can jump run he was just physically capable of handling teams like Dallas where you have guys like two and a Nate Newton and the Larry Allen I remember one play where Larry Allen totally made him disappear from the screen people talking about draft busts don't always uh yeah Mike Mamula and especially in Philadelphia you hear that I don't think that's really true he didn't become a Pro Bowl player but he played six years finished up a thirty one and a half sacks [Applause] so to me he wasn't he busts now back in New York the Seattle Seahawks have made a selection let's go up to the podium and join the commitment with the pit after Mamoon the Seahawks took another combine standout Joey Galloway a receiver with four to speed the New York Jets were up next Warren Sapp was still on the board you know the jet fans have been long-suffering we all know that for them winning by any means is really all that matters how they how they win who they have to get to win because of all the rumors Sapp drops and he drops and the Jets fans all of a sudden begin whippin themselves into this kind of frenzy where they said oh my God we're gonna drip Warren Sapp the Jets have about ten minutes to go on the clock and the fans are letting it know which way they want to go and then lo and behold the Jets throw the curveball of curveballs with the ninth pick in the first round the New York Jets select tight ends from Penn State Kyle Rainey ladies and gentlemen our first real upset I think at this point in the dress mockery I've ever seen in my entire good trader cools down [Applause] now braley I mean come on it just doesn't seem to make sense unless rich coat type has got some kind of plants that nobody knows about they go to tight ends maybe it doesn't seem to fill a need for them [Music] in poor Kyle Brady who's there comes on to the stage to a chorus of boos [Music] you just kind of know from that moment that how Brady's going to have an unhappy stay in New York I mean unless Kyle Brady had stepped in and become Mark Bavaro times three he was never going to make people forget about the fact that they could have gotten more in sad the best releasing guy here is Brady he knows how to release watching Brady ended up in the big attic but he had been the apple of the eye of Bill Belichick then the head coach of the Cleveland Browns coach I guess it had to be disappointing that number nine selection by the Jets for Clube viewer number ten in the first round what kind of disappointment was there when the Jets took Brady well well I think that you know obviously cause of a very good player it was very highly rated throughout the league so it would have been there we would have taken up where are you oh yeah totally shocked I completely did not suspect it to Jack the Jester Jaffe young I thought there said its position and everything so I suspect you two probably Cleveland the Jets also drafted defensive end hugh douglas in the first round both he and Brady turned into solid pros but neither could save the Jets in the short term they won just four games over the next two seasons coming up when we made the trade for 7 to 12 the one team we had to get by was Minnesota with the 11th pick in the first round the Minnesota Vikings select [Music] all right mr. Simpson would you show your hands to the jury please front end back in 1995 the OJ Simpson trial captivated the nation regular it was consumed and dissected unlike any previous event in American history viewers could turn to 24-hour cable news for the proceedings or even check the new internet for updates drawing their own conclusions long before a verdict was announced it was into this environment that fans began to consume the NFL Draft and guilty or not there was enough smoke surrounding Warren Sapp that teams ran from the fire poor Warren now back in New York Warren Sapp still hopeful what happened was once a couple teams begin to back away from a player who should have been drafted higher then everybody begins to back away we've had a trade and a pig San Francisco 49ers acquired Cleveland's choice and San Francisco selected wide receiver from UCLA JJ stone it was a nightmare it was an absolute nightmare they took my mother to New York City and proceeded to lie on me and put me in front of the national television honors from 2000 forty-five minutes in the Brady Queen ain't sitting there or an Rogers ain't sitting there into the 24 pick guess who's the poster child for still dropping in the draft so where is Warren Sapp going to go now the Minnesota Vikings have Dennis weiners to coach Tony Dungy as their defensive coordinator you couldn't ask for a better player for what they want to do at a three technique than Warren Sapp and I didn't really spend a lot of time looking at Warren because it looked like he was gonna be a top five pick for syrup talk to Tony Dungy this morning and said Tony what if he slips to number 11 he says hey the guys never missed a practice he's never slowed down in a game if Warren Sapp falls to number 11 he personally would love to have him so I think if the Minnesota Vikings aren't the perfect fit for warrants and that's almost an admission by them that these drug reports have had some sort of effect so I'm sitting there watching staff in that room and nobody's taking them and it's getting close to us and I'm starting to get excited I'm thinking we got to take this guy this is Joe green with the 11th pick in the first round the Minnesota Vikings so Mike defensive end from Florida State Derrick Alexander Derrick Alexander is a fine player but certainly was not as high up as Warren Sapp absolutely right Chris there's no way you can rate Alexander as high as Warren Sapp Horne right now the emotions I mean it's just a tough situation I'm just sitting here waiting around but I mean it's not that tough your aunt Drew Rosenhaus says the agent what are you hearing on the phones right now right now so I think it's gonna be any second literally this could be the key call let's see let's do it hello rosenhouse yes yes Jerry okay you got it I got to take this call guys the call was from the buccaneers war room where general manager Rich McKay sought to remake a team that had reverted to its expansion origins the Bucs franchise for her to the 95 draft was not good we kind of invented losing so we really were looking at it as a moment in time where we loved to move the needle and move in the right direction in a hurry lo and behold 12 picks later I'm landing in Tampa with 12 consecutive double-digit lost seasons the yucks they were the worst in now I was a part of this let me say this Joe when it's all said and done about five years from now up amantani on warrants happy and the best player in the NFL the risk was worth the reward for the Bucks and with the picks acquired from the trade down with the Eagles they gambled again on an undersized linebacker named Derrick Brooks the team that asked me to work out individually what a me to work out as a strong safety I told him in my heart of hearts I wanted to prove that I was an NFL linebacker was he too small yes he was too small but we had been a franchise that had been living off of the guys that could jump the highest run the fastest I do the three contests all those things that don't necessarily translate to playing football we were taking all of them and we weren't doing that anymore we were going to take guys that were productive and Derrick Brooks defined productive you got the two players that are gonna start for this football team I guess the only question Sam is can the Canes and the Knowles play together Warren and I we knew each other since I've seen you in high school we were on the same all-star team for the state of Florida he was just 17 and I was 18 at the time so I'm a tight in we get to go up against each other so he lines up and I put the move on left him at the line of plants height he caught the ball and this guy came screaming across my face I dropped the ball holy I mean the fastest football player I've ever been around in my life had no idea that four years later we'd be on the same team trying to build the worst NFL team into a champion [Applause] [Music] I was sick after that draft I just missed out on the two players who I thought were the best fit for what we did on defense with the Vikings and little did I know the next year I'm the head coach of the Buccaneers and these two Hall of Famers are sitting right there for us [Music] from that point on the Buccaneers really became a team defined by their defense and really those two guys along with John Lynch became cornerstone of the Tampa Bay defense ultimately one in the soup in 2002 the Tampa defense scored nine defensive touchdowns leading the Buccaneers to a Super Bowl title the Super Bowl a title that had its roots in the 1995 draft I've never been in a draft room where people weren't excited I've never been in the draft when everybody didn't shake and say hey we did it exactly like we wanted it's never true okay you're always that doubt in that one I will say that we honestly walked out and said now that is going to change things in a draft with three Hall of Fame players the Bucks ended up with two of them up next the other Hall of Famer from the 1995 draft [Music] one name not expected to be drafted hi was punter todd sauerbrun who was drafted 56 overall by the bears only three punters in NFL history had gone higher another obscure name was tackle Ryan Gregson from Purdue Cincinnati's sixth round pick would eventually become the general manager of the Indianapolis Colts I was very fortunate to get picked I had a draft guide that I got at a boarders this is the 1995 pro football weekly draft preview with coffee stains still on it that's in my office here in Indy I literally just crossed off each name like he was gospel I was so naive but he came pretty close to almost picking exactly when I came off the board positives fine size wide body tough decent hand use we'll play with some knee band at times negatives does not have the quick feet needed to play left tackle and you and really struggles to handle an edge rusher summary could have a chance as a right tackle or a guard and a team that does not pull its guards so that says a lot about me as an athlete after Gregson was cut by Cincinnati in training camp he spent two years as a backup in Detroit I always thought I was a much better athlete than I was and then as I became a scout and then you pull out the tape I think he was pretty accurate after Gregson's Bengals selected Kijana Carter there was a first round run on running backs with the 17th pick in the first round the New York Giants select running back from Michigan Tyrone Wheatley Napoleon Kaufmann James Stewart Roshan Salaam in the second round attention turned to Kordell Stewart a gifted runner who was also a passer [Applause] everybody loved this athletic ability they kept saying it got a great kid you know and a lot of talent but what is it Pittsburgh drafted Stuart as a quarterback but also projected him to help elsewhere question was if we needed you to do something else would you be what you thinking my answer would be [Music] [Applause] they said okay we think this guy's really a special player we can find ways to get him on the field and find ways to let him make plays while we teach him how to be the quarterback we ultimately want him to be it tainted the quarterback position for me a little bit but at the same time it gave me an in they figure well if he can do all these things great we put him in a right situation an accommodative skill set they could be some special through two rounds multiple ball carriers had been selected but the two men who would prove to be the best backs in the draft Curtis Martin and Terrell Davis remained on the board Martin boy if he's healthy he's real good that's right now the thing is can you keep him on the field and if you do you got yourself a good back it had an outstanding junior year had been banged up his senior year didn't play as much so there were questions about him but if you watch them on film I mean this guy was a great player but the rep was worse than that it wasn't only that I was injury prone it was that I didn't work hard I wasn't committed that I was an underachiever and I couldn't disagree with it to be honest but going into my senior year I made up my mind to not be that guy and I'm the type of guy if I really commit to something imma go 100% I once the combines and I broke like three records so I got everyone's attention then Bill Parcells Patriots needed a running back assistant coach Maurice Carthon was dispatched to evaluate Martin up-close and Bill told me to Maurice listen I've heard a lot about this guy but it seems like he's too good to be true and I want you to go there I want you to give him the workout from hell and come back and you let me know what he's made of Maurice said he went back to Bill and told him that if they waited till the second round he thought that I'd be gone Martin helped lead New England to the Super Bowl in 1996 over his 11-year career he showed remarkable durability amassing over 14,000 rushing yards while missing just eight games he was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2012 now that all the things that I achieve one of the things that I learned is that it's not necessarily what you achieve in life that matters most but is who you become in the process of those achievements that really matters another late-round running back who is garnered Hall of Fame consideration his Denver's Terrell Davis here goes Terrell Davis big hole he was the perfect fit for what Denver did at the time the zone scheme patient one cut north and south when there's sir four runs that he made that we didn't have anybody on our football team that could make those type of runs Davis's draft stock was hindered by injuries and a poor recommendation from former college coach Ray Goff every once in a while a guy'll get some type of trouble the head coach or an assistant coach but when you check out the trainer's you take check out the equipment man you talk about you talk to different friends there was no question about TD's character we had TD projected in the third round at that time we were at the sixth round and we were trying to debate which way to go there were some reports that had me going in between the fourth round and the seventh and even some reports that I wasn't going to direct it at all so I didn't pay attention to the first couple of rounds of the travel Davis was taken in the sixth round the 20th running back selected I like to always say I was dressed before thrill Davis but he had quite a quite a bit better career than me by that time listen the thought behind getting drafted that late was you're gonna come in if he can't be you weren't gonna make anybody's roster so it really didn't feel too excited about being drafted buried on the depth chart Davis finally found a way to make an impact absolutely crushed by rookie Terrell Davis until this day every year on opening weekend and preseason I show these rookies I said you want to make a team you don't think you've been getting enough reps go do this on a kickoff you know you get all these uncertainties about a draft what kind of kid is he how tough is he what's his work ethic and then you watch the kid come down the field and blow up a guy on special team play like that and you go okay all that's there all checks Toph cares physical they're all check marks by the end of the preseason Davis was the Broncos starting tailback in his first four seasons he rushed for over 6,000 yards was named league MVP and led Denver to two World Championships coming up which teams 1995 draft performance led to a franchise decline for a team that had drafted extremely well before that they drafted very poorly [Music] we have had trades galore here in the first round right at the top the Bengals went up north taking Carolina's first overall selection at picking Kijana Carter Tampa Bay and Philadelphia made a switch Philly moving up to seven taking Mike Mamula Tampa Bay going down to 12 still getting a defensive tackle in Warren Sapp the 49ers went up to the 10 spot where Cleveland was and stole really JJ Stokes wide receiver UCLA three trades in the top ten and none worked out particularly well for the teams who initiated them everybody's lauding the genius of the 49ers what a tremendous pick is's it's gonna be a very smooth succession from the great Jerry Rice to JJ Stokes and as we know in draft lore it's not always the way that things develop the Niners traded a future first rounder for Stokes a pick that turned into 13 time Pro Bowler Ray Lewis sometimes the best move is no move at all just ask the Dallas Cowboys Dallas has traded its pick Tampa Bay with the 28th pick in the first round has selected linebacker from Florida State Derrick Brooks the Cowboys found themselves at that time because of their pursuit of Deion Sanders the amount of money they were paying some of their real high profile players they were all cash-strapped Jerry Jones feels that there's not a player out there that can start for this team at that high pick so therefore they want to get a backup reserve player not have to pay him first-round money and still hope that he'll contribute so they're looking for backup players reasons that Dallas will trade down this was a common theme of the Cowboys draft we need some key backup people in here and I mentioned special teams a minute ago we have to have that Thurman Williams really a third down kind of back to Charmin Williams could come in here and backup Emmitt Smith looks like they're gonna take Kendall Watkins at backup Jay Novacek we're real pleased we got a lot of special team help that was kind of the time when the Cowboys went into a period of decline for a team that had drafted extremely well before that they drafted very poorly in the short term it didn't matter the Cowboys went on to win the 1995 Super Bowl their third title in four years while the 1995 draft marked a decline for the champs it was a jumpstart for the expansion Jaguars and Panthers you look at the two expansion teams Carolina and Jacksonville and speaking with various personnel directors and general managers today they got high grades from all these guys they had drafts that made sense draft that got them cornerstone players and they packaged picks to get the players they wanted got very fortunate to get a quarterback a corner a left tackle and a center the building blocks that everybody needs and in one draft bringing in Mark Brunell ended up being a great move for the jaguars organization he ended up giving him a lot of really good years but the team was built through the draft that was an offensive lineman and so it wasn't like I was the quarterback but still I mean they were being the first pick I think they overlooked that I was in a skilled position he was the cornerstone of the franchise the quality of player that we could build the rest of the team around I mean if it wasn't for injuries this guy be in the Hall of Fame now you know the years shut down corners he was a shut down left tackle he's one of the few players I saw blood Bruce Smith every time he played him a totally dominated Tony Boselli just takes Bruce Smith down you know when you pick at the top of every round it's it's nice but to be in the championship games as quickly as they did that was incredible I mean both of these teams went to conference championship games in their second season which is pretty astounding I mean you go back through the history of other expansion teams in their second seasons they were trying to win one game [Music] nobody gave us a chance to win they were gifted and talented Elway was playing quarterback and here goes this team second year in existence in Denver and somehow we found a way to win in a way the success of the other franchise motivated each of those teams because you're kind of saying well we want to let them outdo us they're in their second year so weep we can do this too [Music] [Applause] if we didn't run into a buzzsaw in Green Bay the NFC Championship I think we might have found our way to the Super Bowl there would be no expansion Super Bowl but both teams had well expanded faster than anyone could imagine we drafted well and we brought in players that could help us and we had created a great recognition for our city I'm extremely proud on that but it did do away with the five year plan the perception of getting good fast and the eyes of the fans became Darragh or looking back is there anything that surprises you about that draft yeah Derrick Brooks does that Derrick Brooks didn't go sooner in that draft is a little bit of what's wrong with us guys like me that we're in the personnel business you can't watch the tape on Derrick Brooks and allow him to go 28th in the draft to productive to get a player national championship best team in the country best player on the team we all get caught up in it you project so much based off the measurables and the testing they get away from the simple fact cuz he know how to play I actually have a picture in my office the greatest game ever played with Unitas and just you know we're United Sky drafted I'm at the ninth round and it was cut by the Steelers just goes to show you that there's greatness in the late rounds and a lot of times guys get overlooked maybe because we look hard enough today in the throws of the Information Age the in exact nature of the draft indoors but 1995 marked a beginning it was the year of expansion for the lead and the world around it and the internet soon drove interest in the draft like never before that became the next big threshold in terms of getting more people into the draft if you want and see any player the most obscure player Mount Union College it's all there your fingertips that just grew the draft that much more and 95 was the first real draft of all this started you
Channel: NFL Films
Views: 492,480
Rating: 4.8808694 out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Football, NFL Films, American Football
Id: xM2W58DyWig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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