I told them this year. I want to start it off I I felt like that you would be the freshest at this point and well I started the church so I Want to start the takeover too and welcome to you Help me for a moment welcome your parents. We sent your parents a link that many of them are watching online We promise we're gonna cast all of the demons out of your children before we send them back, but they're gonna be sleep-deprived and and so when we send them back to you they will not even seem saved but Thank you, I was watching a little bit of the high school event last night. (Croud Screams) Hold on now You did not look like you were having a Bible study Not at all not at all I love this I Kind of wish I could get to know all of you personally Well See when I get to know people when I'm trying to get to know people you have different ways that I try to get to know them and one of the ways that I use I try to say I try to find out what your favorite things are and I Do this all the time I think it's frustrating to people because it puts a lot of pressure when you say like what's your very favorite? Like what's your favorite song in fact the turn a person takes you and tell them your favorite song How many of you the person next to you set a song that you hate or a style of music that you don't enjoy Did anybody say Some people will say I don't like music very much. It's just not very musical person you miserable human being And if you said mask off you're definitely going straight to hell you need to get to the altar that song sucks No, I'm sorry. It sucks Tell the person next to your favorite athlete favorite athlete Stop Favorite emoji Favorite church appropriate emoji Alright alright stop My least I don't know my favorite. I don't know my favorite emoji my least favorite emoji is this it feels insulting It feels patronizing a good job, buddy. I'm not seven I don't want to see this from you. I fire staff members who send me this emoji It's insulting use your words. You know like we're already communicating with our thumbs Can we no longer even be bothered to use? consonants and vowels and Sorry, I sound like an angry old man. I don't mean to I'm really happy to be here, so I was thinking about um favorites Favorite one guy was asking me last week. I was speaking in Texas and he said woo, Texas Woo, Texas indeed Is that your favorite state, Texas? Yes, where you live? That's good Our barbecue is better don't even start anything about Texas barbecue up here in North Carolina, okay? okay. This guy asked me in Texas last week. What's your favorite? Bible character that you want to meet when you get to heaven And I changed it like 20 times. I was like Jacob no Peter. No Moses and uhm I kind of feel like that lately I've been using Moses in the Bible To try to understand some things about my my own calling not that I'm anything close to Moses. I just.. I think it's cool. How if you read in Exodus chapter three and four. You see a story of a man Who was struggling. With what God had given him to do and struggling with who he was and you kind of get invited into that struggle Let me read you something for a moment from Exodus chapter 4 And just just relax, okay tonight you You don't even have to I want you to take notes my notes sheet is on page 16 of your booklet in case you're wondering The one with the picture of the good looking guy. There's other speakers in there, but yeah, that's me right there At least Holly says I'm the best looking Yeah, right there page 16 It says there it says that my interest what does it say Loves fashion I hate fashion. I hate shopping who put that in here. I hate the store, okay, but anyway That's where I take your notes The passage, I want to read to you is from Exodus chapter 4 and.. What's happening is Moses is getting to know God He's getting to know a God that That has known him all along but um This is his first real encounter with with God on a Personal level where he is going to discover The assignment God has given him in there, and I've kind of been praying that for many of you I know that some of you know church, and you know Bible stories, but I'm praying that You could mark this time as as The point in time the encounter where you really met God in a significant way That that you would really Begin to know him in a deeper way over these next few days wherever you came in So just just look at this real quick, and I'm not gonna preach really long tonight You got a lot of things to look forward to and I don't want to take I don't want to take all of the attention Span away But give me a minute real quick ten verses Exodus 4:10 through 20 you got some great speakers coming your way over the next few days you got robert madhu and Miquelon Carter we picked some people you may you may not have heard them before But we picked some people that we knew that God would use to speak to you in a powerful. Okay, look at this I'm speaking tonight though all right here we go And by the way, I've been away for a little while the students who go to church here I've been out of the pulpit for a little while so just being back right now. It feels kind of good Feel good feel strong look at this In case you missed all of that basically God is trying to convince Moses of his calling so So so so here's what I was thinking I was thinking that the Bible says in John chapter 1 that in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and The Word was God and so the Bible doesn't say that God was an emoji and so God is the word he is the logos And so God likes words I was wondering what is God's favorite word If he is the word and don't say Jesus It's not a word. That's a name. What is God's favorite Word because that's a question. I like to ask when I get to know people now growing up I thought maybe God's favorite word was don't Because they seemed like and I know this a contraction is technically two words, but shut up This is not English class this is student takeover (mumbles) "this is uh sorry. this is uh sorry." And I thought maybe his favorite word was don't or stop It seemed like everything that I heard about God Was what was off-limits. And um What? what would be God's favorite word I never preached on this before I never really thought about it, but I was praying for a A message for you that would be special and something so simple That you would have no choice, but to either decide to Apply it or to ignore it and and I felt like God spoke to me And I feel like he told me what his favorite word is Would you like to know? Because we all have favorites, and if I knew your favorite like I have three kids you want to know which one's my favorite Obviously, it's Elijah because he's the only one here Where's my son by the way? Where is he? huh Technically Technically your sister is smarter and better-looking, but you're my favorite tonight No, I'm kidding about that kind of Oh Would you like to know my favorite campus elevation church campus I Wouldn't do that Did I start something? Oh God Shhh I'll tell you I'll tell you I'll tell you I'll tell you I'll Tell you I'll tell you Shh. You gotta get quiet. I'm not gonna tell you If you don't get quiet I'll tell you next year Listen Listen that's not a good. That's not that's not a good question What is God's favorite word and And and and I was studying about Moses, and and how God is telling Moses? I want to use you to set my people free and All God wants for Moses Moses gives him a lot of excuses Moses gives him a lot of logic Moses even starts talking about his deficiencies and all God wants is to hear his favorite word his favorite word is Yes Just in case you want to know God's favorite word he loves the word yes Prove it Pastor Steven you say to me well Paul was talking about this he he was a New Testament missionary he was taking the gospel to new people and God was sending him with the message of the good news of Jesus Christ He says something I believe this distant second Corinthians if you want to put this on the screen for me He said that surely as God is faithful our message to you is not yes and no Because his plans were changing and he was trying to talk to the church about what was going on? He said for the son of God Jesus Christ who was preached among you by us by me and Silas and Timothy and verdict I him put me in there, but I put myself in there was not the listen was not yes, and no but in him it Has always.. been.. Yes next verse. for no matter how many promises God has made they are yes in Christ And so through him the Amen is spoken by us to the glory of God everybody say yes, Oh God loves to say yes to his children don't you wish your parents were more like that by the way How many of you would like for your parents to be more like God because apparently God is just stuck in the yes Position he just loves to bless you God. Will you help me? Yes, God Will you be there for me? Yes. God Will you meet my needs? Yes, God Will you be my friend? Yes, God Will you forgive me? Yes. God Will you wash my past away? Yes, God Will you speak to me tonight? Yes. God Will you show me what to do? Yes. God Will you give me wisdom? Yes, God loves to say yes. Are you grateful? He loves to say yes And watch this I found out something and this is for all of you who feel like what God is doing in your life Right now isn't what you want him to do even when he says no now. He's making a better yes For what's next in your life. He's the god of yes Only um That's not how you spell it. Because God's actual favorite word 1 2 3 (Croud Screams YAAAS!!!!! Not little you know (Mumbles yes) But but but God God is the god of. YAAASSSS, oh, I feel like preaching student takeover See because some of y'all won't get this joke God is not scared to buy a vowel so God is the guy That's old-school God is the god of yeah? Yaaaas Yaaaas Come on are y'all with me over here in this left center section of the Ballentine Bella. Let me hear you say What's this favorite word Yaasss If the person next you looks like they need some help with the pronunciation look at him a little less and tell him It's Yaaass Yes Yaaaass, oh What's up, what's up with all those a's, I didn't realize this, but those are my points to preach to you tonight Because it's easy to say yes, or yaaas In an atmosphere like this But what we all know is that your yes will be tested when you leave? So God is going to speak and Hopefully you will respond over these next 48 hours with the yes or with the yaaas But My message tonight is to prepare you not just to say yes, but to pass the yes test The yes test the yas, yaas, yaaas test Let's do this because I see I see three things that will be tested Three tests Really, we're watching Moses. Have a conversation with God, but it's really a test It's the test to see if he will say Yes Yes What you say yes to While you are young will have so much to do With what you are left with later You know how old I was when I said yes to God to preach or when I say I, I, I, I Would tell you that it was it was around age 16 Any 16 year olds? I'm not saying God's gonna. Call you to preach This week in some ways, I think that we don't necessarily need more preachers who stand behind pulpits, but we need People who will go out in different places in the world and make a difference for God But I was telling Holly the other day I said God tricked me into saying yes to being a preacher before I knew what came along with the package God tricked me and this thing that I'm doing right now. I love it. I thank God for it I'm not complaining, but if I knew everything that came along with it I probably Maybe I would have said yes, maybe not, but why I love to preach to you don't take this offensively you are too stupid Like I was!! to know any better right now and God wants you to Say yes While you're young That's the best time to say yes now by the time God speaks to Moses he's 80 So he said a disadvantage Because he's already murdered somebody he's been tending sheep For 40 years for his father-in-law Jethro now he's out here living with his mistakes Now he's out here after decades of doing one thing and God appears to him and says I'm gonna bring my people Out of captivity, and I've chosen and called you to do it and Moses says um I'm not so sure It's the yes test it's a yes test and The first question you have to answer write these down Especially group leaders because I want you to spend your group time tonight talking over these three specific tests of yes Give me the first question Will I be what God made me? Will I be... come out I have some have some friends to help me this is the acceptance test This is the acceptance test everybody say yes Will I be What God has made me now what that means is not only am I going to have to accept Christ? But I'm gonna have to accept myself And on the surface that sounds silly I'm gonna be honest with you I almost didn't want to preach at this point because on one hand How could you be anything other than what God made you well you really can't but you can waste your whole life trying You can spend your whole life trying to be something that God didn't intend for you to be I'll demonstrate Or to try to send a text from here You're looking at me like I've lost my mind But have you lost yours when you try to be something that you weren't designed to be Here's what I want to say Here's what I want to say God brought you into this environment not only to accept who he is because that was the first thing Moses said who are you and God said? I am the Moses say hold on god You're breaking up the signals kind of bad over here in the bush. I'm out here in the country right now I can't hear you God what you said you said I am and and God said yeah, I am and Moses said well What's the rest of it and God said whatever you need I am whatever you need me to be I am if you didn't have a father to raise you I'll be your father If you don't have friends to comfort you. I'll be your friend. if you don't have a path to guide you I'll Direct you if you trust in me. I am somebody shout it yes Say yesss It seems to me Listen it seems to me that Some of us have an easier time accepting who God is Than who we are But God spoke something to me one time I was I was having a hard time With my own acceptance because up here on the stage I show you what I want to show you but I have to go home with the rest of it and uh I was wishing some things were different about me. I don't know what you wish was different about you I in Moses this case He's like God if you want me to speak to Pharaoh who's the most powerful man in the world I need to be a good talker and Apparently Moses was expecting that if God was speaking to him and God wanted him to speak on God's behalf God would give him a better vocabulary and show him the words to speak, but while God was speaking to him Nothing was changing about Moses, so now Moses knows who God is he's all sufficient, but he also knows who he is In all of his dysfunction and Moses can't say yes, he can say yes to the great I am But he can't say yes, so God God spoke something to me one time I was feeling the same way you ever thought this way raise your hand okay Can we make this a real place over the next 48 hours? How many of you have something about yourself that you have a hard time? Accepting and here's what you do when you have a hard time accepting something about yourself you project something about yourself It's not really true about you, but you hide behind profiles and you filter your life to look a certain way, and you learn a certain language and you can fit in in certain environments But when people love you. They don't really love you They love the version of you that you show to them so then you go home lonely because they really didn't accept who you are They're accepting who you want them to think you are, but until you come before the great I am and say God, just like you made me Here. I am I will go somebody shout yes Until you can say yes Yes, I'm broken. Yes. I come from a divorced home Yes, I struggle with body image issues, and yes, I wish I maybe look more like her maybe But but God I'll be who you made me here's here's what God said to me said you keep doubting yourself, and you think that's humility. It's not He said to doubt the product is to insult the manufacturer When you don't accept what I made you reject the one who made it did not I give you your mouth and your nose And your big ears I don't have big ears, but I'm just putting in things that people might deal with you know Ahhh I got so much stuff about myself. I would have made different I Wish I could be like build-a-bear To pick out all my features and pick out all my strings and pick out my temperament And God shows up to Moses And he knows that the greatest test Will often not be for us to accept his strength But to accept our weakness and to find out That God said yes over your life Every promise he made was already yes before you ever learned the word "No" So for every no that you know about yourself God has a better yes, I don't want you to learn how to Say yes to who God made you to be God. I can't talk, but I'm a good listener God I don't feel pretty, but you know what I think I'm I act like I'm kind of beautiful somebody say yaaas Look at you never say yaaas yaaas, I Am I Am That's God's name. I Am I Am and guess what if you're his kid that means you are Somebody say yes You are say it again. Yaas You are say it again You are forgiven You are loved You are fearfully and wonderfully made You are created with a purpose in mind You are everything God needs you to be for everything he's called you to do Come on touch three people tell them I'm gonna be what God made me to be I'm the best me God ever made I gotta be me and yaaas that means I'm a little different And yaaas that means some people might not get me, and yaaas, I'm one of those Christian's. I'm one of those holy ghost filled Christians yaaas, I'm a church kid. Yaaas. I'm a pure girl. Yaaaaaas somebody say YAAAASSS We gonna have some fun this week somebody shout yes, yeah So so when they say this at school they say you seem different, just like I'm saying yaaa It's the whole point. oh, yeah when they say well you're not perfect look at him say yaas Because now you finally see that God never asked for my perfection he only wants my yes So This is the first test of yes is acceptance acceptance Acceptance Of how God made you Acceptance of your limitations not gonna be in the NBA, bro Your 5/6, it's your senior year Just get you a curry Jersey and cheer him on cuz you're not, You're gonna be you're gonna be on the couch. It's alright. It's alright. It's alright I'm different um God's got something for me, which comes to my second question you ready for my second one say yes You didn't say it right say yaaas Hey when the preachers come up this week when they come up cuz they're not here right now when they come up like tomorrow night The other preachers when they start preaching, I want y'all to shut him down and say yaaaas When your parents text you are you having a good time if student take over I want you to text I want you to use every a in your iPhone all caps Thumbs up emojis tell them "👍👍👍YAAAASS" YAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAYAAAAs God wants a big yes, you can't kind of follow Christ follow me. I'll make you fishers and mm-hmm Yes, yes God, YESS!!! Are you ready to worship Him? Second test The second test is availability and watch this. This is not will I be? What he made me this is will I use what he gave me? Come on out come on out Yeah, yeah right here right here cuz this test This is that thing where they say It's not your ability But your availability That determines how God will use you and I think this is symbolic that God tells Moses. We didn't read this part honestly, I could preach a Whole series on this one little story because God asked Moses. What's that in your hand? which confused Moses because he was holding a shepherd's staff and God was talking to him about overthrowing a kingdom and leading millions of people So Moses looks around Maybe he waits for something to appear that wasn't there nothing comes So now he's having to accept Who he is and use what he has This this staff God tells him to throw it on the ground so it does because you got to drop stuff that God says to drop even if it's habits even if it's relationships even if it's attitudes God is gonna. Call you to drop some stuff this week Then he tells him to pick it back up and when he picked it again It was a snake, but it only could become something different When he reached for it so I Told you I was 16 when God told me to start this church I went to a college a little school, and they asked me to Travel on a team and we were gonna go and preach in little towns all across the state of South Carolina South So so there was this girl that I had a crush on named Holly Boydnott Now you gotta remember this those you wanna get married one day you gotta use whatever you have available Use all available resources and so what I did I put her on my ministry team Because I was like I can pray her into my kingdom And we travel all around and we didn't have student takeovers like this okay, you guys are pretty freaking spoiled This is we didn't have people coming down out the ceilings and stuff if stuff was coming out of the ceiling it was an accident Because the roof was caving in because of the rain, it's the kind of Church we were going into it was none of this and Certainly no fire coming out of the thing or anything like that by the way. Thank God for our amazing teams working hard, too present this thing, make it creative. All right good what so Traveling around everything at the end of all of that I got down and let me ask ask you a question as she sits on the front row and as we sit here tonight and our own son and many of you and we get the opportunity to Watch you worship, God and to dream about What your life might be because some of your gonna run companies? You're gonna do it in a way with integrity some of you are gonna Maybe not make a lot of money But maybe you'll go into an industry, you'd be a culture teacher some of you might be billionaires, and tithe to Elevation Church For the glory of God, this is a public service announcement somebody say yaaas You never know what your yes might start But I had to say yes to God, and I could not wait for some great opportunity God wants your yes in your youth I'll prove it to you from the Bible There's a whole bunch of people standing around one day and this giant named Goliath from the enemy camp comes up all of them are waiting for God to do something to deliver them from the Philistines and one seventeen year old boy Walks up on the scene, and they asked the question Well anybody fight this giant and one boy said Yes Because he said yes the whole nation was delivered Some of you are going to defy racism in your school in the next school year by the power of your Yes, I can't do that from the pulpit you Have to do it With your yes, and and you have to do it when all you have is a slingshot. It's like I'm gonna change racism in my school? yes!!!! Yes, yes, you are yes you can Paul said I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I Have the god of yes living on the inside of me? Why can't I start a Bible study in my public school and grow it to? 300 students get out of my way, devil you told me no long enough I got bigger yes Starts With a yes Just a simple yes Just a simple yes, and finally when I knelt down at the Fountains at Furman University And said will you marry me guess what Holly said? YAAASSSSS Here we are because of a yes think about that human beings are in the earth because of a yes Because chunks and Amy Corbett said We'll start the church with you now He almost said no because sometimes you almost miss it and he he was making money and I was telling him come work on a church staff with me for free I Had a good job God was calling him And I said, I want to do this. I'll start it I don't know how it's gonna work or how I'll be able to pay you or anything like that. We didn't have all this back. Then it was nothing yeah, and He called me. I said I got so frustrated with him I told Holly I said I'm gonna find somebody else cuz I wanted him to do the business part of Church this the bald guy Right over there. There's wave at em Chuck's. That's who that is that's who I'm talking about I said Hey, hey, hey, hey, this is back when he had hair it was already going back about to right here, but he had he was hanging on to it back then I said chunks, I said I told Holly, I'm gonna find somebody else she said given another chance, and he and uh I say okay And I told him I said I need to know by noon on such and such date If y'all want to change the lighting back it's fine such and such a day and I told him like noon on such and such a day 11:50 my phone rings and he said YAAAS And see all of you John Bishop same same same thing Yes, you are all the offspring of Somebody's yes So I'm looking out here tonight, and I know you're not Moses, and I know you're not Chunks I know you're not Holley and your you But what could your yes What could your yes set off in the world starts with Yes, here's thing here's thing You have to say yes Before you know the details You have to say yes before you feel confident God want here's what God wants to hear from you his his favorite word He wants to hear yes, and you know it's not only his favorite word. He likes it in a certain order he likes yes Before the question is asked Because most of the time we want to you know here's the question yes gods like yes now. What's the question? Do you trust me enough on this Wednesday night in South Charlotte, North Carolina at a young age To say yes in your youth To say Here I am Little old me Here I am the answer is Yes if you will say it I Promise you and I'm telling you what I've lived out not what I studied in a book or what I heard Somewhere or what? I thought of one time. This is what I've experienced you can't out. Yes God. I'm telling you when you say yes to God God says yes to his promises yes to joy yes to peace. I'm not saying it's gonna be easy But I promise you nobody has ever truly said yes to God and live to regret it And the yes that you say today will determine the life that you live tomorrow Because I've seen a lot of people at this age Have their lives really really I don't want to say ruined because God is a redeemer, but really off path because of a Yes Who you say yes to? Who you say yes to who yea Yes, I yes, I'll Yes, I'll go. Yes. I'll have sex with you. You know There's a lot of oh You thought I was just gonna like just work around the real issues because it's not just The yes that we say to God that determines the path of our life And what happens at this ages you say yes to a little thing is just trying drugs You say yes to a little thing and your parents are like nah I don't know about them, and and you're like yeah But I like them and you say yes to the wrong people and you start Yielding to things and then one day you wake up, and you're like I don't even like this I don't even want to live like this and it all started with the little yes But you know what the devil is a liar I declare over your life. You are going to say yes to God. No to the world no to the flesh Come on. How many came to student takeover because I'm saying yes to God So somebody say yes shout it out. Y'all sound tired say yes say yaaaas Last test the last test cuz guess what? Moses never says yes to God in this passage Because it's not what you say You can say yes, all you want But this test this yes test is a test of action will I do come on out will I do What he tells me? Will I do what he tells me and the Bible says that He went back to Egypt and he took his staff with him God is not just looking for people tonight who will say something. Yeah people who will do something Will do something yeah, yeah You've talked about it. We don't just give God a shout out. That's not what we mean by saying yes to God I Came here tonight on the first week because I want you to understand that yes. It's not just what you say with your lips Yes is a lifestyle it means when someone hurts me. I've already decided yes, I will forgive Somebody say yes, that's all God ever wants from you is your yes That's all it takes for you to be saved and for you to know God is not to get your life together but to say yes, just a yes That's all God wants from anybody in this room tonight from the churchly-est to the worldly-est God is Just looking For a yes So What God speaks to you and when Your group leaders are spending time with you unpacking this through the week and as God moves in your life over these days and even and beyond I want you to remember that It is not just hearing God's Word and responding to it because I appreciate how responsive you've been tonight I mean look at this. This is unusual for students to be this engaged with God's Word I'm just gonna tell you this is a great atmosphere right I really appreciate that But How well you listen is not the proof of the success It's what you live out So we're gonna be challenging you I'm gonna be challenging you to say yes in your youth all God wants all he all he's ever wanted is your yes i don't know how I could put it any simpler all God ever wanted is One two three your yes, that's all he wants That's all he wants God brought you here for yes And so Will I be what he made me even if it seems strange to my friends Will I be who he says I am? Somebody say I am Will I use what he's given me Say I will There it is that's it say yes, I am Say yes, I will. that's all God wants That's all God wants He wants you to align your life with what he's spoken over you cuz other people may try to label you But when they tell you what they're what you're not and when you have all these thoughts inside yourself of what you're not your response Is simple I am a child of God I Am the righteousness of God Come on I need I need you to start getting an attitude about this stuff because I see the world trying to tell you a bunch of Other stuff that you are and I think it's a lie And I think it's just about time that some youth rose up and got in the rhythm of yes somebody say yes, I Am say. Yeah, I can say yeah I am say yes, I Can I am I Can I am I Can I am I Can I Am I Can I can do all things through God Somebody shout yes Yes god I'm not ashamed to say yes To the one who said yes to me everyone standing Shout yes All week long, that's the theme that these these are this is the generation of yes Appeal you made me I use what you gave me. I'll do what you tell me somebody say yes Just that simple Yeah, but you can't do it. You're just a little boy. Yes, I can yaaas Feels good to say yes doesn't it? God says will you let me challenge you in some of those places of your life that you've been hiding from me. Yeah, yes Will you open up this week with your group leader and not waste a bunch of time sitting around trying to play cool and talking About something stupid and they look like they can't talk Yes Get in the rhythm of saying yes to God He says yes you say yes, he says yes, he says you are you say I Am he says you are you say Say yes I am Yes, I can you see the rhythm. That's there yaaas Gonna be cool If you said yes to God in your youth and you didn't have to waste a lot of years living for other stuff I've been calling we've been calling you e-students for years now. We're gonna change that tonight Because I I Want you to get in the rhythm somebody shout yes, I want you to get in the rhythm of saying yes in your youth so from now on when I call you I'm calling you elevation youth but when you hear youth I want you to hear yes Yes, while I'm young yes while I'm in these years come on shout yes Anybody ready to say yes to God in your youth Yes while I'm young Yes You know what else we're gonna do if I say what We're gonna start taking over one Sunday night a month in the church It's gonna be called elevation youth that's gonna be called rhythm nights Because, Saying yes to God cannot just be an event It has to become a rhythm and so while the world is out there telling you what you can't do can't be I want you to hear a better yes Here's the invitation tonight. Are you excited? Do you feel God's presence in this place already? You're sitting around some people sometimes you know sometimes people try to distract you and you're trying to pay attention to the message Tell them no so you can tell God. Yes, you don't you don't have to even No, I can't do that right now. It can't be silly right now. I'm focused on God and in this moment There's somebody that God is calling right here on the first night To really give your life to Him you've never done that You've heard of Moses Bible stories going to church This is not about joining our church This is about belonging to God And so that process does not begin when you start behaving better process starts when you believe That's all that's all God ever wanted was it yes. Yes, I believe Yes, you can have my life. Yes I trust you the Bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart god raised him from the dead you will be saved in other words if you say yes to What he's done He's already said yes Forgive you for everything that you've done to go with you into your future Bow your head close your eyes, this is a moment For at least a hundred people To say yes to God And I'm gonna be honest with you this moment for me when I was 16 changed everything it was the biggest yes of my life and I want to pray with you now you say you know that's that's me that you're talking about I want to know God personally in my life Turn from my way, and be his follower and receive his grace Accept what he's already done Betsy I want you to pray with me right now We're gonna pray out loud as An elevation youth family I'm gonna pray together for those who are coming to God, so let's let's all pray this out loud heads bowed eyes closed For the benefit of those who are either coming to God for the first time or maybe coming back to God pray with me Heavenly Heavenly Father I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the savior of the world and tonight I Say yes to his plan For my life, I believe he died to forgive my sin and rose again to give me life and tonight You have my yes Here's my life I'll follow you From now on On the count of three if you just prayed that I want you to shoot your hand in the air and say yes And I want you to do it boldly a big strong yes to God tonight some are already raised in their hands That's fine on the count of three you do it one two three Shoot them up Oh, yeah That's the best yes, you could ever say Come on students come on elevation youth say yes Do you believe in the power of God Do you believe in the presence of God to set you free Come on say it Do you love it? Do you wanna know say it Hey, thanks for watching if you enjoyed the message just do two simple things before you go click the logo to subscribe to this channel So you won't miss a video I promise I'll make it worth your while and second take a minute and share it with somebody who could use it or just leave a Comment I love to hear how these videos are impacting you means a lot to me. Thanks again for watching