The Xenomorph Infestation of Hadley's Hope: A Timeline

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construction of the lv-426 colony began in 2165. atmospheric conditions had prevented company resources from properly mapping the topography from space the colony dubbed hadley's hope after one of its designers was a joint endeavor sponsored by the earth government and the weyland-yutani corporation overseen by the colonial administration and supposedly adhering to all rules established by the interstellar commerce commission acheron itself wasn't really a planet even though they referred to it that way it was a rock in the middle of nowhere one of the moons of a planet called kalpemos its storms were near constant a blinding torrent of wind and grit and dust terraformers had managed to place atmosphere processors at various intervals around the surface and the most important one the massive cathedral-like processor 1 was under construction there were all sorts of problems along the way tremors cracked the terrain and swallowed one of the smaller processors whole accidents and surveying errors and faulty equipment had caused all kinds of delays colony inhabitation finally began in 2173 with processor 1 functioning at 82 percent capacity at this point the colony was only in its nation stages someday it would be a sprawling hub as weyland yutani continued to promote expansion into this quadrant both the company and the government supported the scientific research that was already going on there but eventually the real value of hadley's hope would be as a way station or port many of the families were surveyors employed by the colony but like half of the survey team they moonlighted on the side as wildcatters prospectors searching sectors of the planetoid surface for mineral deposits meteor crash sites and other things of interest to the company the colonies weyland-yutani science team used prospectors to retrieve soil samples and mineral samples and to map out sections of the planet the excursions were often very dangerous the colony contained a small marine detachment assigned by the united states government the same way colonial marines offered protective services to all signatories of the united americas pact whoever had given lv-426 its new name had recognized the absurdity of it all in ancient greek mythology acheron had been one of the rivers that wound through the netherworld the word had a grim translation river of pain [Music] may 16th 2179 the nostromo escape shuttle narcissus is found by a deep space salvage team vessel gm-28223 inside the nostromo's warrant officer ellen ripley is found in her hypersleep chamber bio readouts are all in the green alive june 10th 2179 hadley's hope welcomes its new commanding officer for its marine detachment captain damien brackett ellen ripley awakens at gateway station june 12th 2179 weyland yutani's director of special projects carter j burke prepares ripley for her hearing with the board of inquiry regarding the loss of the company vessel nostromo with information provided by ripley burke sends a directive to the colony with surface grid coordinates and instructions that a survey team be dispatched immediately to investigate the site the directive is as follows for urgent attention of colony administrators simpson company doctors rhys and mori hadley's hope colony acron sata reticuli system special order for immediate action priority send survey team to investigate possible geological or structural anomaly at ilium plateau coordinates 287 0.51 by 133.28 advise urgently as to findings june 19th 2179 1600 hours al simpson receives the directive sent by carter burke the assignment to investigate the coordinates is given to russ jordan 1857 after some celebratory drinks at the prospects of a new discovery that could result in valuable company shares rush jordan returns to his living quarters he informs his wife anne of the assignments his children rebecca nicknamed newt and tim insist they come along as they have done on previous scoutings russ and anne reluctantly agree they leave the next morning june 21st 2179 1109 after a trip 48 miles west of the colony the jordan family arrives in their crawler to the provided coordinates there they find the derelict ship encountered by the nostromo's crew 57 years prior russ and ann gear up to investigate an opening in the giant ship leaving newt and tim to wait in the [Music] crawler okay [Applause] 12 56 anne has returned to the crawler with russ unconscious with a parasite attached to his face she frantically radios for help 1257 in response to anne's sos captain brackett assembles a rescue team to retrieve the jordan family june 22nd 2179 402 anne newt and tim wait in the crawler while rust remains outside still unconscious with the parasite attached anne has wrapped him in blankets to keep him warm and to hide the sight of the parasite from her children the rescue team arrives and the journey home begins 2101 the marine rescue vehicle arrives at the colony's underground garage with the jordan family al simpson orders a survey team to collect further information from the site thirteen colonists travel to the location of the derelict ship june 23 2179 1637 newt and tim remain in their family quarters while anne stays with russ in the med bay al simpson colony physician kaminsky and company scientist reese are also present and provides details regarding their experience to the best of a recollection the parasite has now fallen off for us and appears to have died russ awakens seeming fine he requests to return back to his family quarters but dr reese insists on further testing the survey team has been retrieved each with facehuggers now attached newt and tim hear of their father's awakening and make their way through the colony air ducts to see him in the med bay rust begins to scream arching his back and roaring in pain his chest bulges and from within the creature bursts its way out the doctors scramble to catch the alien but it escapes into the air duct newt and tim can hear it in the ducts and manage to avoid it they escape and find their mother 1830 ann newton tim returned to their quarters they locked their doors and barricaded the vents within search parties have been assigned to find and capture the loose xenomorph captain bracket search party enters a junction on the basement level of d-block beneath the wing that held the med lab in operations a cry for help is heard leading them to the laundry facility three dead bodies are found all civilians the search team spots the parasite which is now grown much larger and they open fire it escapes through a laundry duct bracket radios into al simpson and orders a headcount of the colony also advising to keep a close eye on the 13 colonists who have returned with facehuggers attached his order is to kill any further parasites immediately 1907 two of the facehuggers have been removed from patients killing them in the process the specimens are put in stasis pods and studied by company scientists five more chest bursters have birthed and escaped before capture elimination is possible these events initially go unreported 2209 the head count is complete and the colony's population has been relocated to four different locations at this point 15 colonists are unaccounted for bracket's team searches the basement corridors of f block one of the adult xenomorphs is spotted with a captive colonist the team opens fire on the creature resulting in the death of the alien as well as one marine and the civilian due to the spray of acidic blood june 25th 2179 954 the colony med bay is in triage mode patients whose facehuggers have fallen off are considered to be lost causes with incubation complete and death imminent further attempts are made to save those with facehugger still attached liquid nitrogen is used as an alternative to cutting tools it proves ineffective arguments ensue over what is to be done with the lost causes some insist they must be put out of their misery before the birthing of more parasites can begin all treatment is then put to a halt once two adult xenomorphs infiltrate the medbay during the attack one of the doctors hidalgo flees to an adjoining testing room and accesses the emergency intercom she warns of the xenomorph presence in the med bay and bakes for help the communication cuts out 10 13 bracket's team responds to the emergency call all patients and doctors in the med bay are reported as missing 1107 al simpson has now given the orders for all remaining colonists to seek refuge in one location together believing it to be the safer option they're brought to the d-block storage units he advises that a distress call has been sent to gateway station on the emergency band 1212 a group of mechanics surveyors and engineers weld doors and barricade them closing off an entire section of d-block two doors are left unwelded guarded by marines now most of the surviving colonists have moved to the huge storage area in d-block there they intend to hole up together until the marines and volunteers destroy the aliens or until help arrives june 26 2179 1117 assistant operations manager brad lydecker accesses the system's personal data transmitters to locate the captured colonists the pdt's are tracked to a place under the primary heating stations underneath processor 1 sub level 3 12 21 two teams consisting of marines and civilian volunteers are assembled alpha team led by captain bracket and assisted by al simpson head off to hunt down the aliens in their hive lieutenant parise is left in charge of safeguarding the colonists in the sealed off wing of d-block the squad is stationed around the inside of the perimeter at every potential entrance into the storage area and every junction leading that way 13 32. lieutenant parise is making her rounds through the sealed off-wings of d-block when she finds private janovsky paralyzed covered in a thick layer of fluid some kind of mucus being dragged off by one of the xenomorphs paris opens fire on the alien causing its acid blood to eat through the flooring and through chinofsky's legs sergeant youssef and private crowley hear the shots and come to the lieutenant's aid the alien is killed but not before impaling its tail through chanofsky's skull the marines search for compromises and find one of the sealed doors broken open another alien has made its way in and attacks private crowley killing him the two other marines open fire and exterminate the creature it becomes apparent that the aliens know exactly where the colonists are holed up and that more are likely on the way 1339 al simpson assists with navigation through the bowels of the atmosphere processor alpha team locates the alien nest dr kamiski is found within adhered to the wall encased in the alien resin she is alive and has been impregnated by a facehugger parasite she warns the team to leave and begs for death sergeant draper shoots at dr kaminsky killing her despite captain bracket's objections the sound of the firing gives away alpha team's location a retreat is ordered as xenomorphs begin snatching them up one by one communications between alpha team and bravo team have been lost 1346 small groups of colonists have quietly left the deep block storage area in the hopes to make it to survival on their own rumors have been circulating of a colony excavator ship the onager once used for mining asteroids that may be space-worthy and used for escape in reality however the onager had been stripped for parts years ago and those who went searching for it are now presumed dead or captured 13 59 lieutenant parise and sergeant youssef enter the d-block storage area lieutenant parise informs the remaining colonists that she has lost contact with the rest of the alpha and bravo teams and that an attack is likely imminent with the storage area no longer secure paris suggest moving up one level 100 feet along the southwest corridor to the surveyors operations center she describes it as basically a big box one way in one way out the jordans and a few other colonists agree to make way to the new location the rest questioning the lieutenant's assessment refused to move from where they are lydecker is left in charge of the remaining colonists in d-block 1405 the move to the operations center is successful with no casualties gunfire and screams can be heard from d-block storage along the way a scant few supplies weapons and a welder have been brought with the survivors the way into the center is sealed off as screams from storage have now stopped and the sounds of approaching aliens can now be heard 1407 aliens have now infiltrated the operations center the survivors opened fire to ward off the intruding creatures and jordan uses a pistol as her only defense as the other colonists die or dragged away around her anne's children were screaming for her she sees that they'd pried the grating off of a vent but they'd paused calling out for her to come with them ann knows that the ducks are too small for adults human or alien to fit into she remains on the defense tim pushes newton to the duct as he witnesses anne being attacked he grabs her discarded pistol and fires upon the alien and succumbs to the spray of acid blood that follows newt makes her way deeper into the duct hearing the chaos behind her july 27 2179 the marine rescue team and civilian advisor ellen ripley arrive on the hadley's hope colony rebecca newt jordan is discovered as the lone survivor of the xenomorph infestation this timeline can be found within the story of christopher golden's novel alien river of pain as well as its audio drama adaptation and some details from the two-shot comic newt's tale from darkhorse comics in regards to river of pain some dates differ between the novel and audio drama adaptation the dates presented here mostly align with the novel version mostly some details within this timeline have been omitted specifically regarding river payne's original characters and additional story elements unknown to viewers of aliens only just in case you haven't read the novel or listened to the audio drama i wanted to avoid certain spoilers in this video river of pain is definitely worth a look or listen and it works nicely as a self-contained hadley soap story and a prelude to aliens we have now approached the 35th anniversary of james cameron's film which is quite the milestone it's a story so good and so detailed that even something in the periphery such as the culling infestation can be expanded upon and work well as its own story aliens is a masterpiece it's a movie we all know and love of course so let's all wish it a happy 35th anniversary as always i'd like to thank you very much for watching today if you enjoyed this video please make sure to give it a like and be sure to subscribe for all the latest videos from the channel a very special thanks goes out to alisain queen tier of the patreon hive a very special thanks also goes out to lady anne in the ellen ripley tier of excellence if you'd like to join the hive and support the channel check out my patreon page for exclusive posts and contests in the meantime you can catch up with alien theory over social media follow at alien underscore theory on twitter and at alien3yt on facebook and instagram for more and until next time this is alien theory signing off you
Channel: Alien Theory
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Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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