The X Change Rate: Long Island Medium

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[Music] what y'all it's your girl Monet and you're watching the exchange rates go ahead do it ask for that raise if you've also won't give it to you somebody will with the work the World Tour which means when I'm not here I'm on stuck on a tour bus with four systems six dancers and seven of the biggest names in drag and violet chachki care about a drag queens whore and you immediately think glitter glitz glam and these tours are not that now don't get me wrong there are a lot of fun but realize that when we're not on stage we're either sleeping in our buns or as we call them coffins doing our makeup or trying to find a quiet and isolated place to take a shit it's stressful girls these videos aren't it's because you think actually I lied there's one really really good amazing thing about traveling the world on a famous drag queen tour even close already [Applause] and today it's fierce because the Long Island motherfucking medium is in the house y'all but first don't know what time it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god I'm stopping to be back here I'm not gonna say we're on tour right now with what the world and it's such a crazy show has anyone here ever seen with the work there will show one person no listen we're coming to New York on October 19 so if you don't have tickets you want to see it come and get tickets it's honestly the biggest drag show in the world it is fierce it is high production value it's not like that Marin Peter bullshit okay it's real now listen I've done both okay I've done two that I'm doing this now and I have to say without a shadow down work the world it's fucking fierce Naomi smalls a kimchi aquaria Evy oddly now let me tell you a little inside T before getting on the tour you know I had never worked with Evy I've never done any gigs with her and nothing like that and she is honestly one of the sweetest nicest Queens I've ever met so it really has been a blast getting to know her and her number is really fierce and also plastique plastic tiaras so goddamn pretty it is honestly repulsive okay I was sitting next to her painting the whole time I'm like this hoe over here girl I'm looking like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and she is just like the beautiful Fiona like we know before the kiss you know I mean what she was very beautiful the South singing of Fiona Jane Fonda got arrested again gasps miss Jane Fonda now if you don't know if you are a young and if you're a millennial or a Generation Z generation Z is the newest one right the every generation C probably don't know Miss Jane Fonda but she is a superstar from way way way way back when she was fighting for our rights before I was a thot remember this womb she she could get popular she made a Jazzercise and really popular she was that girl she was she had right Kate am I wrong well that's not all that's just you know from another time but so it cuz has anyone here but Dungey has a size and now yeah it's all about Zumba and this is Umezu painting the thing I know Maury not I'm saying anyway so Jane Fonda was that girl she she she was she was known for being very hot very fit but also for being a very first activist for I'm processing against Vietnam for civil rights all kinds of lovely amazing things she really is a superhero you know not like spider-man super her but like a real-life superhero you know I'm saying so she she recently went down to the Capitol down in DC to protest climate change and when you are a celebrity of this stature when you have been making money from since way back in when today she has literally moved to DC so she can protest every day and she keeps on getting arrested and she's like that's fine I'm 82 years old what you gonna do so they arrest her she makes her bond she but she's like Oh fifty five hundred thousand dollars carries your money and I'm gonna go back in process again so she is but look at her and despairs a Redcoat and you know the funny story was that she got arrested with her granddaughter her granddaughter was protesting with her and they got I don't think we had the picture of the granddaughter because I don't think she's of age and we don't want to get legal troubles so we can't show you show you that picture with the granddaughter the granddaughter getting arrested but Jane Fonda is fierce she looks fierce and this is the wash bay this this is 82 years old okay good that's somebody that moisturizes all right if you are at home don't use a Millie Bobby Brown floor don't use that shit use the Jane Fonda beauty secrets okay I'm kidding is the joke oh girl did y'all if y'all read the comments with that video deal like I'm Monet how dare you talk about I'm like it's a it's TV whatever we're just making really Bobby Brown I'm sure she'll come here come here eventually I will Kiki about it too but yeah Jane Fonda is fierce and I'm good please fight for our rights because I'm too busy doing a talk show alright so thank you this is extra spicy to decade and speaking of a ridiculousness this next story I mean I don't know why we're giving this man any more of our time and wisdom and patience but here we go with mr. Perez Hilton have you guys heard about this story Yeah right just like just the vileness is just oozing through his forest girl if you are again a millennial or a generation zero you may not know mr. Perez Hilton before Hilton is known for being very controversial he takes pride in like outing celebrities he like outed Lance about like he has had a very tumultuous history with celebrity and just being you know not being one of those girls so miss Perez Hilton went on a he posted a 37 minute long YouTube video where he um he was giving you the full t girl just the tears were streaming and he was looking Devin you know when people look at look in the camera but not just a one good eye but both good eyes and they're staring down the breath that Lindsey like oh my god he's having a moment he's having a come-to-jesus moment he's being genuine and he was going on and on about how he thinks that he's asexual because he hasn't he hasn't had us he hasn't had sexual Ness since 2015 and then about 20 minutes and he breaks and he starts he starts like laughing he's like actually I'm not really I'm not really asexual I might be bisexual and it's just it would I know it was is so messy I do we have a clip of the video okay let's play the clip I need to let you know that I am asexual and that's clearly not by choice I'm jokey but I'm kind of not joke I don't know I'm not asexual I'm not a sexual am I am I you know what I mean like it is so disingenuous is not it's not cute is not cool especially we're in 2019 where people are really you know having people having a moment if people are finally being very sexually open and being sexually fluid and along themselves to speak to their truth and to post a video when you are when you are a celebrity and and I'm conflating these issues and making it seem so trivial and and and and and just make it just be so flippant about it it's really really really gross and for Hilton shame on you girl shame on you then he then he then he said he was responding to Trisha Paytas Church paid us recently which is another mess girl I can't these yo y'all heard about the shirts read a story mr. Spade as you know she can't let me read this right sure she paid us it came out as a trans gay man who is a drag queen and again hey I'm not here to take away from her maybe that is her truth but she's another one who is known for being for for for saying these things on camera and just and posting things for clickbait so that we all click the video and watch it so that they get subscribers so that they get viewers and that they get paid you know I mean so it's hard for us to discern is this a genuine cry for help are you having a genuine moment or do you just want my YouTube dollars you know what I'm saying so Trisha Paytas if you are trans in fact and you are discovered in yourself kudos to you if you're not shame on you too and just the more backstory about miss miss I very that you know I'm saying he's another one he he called he called a faggot and he said but then he said oh I didn't I didn't I only said that word because I couldn't call him the n-word you know what I mean so Oh girl yeah girl just get on the Wikipedia machine and find out more about this motherfucker okay it's crazy and and he has also he has a kid he's a father to a young boy and he's like and he said that he hopes that his son grows up straight and he's not gonna put him in debt like it's just I mean just the list goes on of problematic things Perez wasn't his thing and doing and all I have to say to you is come on the show so we can talk about it yeah you know we thought that the gia Gunn episode was gonna be my terranaomi moment but I think this gonna be even better because I really want to read this motherfucker like get your shit together you crazy Quaid and again because you know y'all know y'all be up in the comments if Perez Hilton is in fact asexual or whatever it is good on you for speaking your truth but if you're not it's disgusting is vile and we would like we would all appreciate if you won't do that shit thank you so much why would y'all like is here do I look good right I'm giving you first semester RA at Howard University when people be missing their curfew I let loose lab because I be high as hell you know whatever I'm the re but I also sell the good weed on campus too you know I was a sow I'll give you very bad Jake y'all's days back with another drag race you can't recap y'all ready for drag race UK and bitch everyone killed it well most oh my god not sure whole Downton draggy and bitch bag of chips sent me much better much better much better everything her character was my absolute favorite Davina de Campo also killed it but she didn't feel that way in front of the judges in front of RuPaul she actually felt the need to almost do damage control and apologize that's a big theme this episode is damage control Jax and a break down in front of her Paul and apologized because she felt like she could have done better now the real drama comes when Cheryl hole is on the main stage and they ask her if she is surprised to be in the bottom and she responds with well no the other team did really well well most of them and RuPaul being the pot-stirrer that she is I can relate so she said everyone except for some ting but little did Cheryl knows some ting and after when I was backstage were talking shit about Cheryl so Cheryl goes back into the untucked room who could expose tonight bitch Cheryl they all confront her face-to-face because Cheryl walks right in starts doing damage control for what she's on the main stage and something goes will actually go we were talking about you two I loved her me she was like wait what now all the girls confronted Cheryl for having a fake personality and acting like laganja and Alyssa Edwards but after the episode aired Cheryl went on Twitter and had a lot to say about it she responded to all these claims and at the end of the day she says she's not the next laganja she's not trying to be a list up and she's share a hole from Essex on her favorite TV show now Miss strokes found herself in some drama with Boy George and they basically got into it with a fan who was talking a lot of shit directly tagging miss strokes now I've quickly learned that Miss Stokes is the UK's clap back queen like bitch miss Stokes was warned and this fan was Trump or even worse miss strokes is Monet exchange in this fan was Murray and Peter and just like a drag queen Christmas tour tickets this fan was obliterated into nothing and yes Boy George chimed in now the runway with James Bond realness the standouts were definitely bag of chips blue hydrangeas some ting Wong and for sure crystal unfortunately blue and scaredy word bottom because of the acting challenge and scare deeds it ends up going home anyway thanks for having me on the exchange rate and back to you Monet now we got a lot of controversy for having majiggy onset of the Showgirl just going again going to conference I live for it listen I think the he's with a great job with the route cabs right girl I don't have b BW b n9 channel okay so I need this video to see what's going on I've got cable I ain't buying it and while presents refused to give me a free subscription so I'm gonna watch it and you know this is this my story I'm very interested because okay how many of us make some noise if you were through with live-action recreations like okay be honest make some nice if you like them and you want some more live action [Applause] people listen I wonder fence to because when they're really good they're really good but when they're bad Lion King they're really bad you know what I mean so it's like please please please make this one good although Cinderella has been remade literally 19019 times earlier today we're interviewing someone doing a Cinderella story a Christmas version I'm like how many live-action Cinderella do we need we had of course the og one from really old it's like me from like the nineteen fifties like old as hell we have that one we had um brandy the brandy Cinderella we had the Hilary Duff Cinderella I know it was bad but I love her so much girl I was thinking should have been elizabeth wires Cinderella yeah I was then we had two that's three then we had um Selena Gomez Cinderella and then there was the other one the deals like there have been five Cinderella's four in my lifetime okay we I mean and now this new one is coming up but the icing on the cake is that Billy motherfucking Porter is gonna be playing the fairy godmother I know that is the only reason why this is acceptable okay he's going to be the fiercest mother-tucking fairy godmother that has ever existed how many of y'all know him from beauty school dropout a Greece only the fags yes oh girl I stand if you have time don't end this video just pause it really quick open up a new tab and type in Billy Porter beauty school dropout and it's one of the greatest musical performances that has ever existed it is so good it's from the musical but Billy Porter I'm did um what's the name help me very very gay gentleman who yeah he was a teen angel right teen angel and he's like screaming belting it is such a good performance watch if you can and Billy Porter is having his moment right now he is like he is really he is at the Emmys the Grammys Oscars winning she is snatching trophies Bob oh he's really something out and I'm a Camilla Kibeho will be playing Cinderella only you miss only hear you we found we found the one fan there she is in the front were you from ma'am Florida okay that's why Vanna banana she is come looking for his book to me Cinderella and James Corden is is producing it so I'm sure he's gonna have some type of a role because y'all know is you you he can't he can't stop singing he's he'll be singing somewhere outside right now so James corners in it he's gonna it's gonna be a modern reimagining so I'm picturing Cinderella's gonna be like working I like Urban Outfitters like she she although she has like a like third shift like don't nobody care about her and her stepsisters are gonna be the general manager and the store manager and I am good reporters gonna be like the rich uppity east side of her fairy godmother you know I do think though the pumpkin should be paid by a drag queen why ginger Minj is out of work nobody wanted exactly so if you guys want a really good pumpkin get ginger man she'll be great great Gregor granite job it is out the director and the writer pitch perfect so it's a good be good story and I think I'm on board hopefully for this last incarnation of Cinderella for a while amen yeah now the debates are tonight oh sorry this is gone Thursday the debates were two nights ago the debates are two nights ago and it's crazy stream happening in Washington lately I just can't keep up good thing we have got someone to help keep it all sort it out sorry it's just my drug is UK good thing we have someone to keep it all so it'd let maybe who knows let's take a look wait okay so the biggest takeaway from this segment is that little child said that I was a beautiful woman there's hope for our country [Music] hello everybody I'm ready go coming so this is another segment of political fish since we last spoke shit has really hit the god damn impeachment fan so we're gonna hit the street and talk to people to find out what they think about this and by the time this airs trump may no longer be president which means we have president pants which means we have first lady mother can you please explain the phone call with the president of Ukraine to me hi how are you no don't leave me no come back wait come back come back hi how are you wait come back yeah hi how are you I'm gonna say one word and you say the first thing that comes to mind impeachment I'm gonna say a word and usually the first thing that comes to mind the word is impeachment Trump Cavanaugh Pelosi the word is have enough fish yep it's Cavanaugh type of fish and the words impeachment Oh impeachment as a pizza impeachment is a pizza I hope it has extra cheese I don't know okay Tresa no Trump yeah impeachment with these answers are wild hi I'm gonna say where do you see the person that comes to mind impeachment Trump president don't know Trump do you think he's presidential okay all right the word is Ukraine Russia trees that Palooza probably works for one of those corporations I get kickbacks you know William Bar asshole Brett Kavanaugh asshole Nancy Pelosi not an asshole the word is Pelosi sack of potatoes Pelosi wait what did you say hello Steve are the Nancy Pelosi oh I don't know okay America we're asking people very basic things like who is Donald Trump who is Nancy Pelosi what is impeachment please I know it's fun watching Monet and on this show being silly and having a good time our democracy is hanging by a thread and we need you to get involved now let's go see how many other fucking people don't know the answer quit quit quit quit do you know how to say quid pro quo quit say it for me quid pro quo pro win-win rule Queen from the word is quid pro quid quid pro wait crow quit fuck it low to the stage we're all quit quit it's when you ask for a favor and exchange for something sexual quid pro quo quid pro quo red pro problem quit quit quit quit quit quid pro quo okay and this is the one that I cannot pronounce it all quit quid pro quo I don't even know what that one is I'm gonna honestly like same but apparently it's like when like you like to say hey I will do this favor for you if you do this favor for me and that's what I chopped it with you crazy all right well thank you all for tuning in to another episode of political fish I hope you learned a lot and I hope you register to vote thank you so much quid pro pro night the 14 seasons now our guest has shared her life her incredible gift and our iconic hair with the world filled with more heartwarming and sometimes heartbreaking readings that have even turned skeptics into believers a brand new season starts this Friday make some noise for the Long Island medium Theresa Caputo [Applause] okay you look so fucking cute so do you oh thank you thank you thinking we're like almost matching each other in volume but yours is way better than I'm yours that you looking at mine was real [Laughter] [Applause] no because everyone always thinks that I have a wig on no I thinks that I wear a wig oh no a piece is in my hair and I don't know I went backstage and I touch it is all she all-natural honey it's a recent look and you look you're the toes look amazing the nails are really cute I would borrow those but it'll probably only go around my ankles cuz you are a tiny tiny lady oh well thank you so beautiful in your in your ad right here girl so you're really doing there you [Applause] know I know that you were obviously Long Island medium but I didn't know you were really from Long Island I think you're from Staten Island no I'm from Long Island I still live right next door to where I grew up my parents still live right next door to me nah yeah yeah that is such a New Yorker no it's separation anxiety so like you like at the same time that you like went to high school everything yeah my kids went to the same elementary school oh really yeah now do your do do you are any of your kids exhibiting any behaviors of you know medium neccessity well I think all of us have a little bit of medium miss yes they have that connection with our own departed loved ones but you know a little bit more intuitive maybe say then I don't know if you want to say the average person but I believe we all have that connection with our loved one you think sighs so you know those little things that go on around you that either just remind you of your loved ones or you know that it just makes you think of them like out of nowhere it's their way of letting you know that they're with you at that exact moment really yeah and that's the thing that I love about spirit like well I would say like there's so many crazy things like I'm the first one say that what I do is crazy like how can someone but the spirit talks about things that there's no way that I would know about they talk about things that you've experienced the way that you feel about things to really validate that they're with us yeah because you look but you like you you've discovered us when you were four years old yeah so like growing up I would say to my mom I don't feel right I feel different than everyone else I feel like I don't belong and until I embrace my gift is when I my soul felt complete yeah now is there like is this something I mean obviously exercises but like how can I tap into that moral and what imma cuz I what you're saying it is honest I do feel that sometimes but I'm like I feel it there and I leave it right there I'm like alright next thing I'm gonna finish playing Smash Brothers exactly no but that's what we do we ignore it or we brush it off you know that it's just our imagination or maybe wishful thinking yeah so and you also this you're heading into the 14th season of your show crazy nowadays and I think it speaks to people you know people having a gym people are like this this is real I'm feeling it's actually happening so it's amazing you know and then and that's the thing when people like they come up to me and they just say thank you so much for doing what you do I've learned healing just watching your show or attending one of my live shows and it's just it's really such a blessing to know that what I do is truly helping people that's girl know at your live shows to see you're doing actually you're doing the readings at the live show yes so I travel on a tour bus and trust me it is far from glamorous as soon as we get to the venue everyone is like we're like roaches we're just first to find the bathrooms and alexei here you take a shit oh well III poop I shall everything on my bus oh oh that'd that that's not one rule you can't on our bus oh well but you're the stars it's like nine of us there's like one you only once everything black I wish to not have gotten there but well what are you gonna do you know yeah hey you know you're on the road I actually I leave Monday and I'm gone until Thanksgiving yeah yeah live show so it's really it's really great it's just like watching Long Island medium yeah you know I come out on the stage and then spirit just guides me around the space and I stand in front of the person and just deliver messages from their loved ones oh my god amazing I hope we like crossover in some city because I would love that's Hammond well you can come out to Long Island in December I'll be at the Paramount so if you want to come any show I'm at you come you say the word you were there put it on my calendar please I am there in December I'm taking all December off I'm coming all right you have taking all this number off because Jesus halle-loo and I wanna you know be one with my spirit in December so I will be entombed at December Texas it I want to feel the fantasy no and but no it's true because people I don't think they get really what I do until they witness it yeah you know when to really be a part of it so yeah it really is truly amazing and how is your love life what love life you're working hard you have to play hard - Teresa got to balance I'm trying to find that balance you know it's hard you know yeah I'm 52 I'm not a youngster what commedia says I'm 53 but I'm really 50 you look really bucking you definitely moisturize okay you are do I moisturize and moisturizing moisture you're on that Jane Fonda fantasy yes to your daughter who engaged in the first episode my daughter I can't believe it she's 25 she got engaged they had a big engagement party and the the one request that my future son-in-law had he said Teresa please know drag queens at the engagement party because every party I have theirs oh my god well I mean can I be invited to something else I'll be function would you like a party to the to the Christmas party that I have for everyone part of my team are you having a big bash in December right after my tour yeah and it's really it's something fabulous and it also speaks to the fact that you are Jenna in person because you your team is very close oh my family yeah you know and I appreciate them and I love them just like my family because I couldn't be Who I am without them so and I I really I just loved them so are there any crazy surprises we can expect in this next season like oh well I did some crazy things I I did this one thing where I decided for 24 hours I was not a whole day was not going to turn off spirit so literally every place I went it's been awful so you can like turn on and off like like sometimes like I always feel things but until spirit pushes me enough so I said I was not going to not turn it off I was just gonna whatever I felt I said and literally the entire day I don't know what I was thinking it was crazy so everywhere I went was like cool boom boom you know well if you have any message right now please let me know because I will I mean I'm into it okay I would have a moment if you hear anything you are more than welcome to level that's the thing you know so like when I when I'm talking to you and I keep turning and I and I do that that's always when spirits trying to get my attention I noticed like little things that I do so the issue it's not really an issue but I always just I have no control over what Spirit has me say to someone what they don't have me say and a lot of times what happens especially in a space like this people are not expecting their loved ones to come through so and I always if I'm if I am gonna start to channel just please know that if spirit does have me come to you it's only all my messages are for the highest good of all concerned it's only for positive things there is no negativity it's to help us to move forward in life validating our choices and decisions and and who we become if we feel that we've missed out so don't be afraid and the reason why I'm saying that is because I do feel tragedy so I feel and they make me feel how they died so I did feel a young male so that means that someone that departed before their time and I can taste blood which is my symbol for that they departed tragically and that there was a way that we feel that they might not be a piece because of the way that they died do you want do you understand that that told me to come over here do you understand that do you understand the father figure that that is departed okay so I'm gonna come over here how do you understand that okay and tragically is that correct you weren't expecting them to depart and you would be afraid so when spirit goes like this it is my symbol for that the soul is safe and a peace with God I am a practicing Catholic so there just show me things in my frame of reference so know that it validates because of the way that they departed not wanting us to feel that their soul is not a piece I'm also gonna say this there was a taking of a responsibility to the departure so that's my symbol for where someone wants take responsibility for their actions that cause are attributed to their passing not wanting us to feel that we could have what should have been able to prevent the departure does that make sense yeah and who was cremated he was perfect to validate that he supports on how we chose to lay him to rest because we didn't know how he would have wanted to be laid to rest correct and when they show me the hands being tied it means we had no choice fair enough well is that the father that is departed because he brings forward the father so to validate that the sole pike it could be grandfather father we don't understand the father over here they're telling me yes so it would be a grandfather and uncle or someone like a father I had a father figure recently well not recently but from younger that's fine and how do you connect with the chess that's my son because they just sleep in my breathing I don't know about okay so but there it had to be heart lungs or Brett well where did you go you didn't live here where did you grow up please show me Lucia okay because they told me like East Coast West Coast is just my symbol for where where there's there was a separation yeah and that way we did not live here yeah live in st. Lucia uh well let me just ask you do you remember something that he would say t I never had this before so I never liked you even though I don't have an experience or a sign or a symbol for this I always like to say whatever it is that spirit makes me feel just because I don't have a symbol for it doesn't mean that it's not good for you yeah I felt this emotion of that I dug deep into my soul and I felt like it was something that he always encouraged you to be or like where it's almost like don't forget and I feel like I'm just like this one thing you know like if someone would say to someone oh to them I love you to the moon and back or yeah but I felt like it was something that I always held on to does that takes yeah it doesn't make sense okay so however you can connect with it it's a validation that it is his soul do you but where does the mom come in that's depart so it's like a grandmother as well for you know I mean my grandmother raised me here because I lived here in the States and my mom was not with me okay so who was deported that would be a mother figure for you not anyone mmm do you understand that ma'am okay so I kind of do you know what I do when do you know Hawaii okay because I felt very I looked at you several times knit this is why I say I'm good at what I do because I like spirit art I don't even do anything I don't know what were you not there for your mom's departure or do you feel that she did not know that you were there because what happened is she put me to the side of the bed held my hand and whispered in my ear that is my symbol for that nothing was left unsaid it was my grandmother okay I was not there you would not not so when spirit and you have to listen gramma this is seems because they make me feel that bond do you understand that so validating for you that nothing was left unsaid and not to carry that burden of feeling that you should have been there do you understand that yeah she was a very strong woman yeah because she makes me feel like oh I wasn't sick mmm right so when spirit does that I feel like now when spirit has me take their focus off of someone else it means that somebody else can connect with it I refer to this as piggybacking do you understand that so it means that if anything that spirit has me say that you can connect with because I feel like you knows this is usually a symbol when someone young loses like a parent and they say I would not have wanted you to trade anything in your life because I was sick are you thinking that I was going to die does that make sense to you because I keep seeing this separation so a separation could be emotional geographical communication but not wanting us to feel that we should have made different choices because somebody was ill does that make sense how do you connect with like um a tablecloth or like doilies so sometimes when spirit shows me a tablecloth it could be that they come from another country or there's things from like Europe or there was something on how they like to have a table set all the time that makes sense yeah perfect yeah so about just validating that the souls still present and how did you connect with nightgowns do you have her like yes yes oh yeah perfect so just validating that her soul is at peace but I don't did somebody actually take their own life okay so um and who was this person to you because I almost felt like you lost like a part of your soul when they died you understand that so I don't know how to describe the emotion that they're making me feel I feel that I lost everything does that make sense to you so was there a struggle always up and down and then all of a sudden they like do you ever watch The Price is Right you know the mountain climber game where that's my symbol for when someone struggles in life and then they get to the top when we think you know what they're gonna be ok they're gonna be fine you know they made it and then all of a sudden they die correct that's validating again not wanting us to carry any burden or feeling that we could have done something to have kept them here or more importantly to have saved them fair enough did you miss the phone call or did you not answer a phone call or a text message or something and you feel oh my god would it what if I said something different or I got to say something do you understand that yeah we never look at that other side of the coin and I don't know what is but I keep who was she knew she liked your sister she's like a best friend yes so she was like your sister right because she was you just keep telling you to be who he needs to be you understand that and she says I wish I could be as strong as you and I want to thank you for the way that you were there for me did you just get like a chill like a goose bump or did you feel like a flush of emotion of either warmth or chill I feel cold it's just the soul moving through you to validate the presence do you have a piece of her jewelry or something what do you connect with earrings or something yeah perfect just validating that her soul is at peace and not wanting you to feel that you should have answered any differently do you understand that because she shows me that this phone call a text message is what is leaving you with that burden and more importantly guilt if I might say fair enough so she says I need you to imagine yours myself healthy standing in front of you with the suitcase open at the bottom of my feet any burden guilt any negative emotion that my death left you with I need you to put all these feelings in the suitcase hand it back with back to me with love because I take responsibility for my choices do you understand that and I am sorry did she actually come to you in a dream and tell you yes perfect she goes on the way you got to tell him this shit I told him this in a dream before so no that would ever experience you now I don't my loved ones that have died I don't connect with them in that way so know that whatever you had know that there was something truly special in her wanting to give you that gift of peace so this is why in the beginning I felt hesitant at first you understand that because you were afraid of what might happen if she did come through is that correct yes so this is why I do what I do in the way of healing and helping people because life is hard enough to be left with burdens that we have no control over that is unfair and for that she says I am sorry do you connect with time or do you look at the watch and the time is always the same or the clock is always the same we work that out well so you both had 100 perfect oh I don't have an Apple watch girl that don't work that don't work technology and me Theresa you are oh my goodness this was I know right oh you made a book I was gonna come here well let me tell you Theresa I don't think but you are look I say that Ida it doesn't matter what people everyone has their own opinion I'm the first one to say that what I do is absolutely crazy yeah but I was born this way and you know and I think anyone can understand if we feel different right whoever decided what normal is yeah because for me talking to the dead is normal right so we have to really embrace who God intended us to be and if you're not if you don't believe in Christianity whatever your whatever the higher power is for you I think that's what the overall message here yeah yeah and I don't Long Island medium that this season we also I did a group reading for a pastor a rabbi and a Buddhist God and it really doesn't matter you know faith is faith as well we believe in something you want to call God Yahweh whatever you want to call we'll call him Oneg yeah [Music] ashay oh my god did you watch city drivers when they did you want a few graduate okay no I did you like it oh I loved it really listen you know what what about SNL same thing I know it so now I mean people have been doing you forever now I know yeah you may just don't get the hair hi Mona you're the only one that's kind of Halloween Halloween I'm gonna be black Teresa okay yeah just a big old over know what I'm not kidding if you want to sponsor my Halloween look cameras you can get okay so now I wanna play a little game with you okay and the name of the game is called [Music] so what happen is that we're gonna play like famous scary horror movies I'm afraid of the dark sleeps with a nightlight I do so cute I love that you see buddy see because if a teacher it crossed the line when it's weird and that was cute again yeah yeah the weirdness ago and I was it's on the other side of cute you know we're gonna play a famous scary movie quote it's gonna be in like a distorted voice and you have to guess what the movie I'm gonna really do I am so much better Charlie do you not like scary movies are you know what no I I'm not kidding I really not like scary movies I'll try my best I don't know I mean they're pretty iconic I think you'll get on all right and if not you guys can get some audience and win nothing all right we've got a budget yet there we go I would not I would not watch that with you at the bar Theresa I'm gonna have dinner with my son because I won't seem very cute there we go okay number two hit it they say oh shit big fans yeah there we go okay next what well this is together isn't really cuz reason is really the gayest of course you are if you are a gay man track logon to be his body very the rocky hard seats in rocky already rocket culo there's the exercise that is a little do little to more tomorrow okay next one here we go all the way warrants that works out it's the reason this is like almost this is a wheel this will be kind of parallels what you do it's a very popular movie with Whoopi oh the post yeah go is one of my favorite movies like ghosts I couldn't go was me growing like ghost is in sixth sense that was like me growing up really yeah oh my god like you must have felt so like dang like you like you feel parallels in your own life yeah see those movies those are the only two movies that I can actually like connect with that's literally what it was like for me growing up and stuff like that like being a little kid likes like you so I have a question did you ever see I used to I you used to like feet like the physical medicine manifestation yes but no one else could see it right yeah oh my good I dressed up as a lady for a living okay I am wearing 18 pounds of Sherwin Williams makeup on my face that's weird alright that's amazing I'm sorry alright so here we go next one but I was family for the land's okay this last one is not really very scary so I think you'll get it but this one is a really really popular movie but it's not super scary hit it [Music] I mean come on now I don't know what the hell it says I'm reading it it was beetlejuice but I'm not you would know so you know what Teresa we love you you turn it out and until you win in our book oh my god y'all please they're coming for Teresa that what you were I want to reduce all the problems were together the new season of Long Island medium starts Friday October 18th on TLC now one more thing trees have to read this but before we go we're giving out our tip of the week this week's tip goes to Tyler Perry whose new historic Atlantic studio is about to do more than just make movies but three hundred and thirty acre complex which houses a dozen sound stages will also be home to a shelter for women and LGBTQ youth come through miss Madea girl that's amazing amazing listen that's all for this week tune in next time and remember to always keep your currency [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: BUILD Series
Views: 192,409
Rating: 4.8216152 out of 5
Keywords: buildseries, build series, buildseriesnyc, entertainment, Monét X Change, monet exchange, The X Change Rate, caputo, theresa, larry caputo, medium, theresa medium, caputo medium, victoria caputo, long island medium, theresa caputo des moines, bob barker, monet x change vs dusty, money exchange, monet x change sponge dress, rupaul's drag rrace, RPDR, All Stars, LGBTQ, pop culture, drag queen, series, show, television, tv, RuPaul, trixie mattel, bob the drag queen, xcr, xchange rate
Id: KkDDLS7sk-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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