The Wynton Marsalis Septet performing live at Jazz in Marciac 2022

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Chris Crenshaw, the trombone. Chris Crenshaw. Shawn Mason on the piano Thank you very much. This next selection is entitled Black Lives Matters and it It is the most recent slogan in the world's battle to overcome sectarianism and tribalism. Our music was designed initially to address these issues but as time has passed, like most things has lost its its original intensity and now it's most often seen as a quaint form of entertainment. However, still underneath the music is still the original intensity around the quest for freedom and the opportunity to come to a playing field as equals It is a part of what our identity will always be and we always go up and down as we all do personally. So, we hope you enjoy this Black Lives Matter. Abdius Armenteros on the tenor saxophone. Chris Lewis on the alto saxophone. On the drums. Carlos Enriquez on the bass. where there's corruption there is speed in order to be really corrupt, you better be either very very fast or very slow. This is a funny instance that happened during our American elections. Many people were forced to vote online They were forced to vote by mail. And then because there were many citizens voting by mail, all of a sudden, actual mailboxes started to disappear. By order of the Postmaster General. This is one of the most interesting things that has probably happened. in the history of our country because it was humorous. And this is designed to be a very humorous song that is very fast paced with a lot of very difficult chord changes. It's called ballot box bounce. Carlos Enriquez on the base. Chris Lewis on the flute. and the rest of us. Now One important aspect of everything is fun people have fun no matter what they're doing. Amen. The people who are corrupt are having fun being corrupt. And those with integrity are having fun with the integrity. And this is inspired by so many protests I saw where people played tambourines and were getting down out in the street for the cause they believe in. And they had so many funky grooves. That people could express their cinemas too. And it is the es of what the blues is about. We're going to have a good time having a bad time. We hope you enjoy this entitled That Dance We Do That You Love Too. Shawn Mason. Chris Crenshaw. From the trombone. Abdius Armenteros, on the soprano saxophone. Thank you so much. a lot of us lost loved ones during these last years of COVID This is a song that is in Inspired by all of the lost. A lot of people didn't get a chance to see their loved ones before they passed away. So, they have to meet them in dreams. This is entitled Deeper Than Dreams. Shawn Mason on the piano. Shawn. Mason. Thank you very much. There are so many musicians that are always on call for different charities and events. Whenever something happens, you can call on so many musicians and they step up and come out and play and do whatever they can. This is for a lot of our younger musicians who came out during the pandemic and played and kept people's spirits up. It's entitled Out Amongst the People. Obed Calvera on the drums. Obed Calbert on the drums. This is entitled it come around again. Everything in life is cycles. life is a cycle, the life of our civilization is a cycle, the Earth is on a cycle What goes up must come down. What goes up and down must come round. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Carlos Enriquez on the bass. Carlos Enriquez. on the base. Thank you very much. Now, we would like to conclude with peace entitled That's When All Will See and it's about the fact that whenever there is some great tragedy, people come together. and when there's not a tragedy, they come apart. So, when we come together without some tragedy or some deep cause, that is when all will see. We hope you enjoy this. That's when all will see. That's when all we'll see. Shawn Mason on the piano. Chris Lewis on the Alto and Soprano saxophones and the flute. The tenor saxophone. Chris Crenshaw on the trombone. Obed Calbert. The drums and the tambourine. Carlos Enriquez on the base. Thank you so much for coming out tonight. We hope you enjoyed our music. It's been such a great pleasure to play for you tonight. So much love and respect. Los Enriquez, Carlos Enriquez, Robert Calbert, Shawn Mason, Chris Lewis, Abdia Somenteros, Chris Crenshaw, thank you very much. Abdia Sormenteros on the tenor saxophone.
Channel: Eu Vivo
Views: 8,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FWjb-Gm0GGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 7sec (6547 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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