The Wrong Way Round - Ep 1. Kent to Berlin

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ladies and gents today is the start day it's the big trip so uh today heading down down the M20 meeting up at the junction 8 services for our third travel companion Carl mic's all loaded up on the Vulcan got the trusty GS all ladened she's pretty heavy boys um yeah it's going to be a long old day today big old slog over to Hanover it's been a little bit drizzly this morning but we'll just see how we get on let's uh let's hit the road shall we we'll see this shit's all in a [Music] [Music] month the extra weight on the back was kicking in my traction [Music] [Music] let some friends probably see them on the Euro tunnel later and now we'll wait for Carl let's give Dad a ring that's fine I have the directions all right shall we that that really ruined my call streak of leaving then [Music] [Music] it's a lovely Lotus oh God will we was I supposed to stop on the line there do I just stop here is this there's no one there oh I'm com what do I have to get out oh back up sake no don't press to check in get your Bing number out all right I got it you're good for G my man lovely cheers let me stick that there uh why we stopped yeah it's double decker there we go we're boarding oh my [Applause] god well yeah you're pretty in now there she is filthy and on our way to France let's go as Matt Barry would say hey welcome to alaf FR par Fu clay give me a bit of the de boys sa te I know that word absolutely blasted our way through France we're about halfway through Belgium just coming around the outside of antp and I think we found Belgium's version of the M25 at the moment because it's a bit uh it's a bit rubbish I'll be honest very uh very rush hour on the M25 Vibes at the moment uh we've had a couple little stops nothing crazy just little 15 minutes here or there just for either fuel or a comfort break uh once we get round Anor we're heading sort of over then into uh Holland that's where we're going to do our next stop we basically said Mike Mike has filled up with fuel now Kyle last filled up with fuel at the last stop as well I've still got half a tank so uh we said that we're not going to stop now until my fuel light comes on uh so yeah we'll crack on and uh I'll probably see you in Holland there it is ladies and gents welcome to Netherland out of Belgium [Music] [Music] I'm eing off wow I got very big speed wobble there holy uh I may have poooo in my [Music] pants all right I didn't record it but uh we've arrived at our first destination B&B Nord Hanover it was a lot of Motorway miles it was very boring I love that a montage it's all right we're going to go get checked in and uh we'll catch you later as we just outside the hotel lovely gray Handover morning enjoying an espresso and there she is there's bie she's done well loaded up the boxes and uh just to gear up and hit the road to Berlin today is going to be a nice little trip through to Berlin see if I can show you the route here or not um 200 M about 5 and 1/ half hours no motorways today so should be a nice uh some nice fun twisties we're in the hands of Cali Moto to dictate our route give us some nice fun roads uh yeah time at the moment I'm still on UK time on the bike 20 9 so we'll go for a bit stop for a bit of lunch and then we'll go all right let's hit it [Music] oh oh w [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] over to stau what we thought might have been a bridge this seems to be a ferry Crossing maybe I don't know I've not seen any signs with any rates or anything so maybe maybe not this is a bit mad I might just go up and ask if you have to pay hello do you know do you have to pay for this Ferry do you have to pay money yeah yeah how much is it yeah for Moto yeah we'll find out I'll see what they say when we get on it thanks guys oh was sorry yeah perfect it's what first first first oh okay perfect thank you yeah we'll do that then on yeah load to room mate come on oh okay try to squeeze up a little bit I'll just stay on my bike you're not on comms I can't hear you oh this is weird how much uh for dry no can I pay by card uh yes yeah push them off to the side it's fine I'll do it Co mate oh wow wo this is Berlin huh that's great we turn around and then go there don't know [Music] yep hello boys yeah [Music] all right at the hotel only around one red light in the hole of Berlin I think that's fine right right uh do we want to stick him here or do you want to line them up against the fence yeah should we do that do we want to go like this and then probably train probably train them up together yeah oh ow ow what a day all right let's go
Channel: John Wilde
Views: 7,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BMW, Motorrad, GS, F800GS, R1200GS, Motovlog, Motorcycle, tour
Id: ztg51QFXcGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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