The WORST Survival Game I've Played This Year...

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I woke up in a lab hooked up to machines and wires not knowing who I am or where I am the lab was silent and empty I stumbled out of the building into the Frozen Wasteland no life no Warth no hope no snow and rocks just snow and rocks there's a train track the only thing that seems to lead somewhere could it take me to civilization or at least to some answers I'll follow these train tracks for now on the train tracks here we go it's snowing new toov update snowy we have stats Health Stam and energy it the the the windup to this game made it seem like it was going to be very like oh my God follow the train tracks into it forever eventually you'll find something and I spawn in I'm just like seeing stuff already I like it each city has its own power system you need to activate power generators and batteries and you can turn the power on you can find all of them inside the control center building okay so we got to turn on the power turn on the power generator and then turn on the power we need to power the power to turn on the power using the power button okay hello workstation oh very futuristic I like what you've done with the place unlock a blueprint oo engine tier one one of three so we got to look around in this area so is this going to be subnautica but on a train that doesn't make any sense is this oh there's a robot over there is that thing going to kill me hello hello I'm supposed to order a door Dash to this dis location no power still I don't know what any of these flowers are going to be used for but I'm going to grab every single one of them whoa do they have movies they got movies here hello still closed God dang it I got to go push all the buttons oh it's dark in here no poo t for flashlight ooh the sound effects I Like It Outside Inside closed storage okay that door is open when is this thing though why are all the buttons like the square button on the PlayStation there a secret little back door huh okay we go in here this is power this feels like a ship from Star Wars or something you know what I mean no power okay we go press more button here we go and Boop all right and uh Boop okay you save the game using the body scanner you'll find inside stations and some buildings so this is where we save okay new game boom we got a note hello hey I managed to fix the storage room's door but it was a hassle some wires are Fred had to replace them with spare parts so useful stuff there might be here PS I had to change the key code because everyone knew the old one the new key code is written below don't forget it 5011 okay well it's not L the safest way to keep your key code if you ask me I can just like kick over all their chairs wait can I throw them no this is this is rest is this like a it's like a break Rim it looks exactly like the other room energy drink that's exactly what I need um Bush no reflection I am a vampire confirmed um is the power on now did I press all the buttons I feel like I pressed all the buttons oh the things out there opened up they like fanned out how did I not even see that that would have been cool to see I just didn't pay attention all right power's on so all these houses that were all locked up are they going to be open now hello another energy drink these guys were just just drinking energy drinks that's it nothing else that's how they survived rag Ranger use the Biogen to craft energy drink foods and first aid kits more more energy drinks sign me up another little note tomorrow is the day we're leaving the place for good but I have to admit I'm feeling a bit nervous it's not going to be a walk in the park we still have a long way to go we have no idea what's out there and what threats we'll face we have to be ready for anything especially going to be tough for me and Mia we have a name we're the only ones that watch the others I doubt I'll be able to sleep will I well I wouldn't be able to sleep either if I was on this [ __ ] [ __ ] look how thin that is all this technology and you're sleeping on the thinnest bed ever and what is this it's like a futuristic Roomba oh I can open icicle ammo what the okay Lea officer hello game's pretty it's pretty in like a minimalist kind of way I'm so confused though like I'm already getting smoked on energy do I really have to just like pound [ __ ] energy drinks all the time or do I need to stop sprinting restore 30% of your Mana you need material and Shadow Breeze okay so the energy drinks are made with the shadow breeze it's a nice flower what are you unlock blueprint did I miss another one one of those somewhere probably did hello do you have anything in here I can steal please I like stealing things thank you got more things I can steal Boop smart material and more regular material give me all that what are these beep boops do we do anything with this no hello nope now we're just supposed to find the train oh wait I didn't go in the other building maybe it's in the next one that building which building was unlocked this one habitat number two so am I supposed to drink an energy drink right now let's see no that just did stamina not energy I think I have to like lay down or something I guess not storage I am just running around collecting obscure objects so far that I don't know what it does that's the one I already went in I need my last engine part whoa can we climb that that's a big ladder who's climbing that thing that's like a thick bar my arms would hurt going up that workstation Boop another blueprint engine tier one unlocked that's probably what I had to do to build the train welcome to the train station this is my train I have to build it with the B button here we go locomotive engine tier one engine component wait engines are usually on like the front of trains right which way does this engine go that looks like the controls this looks like the front so I'm going to put it like right here oh engine component excuse me wall Corner suit power what what is the all of that how do I get suit power I want Terry black really bad I haven't had it in a minute might do that this weekend oh look an engine component inventory capacity insufficient end me why is there too many thing to grab already in game small battery charger you can charge use small batteries using the charger okay charge small battery can't do [Music] that unlock ceiling that's kind of nice craft smart material or are we getting solar or something with that Boop locomotive engine here we go engine not enough suit power to print what what do it even mean I didn't read anything about the suit power oh my power is down so how do I get power up they using these batteries water batter will use to get 50 power boom okay but now I'm used small battery engine Boop okay building locomotive engine Bop and Boop there we go engine controls you craft resources and items using Fabricators you can find them inside station you also build Fabricators on your train too but a bing look at the engine okay okay okay okay let me grab all these things all right craft screen using fabricator build engine screen so that's how we're going to drive it I'm fabricating the screen ooh it's like a 3D printer type thing okay and this is where I save right right uses station power to save that's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen all right I built a screen and now I need to build the engine screen so this is where I control it I'm assuming I'm going to put that right behind the locomotive not enough smart material I think there was some of that over here there we go locomotive engine screen we'll put that down right here Bo oh so now we can control our train engine on velocity state of engine throttle Mass interact up and down for Speed okay okay the train's coming together um and then it said we want to power screens we're going to need to craft another screen o craft that thank you and then a power screen not enough smart material we can grab that though I should maybe go look around for some or is there another piece up here I think I need to stop sprinting and [ __ ] it's blowing my suit power and then this charges small batteries one at a time is there another one of these sitting around no okay that's using station power but the station has like hella power whoa look at that out there what is that and what's the robot what is he hello robot am I going to have to kill that guy maybe Scrapper is a friendly drone and to find scraps around the map and turns them into materials if you follow them you might discover new places to find more materials okay open take oh and he's just constantly coming back here and just scooping materials and bringing it back what a good guy like for real he's a homie just got a bunch of material though I don't think I need that much material I need more of the special stuff just a bunch of normal material I need that good good all right now we need the power panel power screen here we go I'm going to put that I don't know if that's going to be good right there feel like I just want it like off to the side maybe walls windows and ceilings keep you warm build your train to survive storms walls and windows orientation okay and info turn indoor lights on off oh of the train I assume I want to um did I get yep battery's charge charging on one how did I open the roof of this I think it's literally if you have solar panels on your train maybe we got everything it says build a window so now it wants us to get some walls going congratulations you are now a train engineer customize your train your like and discover new parts and explore the Frozen world all right well let me work on my battery my uh about everything need energy drink 30% stamina no we need use this battery and then build another window build [Music] wall not enough materials are just normal material for that it is okay so I need to build smart material [Music] here I can use this chest to store a bunch of stuff for now I need my battery though use small battery cuz I'm just going to keep charging them I got to loot everything man like all this material and stuff is pretty important I missed like um I don't think I went to h no I went to Habitat 01 I went there I went there I went there I didn't go up on the hill though where the robot's going to so let's see that real quick workstation smart battery hell yeah glad I came up here already just for the battery cuz we could just put that on the charging rotation Jin physicist energy drink all physicists drink energy drinks confirmed tons of material for cra and building and stuff okay so I think I was using all my power by having my light on like a [ __ ] idiot oh was taking scrap from this thing it's like a armored old armored robot or something oh and I needed a well I need to take the battery out right grab that charge another one and I needed to do a storage chest but I needed smart material which I crafted one right there it is put these up front so I just need regular material to make smart material I should just make a bunch of smart material real quick before I leave oh I need to go yeah let's make a bunch real fast CU that seems to be the most important we'll make like four of them I need to over to that that robot that's Gathering materials and scoop all that I just want to make sure we're in the best possible scenario grab this grab all that thank you and we're full on inventory I'm not coming back for one material but that'll be more than enough boom everything looks nice though and snaps well together okay so just for the sanity and well no this is all this is building material crafting material it's literally used in everything so going to keep that rocking so we have Max Energy we got to charge them and they take a minute to pop so while that's charging let's make like five smart components real quick there we go smart material smart material still charging is there any other battery [ __ ] Chargers around here or I just got to use this one I have to click get item every time holy crap I think we go I think we push the button and we start moving turn engine on popop I built this this is my train oh it's like a maglev train go go go um speed up speed up again the door's not open no no no no no no no no no no no no back it up back it up no no where's the brakes on this damn thing engine off oh okay stop stop stop stop stop stop stop there's no we good oh my God I almost hit the back wall too okay we need to open the door clearly unlock gate there we go that's a little better how's our energy turn indoor lights on turn outdoor lights on we don't have either on WE a little bit okay let's do this and then do that nope engine's on all right we're going to speed up now we're not going to hit the wall and put the throttle on like two n that's too slow three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 okay it only does the three because we only have a level one engine right now look at this see you later Town thanks for all your materials see you never except Mr Robot right there I respect Mr Robot it's a tidbit nipply out here man we don't need a roof yet the weather's nice look storm weather forecast a storm is forming the temperature drop significantly during storms it's better to be indoor you can also check the forecast inside the controls main room I don't see nothing about the weather here it says there's a storm coming though let's just get into the town before the storm comes um we are like I said going to need a ceiling right here not enough material we have some material right in here I'm going to grab all that I got to try to get us inside somehow even if it's just like a small house that we kind of work out of there we go there we go got a little roof but we're coming up on this town and I'm going to want to loot this a door to enter and exit the train there you go right I slow down a tad maybe we'll scoot some materials from here maybe let's see what they got seems like engine off is going to be the power because there's no friction on magnets you have to turn them off for it to slow down and actually break right right are you slowing down you are but it's taking a while let's steal everything they have oh it is kind of getting to night time there is a bit of a storm coming in okay we got more material for crafting all of our items there's a junk robot here hi junk robot so we can watch to see where he flies and he'll give us another location to loot but I think he's I think he's dead buddy no okay my bad oh yeah that's definitely a storm that's not good oh I can't even Sprint oh I can barely walk oh my screen's freezing up okay get inside get inside get inside we can't stay stay outside very long canned soup nice o a battery charger oh but the batteries that I have are currently charged and we got a first aid kid for health massive okay another note I received a message from Lena today she said the trade is on its way will arrive tomorrow will pick me up around 6 be ready to leave by then yesterday encountered a few Scout drones I took them out but I don't think they've been working here all by themselves be careful look at that storm outside the window I like the ambient sounds they're very uh very in tune they're giving me more ammo which is a little concerning I think I'm going to have to shoot some stuff soon to the next house I'm going to grab all of these they're used to make energy drinks hello made it in what's all this turn off State online capacity this is power control for the whole facility okay cool disconnect from Network why would I want to O blueprint body scanner one of three okay that's the saving function okay I mean maybe we have to turn it off to get into another building I haven't been to the buildings on that side but but I might freeze to death on this run can't even Sprint anymore H uh oh oh cool so this is just like another station that we can craft stuff in and there looks like a map of some kind see how it's scanning hm okay icicle one of three found huh this is where I can craft food power generator for a train icicle yeah that's the gun one of three chest body scanner outdoor light got it looks like the storm's over too that's nice or it's getting there all right before we keep moving though we need a wall on our house we can't be just stuck inside or outside all the time not enough suit power to print uh use small battery need some material for some back windows here do we bump it back one more it feels a little tight where's this [ __ ] going where's he going for loot I can just take my train up there and see where he ends up engine on that's the brake right there gotcha cuz these these scrap pots fly to locations where they scrap where is this one going oh he's scooting up there on top of the hill there goodies up there I'm going to go look oh my God he's deep dude hello robot boy where'd you go hi robot boy this is where he was coming to to grab scrap so there there's got to be stuff here that's what the game told me here we go smart material and regular material okay that was definitely worth the track 100% it wasn't it wasn't worth the track our train looks like a freaking a square turd made out of steel it's like the Cyber truck of trains just really doesn't make sense and a kindergartener probably drew it let's go turn on let's get Full Speed Ahead oh that looks like a red wall that I should not hit with my [Music] train that looks like it would damage my train oh God oh God we're good no I don't think so put the brake on turn off the train and let's go investigate the blockage under lockdown under lockdown um [ __ ] why can I cross this why do I feel like I need to cross This and like turn it off on the other side maybe hello can one of you sons of [ __ ] open the gate please why are you under lockdown nothing's crazy over here control center is locked as well so that's what I assume I need to unlock in order to get over this giant Bridge Ethan Ranger Ethan Ranger I didn't bring any of my batteries to charge that's fine though they take forever energy drink dude they're all pounding energy drinks it's insane ham I like lived at breathed ham for like four straight days after Christmas I am so sick of it but I hear you good crispy ham that's what pepperoni is essentially I've changed the control centers key code don't forget to please share it 6718 these guys literally just eat soup and drink energy drink they're just like me for real for real o blueprint for a body scanner wow workstation okay so we can craft and stuff in here as well tons of batteries I just used that one some scrap part material o another blueprint we can now save on our train the best unlock I've ever gun going into storage real quick I think I'm just better off probably turning on the power rather than looting all of this cuz eventually I'm just going to run out of space but I need all the things all of the things please station another blueprint icicle two of three oh look you can like see like clouds on the radar and we've moved down the track a little bit Tex crap we hit a little savy little savy Reno power is too low oh we need to use our [ __ ] we use our crafting power to save whose [ __ ] idea was that e so like if I want to just save and get off I have to charge two batteries worth of power okay what was the code 6718 6718 open up control center now we flick all the switches connect to network turn on turn on any other buttons all done we got all the buttons unlock Bridge that's the biggest button of them all Boom the gates are open um we're going to move our train through I guess we're about to find out why this uh Bridge was blocked off I just got more materials we should be able to finish our uh our house there was window Corners I could have put up by the way as you can tell which would have been super sick okay so the problem in here lies is that scrap we need to put a door here or we just leave it open yeah that wouldn't be bad that bad right floor corner oop oop that's not it there's my little train boom look at that we got a door we got a back little porch with an awning that's our little back area little backyard if you will close that door turn on let's move through the gate shall we Full Speed Ahead no warmup time how's our energy energy is good batteries are all dead I think just have two in here I can use real quick but we just want to take these up to where the storage robots were working cuz we want to grab all their material that's in there look like another Storm's kicking up [Music] already hello robot boy I came to reap the rewards of all of your hard work welcome to capitalism only three material left I'm not coming back for that all right let's get the hell out of Dodge this place is chilly my nipples are hard those two things don't have anything in common we're not going to hit that rock are we no we're good everything's good I I still think it considers that I'm outside even though there's a wall on the back so we're just going to close it off even though I guess just being in a metal cube is probably not the warmest thing on the planet we need mechanical parts for a Dynamo whatever that is manual power generator for your train there's something over there flipped over don't tell me it's another train are they trying to Spook me that looks like another train if I've ever seen one Slow Down slow down slow down I want to peep this yeah that's an old [Music] train hello anybody survive the wreck I don't think I can get in there hello hello oh we got notes we barely escaped from a swarm attack that attached to our train oh no small battery icicle unlocked okay so that's the turret so I'm going to have to build that turret before we go into the next area I'm running out of energy being out here that's not good H stamina is low I hear you I'm going to pound two energy drinks don't you worry my stamina will go right back up I'm freezing to death here I need to go back real [Music] quick I need the fabricators all right no it looks like there's something up ahead we can go there turn engine on Full Speed Ahead I'm not dying anymore though food's good uh first aid kids 50% so I'm not going to use that right now canned soup we're eating it and we're rocking our way back up we're rocking what's going on in there is this like a portal your train ran out of power all engine will stop working until your train gained enough power your train will generate a small about of power when the engines are turned off but you need to build a solar panel to recharge faster my train ran out of power right here in the creepy dark tunnel power 10 out of 500 it's it's gaining some [Music] okay um hello I can walk faster than my train I'm going to leave it on because it's going to keep scooting and I'm going to see what's up ahead am I like playing this game wrong I'm so confused I think I need to make that thing can I load okay b boom we have whatever this thing is now oh my God it's a crank wheel to power my train couldn't be any lazier can we put a door up we cannot none of material or smart material this is fine we're going to be a open back for out all right we're full we're good we're going to start getting cold though but I think we're fine cuz we're inside so turn on train turn engine on hello hello oh wait I was still doing my batteries wait it's still still charging wait wait wait Boop all right going jumping's faster than running when it's cold out good to know all right turn engine on turn engine on spin turn engine on indoor lights off outdoor lights off I don't have any lights doesn't matter turn engine on throttle there we go okay back to the tunnel here we go what the mini game uh uh uh uh uh H 34 train power just like oh God we're getting to the gate again boop beep boop turn off make it double every time this is [ __ ] stupid how's the game so far yes but I'm waiting for some redeeming factors besides the way the game looks and feels in the environment you literally have to click early like it doesn't even work properly like what is this why am I playing a mobile mini game hardcore survival 24 all right now I got to run all the way to the other side and grab all the [ __ ] in there again open the gate get the blueprint to build the turrets but actually build the turrets this time I mean it said it looks cool but like I I just haven't seen any redeeming factors yet and there's no hot bar so like I don't have weapons or anything I'm pretty sure like the turrets just like Auto shoot for you I I think seems like a cool concept really poor execution is the vibe right now but we'll have to see we're giving it the fair chance it's only a demo you know he could change stuff very easily 6 78 1 6 6 7 81 6 781 you [ __ ] typed the wrong one on purpose you son of a [ __ ] no you didn't six you did you [ __ ] open I hate you no power do something there do something there uh unlock Bridge turn on unlock Bridge looks unlocked to me let's go dyslexia at its finest this is just such like in the time of like instant gratification and like shorts and Tik toks and [ __ ] bro I'm like an hour and 15 minutes into this demo I haven't shot a [ __ ] thing I haven't really found a redeeming mechanic that makes me want to continue to play it but here we are let's see if there is one um that way we'll grab some of the materials that are in the robots houses long going to go on like that I don't know maybe they're just not good at their pacing you know it's like a movie like there's just way too much [ __ ] build up right now and there's nothing and it's really not even that much buildup I don't know what I'm anticipating I'm anticipating robots that's it also it's daytime now though and I can go loot where they fly off to for extra materials and stuff the last time I did that I found one smart material and three regular material like where did this guy yeah see he's flying off he's going to right here the game specifically said you should follow the robots you'll find extra materials to use in your crafting Endeavors and then I follow a robot and there's nothing there for me this other robot like flew off to the left up here but like little scrap peep with nothing at it again why would they give me that to me in the tutorial if these ones didn't do it how hard would it have been to have him spawn in some smart materials right there that I could grab again did the dev play his own game I don't know let's go crank the wheel cranking time time to crank it crank it real good get all that power power me up daddy 24 yeah we power we move I wish I could look at the pretty game right now but I'm too busy powering my train 29 34 40 46 just don't get too cranky oh my God oh my God I want to build a door but I I think I'm going to need the smart materials and [ __ ] to build turrets so go go go go full steam ahead uh drink energy drink defenses icicles we need tech scrap weapon ships and a mechanical part we found a weapon chip Tech scrap we have no smart material so we got to go back real quick got to make more no mechanical Parts I can't even I even make mechanical Parts with everything I have maybe probably so we we have to go backwards chat [ __ ] gross it's a train damn it I want a full steam ahead chat if you think this game looks cool play void train that game's actually cool I just want to see if it had any redeeming factors so I can make a YouTube video on [Music] it but so far I'm so [ __ ] [Music] confused I have a mechanical part of the bottom left my bin no that's a weapon part plus bottom left what do you mean that's my inventory that's a weapon chip Tech scrap we need mechanical part much energy we got 80 good [Music] enough [Music] oh this mechanic is [ __ ] Dreadful man holy [ __ ] I need to come back here and make a mechanical part with smart material 10 seconds seconds on the smart material holy [ __ ] other game I downloaded it's a free one I don't remember what it's called we'll just have to [Music] wait yeah so we have we have the smart material now then we make mechanical Parts okay weapon ship I went back I built a powery thingy we found a weapon chip this is how we power our train we hit the button we spin it it goes up it goes up it goes up as long as we keep hitting it and we get train power it boost it yeah okay and now we have turrets oh my God I didn't actually expect this to be this freaking big uh there it is interact oh I get to use the turret I can't hear anything but I get to use it okay wait hold hold icicle ammo all of [Music] it we got five shots that's it okay cool all right let's get back to the tunnel that we lost power in we have power now right 202 I got to SP in a little more 65 name a better spinner than me [ __ ] 300 is probably Enough full steam ahead I'd like to look towards the front of the train to see what I'm coming up on and how cool it looks but the game wants me to spin we need to keep spinning here we go it's going to be a 70 plus 70 plus what we out of power we out of [Music] power half Power full steam ahead I got big gun I don't know what it's going to do but we're going to shoot something I I really hope we're going to shoot something soon by the way all that cranking I just did got us to whatever this is right here so am I going to be wow and OD all of a sudden nope it looks kind of untextured and that's a door that's a door that's a door that's a door that's a door that's a door stop stop stop stop stop okay solar plates solar blueprint take take little note an hour has passed since we've arrived we so close to the main shors I don't care leaving this place is never going to be easy I still don't know what the [ __ ] going on looks like there's a cord wow I'm a Puzzle Master if you're reading this you want sector 87 okay sector 78 chat uh we're going to take this wire this way hardest puzzle I've ever figured out oh great spooky tunnel with no light I sure hope something doesn't swoop down and kill me that would only be the most fun I've had since I started playing this hello some old oh it's an old rusted train oh my God I'm using the power from an old train another weapon chip I can use another gun solar panel tier one unlocked POG I'm wasting my suit power yeah that's all that's in here I was going to run down that whole tunnel and that [ __ ] nuts the cord is blue that means we follow it wow blue blue means door open unlocked open sesame wow look at that chat another tunnel energy 21 to 500 here we go 86 I just needed a Brank a break I needed a break from the crank we're back at [Music] it [ __ ] okay this tunnel can't be that long right right chat this tunnel can't be that long right chat [Music] right
Channel: PartiallyRoyal
Views: 6,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: partiallyroyal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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