The Worst Prankster on YouTube

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what's up children of Berbick well welcome it doesn't it doesn't work I don't think it works so Mike is blocking the merge logo so we're gonna move it there's no sponsor today so I'm sponsoring myself we're nearing summer so even though these have been available for like a month I need to start selling t-shirts of these you guys kept asking me it's late and why would I buy a sweatshirt now when it's just about to be hot out good point so I'm gonna take these off the store in the next like week or two so if you really want these the sweatshirts God do that and if you want t-shirts they're out now they're out right now so instead of an ad for a different company here is my ad for my merch accompanied by my original song let's mine I think I worked really hard on it and I think you guys are gonna like it I think it's really good so just enjoy vine vine diamond let's tonight [Music] [Music] you can see my brother told me that that sounded not like an original song that it sounded like a a minecraft parody of let's groove by Earth Wind and Fire I think there might be some similarities but I'll play right now let's mine tonight see I say mine I say mine and they say let's groove so my song is a rid is original legal legally I think it's warm out you know just sit back well let's enjoy ourselves this week let's not get mad at things I have jorts on today do you realize how happy I am this is the first time the knees have appeared on the channel since October so if you could just yeah that's too far turn it around and there we go the knees are back in town ladies the Nita [ __ ] it's going so far again the knees are back in town today I did the most lazy thing you could do making commentary videos and they just googled prank because the rise of commentary channels I thought had kind of killed off prank videos or pushed them to Facebook but they're alive and well on YouTube and I didn't know until now so when I googled prank I found an old subsection of pranks that are still working on YouTube like five years later they're the totally real and revealing gold-digger pranks they show how greedy and manipulative women actually are I'm talking to you ladies all you you know when that grand of guy walks up to you on the street and he's got a busted ass face and he's like hey girl hey girl on the street you want to date me no obviously not but then you see him get into a Ferrari and then you're the chemicals in your female mind are like wow you know how all women are so this is from I think it's whom on TV and it says part 7 of the gold digger prank and it has 4 point 9 million views the biggest struggle of doing commentary videos on current YouTube is talking about these people without getting demonetised look at that thumbnail it's small here hopefully YouTube won't recognize it well what the [ __ ] dude hey guys a random question have you guys seen a Mexican restaurant on a beach here it's this way right I figured second question I saw you guys walking this way you look great by the way I see holding hands are you guys just friends or are you I thought you were gay for a second are you guys actually like together together yeah okay now let's pretend that this was real for a second you don't just walk up to somebody in like hey you guys are dating whoa I thought you were gay a gay man just by looking at you I thought you were gay as [ __ ] so the fact that you two were together wow that's interesting do you guys want to talk more well on a scale of like one to ten how serious are you guys dating you're smiling are you sure it's a ten good setup for the fake prank dude make sure the boyfriend is like I'm positive we are dating at a ten nothing that happens in the next ten seconds will shake my belief that we are meant for each other and that we have the strongest relationship in the world not even a green Lamborghini could break the two of us up I know that's specific I know that sounds like it's coming out of nowhere but I'm just saying a green Lamborghini couldn't get in between us okay well um I just came from me I let I'm saying my a couple nights do you want like your drinks look man doesn't that girlfriend back off all right bro I'm just asking you a question all right no worries I always loved watching these because when pranksters fake pranks you get to see into their mind a little bit of how they think people interact it's like they all get to write their own dialogue for a screenplay and try and make it realistic and it's always bad oh you guys are dating you you're very committed to each other do you want to get drinks whoa man halt stop that is my girl don't ask her for drinks that's my girlfriend you better back off [Music] I have to censor that right I just love the way they set the scene beforehand with all three of them before they started the cameras was like all right you'll be walking away and then I'll start the engine it'll distract her she'll turn and then you'll both just start heading toward the car the boyfriend isn't like hey what are you doing walking toward that car he's just strolling he's just walking toward it like everything's normal this is my car yeah why can you not lean on the window a little bit there you go yeah I'll give this moment to them for realism because my first reaction when somebody unlocks a car door gets in and starts it with the keys in their pocket my first reaction is to go hey is this your car yes yes thank you what's up you love Ferraris this is actually a Lamborghini I know it does that's why I approached you is I thought you would look great next to the car wearing green but I mean you're with him so I get it I actually gotta go now cuz my friends won't hang out I think you can my name it cuz you guys were like saying you're together and you walked away so so we already know that these gold digger pranks are not only fake but really insulting to women obviously there are gold diggers out there but it's like here's a hot girl the only reason that you're getting denied by hot women is because you asked him out on the street without a Ferrari if you get rich if you get rich any girl will just turn what the person I spent four years with and my father who died gave us his blessing right before he passed for us to get engaged let me abandon that guy and he also wrote in that she's like too dumb to know the car that she says she loves Ferraris but her dumb female mind doesn't even know that it's a Lamborghini you want to copy your boyfriend standing right there why would you write in her reasoning with her boyfriend like I mean it's fine right dude women aren't like this I mean I I like you but I can't really take you on a date if you're no I get that but it doesn't I don't see it like why it's a big deal because we've been dating for the past five years and you want to get some random guys they wrote her like not understanding the problem with it like she's so manipulative she's pretending she's dumb dude why did you write her like that also your shirt is the supreme logo but it says savage and it makes me hate you more you don't imagine her [ __ ] bathing suit okay I just actually like I've been thinking that we should take a break anyway so oh you want to take a break yeah I just took you to Italy but you bout all my family now you want to take a break like okay I haven't been happy you know that we've had issues okay but if you were that bad of a person that ditch your 5-year partner for a Lamborghini you wouldn't try to reason with them you know we've been having problems right guy with the Lamborghini like that's fine right you just you break up with them the YouTube gods are coming in to censor this video because the woman parks and blocks the girl's body and as the guy picks up the tripod to show her ass in the shot again a new car pulls in and blocks her at that moment let me just take a look at part six and see if it's any different what's up random question where did you buy those drinks three minutes block or Drive how dumb do you have to be to write in dialogue of a girl walking with two McDonald's cups probably the most identifiable cups in the world and he's like hey yo can you tell me where you got those drinks where did I get these drinks McDonald's [ __ ] that's if she hears the car what up yeah why alright guys so there was a couple of things that I forgot to say when I was recording basically he just hires models to wear the same color as the sports car that he's renting and then he makes sure they're in a long-term relationship that he breaks up and takes the time to make them explain thank you it's pretty expensive don't you have to go to your husband okay okay well I was gonna go because I mean it's getting really dark and I want to meet people and kind of do something tonight so I mean I'm down I just don't want to get you in trouble with your husband because I know you're getting married to him and stuff and I'm sorry to show you guys this but when he says that she's a gold digger and she calls him an [ __ ] he does this I'm not a loser you know why cuz I'm a savage yeah buddy you came out on top in this situation you're a grown adult ripping your shirt open saying you're a savage and at the end of the videos he says want me to expose more women you didn't expose anyone you hired this person and you pretended like they were bad if anything you're getting exposed right now so [ __ ] you dude you piece of [ __ ] okay this is supposed to be kind of a shorter video cuz there's no you know big point to it thank you for joining my cult thank you for giving your leader money that's the points people have asked me I can't afford your merch can I be in the cult as long as you believe truly in your heart that I should be a rich man you're a child of Berbick so if you thought you weren't a part of the cult before but now you are welcome my child I'll see you guys on the next one there's no way to sign out with the Colts either the video just kind of ends [Music] Thank You Helen Sarah Kira business vulture Josh Bernard Nami Damian Maggie Armando Gabrielle Carrie amber Warren Aurora Kimberly zebra corner Evan Kailyn two trains Alexa Dominic Noah Reese Emily Jake Amanda Sammy Ashlee Sarah Dave and Janet thank you my children bless your knees
Channel: Eddy Burback
Views: 488,049
Rating: 4.9644184 out of 5
Keywords: eddy burback, commentary, pranks, prankster, rant, bad prank, fake pranks, pranks rant, gold digger prank, hoomantv, fake prank, exposed, meme, meme 2018, gold digger, gus johnson, youtube, youtube trending, popular youtube, youtube pranks, fake youtube pranks
Id: xlsUfLsT9Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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