The Worst of Karens (ft. Optimus)

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today me and Optimus will be talking about Karen's everybody hates Karen's even Twitter which really tells you how toxic Karen's are alright what's going on everybody my name is Optimus and if you know who I am you know that I pretty well know what a Karen is I dabble a little bit in the Karen ology if you want to call it that so bezel patches has had me here in this video to try and educate the public if you will about the dangers of Karen's and about the actions of Karen's now as someone who has seen hundreds if not thousands of cases of Karen's just being Karen's in public in his lifetime I think I've got it down to a tee so I want to go ahead and identify some of the basic behaviors of a Karen in this video for you guys no don't don't be fresh to me you came yeah I did wait because I even read the sign and I said I'm not in a all right now that whole I want to talk to the management comment that is pretty much 100% just confirmed Karen there there's no getting around that the Karen meme essentially started with that may I speak to the manager part right you don't get more Karen than that but you got to love the complete overreaction to a non issue that is also extremely important to identifying a natural Karen really love also how she challenged them several times to quote-unquote bring it and come on essentially asking them to fight but then was very noticeable about I guess the other security guards standing there who really was not gonna let them fight as if I'm assuming these people work here as if they were just be on the job right and they're just gonna take off their nametag and like you know crack their knuckles and just square up with this 86 year old woman well she probably actually is in 86 but you get the point right I mean Karen's are not really the the people the creatures to be out here trying to fight other people right I mean we're talking about people who are generally built completely different right they are the pinnacle of built different and I'm not talking about in a Dwayne the rock Johnson way they're not bodybuilders necessarily very confusing on why this is even an issue to the point where we have to fistfight in an AT&T store okay I live here on so it's safety of my building I'm not getting a citation no I'm not I'll fight it tooth and nail well I'll see you in court you know with the current state that the media is trying to portray between black people and police officers there's one thing we need to realize and it's that both groups share a very similar issue statistically speaking black people and police officers are the greatest victims when it comes to facing Karan's you know you got the the [ __ ] Ku Klux Karan's who think that black people breathing is assault and then you got the Karen's who go ballistic on the police whenever they're being told that they're disturbing the peace unfortunately for the gentleman in the video he's both black and a police officer so he's got to deal with all this [ __ ] every day so the crack in the video feels so entitled that she needs to block all traffic in order to settle a dispute that's only between her and the police officer and wouldn't you have it she's also racist the white lady's [ __ ] crazy yeah I wonder where they got that idea all right I never understood why Karen's got so worked up about these kinds of things I mean these people are peacefully selling fruit on the side of the road trying to make an honest living and this Karen just will not mind her own [ __ ] business because god forbid you know somebody actually tries to do something to make money I mean they're not impeding traffic they're not really bothering anybody right whoever wants to buy fruit I assume we'll just pull off on the road and go over there and buy some fruit right Karen's for some reason feel like they have to kind of like police neighborhood activity right there they're real big into neighborhood watches but not actual official neighborhood watches they have to be the authority of the neighborhood right they have to be the one in control of the situation because obviously these fine people selling fruit on the side of the road they're such a complete embarrassment to society and they're such a big problem that this is necessary might I add she is actually causing way more of a problem than they are as she's standing in the middle of the street screaming and acting a complete fool trying to get people in trouble for something that in reality no not really a victim in this crime quote-unquote especially running like a goddamn Avenger [Music] I don't want to be mean okay yes I do but it seems to me that the only time Karen's exercise is when they're making a citizen's arrest hey why is he writing a skateboard in a no skating zone who gives a [ __ ] I don't think police officers even care when skateboarders ride around in places not supposed to skateboard and if they do I know for a fact they don't run like Captain America to stop them I mean this [ __ ] could probably be just the Owens in the Olympics if she saw some dudes sagging his pants caring for love of God get a [ __ ] life but whatever you do don't breed why are you making all those noises it's not necessary I understand why they're doing it's it's reckless I will give you that you could just easily turn your husband and say you know what they're doing is very dangerous you shouldn't be doing that no but instead you want to make noises like oh oh oh died from bleeding years before when those biker boys run me over [Music] Mike I'm scared I saw that one of those guys was black we need to call the police because this is unlawful yeah I know for a fact he's not running her over I mean why would he her Beluga ass would just leave a giant dent he doesn't gain anything from that for all of the Mike's out there dating Karen's I promise you you'd be happier by yourself yeah you'll experience loneliness and possibly depression but I promise you'd still feel infinitely better I don't know which Karen's more annoying dealer this one or the last care and we just saw a real tough call [Music] [Music] for those of you can't choose we will add an option C which is a loaded gun use it whenever you'd like I hate to break it to you Karen but Mike shot himself after the second time he yelled for him I don't blame him to be honest but I'm still surprised that the cameraman hasn't shot himself yet I think she almost said the nibble word but then she realized she was on camera I don't know what the race of the the cameraman is but I'm just assuming he's black because those are the favorite people the Karen's like the target okay back up would be there very soon ma'am with ma'am shut the [ __ ] up Karen it's a recreational sport are you that dumb with it how do you even know that we're killing how many people out here Tex take a picture and release it out of the water not into the water their lungs collapse when they leave water when you throw them back in they die they don't die they're not flying fish they're not meant to jump out of the water is you know anything about marine biology do you know yes I actually I do natural for them to be hurt how many fish died some kind released whether or not tell me shut the [ __ ] up how many no you see you're already encroaching on everyone having a great night for Father's Day I'm encroaching on public [ __ ] domain no it's not oh you're winning then you're one of them the whole earth is public domain the earth is not public domain I'm not gonna lie I know the guy is being just a tad bit belligerent but I kinda love his attitude in this one you know very in control of the situation honestly now I mean the woman is just talking about you nonsense she's mad that people are fishing right it's something that has happened since the dawn of man essentially or I guess at least since men and women figured out that they can tie a string to a piece of stick and put a worm on it and fish will come to it I guess I don't know this one though was a little younger than I would have thought right you know she's probably late teens early 20s maybe something like that right usually we don't see Karen's at that age right usually they're much older and they're already bore some children or whatever and they're out terrorizing the rest of the planet this is what I would like to call a Karen in training this is probably the first incident that will really spark her to become a future Karen because she's gonna look back on this moment like well I was righteous in that situation I might as well just do this with everything that I see I mean these guys they're fishing they catch it they reel it and they throw it back in right she's acting like they're taking the fish and they're like getting into a fighter jet and flying 18,000 feet through the sky and just throwing them out like a fastball in the MLB no true harm is being done to anyone but of course that that's just that's simply not how you know they see it yes the the may I speak to your manager Karen's these are the oh jeez these are the very first of Karen's much like Neanderthals these prehistoric baboons live in caves as well let us witness and see how these troglodyte creatures behave I have a medical condition that I'm not allowed to wear a mask and I'm not required by HIPAA rule wrote rules and regulations should I disclose that so what does that look like I have private things I want to get but maybe I don't want you okay so where's the regulations that state that discriminate against me now do you know that you're discriminate against me as you can see this Karen is choosing to starve to death because she does not want to wear a mask which is merely a slight annoyance Oh stupendous unlike the last video we have a physical representation of a Karen as you can see the Karen has a hand on her hip signifying that she's about to call the manager let us continue watching and see if my hypothesis is correct as you can see in the video the Karen is now lashing out using racist remarks very typical of the Karen but the more common phrases are go back to your country you filthy nipper and of course get the manager you [ __ ] Ching Chung sometimes Karen's are immune to pain when confronted with things that annoy them such as everyday life Oh [Music] I mean yeah you notice how quick she was not to be rude you notice how quick she was to take that over just that ridiculous sized soda Cup right but she's worried about spreading the germs ma'am you're worried about the wrong health problem here okay all the employees in that store are wearing masks and gloves at least they're supposed to be okay what are you doing to solve your problems now on top of that if you're worried about the germs being spread but yet you're going out to a fast-food [ __ ] restaurant yeah you're simply asking for it I would assume right like ma'am you're in the Burger King drive-through worried that you're going to get sick I don't know about you guys but Burger King is absolutely disgusting and i realistically will only eat it if it is the last resort between me and starving a very horrible death away ma'am the chicken nuggets that you're about to consume from this place are probably made from zebra meat okay the French fries are probably paper it's not really a sensible thing to do to be screaming at a minimum wage fast-food employee who's probably just a teenager trying to make some side money about the germ so oh no the germs notice the lack of gloves and mask as well but you know we're worried about spreading those germs don't spread those germs you think we do it because we're tired of you I'm tired of you lady I'm tired of having to listen to your crap every night I don't do it every night every night lady he's like three inches in front of you you don't have to yell also I am an expert on karyn's but I don't know what their breath is like could be stanky you know you have this Karen just yelling in your face and there's much a spit flying everywhere and you got to smell that [ __ ] black dick breath and with all of that being said I think I've done my job here diesel patches thank you for having me on and I hope you guys now walk away from this video with a better comprehension of just what a Karen is all right this has been fun I like to thank Optimus for I joining me in this video roasting a bunch of Carens it's a lot of fun all right I'm gonna play my outro now
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Views: 1,529,204
Rating: 4.9051905 out of 5
Keywords: karen, karen compilation, optimus
Id: EhX0OnAJanw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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