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oh I don't know if I'm gonna make it keep going you ready let's pick up where he left off all right ready I started in Croatia made it to Turkey landed in Manila resolved a few personal matters and then there was just one last piece of business I needed to take care of now I have one last mission which is to meet up with my manager Chakotay we who have to grab something from and then back on an airplane surprise how are you I'm good just got food all right show me the [Music] [Music] all right we're running late but I think we're gonna make it I got what I needed just really quick pit stop in the Philippines and now our next stop is Hong Kong and I got the messing it up this is my first time [Music] world's longest line yeah yeah go go but we just let my girl cut the entire line because her flights in like 30 minutes and she's gonna be late I feel bad gotta do something fast attacks sounds the right move right she was like frantic and above [Music] [Music] [Music] it's great team across that report Ron are staring country do your to go I made it check this up no one on the planet this is like a 14-hour flight they are not making money off this I was like the best flight of my life and it wasn't even business class I found my second wind okay got like seven or eight hours of sleep she slept the entire twelve culprits so yeah we have a what six-hour layover get some work done and then one more flight we're almost there ah it's a lot easier traveling with someone even when you're carrying their luggage it says down that this goes up does that mean straight six and a half hours late there another delayed flight another long layover and a ton of other nonsense that happened oh my god we just went through a lot where we made it and had to just like snowmen and we have to put all our gadgets and our big jackets and everything was those overweight stuff but we're good to go all right last one one more flight one more country one more destination and that's it [Music] for some reason I don't go to where like in the house right now it was just a trench coaches and winter clothes my body temperature is always really [Music] as we neared the finish line to the seemingly never-ending trip we came to realize it was far from over us we still had a train ride ahead of us to get to our precise location or future in ads for that matter [Music] it's like we're allowed to do this entrance but the amount of luggage we had the situation was quite difficult to say the least to make matters worse I think we boarded the wrong train we ended up going to another route and things took a lot longer than we ever expected nevertheless we were determined we felt very close to the end and at this point at least we had each other things are a lot more difficult when you're on your own and in this we found a lot of comfort [Music] never a second waste when you have waiting time shoot how do you close it now here's some classic true-to-life Instagram boyfriend type stuff this is just what happens on the daily whenever you can you got to find time to squeeze in a shot take a few snaps and then continue the adventure [Music] oh this is it now at this point we thought we'd reached our final destination but we really weren't sure because there was no one around and we didn't have Wi-Fi or any signal there really wasn't anything for us to do but wait [Music] there was no people anywhere near a vicinity and just when we thought that maybe we had ended up at the wrong destination there was a faint car in the distance that proceeded to come closer oh my gosh you guys can just save the day what's up hey Nikki pop way to go you guys oh yo this is the car 30 minutes all right well I think this is where the vlog ends we made it we have a 30 minute drive who knows what can happen but forty hours on a plane or whatever I'm going to call this six countries in a and that's how this 46 our adventure halfway across the world finally comes to an end I know it may seem a little ambiguous to why this long and costly trip was completely necessary but there's a lot that was accomplished in this exhausting yet productive endeavor on the lighter note I was able to challenge myself in doing something I've always wanted to do for the longest time create a both structured yet compelling video only using a cell phone one of the best ways to exemplify how content is King and equipment only comes second to storytelling so to anyone out there that aspires to create content all you need is a phone as long as you're passionate storyteller your capabilities are endless every complete story has some sort of impact or a life lesson to be learned from and one that's often overlooked the value of human relationships a vital component of this journey we call life a common realization of people confronted with death including myself is that in the end relationships are all that really mattered no amount of money's success or affluence can equate to the sheer joy you receive from building bonds with others creating and sharing experiences together and constructing the symbiotic feeling one may consider love it's important to display through actions what you're willing to do to let someone know how much you care it's important to recognize unconditional support and appreciate how far family will go to assist you through any type of problematic contingency you may fall upon never be afraid to express your full gratitude and for that thank you Haley mom and dad for always being by my side through thick and thin again I apologize for the inconvenience that I caused but I promise you all make up for it in the near future with something spectacular what's important is that we got through today and we climbed this mountain every day is a different mountain to climb and climb we shall you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wil Dasovich
Views: 365,865
Rating: 4.8458209 out of 5
Keywords: travel, traveling, traveler, airport, hassle, philippine, philippines, filipino, filipina, alodia, family, vacation, mom, dad, sister, airplane, plane, flight, flights, worst, lost
Id: c_VQM3csU1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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