The WORST Gaming PC I’ve Built

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- I have a simple challenge today. To build a PC better than this PowerSpec. Should be easy. - Easy you say? - I can beat this. (dramatic string hit) I can beat this. - [Ken] With your eyes closed? - Thanks to our kind sponsors Micro Center, the challenge is simple. I need to not only shop for all of my PC components with a blindfold on, but I also can't see as I build the PC. And on top of that, it needs to be able to outperform, price-to-performance, this very high-end PowerSpec. And for every minute it takes me to put this PC together, I'm donating $10 to Team Seas. (Austin sniffs) - [Ken] Oh, you can smell it? - I smell graphics cards. - [Ken] Why's he always smelling things? Nope, nope, nope, nope. - Okay, yes. Yes. - 12 o'clock. 12 clicks. - Four, five. - [Ken] All right, well, that's a counter. That's a counter. - I think if I do it like this, I won't hit anything. I just gotta get like the, oh, okay. Gonna go around the cart. This would be a lot easier if this was before they redid the store. I knew the old store. - Oh yeah, right. (box thuds) (Ken laughs) - Sorry, Micro Center, I apologize. (laughs) I'm gonna go this way. - [Ken] Hold on. Okay, stand still, stand still. - Is Shaq behind me right now? (laughs) - [Ken] What is that? What do you think it is? Let's test your tech blindness abilities. - It sounds very metal-y, is this a case? I don't know, it's a weird shape. - If I were... - It's a speaker? No, no, projector, projector, projector. - Woo! - That's the lens right there. - [Ken] What d'you think are those? - These? I dunno, I don't think I need those. - Are you sure? I think you're gonna need a few of them. - Fans? (bell dings) - [Ken] Yes. - If these are fans here, coolers are here, right? (bell dings) - He really does know Micro Center well, okay. Yes, those are coolers. What cooler are you looking for, dude? Are you going for price to performance? - Yeah, well look, that system I've gotta beat is like a 3080 Ti and like a Core i9. I can't match that. So I'm gonna try to get a cheap PC that has okay components so it can actually have a chance of this. Is this like a U12 or something? This is too heavy, I don't want that. - Audience, my hands are free. - Where's my cart? - Oh, my God. (crew laughs) What, no, no. - Where's the cart? Is there a cart? - [Ken] Jason. - Hey. I hear collusion. - Jason. - I hear collusion. All right, I'm done with this aisle. I have a cooler, I feel confident with that. - Whoa, Austin. You are in the right section, my friend. Out of all of these builds, we can finally do this. We have never done it before. Oh, we got a key, we got a key, we got a key. - Okay, okay. Windows? (bell dings) Windows. - [Ken] SSD. - Windows. (Austin sniffs) - What does it smell like? - I'm feelin' half a terabyte. Can I use it for storage on my computer? - Technically. - Okay then, yes, let me use this. - Okay, so I will give you some pity. - Okay. - You are currently in the open box section. - Ooh, my favorite spot, my favorite spot. Okay, okay, let's go, let's go, let's go. - [Ken] Well, first you have to find what you're looking for. Not that one, that one, that one, that one, that one. - This one? - That one. - That's too heavy, I want that one. - What? - It's too expensive. I want the light one. Wait, what box is light? - [Ken] You actually really did... - That box is pretty light and this is, how big? This might not be my very best deal. But I think I'll take this because I don't wanna waste time. I'm not going to actually see the components that I've picked until literally I've already gotten back to the office, put the entire PC together. Then I'm going to take my blindfold off. So, well, first of all, it's gonna make the drive home kind of challenging, but also I'm gonna have absolutely no idea what I'm building. Why am I going through such a tight (laughs) - I can help you, but this is just funnier. Not gonna lie, I now completely lost my sense of balance. 'Cause I'm like, squeezing through here. I think I need to like recenter myself. - Found your power supply. - No, you didn't. - Yes we did! - No! Why is this so weirdly weighted? (box slaps) No, I don't want it. Okay, so these feel like fans or something, but why would fans be in a locked case? Wait, no, hang on, hang on. I'm gonna go up and down the aisle a little bit away from your terrible influence. I gotta get this thing moving, 'cause if the store opens and they see some random dude walking around under the blindfold, it's gonna turn off the customers. We can't have that. I want power supply. - [Ken] Okay. (Kenneth claps) C'mere, c'mere, c'mere. - No. - Over here, over here! Right here, right here, that one, yeah! Yeah! The classic, 600. Or am I lying? - I'm only going to take it, not because you said so, but because it's kind of lightweight. I feel like the lighter, the better here. - Ah, here we go. - Oh, it's an open, ooh. It's usually a good when I find one of these. Okay, now wait, So. - [Ken] No, no, no, nope, nope. Nope, try again. - Is this like a T5, or something? (buzzer honks) I don't think I want that. Oh, wait, CPU? I heard someone say CPU. Okay. (bell dings) So CPUs, okay, hang on, let me think about this. This is the Intel cabinet. - Sure. - Okay. So then I wanna go down. So, wait hang on. This has a cooler in the box. CPU's right here. Which means that this is where it says Core i5. Right here. (bell dings) - Ooh, okay. What does it smell like? - Smells like a 10400. (crew cheers) Wait, for real? Well so, like, usually the budget things are on the bottom. - Do you even wanna ask me how much it is? - I don't care. - What, what are you? Oh, ow, ow. - Where's the cart? I need the cart! All right, oh, Nvidia. - Yes! - I'm in Nvidia land. - Yes. - I can feel it. - You found it, champ. Go for it. We couldn't have made this any easier for you, dude. - Am I to the end? Wait. Ah oh, boy. Ooh. That's too expensive for me. (sniffs) (Austin mumbles) - Is this-- - Enjoy your GPU riser. - 3060. - Yes. (bell dings) - Lock it in, lock it in. - Okay. That's the most first world thing I've ever seen. He just like knocked out a man with a graphics card. - Okay. I need RAM and I need a case. I'm totally turned around at this point. Oh wait. - Mm, mm? - Oh! You know what that sounds like? Sounds like money. Okay, all right. So this is the display case, which means that there are boxes here. - I would tell you to use the stepladder, but probably-- - No, don't tell me to do that. - I'm pretty sure that'd be violating OSHA in numerous different ways. - Ooh. Wait, what's round on the top? - Oh, this is actually looks pretty nice. - This is a big chassis. But actually, know what? Bigger's probably better. - Mm hm? Tell me more. - Bigger is better. There's more room for activities, okay. But hang on, how heavy? (beep) - (laughs) as I walk away, he looked at me. Don't look at me like that, I'm ashamed. Down, down, down, down, down. No, sorry. All right, I forgot you can't see. Straight down (laughs) down the aisle. - For RAM, I wanna go with something relatively cheap. (door clunks) - [Ken] That's me, that's me-- - There's a lot of people in front of me right now. - That's me, that's me, that's me, that's still me. - Okay, lemme just start with this, okay? So that's wide enough for two DIMMs. Wait, let me hear. Yep, two DIMMs. Oh, but you know what though? I have to be careful. I actually think there might be DDR3 around here. - I'll tell you right now, they're all DDR4. - This is DDR4? - Yep. - How y'all feeling right now? - Feel a little uncomfortable with this distance. (crew laugh) - How y'all feeling right now? - Feel a lot better. - Can just someone please confirm - [Ken] Mm hm? - I have everything I need to build a PC? Can we make sure I didn't accidentally grab like the wrong thing? Okay, I need to recenter myself, I'm slightly lost. - [Ken] To the, whoa. Whoa, (item thuds) Austin, stop dropping, whoa, Austin. You had this SSD the whole time? Wow! Here. - I feel like somebody just reverse pick pocketed me. Is this a free 240 gig SSD that I can get by signing up the link in the description next time I'm in store Micro Center? - [Ken] Yes! - Oh, brilliant. Where's the cart? - I'll take, stop, don't don't hit Jason. Oh, okay. - I still can't see! - So Austin is currently blindfolded. He's going to start building his PC for this blind PC build challenge. And as a reminder for the rules, for every minute that it takes Austin to build this PC, we're going to be donating $10 to Team Seas. - I am ready when you fine gentlemen are. - All right, so three, two, one. - Okay, all right, so case, case. I'm gonna take the case and then set that on the ground. Oh God, why is that so big, what the? I'll go through things one at a time. So this is graphics card, do I have a knife? I need a knife. Wait, are you handing me the knife opened or closed? - Closed. - Okay. - For now. - This seems wildly dangerous. What is this? Oh God, it's a PCI card. What the did I buy? It's a sound card. Why the f? Why do I have a sound card? Wait, this is a sound card, right? - You picked it. - [Austin] It's a four, wait, is that, one by? - [Ken] Yes, it's one by. - All right, what is this? Power supply. Power supply? Oh no, oh no. No, no, no. I feel the mustard cables, I know. (Kenneth laughs) Oh God. I am so in trouble right now. - And ladies and gentlemen, I wanna remind you that we have just spent $50 for Team Seas. - Already? Oh my God, oh no. - Hold your hand. There. - No, absolutely not. Absolutely not. - Once, just once. - Yeah! Like a real, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Oh, okay, nevermind, I changed my, I changed my mind, I changed my mind, - What is this? This is so weird, I don't like what I bought at all here. - It starts with the letter A and ends in I-O. - Nope, I didn't buy that. I don't want that, I didn't buy that. That's not, I didn't buy an AIO. I absolutely did not. I absolutely a 100% did not. Get this out of here. Where's my actual cooler? Look, I'm callin' shenanigans, I didn't buy this. - Look, how do you know? You didn't see it. - I don't, I literally, you couldn't even lie with a straight face. (box shakes) What's that? What is this? - I didn't think this would be fun, but-- - Why do I have two power supplies? Why do I have two power supplies? - Just in case one caught on fire, if you needed more? - How much did you add? I don't. Time check? - You have donated $100 to Team Seas. - I'm like halfway through unboxing. This is gonna be really bad. Okay, so SATA cables I'm gonna put in this pocket. So I don't forget. IO shield, I'm gonna put in this pocket as well. - Wow he's actually planning. - Oops, did I get a stock cooler? Oh no, wouldn't it be a shame if I installed this instead? (Kenneth laughs) What are you laughing about? - Nothing, nothing. It's okay, it's okay. - Where did my CPU go? All right, so this is the real danger town. So which way is up on the CPU? Oh God. It's like this, this feels wrong. This feels wrong. Ooh. Oh, oh, is that on there? Let's go, let's go! All right, RAM, RAM. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. - Oh, Jesus Christ. He might have the brains, but he doesn't have the motor skills. Austin, get it in the hole, what is wrong with you? - This is a lot more than, I thought the CPU was gonna be my hardest part here. (crew laugh) (crew cheers) I got it in, I got it in! I'm gonna open up the case. Side panel comes off. This goes against the back of the set somewhere. - [Ken] Oh (laughs) Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! Austin, Austin. Austin, you need to buy your camera guy lunch before you do that, Jesus. - Well I don't know where everyone is! Now, I'm gonna put one screw in to hold the power supply. That seems sufficient to me. - [Ken] You have like a one in like 500 shot, according to how many holes are on the back of that. - Am I just completely the wrong way? - Here, lemme see. Okay, that's one. - All right, that's fine. Where's the hole? How's there not a hole here? Use my finger to lay it. Yes, yes! Yup, yup, yup. (board rattles) That's my board that's rattling that much, uh huh. Mm, not a great sign, actually. I just need to bite the bullet and put in my AIO right now. And that is gonna be an absolute nightmare. How's that PowerSpec system? You done with that yet? - I forgot. Is my life really that hard? Setting up a PC That's already built? This PC that Austin is building is going to be compared to this PowerSpec. (bag rattles) - [Austin] Don't mind me. - [Ken] Are you okay there? - [Austin] Yeah, I'm fine. - Well it's okay, while you're doing that, I'm going to be unboxing and setting up this PowerSpec prebuilt PC that Micro Center has in stock. So for $3,300, we get a 12th gen, Core i9 processor, 32 gigs of RAM and a 3080 Ti. The aesthetic on this is probably the cleanest PowerSpec I've seen yet. Look at this thing. Woo, damn. Not too bad for a prebuilt. Oh my God, yeah. Oh, that looks so nice. - All right, everyone, I have an announcement. I have an AIO with not one, not two, but three fans. Now comes the hard part of figuring out how to put this part on that part. Like can someone just visually check? This does not feel like it fits. - No, definitely not. - Okay, as in like, this is not going to fit in the case or am I stupid? - It's not going to fit in the case as is. - Excuse me, what d'you mean, as is? - Not on the top. - Oh my God. All right, this feels more like it. All right, so cables all in the back, back, back back. Sweet. Hey, Ken? - [Ken] Yeah? - How much do I have to pay to get some help? - [Ken] $200 to Team Seas. - [Austin] Will that $200 cover helping me figure out the back plate solution here? - Yes. So basically it's just one plate in the back. Where is your plate, where'd you put it? Remember you said you dropped it? - I haven't seen (laughs) in a while. - Well that's unfortunate. Okay, well, we need to find that. (bags rustle) (polystyrene thuds) - Why didn't I have these from the beginning? So much easier to feel my way around the studio now. - Okay, handicap time. I will give you a free air cooler. - What? - [Ken] With your purchase. - I just spent all that time putting on the fans. - Here, here. - What d'you mean? Wait, did I buy this? - [Ken] Yes. You also held that with your hands. - I spent all that time putting those fans on the radiator. Doing all this stuff, just for you to give me the cooler that I grabbed from the very beginning and the stock cooler you stole from me? And I got charged the $200? - Yeah, it's a consultation fee. (polystyrene thuds) I will bargain with you again, for an extra, how much does this cost? $30. So for an extra $60, I will sell you a wonderful stock Intel cooler. (crew member laughs) - Where's my, where's my thing? I need my foam. Where's the foam, someone give me my foam. 60 more dollars for my stock cooler? - [Ken] 60 more dollars. - Give it to me. - Okay, plus $260 for the time. There. - Oh my God, is this power supply actually gonna work? - I think it will. The worst case is, you have two of them. Four pin and a six pin. - Wait, is it, it's not six plus two? The graphics card needs eight pin, doesn't it? (Kenneth laughs) So I gotta undo all this work while the timer is still ticking. Do I have a power supply that works now? - [Ken] Yes. - Cool, are you gonna install it for me? - [Ken] No. - [Austin] This feels much more substantial. Ken, are you just playing "Valorant" right now? - [Ken] No. - Dunno, put the graphics card in, nothing will hold it. Okay. - Oh. - Oh. - Okay. - [Ken] That sounds safe. - That it? (PC whirs) Yes! - [Ken] You got it? - (exhales) Yeah. I think it's in, nothing's holding it in whatsoever. That's in, okay. All right, I think I'm good to post. This feels like the most dangerous part, of feeling an outlet without being able to see it. Do not try any of this at home. - Oh. - Oh, oh. Did I do it? - Yes. All right, lets see-- - Please work, please work, please work. Post post post. - Oh, it posted. - Yes, time! Call time, call time, call time. Wow, that looks like trash. (crew laughs) (Austin sighs) So I have no case fans, except the one in the back, which is not connected. The SSD is just dangling here, but you know what? The power supply's screwed in, there's two screws holding the motherboard in. I got a 16 gig kit of RAM instead of eight? - [Ken] 16 gig DIMM. - Oh, wait, what is this? 3600? - [Ken] Yeah. It's actually reasonably priced. - That was not fun. What's my Team Seas total? So 2000, - No. - No, wait. - That's in hours. - No, hours, wait. - So the grand total for Team Seas is $1,660. (register chimes) - Yes. - Okay, all that work, and that is by far the worst looking PC I've ever built. I'm pretty sure if you purchase a PowerSpec or have Micro Center build your PC, it's gonna look slightly nicer than this. - I could guarantee that. - I think it's a pretty safe bet. So that was fun. But now my PC is fully assembled. To start out with, we're gonna do a price to performance showdown. I've already run my Cinebench and my 3DMark. Have you done as well? - Yes. - Okay, so Jared, can you please help us determine who is the winner on the price to performance? - So I have done the math, the numbers are in. Mind you, higher score is better. - [Austin] Okay. - Austin, you earned 12.88. - Okay. - Ken, you earned, 14.33. (Ken whoops) - I don't know why I'm happy. I'm happy for Micro Center. - I'll give you that one. To be fair, I have about $200 worth of non-used components on the floor right now, which I'm pretty sure would've gotten me over the 14, but it's fine, it's fine, we'll roll with it. - PowerSpec beats the blind spec. - So we're gonna go straight into a race. Winner takes all here. - Okay. - So basically whoever doesn't spin out wins. And then as soon the lights go out, you can let go. - [Game Announcer] Drive through penalty, you have a-- - [Austin] I think you jumped it, but we'll go with it. - [Ken] (chuckles) bouncin' on the walls, here. - What? How are you bouncing on the walls? - [Ken] My tires are hitting the walls. - [Austin] Oh my God. 'kay, I've got three second gap. Two laps to go. This is not looking good. - [Ken] Oh yeah, they black flagged me. So technically you will win that, but. - [Austin] Wait, wait, what happened? You got disqualified? - [Ken] Yeah, 'cause I had to actually go into the pit for it. - That mean I win? - [Ken] Well I still, you won-- - The blind winner, it's me! I built this, I won this! It's me! - Cause you rushed-- - The winner! - You rush into the thing and made your own rules on the spot. - You know my excuse? I was blindfolded. - Yeah, but that has no bearing on your actual gameplay. If we actually start normally, I could beat you. - I think everyone's tired and done with this video. - [Ken] I am done with this video. (Austin laughs) I'm very done with this video. - So there you have it friends, the blindfolded, Team Seas donating, F1 dominating game PC, courtesy our fine sponsors over at Micro Center. If you're interested in any of the components or Ken's much better system, check out the links in the description. And until next time, we're gonna find a challenge that allows me to use both of my eyes next time. 'Cause I would be a big fan of that. (effect beeps) Too bad it wasn't a Broke versus Pro. It is kind of Broke versus Pro-esque. - [Ken] I mean, I still won by like three seconds. (crew member calls indistinctly) - Okay. There's a little salt on that side of the room. - I was beating him by three seconds. - That's what happens when you don't follow the rules, Ken. - Well, maybe you should let me know of the rules before we start though.
Channel: Austin Evans
Views: 691,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenge, team seas, pc, gaming pc, pc build, computer, micro center, microcenter, austin, austin evans, tech, unboxing, blindfold, blind, teamseas
Id: 2N5FxNIHc_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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