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hey guys so today I am here with another story time video you guys seem to be really enjoying my story times I do have a few that I think are pretty interesting the more I thought about it the more looks like I do a lot of stories I can share the past couple have been more so like mom and like pregnancy stories but this story is before I found out I was pregnant about like a year before actually and it's all about the worst customers I had when I was working at Sephora so I have two particular stories in mind these were two customers that really stood out to me two that really made me question why I worked in retail and also why people treat people the way these women did it was a little bit ridiculous but I wanted to share them with you because I just looking back on it now it's been like four and a half years very interesting to me the things I had to you know deal with while working at Sephora so if you guys do not know I used to work at for us like I said I worked there when I was 18 / 19 and I actually worked in California I worked at the South Coast Plaza Mall there's actually two sephora's in that mall there is the bigger Sephora in South Coast Plaza which is in Costa Mesa and then there is a smaller mall like off to the side if they're still connected it's the crystal Court mall and there's a smaller Sephora which is still fairly large in that mall and I actually opened that store I talked about that quite frequently so if you're not new to my channel you definitely know that's where I used to work long time ago it's over now but while I was working there like I said you experience a lot of just random people a lot of all walks of life all sorts of different people and it was also sort of like not necessarily a tourist City but I feel like a lot of the tourists that were coming from like LA and like Anaheim we're shopping at South Coast Plaza so we were getting a lot of like different people these two women in particular though I know for a fact ur from California I saw them frequently in my store and holla boy it was such an interesting experience so I'll start off with the one that isn't quite as bad but still kind of like what sort of I don't know how to explain it sort of just irritated me and kind of just annoyed me because I was really trying to help this girl and she was not having I was like okay so when I was hired to work at Sephora I was hired to work at the cash wrap which is the register I was you know assigned to the register I didn't really move from it I was kind of just always in that area but as I continued working there I ended up kind of getting moved into color which is makeup so I was moving around quite a bit I was doing some makeup I wasn't certified but I was able to do just kind of like quick 15-minute makeup looks on people just real quick stuff and I was pretty good on it I feel like I was pretty decent at putting on like quick eyeliner popping like an eyeshadow on it was really simple so it was Halloween and I was actually kind of floating around so they wanted me kind of anywhere that I was needed because we were really packed all of our certified makeup artists had people back to back to back to do their makeup for Halloween and so we had other people that were sort of in color helping but also I was able to jump on the cash register if they needed me so I happened to be at the cash register and a girl who she kind of frequented our source so I kind of knew who she was came in and she was like hey like I'm going to a party tonight I am going as like a bottle of wine and her friend was going has achieved I know it was just like a cute costume idea whatever and it seems like I just really want like a really nice like purple smokey eye and like I did purple smokey eyes all the time when I was at Sephora like if you guys remember I still we daily vlogs back then and we still do so shameless self promo if you want to watch my daily ability only get down below but he may have heard these stories so I did purple smokey eyes all the time on myself and all the time on other people so I was working to register and she was like is anyone available to help me and I was like yeah just give me like one minute and I'll be right there because she didn't have an appointment she literally just like waltzed in and was like can you do this and I said yes because go customer service you're always going to say yes so I was like absolutely I can totally do that just give me a minute so I finished ringing up the person I was working with I passed somebody in to me like I tagged to the main and I walked around the counter and I was like okay let's go over to like the urban decay a lake area and also working on your face so she just wanted a simple per bowl smokey eye which I can do pretty well so I went to the urban decay area I grabbed the Naked 2 palette and I grabbed that like purple color that's at the back I'll show you here let me give you an example this purple shade right here and what I to do was I started packing it on her lid and blending so I would pack them on her lid I would blend I would pack them on her lid I would blend meanwhile mind you I kind of have to get this done in 15 minutes because we're not necessarily times but you know the quicker you can get them in and out the better because I they shouldn't have an appointment so I kind of wanted to get her in and out so I put on blend put it on blend put on blend and it took me maybe like two minutes to do one eye which isn't a long time for one color and to blend it like it's a dark color I didn't want it going down here I didn't want to go in like crazy I want to be able to look make it look perfect I really wanted it to look good and I could tell she was getting sort of like irritated I guess you could say she just seemed like I don't know like rushed and I didn't understand because I sort of told her ahead of time I was like yeah this was going to be like 15 minutes is that okay like if you need an appointment like I can see if we can squeeze you in with someone but you know for right now I'm the best you got and she's okay yeah that's totally fine like super calm about it I'm suing people so I could tell she was getting irritated and I was like okay like let me start rushing so I started rushing I started working on the other eye a kind of less the first eye as it was and I was going to go back to it and she kind of stopped me she said wait wait wait wait so I stopped and I waited and she looked in the mirror and she was like you didn't finish this eye and I said I know like I'm trying to go as fast as I can because no we do only have 30 minutes and I can tell you're in a hurry so I'm trying to kind of go as quickly as I can all while making it look good she said no no I don't like it I said okay like you want me to take it off and start over like what what he would you like to do in this situation she said can you go get one of the girls from over there to do it for me please I said okay most of these girls are with clients right now that have had appointments scheduled but I'll see what I can do so I walked over to one of my friends actually and I was like hey I have this like client she's kind of a pain but but she wants somebody do this smokey eye for she doesn't seem to like what I'm doing like whatever I don't really care like you don't have to like it it's totally fine do you mind like you have time to do it she said yeah I'll just do it really really quick so she walks over and I said hi this is my friend or identify Mallika said friend I might have said co-worker I don't know what I said I said hi this is so-and-so and she's going to finish up your smokey eye for you and she said okay perfect I said okay that's fine it was really calm like she wasn't like she's kind of like snappy but it was sort of like a calm situation I knew I could handle it so I walked away and I went about my business I kept working I was I think I was on the register I think I was roaming around and I was doing something and like 30 minutes later my friend comes over to me and she's like yeah she complained the entire time I said okay like I don't understand like what what did you do differently that I didn't do and she was like I did the exact same thing you were doing and she was complaining about how you were going too slow but yet I did her eyes in like 15-20 minutes and I said I know I was literally going to be done in 15 minutes but she was so mad she was so aggravated with me I don't know I was just like okay whatever and that was more of the tamer story but I still wanted to share it because it was just at the time I was just kind of blown away by how late irritated she was with me when someone else took longer if that makes any sense anyway now on to the cream of the crop the best story I have I feel I who make thinking about this story this woman literally made me so mad and I don't understand like how people treat people the way this woman treated me so it was like a Tuesday or Wednesday night it was a weeknight and we were closing and the mall really dead on the weekdays like it is so dead so it had been I think I was working like an evening shift like afternoon evening it was a long shift and we were getting ready to close we were like five minutes away from closing there was maybe five of us in the store I was the only person at the register there was a girl cleaning the Beauty Studio our manager was in the back counting the registers that I wasn't on like she had closed the other three and I was just on one we had one girl in like color putting makeup away one in skincare it was like sleeping and I think it was just me I think it was literally everybody like we didn't need nobody there which was fine no one was in the store we were waiting for like a minute before to walk over to the door to lock and close it and be done for the night it was just a calm day and so I'm just sitting there like cleaning up the cash register folding some tissue paper putting bags away right I was just cleaning up sending her husband Russian and usually when people rush in like you know they know what they want they're going to give it they're going to be done so I was like okay this is sign we're just we're just going with it so she walked back to skincare she got exactly what she wanted is a stupid Peter Thomas Ross cleanser I will never forget it and she came up to me and she put it on the counter and I started ringing her up and I did the whole usual like rang it up started wrapping in the tissue paper as I'm wrapping it I had like a whole regime as I'm wrapping I'm like oh lordy with you The Insider she said yes oh he didn't have your card no you're gonna have to look me up now there's only ways like a few ways to let people up there's their first and last name email phone number birthday and zip code I'm pretty sure we're the only ways we could look people up and I said okay what's your email and she gave me her email and mind you this woman had a name that's very common but it's spelled a little bit differently like my name is Kirsten and I know a lot of people pronounce it like Kirsten or Kristen it's Kirsten it's spelled I think the way it's pronounced but it's hard it's hard to pronounce sometimes so I totally understood I felt for her but she had a very common name that was spelled a little bit differently and also her first and last name rhymed like mine is Kirsten like Kirsten Kirsten was like my example and hers literally was like yes like it literally rhymed so she said her name at whatever calm and so I typed it aim because she didn't spell it at first so I obviously missed all dit because that's not what I was used to which is totally fine and so I said oh I can't find it I I misspelled it so I read it back to her and she said yeah you did said okay how do you spell it and so she spelled it out for me so I typed it aim and it still wasn't coming up and she was like you misspelled it I was like I know that's why I had you spell it after me you know it is still okay like I turned my screen a little bit she was like yeah can you look at my phone number how's me fine so I raised the email I type in her phone number nothing comes up I type in her husband's phone number and sitting next to me nothing comes up I said let's try your first and last name so at that time I had already erased her email so I asked her again politely do you mind reselling your first last name for me and she has such an attitude at this point she was like you should have gotten it the first time okay like I'm sorry and I'm so calm with people like I'm literally so calm yet I've always had patience with people so I had every spell it she was very agitated she was like really treating me like an idiot she was like let's pretend her name's my name so she was like Kay i-r-s and like super like aggressive and her husband's just like sitting on his phone and I'm like okay you don't have to be like she's Lao and like kind of like aggressive about I was like this is okay and she was so loud too I mean mind you the store was empty but like the girl that was working at Beauty studio looked over and she was like are you okay it was okay we're good like I got my candies so I can't find her under her first and last name so then I kind of explained to her I said you know sometimes if you sign up in stores and you don't want to give your email or your phone number a store will just enter like abcdefg 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 20 to yang comm just to have something in that space so explain that to her and she said well I opened it at the store across the street so you should be able to find it too when you guys have the same system and then I had to be like no like I didn't say no but I was like no not really like I had to kind of walk my way around that situation and sort of nice way so I couldn't find it and she was getting really frustrated with me and I said well I don't even know what I said I think I felt like I tried to say well you could return it at the other store and then rebuy it we've done that many times I know that sounds really stupid like a really dumb process but I've had our happen before where I've had somebody bought something forgot to use their duty insider card so we've returned it quickly and then Reba it so they should use their beauty insider points I know that sounds really stupid but anything for customers so I was like well maybe you could go over there and they'll be able to find it in their system like I was literally just trying to appease her and she was like well I want my points now and I said okay um I remember I said I feel like I was literally just trying to like accommodate her because she was so aggressive I literally I feel like I was like well you can have any 100-point perks like I was just trying to like get her away from me I feel at that point just because I was so like she was just coming off really aggressive and she started getting really mad she started yelling at me she basically said no you're too stupid for this job this is the easiest job on the planet you literally work at Sephora you have to be pretty to work at this job and smart and you're neither of those things like and I was just kind of standing there I didn't really know what to say I kind of I feel as though I blacked out at that point because I don't feel like anybody has ever came at me that aggressive before about something like as miniscule as a cleanser and beauty insider points like I was trying to accommodate her the best I could and she was just such a statement such a statement so I just kind of stood there and at that point I would like I said blacked out and the girl that was working at Beauty studio kind of walked over she was sort of like a seasoned veteran at Sephora she was brought in from another store so she'd worked there a few years and she was like okay let's look handle this a little bit politely and she liked the customer like snapped her head and looked at her and said I don't want her anywhere near the situation you helped me so I walked away I was like I don't really want to like be confrontational so I just kind of walked away I walked into the back and I started crying because when people come at you so aggressive and you're so like angry like I was so pent-up angry like I wanted to be yell at her but I cannot because the customer's always right I started crying because I was so mad and then maybe like ten minutes later the girl that was helping her had came back and I was moved on like the stores closed like she was like coming back to make sure I was okay I said so did you ever find like her beauty inside her and she was like yeah it was really hard though we had to type in her zip code and search through like 50 pages as people and the people that inserted her beauty inside her whatever literally misspelled her name misspelled her email misspelled everything and I feel like her phone number was like one day they were about to send me nine ten like they were just like throwing things in there because she didn't want to add me information and I was just so like flabbergasted as the way was the woman like was speaking to us at over beauty into points I was like it's not like you didn't spend a thousand dollars and you're missing out on a thousand points you know what I'm saying it was like a $60 cleanser like a 60 points and I was willing to get her anything she wanted just so appeaser so I was interesting I thought screamed at and I was just kind of was like grunting that's where today when that's what's happening so after that we closed the store and I are close to the night in a clothes store and I went home and I told Brian about it and we kind of laughed about it and still to this day I cannot believe that woman spoke to a small little puny eighteen-year-old like that I was so heartbroken I was like okay thanks um those are the two worst customers I've ever had before there's been a plethora of other customers who have been just wild off-the-wall people that stole from us all sorts of things it's just the things that happen working in retail I don't even want to like oh that's why I'm so nice to people in customer service because their job is tough like treat them with respect unless they're like blatantly mean to you be like very respectful because like their job is very tough and they have the old crazies like that all the time so that is it for this story time I hope you guys enjoyed this video go ahead and subscribe to my channel if you're not already and I will see you guys [Music]
Channel: kirstenmichelle
Views: 1,246,158
Rating: 4.4931407 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story, time, worst, customer, customers, sephora, working, work, job, tana mongeau, yell, angry, mean, funny, hilarious, haul, makeup, how to, get, get a job at sephora, what to expect, guru, vlog, channel, beauty, best, awesome, story time
Id: MqawMedRDdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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