The worst character in high guardian spice

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hey everyone listen i have a secret for you you can't tell anyone else about this all right it's just gonna be between you and me all right you listening characters and high guardian spice kinda suck now i know this is a grand revelation that no one else on planet earth has ever brought up before i know i know this is mind-blowing we're breaking new ground as we speak but no matter the show whether it has a lot of good characters or a lot of bad characters there's usually one that stands out amongst the rest and i'm talking about the worst of the worst the bottom of the barrel who is the worst character in higher guardian spice but don't answer that statistically most of you probably haven't watched past episode 1 so you don't know i guess that means it's up to me so in my opinion who was the worst character in high guardian spice well you're not going to believe this but it's actually sage of course it's sage obviously it's sage i think a lot of people would agree with me when i say that she is the worst character in the show and if not she's at least top five but i know what you're thinking why sage in particular i mean why not someone like cal cal is a lot of bad traits he's annoying unfunny basically doesn't have a backstory and only exists to get punched in the face so it sounds to me like this is a prime contender for the worst character in the show he only exists to facilitate snapdragon's story arc and outside of that he basically shouldn't be there but i think what separates sage and cal is screen time cal is only there for like what five minutes yeah maybe six he's terrible but you only have to put up with him for a short amount of time so that means it's limited on how much he's polluting the screen compare that to sage someone who's a main character and has given focus in every single episode for way too long when one of the side characters is terrible then it's whatever but when one of the main characters is terrible then we're gonna start to have some issues but dave why is she so terrible well imaginary voice in my head i can answer that episode 5 in my opinion displays most of her negative traits that are prevalent throughout the entire series so why don't we start there the main conflict sage has to deal with throughout the series is that her family doesn't like new magic but she's required to use new magic if you'd like a detailed explanation on how new magic works here you go glad that's explained now i say it's her conflict throughout the series but really it's only in two episodes and then they kind of forget about it i don't even think sage mentions her parents past episode five i could be wrong about that of course maybe i just missed it but either way this plot point is just kind of dropped and i understand why if you think about it it doesn't really make any sense why would her parents who don't like new magic send her off to a school that requires you to use new magic unless of course we're saying the school doesn't require you to use new magic and it's just an optional thing in which case that's another tally for the school being stupid because why would you not want to use the most effective methods possible it's implied that new magic may be draining the life out of the planet and that could be why sage's mother doesn't like it but that's never really elaborated on and it's never fully explained so we just don't know the only logical option i see is that sage is blowing her mother's hatred for new magic out of proportion which would make sense considering sage has a habit of making mountains out of molehills but we'll get to that later a lot of these questions would be explained if we got any screen time with the mother at all after the first episode where she basically does nothing but wave goodbye we don't see the mother or the father ever again they don't even get any flashbacks rosemary got multiple flashbacks to her past why does sage get nothing we know absolutely nothing about the parents and the information we do have comes from secondary sources maybe if they cut a lot of the filler and actually gave us time with the important characters then we wouldn't have these problems so right off the bat the main conflict with this character is poorly explained and makes basically no sense but we're not done talking about it because it gets worse believe it or not now other people reviewing this series i've also mentioned this point but i'm going to bring it up anyway because it's very relevant sage's conflict in episode 5 makes absolutely no sense like from any perspective you analyze it it's still really stupid but first some context in the previous episode sage finds out that her mom also used new magic when she was younger so this is the perfect excuse sage was looking for to get to use new magic herself let's ignore the fact that maybe sage's mother had a good reason to stop using new magic but we never get any screen time with them so we'll never know so out of the blue she's fine with using new magic now whoopty do and at the start of episode 5 she's practicing with her pterosphere to try and get better with it so she can use new magic but then when class starts and she's told to use new magic she doesn't wanna and then she starts going off about things her mother said like the whole previous episode didn't just happen now the only explanation i could think of for this is that sage isn't confident enough in her new magic skills yet to use it in class but that doesn't really make any sense because her old magic doesn't work well either she wants to practice and get better at new magic but not in class learning things is the whole point of school she's fine with trying to practice this outside of class so why in class the one place she's supposed to learn does she not want to do it okay i'm being facetious i know the reason it's because the writers want a fight to happen you could help me time i know you know how [Music] new magic the only decent way to do anything finally done i didn't want to just use the easy way blah blah blah old magic is sacred what's the sacred part slab sweating into plants instead of going to lunch yeah yeah yeah uh yes [Laughter] they need sage to be a stuck up old magic user in this scene because they want a fight to break out between her and time for the sake of this plot happening but of course what they don't realize is that contradicts everything that's happened before this i've said it before and i'll say it again when they want something to happen even if it comes at the cost of making a character an idiot they'll do it but what you just witnessed in that previous scene is what i think is sage's worst character trait that being she's a petty crybaby now of course i'm not saying that that's bad in a vacuum there are crybaby characters who work and crybaby characters who don't i can't say that i personally have been the biggest fan of this kind of character but i know there are ways you can handle that kind of character well i think one of the ways is having them grow out of it sage definitely does not she's the same petty vindictive crybaby at the start as she is at the end and i think a major contributor to that fact is that every time she acts this way her behavior is reinforced take the previous scene i just showed you as an example whenever amaryllis raises a good point about how using old magic for this is stupid sage doesn't have any counter arguments at all because amaryllis is pretty much correct so her only response is to break down in tears run away and blame time for the whole thing now this on its own isn't what makes sage in this episode bad per se because you can have a character act petty and stupid and still have it be okay it's as long as the story doesn't treat this behavior is totally fine and justified maybe the character doesn't realize why what they're doing is wrong but everyone else does now if i were writing this i would probably have sage run into caraway or someone else and have them have a little chat about why she can't freak out like this at the slightest inconvenience because of having a disagreement with your friend is enough to send you into a crying fit you aren't emotionally ready for the field of battle again she's supposed to be a guardian someone who rushes in to fight deadly monsters if this is her response to situations like this then she isn't ready for when a dragon swoops down and burns a village or when rosemary stabs herself like in the other episode so is she ever corrected does she ever realize why what she did was wrong no of course not the story reinforces this behavior whenever is going haywire at the end parsley forces time to apologize and they act like she was the one who is in the wrong it makes no sense why is she being treated like some kind of simply because she agreed with amaryllis good argument and because sage's behavior is reinforced here she begins acting like a petty vindictive every time she doesn't get her way in the very next episode when rosemary gets a crush on astor sage starts acting like a jealous douchebag about the whole situation i am not kidding when i say the only thing she does for this entire episode is just and moan about rosemary having a crush on someone that isn't her now don't get me wrong aster isn't a great love interest he's an idiot and he's probably gonna die the second he's thrown into the field of battle because of how terrible he is so no point getting attached but the fact that aster is a terrible love interest is not why sage doesn't want rosemary to be with him that's just an excuse the real reason is just pure jealousy and her constant petty bitching and moaning about the whole situation leads her to get into an argument with snapdragon where she says that guys don't talk about their feelings ignoring the fact that in the previous episode parnell spent the whole time talking about his feelings but i will admit seeing snapdragon get fed up with her and start calling her out was one of the most satisfying moments in the series it's one of the few times sage actually gets fully berated for her terrible behavior but of course the moment doesn't last and she learns absolutely nothing from this exchange other than that she can use snapdragon as a rebound whenever she gets annoyed with rosemary later and that leads me to one of the worst parts of the series sage and rosemary's little breakup sage is throwing a petty hissy fit because rosemary a girl who cares about nothing but swords and dragons doesn't want to go gourd carving because rosemary doesn't want to do the same things that she does sage flips the out she starts yelling about how she's changed and how she's such a terrible person now and she's so annoying completely ignoring the fact that rosemary hasn't changed in the slightest the rosemary at the start of the series would be just as disinterested and gourd carving as the one right now and i think the authors were trying to imply that as kids rosemary would do whatever sage wanted to do but we never see them as kids together they want them to have a huge argument and to break up but they can't come up with any reasons that would make any sense so they do this weird where they have them talk about petty issues now i get that in real life people do actually have arguments about this they throw hissy fits over petty nonsense and then break up about it but in a fantasy series with dragons and flying around this is the one spot where they wanted things to be quote unquote realistic right here out of all the things you could have taken from the real world you decide to take petty arguments that don't service the story in any way shape or form you could probably come up with some reasons that actually make sense for why sage would hate rosemary right now if they had set it up previously but they spent all their time doing filler so they don't have anything to work with so all of this combines to make sage a completely unlikable character who acts like an to their friends and doesn't get corrected when they do things wrong in the next episode it's been a whole week since their spat and sage still isn't over her petty grudges it's gotten to the point where she's using snapdragon as a side because her main chick is in on talking terms she spends the whole episode ghosting rosemary talking about how oh she's changed and oh woe is me i can't be friends with her anymore only for them to reconnect at the end because you know the plot needs to get it to happen we only have like two episodes left so we got to speed this up so they hug it out and learn to live with the fact that they don't want to do the same festival activities oh such compelling drama and brings a tear to my eye so in the next episode snapdragon freaks out and beats the out of cal and is clearly going through some serious emotional issues so seeing that snapdragon is clearly an emotional turmoil does sage go in to comfort her friend like she does to her other main girls no of course not she completely ignores it and pretends like nothing happened afterwards because let's be honest snapdragon was never her friend snapdragon was just a rebound that she could use when rosemary was annoying her you wanna know who does comfort snapdragon amaryllis once again proving that she's a better character than sage in every single way so in the final episode sage suddenly gains the ability to merge old and new magic together after seeing someone do it exactly one time ignoring the fact that it took her like days to learn other skills but no here she can just do it instantly because she's so amazing and better than everyone else it makes me wonder if a technique is so easy that a 14 year old girl can master it in less than a day why a trained assassin like mandrake can't use it but no let's just ignore that because sage is so awesome and special in cue a character who's constantly pulling skills out of their ass getting preferential treatment by the story and being validated by everyone around them when they make terrible decisions i wonder if there's a name for a character like that i think it starts with an m so in summary the reason why sage is the worst character in the show is because she's a petty vindictive who's constantly validated by everyone around her even when she's doing terrible things that make no sense she's a main character who's given way too much screen time to dick around and do basically nothing as this show is filled with filler and nonsense plot lines that go nowhere her major conflict is utterly nonsensical and it's dropped before the halfway point of the series and to top it all off she's a terrible friend but maybe i'm wrong maybe sage isn't the worst character in the series and there's someone else who's even worse well why don't you tell me in the comments down below it's red butt
Channel: Guardian HQ
Views: 192,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High guardian spice, Critique, Analysis, sage
Id: GnN0_ndjGHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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