The Worst Aviation Disaster In Sweden History | Pilot Betrayed | Mayday: Air Disaster

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[Music] it's two days after christmas stockholm islander airport is a mess of snow slush and ice passengers boarding a mid-morning scandinavian airlines flight to copenhagen are finding the cabin very uncomfortable it was really warm inside the plane when we entered because there had been like heaters on during night and i saw when the passengers embarked they also wanted to take off like jackets and shoes and because it was like a sauna [Music] is it possible to turn the heat down now [Music] 34 year old ulf sedermark has been with the airline for four years he's the first officer on today's flight it was a light snowfall temperature was just below freezing and light winds we were gonna fly stockholm to copenhagen and then to warsaw back to copenhagen and down to barcelona that day it would be a quite a long working day stefan rasmussen has just finished an exterior check of the plane the danish pilot is in command this morning in those over 12 almost 13 000 hours i've been sitting in aircraft i always felt that i put the aircraft and back on my like a rickshack and and when we took lift in the wings we melted together the plane rasmussen is strapping on today is a nearly new dc-9 easily identifiable by its two rear engines by now everyone should know that door stays open right even in the days before terrorist threats flying with the cockpit door open is unusual it's just one way rasmussen has endeared himself to the crews and passengers he flies with [Music] i always had my cabin door open because i found out that if we had the door open and they could see that they were a human being in there they trust you for me it felt good that the door was open it just feels like you have a connection more than if the door is closed the winter weather has delayed this flight but rasmussen won't compromise safety for schedule where are we now with the dic the wings aren't quite done they've done the underside now they're doing the talk thank you under captain rasmussen's instructions the ground crew had already de-iced the plane once now they're giving it another pass and it took a while but they had trouble getting rid of the snow on top of the wing so we were slightly late for their push back out to our runway for captain per homburg this kind of delay is routine business he flies dc9s for the airline a passenger this morning he is scheduled to command another flight later that day good morning ladies and gentlemen this is your captain i hope you had a good christmas we're just getting our wings cleared as we've had a bit of snow overnight and when that's finished we're ready for takeoff for some warmer weather i hand-picked the airline's best cabin crew to take care of you today we all hope you have a nice flight finally scandinavian airlines flight 751 is cleared to proceed there are build-ups of snow that the crew must avoid on the way to the runway would have been nice of them to clear the snow oh that would have made it too easy approaching holding point runway zero eight roger scandinavian seven five spoilers armed auto break take off unarmed runway update performed checklist completed said power [Music] despite the winter conditions the takeoff is routine v1 rotate [Music] gear up gear up selected when wolfie reached out for the gear i heard things which was different just 25 seconds into the flight as the plane is climbing there is a problem when you hear things that are different from the anomaly you get suspicious there was a really big role in the aircraft like almost like an explosion there was another banging noise that i just thought what is that i had never heard that before it's obvious the source of the noise is the right engine that sounds serious i believe it's a compressor stop i took the the right throttle i moved a little back but there it really became strange because the engine performance increased when i reduced the total it's like if you're sitting in your car and you're turning your your wheel to the left and the car is driving to the right you get confused we're not supposed to like call into cockpit now and then i thought this is an emergency i have to call captain but captain rasmussen doesn't respond to the call he's too busy trying to figure out what's going wrong with his plane i couldn't see anything on the instrument they were quite stable and and they're quite normal range and no no problem but but i could hear those drawing every second he searches for telltale signs of attack or structural failure i looked up at here they kept impression because if you have a bomb or a freight door and thing which is ripped off that'll that'll give a decompression in the cabin pressure levels are stable but the crew has other concerns i saw the smoke and it smelled burnt what should we do about this just 3 200 feet above the ground the emergency escalates the right engine quits when we have flown a little over one minute the right engine just went down i had a very very short moment of thinking that i was in a nightmare and just dreaming was confused i was really confused two seconds later the left engine also quits the plane is now powerless one engine drop and then another engine drop i thought that it wasn't true it wasn't true it wasn't real less than a minute and a half after takeoff the dc-9 begins falling from the sky and after that it was complete silence and i think that was the worst moment for me just being in the air and it's so quiet it was like a bird just sailing through the sky so then i started to to get scared relay as the pilots try to restart their engines things get even worse the left engine erupts in flames i saw the exhaust gas temperature was rising rapidly the max temperature was around 680 degrees celsius and i saw it to go above 800. a fire in the engine could spread to the rest of the plane should i pull if cedar mark pulls the fire extinguisher in the left engine he will never be able to restart it he pulls the handle to put out the fire from his seat captain per homeburg can see that the crew is in trouble flight 751 is now falling at a rate of 1200 feet per minute but air traffic controllers at the stockholm airport have no idea the plane is in trouble ireland stockholm scandinavian 751 good morning sk751 climb to flight level one eight zero suddenly the radio goes dead a result of the failed engines [Music] only the right engine can provide power but it's now spinning too slowly to generate electricity for the instruments without the engine you don't have any propulsion so you will the only energy you have is your height with time running out the pilots of flight 751 must find a way to restart the right engine or else crash into the countryside below scandinavian airlines flight 751 is now falling from the sky at 20 feet per second how can i help captain per homburg who boarded the flight as a passenger becomes part of the flight crew like he came out in the cockpit and he said is there anything i can help you with i don't think i even said yes i said just said start the apu if the auxiliary power unit can be launched it will bring back the radio and instruments so i just handed him the emergency checklist and started focus on controlling the flight to see that we were maintaining the speed and the attitude that we were wings level he managed to start the auxiliary power unit so my flight instruments were supplied from that but for some reason captain rasmussen's instruments don't come back online he managed to fly the plane basically by feel power is also restored to the cabin but it's small comfort to passengers who now know they're in extreme danger stockholm air traffic control instructs the pilots to return to the airport vectoring for 0-1 but the plane is now just 1600 feet from the ground and first officer cedar mark's attempts to resuscitate it aren't working roger we are maintaining our heading but we are trying to restart our engines making a 180 degree turn back to stockholm could be catastrophic i really had the feeling that if i turned the aircraft at that time we have stalled when you're turning back you are losing a lot of energy so the most safe thing to do is actually just to go straight keep your wings level that means that you will use less energy of your altitude so you can maintain your speed you can maintain two thousand feet we are not able to maintain two thousand feet we are descending we are at sixteen hundred feet and descending homburg wants rasmussen to focus his attention on finding a landing spot look straight ahead look straight ahead he was screaming at stefan just to look straight ahead and watch the flight path prepare for on ground emergency on ground emergency bend down bend down bend down so we shouted ben down i don't know how many times bend down bend down then down keep your seat belts fastened [Music] while passengers brace rasmussen considers where to land his plane look straight ahead and i had an idea that on the northern direction could bring us out to the to the baltic sea which was at that time frozen and that's an excellent runway but instead he finds himself gliding powerlessly over a dense forest i saw that green area and i saw that little uh light spot in the middle of the forest but that really looked short still right still right just 500 feet above the ground captain rasmussen lifts the plane's nose to slow it down hoping to soften the crash landing pine trees from the top there look very soft i could use the trees as almost like a pillow should i lower the landing gear yes gear down bend down and hold your knees i prepared myself for a hard impact if it's an emergency landing we have no engines i just thought this is going to be a hard landing stockholm scandinavian 751 we are crashing into the ground now i i wasn't afraid until we were flying into the trees then i was scared and i knew we were not gonna make it i didn't thought i should die i knew i should die i made my pray to god and then a moment after we were we were we were in a strange world after we have come to a complete stop i feel the smell of airplane fuel i thought okay we're going to explode and i look around and i see the snow because there was a big crack in the airplane fuselage just in front of the aft galley and you could just walk down on the ground everything was quiet and i woke up it might only have been a split seconds or so i was afraid that my spine was broken that i wasn't wouldn't be able to walk again so i remember i was sitting there and i was moving my toes and my feet just to see if i could have control over them i had a pain in my hand because i had broken a bone in my hand and i was bleeding heavily from my forehead so i was trying to get clear of all the blood it was coming down in my eyes and stefan told me that we had to get out of the aircraft after plowing through 125 meters of pine forest the pilot's fear is now that the broken aircraft could catch fire dozens of passengers escape through the brakes in the fuselage walls but captain per homburg has been knocked unconscious by the crash it all went so fast that like no one could take in like what happened so i tried to to stay with the group of passengers i had there but i just knew the feeling also that we had to wait a long time for for the rescue teams hope we'll be here soon fortunately no fire materializes but because they removed their winter clothing while boarding the sweltering plain many passengers are starting to freeze most people were just standing in their shirts t-shirts very very little clothes few didn't even have shoes on they are now at risk from hypothermia so i focused on being caring maybe i did it for my own cycle so i needed a hug also it was comforting to like comfort someone else the wreckage of scandinavian airlines flight 751 lies just 15 kilometers northeast of stockholm islander airport the fuselage has broken into three pieces in the chaos of the moment nobody knows how many people have been killed in the crash [Music] rescuers arrive within minutes and attend to the freezing survivors they pull captain per home berg from the cabin unconscious he landed on the wall at impact and he skidded down on the wall to to the floor at impact so he he was quite badly damaged he cut his eyelid and he also got his collarbone that was broken off so his shoulder was in front of him 92 of the passengers have sustained injuries only eight are considered serious but when the crew conducts a head count they're stunned to learn that out of the 129 people who boarded flight 751 not a single one was killed in the crash everyone survived was like a shock just to take in wow that was a fantastic comment since i was the happiest captain in the world we were all alive it was a great moment reporters break the remarkable story to the world as the swedish accident investigation board or saib takes charge of the case [Music] scandinavian airlines alerts its own investigators dispatching tori huldgren to head up its team it's most unusual that the plane crashes in in a wooded area and everybody survives and never heard of it before the police kept everybody off the site itself it was recording around the aircraft about 100 meters we had a complete aircraft nothing had burned and we had lots of good day henrik olander from the saib gets to work on the evidence and we all started to plan the documentation of the accident site which means photographing all the the finite approach through the wood you know and and to take photos of all the parts that were spread all over the place the two black boxes which record cockpit conversations and store flight data are recovered immediately [Music] investigators speak to survivors everyone tells a similar story would you mind telling me what you saw and heard loud booming sounds from the engines moments after the fight began smoke in the cabin and finally the entire loss of power and an engine on fire you have a twin engine aircraft and you are really not supposed to lose both engines at the same time the pratt whitney turbofan engines are sent to a scandinavian airlines repair shop for closer examination investigators are eager to speak with captain rasmussen about the incident but to their dismay scandinavian airlines takes him to the media first the first question what did you think when boat engine refused to function it'll take me awful long time to tell you all that the normal case is that the key weaknesses like the crew and so on should be kept in quarantine until they meet the investigation board european media celebrate captain stephen rasmussen as a hero for landing the dc-9 without engine power but investigators consider the possibility that he or his co-pilot had made errors that caused the crisis in the first place the owner and the glory always rests with the captain but so does also the mishaps i knew that being a person where the in the spotlight of the press would be a quite different situation and i said to myself the only thing you can do now is to give them all the story and then pray that they will find the reason lars lindbergh is an investigative representative for the swedish airlines pilot association he examines the wreckage for signs of mechanical or structural failure we knew both engines had failed for some reason so it was concerned what was the background for something uh like that to happen the first time i saw the the engines in the workshop i was surprised is this all they found there was a number of parts that were completely missing and this was something we hadn't seen before to this extent to find out what happened investigators must find the missing pieces which now lies somewhere in snow-covered fields and forests you
Channel: Mayday: Air Disaster
Views: 112,928
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Keywords: Mayday Air Disaster, Mayday Air Disaster YouTube Channel, Mayday Air Disaster TV Series, Plane Crashes documentary, air crash investigation, where to watch air crash investigation, where to watch plane crashes, boeing crash, mayday air disaster streaming, where can i see mayday, mayday full episodes, worst plane crashes, mayday season 10 episode 3, mayday season 10 episode 3 pilot betrayed, mayday pilot betrayed part 1, Scandinavian Airlines
Id: vg2MYUWhsOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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