The World's Worst Guitar Student

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hey man sorry I'm late and I was at my real job don't know what that's like well it's okay I'll just say a half hour extra yeah sure yeah hey no problem oh you wanna check out my guitar I mean I'm good I know I mean you should really check out it's really nice it's really cool is like made by for Paul Rita you really should check it out yeah I mean when are you gonna get a chance to play a guitar like this never really been able to afford yeah I mean nice on my guitar teacher's salary yeah of course yeah check that out its qualities Birds yeah they symbolize flight okay it's metaphor yeah you like the tuning I have in I've never heard this dream before well I invented it myself it's called eh standard tuning age standard yeah I found a new note between G and a she's sharp no it's not too sharp a different sage okay yeah sage that's cool man I'm all about germination I think that's great for your ear yeah developing your ear just becoming a better musician in general well you know I I think I'm already really good but I mostly just need him to confirm it okay that's why you're here yeah confirmation yeah so how wait how does that a like black magic woman go how's it look what a co-star starts here this quarter hearing it I don't think I need cord thumb think I need to know chords any cards no any chords that's and there's gonna be like a less talented guitarist a calming rhythm guitarist right to play no actually yeah a great guitarist can master both rhythm and lead at the same time we all right so you want to start with the lead then yeah I think there's nothing to no rhythm right now somebody Elliot is today well maybe you can play the rhythm okay okay I allow me to play we should I start now yeah well you know what actually the one no not that song why don't we switch songs right now let's do difference I mean I just learned it you told me how to talk about it or didn't do that song yeah but let's do something let's do something do you know painkiller by Judas Priest I'm pretty sure you could just listen we could just pick it up right now we don't need to just get out of a phone check and you could buy the song so that you could sit on Spotify problem mean killer what's it about you know it's about but I think pills maybe that's it that's my rule yes probably is that this is that you got the rule version no I are that did you discrete you know three days grace you know what actually let's do a different song what about uh something but I just got I just found it yeah look what we do like it's something by Dream Theater dream see oh I love Patricia oh my god a true ch the truth yeah can you handle the truth I think I think I can I mean I feel on the full church the whole truth and nothing but the truth I mean at least the good parts any with your charts I can and killers alright so Dream Theater we're not gonna learn the chords no what do you think which would ya John I just want to know which notes he plays and then I'm sure I can like do it real real fast well produce she doesn't play an open H yeah but could you could you transcribe it to open H for me what if what is open a tuning again it's between GNA so a seven string open a shooting let's load the low string B probably H did he practice a lot this week no no I was busy with my real job oh okay so I I have time for prime stuff we worked out laughing you haven't I mean I really I'm paying you to teach me why do I have a study in my own time I mean that's one way to look at it yeah it goes yeah I mean it's really it's kind of your job to make me more good than I already am did you have a chance to play with the metronome like I told you I know did you have a successful music career so are you still looking for some gigs I mean every now and then I suppose like well I kind of volunteered you for my cousin's wedding Oh wedding yeah I mean okay I mean how much are they paying well they thought they could just like you know let you have some catering what is this Day After Tomorrow alright so anyway the a Lydian scale has a sharp 4 ru what's going on you pay attention fun right I'm kind of I'm talking with somebody right after you hold on yeah sure I've yeah okay good I'm having a hard time following what you're doing could you play left-handed so that it's easier for me it's like a mirror image of what you're yeah but actually now you low string from bum could you restring and play left-handed so that's gonna take me a minute cuz I I mean I mean okay but like please go fast I got other stuff to do yeah by the way uh your payment's late for last month I know your parents usually take care of that well since I let you check out my guitar I was thinking that we're even for this one and oh actually I'm kind of late so I I gotta go yeah thanks thanks a lot man okay I'll see you next week oh wait next week I'm busy maybe the week after All Right see ya
Channel: Sean Daniel
Views: 268,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, sean daniel, guitar lesson, worst guitar, worst student ever, bad guitar habits, bad student, cheddar kung pao, bad guitar, bad teaching, youtube guitar lesson, best guitar lesson, prs pauls guitar
Id: uOgD5eCe0RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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