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today we are playing super liminal it's a random puzzle game where it's meant to basically screw your mind so i like to think my mind is unscrewable let's go okay there's a warning okay everyone take note are you filled with feelings of self-doubt do you find yourself prone to minimizing massive dilemmas or for allowing the smallest problems to get blown completely out of proportion at the pierce institute i thought it was about to get really deep the scope technology provides safe the defective that was going deep right while you rest in the comfort of our flagship clinic located right next to the secondary overflow parking lot at the universe what is this on the dreams skulls true turn it up is it not decent is that a decent volume all right okay here we go oh is that mirror oh okay what's this why i didn't want to sign it i didn't even read it okay well i've just signed my life away anything could happen from this moment on okay okay that confused me all right what does this say perception is reality grab oh it just got bigger well that was i got thick real quick okay so we know how it works now it's good to know good to know okay so i need to get out of this i'll make it small and now i'm through press space to jump see look we're storming through it terms of service accepted congratulations on falling asleep welcome to somnasculpt your progress may be monitored by qualified specialists this orientation will adapt you to eyelids our interactive lucid induction dream state in which you retain full consciousness and control okay all right so oh tiny box what is this i'm okay [Music] i am so smart i am so smart see that puzzle man what's this no objects beyond this point what about if i take this through no i thought i made this bigger okay i can't take that through okay cool oh hmm okay huh no objects beyond this point huh huh anything on here so if i stand so i need to get something ow so i need to get that through huh can i not and i can't just i can't just walk through i can't just walk through with it massive overthinking my brain the exit sign what do you mean yet what what eggs are signed there's nothing else to grab [Music] [Music] huh i can't can i oh oh i didn't know how are my arms that long bro how are the arms that long like how i can't reach that that doesn't make sense my arms aren't that long i'm a man of you know i'm thinking i'm thinking real [Music] got him i'm thinking reality and stuff huh okay we move on all right so those ones i can't ever use confirmed oh you can move freely interact with surrounding objects and listen to messages from your patients please note that i am the standard orientation protocol has been explicitly chosen to remind you that i am not a part of your patient care team i do not care okay what am i looking for okay let me just leave that there huh [Music] what was the point of that paint [Music] what was the point of the paint [Music] hold right click okay i did that oh okay okay okay right click we gotta walk up some jews let me just grab it here whoop can i make that huh cheese during eyelashes i'm so smart i have already informed you that this is a dream you did not wake up please complete the remaining orientation activities why is that one why is that one different why is that time different why is there an 8 there as well why is it 0.42 as well this is stupid this is stupid why are they different hmm someone just said how did it feel to watch leeds get shat on by villa we watched two very different games [Music] okay oh a tiny little button what about through here anything this way looks kind of scary you know wait i do this [Music] okay so i can go that way but i'm gonna go this way why does this look scary what's going on in here dream soda warning you have deviated from the orientation pathways this is the other door pierce institute patience which is like keynote in our corporate priorities mini soda it's got to be mini soda surely this cannon will be authorized to ensure patient safety please return to the orientation path hi chill chill i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone i had to get mini soda didn't i that ain't minnie bro maybe i need this [Music] no i don't need it do i [Music] okay it's what i have to do here there's glass [Music] oh and there's a bit through there mud ting rip soda i know look know what if we can't take the soda with us the me the least we can do is make the mini soda giant that's the least we can do [Music] goodbye friend goodbye mini soda mini no more all right well that was easy [Music] okay so how do i get that through can i do i have to like drop it [Music] i don't think that's right there you go i had to change the size of it gee i'm a genius you know see that all environments perceived during no objects called a typical mental state really no object the state was compromised by some may be eligible for a gift card people beyond this point with objects will be fined huh okay [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] okay damn it i messed up i messed up wait yay i did it see that that block thick what's this wow that was that's cool bro there's so many directions to go oh no oh no oh no okay so this is where i came in this is where i came in here this is where i came in where do i go here okay okay i'm sticking on my original path we go here did i mess up did i mess up i can't go back up [Music] what do i do oh [Music] oh damn man can i do this one i can't get that one though [Music] huh what does this one do huh i gotta make it bigger gotta make it even bigger than it is [Music] so how do i make it fall over i'll die do i do it like this yay we did it it said please don't is there anything else there was that it that's a wall okay huh okay what's over here well i think i'm meant to go out there right huh can i make it out of this is the question can i make it out gm thank you very much the nine months as well no idea how to sub huh oh no oh brother please oh okay that was cool anything here oh i think we could have just literally broken anything okay good to know i hope this isn't a game that's like there's there's loads of different routes because i like exploring everything i'm kind of worried that like i could do this for hours and hours like the fact that there's one path here i like that you know what i mean what time is it it's almost it's half past 10. no wait that's almost right oh well did i just die what happened what time is it what time is it snooze what does that did i die can i have jumped that is there like a different thing that's one way to fall asleep i mean do i just i carry on i private cool holy that was just a checkpoint okay soda mini i mean that's minnie that is that is minnie imagine paying and getting that i imagine playing like a like i don't know a dollar two dollars you get that but you could chew that you wouldn't want to obviously okay nothing this way i'm just running through the hotel with my woes that way oh okay what's this way wow that is a mind frick so we carry on this way i guess it's going to be that way so i'm going to go this way first just to see because that's a wall oh that's wait oh maybe it is that way this would be so weird imagine seeing this in the hotel about this nothing in here okay so maybe it isn't this way yup never mind exit temporarily moved this is hurting my brain well look there's the exit buff this is an exit oh look there's nothing there damn that was cool what is this jeez okay what are we looking for we have to go that way [Music] is this right why did the music i don't want to go there i'm enjoying this music and then i move here and it starts going horrible follow the signs but this sign said the exit was here exit this way exit this way exit this way i mean they said it was that way what am i not gonna just go here did i not just figure out what's this cloud insert what's oh hello my name is dr glenn pierce hello i'd like to talk to you about being special oh so special in fact that we have no idea where you are but not to worry we're working on it oh yeah hey oh is that it was that it all right so i imagine i need to go up here let's carry on left to right oh we get the peaceful peaceful music again okay good fire alarmist okay [Music] yay that's cool oh hello that was pretty cool josh how are you hey i'm good thank you how are you [Music] in the mud right what we send right oh wait what the hell [Music] do i need to bring something in here then what's this it's odd do i need to get something [Music] no that's the way that's a table stand come on yay i made a table up here oh and now that fits that [Music] oh yay hi [Music] oh wait what wait oh there's steps inside that's cool what that's not what i did wait now do this [Music] that's close enough in it yeah i can do that all right here we go so we need the exit i feel like i need to get up there in order to get this hmm i like games i really like games like this you know okay is there any what can i grab what is the point of that that fire alarm no yay change music this isn't my music this is the game is there anything i can grab there's not much to grab oh oh what have i done that i can't i can't grab it do i have to bring this up works [Music] perception is reality oh yay killing it why is this music gone i like the music i like the music i just want that music to continuously play all right we move on is this like i feel like there's not meant to be hello my name is dr glenn pierce okay and i'm just popping in to give you a quick update on where you are we still don't know but please keep moving forward and hopefully you prefer frequent updates to being reminded that you are completely lost okay that's that was that was helpful thanks bro anything in here anything all right there's milk watching oh this is just like portal okay so i need to get up there and it's yet above to be able to see this piece okay any of this none of this none of this huh do i need the door i can't ring the door through ah you you're sneaky sneaky [Music] i saw that all right then we go up here we go up here this all lines up no is there a way to crouch there we go damn it you know well hmm i don't think i was going to do that don't know if i was going to do that i didn't realize i could just go outside i just i'm hoping i don't need that otherwise i'm in trouble okay i assume i must have to go through here wait eisen that's a small door okay we get another radio hello my name is dr glenn pierce and we still can't find you but you should now have access to a series of elevators that should trigger your subconscious to gradually wake you up okay you should also find a variety of emergency exit signs that should well the last exercise led me around in a square absolutely ah little nightmares i don't really like the look of the little nightmares i like watching people i like watching people play it i don't like the look of playing it uh has this game is like oh damn it okay hey we got the music back they're starting off here what is it something there's something wrong huh [Music] okay let me do this and this [Music] okay what was my sentence i remember what my sentence was anything here what the wait what [Music] hello my name is dr glenn pierce my brain elevator does not wake you up please don't interact with anything that strikes you as psychologically significant my brain will no longer have any way of controlling it for example if you see your parents please punch them in the face as hard as you can and immediately run away what sorry what okay [Music] can i like roll it no [Music] huh okay i can't i can grab them oh i didn't think i could grab them [Music] there we go swaz found the lift i don't know why i'm doing those and why i'm also doing this there we go yeah if any kids are you and the boys are going to do cars against humanity again and gang bees ah probably not i don't know maybe maybe at some point all right here we go seize the day carpe diem and that which one where we going this is a very small lift i feel like my head oh that looks like a checkpoint to me are we back here again what's going on four a.m don't how many hours are there we're back okay we're back again mini soda yeah i want to see the other one there's a red soda of the same size what just happened i know there's 24 hours in a day okay i know that but i'm saying is that is this game 24 hours oh it feels spooky without being spooky patients who attempted to use an alternate pathway to access the next phase of some nascult therapy but who have become trapped in a dream state paradox instead your decisions imply a failure of orientation which reflects negatively on the standard orientation protocol you will rectify this failure immediately yes ma'am okay so what do i have to do this is all like sound proofing so i'll go through here i assume nothing yeah okay can i have some water no why am i doing those what's in here whoa what a weird place for the thing [Music] what does anyone understand that oh are you they lost i mean drew i lost my bet all right we got a dice we continue all right that should be big enough huh come on that's oh private okay okay i don't know why oh we got another dice okay [Music] oh [Music] do i need to make that i didn't jump why am i not just moving it closer [Music] like that like that that's all i gotta do another dice okay almost fell down the hole okay i just want to check see look now i can do that anything here wait isn't that what okay we go down the hole the weird dangerous hole goodbye this looks terrifying got him professional tip the average adult can only withstand three to five dreams per night okay so what was the point of this chess piece it's eclipsed by entering more dreams your mind will see what's the point of this explosive mental point of this orienting you for the emergency exit protocol please subject yourself to it what's the point of this chess please overload shut up wait i want to try see that's normal size i mean i know it's called a mini soda b it's still stupid like it's what is wrong with these dice these are these hurt my head okay is that all these are for oh damn they ain't even real dice that messed with my head okay oh what how did i not see that okay so i imagine and he's got one of these what [Music] [Music] what what is this huh okay looks like we got our first puzzle huh i can't move things while i'm on it can i i can huh ah okay if i can [Music] well hello larry okay well i did that does that count so the moon okay so now what [Music] do i need to i need that that's just that's just a secret okay the tiny gap under there wait maybe i have to like is it not something to do with this like [Music] now what [Music] i want that [Music] this one doesn't go oh it does what the hell it didn't the first time that was it that was it please note that a reluctance to volunteer for the risks associated with explosive mental overload implies a missile i tried please exit this dream as soon as possible i'm trying all right we're back in this room well that was fake well that was fake what just what [Music] there we go don't know if that's the right way of doing it but we did it why is that happening why has that happened why has that just happened anything else here secrets no i mean do i need it [Music] okay all right this is gonna mess with my mind i can tell [Music] am i going to go down there why die if i fall says the exit is in the middle you know what bun it so sorry am i going the wrong way now what just happened what just happened i've been here before haven't i oh it's we're at the lift [Music] feeling lucky what's happening in my mind i don't know what's going on with my brain loading a thousand percent why is it that what time five a.m what time is it gonna go until what time i know there's 24 hours in a day but what what time does this it feels like it's getting more and more more and more mashed oh look we're back here my name is dr glenn pierce baking soda touring i've got water for serenity zone in the previous section you've just completed you may still be experiencing feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt wow why do i feel like everything is going wrong even when the sun is shining four mins damn baking soda i got baking soda if you don't like this game you you can always watch someone else i just enjoy like i like playing other stuff unless you sat there talking to viz and milk for eight what just happened well this wasn't meant to be a horror game why has happened is that just to speed me up is that just because i took too long what just happened why is this so creepy what's going on why is that where's the blood i didn't do that what's going on i'm speed running this why does it say murder everywhere what i can't grab anything yo what why is that door just closed as well what what is this game what is this game turned into hello i'm back what i jumped on it did it why has this turned into a horror game talk to me my name is dr glenn pierce and i'd like to talk more about the feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt i mentioned before you feel this way because you want the kind of happy life you see all around you the kind you know everyone else is enjoying and that's it this is a nice game to help this is a nice you know little little mind game now there's just like blood everywhere what's that just a random chess piece brilliant okay keep moving why have you done that hello hello like that smart see how smart i am see the smart smart's coming through don't give me this music now guys to subject yourself to explosive mental overload by deciding i'm trying to get through this as quick as possible brian trying to stay in this into a dream within a dream instead disorienting yourself even further you are responsible for failing to make this crucial distinction what's going on am i gonna use this light i'm gonna use this light to see okay no can't go through there found it what is this think i did it hey mini soda mini soda oh all right more blood blood can i somehow get this light through here hello do i need this light do i need that do i just go for it well that's a wall okay huh interesting very interesting there's nothing to i can't go into this oh yes i can oh didn't even need it did you know where's our knife why they what is this game it occurs in less than one percent of patients this correlates strongly with the 99 of patients who are able to follow simple instructions from the standard orientation protocol why is this game turned into this what the hell man what's just happened matt what's just going on oh it's just pain oh it's just paint is it brilliant it was just paint great stupid game this is a stupid stupid game no get me out of here get me out of it this is a stupid game [Music] why did i say murder then huh all right why are there so many alarms six a.m hey there's six silly alarms silly silly alarms all right we're back go on give me a little voice message no put me on mini soda i'm making this i'm making this giant again you know that's it this looks like a giant eggplant yeah what now huh ain't nothing chasing me that's blocking the door you ain't getting there what's up push the bar to open well pretty much did all right are we back in the puzzle okay we back [Music] i don't know what the point of these are i feel like there was meant to be a oh that's bolted down so is that huh okay huh interesting sign not the sign neither of these none of those just going along the wall neither are those none of those none of those can i is there a thing in the way [Music] the door could always this is the door damn that's bad no damn what's up oi why'd i say oi oh it's one hey [Music] this is it this is the one that's the one i feel that all right there's a little cube here i can't do anything with the cube this is the exits this way do i believe that [Music] well however many doors i need what okay so i can't pick up okay that's annoying i mean it did say the exit was this way to be fair what is going on it's all doing that you think i'm stupid i think i'm stupid game you think i'm stupid in it yeah what what attention dr pierce requires you to note the following risks of dream overexposure significant memory loss both quantitative and quality hallucinations of dreaded or annoying unrealistic oh my god oh my god that is annoying as hell okay can't get that okay so what's this okay so i might need to make this giant i need to make this one i'm doing it in this little no ah [Music] ah [Music] yay you see that [Music] don't say i ain't good at this i am good i am good smiley face [Music] has my cursor always been a smiley face is my cursor always going to say no i'm not good thank you i think i did pretty well there why was my why was it a smiley face there right click to return huh okay interesting okay hmm huh [Music] okay the the the question here there we go that's all we have to do just knock it off okay there's a fan okay let's see jasmine david a by the way jake thank you very much as well appreciate that all right what's up here okay so if i stand on this okay really hmm all right about this can i move this no why do i feel like why do i feel like i need to do this and it's going to be tiny by the time it gets here wait what's down here i shouldn't go down there okay let me figure this one out wait wait [Music] how do i go up there [Music] i don't think that's the meta okay i don't think okay [Music] huh i didn't mean to do that i don't know why i did that do i jump down the hole shall i see what it is oh wait maybe the hole will put me down okay maybe the hole will do that okay let me try let me try don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me does this put me down yeah okay good okay okay don't tell me don't tell me huh okay firstly okay hmm okay [Music] maybe i have to like block it off saying i don't know it starts blowing it there huh can i roll it [Music] whoa i need it to stay giant that's the issue here huh no okay perspective oh like this wait no oh i think i get it i think i get it i think i get it if i do it like if i'm like this oh wait i can just do it from here instead there we go did it let's go [Music] let's go smart brain is smart dr pierce says shut up he's submitting numerous spelling and grammar mistakes standard orientation protocol in a desperate attempt to counsel you i have no subroutines it's a cancellation but i cannot come by getting cancelled integrity of the standard orientation protocol you will not receive these messages they will not make sense regardless these aren't even red anymore oh okay so [Music] i just make enough of them that it creates a pile i don't know if that's that's what i meant to do i mean it worked i don't know if that was it but can i is there something up here is that all it is there's no like blueprints design that's all it was okay anything red one a red one convict ganga i mean i just never know what i need if you know what i mean attention random soda continues to input significant errors i will interpret his basic ideas hello my introductions are redundant i am a real doctor who went to doctor school vr mistake i can help you but i also do not know how transmission ends well i just made a new one i missed one what do you mean well time what did i miss jim my favorite of five what did i miss what does the fire extinguisher do i honestly don't know i think i got a like an achievement or something when it first when i did the first one after that no idea i've got this back i think i've missed quite a few fire extinguishers if i'm honest oh hello hello name is my pierce dr glenn to the sumnersculpt welcome experience team of your care leader patient years 10 development mr blueprint whatever with professional invention edge science with cutting a tomorrow can bright and but no ifs or not good all right i hate how the music just changes like that and i hate this new thing i was having fun pressing those we're back at the lift [Music] i missed the blueprint it's too late now i've moved on i've moved on chat oh the loading bar's now messed up oh how many alarms only one seven what time do we go till midday what time we waking up relaxation room oh they finally fixed it oh no wait okay so we need to head into the relaxation room why do i feel like it's not gonna be really relaxing look at that rubbish bin's full oh oh that looks so peaceful what's this it's over here our mission this is very calming this is very calming oh no it got less calming this got less calming this is this is a psychopath's dream all right i'm sat all right this donnie needs to shut up what are you saying why are you okay through here hello again hello my name is dr glenn pierce this is a notification that you have reappeared on our monitoring system after a prolonged absence good please continue to do whatever you did most recently discontinue whatever you were doing immediately prior to that all right sure buddy old pal janitor okay we're here again all right i'm starting to learn that there aren't that many secrets oh my god i'm starting to learn there aren't that many secrets so i don't need to go the other way i have to do it because i keep going one way and it's like i actually don't oh brilliant well how am i not dead how have i survived this okay there's a house there's a house let me i i mean i know i'm gonna have to use okay i fell down there oh well surely i'm just gonna go in the house need to make this a bit bigger how big do we want the house to be it's a pretty big door we can do that that'll do that's a nice size house i can jump that come yay diet soda what's this look like okay we're out of diet sodas apparently girl just trying to be healthy you know is i okay okay i'm gay i'm going up what wait what see that you see that see how quick i'm just working these things out wow that tricked me you know okay i guess we go through here yep classic what where's this lead why are we back in a horror game is this gonna play what is hello my name is dr glenn pierce in addition to continuing and discontinuing as mentioned earlier please also disregard any unsettling experiences that you may have recently had everything should have now reverted to being soothing and therapeutic if this is not the case you may be receiving this message in error okay this are you saying it's like monster inc or there's a monster incoming no don't say that there's not actually is there it's not actually is there it's not actually a monster incoming is there now this is this is this oh a noise how am i playing jengar against trying to play jenga oh yay that see that i'm a smart donny you know you see how quick i'm doing this yay next room all right what we got what's up in here this is our place wet i ain't wet oh [Music] what that's big enough to go through yeah might be too big i may have messed up i'm tiny i'm tiny josh lost a lot of money through gambling today i'm now quitting your streams help me get through hey okay they made the door the right size to me i mean a changing room hello anybody hello oh just dropped the soap nope just me there's no one else there hello my name is dr glenn pierce and i'd like to read you my favorite inspirational quote by me the worst thing you can do is focus on negativity it won't spare you from the cage of death the pain of disease the cruelty of time the cold shell of human nature or the eventual loss of everything you've ever held dear whatever you do don't focus on that talk about arrogance i'm kidding what this is this is weird i imagine i have to oh maybe not okay oh uh all right that is wham oh i'm i'm oh okay i'm just really small okay that makes sense that makes sense all right we're going through a vent can we make it through here so that's where i need to get to wait is it wait confused so i need to go up to that board [Music] huh okay no i messed up is this right i don't know if i'm doing this right [Music] okay maybe i need to do this and i can go through here oh can i like can i do this no where's the door there so that should work i've placed it up there so now if i go through it i should be there yeah swag whoa okay another radio will send hello my name is dr glenn pierce and i'd like to thank you for triggering every single one of our 823 emergency welcomes you're welcome glenn this will assist us greatly in improving the system for future patients congratulations you're now headed in the right direction okay we should be able to initiate the emergency exit protocol shortly damn it if he betrays me i swear i will find his mum [Music] right so that's where we just came through what's this one oh okay do we need to make this like freaking wham i don't know if i'm doing this right but i'm going to try it oh wait do i make it tiny wait tiny [Music] hmm like that doesn't that work what yate [Music] i felt like i'm meant to go through here again why am i so slow [Music] there's another lift here so i must be done i must be done are we about to hear another thing although i felt very small but i think i think i did it meeting for cardboard lovers associates cardboard lovers what you doing this rapid hey i don't mess about don't mess about with puzzles you know what time three wait what did we not do three already emergency exit protocol initiated oh please prepare to conclude what's on what's what's experience in ten what's nine wait why is there a time no error okay error logged by orientation protocol standby for analysis okay why is the bloody end error analysis complete you are exhibiting signs consistent with an increase in fear hopelessness and frustration this is inconceivable as some nascult therapy is proven to correlate with a decrease in these emotions okay yo sammy madden is not joining today ah i'm just playing on my own today it was improperly oriented conclusion why did you keep talking as soon as i start talking improved hypothesis patient requires additional sculpt therapy conclusion we're back here already wake up protocol you cannot proceed emergency exit protocol has been emergency destroyed what do you mean wake up instruction continue with some sculpt therapy and definitely honestly wake up basis as all orientation resources have been exhausted this concludes your standard orientation protocol goodbye okay so ah what i'm back again why am i here again now where's this [Music] no i'm sprinting it i'm sprinting it how far do i have to get come on don't you dare let me out of here let me let me turn off i've fallen what what this game this game is making me trip balls [Music] what is going on what is happening hello my name is dr glenn pierce my brain thank you for completing this omnisculpt standard orientation protocol before you begin the first phase of therapy i'd like to briefly describe the finite and fragile nature of the dream state my brain is hurting it didn't explain anything just said that hurt in your head right now hey me too i don't know why i'm still going for those and those just like a satisfaction thing what's going on here no no what is happening oh right so where am i trying to go right that's a dirty ceiling [Music] okay i am so baffled because i can't jump up there what can i exit sign what can i grab there's a door here but i can't figure out look i can see it i'm trying to grab anything oh there we go what yo yo this is this is weird my mind of course nothing is more challenging than the difficulty of changing perspective my mind is hurting me mentally altering your perceptions in a way that will enable you to face dire trial by fire scenarios with solutions that could not be found otherwise bruh [Applause] if you honestly if you played this game high it's done out so what's through here okay what can i grab here hello [Music] no it's further this way ah further back there well i didn't see that coming what i was just trying to oh my god what's happening i don't know what's going on anymore okay what i had to check said dead end but i don't believe anything anymore why am i here again exit this way this time what said exit that way perception is not reality okay stop am i meant to just this is hurting my brain [Music] what's that noise [Music] i know i'm going around in a circle but i'm trying to figure out there's like nothing to click still the same time parkour parkour parkour okay so whole one is and left so i should have gone that way i shouldn't like you hear this noise [Music] oh okay hold on left there's a whole one left what no okay so hold on this way this way no okay what jump on the black bar let me try that sake how do i know i think it's a oh i didn't jump it [Music] this way no okay you can't this way i am so confused so so that was wrong so why was that right [Music] so is that right okay okay this is weird we did it let's go that was weird i felt like that wasn't really anything to do with perception and stuff [Music] okay what [Music] why did the first one disappear we keep it moving [Music] that hurt my head while we respect the unique progress of every patient you must understand that it is possible to completely exhaust your supply of dreams upside down thereby entering a state in which you will not be able to what i don't know if i'm meant to be going this way or not i don't know what's going on anymore okay i don't know i honestly don't know what's going on anymore what is happening oh i don't know which way i'm meant to be going this way this way this way this way this way this way this way don't leave me left i swear to god if i see an arrow pointing left i'm gonna be human am i doing this right am i going the right way yes please listen carefully for the sound of an alarm clock which will automatically play if you are approaching a destabilizing dream weight okay so what i shouldn't press it is that what you're saying i shouldn't press this i think i have to [Music] i do oh it all just fell before my well that was weird i'm outside i'm free where am i oh my god there's a wall oh my god there's another wall i can see it's right there i can see the wall no it's going to turn into a wall in it ah ah where did this thing when did this get here stop it stop your stupid alarm oh my god i'm back in my bet all of this and i'm back here i'm back here where's the loading bar going i'm fried what okay this is highly unusual it appears you have entered the sculpt diagnostic framework patients do not have access to this dream okay so what you're saying conception is not going to say reception oh mini soda for the final one where's my where's my soda i want my soda what the hell i was playing music huh chess that's music through that oh oh my god okay diagnostic warning unrealistic dream objects may result in dream integrity fail states eight states what i'm gonna just keep running through wait what why did i get okay any soda yet no [Music] [Music] still here as long as my soda says diet soda as well that's where they all were oh they're gone my eyes what is happening what what the [Music] okay okay am i dead am i dead [Music] this is nice damn not an exit okay okay fantastic okay fantastic i don't know what's going on anymore [Music] okay go through here wha what are you saying why is our phone am i about to be a receptionist of heaven hello my name is dr glenn pierce and many years ago i had a dream was this your dream i found myself in a place where i understood that each of us begins as nothing am i you where everything i perceived was shaped by seeing it exactly the way i wanted to okay white space wow okay keep going deception this time wait drinks drinks drinks give me my mini soda mini soda all right we'll put that on here that can live forever stay seriously how's it stop can i stop rolling there we go all right hello hello anyone here i see a doorway i see a door oh we just got what wait it was like heaven a second ago well now it's not what's just happened what's happened they're about to be a monster or something what's going on hello can i go that way rain on oh my god seriously rain on me [Music] not an exit [Music] not there seriously that was actually it [Music] where did i just come from i came from there what is happening okay we're back here okay okay we're back in the shadow realm the how is this place this is trippy what's that is there a light on the floor i don't know what's going on anymore so why am i taking this with me oh look at me look how smart i am man i also faced the greatest challenge i could imagine because with a lifetime of life itself behind me and all of the weight that it carried that way i realized that seeing things the way i wanted to was not as easy as it used to be what but that what look at that [Music] this game is weird man this game is weird what's that [Music] just turn it back on turn it back on turn it back on i didn't want to do that okay exit this way i don't want to do that i don't want i didn't know it was a light switch okay exit this way how am i meant to go that way these all just say this way but i can't go this way [Music] i can't go outside it [Music] what [Music] i don't know how i just did that [Music] what when does this game end sorry this leads me around another [Music] circle [Music] what is going on it's nothing to grab [Music] i'm an idiot [Music] can i go this way i'm in india i'm an idiot i'm a big big idiot i'm a stupid idiot that's dumb you're well beyond dreaming now and further out than anyone has ever i don't know what's going on but we hope that you won't get discouraged after all if this is a place of pure perspective isn't it also a place where a different point of view could make anything possible isn't that why you came here no i came here to play a game [Music] but now i'm now where am i am i on a mountain that's a water cooler anything else [Music] okay is that it ready i think i see what i meant to do here no i don't i have no idea can i walk on this one [Music] oh okay i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it all right so you're there then i can't do that i am so stupid i am a dumb dumb we go there and we go like this and we go like this and then we go under here and we do this we do this and then we do this and we do this and then we do this and we do this and then just just for safety we do this damn i didn't mean to fall do i want to go through there [Music] what's the hit that's not door [Music] that's not door either no am i messed up [Music] i needed that no how would i do [Music] [Music] i can't get it anymore how do i restart the checkpoint [Music] [Music] [Music] no that's not a restart button you guys that's um that's something else no that that's on my screen that's not you lot that's not [Music] restart checkpoint god i've got d again oh it's just this come [Music] that's how do i [Music] this i've already done that [Music] oh my god wait oh my god oh i tried going through and it didn't work okay huh so we like okay where's the door is the question how many levels are there [Music] or is there oh there we go oh you've just joined you have an idea what's going on honestly we're very near the end anyways so you don't really have to worry about it you want to see me finish the game i i think we're very near [Music] here we go 7 29 a.m why are we inside the alarm 759 my bad can i snooze can i snooze it 8 a.m atm are we done loading i swear to god i swear [Music] no why are we back here [Music] hello my name is dr glenn pierce and by now you may have realized that all of this has happened exactly the way it was supposed to you see everyone who comes to the institute does so because they feel that they are no longer in control of something what's happening am i going backwards but more often than not the problem is not that the problems we face can't be solved okay problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse now this is the final this is the final speech perspective and so we do the same things again and again and again and then of course we find exactly these this was really cool like the the upside down but like the sideways bits and that like this speed running it backwards oh anybody drop set at the soap hey we're back in the room quick get my seat get my seat you're alive oh it was just as i landed and you will always [Music] and you overcame them because you saw things from every angle you understood them from what they really were because you kept moving can i do this no matter how far off the path you were told this is or how unexpected it becomes look at the little this is a horror scene like why is that there like a person watching me the music is beautiful certified game i've enjoyed this game [Music] it's totally w 360. 360. 360. well mini soda i didn't get a green soda or a water soda in the real world a few minutes part of you will say that none of this was really minutes but just like the power of perspective itself it will have been as real as you believed it to be all you've got to do is wait up we did it we completed the game jeez i don't i think we did really well in terms of getting everything done speed run is 24 minutes mad i mean to be very if you took out all the like if you know what to do i mean i don't get the point of a puzzle speedrun because if you know what to do it's not a puzzle [Music] like i get one like mario or something mario kart uh i haven't even got my my switch isn't even plugged in i almost streamed pokemon today you know i almost dreamed pokemon but then i realized it wasn't plugged in thanks for dreaming all right we did it what's the extra mode challenge mode nah jeez gg louis walsh clap
Channel: MiniminterClips
Views: 592,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, miniminterclips, simon, sidemen, mm7, confusing game, puzzle game, superliminal
Id: j1RklJCZ5xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 6sec (6906 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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